Six lucky and/or talented Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Hiro and Lucia vs Rolf and Nei "I am haunted by nightmares every night. A young girl is hammering Nei into the ground with a series of spectacular spells, while I am fighting a losing battle against a highly skilled swordsman. Just as we are fighting for our lives, I awake! I awake in my room, dimly lit by the early dawn, with Nei at my side. I am filled with an incredible sadness and fear. I am Rolf, an agent of Paseo, the capital of Mota, and a member of the RPGP. I shake my head as if to scatter the remnants of the dream. I have no time to worry like a child about nightmares in this modern age, especially with the upcoming couples tournament that I will be participating in with Nei. I open my window and take a deep breath of fresh air. It seems to wash away the bad feelings left by my dream". It's probably a good thing Rolf never finished that dream before he engaged in the arena. Lucia knocked Nei out of the battle quickly with several castings of Atomic Burn. When Rolf tried to save Nei, Hiro launched into a Triple Sword and caught Rolf's attention long enough for Lucia to finishing atomizing Nei. Rolf, angered at the loss ( again ) of Nei, prepared to cast Megid. However, since he was the only one present in the arena, the power, even augmented by his own anger, was barely enough to scratch Lucia and Hiro. Then, Hiro and Lucia finished Rolf off the same way they had Zophar: Together. Sorry Rolf, but you should have brought Anna, Amy or Shir along instead. Better luck in the Singles tournament 7 weeks from now. Hiro and Lucia: 163 Rolf and Nei: 131 domon_kashue One thing that can be said about is that they can dish it out but hey can't take it. While there may be giant monsters meggid can't always finish off, their isn't a pair of humans who can easily survive it. At first glance, Rolf/Nei and Hiro/Lucia seem very evenly matched. Both of the respective main characters are attack and magic powerhouses, with skilled weaponry which far exceeds all expectations. Their partners complement their abilities nicely, and are similar in strength to one another. But when Rolf's obscenely, almost unfairly powerful Megido comes into play, the tender balance of the scales goes WAYYY off the charts; the result being that Hiro and Lucia will be dusted before they get a decent chance. One Tripple sword from Hiro shouldbe more than enough to beat one of the other team's member, and I'm sure the Demi-Goddess Lucia can take care of the other. Hiro is about to start a Triple Sword to take out Rolf quickly until he hear's "Do not interfere". Backing off, Hiro avoids Lucia's opening Soul Rush, sending Rolf and Nei to their demise. Dart and Shana vs Serge and Leena As the battle began, Serge and Dart were trading blows with Serge holding a slight edge thanks to the plot power of his Mastermune, something Dart himself lacked as his game was the rare exception that had the legendary weapon go to someone besides the hero. On the other side, it was a slaughter. While neither of the ladies had ever had any formal combat training, Leena had the benefit of her unique style, honed to perfection through years of browbeating Serge. Against the demure Shana, that proved to be more than enough. One Maidenhand and a few good skillet blows to the head later and Shana was out for the count. Now, with a two on one, Dart had finally filled his SP bar, while his foes had used up most of their techniques. And so, while near death, he was safely flying out of reach of the short range weapons of the CC'ers while he unleashed Divine Dragon Balls upon them, an attack they survived only by virtue of their high M Def. And so, with very little hope left, Leena used her Level 7 technique, which randomly recharges half of the elements, giving Serge back his Luminaire. And so, battered, bruised, and almost defeated, Serge and Leena manage to squeek through the qualifying round. Dart and Shana: 147 Serge and Leena: 171 Shana's weak HP and defense, combined with the power of the Mastermune, guarantee that she's going to fall early, most likely before she can even use her Dragoon Spirit. That means that if Dart wants to win this one, he'll have to do it alone. Fortunately, it only takes him two attacks with Madness Hero to build up five turns of his Divine Dragoon form (not to mention lethal damage to Leena). Once he's got that, double defense and Divine Dragoon Ball have this match wrapped up. domon_kashue While Dart is in many ways a better warrior than Serge, Serge has more variety, more importantly he has much better support. Serge and Leena take the advantage early, as Serge cast MagNegate on Dart making magic impossible for him. Despite this, Dart transforms into a Dragoon and begin to smack Serge around hard with his Divine Dragon attacks, while Shana shoots arrow at Leena, which are mostly block by her frying pan. Leena and Serge counterattack somewhat, but mostly they both healing with cure and heal. Finally, Serge breaks away from Darts attacks and charges in with Mastermune hitting three times with strong hits then jumping back and letting Leena take several whacks at Shana with her frying pan, then heal them both with recover all. Then Shana step up to Dart transforming and casts Heaven's Gate, healing them both, back to full strength. Darts, sprit energy is waning, as suddenly his magic becomes open again. As he hits both Leena and Serge with his Divine Dragon Shot, all seems lost CC team. But Serge with an almost full elemental grid, charges forward and smacks Dart for a weak hit and then jumps back. Dart, "That was it? That was you big attack?" Leena:) "No, silly, this is his set up for a big attack," as she cast HolyLight making the field completely white. Dart, realizing his error, watch helplessly as several Saints descend to the arena floor and throw numerous spears into the LOTD duo. Serge and Leena win. Regardless if you thought Chrono Cross was the better game, Serge and Leena get their ass kicked by Dart and Shana (just Dart by himself in fact) Dart's Additions, good HP and ATK power with Shana using Healing Rains would cause major trouble for Serge and Leena. The only way they could win this would be to get rid of Shana first to keep Dart from not having to take the time to heal but even then, if he goes into Dragoon Form they won't stand a chance when he summons the Red Eyed Dragon. Dart is fighting an uphill battle against Serge and Leena this week. And when I refer to the "Dart/Shana" team as simply "Dart", it's because in any sort of combat situation where the pair are involved, Dart's going to be doing all of the fighting, as well as basically everything involving combat, giving the battle (and all following, should he survive the round) an effective 2 vs. 1 handicap. Though Dart is both fast and powerful, it's doubtful he could long withstand Serge's powerful critical hits and Leena's useful support Techs. Shana may be weak and a night worthless partner..but the Divine Dragoon more than makes up for that. Reid and Farrah vs Justin and Feena Reid's Aurora could protect he and Farrah from even Justin and Feena's strongest techniques, and the ToE/D2 team can take advantage of that window with no problem. Except... Reid has to be in pretty bad shape before he can start using the Aurora Artes, and a little time stoppage should give Justin plenty of time to dispatch him without so much as breaking a sweat. Justin - "Alright, we won!" Reid and Farrah: 104 Justin and Feena: 173 domon_kashue Ried's aurora arte's can make him practically invincible, and he's able to move in for the kill much easier than Justin. Plus Farah has some real attack power at close range which can keep Feena off balance and unable to help. This match was up to whichever side my quarter landed on. Justin has Heaven/Earth Cut and ummm I forgot the name of the attack, "Gadwin's secret move! Dragon King Slice!". I DO remember how powerful it was, though. Feena's Apocolypse (Or Doomsday or whatever) was a dangerous attack as well. And since they can both heal it would cause a lot of trouble for poor Reid and Farrah. I remember Farrah had some pretty good healing spells and Reid was a strong attacker and had some powerful moves of his own. Since the quarter landed on heads, I chose Reid and Farrah. -Ace Gamer Justin and Feena would toast Reid and Farah. It's unfortunate that these characters had to fight against each other, but you can't deny how powerful Justin and Feena are in a team. Reid does have Omega Demon Chaos, and Farah has quite formiddable healing magic, but it's just not enough. REID AND FARAH WOULD OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWN EVERYONE THERE. Zidane and Garnet vs Nall and Ruby Zidane and Garnet walk into the arena and find two flying cats waiting for a battle. "Um, dont worry Dagger, ill swat these cats out of the sky for you," laughed Zidane. "We are NOT cats," squeaked Ruby, "oh, im going to KILL them!!" "Hush, hush," said the now human form of Nall, "dont worry yourself, ill take this monkey-tailed clown out and then go after his girl." "Go after WHAT!?" "Er, I mean, uh, battle, the summoner...yeah," said the nervous Nall. "Thats what you better mean...," yelled Ruby. Soon after that little...conversation, the battle began. In a flurry of sword and two sided spear type thingy strikes the two men took the battle into a frenzied pace. As Zidane and Nall backed off eachother, they were both visibly weakened and in pain. Then Zidane started glowing... "What the $@%& is that?" spouted a confused Nall. "Yay! Trance!" offered Garnet. Then in a flash of colorful...stuff Nall was on the ground, down but not out. The now non-glowing Zidane backflipped in victory as Nall got up and stabbed at the presumptuous monkey freak. "Oh, no, Zidane!" screamed Garnet as she summoned Bahamut. "Oh, so you wanna play with dragons, do you girlie?" squeaked Ruby right before she turned into giant red dragon and flamed the entire arena. Monkey freak, Summoner, and Dragon King fell to the ground, thoroughly cooked. As the dragon kittens left the arena, Quina entered. "Oh, i never try roast princess, dragon and fake person before... Zidane and Garnet: 150 Nall and Ruby: 192 Zidane's not going to be much of a threat to full-sized dragons unless he Trances. Too bad for him that it takes more damage to send him into Trance than it does to kill him. And too bad for Garnet that it's hard to summon anything when there are dragons playing catch with you... domon_kashue While Nall will probably take Zidane out in about 5 seconds, that will be plenty of time for Garnet to summon Arc, which even dragons pale in comparison to. Nall and Ruby utilize a brilliant strategy not discovered by ay Square character until ffx: Fly where the guy with the sword CAN'T hit you. once airborne and in their draconian forms, White Dragon Protect will negate Garnet's summons while Red Dragon Anger annihilates the ill-fated and ill-proportioned couple. Once Garnet's MP is drained, either by futilely summoning or inevitable-postponing healing, Nall can bust out Althena's sword and Ruby can scratch them to death an embarrassing 3 HP at a time. Nall and Ruby enter the arena in full draconic form. Zidane disputes this with the Star Dragon Sword saying that they have to start off as flying cats, since that is their base form. Nall calmly reminds everyone that their dragon form is their real form and the flying cat form is merely for conveince. Right after the Star Dragon Sword allows for the dragons to remain in draconic form, a brilliant burst of energy comes from the combined power of the dragons.....Zidane and Garnet are atomized by power equal to half that of the great goddess Althena. Jack and Elmina vs Yuri and Alice Jack and Elmina are a truly formidable pair, and I love 'em to death, but it's always a bad sign when one member of the team is both the best fighter *AND* the only healer. Alice's healing will keep she and Yuri in good condition if Elmina is the only one attacking, and Yuri is definitely a better hitter than she - and Jack's equal, or close to it. Jack and Elmina: 101 Yuri and Alice: 161 domon_kashue Alice can be taken out quickly by the dueling duo, and while Yuri could easily best either one of these two. Working together they should wear him down. Yuri's Seraphic Radiance Fusion will be more than enough to take out Jack and Elmina. While in it he will be near invincible and his attacks... *Drools* As much as I love Jack he is nothing compared to Yuri. Squall and Rinoa vs Ryu and Nina RPGP Logic and History Test - Question #1 : How will Ryu and Nina win their first match of the couples tournament against Squall and Rinoa? A)Ryu transforms into Kaiser Dragon and lays into both of them with Kaiser Breath while Nina eats popcorn on the sidelines. B)Ryu transforms into Kaiser Dragon and lays into both of them with Kaiser Breath while Nina talks to Cray and Ursula on the sidelines. C)Ryu transforms into Kaiser Dragon and lays into both of them with Kaiser Breath while Nina casts healing spells on Squall and Rinoa to make the fight somewhat longer and more interesting. D)Ryu transforms into the Mutant Dragon as a taunt, allowing Nina to get a ringout by casting Cyclone and throwing Squall and Rinoa out of the ring. E)Squall and Rinoa, after hearing who their opponents are, decide to forfeit the match. F)Any and/or all of the above. Squall and Rinoa: 115 Ryu and Nina: 230 Let's assume that the best possible situation for Squall happens. He survives one of Ryu's dragon attacks, and counters with Lion Heart. It blasts through Ryu's defenses, draining his HP at least five times over, even without Junctioned attack power. With that, the best luck Squall is ever likely to get, Ryu reverts to human, shifts to Myrmidon or Kaiser form, and tears Squall apart with his next attack. Meanwile, Nina's Typhoon has already sent Rinoa to an early grave. Bottom line: they might go down in a blaze of glory, but Squall and Rinoa don't have a prayer. domon_kashue I'm sorry, but it doesn't really take much more than a minor headache to give Squall that limit break, and after Leonhart Ryu and Nina will find themselves in need of Reincarnation once again. Yet another unbalanced joke match. Nina alone could defeat Riona and seriously damage Squall before being taken out, and Ryu is almost worth the entire cast of FFVIII. Together the overmatch is completely ridiculous. Nina casts Protect and fries Riona with a few high-power spells while Ryu laughs at Squall's pitiful excuse for a physical attack before transforming and crushing the overrated middle in one strike. Game set and match. After a painfully long, deep look of passion and love, and some wispered meaningless words of love Squall and Rinoa strolled into the arena hand in hand. Ryu and Nina had been waiting for some time being as ryu didn't have much to say but a quick nod of his head. The match began. NIna began. Casting might, sheild and Celerity, on the two of them while squall prepared himself for in intense swordfight and Rinoa let loose some spells. Nina was able to shrug of most of the magic damage thanks to Celerity ,and whatever got through she healed quickly Ryu ran directly at Squall and Rinoa only to fizzle away into nothing. Squall Turned to Rinoa to ask what the hell she had done? Before she could answer she fell to the floor with a deep broadsword wound in her back. Squall turned around, infuriated, ready to unleash the full power of Lionheart only to find a Enoumous True Kaiser behind him. 3 seconds, 1 fiery inferno of death, and a quick Restore Form later and Ruy and Nina were Shadowwalking off to a candle-light dinner in the Wyndian Cafe. Squall maybe Rinoa’s sorcerers knight, but he and Rinoa are no match for giant Kaiser dragon that can attack them from hundreds of feet in the air, with a flighty little Wyndian princess hurling Myollnir and Typhoons off his back. -Ace Gamer "Hey, Nina!" "Yes, Ryu?" "How do you like Squall and Rinoa? Rare, Medium, or Well-done?" Ryu's dragon forms ALONE could trample Squall and Rinoa, and the fact that Nina's there to back him up makes the duo all the more terrifying. If Invincible Moon and Lionheart come into play, Squall and Rinoa have this in the bag. Pity they have a better chance of winning the lottery. Never, ever, EVER rely on luck to get you far. While the 20 hit, 200k damage lionheart will kill any one target, it will kill ONLY one target. COnsidering how low his HP will have to be o pull it off, he only get's one shot. Assuming ryu loses all his brains and doesn't let him hit critical in the first place. Nina can help as well. Why not get them both to low hp, hit them with (insert strong all enemy attack of choice) and annihlate them with one blow? If they don't get their limit breaks, they don't get anything but a coffin. Squall delays his turn, knowing that he should save his attacks for Ryu's dragon form. Unfortunately, Ryu didn't turn into a dragon, but used his Great Dragon breath attack instead, instantly dealing lethal damage to both Squall and Rinoa. "Looks like your Soul Rush isn't the only deadly opening move anymore, eh Lucia?" said an entertained Hiro. Unbelievably, Squall and Rinoa were tearing Ryu and Nina limb from limb. When Ryu transformed into his dragon forms, it was the berserk Kaiser, who proceeded to attack Nina more than the other two. When Rinoa earned her Limit, it came up as the rare and all-mighty Invincible Moon. Finally, the two Breath of Fire competitors collapsed in front of an unbelieving crowd, barely alive. "Wow, I didn't think we would be that lucky!" said Squall. Fortunately for sanity, that was all it took to jinx the two FF 8 characters, because that was the cue for Ashton Anchors to walk up behind them. "Wow! You guys did a great job! Say... do you hear something?" said Ashton, right before a low-flying aircraft crashed into half of the arena - the half with Ashton, Squall and Rinoa. Does it make sense? No. Is it a fair victory for Ryu and Nina? No. Do you think they care? No. Fei and Elly vs Claude and Rena "You know, I really don't feel like fighting today." said Fei. "I'd have to agree. We've done too much of that lately." replied Elly. "So, you want to forfeit the match and go get something to eat? I know this nice buffet place." "Sure, Fei! How's the food?" "Hard." said Fei, rubbing his head. Fei and Elly: 148 Claude and Rena: 188 The main differences here are that Mirror Slice is far stronger than Yamikei, and Claude doesn't have to handle healing as well as melee attack. That's going to be enough. I would have loved to see a Squall/Rinoa vs Claude/Rena match but this is almost as good. Too bad Fei and Elly would have a hard time killing Rena let alone Claude. Even Rena's regular attacks are strong enough to destroy Fei and Elly. If they have any chance at all of winning this (Fei/Elly) they are gonna have to build up their Deathblow meter and unleash a barrage of them and hope for the best. domon_kashue Claude may be the hero of light but Fei is the Contact, he's divine for Deus' sake. His arts will quickly take Kenni down, and Elly, being no slouch either, will down Rena with a couple spells. Fei manages to knock Rena out with a single punch. Then Claude would get angry, and mirror slice the opposing couple into oblivion. Claude's insane attacking power and unique sword techniques ensure that he'll be scoring plenty of points this week against the defensively unbalanced team of Fei and Elly. Claude will have a hard time of it, facing both Fei and Elly with Rena staying back to cast Star Flare and support spells. However, with Ripper Earth to keep Fei at a distance, and Head Splitter to keep Elly from being able to settle down and get into a spell casting groove, it'll only be a matter of time before one of them falls. And from there on 'the enemy will be unexpectedly weak'. Fei opens with a Yamikei, as expected...but looks around in amazement as he completely misses his target. "Sword Bomber" are the last words Fei ever hears this season as a stream of meteors crash into him. Meanwhile Rena was chasing Elly around the battlefield preventing her from using her Ether spells. Rena chases Elly right into Claude's Mirror Slice, quickly ending the match. Cecil and Rosa vs Flik and Nina Cecil and Rosa looked dissaprovingly upon their oponents, seated across the Arena Lounge. "It's terrible, isn't it?" Rosa asked, shaking her head sadly. Cecil nodded solemnly. He picked up the chalice of mead before him and sipped at it. Rosa continued. "That sort of thing, going on in this day and age. It's scandalous!" Cecil lay his hand on his wife's. "We'll see to him, my dear. This afternoon." She blinked. After a pause that was long enough for Cecil to become very uncomfortable, and to take another sweet sip of mead before the storm, she said, "*Him?*" It was amazing how much meaning she could load the word with. Across the lounge, Nina leaned closer to Flik, who did his best to become invisible. "What of *him?*" Rosa asked. "Why... um... taking up with a young girl like that," Cecil said. He frowned. "What did you mean?" "Oh, Cecil, don't be silly," Rosa said. "We live in a medievalesque world, and I hardly think that 29 and 16 is a gap that we could reasonably be expected to remark upon." "But our world wasn't exactly internally consistent," he pointed out. "Airships, tanks, the Giant of Babil..." She gave him a look that long experience told him meant it would be best if he were to discontinue his objections. Cordial relations, he had no doubt, would soon be restored. "Now, don't you think it's disgraceful the way she hangs on him like that? Public displays of affection, and in a decent establishment, too." Rosa shook her head. The state of young women these days was just deplorable. Cecil just smiled, nodded... ... and still gave Flik an extra solid whalloping the next day, internal consistency be damned. Cecil and Rosa: 221 Flik and Nina: 109 I don't think Flik and Nina has much to put upp against Cecil and Rosa. Cecil is a far superior fighter than Flik and Rosa's healing is unmatched here. Cecil can attack every turn and Rosa can cast a healing spell that compleately restores their HP every turn. I don't see any way Flik and Nina can defeat even Rosa from the time it takes for her from casting one healing spell to cast the second one and Flik and Nina will be defeated long before Rosa runs out of MP. domon_kashue As much as I really, REALLY want to vote for Flik and Nina, Rosa is a deciding factor here. She could take half of these teams out by herself, with Cecil holding off Flik for tiny bit Rosa will send of Holy spells that could lay out just about anybody. At least Flik will die before to many people can tease him about Nina. Cecil and Rosa are a dynamic duo that can not be easily defeated. It's quite obvious that they will rise in the battle triumphant; Cecil's Ragnarok sword would be gleaming and Rosa's hands glittering with white magic. If Flik can't even stand up to (or stand, period) his tag parter, how is he going to prevent being turned into hash by everyone's favorite paladin? Someone needs to wrap Flik and Nina in paper... they are about to be smoked by Rangarok and Holy. Cecil is the epitomy of the heroic RPG knight, with one exception. He's strong physically, both on offence and defence, has good speed, and with his cover ability, you're gonna have to get through him to lay a finger on Rosa. And, his one exception is that his M Def is good, the highest non-mage M Def in his game in fact. No matter how you attack him, all you're gonna do is scratch him. However, he also has most of the flaws of the knight. Namely, however great his physical attack is, it's also all he has. Sure, he has some white magic, but his most useful in battle spell is Exit, something that'd be a bad idea in this setting. Now, enter Rosa. Rosa is the Yin to Cecil's Yang, she is the Mini-Me to his Dr. Evil. What I'm trying to say is, she completes him. Her support spells will add to Cecil's already impressive imperviousness, her healing spells will remedy what damage he does take, and her Artimus Bow and Holy will supliment his already powerful attack. Against a team like this, even Ryu and nina have cause to fear. "What do you mean, you're not going to perform the Groupy attack?!" screeched Nina. "With all these people watching? No, thank you." replied Flik. "No, thank you." said Rosa, before she vaporized Flik with a Holy spell. Nina soon followed. Despite his name being "Blue Lightning", Flik is only average in speed. He attacks Cecil only to find himself dealing pitiful damage...he tries to back off, but its too late. Cecil moving with speed belying his heavy armor, cleaves Flik in half with his powerful weapon. Rosa finishes Nina off with a simple Holy spell. Battle of the Wildmen GAU RAGE RETAINER! Kimahri: 150 Gau: 166 By using "Rage", there's a possibility that Gau can cast some of the worlds' most powerful magic. By using "Ultima", there's a certainty that Kimahri can cast Ultima. Gau no like fighting long Gau pissed Gau kill Kimahri in one hit and go eat meat. Gau having lept onto Kimahri already has all of the guys moves. So when the battle begins Gau chooses his Kimahri rage. Now the two have the same blue magic moves, but Kimahri has to wait for his Overdrive to get his and Gau can simply use them every turn... Gau wins. Kimahri is truly a Jack-of-all-trades, but a master of none. His balanced abilities come at the price of any sort of actual usefulness in combat. Not to mentiont that Gau can use his more potent Rages at any time, while Kimahri will be stuck waiting for an Overdrive before he can unleash his personal array of Blue Magic skills. Ultima might have saved him this match, but his spellcasting abilities are pretty lousy, anyway. Gau Jumps Kimarhi disapears then when kimahri sits down to eat Gau steals his meat and leaves winner Gau I don't see how a full Blue Magic spells list could fail. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day. General BCp comments, comments about previous comments or multi-match comments should be directed to the BCp Visitor Forum on the main BCp site.