Four lucky and/or talented Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Justin and Feena vs Ryu and Nina -Infinity Dragon-: Feena and Justin entered the Arena to the cheers of "TIME GATE, TIME GATE, TIME GATE". While Ryu and Nina entered under a hushed silence. Feena, fueled with the 'inspiration' immdediately started casting Time Gate. At the same time, Ryu began his Golden Kaiser transformation...Feena casting Time Gate, but to her horror, saw that Justin had been frozen as well. "What's this!? Time Gate isn't supposed to work like this". "Mayhaps thou should have actually tested it in game before trying to use it here" remarked Fou Lu from the stands. Too add insult to injury, a Ryu with golden hair and clothing was facing her....but he made no motion to attack. "END OF THE WORLD!" shouted Feena...and watched as flames overcame the Dragon. When the smoke cleared, Ryu was still standing there...and he looked more powerful than before. Feena was about to cast Dragon Zap, when Ryu suddenly flew into action. Releasing a powerful Bonebreak attack, Feena was sent hurtling to her demise. When the Time Gate ended, Justin found himself without his mate, and on the other side of the Arena were Ryu-in Kaiser form, and Nina, just finishing casting Typhoon. As soon a Justin landed, he suddenly found a very large dragon looking at him...before it nuked him. Ryu and Nina left, proving that Dragon God Avatars were better than simple Adventurers. Note for the curious: Time Gate does indeed stop all allies. also, all of Ryu's Kaiser forms are immune to Status effects, hence Time Gate won't work on him. Time Gate also has a large casting time that can't be improved due to the already max level of its Wind and Water Elements...most characters can act before Feena finishes the casting. Finally, End of the World is strictly a Fire Elemental attack, and Ryu's Dragon Shield and Dragon Helm equipment absorbs Fire. Jusitn and Feena: 104 Ryu and Nina: 203 ANONYMOUS I'm somewhat dissapointed Justin and Feena overcame Hiro and Lucia (I still think that couple is real powerful), but I do know that they're greater range of variety would in the end prevail against Ryu and Nina, despite Ryu's overwhelming power. Problem is that Nina is just too dependant on Ryu. Well...depends actually on which Nina this is...but I'm assuming its the 4 cast. When the self-styled "world's greatest adventurers" heard their match they felt a small twinge of disbelief - for the third match in a row they were fighting a dragon-related opponent. Two rounds ago they had (somehow) dispatched Ruby and Nall, the great Dragons of Althena, and their previous victory had been over Ruby's childhood friend Hiro and Lucia, Princess of the Blue Star and servant of Althena. And now they were fighting the most (in)famous dragon in RPGdom, Ryu (no relation to the karate guy). But surely, they reminded themselves, they had been through worse? They already had two semi-divine dragons to their tab and Feena was Nina's equal in black magic and her superior in physical combat. Victory could be theirs if they just concentrated and did their best! As the match commenced Justin and Feena sprang into the ring with spirited cries and weapons held high, and left it mere moments later battered, singed and carried on the crest of an explosion wave. Ryu's divine dragon power was not as impressive as that of Nall or Ruby, but it got the job done. Arc and Kukuru vs Ramsus and Miang ~Before the match: Ramsus and Miang’s house~ Ramsus was in his bedroom, looking over some shelves, in boredom. Miang was in the bathtub, lying back, resting up for the match tomorrow afternoon. Before Miang could relax any, there was a loud noise from Ramsus’ room. “What was that?” she asked herself, as she climbed out of the bathtub, putting on a robe. She ran out of the bathroom, and into Ramsus’ room. He was holding up one of the shelves, which had begun to fall. As he was holding it up at the side, his grip began to slip. Before he could yell at Miang to get out of the way, the bookshelf fell on her, killing her on impact. ~The Match~ Ramsus, Arc, and Kukuru entered the arena. “And, now, for the semi-final match! At one side, we have The Heroes Arc and Kukuru!” The ref yelled. Cheers came from all corners of the arena. “And on the other side, we have Ramsus, the Perfect human!” More cheers. “And his partner, Mia... ... Where’s Miang?” A woman with long, purple hair jumped down by Ramsus. “I am Sailor Miang and in the name of the Moon I will punish you!” Ramsus, Arc, Kukuru, and the ref sweatdropped, shocked. “Well, it appears that Miang has somehow become an anime character as her new host!” There were some cheers, some rather loud ones from the corner in which Cecil and Kain were at. The ref continued. “Well, I do feel I should tell you that since this is an RPG pocket-universe, your anime powers won’t work here.” “What?!” Sailor Miang yelled. “Cecil was able to use his Super Lunarian powers last week!” “Yes, well, Cecil’s powers weren’t actually from an Anime. Oh well, let’s get it on!” The gong clashed and the battle began. Neither of the two parties fought particularly well, in fact, they seemed to be only warming up. However, convinced that she could get the anime powers to work, Sailor Miang kept yelling, “I am Sailor Miang and in the name of the moon I will punish you!” After thirty minutes of this, Ramsus got annoyed. “Will you shut up?!” he yelled. And before he could realize what he was doing, he took out a gun and shot Miang, in the head. As Miang’s corpse fell to the ground, Ramsus’ gun did, as well. Ramsus fell to his knees, shaking. “What… what have I done?” Arc and Kukuru looked at each other, and nodded. They took this opportunity to finish their opponent off. While Ramsus was shaking in disbelief as to what he did, Arc and Kukuru positioned themselves behind Ramsus, and began casting their most powerful attack spells. Two casting rounds later, Ramsus, and the corpse of Sailor Miang, were but particles in the wind… Arc and Kukuru: 154 Ramsus and Miang: 132 ANONYMOUS It is indeed true that Ramsus and Miang are a formidable duo, and their abilities could best most of the couples in the tournament...but Arc & Kukuru are more then cpapable of handing them their genetically perfected asses. How so? Ramsus' patented counter abilities leaves him nigh invulnerable to physical attacks, but he is all too vulnerable to magical attacks, meaning Kukuru's Drain would definately but the hurt on everyone's favorite peice of trash. And although Miang's instant death attacks could definately tip the scales of the match into her favor, this cheap technique would not work on Arc, who has the all too useful Invincible spell (a technique that has time after time been ignored for some reason), making him invulnerable to everything under the sun. Sorry, Ramsus & Miang, but the road to the championship ends here for you two. ANONYMOUS Arc and Kukuru should really take home the championship in my opinion, they seem to genuinly love eachother more than any pair in this battle. They have Ramsus and Miang beat, if invincible doesn't help, then the fact that neither character is more reliant on the other will. Arc is more prone to offense, and Kukuru to defense, but both can do whatever the other can still. Miang seems to be relying on Ramsus for the offense here. Thats the turning point. Beach House Battle Royale ROOM 1 Dekar, uncharacteristically punctual, was the first to arrive at the room. He checked it out, shrugged, put his feet up and opened a beer. Fifteen minutes later, Beatrix arrived. "Dekar?" she said. Dekar grinned and sauntered over to her. "Buy you a beer?" he asked, holding one up. Beatrix wrinkled her nose. "What are *you* doing here? This had better not be another one of your cheap attempts to hit on me." "Now that's -" Dekar's answer was interrupted by a loud *ping*, as Deis arrived in the room, promptly claiming the chair Dekar had been lounging in. She glanced at the beer, but decided against it. "Hey, baby," Dekar said, "wanna share that chair?" Deis, who liked the big dumb guy type, was seriously considering it before Beatrix conked Dekar on the head with her Save the Queen. Just then, the door opened, and both Auron and Dracula entered the room, debating the finer points of being dead, and wondering why they'd recieved an invitation to the same room. They glanced around the room. "Something is wrong here," Auron mused. But it was too late. Dracula and Beatrix glared at each other. As a Holy Knight, she was honor-bound to attack an evil lord of the dead like Dracula on sight. "My, isn't this exciting," Deis said. "Say, Auron..." The battle was brief but bloody, which Dracula liked, and ended with the Lord of Vampires, who had no room to transform, being rudely pinned to the door, which he didn't like. "So perish all your kind, scum," Beatrix said, glad she'd had a narrow room to fight in. The door swung open, much to Drac's discontent as he was smashed into the wall. Eve and Roger Bacon, who shared a world, though not neccesarily a timeline, were discussing their various evil plans as they walked in. "More fiends!" Beatrix shouted. Without warning, she attacked them. Deis, who disliked the color of Eve's dress, tossed in a few spells of her own. Auron just watched. Bacon managed to escape unharmed, but promptly departed since the company was so inhospitable. Eve was not so lucky, having taken the brunt of Deis magic. "Isn't this cozy?" Deis said. "No," groaned Dracula from behind the door. Dekar finally reawakened, got to his feet, and tried on Beatrix a line so cheap that it cannot be repeated here. Auron and Deis watched with vague disinterest as Beatrix proceeded to attack Dekar. "Touchy today, isn't she?" Deis asked. "Dekar," was all Auron said. "Pity." Deis frowned primly. "He *is* kind of cute." The door, which had been easing shut, was thrown open again, with a loud "OW!" from Dracula. "This is better than a room, anyway," snarled Luca Blight, plunging in without a moment's introduction. Beatrix and Dekar were caught by surprise, and even the latter was not lucky enough to escape Luca. "That's got to hurt," Auron said calmly. "Quite." Deis glanced around, then teleported away. Luca turned to Auron. "Time to die, pig!" he snarled. "Too late," said Auron. Though this was true, but, as Dracula had so recently discovered, death is only the beginning. Vlad Dracula: 27 Auron: 72 Roger Bacon: 39 Beatrix: 32 Luca Blight: 75 Dekar: 33 Deis: 37 Eve: 15 Dekar for president! Eve simply sits back and enjoys the fun for a few moments. That is, the few moments before she makes every cell in her opponants' bodies pop like a zit. Luca is a killing machine, with almost unlimited strenght, life, and malicious intent. Luca wins. ANONYMOUS As for the Villa fight, I almost picked Auron over Beatrix, but she has the advantage in staying power and field stuff. Auron is unmatched in single combat, but Beatrix has a slight bit more advantage. Luca Blight kills everyone in Room 1, except for Dekar. Just as Luca goes in for the kill, he dies of a sudden heart attack. Dekar is stunned, as his luck somehow manages to net him yet another "no chance AT ALL" victory. Auron steps into the arena equipped with his enemy kill overdrive mode. After cutting down 2 or 3 of the contestants with his 99,999 quick hit he uses his overdrive on everyone. Hyuga's a lock on the second room, but whom gets the first? Vlad, of course. While he may not be as powerful as many of the others he is dueling against, he has YET to be killed in any fight. Also, only one of his foes has the power to even touch him: "Roger Bacon", AKA Cardinal Albert Simon. Being the only member in that fight to have a weapon that could be considered blessed (A neccesity when fighting a Vampire) he is the only one capable of actually finishing him off. However, many men stronger than he (Like the Entire family line of the Belmont Clan) have yet to put the Count down for the count (A bad pun...) Besides, even if he does defeat Vlad, he'll just be back in a hundred years to claim the room anyways. Let's just hope that Vlad and Hyuga don't start discussing religion, or they may try to kill each other... -Infinity Dragon- Deis can heal all HP for free, and cast a LOT of comet spells. Need I say more? For room one, it is a toss up between Luca Blight and Dekar for me. I went with Luca Blight because it was too hard to decide and I like all things evil. ROOM 2 Dangit, why does OddEye have to be in the room with some of the strongest champions ever >_< I wish he could win, but the winner of room 2 will most likely be T.G Cid, and if not him, Hyuga(Citan). Maxim: 32 Miguel: 13 Melfice: 21 Odd Eye: 41 Cidolfas Orlandu: 82 Hyuga Ricdeau: 74 Anastasia: 35 Hrist Valkyrie: 29 Maxim, having the worst defence of the eight fighters, adopted a defensive technique by going away from the center of the arena having protected himself with Brilliance. Naturally nobody was insane enough to try to attack him during this moment... Both last survivors, Miguel and Odd-eye, joined forces against Maxim having noticed that he was always in full health, but Odd-Eye fell having undergone his own eye beam for twice its force, the effects of Brilliance having lasted much longer that foreseen. Miguel defended himself vaillament, but he realized well that he had no more any hope to win by seeing again his deep wounds, cut by Melfice's blade. Maxim won. The battle for room 2 is momentarily interrupted by a cheer of "Kill Citan first, otherwise we all can kiss our asses goodbye!" Moments later, Citan Uzuki was defeated, and Melfice, Odd Eye and Miquel were on the ground. TG Cid, recognizing Maxim as a great threat with Wave Motion, proceeded to Lightning Stab repeatedly to keep the Wave Motion at bay. This in turn was interrupted when Hrist Valkyrie attacked Orlandu from behind. Anastasia, seeing this as an evil act, proceeded to attack Valkyrie. Barely scraping it out, Maxim used Wave Motion and entered the fray. In the end, Maxim stood raising his sword in victory...just in time for Odd Eye to stand up, hit him with an Odd Eye beam, and take the room. "I may be blind, but even I know to drop flat when that many people charge at once." Cidolfas OWNS. Hyuga could probably match him in speed, but there's no way that he could remain standing after Cid uses all his weapon and speed breaking techniques. Cid wins. ANONYMOUS Cidolfas is self explanatory. Overwhelming skill and power, all in field type attacks plus great def, since he's a Knight class. All Maxim needs to do is cast Brilliance. Not only will all blows put against him be reversed, but while they can't kill Maxim, they will kill each other, giving Maxim a HUGE advantage. -Infinity Dragon- Maxim can start the melee with Wave Motion, then just heal any damage he takes while his IP charges more. When its down to just a few contenders left, a Miracle Care will render him invincible...and a Wave Motioned Dual Blade attack will finish just about everyone left with a few blows. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day. General BCp comments, comments about previous comments or multi-match comments should be directed to the BCp Visitor Forum on the main BCp site.