Six lucky and/or talented Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Arc and Kukuru vs Mullen and Leen -Ace Gamer: Arc ALONE could beat the stuffing out of an army of Mullen and Lean clones. In Arc the Lad, Arc was a god. Gale Flash is a A CASE OF WHOOPASS. Mullen was pathetic and Leen's power was never truly exhibited. I can say this however, no matter how powerful Leen looked in the game (Icarian powers in the temple) I would laugh to see her actually last 2 seconds against Arc. Arc and Kukuru: 156 Mullen and Leen: 99 Hiro is about to start a Triple Sword to take out Rolf quickly until he hear's "Do not interfere". Backing off, Hiro avoids Lucia's opening Soul Rush, sending Rolf and Nei to their demise. Vyse and Fina vs Cloud and Tifa Eterni!! Cyrstal daggers flew through Cloud piercing his body. Fina was astonished her spell had no affect on Cloud. Cloud and Tifa charged forward hoping to end this match quickly. "Skull Shield", yelled out Vyse. "We should last longer now", winked Vyse to Fina. The battle went on with nobody really advancing. Tifa has taken quite a bit of damage and was almost at her limit. Vyse and Fina were at full health thanks to a Lunar Blessing by Fina. "Check this out you spikey headed freak!" grinned Vyse. Vyse ran towards Cloud yelling "Pirate's Wrath" as he impaled Cloud in a deadly grand cross causing Cloud to fall in a heap to the ground. "Urrgghh", moaned Cloud as he somehow miracously got back up. Vyse backed up in awe. How could Cloud survive? Cloud's mako eyes filled with a green fury that shined bright. Cloud had reached his limit. Cloud charged Vyse to finish him off with an Omnislash. "I must stop him before he reaches me", thought Vyse. Vyse leaped high into the air yelling "Rain of Swords" as he unleashed a barrage of swords towards Cloud and Tifa. Cloud dodged and weaved his way through the fallen swords. Tifa was pierced by a couple of swords enabling her to reach her limit. Vyse had time to look up at the tip of Cloud's massive sword as it shined with a piercing brightness that came down to hit Vyse 15 times causing deadly damage. Vyse's bloody and bruised body was still standing.........only long enough for Vyse to look left and have Tifa finish him off with a Final Heaven, breaking every bone in Vyse's face. Tifa had finished off Fina with her other six limit breaks. The couple of FF7 was victorious and moving on to the next round. Vyse and Fina: 104 Cloud and Tifa: 134 Cloud and Tifa knew that the key to winning this match would be to eliminate the healer first in order to prevent this from being a long fight. As the match started, they both charged at Fina in an effort to take her down before she had a chance to do anything. They both attacked her, yet neither of them actually hit her. Their attacks were stopped when a barrier appeared in front of Fina and not only absorbed the impact of the attacks, but counter attacked both Cloud and Tifa. Right then they realized that while they had ignored Vyse, he had set up a Skull Shield to temporarily protect himself and Fina from physical attacks. This fight now turned for the worse for Cloud and Tifa. They had planned on winning through overwhelming physical strength; however, if their opponents were able to defend and counter against it, the fight would now be much more complicated. Although Tifa didn’t have much time to figure things out as Fina attacked with her fully evolved Cupil. The attack from Final Cupil hadn’t quite knocked out Tifa, but it left her open for Vyse to finish the job with one Cutlass Fury attack. Knowing that the Skull Shield would have worn off by now, Cloud began his attack on Vyse. He would have attacked Fina, except for the fact that Vyse was standing directly between them, determined not to let Cloud get past him. But it didn’t seem to matter as Vyse’s Cutlass blades seemed inferior to Cloud’s Ultima Sword and Vyse was taking more damage. It seemed as if Vyse was about to fall from his injuries when magic began to surround him and slowly heal his wounds. Determined to defeat his opponent before he could fully heal, Cloud attacked once again only to find the same barrier he had encountered earlier in the match. After being countered yet again, Cloud was now hurt bad and near death while his opponents hid behind a shield gradually restoring their HP. With all of the damage he had taken, Cloud was ready to unleash a very destructive limit break. But he knew that since Omnislash was a physical attack, ! it might not get through the Skull Shield. He would need another way. Cloud then lifted his sword and felt a rush of wind around him. He then swung in the direction of his opponents and caused a tornado to appear and lift them out of the ring with his Finishing Touch. Vyse and Fina were thrown several feet into the air in a vector that would make them fall outside of the ring. Although, what Cloud didn’t count on was that the air pirate would still be able to attack while in the air. “Rain of Swords”, yelled Vyse as he covered the ring with one of his deadly sword skills. The attack hit an already weakened Cloud who then collapsed from all of the damage he had taken. Even though Vyse and Fina landed outside of the ring, the match had clearly been over before they hit the floor. Cloud knew that his only chance was to press the attack quickly, forcing his opponents to use up their SP healing and shutting out their lethal Specials. As soon as he threw his first blow, however, he realized something had gone wrong. The Ultima Weapon turned away from Vyse, apparently on its own, and the pirate had been waiting to counterattack. Cloud fell immediately, a single blow from the Soul Sword draining out his life, as Vyse's Skull Shield hovered over him, grinning. Tifa, not wanting the same to happen to her, defended, biding her time. It didn't help; the match ended as Fina called out, "Moons! Petrify my enemy!" Cloud and Tifa step confidently into the arena, Cloud's Ultima Weapon still on his back. His yellow Enemy Skill Materia glows as he casts Mighty Guard on him and his lady, both of them standing unconcerned as their opponents close in for their first attack. They unleash all of their best attacks and specials, Mighty Guard pretty much stopping everything that comes their way and wearing off just as Vyse/Fina run out of energy and pull back to regroup. Cloud laughs and then realizes his limit has filled up. "Whoopdedoo!" he shouts. His sword glows with an ungodly power as he charges at Vyse, unleashing his Omnislash, more than enough to vanquish his foe. Fina charges some sort of recovery spell for her fallen compadre, but little does she know that Tifa stands behind her unleshing her limit break full of back breaking punches and kickes, finally tossing her at Cloud, who skewers her on his sword and sets the sword over a barbecue grill. -Ace Gamer Considering the no-materia rule, Vyse and Fina would own. Vyse has Pirate's wrath, and Fina has Lunar Blessing and Final Cupil. Too bad Cloud will be dead before he can use omnislash. Dario and Riddel vs Chaz and Rika Dario has speed and power, and Riddel has healing. That makes for a good team. Chaz and Rika both have speed, power, and healing. That makes for a better one. Dario and Riddel: 119 Chaz and Rika: 159 Againt the Sheer power of Chaz and Rika.. Dario and Riddel just wouldnt stand a chance.. even with this attack magic Chaz can deal out a heckuvalot of damage, his Nathu magic is one of the most powerful single attack magics around, and thats nothing to his physical attacks like Crosscut and Rayblade.. Rika on the other hand can cut their opponents physical attacks in half with Deban, can boost their speed with Saner.. and those arent her stropnger abilities! ever see Disrupt? an attack that hits all opponents at once, uninteruptable or evadable, deals about 120-150% damage.. doubleslash, twice her already formidable attack power etc.. her silver tusk renders all enemy spell protection useless, and can even hit interdimentional foes.. *shrug* theres only one way that Dario could win.. and thats if Chaz and Rika forgo the match (fanboys) Chaz and Dario charged at each other without hesitation as their respective partners started off by powering up. A Saner from Rika and a Nimble from Riddel. A Shift from Rika and a Strengthen from Riddel. A Deban from Rika, a ResUp from Riddel. The supportive spellcasting from the females continued as Dario and Chaz duelled with all their might. Dario was easily the more experienced swordsman, and was quickly gaining the upper-hand on his younger opponent. The only thing keeping Chaz in the game against Dario was his Elsydeon against Dario's normal sword (he had chosen not to use the Masamune, for fear of going insane and killing his partner). Even with all the spells supporting him, Chaz just kept slipping. Until Rika attacked him with a Disrupt, making short work of Riddel, turning the match into a 2 on 1. With Rika's spells boosting both her and Chaz, the two easily made short work of the insanely cheap Chrono Cross boss. Together. *cues the sappy "Awww...."* Sorry for Dario and Riddel, but Megid and Doubleslash will destroy them in no time. Fishbel Hero and Maribel vs Alex and Luna Considering Luna's weakness, Fishbel Hero and Maribel might have stood a chance against their Lunar-living opponents... Except that Maribel KOed her spineless fiance for agreeing to loan his uncle Hondara their entire adventure winnings. Fishbel Hero and Maribel: 107 Alex and Luna: 145 Alex opened up the match with his trusty Sword Dance attack on Maribel, splattering chunks of her all over the Arena. The horribly gruesome sight coupled with Luna's Escape Song caused the Fishbel boy to run out of Arena crying for his mommy. Ramsus and Miang vs Beowulf and Reis Miang can heal status effects, or use her instant death attack to probably take Reis out (Beowulf, if memory serves, was awfully resistant to status and death attacks from enemies). And Ramsus, well, his Mirror Stance won't help him here. His triple-slash and MegaFlare, and possibly the magical Blaze Poze counter ability all will. Ramsus and Miang: 165 Beowulf and Reis: 146 Now this is a mismatch. Ramsus' trump card is Mirror Stance, which completely shuts out physical attackers. It won't do anything against Beowulf's Drain Sword or Reis' breath attacks, and Miang's healing is pathetic. Ramsus's self-esteem is going to take a nosedive after Beowulf turns him into a chicken. What are Beowulf's status effects going to do? Screw up Ramsus's head even more? Mirror stance will handle his physical strikes... and even if Reis gets lucky with Holy Braceletand takes out Miang, she can just take over her body or some other kind of metabiophysiomental genetic garbage like that. Beowulf, doing a little preliminary research, found out that Miang could cure Ramsus of all status effects. When the match started later, Beowulf immediately opened with Chicken, and Ramsus suddenly found himself stuck with and edible partner. Playing it safe, Ramsus went into his Mirror Stance while Reis was busy hunting down Miang for dinner. The Dragoner caught the Chicken within minutes, and cooked it with her Fire Bracelet. Meanwhile, Beowulf was busy waiting for Mirror Stance to end. When he finally saw Ramsus shift his footing slightly, he launched another Chicken attack, turning the Perfect Human into the Perfect Dinner. Reis proceeded to cook Ramsus in the same manner. Later that night, cats were seen around the trashcan near Beowulf's residence...the cats were confirmed to have been eating the scraps left over from a chicken dinner. Tidus and Yuna vs Crono and Marle In a one-on-one fight, Marle is all but useless, and her wins a mystery. But in this format, she's a fine addition to any team, with her Haste and Life spells, not to mention the combos she can execute with Crono. Crono is as fast as Tidus, and a great deal stronger physically, not to mention magically. Strong enough, with no trouble at all, to take physically weak Yuna out of the fight with one hit. Fast enough to strike before she can summon. And with both he and Marle having Life, even a Hastened Quick-Hitting Delay Busting Tidus can't keep the Silent Death down. Tidus and Yuna: 159 Crono and Marle: 162 Ok, Crono uses luminaire and... no, Tidus would have hasted Yuna and have an eidolon out by then... Ok, Marle could use Haste and... no, that wouldn't work either...GRAH! I give up. FFX is just too powerful. I'd have to bring in Hammer to tip the balance, and frankly, I think we've all seen enough of him. Sorry, Silent Death. Crono and Marle enter as confident as ever that they will win the match. They didn't even bother to do research on their foes because Crono and Marle are sure that Haste+ Crono's attacks will take them to the top easily... Tidus watches Crono and Marle enter. Tidus: Go ahead Yuna! You can ca.. *Yuna casts Anima* *Crono and Marle are no where to be seen but Crono's sword is on the floor* Tidus: Talk about a Silent Death...hehe.. *Tidus leaves with Crono's sword as his trophy* "How do you feel?" "Like I want to scream real loud." Obvious sentiments from Yuna and Tidus, respectively, considering just how much hurt Luminaire and Ice Sword 2 is going to give them. Here it is! Cladbolg versus Rainbow! Sports star against silent wonder! Royal hard talker and ice queen matching blows with...with... ... Where's Yuna? ... "Up here." Chrono and Marle look up in time to see the Magus Sisters using their all-powerful Delta Attack on the poor souls. Victory to Tidus and Yuna! It's a shame that Crono an Marle had to take those two on in their first match. If Yuna's Bahamut, Anina, and Magus sisters do not do the trick surely a hasted and healable tidus will. Between Luminaire's, Hastes, Ice 2's, and both Marle and Crono having life spells, I think they can handle Yuna and Tidus, although some of Yuna's summons would put quite the hurt on them, I think Crono could take her down before she would have a chance. Tidus went around the entire sphere grid along with yuna before this match. Unfortuanately, while they did this, crono and marle both decided to blaze through the game a bazillion times and max out all of their stats with the assistance of tabs. Now that the stats are even, some advantages. #1, crono has inherently better speed than tidus. Marle can cast haste as well, throwing that advantage out the window. Crono is probably one of the best swordsman, if not the best, in the whole RPGP. ON hp scales, assuming his max of 999 is stranfered to 9999, a multipler of approximately 10, his damage of 3000 becomes 30000 with the rainbow. He will get the first blow, and take out yuna with a single blow, thus taking away tidus's healing support and the aeons. Quick hits will either critical crono or take away about 8000 hp on marle - she DOES have the prism dress, and safe helm for protect, assuming both have sent their stats through the roof. Protect will keep crono alive if tidus targets him. Afterwards, crono can wipe the floow with another 30k hit on tidus. Crono and Marle start the match by quickly trying to dispatch Yuna, to avoid a summoning. Tidus continually makes this difficult and starts taking the hits while Yuna continually heals, thanks to the Nirvana. Finally Yuna, who had her overdrive bar set on healer, is able to Grand Summon the Magus Sisters. Crono, in accordance with his usual stoic self, said "..." and proceeded to try and take on the trio. During the time it took to say "...", the Magus Sisters had begun Delta Strike, which nearly annihilated Crono and DID annihilate Marle. Crono uses the last of his MP to cast Luminaire one final time...and unfortunately finds out that the Magus Sisters are very resiliant...and had Auto-Life. Marle starts with Haste, thinking that it would be the clincher for the match. Woe to her when she saw Tidus cast Hastega, and saw a hyperspeeding Yuna summon a freakly looking man in a gold mask. Crono attacked the mercenary Aeon, only to miss. Deciding not to toy with them for too long, Yuna gave Yojimbo a contract saying "All Future Gil is Yours"...10 seconds later, Crono's and Marle's heads were seen flying over the stadium walls. Stahn and Rutee vs Ryudo and Elena Stahn and Rutee are an extraordinary pair of physical fighters - it's a real shame that Ryudo and Elena can cancel any of their attacks more or less at will, given the instant execution of Tenseiken Slash and Impact Bomb. Of course, it would probably be easier for Elena to put them to sleep with Nightmare Ball and follow up with a slower, more powerful technique, but they win either way. Stahn and Rutee: 86 Ryudo and Elena: 158 -Ace Gamer This week has been hard for me. Some of my favorite characters are facing off. Hear, I have to go with Stahn and Rutee. Ryudo and Elena just aren't good enough without magic (mana egg rule). Stahn is a powerful attacker and Rutee is a agile healer. Assassin comes off quick and comes off hard. Ryudo finds himself caught in an attack that put even the infamous Omnislash to shame. His hopes that Elena would get off an Apocalypse were dashed when he heard "Bloody Rose"...Elena suddenly disappeared fog of blood. He didn't have to witness the horrid sight for long as his body instantly atomized to the finishing moves of Assassin. Lucian and Lenneth vs Alucard and Maria Alucard is cheap enough with his Alucard's Shield/Mablung Sword (Or Shield Rod if your prefer sticks) combo. Add in complete immunity to damage from Maria's quadra-summon and you have a wrecking ball that could tear the likes of Indalecio and Fou Lu apart, let alone a mere mid-rank goddess and her Einherjar consort. Why did Lenneth/Lucian have to draw the short straw? Life's just not fair that way. Lucian and Lenneth: 104 Alucard and Maria: 177 Alucard is definitely much more powerful than Lenneth (he may be two steps down from Vamp top man Brahms, but that's still a heck of a lot higher than Lenneth). But on the other hand, Lucian is arguably better than Lenneth, where as Maria... Oh. Maria can make her ally completely invulnerable to all damage. Never mind. OK, this is just unfair. Lenneth is ludicrously powerful, and Lucian is the cheapest character in VP, not to mention capable of activating a PWS attack by himself, -and- nullifying its charge time. Together, they should be nigh-invincible. But, as we saw in SotN, a fighter with Maria's support isn't nigh-invincible; he's actually invincible. If Alucard can't die, he's going to have a hard time losing the battle. "What, this dark force, it's..." Swooshswooshswoosh (DODGE!) brapapapapapapapa "Don't make me laugh!" Slice swing swing toss slice-slice brapapapapapapapa "Valkyrie, grant me power! Finishing Strike: Round Rip Saber!" "Damn it all!" "It shall be engraved upon your soul, Divine Assault: Nibelung Valesti!" "Return from whence you came." Maria looked on in shock. "I think I'll be leaving now." It would be a well-balanced battle between the Valkyrie and the Undead Alucard. But, their partners would sway the battle otherwise. As it starts, Alucard and Lenneth start to trade blows of the sword. Lenneth takes the early upper hand by sliding underneath Alucard with her Moment Slide, then sending Alucard into the air with Vertical Raid. She goes into Nibelung Valesti, but as the last blow is delivered, Alucard transforms into mist. Meanwhile, Lucian is wasting his strength slashing away at Maria's familiars. As Lucian realizes her tactics, he lunges forward to finish her. In seeming desperation, she casts her invincibility spell and starts attacking. Lenneth distances herself from the ever-form-changing Alucard, tosses her sword, and creates a divine item, a Razor Shaft. But, she suffers a few blows from Alucard's wolf form as a result. When Maria's spell wears off, she hops back, and starts panting, about to cast another spell. But, Lucian siezes the moment and uses his Shining Bolt, entrapping Maria in a flash of lightning. Alucard is distracted, and transforms into a bat to fly to her. Lenneth takes this chance and fires multiple arrows at Alucard. She even sets off a Nibelung Valesti that would bring great harm to ANY vampire lord. Maria cries out and falls to her knees. A Round Rip Sabre finishes the job. Alucard has a long history of dealing with immortal powerhouses, so the lovely (but limited) Lenneth Valkyrie should be no problem, much less her feeble mortal counterpart. Alucard + Poison Gas + Crissaegrim + Power of Sire + Maria healing him > 2 Asgardians, no matter who they are. Lucian wouldn't be able to get close enough to use his shining bolt, and Alucard could dodge Lenneth's Nibelung Valesti with a simple mist transformation. Hmm...A god and her einherjar...a vampire and a mortal...a god and her einherjar...a vampire and a mortal...Last time I checked, gods were more powerful than vampires, and practically anybody is more powerful than Maria. Alucard, instead of using his swords, takes out his Shield Rod and the Alucard Shield. He then proceeds to charge through Lucian, which doesn't take all that long, and head towards Lenneth. Lenneth, being no fool, takes to the air and plans her next move...which is a tad late as she is knocked from the air by one of Maria's Spirit Animals, into Alucards waiting flurry from the Crisseagrim. Battle in the Squared Circle Ah, Bum Rush. So predictable, boring, and uncreative. But does it hurt? Yes, my friends, its unique pain is like no other. Particularly for Rico this week, considering he's too slow to see it coming. Sabin: 196 Rico: 116 Can you small what Sabin is Cooking? it's Rico when he firedances and aurabolts him down to the mat Sabin goes first. Sabin screws up the command for Bum Rush. Rico wins. Sabin gets this one on three counts. 1) With no equipment their stats are fairly equal except in speed, where Sabin has an advantage (not that being faster than Rico is a great achievement, mind you). 2) Rico will be too busy giggling at the fact his opponent's ultimate attack is called "Bum Rush" to concentrate on the fight. 3) Lastly and most importantly - this isn't a fight, it's a wrestling match. We all know that wrestling matches aren't based on skill and strength, but on popularity. This is the one type of match where the blatant, unconditional fanboyism that plagues RPGP is actually justified. In wrestling matches the popular guy always wins, and since Sabin obviously has the fan support (how else could he have defeated Eve?) he's going to be the winner. Sabin and Rico will do pre-scripted playfighting for a bit - pull punches, toss each other into the ropes and so on - then Rico will pretend to fall and will let Sabin pin him. Then Rico and Sabin will start wearing flourescent underwear and matching knee-high boots and develop corny catchphrases, and then the action figures will be made and children will start idolising them and develop mental blank spots over the fact they can't really fight (Flee! Run from the commercial terror that is professional wrestling!) Sabin has everything Rico has and one thing he definitely doesn't - decent speed. Ricardo's Speed with Speed Shoes on: Normal Ricardo's Speed with no equipment whatsoever: Snail-like Sabin's Coolness with Equipment: Maximum Coolness Sabin's Coolness without Equipment: Maximum Coolness Sabin should put up a good fight but I don't think he is going to win. Even though I hope he beats Rico. Sabin can suplex a train... Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day. General BCp comments, comments about previous comments or multi-match comments should be directed to the BCp Visitor Forum on the main BCp site.