Author Topic: A few rules and regulations...  (Read 21213 times)


  • Youkai of the Boundary
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A few rules and regulations...
« on: December 18, 2007, 02:00:30 PM »
Okay, just to keep things from getting too disordered, I'm going to lay down a few ground rules - mainly about avatars and signatures. Hopefully these won't ever become an issue, but better to make things clear now.

NEW: Forum Display Names

With the new forum software, forum names can be changed at will. I'm leaving this option enabled for now, so have fun. Same rules as IRC apply though - no intentional impersonation.

Size limits


For avatars, the set limit is 128x128 pixels. From this point forward, any avatar pic larger than 128x128 will be resized to fit that specification when it's changed, so hopefully this shouldn't be an issue. No avatar larger than 128x128 can be uploaded, either.


Text signatures should be no more than six (6) full-size lines. You're welcome to have more than that, but please drop the text size using [size=x][/size] tags. 9 is recommended for small type.

Graphic signatures should be no more than 125 pixels high by 650 pixels wide. Not to be an ogre about this, but the idea is for your signature not to take up half your post or more.

If you combine text and graphics in your sig, use common sense. You can't take 6 lines of text AND a full-size graphical sig, but I'll leave it up to you to figure out how you want to balance the two.  If you want help making a fancy combination of text and graphics, by all means - post and ask for help, there are enough people around with the knowhow to get you what you want.

Avatar/sig content

I don't anticipate this being a problem, but under no circumstances will hentai or pornographic images be allowed in sigs or avatars, or uploaded to the avatar hosting space. There will be no second chances on this one - consider this your warning in advance. This violates the terms of our hosting contract, which is why there will be zero tolerance here.

For offensive text content, no hard swearing in a sig. Warnings WILL be given here, but basically if it's strong enough for them to censor it on TV, it doesn't belong in your custom rank or signature. You're welcome to use whatever language you like in your post itself, but we don't need to see it in every single one of your posts.

Post content

You're welcome to post any opinion you like here. You're also quite welcome to think that anyone else's opinion is bloody stupid. However, keep any negative comments limited to people's ideas, not the people themselves - no ad hominem attacks, please.

As far as language goes, keep it relatively civil. We're not going to be sticklers about the use of 'adult language', but keep it within reason. If there are more swear words than not in your post, it probably needs to be rethought and stated a bit more politely.

If there are any questions, feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators on the site for clarification.

- Have you ever contemplated suicide?
 - Frequently. But only for others.