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Topics - AndrewRogue

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Andrew's next overly ambitious game project... getting the DL to play a game of Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition over the forums.

Since I'm feeling lazy right now, here is the official description.

Twilight Imperium is an epic board game of galactic conquest for 3-6 players. Taking on the role of one of ten ancient civilizations, players compete for interstellar supremacy through warfare, trade, uncertain allegiances, and political dominance. Each civilization provides a unique game experience with different abilities and play styles. Will you play as the Emirates of Hacan and preside over every trade agreement made in the galaxy, or will you be the Federation of Sol and rapidly take over worlds in hopes of dominating the entire galaxy? In Twilight Imperium many roads lead to Rome (or Mecatol Rex), but no road is without its bumps.

As the prominent leader of your civilization, you must make enemies and allies with the other respected leaders that sit around you. Alliances can be made and broken in an instant. War can be waged, and then rescinded in the matter of minutes. The galaxy isn't stable, so how you will be the beacon to guide your people through? Turn after turn, you must decide what is in your peoples best interest. Choosing a political path may allow you to use your votes which you've accumulated in passing a bill on Mecatol Rex. But what will you do next turn when your defenses are broken and your homeworld is invaded? Or, will you stage an all-out fleet assault on a bordering colony? These are all just examples of the tough decisions you'll have to make in Twilight Imperium.

Provided I can get all the supplies together, I really want to run this game for the DL. Technically, I really want to play the game as well, so I'm going to tenatively put myself in the player  list as well. As such, I am looking for 5 other players. If a lot of people are interested we can run the 8 player variant, but... uh... See the next note.

So let's get one thing out of the way. This game is long. Really, really long. Like, in-person games take in the area of 8+ hours. Which means that, in an online format (and accounting for reactionary abilities), we're probably looking at a game that lasts a couple months. At least, that was the impression I got from reading up by other PbP and PbeM games. Given the way the DL does things, and given that this game needs less moderation than Arkham, it is possible it will flow significantly faster than what I'm expecting though. Either way, that means I need players who are interested, attentive and possess the ability to post somewhat frequently.

Similarly speaking, I definitely need all interested players to read the rules. I'm not yet sure about variants or anything we're using, so just give the full things a read. You can find them here.

Base Game:

So. Provided I can get the material I need to actually start the game (haven't confirmed that I will actually be able to get my hands on what I need, i.e. a copy of the game or online information), I'm looking at a start date sometime after the current Arkham game ends. Probably a week or three thereafter. Otherwise, I'll be looking into the best ways to run this and host it. So, if you're interested, have questions, think this is a positively shit idea, etc, please go ahead and post here.

Random Non-Vowel
World of Puns
Mage, the one I can't think of something silly for
Shortening of Arthur's Sword

Forum Games / Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 15; Encounters)
« on: October 03, 2010, 08:02:31 AM »

Soppy- Gloria Goldberg
El Cid- Amanda Sharpe
Tal- Vincent Lee
Random- Hank Samson
Mage- Ursula Downs
Strago- Finn Edwards

Forum Games / The DL Went Down To Innsmouth
« on: August 27, 2010, 08:40:31 AM »
Time for another Arkham game? Time for another Arkham game.

Base game + Innsmouth
Will be using all Innsmouth components, as well as Epic Battles.
Great Old One will be an Innsmouth GOO.
May feature some surprise inclusions that you'll be informed about at the start of the game.
Six players max.
Not sure when I'm starting, just figured I'd get this lined up now.

Deep One Fodd... er... Investigators.

General Chat / I need a couple proofreaders.
« on: August 22, 2010, 08:05:23 AM »
So, I have decided it is time to make my dreams of failure a reality and officially earn a couple rejection letters for submitting short stories.

To that end, I need some help, and was kinda sorta hoping a couple folks in the DL might be willing to help by offering some eyes, some opinions and some criticism to make my work a little more generally palatable and slightly less riddled with grammatical errors and rampant comma abuse. Delicious, rampant comma abuse. I pretty much have the short written (gonna use one I did for a class for this first go round) and I am setting a deadline September 21st for submitting it to a couple of publications.

So, if you want to help this Rogue live out his dreams of becoming an official failure, please let me know. Thanks.

Google Docced for the convenience of people who want to help. Quick note. I'm going to change the ending to Terry instead having actually accepted the license and simply never returning to reclaim it, I think. Maybe. Opinions would be valued. Anyhow, just let me know if you wish to help out. Download and send me the doc if at all possible. If you want, I'm also doing some initial editing on my own (this has been in cold storage for a while) so if you wish to wait for me to do that, I'll repost a link later.

Draft 8/22/10:

Unranked Games / Dragon Age: Origins (Finally Doing This)
« on: March 18, 2010, 08:48:40 AM »
Welcome to the Dragon Age stat topic, where I once again attempt to convince the DL that WRPGs are awesome and need to be ranked. But since no one listens to me, I expect this to go utterly unread.


Anyhow, assisting me in this project is the ever cool Pyro who will be going through a lot of trouble to work out the raw numbers and such. I think. So, this is my shout out.

Let's get onto the meat and potatoes here.

HP: Run out of these, and the Darkspawn win.
MP/Stamina: Run out of these and you can no longer work your special mojo, if you know what I mean.

Strength: Increases damage for non-crossbow/staff weapons and increases melee attack.
Dexterity: Increases melee attack, ranged attack, defense, damage and physical resistance.
Willpower: Increases mana or stamina and contributes to mental resistance.
Magic: Increases spellpower and contributes to mental resistance.
Cunning: Contributes to armor penetration and mental resistance.
Constitution: Increases health and physical resistance.

Attack: Your chance of hitting things with your death dealing attacks.
Defense: Your chance to not get hit by opposing death dealing attacks.
Armor: The amount you reduce damage.

Mental Resistance: Resistance against mental effects (effectively mental status resistance).
Physical Resistance: Resistance against physical effects (effectively physical status resistance).

Determining PC Stats/Skills/Talents: This one is pretty straightforward. For the purposes of the topic, all PCs were levelled using the auto-level feature, which, generally speaking, follows the logical paths for the character's progression. These are not necessarily the ideal options, but they tend to be the progression of the options that the character comes with.

Determining Average Damage/Damage Period Length:

Character Crafting: Several PCs have the options to create items using their own personal crafting skills. Some of these are relatively unique to the character in question (notably poisons for Rogues) while the rest are universal use items (healing kits, etc). I will list the noteworthy things that are available to a character, but will not be including them in the averages/rankings unless people push for the inclusion of certain elements.

Equipment Options: For the majority of PCs, equipment is shared and, as such, per standard DL procedure, I will list each PC with whatever generic equipment there are enough bits to share of. In addition, there are unique pieces of equipment (relegated either to the character or their specialization) and, given no two characters share a specialization (except with the main), I will list these options with the PC as well.

Both Shale and the Dog have unique equipment categories that belong purely to them an have no competition.

Glyphs will not be counted on equipment on account of being really generic. If people want, I'll list them as options, though.

No colorful first line commentary. I blame a headache.

So. I believe that its time we returned to an earlier subject officially. We've talked out a fair number of mechanical tricks, have some rough formula/stats hanging around, have some characters (not all, mind you) set up and a rough plot line established. So, I think its time to start expanding on what we have and tying it all together.

So, with all the facts we have in mind, let us start putting things together in a sort of outline/storyboard hybrid. We should also use this opportunity to start really discussing randoms, bosses and filling in major NPCs/plot events. Try to block it out as well as you can. This does NOT need to be done in order. Just try to keep in mind the rough skeletal plot, build on it and we can massage/add/move things as needed. We can also use this as a point to start roughly hashing out randoms, bosses, character quests, etc.

Pretty much consider this as a "break" round. We have a goal, but its vague enough that we can pretty much work on whatever here.

In all liklihood, we open on a true prologue. There's enough world building and background material that introducing matters cinematically here, may not be that bbad idea. It doesn't need to be long, it just needs to be a smooth transition that sets up the main background elements and manages to move us straight into Noemi.

I believe, ideally, the scene opens with her sitting in the middle of the room. It is a bare bones dorm room with some basic materials packed. We introduce the concept of magic by demonstrating her sixth sense (sight or hearing) to portray what it looks like to see/hear magic. A first person temporary view. The view is interrupted by her friend (whose name I am totally blanking on at the moment) informing her that Erastus has arrived. Noemi jumps to her feet, excited to see him after so long. Hand control over to the player at this point.

They get free reign to wander the halls to tthe destination (although her friend keeps her on track, i.e. not leaving or anything). Talking with random people will establish Noemi as a respected recent graduate, give information on what she's leaving to do and provide skepticism about her success.

You eventually find Erastus at the cafeteria/mess hall type area. There are excited greetings had all around (its a reunion of old man and orphanage  kids). Between Noemi and Erastus, their plans are fully detailed at this point. They reinforce the idea that Noemi wants to investigate a disquieted area and Guardians, and that Erastus suggested returning to their hometowwn to hunt down his estranged nephew (Mirek) is a good plan. Noemi reveals that they'll be having a military guard (Aurel) and the support of a small mercenary group (Isolde and Co.), at least on the trip back, given its a fairly long boat trip and may require overland travel in some dangerous territory. Once all establishment/question stuff has been completed, the group is summoned before the attending Imperial leaders.

<More to come. To try and sum it up, the travel to the town where Isolde is hanging out serves as the combat/exploration tutorial section of the game. They camp on the way, and Noemi inquires into what has been going on with Mirek since they left as kids and who Isolde is. This triggers the first glimpse into the party split system, where you are introduced to the Prologue for either Isolde or Mirek. You must complete both before resuming Noemi's story.>

EDIT: Due to a lack of steam, I'm expanding this round to cover a multitude of subjects. Post on any/all of 'em.

<Insert Your Own Clever Thing Here>

We're moving on to characters now. Hurrah. Let's try to rough out some designs and what not. For now, we'll be using a layout that looks something like this.

Brief descriptive thingy


Magic Accuracy:
Magic Evasion:

Weapon Groups:
Armor Groups:
Accessory Groups:

Resource Description:
Types of Moves/Specific Move Ideas:
Method in Which They Learn Moves:
Just a general summary of the idea:

Since I'm lazy, I'm going to rank stats on a scale from G (Absolute worst in the game, and possibly the universe) to C (Average) to S (Absolute best in the game, and definitely the universe). So... G, F-, F, F+, D-, D, D+, C-, C, C+, B-, B, B+, A-, A, A+, S. Got it? Good. If someone wants to make up numbers to go along with this, feel free.

Our heroine. Graduate from the Dissonance School of Dissonant Magic for the Dissonant, she would really like to cure the Disquiet. She's gonna end up saving the world (TM) because that's what main characters do, goddammit. She doesn’t need a love interest, because she’s that damn cool.

MP: B-
Strength: C-
Dexterity: B
Vitality: C
Intelligence: B
Spirit: C
Speed: B

Accuracy: C
Evasion: C
Magic Accuracy: C
Magic Evasion:
Move: 3

Weapon Groups: Knives/Daggers, (Others will open as the game progresses)
Armor Groups: Light (Medium opens up as the game progresses)
Accessory Groups: Limited (opens up to nearly all of them as the game progresses)

Resource Description: MP (Regenerates 10% or so at the end of every battle)
Types of Moves/Specific Move Ideas: Should have a broad away of abilities, including damage (elemental variety), buffs, debuffs, status and a bit of healing. In other words, she should have just a little bit of everything.
Method in Which They Learn Moves: Studies other PCs and adapts their moves to her style of Dissonance. Also acquires a couple via plot. May or may not create final techniques by combining earlier techniques.

With Noemi I'm aiming for the Jack-of-all-Trades thing for Noemi. Her big plot point is she’s a gifted student, to the point of being a prodigy, so giving her a huge edge in the learning curve (able to develop a ton of techniques) makes a lot of sense. She’s not individually as good as any other PC, but has an amazing full package. Gameplay wise, this makes her pretty solid as the go-between-groups PC, as she can fit in anywhere, really. I err on the side of using the general MP for her, as it’s one of the better ways for her to use a broad skillset. All in all, I’m imagining her as something of a less ridiculous Mouse (Ephemeral Fantasia) to keep her in line with the other PCs. It should be noted that, although I want to err on the side of her being averageish stat wise, I erred a bit on the positive side in magic and/or girly stats. Because true average is lame.

Military master of multiple martial methods. She is surely slick, surviving several sad scenarios. And I’m out of alliteration. She’s the other girly main character, and by girly, I mean the cold, pragmatic, thoughtful, intellectual military commander type who specializes in heavy weaponry and blasting. She’s TECHNICALLY still a member of the military, but has been officially let go as a matter of public opinion after making a tough mission call and getting a bunch of people killed. It may have been the only option for people to get out alive, but that didn’t make it popular. Also, she killed a rich dude’s kid in that time.

HP: B+
MP: n/a
Strength: A-
Dexterity: D
Vitality: B
Intelligence: A-
Spirit: B
Speed: C

Accuracy: B
Evasion: C
Magic Accuracy: B
Magic Evasion: C
Move: 2

Weapon Groups: Polearms, Large Blades, Large Axes
Armor Groups: All of 'em
Accessory Groups: Heavy Armor types, Girl types

Resource Description: Cooldowns. She has to wait a certain amount of clockticks after using a specific move (or move from a category) before using that move (or moves from that category) again.
Types of Moves/Specific Move Ideas: I'm thinking Isolde specializes in mixed magical/physical damage, with debuffs or status attached. Most of her attacks should be two-hit combinations of magic + physical.
Method in Which They Learn Moves: Plot unlocked. As the game progresses, Isolde starts resorting to her classic power techniques.
Just a general summary of the idea: Somewhat standardized slugger, with an additional quirk in being mixed magic and melee damage. Debuffs give her another dynamic. She's not too fast, but she should hit hard enough to make up for it, and she has no resource concerns.

Resident emo and down on his life swordsman who will be redeemed by love and stuff.

HP: D+
MP: n/a
Strength: C
Dexterity: A+
Vitality: C-
Intelligence: D
Spirit: C-
Speed: B

Accuracy: A
Evasion: B+
Magic Accuracy: n/a
Magic Evasion: B+
Move: 3

Weapon Groups: Guardian Blades, Swords
Armor Groups: Light Armor
Accessory Groups: Light Accessories, Guardian Accessories

Resource Description: Focus Meter. Gauge starts the battle at 25%-ish and increases every clock tick. Also increases via some other means (taking damage, dealing damage, evading, etc)
Types of Moves/Specific Move Ideas: Initiative. Higher his meter is, the higher some sort of stats go. High crit moves, high accuracy moves, ITD moves. Possible some sort of self-buffing/counter-stance type moves. Should be largely single target damage. Probably has fairly strong full meter move.
Method in Which They Learn Moves: Emotional involvement. Unlocked via optional plot scenes.
Just a general summary of the idea: Fire Emblem crit whore, essentially. Hits very hard and emphasizes evasion over durability. Is surprisingly slow for his type but, ideally, has some sort of initiative.

...wait, oh no, oh no, OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

</universe ends>

Welcome to Round 3 of the <Untitled IAQ Project>. I will be leaving Round 2 open for the sake of continuing plot discussion, since hopefully some of it will be inspired by this.

Here in Round 3, we're going to start working out some of the games mechanics. I actually have an agenda for this round! Exciting, huh?

1. Establish the primary stats we will be using.
2. Establish how these stats work out in relation to game factors.
3. Work out some more of the battle mechanic quirks (equipment, specials, etc).
4. Put some of this into practice and start getting some rough character cheat sheets worked out.

So, uh. I'm not so useful here. Generally speaking, though.

Resource (whatever the character uses for their specials, if anything)
Atk (Physical and Magical category)
Def (Physical and Magical category)

These are all generalized stats that we should probably have. Whether they are derived or what not is another matter all together.

I do, off-hand though, think all stats and derived stats should be transparent. Players should be able to roughly determine what is going on by looking at things. *nods*

Discussion is available in: #DLIAQ


Anyhow. Welcome to Round 2 of the IAQ. In Round 1, we came up with a loose battle system after a great deal of trial and error. We're now going to do a complete 180 on the subject matter, cast stats to the wind and talk about one of my favorite chunks: story related stuff! A pox on anyone who questions the importance of this! A pox! More seriously, in this round, we're going to focus in on WORLD BUILDING, PLOT SKELETONS and, tangentially, CHARACTERS. Try to keep the discussion focused in on these subjects. If you want to tangent to something else (mechanics, etc), please make sure it is directly connected to the matter at hand. And please, avoid idea dumping. It was something that got a lot of complaints. If you're going to post large masses of text at once, keep them focused. Thanks. <3

Anyhow, let us get this going. I had a setting (and, vaguely related, a plot) pitch. This is an idea I have for a novel, but I'm willing to donate since that project is on hold for the moment anyway. Just keep in mind I ask that no one steal it and call it their own. >_>

Gonna try to do this in brief and crunchy form since I'm tired and it could be rejected out and out anyway. I'll gladly expand on anything if people are interested.

The setting hinges on the existence of a dual part magic system referred to as Resonance and Dissonance. Both are the arts and manipulating the Flow of the world around you (all things being formed of the Flow), a gift that manifests itself as a sort of synesthetic sixth sense (you can perceive the Flow through one of your other five senses). Depending on your character, you'll naturally find a preference for one style. What you can do with both styles of magic is also largely dependent on you, since they are direct manifestations of your will and desire.

Dissonance, the more powerful magic, is the power to enforce your will upon reality. You can cause the world to do unnatural things by altering the Flow around you: you can summon flame out of nothing, you can make a whole field of crops grow within hours, you can cause the earth to rise up and transform into metals, etc. Its pretty powerful stuff. Unfortunately, it also comes at a major price. The alteration of the Flow tends to leave it unstable, creating an effect known as the Disquiet. Which we'll get to.

Resonance, the weaker magic, is the power to supplement the world around you by strengthening the Flow around you: you can strengthen an allies muscles and lend them more endurance, you can supplement a craft to make superior goods, etc. You, essentially, make an object MORE what it is. It is much more subtle than Dissonance and more reliant on outside factors.

To put it in direct comparison: A practitioner in Dissonance could cause an entire acre of land to grow wildly overnight, while a practitioner of Resonance could only cause the plants to grow a little faster, but they'd be the most beautiful, hardy and delicious versions of themselves ever.

The Disquiet is a bad thing. A very bad thing. The manipulation of the Flow by a practitioner of Dissonance causes it to become unstable. While odd uses here and there won't cause any real damage, repeated and/or major uses in area start to really make things go to hell. It starts out as a simple, pervasive sense of unease. As it progresses, the land, air and creatures themselves become poisoned. Just walking through an area of severely Disquieted land is enough to drive a weak willed individual mad... provided they aren't killed by some mutant abomination or some dark, spiritual entity. Worse yet, the effect of Disquieting is permanent. It can be mitigated somewhat by Dissonant practitioners (it is fully possible for a skilled individual to continue to use Disquieted land).

Functionally, there is a third type of magic called Quieting, but that is secret lost to time and such. No relevance to anything at all. No sir.

With me still? Goodie.

So, to sum up the world history fast. Long time ago the land was a single continent. The first man discovered magic and became a god. The people dubbed him their Great Lord and became dependent on him. This upset the Great Lord, who did not wish this burden upon him, so he waged war on humanity. Forced to learn, humanity fought back and learned a magic of their own. In the final battle, the continent was sundered and split into the tons of islands it is now.

So, we now have isolated tribes of people. The people who discovered Dissonance became important as it was discovered that, with their gifts, they were not only dangerous warriors but, more importantly, they were natural resource wells. Depending on their talent and inclinations, skilled practitioners could cause the ground to sprout metals they needed or grow all the crops that the tribe would need for weeks in a day, etc.

Eventually, a great warrior and champion rose up and started gathering together tribes. Eventually, as his forces grew, so too did his conquests until the majority of the world fell under his purview (think Rome). The practitioners of Dissonance who could create natural resources/etc were elevated in society (the gift, especially to that degree, is uncommon and valuable). Its potential as a warfare tool was also discovered in this time frame. (It can also be said Resonance was found in this time, but Resonance is for artists and wusses, so who cares). Unfortunately, it was also discovered, due to the establishment of plantations for the Dissonant crops and mines and the discovery of dissonant healing, that the Disquiet existed. Whoops? Measures began to be taken at this point (Dissonant plantations became government regulated and tracked, measures were taken to limit the impact, etc).

Time came, the kingdom declined and started to disintegrate with the nobility (military high ups and Dissonance practitioners/civillian authorities) barely holding it together. The conditions of the Dissonant plantations grew worse as well, with the workers' conditions being understandably bad. On the whole, they were pretty much a step above slaves. Add in the fact that the damage of the Disquiet (especialy with limited land space over a bunch of small islands, etc), and people began to question the wisdom of their current direction. This dissatisfaction finally manifested fully in the rebellion of the Guardians (a specially trained subset of warriors who defended the plantation workers and neighboring areas from the Disquiet and its  many dangers).

The Guardians began a campaign of guerilla warfare against the government, focusing on the assassination of plantation leaders and such. This is a fairly long ordeal (seven-ish years) and causes a lot of issues (the collapse of plantations, which causes already Disquieted areas to get worse, food shortages, etc. Eventually the Guardians are driven underground and the rebellion "quelled", the military leadership has seized governmental control and gone with stricter restrictions on Dissonant practitioners (to keep them sage/utilize them/abuse them). The Guardians have all but disappeared, with the few who remained loyal (or rather, did not join the rebellion) being relatively maligned symbols of those who did defect.

And man. This was supposed to be short. I think that gets the full gist across. All my current plotting picks up at the end there, but functionally, the world concept on the whole could be used with the game picking at any number of places along the timeline, although obviously where I was prepping my novel idea is the most interesting because, well, I planned for story there.

To ACTUALLY BE SHORT THIS TIME, the plot concept is roughly something like this.

Noemi, a recently graduated practitioner of Dissonance is interested in researching the Disquiet, believing that there is a secret to mitigating or even reversing its effects, which would be MUCH wiser than either thee plan to end all use of it (for the natural repercussions of going from massive production to... not) or just keep using it (which will eventually over poison the world, no doubt). Obviously, there are people against this, bad people wanting to exploit her findings, the threat of the rebellion renewing and, of course, the trip will eventually take her (and friends) to the Great Lord's Throne... There are a few characters and plot stuffs more to be explained obviously, but I think this suffices for a short (overly long) pitch, eh?

Questions, comments, thoughts, etc? Interested in using it, or shall I file it back away and actually start working on the associated novel?

Current Popular Idea: Grandia style combat. CTB.

If this is not functionally correct, let me know.




...or How I Learned To Love RPG Combat Systems.

Welcome to round 1 of the RPGDL IAQ, Attempt 2, aka, the RPGDL creates a design docket for a game, aka, we put far too many cooks in the kitchen and design an RPG.

For the sake of simplicity, at least while starting, I figured the best way to do things would be to break our topics of discussion down so we could create some skeletal concepts to work with before launching headlong into figure out the exact multiplier that strength should add to magic based physical techs from the sword-caster or exactly what color the panties of our heroine will be when the clothes start coming off in those new and popular Bioware sex scenes.

So, per Excal's suggestion (even though I think we can go either way), let us lay the groundwork of our game via discussing the combat system. It does have a large influence on certain aspects of the game (certain game systems lend themselves better to different styles of game and thus different styles of story, etc). Plus, I'm the story guy in the DL. All you other crazy are about math and mechanics. So I might as well let you all have your say before I claim a soap box.

Seriously though. Let's chat. I'll set the deadline at a week from today. I'll come up with some sort of system to decide we like an idea by later. You can all save me time by unanimously deciding an idea is good.

As for me...

Well. Let's look at this in more detail. What do I think makes RPG combat fun?

1. Interactivity: The game requires me to actually be present during combat and contribute regularly. The player is necessary, not just for decision making, but for actively doing things. This is a game, after-all.

2. Potential for Challenge: I like RPGs to be challenging. I'd like more RPGs to be challenging, honestly. You should not be able to breeze through most battles (or, at least, there should be a mode where you can't). You should have to use your brain. Mindless grinding should not be an out. Fights should take some planning and some strategy. And while the obnoxious difficulty of SMT games has some good ideas (nasty surprises, etc), a game should definitely NOT be chock full of those.

3. Depth: Kind of ties into two, really. You can put some thinking into the system.

4. Variety: A variety of PCs is always cool. And a variety of PCs with a variety if abilities (and styles to those abilities) are cool.

So what sort of systems have been good to me?

Mana Khemia: Fun, fluid, natural. Would have required thought if the game was tuned better. PCs were varied and the game encouraged you to use that variety.

Persona 3/4: 4 more than 3. System ended up hard due to well thought out bosses, obnoxious tricks, etc. Three erred on this being stupid.

Dragon Age: I've pretty much lost every notable fight at least once due to needing to approach the fight from a different angle/to better utilize my abilities/to better strategize.

Final Fantasy 3/6: Standard ATB shenanigans, but the PCs have a lot of variety in what they do and how they do it.

World of Warcraft: It deserves mention, I feel. Classes play quite differently, and fights are the upper level are all about execution.

Final Fantasy Tactics: One of the upper end SRPGs. Variety in characters. Solid play. Etc. Difficulty issues again.

Shadow Hearts: Covenant: Ring system is awesome for keeping the player involved.

Demon's Souls: More A then RPG, but a better built version of SMT obnoxiousness.

All told, I'm thinking ARPG style combat is definitely out. My ideal system for ARPG is some odd 2D Fighter/RPG hybrid, and that's a bit impractical.

I think the best bets are definitely in the SRPG or "standard" RPG styles. Ideally, I'm thinking using the Mana Khemia as a rough base (the "card" system, consider the benefits of an assist system [although something different that would better support a larger PC]) and then making some changes additions (PCs with unique mechanics, etc) might be a good launching point.

But let's hear what people have to actually say.

RPGDL Discussion / The DL does (another) IAQ?
« on: January 11, 2010, 03:59:32 AM »
Seeing OK mention it on the main site topic inspired me to broach this idea once again. We tried this a while back and, although it didn't really go too far, I do seem to recall the people involved having a good time. So I was curious if people would be interested in trying our hand at one of these again and, if so, how to approach the subject this time around.

For those not familiar, an IAQ is basically an imaginary FAQ/Stat Topic. We create a conceptual game from the ground up, document it out, etc. Just a fun little exercise in game design, without the troubling necessities of things like understanding programming or having artists. That sort of thing. For anyone curious about what the previous project was looking like, take a glance here:

Not sure if the old topic about it exists anywhere anymore.

I was thinking we'd go with a weekly topic for polling a bit to try and establish a basic element of the game (basic style, setting, combat system, etc; one topic a week). Once we've got that, we can start filling in the fun details, characters, statting, plot, etc.

But anyhow, I just wanted to hear if anyone had any actual desire to do something like this or any thoughts on how to approach it if a number of us were interested.

Thoughts? Questions?

Forum Games / The Sun Rises Over Arkham and Dunwich
« on: August 26, 2009, 03:51:02 AM »
The news is all over the radio. The blizzard that seemed to hang incessantly over the east has finally dissipated, taking with it the madness that seemed to hover over the towns of Arkham and Dunwich.

Cabin fever, people claim it was. Just some folks who went a little stir crazy because they couldn't get out and about. A little too much time without the sun.

Still, there is a feeling of celebration in the air. The people banded together to help each other out and, if you set the crazies aside, it was a wonderful display of the positives of humanity. A sterling example of the good inherent in most people. Perhaps even showing off that, for some people, there is even more good in them. A willingness to stand up against the darkness, even at the risk of their own lives.

Have you heard the news? You ain't? Well pick up a paper, boy!

Things are going straight to hell in this country, I tell you. Straight to hell. We got all these  "wizards" and "witches" round Arkham now... not to mention all the disapperances and the crazies they have to keep dragging off to Arkham Asylum. No sir, now they've got some crazy pagen cult down in Dunwich. Crazies, the lot of them. Running around in the woods naked, fornicating, orgies... I even hear there's been some sacrifices, and not just the kind with chickens, no sir. The police ain't doing nothing about it either. If this mess don't clean up soon, we God fearing Americans are going to have to go down and fix them up but good. I don't want no crazies coming up here to Arkham. Bad enough already.


Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, to round 2 of Let's Play Arkham Horror! With the DL fresh off a victory over the Unspeakable One, I think it is time to up the stakes a bit.

We're going to be adding in some expansions this time! So, this time around, we shall be playing with...

Arkham Horror
Dunwich Horror (Board Expansion)
The Black Goat of the Woods (Card Expansion)
Epic Battles (Chunk from the Kingsport Horror Board Expansion)
Personal Stories (Chunk from the Innsmouth Horror Board Expansion) please feel free to brush up on the rules to these expansions over at

Things are going to be largely the same as last time. Turns will be broken into Upkeep/Movement and Encounters and deadlines to finish your actions will be 48 hours (and STRICTLY enforced this time around, no fooling). I'm going to limit the game to 6 players this time to try and help things flow a little smoother (8 really is a lot, especially on the boards) and, as an added bonus, this time each player will get to choose their investigator from a pool of two. Yay options!

In the interest of getting more random exposure, the investigators will be fully random from any expansion (unless they REALLY depend on having their core expansion in, such as having a power that is utterly useless in the game as it stands. If an item is needed or something, I'll dig it out), as will the GoOs. I'll be redrawing Azathoth or Hastur if they show up. Beyond that, I might swing the difficulty up or down one step depending on how evil the investigators/GoO you get are. GoO and Herald (should I choose to use one) will be posted AFTER investigators are chosen, so chooooose wisely. <3

Priority will be given to those who weren't in the last game at all, then those who came in late and then those who got to play fully. Game start time will be determined once I have a full roster of players, but I can't imagine it is that far away. Please only sign-up if you really think you can manage the game, keep your attention around and think you can make the deadline at least 95% of the time. If you have any questions or comments, you know where to reach me. With any luck, Ashley wil Co-Mod for me again so you can possibly direct questions at her as well.

Our Intrepid Investigators
1. Smashy
2. RC
3. Snow
4. Yoshi
5. Bardiche
6. Tal

The Thousand Young
Sopko, Shale, Yakumo, Strago

Writeup Graveyard / Kary (vs Hilda)
« on: July 24, 2009, 08:24:33 PM »
Verily, a vampire? Against the the fiercest fiend of the four, the fiery female fighter with a faultless offense from her multitude of ferocious (and fiendish) falchions? Surely such a silly set-up shouldn't scare a sensual, serpentine slayer like Kary. Definitively, the devious demon shall drum the dumb dieter with damning damage. Hilda had better haul her hind-end out of here, unless her hobbies happen to include being heavily hacked by this haughty... hottie.

Writeup Graveyard / Jade (vs Zophar)
« on: July 23, 2009, 04:58:57 AM »
A dark god looms before Jade, but he knows no fear, for he has the backing of a far more powerful entity. The Crying Girl. The goddess above all others. And he is her right hand. A masterful sorcerer who wields the power of BoltX. A mage of unparalleled durability, who can, no doubt, weather even the force of Zophar's trademark attack: Fate Storm. After that, it is a simple matter of demonstrating his proficiency in the electrical arts. By the end of this match, Jade will demonstrate the superiority of his goddess.

Writeup Graveyard / Zophar (vs Jade)
« on: July 23, 2009, 04:48:53 AM »
The unstoppable monster. An evil god of unfathomable power. The cream of the Godlike crop. The master of the unfathomably destructive Fate Storm. That is Zophar. And his opponent? A mere sorcerer, given power by some weak and meager goddess? A shyster, whose magical prowess is limited to a single, elemental spell of moderate power? Pathetic. A pebble in the path of Zophar. Less than a pebble. A grain of sand to be trod upon like all others. He would be better served to not show up at his match.

Just using this as a repository for rough Cross Edge boss notes until I feel like going back and filling in real details. Still, this should do for right now. All stats taken on Normal mode.

Damage values are taken on a per turn basis, not a per action basis, currently.

Damage: 4-5HKO to average HP.
EX Damage: 1.25 PC HP to average or so?
Notes: Presuming it works the same in every fight, Prinny Dance has a low chance of adding any status. This seems to include instant death, but I don't have that confirmed.
Support?: Yes. 2 Giant Crabs and 2 Sahagin. All four are reasonably durable and have similar damage capabilities. YMMV on what this accounts for.
Comments: The quality of Prinny depends entirely on how much you credit his support and his ability to get Ex Attacks. Pain in the ass fight, though. Respectable duelist if you credit the support. Mediocre limit fighter if you don't. Prinny Dance hype here?

Etna and Prinny
Prinny is same as above.
Etna is as follows
HP: ~4500
Damage: 3HKO to average
EX Damage: 1.5x PC HP
Notes: This fight ends as soon as either Prinny or Etna is beat. Take it as you will.
Support?: Two character boss fight here, obviously.
Comments: Not a particularly flattering fight for either. They are both okay, but kinda crumble really quick thanks to Prinny's HP.

Etna and Prinny Squad
Prinny and Etna are both pretty much the same as above, with their damage decreasing to account for your stat increases.
Notes: Uh. Yeeeeah. You've gained some levels and what not, so your damage and durability are better (Prinny Rush is survivable by average, Prinny Raid is only OHKO range, etc), but it isn't making this fight any better for you. More support means more chance for them to build SP and unleash more EX-Attacks.
Support?: One Etna is supported by five prinnies
Comments: Ranking them comes down to how much you respect the five of them together. If you take them purely on their own merits, it really isn't that impressive a showing for either of them. If you credit support, both get pretty monstrous.

HP: ~5000
Damage: High 2HKO on a defense twinked Lyner.
EX Damage: I'm totally blanking here. Lyner survived it and a follow-up attack, as I recall, so I'm thinking it isn't that great.
Notes: Timed fight. The battle automatically ends after 5 or so turns.
Support?: None!
Comments: Good duelist all around, even if you account for the time limit.

Demitri and Lillith
HP: ~9000 for Demitri, ~5000 for Lillith
Damage: Demitri 2HKOs against average with normal attacks. Lillith scrapes 3-5 against average.
EX Damage: Demitri's EX scrapes OHKO on average. Lillith hasn't shown one yet.
Notes: The fight ends as soon as one of them is taken down. Take this as you will.
Support?: There's one Awesome Vampire and one Loli Succubus.
Comments: Lillith is utter light bait unless she has something she failed to show. Demitri is probably a solid heavy. Good slugging, good HP, dangerous limit, etc.

HP: 6357
Damage: Looked like a solid OHKO to average.
EX Damage: Didn't see a particular EX attack.
Notes: Nope
Support?: None
Comments: Hits like a freaking truck. That is all.

Augustine (and Co.)
HP: ~7000
Damage: 2HKO to average, I'm thinking.
EX Damage: Prolly doing about .75 PCHP to average.
Notes: The battle ends after his support is killed. His attacks do have some status attached, but I need to figure that out.
Support?: Two Earth Knights and Two Sorceresses
Comments: Not overly durable, but fast and hits decently hard.

Bourd Rade
HP: ~10,000
Damage: 4-5HKO on party best durability, so we're prolly looking at 2-3HKO on average.
EX Damage: Definitely skirts OHKO to average with his normal EX, and his secondary EX should hit it for sure (and REDUCE THEIR STATS!!!).
Notes: Battle ends after 5 player turns. Bourd seems to occasionally null out damage (physical?), although this might be HP based.
Support?: None
Comments: Tanky and solid damage, but the timed nature of the fight is a problem.

Anesha and Troy
HP: ~7000 and ~9000
Damage: 2-3HKO range on average for both I want to say.
EX Damage: Bloody Rain Skirts 1-2HKO to average (and has status) and Troy, like Lillith, does not deign to use his on me.
Notes: Battle ends when one of them is defeated.
Support?: 1 Aneesha, 1 Troy
Comments: Solid, but nothing special.

HP: ~18,000
Damage: 2-3HKO range on a tankier oriented Zelos. Really depended on the attacks he used.
EX Damage: .75 PC HP-ish to the tankier Zelos.
Notes: Battle ends after Raizen is reduced to half health or you reach 5 player turns. He also might have a low rate ID attack, but I'm basing that entirely off name and kinda sad damage.
Support?: Nada
Comments: Fantastic duelist. Except for those conditional defeat things. Could still prolly pull wins, though? He's a real brickwall in-game. Hopefully he gets a non-timed form.

Etna and the Prinny Squad 2
Improved version of the first fight. Wanna say that the numbers are pretty similar, although the group is less durable on the whole.

Raizen 2
Slightly worse than fight one, I want to say.

An irritating little bastard. Time limit and HP limit, but he also regens about 20% of his HP on each of his turns and has solid damage. Better than average durability or so.

Lazarus 2
Early fight, scaled up. No limits, I think?

Raizen 3
Best boss form for him. Have to kill it, very durable against physicals (and not horrendously bad against magic thanks to his HP). Also hits fairly hard.
Might get hurt in the DL because he won't be able to spam EXs the same way, likely?

Anesha and Troy 2
Much better damage than fight one, especially for Troy. Durability is similar.

Lazarus Duel
Not even worth mentioning.

Augustine 2
Same as the first, with worse damage.

Bourde Rade 2
Tankier and better damage by a decent margin.

Aneesha Solo
Okay damage, but massively fragile.

Godlike champ. Hits like a truck, tankiest boss by far yet. Has an HP limit and a time limit which could hold him back, but he really is a beast.

Forum Games / Another Peaceful Day in Arkham!
« on: June 03, 2009, 05:21:40 AM »
The town of Arkham is peaceful. Kids laugh and play, while the old folks laugh and look forward to a sunny day.

A warm breeze rustles the flowers sitting on four graves at Saint Mary's Church.

Our Friends
Kate... Darrell... Jenny... Dexter...

So, I've finally lost my mind and arrived at the conclusion that, really. How hard could it actually be to run a game of Arkham Horror online? With some clever work, a bit of writing and some players at hand, it should be quite possible to do it (very slowly) through a forum or much swifter over IRC. Or some combination of the two. That can be decided later.

For those of you who don't know what Arkham Horror is...

Arkham Horror is a cooperative board game based around H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulu Mythos. The basic concept is that the players take on the role of investigators who are looking in to strange things happening in Arkham. The source? One of the myriad Great Old Ones is stirring in their slumber, preparing to awake and bring horrors unimaginable to the world. Monsters, horrors indescribable and madness all swell, driving the city to the state in which the Great Old One can awaken. Thus it is up the the investigators to explore Arkham and stop the plot of the Great Old Ones... or fight them to their very last breath.

What makes the game particularly unique is that is is very much a case of players vs the game... a game which hate you, your loved ones, your pets and all the things that you like. I find that half the fun of the game is in seeing exactly how trainwrecky things can end up, although struggling to win against adversity is a fair enough approach as well.

The first game will just be a simple, core Arkham Horror game to see how well it works. If things go well, the future could include expansions or Arkham League scenarios or something.

For those who are interested but have never played before (and those who have played, but need to refresh themselves) a copy of the rules can be found here:

All told, I'd probably like to try and IRC it up since having a job makes playing over the board a lot less appealing since I could only update in the evening on on weekends. So I'd probably like players with free time in the evenings (PST) or weekends best, but hey. If you want to try and sign up, we can see what happens!

Anyhow, I need somewhere between 1 and 8 intrepid investigators who might be willing to take part in this experiment! So, bring forth the sign-ups!

Our Intrepid Investigators!

1. Alex (Kate Winthrop - The Scientist)
2. Sopko (Darrell Simmons - The Photographer)
3. Djinn (Sister Mary - The Nun)
4. Shale (Vincent Lee - The Doctor)
5. Excal (Jenny Barnes - The Dilettante)
6. QR (Carolyn Fern - The Psychologist)
7. Nitori (Montery Jack - The Archaeologist)
8. Strago (Dexter Drake - The Magician)

The Colors Out of Space
9. Yakumo
10. Carth

General Chat / Ephemera: The new face of survival horror
« on: May 19, 2009, 06:49:38 AM »
What she can’t see can hurt you.


As I was going up the stair
I saw a man who wasn’t there
He wasn’t there again today
Oh, how I wish he’d go away...

When I came home last night at three
The man was waiting there for me
But when I looked around the hall
I couldn’t see him there at all!
Go away, go away, don’t you come back any more!
Go away, go away, and please don’t slam the door... (slam!)

Last night I saw upon the stair
A little man who wasn’t there
He wasn’t there again today
Oh, how I wish he’d go away

“Ron? Ron? Oh God, please, Ron. Pick it up! Pick it up!
Oh God, Ron? Ron! Thank you, God! Oh Ron!
Everything’s gone to hell and I don’t know what happened. Everyone started going crazy and… oh God. I… I locked myself in the security room to stay safe but… but… I don’t know what to do. I know how everything must look but… but I can see you on the monitors. I can see everything on the monitors!
Oh God, please Ron. I know all this must look and sound crazy to you, but I need your help, Ron. I know we haven’t always gotten on well and we separated on bad terms but… but I need you Ron. You’re the only one I can trust now. You and these monitors…
Please, Ron.
I know you must want to just run away but… please…
Just believe in me one more time.
Please, Ron…”


Ephemera is a first person survival horror game in which you take on the role of an average man who awakens in a hospital waiting room to find that the place was transformed into a hellish landscape, toured by fierce and horrifying beasts. The only thing that still seems to be normal is your ex who, having locked herself in the security room, monitors your progress through the security cameras on-site.

The brunt of the game involves a combination of evasion to escape from the monsters that roam the halls and, with the help of your ex, navigating the treacherous halls of the hospital. This effort is aided by the “belief” system, which allows you to enact changes in the landscape by disbelieving the horrifying sights around you. Of course, this power doesn’t come without a price…

The state of the world around your is determined by your well being. As your characters health and mental state deteriorates, so to do does the world around him. While a room might only look a little bloody when you’re at the top of your game, it can quickly transform into a pulsating flesh room traversed by the legions of hell itself.

With a unique morality system that is effected by every action you take, as well as a number of endings depending on your actions throughout the game, Ephemra promises to deliver an unparalleled survival horror gaming experience that is sure to keep even the most seasoned gamer on the edge of their seat to the very end.

The book dropped to the ground, blood staining the parchment pages, with Olan’s body following soon after. For a moment, the entire hallway fell silent, before the advancing footsteps of his killer shattered the silence
“One down.” Yuber grinned, a fierce and predatory expression that seemed almost inhuman, as he stepped over the body, not bothering to check whether his opponent lived or died. To be frank, he didn’t care in the least. If he survived, it was his own luck. All that mattered was that he got the chance to entertain himself for a moment. “Perhaps you two would prefer to come at me together? You might get the chance to live just a moment longer.”
“You… you coward!” Nanami growled, gripping her staff tightly.
Sten put a restraining hand on her shoulder. “We need to get out of here!”

“But we can’t just leave him!”
Yuber’s smile tightened as he adjusted his bowler, advancing on the slowly retreating duo. He could never find lions out here, only mice. Sometimes they snapped back once he had them cornered, but most of the time, they just tried to run. Of course, it mattered little in the grand scheme of things, but his quest was never as entertaining as he hoped it would be.
Really, the point of this all was just to ensure that the people in the arena were never complacent. It was boring when the fighting was strictly held to the arena, where rules and such were always getting in the way, and the duelists had assured resurrections waiting for them.
Out here, he preferred that the lawlessness of the wild prevail over the rule of the arena.
He stepped aside as Nanami lunged forward, unable to restrain herself, a section of her staff whistling through the air where he once stood. A single thrust and a quick cut was all he needed to add another body to the floor. Perhaps he would earn the enmity of Riou for this.
The rune on his hand began to glow as he watched Sten try to flee. That was a thought. Perhaps all he needed to do was bait the lions. His smile broadened. Kill the mates and kill the cubs, and, undoubtedly, the lions would go hunting. And where the lions hunted, no doubt chaos would soon follow.

“Don’t worry, little ape. It will only hurt for a moment, and then, with any luck, you’ll be back and on your feet soon enough.”

A happy ending. That’s all anyone ever wants. It means something different to everyone, but, in the end, that’s what everyone aims for. The smile of their kids, the warmth of their lover, the cold satisfaction of revenge… it all boils down to being someone’s happy ending.

That’s the dream, no matter how you slice it.


The sun beat gently on the three of them as they lay, stretched out grass. The warm breeze was refreshing, the feel of it washing away all memories of the world that lay so far beneath them. Together, the three of them had risked everything to find this place.

This was supposed to be their paradise.

Lin’s ears perked up as she head Ryu shift, repositioning himself on the dew-laden grass. “Hey, Lin…”

The worren rolled onto her side. “Yeah?” She was surprised to see Ryu fidget, casting his gaze towards the ground. “Something wrong?”

“Promise me you’ll look after Nina?”

Lin blinked and, in that instant, paradise was gone. The sky melted away, leaving behind the beige ceiling of Lin’s room. There was no warm breeze, just the stale chill and monotonous hum of a decrepit air conditioner. The soft, wet grass turned out to be nothing more than her stiff and uncomfortable mattress.

Nina - she must have crawled into bed with her at some point during the night – cooed softly, her tiny hand clutching Lin’s side.

Of course. It was just a dream.

She’d lost count of how many times she’d had it since they had been taken, stolen from the paradise that they had earned. Denied the companionship they both desired. Forced into this endless hell, the promise of a miraculous reunion stretching further and further from their grasp. And there was nothing they could do but brace themselves and fight on. Fight to erase the pain. Fight to keep the hope of that reunion alive.

A soft sigh escaped from her as she closed her eyes once more, wishing that sleep would come easy again. She knew it wouldn’t, but it did no good to dwell on the futility of it. She had to be strong.

She wouldn’t abandon Nina.

She wouldn’t give Them the satisfaction of knowing her pain.

She wouldn’t degrade herself or do disservice to Ryu by giving up now.

Pulling the thin blanket up higher to try and help keep the tiny girl beside her. “You’ll do great tomorrow, Nina. I know it.”

Whether she really believed it or not, Lin wasn’t sure. Winning was the only way to keep their dreams in sight. There wasn’t even proof that it would matter, but it at least provided the sweet illusion of progress.

As the darkness of sleep once more began to overtake Lin, she prayed silently for dreams of a better time and a better place.

A place far away from the accursed arena and the ones who stole her happy ending.

Writeup Graveyard / Percival (vs Athos)
« on: March 14, 2009, 02:20:26 AM »
A brave knight in shining armor meets an ancient sage. It is a tale as old time, a song as old as rhyme. All that stuff. Of course, very rarely in said story is the brave knight fighting against said sage. It also isn't too common that said knight possesses relatively respectable healing and the ability to shut out all spellcasting. Something that certainly won't make ancient sages very happy. The only chance Athos really has here is if Percival's noble nature prevails and he opts not to strike Athos. Of course, considering the nature of the League? That isn't too likely.

Writeup Graveyard / Thomas (vs Rennac)
« on: March 14, 2009, 01:22:27 AM »
Thomas is always being underestimated by the opposition. While the young master of Lake Castle doesn’t look much like, he is a competent duelist in his own right. Although he lacks the raw damage of many of his rune-bearing comrades, his skill with a sword will be more than enough to keep him afloat in this duel. His nimble strokes will not only allow him to connect with the evasive Rennac, but also help him defend himself from the rogue’s return strikes. More to the point though, Thomas has a strong network of support to help him through the fight. With the residents of Lake Castle, including the young Cecile, backing him up, there is no way for Thomas to lose this match.

Writeup Graveyard / Kornell >, Camus >, Miki >, Hawkeye >
« on: March 14, 2009, 12:58:52 AM »
Kornell > Dehuai

It seems common sense
A giant fist to crush foes
Will beat some geezer

Camus > Lino

Weapon triangle
You really should not trust it
Swords will always win

Miki > Razzely

Oh fair Crono Cross
No one really cares, do they?
Still, good win, Miki

Hawkeye > Big Joe

A bright, shining star
There are some things they can’t beat
An axe to the face

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