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Topics - Yakumo

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« on: December 19, 2007, 03:38:26 AM »
This is to insure that in case the boards delete your writeup/post or that we have downtime, that you can easily access your writeups again. Thanks!

Oh: If there's ever downtime during a sunday evening, contact Super at, go to the Contenders board at Gamefaqs, or jump on IRC.

He can also be reached at DolorousAnschlag on AIM.

Not Ranked Discussion / FAQ: Writing/Editing questions
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:36:22 AM »
Q: How long should a writeup be? What are other writeup standards?

Five to seven long sentences. They should cover the fighter and be a mix of battle and plot information however you see fit. Make sure it's typo free and that you looked it over for grammar and spelling. It doesn't have to be perfect, but it's so much easier on our editors if they only have to correct length and a typo or two instead of matching up.

If the person you're writing for has an opposite writeup up already, check that writeup and try to roughly match for length if possible.

Post them in this format:

Name of the person you're writing for (Vs Name of the person they're fighting against) IE:

Soma Cruz (vs Odio)

Makes it easier to edit and keep track of writeups this way.

Q: How many should I claim?

Start with one or two favorites. If you feel more comfortable, grab them. You can always claim more if you really enjoy writing, but claiming a bunch then being able to only do a few means that other people have to scramble to cover those fights. It's especially troublesome in NR, which has a much weaker draw of games to work with.

Q: Can I write for a person if I don't know their opponent?

Yes, in NR. Due to the aforementioned drawing issues, most everyone has to write for a favorite when they can't vote on the person they're against. In that case peruse the stat topics for information about the other fighters, and ask people who do know. Either PM/IM any of the writers, or come into chat and ask for assistance.

Q: When are writeups due?

Depends on the update. For Weeks 1-4, we don't have a set date. Try to get them all done as quickly as possible, but generally it's fine as long as you do it within a week or so unless almost everything else is ready.

For the other weeks, you'll need to claim and do writeups in less than a day for the arena page. Results page writeups need to be done that night or day. I usually try to update NR with roughly a 20 hour downtime or so. (midnight Sunday to 8pm sunday, Eastern time).

Q: Any standards for content in writeups?

Arena page? Your writeup shouldn't be insulting (IE 'lololol zidane sux and can't win ever') and should generally be a positive writeup in favor of the fighter for whom you are writing. Generally, try to keep it fairly clean in terms of content and swearing as well.

Results page? PG-13 basically. Be as insulting as you want here.

Q: Any tips for results page writing?

Just practice at it. Creative writing's the same as anything else, you get better the more often you do it. Every writeup you do is one less the staff has to cover, and NR in general has issues getting results page writeups. Even if you think you're bad, well, so what? Everyone has to start somewhere.

Q: I want to help edit? What are the standards there?

Correct grammar/spelling/typos. Make sure the information is accurate. If something looks off, ask chat or PM me. Also make sure the writeups are roughly equal in length within a half line of each other or so. (We edit writeups in pairs.)

Q: I've finished the writeup, now what do I do with it?

Make a new topic in this forum and post it there.  One topic per writeup please.

Writeup Graveyard / Zero (vs. Arcana)
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:31:09 AM »
*Stretches* It's good to be back in the NR after being away for so long. Now let's see..... my first opponent is a VP2 Archer? Well, it'd serve as a good enough warmup, I suppose. I don't like to brag, but I've been commented that my enemies "dropped like flies" before me, what more a fragile Archer? Frail as Arcana is, she's gonna have to keep up her healing game, and I don't think that's gonna be able to live through my attacks after 2 Heat Hazes. Doesn't help that I resist statuses with the Force Metal Firewall. Or I could go Hyper Mode and blast her frail body with a bone crushing Calamitous Arts. So many choices, all with the same outcome. Having only lost once to a current NR Godlike, I'm going to get that championship this time around, and anyone who wants to argue with me can answer to my blade.

Writeup Graveyard / Suzu (vs. Don Joaquin)
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:30:30 AM »
Poor Suzu. While the rest of her friends are kicking ass and taking names in the DL proper, the young ninja finds herself stuck in Not Ranked. Well, maybe she'll earn some respect when she wins the Light title that was once held by her friend Mint. In battle, Suzu is fairly straightforward: use her ninja-like speed to run circles around the enemy and stab them with her sword until they stop moving. She can also use Mirror Image to temporarily double her attack power or simply bombard her opponent with powerful attacks like Hell Rush and Omega Storm. And if things get tough, she can always summon her trusty companion Jiraiya to end this match with a flourish. Seriously, can Don Joaquin counter the sheer awesomeness of a giant fire-breathing toad? I think not. This match is firmly in Suzu's control.

Writeup Graveyard / Don Joaquin (vs. Suzu)
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:30:05 AM »
Defenders of Earth...assemble! Yes, that's right: after a long hiatus, the first-ever Defender of Earth makes his triumphant return to the Not Ranked arena, ready to avenge his previous loss and claim a few victories in the name of honor and justice! Sure, he may have kicked the bucket centuries ago, but do you really think a little thing like "death" is going to keep a noble Defender down for long? Hardly. The Don finds himself facing a ninja child in his return match, but she is no real threat. If she tries to damage him with physical attacks, the Don's counters will put a hurting on the less-than-durable little girl. Once she’s been sufficiently weakened, Don Joaquin only has to summon a mighty, gigantic, fiery meteor to fall from the skies and pound her into the ground. Time to show the world what a true Defender is capable of!

Writeup Graveyard / Masaru vs. Roserade (both writeups)
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:29:11 AM »
Masaru's quest to become the strongest in the world brings him to the Not Ranked arena. His first opponent, the Bouquet Pokémon Roserade, plays right into his hands, with its lack of status immunity and poor ability to take physical damage. GSuplex fits the bill perfectly: Strong physical damage and paralysis will quickly put an end to the fight. Should Masaru want to try a different approach, a couple of strikes with Tsuda will cause Roserade's stats to wither away. Should the thorns of this rose Poison him? A quick Taunt will cure him while giving a stat boost. Or he could just avoid contact altogether with a weakness-hitting Alohalight. A first round victory over Roserade will bring Masaru that much closer to his goal, along with a NR Heavy title.

With the arrival of Gen 4, the Rose Pokémon Roselia evolved into the full bouquet known as Roserade. The first opponent for this new evolution? The wrestler Masaru. All he uses is fighting techniques, which run straight into resistance granted by the Poison typing Roserade sports. Grasswhistle or Stun Spore will quickly stop any offense he attempts before it even starts. Should Masaru get an attack to hit? Roserade will simply strike at his horrible IQ score with Giga Drain, dealing heavy damage and keeping Roserade alive at the same time. Masaru has learned many things from his opponents, and after this fight he will learn that every rose does indeed have its thorns, and he will learn just how painful those thorns can be.

Writeup Graveyard / Mint vs. Bahamut (both writeups)
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:27:30 AM »
Bahamut. King of the Dragons. Famous for one thing... Megaflare. Soon to be famous for two things, the other being his humiliating loss to future Global Empress Mint. Aside from her painful ice magic, megalomania, and jump kicks, Mint has just about the perfect answer to Megaflare... invincibility. Whether Bahamut is kind enough to count it down for her or not, Mint will simply shrug Megaflare off while giving Bahamut the beating of his lifetime. If feeling especially boastful, she might try finishing this with an impressive burst of her Fire Heart magic for some dragon flambé. Mint's already tamed one dragon king in Wylaf; another new draconic ally would be just the thing to ensure world domination, baby!

The mighty Bahamut does not grant his support easily. Supplicants must be tested, whether through retrieving rat tails or, better yet, victory in the Dueling Arena. Unfortunately for the orange-haired princess, she doesn't seem likely to earn it. Bahamut's brutal physical attack will force Mint on the defensive immediately, forcing her to blow her MP before Megaflare even enters the picture. And while Mint can reapply her one MP-inefficient trick, there is a crucial lag after her invincibility fades- more than enough time to finish off the Princess. Mint will be "enjoying" the rest of this season from the sidelines, eating pumpkin stew as she watches the eventual Godlike champion rise to his rightful place.

Disclaimer: Basically assuming Bahamut chooses Spira Bahamut for this fight. Haven't played very far in FF12, so it's entirely possible that Ivalice Bahamut has a better argument than Spira Bahamut (especially if FF12 Bahamut has a status attack). I'm fairly certain that Lunarian Bahamut loses (doesn't do much before Megaflare IIRC, despite good durability?), and questionable-legality GF Bahamut loses badly (OHKOed by Mint's fire magic, or alternately invinciblity before the summon goes off every time, and damage is bad compared to twinked FF8 limits).

Writeup Graveyard / Ashley (vs. Marianne)
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:25:06 AM »
He’s faced giant dragons, fearsome ogres, and a whole slew of deluded dark-powered humans. But this week, Ashley Riot will make his long awaited introduction to the NR arena and face his most fearsome and foul enemy yet. Her pinched face speaks of a horrid temper and her squishy body of an excess of gluttony, Marianne may inspire feelings in the normally fearless Riskbreaker that he’s rarely dealt with. Nevertheless, with his ready weapons, a wide variety of magic, and godly skill, Ashley can deal with any enemy that Heavy throws at him. With his defense techs to reduce the damage he techs, and a slew of potent physical and magical attacks, Ashley will conquer all that come before him! No one, not even a hideous Mystic, will stand in his way.

Writeup Graveyard / Marianne (vs. Ashley)
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:24:34 AM »
Finally, the dreaded Marianne can wreak havoc upon her enemies once again. While she may have been overlooked for the DL proper, Marianne is more than ready to prove that her battle skills are unmatched. Her extremely, extremely curvaceous body may not look like its in the best of shape, but as a Mystic, she can call upon the very forces of the earth itself. Her dreaded summoning White Melody will tear the Riskbreaker in two, and if it doesn’t, a Raptured-boosted Present Play should put that Ashley Riot in place. And when he’s down for the count, that’s when Marianne will make her move! This lusty lady loves the fellas, and Agent Riot is a prime target for love. For both the sake of her love life and her pride, Marianne will not lose.

Writeup Graveyard / Fereydoon (vs. Bloodbane)
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:23:45 AM »
A duel between a dragon who, with his master, wishes to cause war and a loyal soldier. Such a match is the dream of any fairy tale character, and the heavily loyal soldier Fereydoon is about to live the dream. Armed with both impressive speed and movement as well as a good arsenal of moves like Stone Bullet, Slice, and his trump card, the almighty and lethal Laser Silhouette, the sentinel is looking to crush all of Godlike this season. Although Bloodbane may look intimidating, it was rejected from the Duelling League proper, so not only is Fereydoon looking to not only slay a fallen-from-ranking dragon, but he's also competing to become ranked himself. It's all on the line in a battle of damage and magical swords (well, one in use and one in a dragon), and, like all the stories, Bloodbane will be just another foiled dragon en route to this soldier's ultimate quest: the championship.

Writeup Graveyard / Bloodbane (vs. Fereydoon)
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:23:12 AM »
His scream pierces the sky, his wings block out the sun, and his claws tear the very earth asunder. The dragon Bloodbane, with the sacred artifact Levantine lodged in his stomach, is someone that no fighter should take lightly. It took a goddess of creation to defeat him, so don’t exactly expect any soldier to just come in off the street and be able to match this dreaded dragon. Fereydoon may have a powerful limit in Laser Silhouette, but Bloodbane can use his bone shattering Sacred Javelin without a charge time right away. And if Fereydoon happens to not kill the dragon in one hit? Then Bloodbane’s Death Sanction will surely pound the Veruni to putty on the spot.

Writeup Graveyard / Mithra (vs. Mohs)
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:22:23 AM »
A dreaded monster for an opponent? Well, the great mage Mithra has faced down many monsters in both his storied life and in his battles with the Lady Silmeria Valkyrie. Maker of the trademarked Mithra’s Water, this spellcaster is as clever and crafty as he is powerful. Sure, Mithra may not be the most damaging of mages, but with his Heal spell, any low damaging enemy will find it nearly impossible to outslug him. And luckily for Mithra, Mohs is one of the least damaging bosses from his game. And even Mithra can even ignore most of Mohs’ dreaded magic defense with Frigid Damsel’s defense ignoring properties. For his Valkyrie’s honor, Mithra will not blanch against evil!

Writeup Graveyard / Baofu (vs. Ciato)
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:21:52 AM »
There are many dreaded mystics in the DL halls, but luckily for Baofu, Ciato is not one of them. Ciato’s may have a razor sharp tongue, but his battle skill doesn’t quite match up. On the other hand, as an experienced cop, Baofu has dealt with a variety of powerful enemies ranging from mafiosos to the soul-devouring monster. With his Prometheus persona, Baofu happens to null dark and holy attacks, and resist physicals and instant death spells. Unfortunately for the mystic, his whole skillset consists of holy, physical, and instant death spells. Of course, the speedier Baofu’s powerful physical Wiseman Snap will spell bad news for the Mystic lackey, taking the fragile man down like a sack of beans.

Writeup Graveyard / Chuck (vs. Dario)
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:21:11 AM »
It’s an ARM battle! Chuck the golem hunter faces off against Dario, the never-do-well lackey. Of course, while Dario is bringing nothing but his gun, Chuck also has the power of the Moon Medium in his hand. While this medium may not be the most powerful one of the bunch, but against the lacking-abilities of Dario, even small advantages will be enough. Of course, even if Dario does find himself to be having some success in the match, Chuck’s unique Damage Up skill will make his already decent physical more potent as he gets closer to death. Besides, the golem hunter isn’t going to let himself be embarrassed with that pesky Fereydoon lurking around the arena.

Writeup Graveyard / Klein (vs. Thanatos)
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:20:24 AM »
It's the first time Klein has ever stepped foot into the Not Ranked Duelling League, and he's keen to make a good first impression. His opponent being a final boss, and him being a main character from their respective games? We all know how that turns out. Thanatos' best attacks are Dark and Lightning elemental, both of which Klein resists greatly. MP draining? Not a problem. Klein's plentiful MP, along with Divine Shield renders Thanatos powerless against him, and his own supply of offense and healing never runs out. Heck, Thanatos being undead and weak to light gives Klein all the more choices, as Heaven Geode is light elemental and only hits undeads. Wonder if he can alchemize something out of a dead last boss?

Writeup Graveyard / Morph Jerme vs. Everdred (both writeups, pre-edited)
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:18:55 AM »
Ah, the DL arena... It has been a long while since one of Nergal's most elite creations graced the arena with the trademark deadliness befitting their rank at his side. And though this man has the look of a jester about him, it would be foolish indeed to underestimate him... Still, there is little to truly be concerned about, for this construct of Nergal's harbors far more power and skill than such a poor, normal man could ever hope to counter. The man's penchant for theft assists none against Morph Jerme, and his opponent's paltry evasion is as nothing against Jerme's accurate strikes. A simple match for this superior warrior.

Hah-HAH! Everdred has arrived to enact his rule of crime upon this tiny little NR villa! And looky here, what do we have? Some young, nebulous little upstart, out to make a name for himself! Well, Everdred'll give him credit for trying to give evil some props, but when you come up against a master of warfare like Everdred, you may as well have already surrendered! Everdred's evade will let him dance around all the runt's knife strokes, and the master thief will simply nab that knife and sell it in Burglin Park! In addition, his hipowered biting attacks have downed many a foe. Indeed, this little Morph Jerme will be no sweat!

Writeup Graveyard / Knight (vs. Rozalin)
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:17:38 AM »
The generic Knight is the epitomy of bravery, strength, and courage; how else are you supposed to fight on the front lines? Rozalin is a rather dismal opponent for this valiant warrior, as her middling damage won't do much against the Knight's high HP. To add insult to injury, the Knight's potent stat breaks can easily and permanently counter the effects of Rozalin's buff. With an Ice Brand and a Black Robe for maximum offensive output, the Knight will leave a mark in the NR Arena.

Writeup Graveyard / Harley (vs. S5 Raven)
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:16:47 AM »
"It's EAT... or be EATEN!" Harley, the poor, raving mad warrior leader of the Svadhisthana tribe, will destroy his opponents in the arena this season, beginning with this poor thing in front of him. While his Fire Magic, the traditional talent of Harvey's demonic form, may not be too effective here, there is little that can be done when a winged zebra demon decides to impale you with a blade-like horn. And Raven's attacks against Harley? Will amount to naught with Harley's great durability. Really, what else can be said? This is the dawn of madness! Of revenge! Of HARLEY!

Writeup Graveyard / Montblanc (vs. Ninjask)
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:15:56 AM »
Marche's happy-go-lucky sidekick and guide to the world of Ivalice is finally getting his chance to compete in the arena...well, the NR arena, but you have to start somewhere. And what better way to start then a win in the arena? The bug P0kemon Ninjask is fast, sure; actually very fast, but that isn't enough when you can't take a magic spell. Any one of Montblanc's varied Black Magic spells will spell doom for the cicada, especially since Firaga, Blizzaga, and Thundaga will all hit a weakness, taking the bug down even faster than the bug can move, and letting the moogle easily waltz into the quarterfinals.

Writeup Graveyard / Soldier (vs. Harken)
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:14:31 AM »
Hmph. This bravo thinks he knows how to fight, mmmm? Well, Soldier's got a bone to pick with that theory, and he won't hesitate to carry it out. His excellent durability will soak up Harken's damage like a sponge, and his Blade Armor shall counter Harken's assault viciously, leaving him no time to recuperate as the Thor Sword pierces his chest, leaving him down for the count. And should Harken attempt to wear him down? Well. The Heal Shield's magics can easily overwhelm that, without question. Really, while his cast may not be famous? The Soldier will teach everyone this vital lesson; don't mess with this group, unless ending up six feet deep in the dirt is the desired result.

Writeup Graveyard / Harken (vs. Soldier)
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:14:00 AM »
Stylishly clad in his green armor with Brave Sword in hand, Harken the Hero appears to prove his mettle against a...generic soldier? Well, okay. Seems like a bit of a waste of a Hero's talents, but who is he to question the choice of his opponent? His lot, much the same as his opponents, is simply to face the foe put before him with all his might. But despite their similarities in position, Harken is no ordinary foot soldier. No, he is an elite warrior, one who bears the mighty Brave Sword which allows him to attack and counter twice as often. And is that not all the advantage one needs in such a straightforward battle of men-at-arms?

Writeup Graveyard / Tibarn (vs. Citrine)
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:13:16 AM »
All hail the mighty king of the skies! Tibarn, the Hawk King of Phoenicis, has finally decided to take wing and leave the huddled masses of Heavy in awe of his regal might and splendor. And what, you may ask, is the first task that the Hawk King shall take upon himself in this tournament? Nothing less then the eradication of the evil that is Xenosaga 3, and all those who hail from it. Such as his first opponent, Citrine. While she might scare some with her accurate status and durability, Tibarn is not impressed. Before her status can effect him, it has to actually land, and with his incredible evasion and Cancel skill, the odds of that just aren't in her favor. Couple that with his punishing counterattacks and doubles, and this stain upon the good name of RPGs will be erased in no time flat.

Writeup Graveyard / A-Tur (vs. Boy)
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:12:17 AM »
Fall to your knees and beg for mercy, puny mortals. A-Tur, mighty henchman of Fou-Lu and first-ever NR Heavy champion, has returned to the field of battle to bring further glory to his master. Though he has been unable to net a victory in Godlike thus far, his luck is about to change. This mere Boy thinks he can challenge a being as powerful as A-Tur? The divine dog's Frost Breath and Magma Blast will put a hurting on this whelp, while a simple casting of Sanctuary will dispel any stat-boosters the Boy tries to use on himself. With Resist to grant himself temporary invincibility and a solid counterattack to rebuff the Boy's physical blows, A-Tur has all the right tools to walk away from this match with the victory. Foolish mortal. 'Tis folly to challenge the gods.

Writeup Graveyard / Boy (vs. A-Tur)
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:11:53 AM »
The movie quoting wonderboy from Secret of Evermore makes his debut to the Not Ranked Godlike arena only to be forced to do battle against something that is near and dear to his heart; a loyal dog. Of course, this isn't HIS loyal dog, but rather A-tur, the draconic canine servant to Fou-lu, who is often considered the greatest Godlike of them all. But as Boy himself knows well, the dog is rarely as scary as the master. With his alchemical concoctions, such as the invincibility granting Barrier, the offense doubling Energize, and lots of potent healing, the powerhouse from Podunk will pound this pooch into powder. Just like the Hulk did to those mutated mutts in that Ang Lee movie!

Writeup Graveyard / Allen (vs. Psyduck)
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:10:11 AM »
After 3 endless games of waiting, Allen’s finally got it all! He got the suave battle form, he got the girl. But something seems to be missing? Oh right, dueling success! Well, luckily for him, he’s in the right place and against the right opponent! Psyduck is known for many things, but mostly for being as big a screwup as Allen used to be. The Vector technician’s handy healing will be more than enough to deal with Psyduck’s damage, and while Allen may be not a powerhouse, he at least has enough firepower to roast this duck to a crisp. A stunning victory and a source of a romantic dinner for two? Allen’s luck really has turned the tide.

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