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Topics - AndrewRogue

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General Chat / The RPGDL CCG, Now with 100% more IMPORTANT POLL
« on: March 10, 2009, 10:27:47 PM »
(Because some trainwrecky ideas are too good not to screw around with)

The Aiel has vanished, leaving behind chaos and a slew of new RPGDL managers in his wake! Of course, unlike the honorable Aiel, these new managers are willing to do whatever it takes to push their agenda... without turning the whole thing into a Trainwreck.

A game normally lasts the span of a Season (five weeks), with the winner being the individual who has accumulated the most Successes at the end of the Season. However, if a player accumulates X Trainwrecks, the game ends immediately and that player loses the game.

Successes are earned by arranging it so your duelists win during the week. The player who controls a winning duelist receives a number of success equal to the difference between their Worth and the Worth of the opposing duelist.

Of course, in the post-Aiel DL, not everything comes down to actual Worth of the duelist. During the week, players will be able to use Votes both as a means to directly inflate the Worth of a duelist, as well as a means to play cards that effect a variety of factors during the week. Thus, it is only through a solid roster of duelists, a clever abuse of voting and plenty of gaming the system that a player will be able so succeed the Aiel.


Basic Game Flow

Update Day (Draw cards, Play Voters, Play Update Events, Activate Update Abilities)
Pools (Select four duelists from your roster and place them on the field)
Week (Vote for duelists, play Week Events, play Attributes, Activate Week Abilities)
Weekend (Determine Winners, Determine Success Values)
Results (Award Successes, Discard Losing Duelists, Return Winning Duelists to the Roster, Play Results Events, Activate Results Abilities, Empty Vote Pool)


Voters and Votes

Votes are the basic resources in the game, and are used to play cards. Votes are generated on Update Day by voters. Each player begins with 10 Generic Voter tokens in play. During Update Day, a player may replace a Generic Voter token or a missing voter slot with a unique Voter Card.

Each Voter provides your pool with a certain number of votes (indicated by their vote weight) at the start of the turn. In general, the Generic Voter tokens provide a Vote Weight of X. Unique Voters will have different Vote Weights, as well as provide various additional abilities throughout the course of the game.


Play Zones

Voter Row: Voters are placed in this row.
Sidelines: Continuous Events and Set Attributes are placed here.
Arena: Duelists are placed here in the Godlike, Heavy, Middle or Light slots, and attributes are placed on the Duelists.
Defeated Duelists: Where discarded duelists go.
Discard: Where discarded cards go.


The Chain

Standard TCG thing. Last In, First Out resolution. Priority alternates, and a phase ends once both players pass priority and there are no cards/effects remaining on the chain.


Improper Divisions

While you cannot normally use a higher division duelist in a lower division match, you can use a lower division duelist in a higher division match. However, this is generally frowned upon and, as such, a duelist. As such, a lower division duelist placed in a higher division slot takes a -2 penalty to their worth


Anatomy of a Duelist
Worker 8 (Duelist’s Name)
FFT (Cast) -- Heavy (Division) – Steel Giant (Classification)
Draw: 4 (Number of votes that can be used in powering the duelist up)
Spoiler (Keyword/Abilities)
Activate, Reduce Worker 8’s Worth by 1 -> Reduce the Worth of any other Duelist by 2
6 (Worth) – Physical (Elemental Affinity)
The FRUE Iron Chef (Flavor Text)

Anatomy of a Voter
Axeman (Name)
Voter – Writer (Card type)
Vote Weight: 1 (Number of votes provided)
Results: Activate and Discard an Axe in play -> Your opponent scores no Successes for a victory of your choice. (Abilities)
It’s hard to argue with an axe to the face. (Flavor Text)

Anatomy of an Event
Suiko Scrub Flood (Name)
Ability – Week (Card type)
Vote Cost: 4 (Votes you need to spend to use)
Trainwreck: 1 (Abilities/Bonuses)
Continuous: If you have 4 Suikoden duelists with Worth of 1 or less as duelists, all Suikoden duelists with Worth 1 or less get a +3 bonus to their Worth. (Abilities/Bonuses)

Anatomy of an Attribute
Universal Status Blocker (Name)
Attribute – Equipment (Card Type)
Vote Cost: 5 (Cost)
Clear off all opposing effects on the duelist. They cannot be effected by opposing effects. (Abilities/Effects)


Dueling, Revisited

The season begins with Nom Pools. You select four duelists from your roster and place one each, facedown, in the Godlike, Heavy, Middle and Light slots. Thos chosen duelists are normally one each of a Godlike, Heavy, Middle and Light, but you can substitute a higher division duelist for a lower division duelist in both selection and placing.

Once the four duelists are in place, the season begins.

At the start of the season, all four duelists are revealed and the week begins. Determine who has first priority by rolling off. The winner may choose who starts with priority.

During the week, players alternate week actions. The Week ends once both players pass priority, and Weekend Procedures begin. During the week, you may take the following actions.

-Voting: You may spend a number of votes to modify the Worth of a duelist. You may vote for a given duelist multiple times during the week, but you may not spend more votes on a duelist than their Draw.

-Play Attributes: You may fulfill various conditions to play attributes. These cards attach directly to duelists, and provide them with bonuses/additional abilities.

-Play Week Events: You may expend votes to play Week Events. These cards modify play conditions.

-Activate Week Abilities: You may activate cards in play to use their Week Abilities. These abilities perform a variety of functions.

-Pass: You may elect to do nothing and pass priority to the opposing player. If both players pass in succession, the Week ends.

Once the week ends, the Weekend phase begins. First, determine which duelist won each duel by comparing their modified Worth values, starting with Godlike and working your way down to light. The winning duelist is the one with the highest Worth. In the event of a tie, the match enters Sudden Death.

Once the winner of each duel is determined, the Result phase begins. Each player scores a number of Successes equal to the amount each of their duelists won by. If a duelist loses to a duelist two divisions lower or with half the Draw (rounded down), then that player suffers a Trainwreck.

(Implementing the playing/use of Result Events/Result Abilities)

A losing duelist is discarded and winning duelists are returned to the Roster. Any Attributes attached a winning duelist are moved to the sidelines and may be reattached to that duelist if they are revealed again. Any Attributes attached to a losing duelist are discarded.


Deck Compositions

Nom Pool: Composed of 20 Duelists, each one different. An average Nom Pool consists of 5 duelists from division (Godlike, Heavy, Middle, Light). Higher division duelists can be replaced by lower division duelists in the Nom Pool (for example, you could run with 10 Heavy, 5 Middle, 5 Light), but not vice versa. At a very basic level, this means you will always have a maximum of 5 Godlikes and a minimum of 5 Lights. Only one duelist of each name may be used, but duelists with name variants (Ryu1 and Ryu2, for example) may be used together.

Season Deck: Composed of a 40 card minimum, with four copies of any given card max.


Turn Order

Many of the actions in the RPGDL TCG occur simultaneously, and cannot be interrupted by cards or abilities. Once the simultaneous actions are concluded, players roll off to determine starting priority for that phase. The winner of the roll chooses which player has first priority.



In addition to unique abilities, many duelists have keywords that grant specific abilities that apply to a large number of duelists. These keywords are used as short hand to denote certain common abilities.


Alternate Game Goal Concept

(Thanks Sopko) Play until one player runs out of duelists for that division. The player who runs out first loses the division and the opponent gains Championship points equal to that division. The player with the most Championship points once four champions have been crowned is the winner.

Point distribution: 5 Godlike/5 Heavy/4 Middle/3 Light


Design themes

Off-hand, I’m aiming at two major victory conditions to begin with. Victory condition one is the default victory condition (either getting successes or the most champion points, pending what I settle on).

Victory condition two will involve causing enough trainwrecks that your opponent loses the game.

Duelist design will be systematic and try to keep certain casts as thematic. For example, Suikoden ½ Duelists would tend to provide bonuses to other Suikoden Duelists, Final Fantasy 7 Duelists would have high vote draws, etc. Each won’t always play directly to the cast theme, but having enough structure to allow thematic builds, while providing plenty of great interactions with other games, is the ideal goal.

I do want cards that interact with specific casts/duelists/etc, but in general, they should either be kept to a minimum or as broad as possible. This isn’t to say more narrow/janky cards won’t exist, but hey.

A major goal will also to be push boundaries without making anything overly broken. While snapped things can be fun, balancing a game around them =/= good plan.

Unranked Games / The Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition Stat Topic V0.5
« on: February 13, 2009, 12:41:56 AM »
The entire topic will now be on the wiki due to layouts and length and what have you. You can find the top page here:

You will also be able to find various casts there. Currently available!

Original Entreth:

Writeup Graveyard / Lin (vs Jack)
« on: February 07, 2009, 12:51:54 AM »
Hey, hey! Lin offers Greetings to the crowd before her next match, against none other than Jack van Burace. How's That! Not good, given that Lin is Too Slow! for her deadly sword-slinging opponent. Really, she might as well Drop Dead! Kidding! Even if Lin doesn't have the fastest draw in the west, she is tough enough to take a couple hits and Keep At It! Her status gear will let her stay right There! in the ring, and Shatter! is A present that a melee combatant like Jack will want absolutely nothing to do with. Go On! and watch as all of Jack's dreams Blow Up! right before his eyes!

Writeup Graveyard / Ghaleon > Claude
« on: January 31, 2009, 02:06:30 AM »
He may have stayed in a dorm
And might consider lasers the norm,
But it should be known
That Claude still can't take a single Fate Storm

Writeup Graveyard / Rozalin > Tao
« on: January 31, 2009, 01:54:30 AM »
Rozalin is red,
And Tao is dead,
About this fight,
Nothing more needs be said.

Writeup Graveyard / Titania > Kazin
« on: January 31, 2009, 01:52:01 AM »
Kazin is a mage, very strong and rarely blue.
Titania a knight, both honorable and true.
I must say, after Kazin's loss?
I have no choice but to pity the foo'.

Writeup Graveyard / Id > Momo
« on: January 31, 2009, 01:45:28 AM »
Although there are those who go
And say that the id is inferior to the super ego
I think it goes without saying
That Id still smacks around any kind of Momo

Writeup Graveyard / Yukari (vs Taya)
« on: January 31, 2009, 01:02:09 AM »
Battling against powerful monsters has been an important part of Yukari’s highschool experience. Indeed, the young woman has proven herself repeatedly. Through triumph and tragedy, Yukari has distinguished herself as a phenomenal healer and a competent mage. Even when faced with the end of the world, she decided to fight on against all odds with her friends. Mage, healer, student… more than anyone in the DL, Yukari has proven herself exceptional. Especially compared to some downgraded loser. Seriously, this Taya is nothing compared to Yukari’s precious opponents. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean she’s gonna hold back. Pelting the summoner with deadly wind attacks and supporting herself with heals? Easy as pie. Really, this fight is gonna be easier than her last midterm.

Unranked Games / Arkham Horror Great Old One Stat Topic
« on: January 22, 2009, 01:22:12 AM »
Arkham Horror Stat Topic- Great Old Ones

Welcome to Arkham.

This topic details the performance of the various great old ones. Please not that these are relative approximations, given that the course of the game can greatly modify the difficulty of the battle against the Great Old One. I’ve had games where the party absolutely crushes the GOO beneath the weight of superior equipment and lucky rolls, and games where the party is absolutely blown away because they had bad luck during the game or just didn’t get the chance to enact any sort of plan.

Due to the nature of the final battles (and due to wanting to save time currently), general stat averages will be the median between the lowest possible result and the highest possible result from the use of a weapon and base stats (discounting immunities/resistances, since those speak for themselves in the DL). This likely skews things in favor of the GOO, but hey, that’s the nature of the game.

This currently only takes into account the base game and ignores expansions.

All numbers assume only one PC fighting, as the GOO’s scale up to account for additional combatants.


Attack Penalty: The penalty to the number of dice rolled against the Great Old One when attacking.
Doom Track: The length of the Great Old One’s Doom Track. This represents the number of successful hits the GOO can take against one PC.
Investigator Attack: The relevant values for an average investigator attacking with either a physical or a magical attack. Base Fight will be used if the GOO has an immunity.
GOO Attack: The Great Old One’s Attack.
Damage to Investigator: A turn by turn breakdown of the damage an investigator takes.

Physical/Magical Resistance: Bonuses from those sources only count for half as many dice.
Physical/Magical Immunity: Bonuses from those sources aren’t counted.


Stat checks and combat are resolved by rolling d6s. You roll a number of dice equal to your base stat plus all relevant modifiers minus all relevant penalties. A roll of 5 or 6 is a success, and all other rolls are failures. Any single roll has about a 34% chance of success, thus three dice are essentially equal to one success.


Health/Sanity: If either stat is reduced to 0 during a battle with a GOO, the investigator is immediately devoured. While health speaks for itself, Sanity is a little tougher. For general purposes, Sanity simply serves as a secondary sort of health. Additionally, many spells require you to spend Sanity to cast them, making it into a pseudo-MP as well. Take this as you will.

Physical/Magical Resistance/Immunity: Given that these reduce the number of dice rolled against the GOO, it is possible to consider this a sort of evasion instead of defense/damage reduction. Generally speaking though, the latter more accurately conveys the abilities better. It is also worth noting that basic Fight value is not reduced by Resistance/Immunity. Of course, attack penalties will further negate that (possibly making it impossible to damage the GOO), but it is worth noting.

Doom Track/Speed: Outside of the Epic Battles variant (which will be covered in another post), the GOO’s go after the investigators. For those who want a little more accuracy for speed guessing, the Doom Track best serves the purpose. Smaller Doom Track lets the GOO wake up sooner, giving the party less time to prepare. Larger Doom Track delays the awakening, giving the party more time to prepare.

Upkeep: Before each round of attacking, investigators are given the opportunity to ready used equipment, adjust their stats, etc. Take this as you will.

Item Based Damage: Several GOO deal damage to consumables that the investigators acquire during the game. I have listed the assumed average number that an investigator will have. Take this as you will.

Stamina: 5
Sanity: 5
Move: 3
Sneak: 3
Physical Fight: 6
Magical Fight: 8
Base Fight: 3
Will: 3
Lore: 3
Luck: 3


Attack Penalty: Infinite
Resistances: None
Doom Track: 14
Investigator Attack-
Physical: No damage.
Magical: No damage.
GOO Attack: The end is here! Azathoth destroys the world (all investigators are immediately devoured and the game ends).
Damage to Investigator-
Turn 0: All investigators are devoured.

Ranking: Unquestionable Bluelike and then some. As soon as the combat against him starts, it is an instant game over for the players. There is no chance to beat him, at all. In standard RPG terms, he essentially has initiative Game Over.


Attack Penalty: -3
Resistances: None
Doom Track: 10
Investigator Attack-
Physical: 3 Dice (1 damage) per turn.
Magical: 5 Dice (~1.66 damage) per turn.
GOO Attack: Each investigator must pass a Speed (+1) check or lose 1 Sanity and 1 Stamina. This check’s modifier decreases by 1 each turn (+0 the 2nd turn, -1 the 3rd turn, etc)
Damage to Investigator-
Turn 1: (4 Dice) 0
Turn 2: (3 Dice) 0
Turn 3: (2 Dice) 1 Sanity and 1 Stamina
Turn 4: (1 Dice) 0
Turn 5+: (0 Dice) 1 Sanity and 1 Stamina

Ranking: Ranking


Attack Penalty: -5
Resistances: Magical Immunity
Doom Track: 12
Investigator Attack-
Physical: 1 Die (~0.34 damage) per turn.
Base Fight: 0 Dice (0 Damage) per turn.
Attack: Each investigator must pass a Will (+1) check or lose 1 gate trophy. An investigator with no gate trophies left is devoured. This check’s modifier decreases by 1 each turn (+0 the 2nd turn, -1 the 3rd turn, etc)
Damage to Investigator-
An investigator will have approximately 1.8 gate trophies at this point.
Turn 1: (4 Dice) 0
Turn 2: (3 Dice) 0
Turn 3: (2 Dice) 1 Gate Trophy
Turn 4: (1 Dice) 0
Turn 5+: (0 Dice) 1 Gate Trophy

Ranking: Ranking


Attack Penalty: -X where X is equal to the current Terror Level. Median Terror Level is 5.
Resistances: Physical Resistance
Doom Track: 13
Investigator Attack-
Physical: 0 Dice (0 Damage) per turn.
Magical: 3 Dice (1 Damage) per turn.
GOO Attack: Each investigator must pass a Luck (+1) check or lose 2 Sanity. This check’s modifier decreases by 1 each turn (+0 the 2nd turn, -1 the 3rd turn, etc)
Damage to Investigator-
Turn 1: (4 Dice) 0
Turn 2: (3 Dice) 0
Turn 3: (2 Dice) 2 Sanity
Turn 4: (1 Dice) 0
Turn 5+: (0 Dice) 2 Sanity

Ranking: Ranking


Attack Penalty: -5
Resistances: Physical Immunity
Doom Track: 12
Investigator Attack-
Magical: 3 Dice (1 Damage) per turn.
Base Fight: 0 Dice (0 Damage) per turn.
GOO Attack: Each investigator must pass a Sneak (+1) check or lose 1 monster trophy. Any investigator with no monster trophies left is devoured. This check’s modifier decreases by 1 each turn (+0 the 2nd turn, -1 the 3rd turn, etc)
Damage to Investigator-
Each investigator will approximately 3.6 monster trophies at this point.
Turn 1: (4 Dice) 0
Turn 2: (3 Dice) 0
Turn 3: (2 Dice) 1 Monster Trophy
Turn 4: (1 Dice) 0
Turn 5+: (0 Dice) 1 Monster Trophy

Ranking: Ranking


Attack Penalty: -3
Resistances: None
Doom Track: 11
Investigator Attack-
Physical: 3 Dice (1 damage) per turn.
Magical: 5 Dice (~1.66 damage) per turn.
GOO Attack: At the start of battle, investigators must roll a die for every item they have, discarding the item on a failure. Each investigator must pass a Fight (+1) check or lose 2 Stamina. This check’s modifier decreases by 1 each turn (+0 the 2nd turn, -1 the 3rd turn, etc)
Damage to Investigator-
Turn 0: ~66% chance for each piece of equipment that it will be destroyed.
Turn 1: (4 Dice) 0
Turn 2: (3 Dice) 0
Turn 3: (2 Dice) 2 Stamina
Turn 4: (1 Dice) 0
Turn 5+: (0 Dice) 2 Stamina

Ranking: Ranking


Attack Penalty: -6
Resistances: None
Doom Track: 13
Investigator Attack-
Physical: 0 Dice (0 Damage) per turn.
Magical: 2 Dice (~0.66 Damage) per turn.
GOO Attack: Every investigator has their max Sanity and max Stamina reduced by 1 at the start of the battle. At the start of their turn, each investigator lowers his max Sanity or max Stamina by 1 (their choice). After Cthulu attacks, if his Doom Track is not full, he restores one doom token.
Damage to Investigator-
Turn 0: -1 to max Sanity and Stamina
Turn 1+: -1 to max Sanity or Stamina

Ranking: Ranking


Attack Penalty: -4
Resistances: Magical Resistance
Doom Track: 11
Investigator Attack-
Physical: 2 Dice (~0.66 damage) per turn.
Magical: 1 Die (~0.34 damage) per turn.
GOO Attack: Each investigator must pass a Lore (+1) check or lose 1 Clue token. An investigator with no Clue tokens left is devoured. This check’s modifier decreases by 1 each turn (+0 the 2nd turn, -1 the 3rd turn, etc)
Damage to Investigator-
Each investigator will have approximately 11 clue tokes at this point.
Turn 1: (4 Dice) 0
Turn 2: (3 Dice) 0
Turn 3: (2 Dice) 1 Clue Token
Turn 4: (1 Dice) 0
Turn 5+: (0 Dice) 1 Clue Token

Ranking: Ranking

I was wondering if any of the folks from EU countries could do a favor? Friend of mine is interested in playing Chronicles of the Spellbound, which apparently checks IPs on account creation (and possibly during play?). So, was curious if anyone here was familiar with it, would be able to make an account or possibly find out more for us?

Thanks in advance.

Writeup Graveyard / Cupid (vs White Mage)
« on: November 29, 2008, 08:33:50 AM »
Who’s a good little gargantua? Oh who’s a snuggly-wuggly little gargantua? Oncotte is! Awww! And who’s gonna help me fight this silly little mage? Who’s the snuggly little gargantua that’s going to help me? You are! Awww! That’s right! You’re going to make that bad little White Mage hurt, aren’t you? Aren’t you? Who’s my favorite pet? Oh yes, its you! You going to bite and tear their fragile bodies while their pitiful status fail against me, oh, are you Oncotte? That’s right! You will! And when they try to break my Absolute Defense with their weak attacks? That’s right! You’ll sneak up right behind them and chomp! Oh you’re such a good little pet! You want a dragon treat? You want one? Yeah? Sit… sit! GOOD BOY! Don’t fill up on treats now, I don’t want you getting fat before our run! You need to be fit and healthy for our championship!

Writeup Graveyard / Imoen (vs Chelsea)
« on: September 26, 2008, 05:53:06 AM »
Heya! Imoen is back in the DL and ready rock. Given that her opponent is just a child, she should succeed pretty simply. A mix of Mirror Image and Mislead to mess with Chelsea's melee attacks, a helping of Haste to keep her space (and speed up her own strikes) and a weaving of Web to tie her waif-ish opponent down (and no doubt fuel many a foul fetish) guarantee a swift surrender. If not, she always has her allotment of Acid Arrows and a whole mess of Magic Missiles...

Forum Games / World of Warcraft Mafia - Main Topic
« on: February 05, 2008, 02:31:53 AM »
Welcome to Azeroth! Or, more appropriately, welcome to the World of Warcraft message boards.

See, the thing is, the developers? Most of them have gotten tired of all the bitching, the moaning and the QQing about class balance. Since apparently all the players think they can do SOOOOOO much better, they've decided to turn the matter over to them. Indeed, they picked out a bunch of lucky(?) players and basically dropped all the class notes in their lap and told them that they could sort out class balance. The real class devs were going to take a break and get the hell out of town.

Well. Most of them. See, some of the devs have pet classes and they really aren't content to let you all, the brain-dead, mouth breathing players that make up the WoW fanbase, have any say over their pet classes. So, with some clever negotiations, a lot of begging and a few bribes, they managed to sneak themselves in with the rest of the players. They weren't going to let their classes get ruined, no matter what it took.

Of course, the debates raged long and hard as to how the classes could be balanced. For the most part, it was just nerdy argumentation, shouting and occasionally breaking for pizza. That was, right up until the lucky player who had been in charge of the upcoming Death Knight class dropped dead. Turns out his drink had been poisoned. Apparently, somebody had taken his nerf cries very personally.

Somewhere, in the small crowd, the sneaky devs smiled internally. They would make their classes come out on top... even if it meant losing a few of their 10 million subscribers.

With the doors locked and the entire office out for the weekend, the arguments were really heating up. After all, it wasn't just about class balance now. It was about survival. If you, the players, can't ferret who the crazed devs are... well, suffice to say, you won't be very concerned about Patch 2.4.

WoW. It is serious business.


Rules! Please follow them or you'll be banned!

- No editing your posts.
- No talking outside the thread unless your role specifically states that you may.
- No posting during game nights.
- No spectator posts with content.
- Do not directly quote your role PM or conversations with the mod. Paraphrase is okay. Check with me before posting if you're unsure.
- There may or may not be third parties with separate win conditions from the town/mafia.
- There are no players or parties that would cause the game to end Day 1 or Night 1.
- Don't try to cheat or break the game in any way. Use common sense.
- PLAY TO WIN. Failure to at least put in an effort ruins the game for everyone else. Playing poorly is fine, and to an extent expected, but sabotaging your side deliberately or through massive apathy will get you modkilled.
- Please try to at least post a paragraph or two of useful content every 24 hours or so.
- You do not need to post "in character" or do anything special regarding flavor. If you want to, it's fine, but it may complicate the game or accidentally give away your role, which is generally bad.
- Individual players may have "hidden" abilities that were not included in their role PM, but can be revealed by certain events happening in the game. Additionally, there may or may not be 'scripted sequences' of events that may change the rules of the game or do other things if certain events happen.


Class Representatives Still Kicking

1. Smodge13
2. EvilTom
3. Carthrat
4. Corwin
5. QR
6. Alex
7. Lady Door

The Ganked

1. Strago (TOWN): Even Deathcoil could not save him...
2. Ciato (TOWN DOCTOR): Apparently, free Ice Block wasn't that OPed...
3. QR (TOWN COP): I guess Vanish is broken...
4. Carthrat (TOWN): Go go Bubble-hearth?


Day 1 Ends in approximately 24 hours, at 6:30 PST.

Forum Games / (World of) Warcraft Mafia, early sign-ups
« on: January 28, 2008, 07:10:48 AM »
Yes, perhaps a bit early for sign-ups, but I want some time to weigh my options on game structure pending the number of players who want in. Looking for minimum of nine players and maximum of fifteen, but we'll see how it scales in the end. So yeah, express interest here, bearing in mind this will be anything from a bastard game to a C9 game to a role-less game, pending interest.

So yeah, toss down your interest as well as what kind of game you'd like to see!

Edit: Forgot maximum. I'm so clever.

1. Smodge13
2. EvilTom
3. Ciato
4. Carthrat
5. Corwin
6. QR
7. Alex
8. Strago?
9. Lady Door

C9: 5
Whatever: 3

Writeup Graveyard / Mouse vs Vexacion (both sides)
« on: December 22, 2007, 09:09:06 AM »
A musician? A MUSICIAN? That is Vexacion’s next opponent? Ridiculous! Absolutely ridiculous! One of the regents! A legendary swordsman! A dragonslayer! And he is being forced to fight some guitar strumming moron who fancies himself a thief? There is no doubt that Vexacion won’t take this insult laying down, entering into the fight with the intent to kill… something he won’t have trouble doing thanks to the devastating power of his trademark Quint Wake attack! Even if Mouse somehow manages to survives it, the young bard will have trouble besting the swordsman through his Absolute Defense…

People always seem to focus on the idea that Mouse is a bard. Not a world-renowned thief. Not a powerful warrior who can adapt the techniques of his allies to his own means. Nope, the focus on the fact that he’s a bard with a talking guitar. As part of the Golden Three, however, he’s not going to let this stand, and as such, he’s entered into the DL against Vexacion. While the swordsman may be powerful in his own variety, Mouse has the advantage in versatility, being capable of everything to massive damage, to incredible speed, to stat buffing, to status, to parasitic healing… there’s really nothing he can’t do.

Writeup Graveyard / Korgan (vs Dylan)
« on: December 22, 2007, 08:27:29 AM »
Dylan thinks that Korgan is a traitor? Sure, he may be evil as all hell. Sure, he might use puppies to test his axe swings. Sure, he smacks whiners about and uses his muscle to make sure things go just the way he wants. Sure, he’d probably kill you just as soon as he’d look at you. But he’s no traitor. It’s just that his loyalties lie in his coin pouch and the gold inside it. And anyone who is paying him to do something. And his axe. Definitely his axe. Which means, of course, he’s going to show Dylan what happens to those who doubt his loyalty, by planting his axe straight in the swordsman’s face. That’s it. No fancy moves. Just using his durability and his muscle to walk up and remind Dyland that NOTHING beats an axe to the face.

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