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Messages - Cotigo

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General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: November 16, 2016, 01:15:49 AM »
We could repurpose the RK thread into a general smart phone gaming thread?

I live there now and I say no go away

Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: November 14, 2016, 10:41:47 AM »
This day in "self proclaimed liberals yell at people (mostly millenials)":

I realize this guy is a satirist but this is mostly a useful video to watch for it's rhetoric: He proved that yelling and insulting people to change their minds doesn't work by yelling and insulting people, and I didn't change my mind. If that was on purpose it's actually quite brilliant. However, given that it seems like the rest of his work is the same damn shit, I'm pretty sure that was by accident.

Drawing attention to what is actually being said, this guy is an enormous fucking tosser. No, sorry, all opinions are NOT valid, and while he is right that yelling at people won't change their minds, L O fucking L at changing assholes like Mike Pence's minds about shit like gay conversion therapy.

Heck, discussion barely got people on this forum to agree on the results of fictional character fights. Then a few rambling sentences later he tells people to "fuck off to their safe spaces" and lost all credibility.  Also turns out he works for RT, which normally doesn't factor into my opinions but he has so much else going against him that it's like a shit-flavored icing on a bollocks cake. NEXT!

This one's actually a fairly solid article, and would have been a lot better without the condescension toward millenials that makes him come off as a crusty old fuck from the era of politics where liberals actually couldn't get anything done (post-CRA) and begs the question of "Why should we listen to him?" He also falls into the trap that most people trying to tell themselves everything will be OK do: saying "we've been here before, the Republic will survive." Fuck off, mate. Sure, the nation survived Reagan. The hundreds of thousands of AIDS victims did not.  I think that's what bugs me most about this article, and most others like it (all, I'll note, from old white men): Politics does not happen in a vacuum, and the results of this and every election have real impacts on marginalized peoples and ...

no actually don't read that article, the more I talk about it the more garbage it becomes. I probably should have put these two articles in IotD.

Glenn Greenwald made the same point but better:

Less to say on this because it didn't make me want to punch a Boomer. It is a good thing for us to keep in mind the next time the presidency flips, whenever that happens, and we're all guilty of it. Conservatives are guilty of letting it happen during the Bush years, and us liberals are guilty for letting it continue under Obama.

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: November 14, 2016, 02:18:09 AM »
no not papalymo, Shantoto. For some rason I couldn't remember it when I posted earlier

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: November 13, 2016, 01:27:21 PM »
Pulled on the FFXI banner, got P... Pap.... Momotaro? uh, whoever, point is I got another Stackable Faithga (MAG+Mdef)

This makes... three ATK+MAG SBs (OK, Celes, and the liberty staff, all 1.3x), one MAG+Mind BSB on Selphie, and a kinda crappy (1.1x) pure faithga on Vincent. Alternately, I could RW Sheepsong or Hastemarch and get another 1.3x. Or, just use Faith or Mana's Praen (though if I'm bringing a Bard Allegro Con Moto would be strictly better).

Unless I'm doing the math wrong or misremembering mults that's a potential ~185% MAG increase.

Silly. Absurdly silly.

In other news, I decided that since I had a 50% Max HP Medica, Faistboothga, and decent damage BSB on OK, OK, and Luneth, I was gonna do the CM for U+ Xande.

At first I misread the Japanese and thought he was weak to Dark, but it turns out that's just the only element he doesn't resist, so my first runs through with Cloud of Darkness egged to L80 fell flat. I swapped her out with Refia, but was still having trouble since relying on OK to heal everyone, deal damage, and keep everyone boostga'd, but couldn't build his SB gauge fast enough to do it all. Eventually I realized that Xande always spent the first two turns buffing himself, so I could build SB Gauges using hit and run tactics. Final Setup was:

Onion Knight (Curaja, Full Break), Battleforged, set up with Terra's sword to effectively do both physical and magic damage
Luneth (Dark Bargain, Indoor Spell), Ace Striker
Ignus (Banish Raid, Magic Breakdown)
Refia (Punishing Palm, Full Charge)
Arc (Ultra heal, Maraise), shared Cura-level Medica SB, Dualcast White

Ultimate Meteo, which either unlocks at an HP trigger or after a certain amount of time, whichever comes first, is ITD and basically ended every single unsuccessful attempt. That said, I still needed wall to help with everything else he did. That's part of why I resorted to building up SB gauge, so I could ensure that OK had enough to cast his BSB at the start, refresh it before the HP trigger, and have two more bars available to use his Chain Magic BSB command into his healing spell. I did eventually win, but it was a full two hours of S/Ling because I got ganked by two meteos in a row. It also helped having Arc at two bars to start, so he could cast Shell and immediately use his shared Cura SB when U Meteo unlocks.

Beating it makes me pretty glad I didn't do a pull on the 3 banners in the name of making the realm CM-able. I don't think I could pull off Arhiman's Mote Dungeon's CM yet unless Arhiman is hard coded to not attack for two round, but I may give it a shot.

I don't have anything to say, besides hear fucking hear.

Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: November 09, 2016, 06:28:58 AM »
Fenrir's got a good point, though: there is a certain strain of young(ish) white male Trump supporter that you'll see in various other places of the internet: alt-right, antisocial types who would typically describe themselves by such labels as "anti-SJW" and spout conspiracy theories. However, the DL has always seemed to specifically reject that type, even moreso than our general left-wing bias would suggest (our more right-wing posters don't fit that description at all, e.g. Hal, Dune, ID).

Have I ever mentioned how grateful I am for that? Keep on keeping on, DL.

you know i have to agree with this

despite all the shit i talk about you guys I never get unreasonably angry at y'all's opinions {edit: lol, I realized it as soon as I posted it)

all things said and done, members of the DL have a pretty good track record for basing their opinions on the facts as they understand them.

anyway I am just listening to this on repeat right now b/c i need a voice not my own echoing that back at me while I play minecraft for the first time in five years and pretend that things don't exist.

General Chat / Re: Late 2016 polling!
« on: November 07, 2016, 12:26:12 AM »
1. Election's on Tuesday for us Americans. We all are sick to death of the national election, so: are there any big local issues on your ballot? How are you planning to vote?

Big one is the Albuquerque Rapid Transit construction project. I won't get too into the details yet mostly because what's up on the ballot is whether to leave the project up for a city-wide vote or not. I voted to have the vote, and need to do more research on the effects of the project before that comes up.

2. What is your theme for 2016?
can this fucking dumpster fire of a year end already

3. What's your highlight of 2016? Lowlight?
Coming home is a highlight, but the two months of moving leading up to it are definitely the low point.

EDIT: OH, and my dad's cancer came back and he's doing another round of chemo, but that's kinda been a constant low broil of bullshit since 2015, so.

4. Think back to where you where five years ago. Did you expect to end up where you are now? Are you happy where your life has gone? (For those that posted in it five years ago, and see if you met those goals)

Well, I didn't expect that I would be back in the US, but otherwise yeah the last five years were fruitful.

5. End of year is coming up soon! Got any plans for the holidays?
Hopefully be working by then. -_-

6. Anything you are looking forward to in 2017 already?
hahaha looking forward to things

7. You can have one item/possession of your choice within reason (Up to 100 dolars say). What would it be?
Eh, a dog of my own (current dog in the house is my sister's) I suppose, but that's more a matter of when I get a job and have income again than anything else.

8. Has your favorite sports team won a championship in your lifetime? (NA if you don't care for pro sports)

9. How often do you see movies in the theater?

10. Do you go to parks often? Are they local or ones more out in nature?
There's a park about a block from my sister's house. I take the dog there. I am an exciting man.

11. Any big purchases that you are considering? How big is it if so?
Waiting on a substantial amount of money from the Japanese government, then I really need to buy a car that isn't going to fall apart on me if I go over 55 mph.

12. How important is your job/career to you? Is it something you'd be happy at long term if you stuck around it for another five years?
Definitely switching out of teaching. Unclear of what I want to be doing but it definitely isn't that.

13. What's the last time you were really surprised (In a good way) by a Christmas gift?
Eh, we kinda stopped doing gifts and stuff around when I was in college. So probably back then.

14. Most embarrassing thing (That you're willing to tell) that happened to you in 2016?
I went solo sea kayaking in Thailand and the tide moored me on the rocks. I struggled for about a half hour before one of the locals came and got me out. For the rest of my trip I had painful open wounds on the bottoms of my feet and in hindsight it's kind of a wonder I didn't get a nasty infection or something from it.

15. Current favorite outfit?
my halloween costume came out pretty good. I should get pictures of it soon

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: November 05, 2016, 11:37:39 AM »
lol literally the day after I make those posts the FF3 event introduces dread Heal, which is basically Chain Drainga. Should help with FF5, FF7, and FF13 CMs, at least. (I don't think I have any SSBs for any of the other mage 5* Darkness characters, at least. I may have one if I pull on the FF3 Cloud of Darkness banner, which is a possibility. I'm not sure even with OK and Luneth's BSBs and OK's healing SSB I'll be able to pull off CMs in that realm yet).

FF9 U++ CM mastered. The boss was weak to Fire, and I have Vivi's BSB. Do the math.

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: November 03, 2016, 02:59:38 PM »
fucking duh

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: November 03, 2016, 02:00:13 PM »
Eh, yeah I thought about that especially since I...

oh shit i didn't brag about this

SO I failed to stop pulling on FF6 banners and got Celes' BSB (my 4th Boothga), Mog's Earth Bell, and Kefka's Quickcast SSB. Soooo yeah definitely a valid reason to be looking into those 5* spellblades.

Hey, come to think of it I don't have another viable water 5* skill (sapphire shot doesn't count), so I may as well pump that up.

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: November 03, 2016, 08:55:02 AM »
Welp, now that we have a summon orb dungeon I'm basically working towards farming for R4 Bahamut and then R4 Ultima Weapon. All of my mages with great SBs except for Vivi can use Summon 5 as well, so yeah. I'll probably get rid of some of my 4* summons (Maduin) in order to speed up the process.

Looking at my skillset, I've got good 2+ hit alternatives to most of the chain series except ChBlizzaga, so I'm probably done farming Black orbs for the forseeable future. Especially once I get my last two Black Crystals and get to R2 Meltdown, there's no real reason Chain Firaga or Chain Stonega should ever see the light of day. In other schools, I have Bio Grenade for hitting mastery rewards and Mustadio shows up a lot in battles where I want to stack breakdowns, so Chain Bioga isn't very useful, and I have Ixion at R5 and the Dragoon 5* 4x Thunder Jump and a few useful units with 5* Dragoon (namely, Luneth, though Kimarhi is a mainstay of my FFX CM team), so no reason to hone Chain Thundaga. That said, I still need power orbs pretty badly so I suppose I'll keep farming on Tuesdays, too. I guess I can use the black orbs for an eventual R5 Chain Blizzaga?

I imagine the disclaimer at the bottom of the link has more to do with the opinion than anything else.

The nail.

It's head has been hit.

That said, I'm also advocating for placing blame on the actual leadership of the company instead of the low-level employees that are just cogs in the machine, which it seems like is pretty in line with what Andrew is talking about, in hindsight.

Is this a good time to bring up my hatred of "they" when referring to companies?

Like, so much blame to everyone at the company when, realistically, barely any of them had any power to do anything about the final product or the promises made or whatever.

Well, while I agree with you in this specific case and with most companies with only a handful of employees, you yourself just explained WHY the pronoun "They" to refer to companies is more appropriate than calling out individual employees. Yes, no one person or group of persons* is probably directly responsible for the quality of the product or for any of the other myriad of ways that large companies impact their environment/community/county, nor could they** probably have stopped them, that doesn't mean no one is to blame. Come on, business, for all that bureaucracy may make it feel mechanical, is still a human endeavor. You don't get to pretend nobody is to blame just because it's something a company did.

*Except for the executives or other managerial leadership (as an aside, usually who I personally am referring to when using "They" as a pronoun for a company); another good reason to use "they" when placing blame on companies is appropriate.  And if you don't believe that the executive leadership is the most appropriate place blame when holding companies accountable, where pray tell DO you place the blame? They're the decision makers.

**hey look they also works really well as a gender neutral pronoun when referring to a person or group of persons but don't know specifically who!

A less stupid Weedle

that stupid butt-face

Seriously? Past Andrew is fucking stupid.


seriously past Andrew? What is your deal?

General Chat / Re: 2016 Miscellaneous Links: The Links Awaken
« on: October 28, 2016, 10:00:48 PM »
oh please you'd just waste it on an oxford comma anyway

General Chat / Re: 2016 Miscellaneous Links: The Links Awaken
« on: October 28, 2016, 05:18:35 AM »
#TeensThatLookLikeTeens - should it be #TeensWhoLookLikeTeens? -

At least according to most modern EFL teaching resources either is acceptable usage these days

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: October 25, 2016, 08:18:55 PM »
be still, my beating heart

rkjp just updated the dailies

summon orb dungeon, extra exp day, free mythril and most importantly the hardest dungeon costs 120 stamina a go, making daily farming take literally no time

Anyway, cleared the FF6 event, wrecked the CM but no surprise there. MC3 broke Locke and Relm in addition to a bunch of other people. I have no real plans to get them to L99 but it's nice to have waifu characters back in the farming pool

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: October 23, 2016, 05:34:26 PM »
Beat nightmare Gigases, no CM.

Setup for the L250 fight:

Onion Knight (R3 Full Charge, R3 Fullbreak), Mako Might, FF6 Blood Sword
Rinoa (R1 Meltdown, R5 Valefor), Ace Striker
Shitbrat (R3 Biogrenade, R4 Hi-Unfaith), Dr. Mog's
Selphie (R3 Faith, R4 Maraise), Battleforged
Y'shtola (R5 Wrath, R5 Curaja), Dualcast White

Trash rounds:

The trash in this one felt SIGNIFICANTLY more durable than in previous L250 nightmares, but this is partly due to a tweak to my usual setup (I usually bring Krile for her BSSB commands instead of Rinoa, whose BSB doesn't have an MT attack burst), and partly because I was better prepared to fight several enemies at once instead of one tanky enemy, and there were several of the latter. A few SLs here and there until Y'shtola got enough SB for her BSB, then things went more smoothly (quick-hit Curaja is so, so, so, so, so good).

The Gigases:

General strategy went, deal AoE damage as much as possible while focusing down one gigas at a time, ideally only ever having one below ~50-60% HP at a time. With this setup, teardown order doesn't really matter as long as you're focusing them down one at a time with AoE thrown in as efficient. I set up SG before taking down the last round of trash, though honestly I probably should have saved it to have as a panic button early on, or applied it as the first gigas approached its weak phase. Anyway, with that in mind my timings ended up being 1. Refresh SG after taking down the first Gigas and 2. make sure the 2nd gigas is down before the second SG wears off.

Onion Knight did his thing. Once I ran out of Full Charge charges, I switched him to using his Magic BSB command, partly because it outdamages the physical one when not coupled with Full Break even BEFORE taking into account that after faith I am at +90% MAG. I really only ever used Full Break on one Gigas at a time, since I needed the DPS too badly to knock them down in time.  I'm also lucky enough to have his AoE Damage + 50% MHP Heal SSB, which gets Powerchained with his Magic BSB command.

Selphie: Shit goin' down? If y, heal. If n, OK/Rinoa buffed? If y, throw out some damage. If n, buff.  Oh my god Selphie is slowly becoming my favorite PC, and  someday I want to see just how many magic buffs I can get stacked on one character just for fun.

Every Gigas is weak to Earth, so Rinoa's BSB and OSB shined here. Just made sure to build enough SB gauge to always remain in burst mode, and throw out OSBs when I have excess. This ended up being about 4 OSBs thrown out with a ton of BSBs too. The SB gauge build bonus from her always hitting weakness was icing on an already overpowered cake. It's a damn shame she doesn't have Support 4, because access to Wrath would make her better than my Terra FFS.

You can figure out what Shitbrat and Y'shtola were up to during the fight. A couple things I would tweak if I could: make OK go full-mage mode with Chain Bioga and some other 5* BM, but BM is literally the only skillset I do not have the motes to unlock. >_<. This would free up Tyro's Bio Grenade slot (for the mastery reqs) for Break Fever. Still, a minor change that was mostly irritating because it highlighted my OK's sole deficiency in a really obnoxious way. Even though he does have the stats to pull off this dual ATK-MAG build it is still outright weaker than just specializing in MAG or ATK.

So, I noticed that in the final Shitbrat's Collection banner, Rinoa's Enearth dress is a freebie option. After this Gigas fight, I am sorely tempted to go for it.

Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: October 21, 2016, 11:49:58 PM »
conspiracy: hillary wont release her remaining emails because it will reveal that she has been in the pockets of big pimpin all along

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: October 21, 2016, 11:47:52 PM »
Welp. I was thinking of foregoing waifu pulls to get some much needed FF2 gear (and because lol I do not need more FF6 relics) but that is really cool and I wouldn't mind getting one of Locke's relics from the banner that Setzer's burst is on.

I kinda want to try for Celes' burst but I have so much stuff for the other characters featured on that banner that I can't really justify it.

EDIT: Welp, got Locke's and Setzer's SSBs and a second Chocobo rod. I can probably get mythril for another pull before the event is over but uh probably won't be worth it. Even just their SSBs make them eligible for a CM and I do really need to start beefing up my weaker realms if I'm going to beat all the Nightmare CM dungeons eventually.

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: October 12, 2016, 08:36:47 PM »
Drew on the lucky draw, got Hope's OSB. Welp, there's my fourth OSB and third useful FF13 relic (the other two being Raines' Coat and Vega). Cid mission may be possible with some egging and how the fight goes when I do it for mastery.

General Chat / Re: 2016 Miscellaneous Links: The Links Awaken
« on: October 12, 2016, 08:43:03 AM »
I feel like every city needs its own program; austin wouldnt benefit from rent control, too many students would take up space for workers in the city, landlords wouldn't keep up properties... those turning austin into a silicon valley (the developers, etc) should pay a premium for the people of all backgrounds they're pushing out, and this means more than just sidewalks.


that said i was mostly speaking to what very little i know about portland's housing crisis with that statement

(that said having been said to what I would like to counter in this post that is a response to another post, Gentrification has only kiiiinda hit Albuquerque so far, so the situation isn't the same. The best pre-emptive answer in my opinion IIF that's going to become a problem would be to enact rent control laws to make sure people and families and people with families already living near major metropolitan centers don't get booted out by greedy landlords selling overpriced, decaying housing space to people with enough money to throw around to shove out the people already living there

(additionally, it would be nice to try enacting laws preventing realty companies with tons of money to throw around to buy out the current (slum lords/realty agents/rich people who bought houses for their kids to live in while they were in college and are now renting it out to other people because that kid has long since moved on)... just in order to drive up the cost of living in order to make more money from the employees of tech companies building campuses in the area who want to live in a house "closer to the action" of the downtown and uptown areas of the city.

(the thing is that the houses in these sorts of areas are already barely kept up and aren't really worth any more than they are now. if they WERE better kept up, they already would be going for more on the market here. artificial price inflation on houses like that would be a fucking terrible for the people already living there who don't own their own homes, which I imagine is a lot of them.

(so at least for Albuquerque, in the very realistic scenario that it faces a similar housing crisis as portland and california, the answer wouldn't be to stop "you people" from moving here to work in companies setting up shop here, it would be to prevent predatory land prospectors from driving rent prices above reasonable rates for current local residents living in already shitty housing)

But yeah that tangent aside, you're absolutely right, the best urban planning strategy really does depend on the city. I can only really speak to the places I have lived in and have heard about vaguely from people who have lived there.

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