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Messages - Carthrat

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Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 25, 2016, 05:03:33 AM »
Lee's eyes light up first in fascination, and then with a matching mark upon her own brow, a solid gold disc that contributes to the room's illumination. "I knew I was not wrong!" she exclaims. "Truly, this is a meeting ordained by fate itself! Hah, what fools they were to spurn you!"

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 24, 2016, 10:40:52 PM »
"Almost. It was noon, as I recall," replies Lee, "And I was dancing in tears and anger when the flames began consuming the detritus of my life and all its follies. But a greater power reached out to me then; the highest of fires itself," she continues, with a slight nod towards the hanging on the wall.

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 24, 2016, 12:12:22 PM »
"Well, I'm glad to know I have already made a contribution to your civic futures," muses Lee. "Negotiate, you say? It need not be all that complicated," she replies. "I have some confidence in our ability to impress. It would be my honour to allow you to- how do the hawkers say it, sample our wares?"

She nods a little. "Then, with our credentials properly established, we can discuss accommodations, future performances, the value thereof, and appropriate venues, taxes, and so on and so forth. I am not all that interested in money. It is important, of course, for we have to eat," she muses. "But it is my son who enjoys the thrust and parry over particular figures and percentages. Once we know we are good for each other on the whole, all the rest of the details tend to just fall into place, don't you think?"

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 24, 2016, 11:39:50 AM »
"My!" Lee looks a little confused. "I hardly could have thought... honestly, I had been wondering at the reception," she admits. "Most cities downstream paid our entry little heed. I must extend my apologies for any rudeness on me or my son's behalf in dealing with these unfamiliar circumstances. Had I known we would be such an oddity, I would have tried to send word in advance of our arrival."

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 24, 2016, 11:16:30 AM »
Lee laughs. "Where I come from- the Confederation of Divine Thrones, where the gods rule men in little city-states," she remarks. "We rarely describe each other's thoughts to one another so candidly. It's impolite. But perhaps if we did, though, things would have turned out better?" She plays a little riff on the sanxian, a touch melancholic.

"I think something interesting will happen, or has happened here," she tells Akeha. "Fire has taken on a prophetic mode as of late. I associate it with revelations. And death. And madness. The imposition of order upon chaos, and the righting of wrongs. To meet someone bearing it as a name, why, it felt as if the gods were granting me a sign, saying this is a person I should take pains to befriend. This is a place I should be. What would you say to that, Lady Hakuhi?" she muses.

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 24, 2016, 05:39:22 AM »
"Charmed," replies Lee, glancing briefly at Vol. "My son, Tora, will handle the formalities here."

She gives her child a meaningful glance, that trails between the likes of Akeha and Hana before turning away. These are women of quality, Tora!, she imagines herself saying. Make a good impression! Then, she turns and walks towards her austere cabin. Her dancers remain on the dock. As part of the usual public relations effort, they will soon be making eyes at the soldiers, whispering between themselves, and occasionally mimicking this one's stern visage or offering that one a flirtatious wink and smile.

Nobody would call Lee's room rich, but being spartan has a certain inimitable quality. She sits herself cross-legged on a cushion, taking up a sanxian leaning against the wall. Between her and Akeha sits a low table. A tall wall-hanging that depicts the dawn hangs behind her, a half-sun rising above verdant hills and rich farmland. To one side is a map, with old realm calligraphy marking the places thereupon. Someone will bring them tea soon, certainly.

"Why we are here, indeed," muses Lee, thoughtfully. "As the farmer leaves one field clear so that it might grow boldly next summer, so too do we rotate from town to town, knowing that songs are worth more when heard infrequently. Unbound and unbowed, we have neither lands nor title to call our own, thus to be itinerants is all that remains to us. Our home was no longer a place for us, so we made a new one out of wood and sailcloth. The more of the world we see, the more we learn and the more we can teach. I suppose you could say we traveled this way because I sought to chase the dawn."

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 24, 2016, 05:21:29 AM »
Lee taps her head with her fan. "It is our quest to bring cheer to the world! To seek fame and fortune! Ah, but, of course there is more to it than the surface. It is a story I find difficult to sum up in a few words. Better suited to sitting than standing, I would say," she explains. "But, if you wish to hear it, I shall oblige. Would my lady Hakuhi accept our humble hospitality?" she asks, gesturing to her ship.

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 24, 2016, 04:11:31 AM »
"Well, Tetsuzuru-san, we had heard that the port of Inaba had developed a recent interest in foreign participation," replies Lee, smiling as if sharing a private joke with Akeha alone. "So I thought you might appreciate an extra helping. I do hope the size of our party is not a cause of distress! I'd hate to think you thought we thought we could presume. As I was just saying to your attendant," she continues, drawing her fan about her in a snakelike gesture that leaves it pointing at the sky, but not before onlookers have their eyes drawn across her bare midriff and her sinuous form-

"We four-score-and-ten seek only a fair chance to ply our trade- and, dare I say it? To compose a few new pieces, topical of our gracious hosts for the edification of people in lands we've traveled and are yet to travel."

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 24, 2016, 01:01:34 AM »
There is a pregnant pause, but soon enough Lee decides that she can let the matter pass.

"I am Lee Aaeiko," she says, drawing her fan across her ship and people in a wide flourish. "And we are the Unbound Choir! Tetsuzuru-san," she says, copying the retainer's form of address in lieu of some more typical formal title. Her dancers bow in unison, forming a momentary kaleidoscope of animated silks. "It is an honor for us humble ones to meet you, and so swiftly, too! The White Fire of the Iron Crane herself," she muses, with a lyrical uplift to the words. "The White Fire... that seemed to me a portentous title, to be held by a doer of great deeds," she asks, suddenly focusing on Akeha's forehead. "Might I politely ask how it came to be yours?"

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 23, 2016, 01:24:40 PM »
As Tora begins going through the minutiae with Hana, and as Akeha's troop makes its way to the dock, Lee rapidly loses interest in her surroundings. Interminable officials, always wasting everyone's time; frustration and dismay!

Her eyes wander about until they latch onto the roof, whereupon they suddenly widen! "A rogue watches yonder, sharp arrows poised!" she exclaims, pointing towards the roof. "What is this about?!"

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 23, 2016, 06:41:47 AM »
"A public spectacle? Truly?" asks Lee, eyebrows climbing. "My, my, my! And all we've done is dock our ship. I take it you do not often receive unexpected guests?" She snaps her fan shut with a grin. "My son is wise, as usual. Since he can cover all the details, I'm sure you don't require my presence. Would you mind if my little entourage and I took a stroll through the city? If I am to meet with your ladyship- so soon, what an honour!- it would be my pleasure to compose an appropriate salutation that pays homage to her dominion."

((OOC: this would normally be a persuade attempt but Akeha herself is probably going to show up any second now, so whatevers. Dicepool is 11 (5cha+3pre+3HMP) if need be.))

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 23, 2016, 12:20:39 AM »
"Darling, you really must pause between the questions if you're expecting answers," Lee replies, cupping her lips with her palm.

"Ah, but it is all down to one simple fact, isn't it? We are strangers! Not known to you! I'm sure all manner of people pass through this port, not all of them wholesome, and how can one tell? But please let me allay your concerns with our brief history.

"We have no fixed plans nor abode. We ply our trade along the Yellow River, you see; this is the first time we have come so far East. Beggars, kings, it matters not, for we charge only what our hosts might afford, even if it is only a bowl of rice and a hearth to sleep by. As such, we are not wealthy but you need not fear an infestation of destitution; we've earned our keep so far, after all. Should there be no profit, then we will leave as we came for familiar shores."

She gestures to her dancers with a fan that has somehow appeared in her hand. "Beauty is not something maintainable in the condition of poverty, after all! And it is essential to our work.

"Of course, I am sure that you desire assurances of our skills! We are not so arrogant as to expect our word to be taken freely. It's important to our creed to demonstrate our worth before asking for anything! Don't you agree? A passionate public performance must precede a pleasant private presentation, I believe! I would hate to meet with your port's potentate without giving a hint of our art."

((OOC: Attempting to instill an intimacy of.. oh, Lee Aaeiko (Much Glamour. Wow!) I pretty much intend to follow this up with a persuade action to let us in, but stacking up social actions in one post is a bit unkosher, probably?

Anyway, will spend 2m on an excellency from peripheral pool, which is not enough to flare anima. HPM gives me a 1m discount on all social charms, so that's +3 dice, on top of the extra +3 from HPM being an indefinite-length charm that's always on. Total dice pool prior to appearance modifiers/stunt: 5(cha)+3(pre)+6(charm)=14))

That would leave my Personal Pool at 13/13, and my Peripheral Pool at 24/33 (7 motes committed to HPM.)

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 22, 2016, 07:47:22 AM »
"Of course you may," replies Lee, paying the little thing in the woman's hand no mind. "I am Lee Aaeiko; in the old tongue, it means 'Unbound Voice', and me and mine are a most merry band of magnificent minstrels making our way through the world! It is our humble wish that we might be permitted to enter Inaba and seek the patronage of your people and lady, so that we might display our skills to the discerning and provide amusement and succor to the weary."

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 22, 2016, 02:10:38 AM »
Lee emerges from the deck, swathed in a beautiful, vibrant blue shawl that flows about her body with every step. Behind her, an small entourage is assembled to follow; some carrying portable instruments such as flutes and sanxians, whilst other girls clutch small purses and wear coordinated silks; a uniform of sorts that separates the dancers from the players.

Her son joins her; a smiling blonde lad on the border between adulthood and adolescence, with youthful features and the swagger of one who has spent much time on the water. Bodyguard, executive officer, secretary, the boy is invaluable. Lee might be the face but someone needs to make sure they handle whatever local procedures are in place; buy food, conduct repairs, account for each individual member of the Unbound Choir, and deal with all manner of organizational dilemmas. Typically, she handles the greetings and he handles the meetings when it comes to dealing with humorless paper-pushers and other sorts of important, yet dreary folk.

"I see you," Lee states in a clear dialect of Forest-Tongue upon disembarking. She greets their apparent welcoming party with her palms together and a bow. "May we be welcome?"

Forum Games / Re: Feeling out interest for some RP
« on: August 18, 2016, 02:12:16 AM »

Forum Games / Re: Feeling out interest for some RP
« on: August 16, 2016, 01:29:52 AM »
I can occasionally be available during the week, but for the most part I'm working at 8pm PST. Friday is an exception- I can be available then with notice (since it's actually Saturday for me haaaaa)

Off the bat, I'm heavily inclined towards playing a traditional private entertainer who came from a decadent theocracy.

Tradition dictated that she perform the same tired old works and folk-tales over and over again to glorify the incumbent regime, her Exaltation may have come when she set out to challenge the orthodoxy via the production and performance of new stories that speak of the greed of kings rather than their supposed munificence.

Innovation leads to contemplation... contemplation leads to infuriation... infuriation leads to revolution!.

Forum Games / Re: Feeling out interest for some RP
« on: August 12, 2016, 04:02:34 AM »
This Carthrat was at the kitchen table before you even decided to play.

I know the rules pretty well and have loved this game+wanted to play it since 1st edition. I would even be happy playing Mortals In Creation. Creation is a pretty awesome setting.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: January 11, 2016, 12:52:48 AM »
Jumping back into Dominions 4 Multiplayer. An MA, 16 player game set on a huge map with 24 hour turns. Should get plenty of time to expand, build forts, and flail ineffectually.

I'm playing as Pythium with an awake Earth Serpent, so expansion shouldn't be a problem and I don't need magic diversity for a few years since I'm hoping to rush out angels with my huge astral income and, well, raid and dominate my sphere.. There's lots of thrones so I'm hoping to luck into some additional mages there, or maybe even earth income- if I get earth income, my pretender can build a dwarven hammer, and there will be discount owl quills for all!

My start position is great since I'm in a corner, so I only have a couple of flanks to worry about. On the other hand, it's almost certain I'll have to fight an early war since I'm near a couple of thrones.

General Chat / Re: 2015 Miscellaneous Links: Cat pictures go here
« on: November 10, 2015, 04:11:58 AM »
I am having a surprisingly hard time organizing my feels on this.

R. Mika has a lot of fanservice bundled up into her, an ass-slap doesn't seem like an escalation to me. You might as well question her entire design if you're going to question that particular aspect. This is still not even close to dead or alive or soul calibur-style stuff. Capcom is... kind of... a bit less blatant about it than their competitors. (Hi, Taki; Mai; Kitana/Mileena...)

But a petition about it? Really, guys? I wish it was surprising! But the FGC has produced a vocal group of folks who will complain about, say, Karin looking like a middle-aged woman in this version, or Cammy's *face* not being cute enough. It's an actual priority to some people that a particular level of sexuality/cuteness is maintained within the genre, and it's really done a number on character designs.

I suppose it's not unique to this kind of game but christ, calling a developer dialling it back 'censorship' is pretty lunatic.

General Chat / Re: Random Questions take 11043 or whatever
« on: September 23, 2015, 05:33:12 AM »
What are some of your favorite songs of all time?
- Not the sunscreen song
- Beautiful Day

Gimme a song lyric that has stuck with you.
- 'Don't let yourself be hurt this time...' - Falling

Now how about a movie quote?
-  'A person doesn't change because you find out more.' - The Third Man

Video game quote?
- 'That was left handed!'

    Screw pop culture for a second. Make me a drink
- uhhh want a rum and coke? i'm boring

    How about a dessert?
- cheesecake! creme brulee!

    In general, what's the tastiest thing you can personally cook, bake, or otherwise prepare?
- roast chicken in rosemary+thyme, with baked vegetables

    You are now a pro-wrestler. What is your ring-music?

    Confess attraction to someone surprising.
- anthony bourdain is pretty much my man-idol, yankee accent aside

    Hate on something universally loved that you just don't -get- man. Add details
- League of Legends. like why would even play a moba where you need to grind to unlock, or pay to unlock? I do not get it at all

Discussion / Re: DLC X: Back to the Bay
« on: March 04, 2015, 06:41:48 AM »
I have to withdraw myself, unfortunately

So who's up for round two

I was pretty much sleepwalking through the whole game.

I thought Alex was going to clean up easy once it became clear Excal had bailed entirely and wasn't even trying to fight back. He seemed to have Mage and Andy simultaneously dancing to his tune. I figured I could rely on France if I kept the tension present, but at a manageable level. I think we made a plan each turn and someone would consistently break it, then say 'but you broke it last time so there'.

I can live with that.

F St. Pete retreats to Barents Sea.

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