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Messages - alanna82

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 18
RPGDL Discussion / Re: Fire Emblem levels in the DL
« on: January 09, 2010, 01:34:46 AM »
I take everyone at the same level (20/20 or ??/20 for FE) If you are going to use a character, if they are underleveled, I tend to let them get kills until they "catch up" to the other party members. I tend to do this for most games out there. Once they catch up, I stop the "favoritism" Even if you dont "use" an FE character, its still pretty easy to calculate average statistics if you know the growths and the system and stuff.

This is the only fair way to take things in the DL to me. The only exceptions are things like Gadwin from Grandia where he starts at level 30 and is a temp, so he is never even leveled with my party. The only FE temp I can recall is the Black Knight, and well... yeah... FE10 might be hard to apply to the even leveling rule, but still, you have bonus experience.

RPGDL Policy Discussion / Re: Should the Main Tournament Shut Down?
« on: January 09, 2010, 01:29:14 AM »
I say do write ups for the duels at least, but only have results written if someone comments on the results. Occasionally I comment on the comments section and that is used for a result. Only use those if they are extremely funny and amusing. I think that we DO need write ups: See what happened to not ranked without write ups, the votes got even less and lots of robs happened that final season.


1. Timelord (boss form)
2. Sephiroth
3. Indalecio
4. TG Cid Orlandu
5. Dark Force (really people, hes not that bad)
6. Ellen
7. Zio
8. Altima
9. Kurando
10. Zeromus
11. Luca (LOL to HP hype when he fights 18 people instead of 6)


I totally dont remember Garan at all, so no rank for him

1. Pamela Ibis
2. Scias
3. Artea
4. Worker 8
5. Fujin (actually a good heavy!)
6. Legretta
7. Edgar
8. Shadow
9. Zerase
10. Reno
11. Albel (not a heavy)


1. Slade
2. Flaya
3. Sheena Lepant
(big gap)
4. Gerik
5. Lockswell
6. Tifa
7. Gadwin
8. Pesmerga
9. Alma
10. Bart
11. Venusaur
12. Siefer (LOL)


1. Gogo (I allow him Celes, Edgar and Setzers commands. Tools is awesome)
2.  Gordon
3. Diego
4. Reis
5. Melody
6. Joker
7. Garcia
8. Tempest
9. Aguro
10. Tai Ho
11. Hervey
12. Sten
13. Lucied
14. Malak
15. Anri (remake Anri is awful)

RPGDL Discussion / Re: DL Playership/Ranking Drive 2009
« on: December 27, 2009, 11:53:23 PM »
oh okay, The squad based part is fine, its RTS games I dont like. If its not RTS I may try it then.

Fou-Lu (BoF4) vs Mewtwo (Pokemon)- quit robbing people Mewtwo. LOL people voting on outdated mechanics that every other pokemon game doesnt use. If you port a RBY Mewtwo into Gold/Sliver, its the same Mewtwo, but now its using Gold/silver mechanics, thus the RBY mechanics become illegal to me. Fou Lou uses HP= 1 and LOL recover hype.

Billy Lee Black (XG) vs Kanon (WA2)- quit robbing people Kanon


Max (SF1) vs Lyon (FE8)- quit robbing people Lyon


Thomas (S3) vs Black Wizard (FF1)- Spoils.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: DL Playership/Ranking Drive 2009
« on: December 17, 2009, 12:30:28 AM »
I just dont have the focus to play Real time strategy games. It is difficult for me to keep track of everything at once. I like to take my time making decisons and stuff. Nothing is "wrong" with Ogre Battle, I just cannot focus on multiple battles at once.

Its like how my friend cannot play even simple action RPG's because of her difficulty with the battles.

Yes, Shadow hearts 2 did have amazing writing.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Allowing storebought damage magic in the DL
« on: December 17, 2009, 12:02:01 AM »
I allow Grandia Mana Eggs since there are enough to go around even for Sue and each egg does not give the same abilites to others. I allow Asellus Mystic magic since she starts with the gift for it, but no spells. (not that it really makes a difference)

FF1 I allow all storebought magic.

All others games are no's. Except Artea in Lufia 2 gets Zap since he is the only one that can buy it.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: DL Playership/Ranking Drive 2009
« on: December 16, 2009, 11:58:37 PM »
I do not like games that are similar to Ogre battle, so add that one as a will not play. (I've tried playing Ogre battle twice, I failed miserably both times. ) Thanks for the quick response!

As a side note, with my vote Pokemon DPP now has 20/30 votes! I'd say thats easily good enough to rank. No Platinum only or aftergame and stuff like that though.

Also, I'm planning on getting either an Xbox 360 or a Playstation 3 with my christmas money for Final Fantasy 13. Any ideas of RPG's that have even a chance of getting ranked on those? I want some insight as to which one to buy. Leaning Xbox right now, but still a bit alarmed with the red ring of death.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: DL Playership/Ranking Drive 2009
« on: December 16, 2009, 11:19:07 PM »
Played: (will support all these ideas if viable)
Kingdom Hearts
Pokemon Diamond
Radiata Stories
Suikoden Tactics
Mana Khemia 2
Dragon quest 5
FE: raidant dawn
Star Ocean First departure
La Pucelle Tactics

Will never play:
Xenosaga 3

Will possibly play
1. Wild Arms XF
2. Phantom Brave

What is this game, Ive never heard of it?
Soul nomad and the world eaters

Also have played:
Valkyrie profile covenant of the plume
Rhapsody DS
Started playing the Persona 1 remake, but the dungeons gave me headaches.
Suikoden Tierkries (I didnt finish it, but I keep thinking I should and I will if it is ranked)
Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon (on my third playthrough right now)

Discussion / Re: Wish List Games
« on: December 16, 2009, 11:15:12 PM »
A new Arc the lad game
Suikoden 6
a Phantasy Star 3 remake with separate storylines for each kid and grandkid. Seriously it would be awesome!
A new game that doesnt have anything to do with online stuff, seriously, some of us hate online games.
Fire Emblem 12 (FE 11 IS Shadow Dragon. Its called that on all the fire emblem sites)
Saga Frontier 3 and or a Saga Frontier remake with the parts of Asellus's quest and fuse's quest added back in.

Tournaments / Re: List topic Round 1 Week 1- It returns yet again!
« on: December 16, 2009, 11:00:02 PM »

1. Fou Lu
2. Vayne Solidor
3. Profound Darkness
4. Melfice
5. Yuri
6. Cecilia
7. Nate
8. Lugia
9. Kuja
10. Zog
11. Chaos
12. Valvalis


1. Feena (I allow Grandia Mana Eggs since there is enough to go around and everyone gets different spells)
2. Decus
3. Zeal (allow the hands)
4. Evans
5. Hugo
6. Ho-oh
7. Lilika
8. Auron
10. Vayne
11. Seed (go die in a fire.)

1. Rikku (godlike)
2. Peppita
3. Magdalen
4. Alen
5. Jeane
6. Ashton
7. Neimi
8. Poco
9. Robo
10. Crowley
11. Anna
12. Natalia
13. Brad
14. Vivi (I though he downgraded?)


1. Soren
2. Orhla
3. Karyl
4. Sharmista
5, Spar
6. Lucius
7. Black Wizard
8. Beecham
9. Locke
10. Saki
11. Futch
12. Raijin
13. Noel
14. Skelly

Fou-Lu (BoF4) vs Cecilia Lyne Adelhyde (WA1)
Kyogre (PKMN) vs Mewtwo (PKMN)- force Mewtwo to the special split and the other games mechanics. (since RBY's mechanics are the only different ones, its easier to compare pokemon this way). So he doesnt have game best Special Def for me. Kyogre's awesome attack is special. FRLG's Mewtwo's special def isnt that good. Sure there is Amnesia, but It wastes a turn he could use to attack.


Maya Amano (Pers2) vs Billy Lee Black (XG)
Kanon (WA2) vs Alys Brangwin (PS4)- PC Kanon


Max (SF1) vs Wiegraf Folles (FFT)


Black Wizard (FF1) vs Chiepoo (S4)

 my voting prowess fails this week

Kyogre (PKMN) vs Royce (Lunar:SSSC)- LOL slaughter
Mewtwo (PKMN) vs False Althena (Lunar:EBC)- force Mewtwo to the special split. so he doesnt have super high special resisitance


Pamela Ibis (MK) vs Maya Amano (Pers2)- Can Pamela even damage her?
Sasarai (S3) vs Billy Lee Black (XG)
Kanon (WA2) vs Tosh (AtLC)- I think? I didnt finish WA2 because my game stopped working, but I did get Kanon in my party.
Gau (FF6) vs Alys Brangwin (PS4)- DIE in a fire Gau.


Seifer Almasy (FF8) vs Max (SF1)
Oswin (FE7) vs Wiegraf Folles (FFT)
Lyon (FE8) vs Ivan (GS)- neither of the two should even be here! If Saturos can two hit KO Ivan (this is from my personal experience playing the game, I had Ivan in his DL class), Lyon most certainly can. And I have no Lyon respect either


Garcia (FE8) vs Thomas (S3)
Black Wizard (FF1) vs Tim Rhymeless (WA2)- see Kanon on WA2. Played it, got Tim, but wasnt able to finish due to the game suddenly not working. I think its my PS2.

Tournaments / Re: Tourney of Interest Season 10?! Week 2
« on: December 01, 2009, 08:35:02 PM »

Elincia (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn)* vs Ephraim (Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones)- Doubles Ephraim (24 speed cap is LOL), so wins despite Ephraim having WTA.


Chloe Hartzog (Mana Khemia 2: Fall of Alchemy) vs Lemina Ausa (Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete)- Chloe goes first, uses her analyze book, then she uses the move that hits weakness on analzed enemies.
Prier (La Pucelle: Tactics) vs Etna (Disgaea Series)


Gordin (Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon) vs Wil (Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword) - Edit: Just looked up stats. Wil somehow doesnt double. He's still faster, so Wil goes first, and thus wins.

Tournaments / Re: Tourney of Interest Season 10?! Week 1
« on: November 23, 2009, 05:49:17 PM »
Ashera (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn) vs Fou-Lu (Breath of Fire IV)


Master Monk (Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift) vs Hiro (Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete)
Sieg (Tenkai Star)(Suikoden Tierkreis) vs Geddoe (Suikoden III)- Suiko Tierkries hero has a name?


Andarc (Suikoden Tactics) vs Meru (Legend of Dragoon)


Millie Chliette (Star Ocean: First Depature) vs Luke fon Fabre (Tales of the Abyss)- Millie fails
Norma Beatty (Tales of Legendia) vs Raijin (Final Fantasy VIII)- Raijin fails

Fou-Lu (BoF4) vs. Gades (Lufias)
Cecilia Lyne Adelhyde (WA) vs. Tir McDohl (Suikos)


Pamela Ibis (MK) vs. Elly van Houten (XG)
Vayne Aurelius (MK) vs. Maya Amano (Persona 2)- LOL Maya vs physicals
Sasarai (S3) vs. Lyon (S5)- yeah, OHKO works
Boomerang (WA) vs. Billy Lee Black (XG)- dont remember anything about boomerang, for all that I have played WA and ACF


Noah (PS) vs. Seifer Almasy (FF8)- I lack words
Max (SF1) vs. Ursula (FE7)
Oswin (FE7) vs. Vincent Valentine (FF7)
Grand Master (FF1) vs. Wiegraf Folles (FFT)


Gobi (BoF1) vs. Orcha (CC)
Garcia (FE8) vs. Irenes (CC)- Doubles and has evasion. Also her techs are magical, of which Garcia has poor magic def.
Thomas (S3) vs. Randi (SoM)- Parry goodness.

Tournaments / Re: List topic: Season 53- Godlike brings the pain.
« on: November 16, 2009, 09:39:23 PM »

1. Ghaleon
2. Zophar
3. Time Lord (boss form hype go!)
4. Xorn
5. Jade
6. Aeonless Yuna
7. Rubicant
8. Terra
9. Xenobia
10. Kuja (I dont think he is that bad)
11. Asellus
12. Nel (how did ya get in godlike Nel?)


1. Ness (get back to Godlike Ness!)
2. Kary
3. Nina 1
4. Lede
5. Nash
6. Demi
7. Nina2 (100% ID is scary! I cant believe she downgraded >_>)
8. Tana
9. Agrias
10. Yuki
11. Glenn
12. Regal (Not a heavy. how was he in Heavy again?)


1. Rudy
2. Ashton
3. Junpei
4. Adray
5. Joachim
6. Kraken
7. Lun
8. Setzer (I dont allow slot rigging since I can never rig them myself)
9. Rena (not middle)
10. Raijin (puny)


1. Garet (um... yeah)
2. Alonso
3. Kahn
4. Nina 3 (Yes I am serious here, she has decent damage and is fast this pool also really really sucks)
5. Mallow
6. Draggy
7. Aguro
8. Tempest
9. Aeris
10. Chu Chu
11. Laguna
12. Connie (not last....)
13. Euram (also not last....)
14. Jogurt (duh)

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Your top five favorite...
« on: November 09, 2009, 09:49:23 PM »
Elc (Arc the lad collection)
Fou Lu (Breath of fire 4)
Celes Chere (FF6)
Ellen Kirashima (soley for the fact that she can beat Myria!)

Ness (get back to Godlike Ness!)
Luc (My favorite character EVER!)
Sasarai (Him and Luc are so hot)
Zidane (not really a heavy, but thats where he is currently)

Poo (get back up to Heavy poo! Starstorm + full healing is too good for middle)
Rikku (fun if you allow her common steals!)
Sara (Breath of fire) She has my name
Sarah (Suikoden 3) Luc fangirl like me. Also has my name but with an h!

Shabon: fun and quirky dueller too good for light
Soren: Awesome light. Reminds me of Luc.
Nina 3: Not really as bad as most people say. Her damage is decent at least!
Connie: Because every list needs a suikoden Dog.
Mint/Shiho/Mariel: Puny damage! Awesome Healing! These 3 are kind of the same dueller anyway.

Fighters that will never be ranked:
Liza (Saga Frontier)- Dream super combo is awesome. Also, why is fuse ranked and not her?
Lena (PS3)- My favorite Puny of all time. I'm the only person that liked PS3.
Aima (Lufia 3)- Someone else has played this? Aima is a great heavy.
Slime (Dragon Quest 5)- is either puny or heavy depending on how you take its moveset. Gains awesome moves at levels 77 and 99! Plus its a Slime!
Levin/Sety (Fire Emblem 4)- Holsety in the DL. If you dont understand why thats awesome, you havent played FE4. Plus FE needs more godlikes (Eirika doesnt count peoples, Tiby and Nasaela do).

Arc/Elc champing Heavy. Great duellers from obscure games getting respect.
Asellus champing Heavy. Never thought I would see that.
Menardi champing middle.
Worker 8 champing middle. Cooker 8 LOL at the write ups. How was he even IN Middle?
Rutee champing middle. Nice seeing her get respect.

Duellers you love to see lose:
Edge Eblan (I dont allow status claws so he wins many matchs he shouldnt to me!)
Nash (Lunar)
Cait Sith- I hate Status whores, I hate Cait sith as a character. Die Cait sith.

Spoiler matches.
Not really sure what this means really.
Worker 8 beating Indalecio is the only one I can really think of that amuses me.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 56 nom pools
« on: November 09, 2009, 09:04:27 PM »
okay lets get this party started!

DogGodlike: longest without a match

Miguel (CC)
Gades (Lufia)
Endora (Ogre Battle)
Gilbert (SH3)
Luis Virgil (XS1)
Chaz Ashley (PS4) (also please downgrade)


Shu (ATLC) because everyone else is noming him!
Alys Brangwin (PS4)
Culgan (Suikoden 2)- Season 21! Needs to fail more
Marsilio (SO2)- Season 12. Needs more Wise men.
Mirage Koas (SO3)- been a while
Adel (FF8)- been a while

Grobyc (CC)- longest without a match
Janice (CC)- second longest without a match. Maxed CC. Also been nomming her for over 2 years now.
Taro (Dis 2) -interesting middle
Noa (LOL)- Get in so you dont win FIT all the time. That and if you lose we can boot Legaia.
Ken Amada (P3)- needs a match
Pahn (Suikoden)- Been a while for him. He's a storyline character even!

Cai (Brigandine)- See if Brig needs booting.
Nara/Meena (DQ4)- Will the remake version bring her a win?
Isadora (FE7)- been nomming her for a while.
Hugh (PS2)- get out of light Hugh.
Shabon (S3)- get out of light Shabon
Koroku (S3)- Season 22 for a suikoden Dog? My pool needs more punies.

I allow Asch's first fight its not too hard to win. *flees and gets a flame shield*
I also allow Kratos 2nd fight), as I didnt know that fight was loseable where you didnt get game over! I won it all three times. (Kratos 1st fight was a pretty obvious lose situation though)
I also allowed Dario when he was ranked. (he was booted for being optional. I voted to keep him)
I still allow Brahms 1, especially since I cannot vote on Brahms 2 because I got to chapter 3 in VP2 and hated the battle system.

Probably would allow Margulis if I had played that game if its not too hard to win.

oh votes:

FA beats VP1 Brahms. This doesnt matter either way. Yay first time champ!
Lyon beats Edge. Though I personally think neither should be here, glad Edge doesnt champ. Do not allow stat claws. (I allow elemental ones since you can buy them)
Cannot vote on the next two fights since I havent played MMXCM. Elly Champing is funny though.

Tournaments / Re: List topic: Season 55
« on: November 02, 2009, 09:20:25 PM »

1. Ryu 3
2. Empyrea
3. Brahms (still allow VP1 form since he is ranked as VP's, not VP2 like Hrist is!)
4. Cid Orlandu
5. Elc
6. Yunalesca
7. Lugia (Pretty sure at least one generation is godlike)
8. Kurando
9. Dhoulmagus (not godlike)
10. Sierra (Not Godlike)


1. Rayquaza
2. Lyon
3. Ho-oh
4. Barubary (Always had difficulty with him in game, and not impressed with the rest of these heavies)
5. Princess Toadstool
6. Joshua (Allow Audlahuma)
7. Nina 4
8. Kiryl/Cristo
9. Saturos
10. Emelia
11. Zelos (not seeing the hype for him at all)
12. Edge (not heavy if you dont allow Cat claws)
13. Kasumi (Not Heavy, just a strong Middle)
14. Tony (Really? He was really easy! I kind of understand Renee in heavy due to her mana which I dont allow, but Tony was kind of bad)


1. Rikku (allow common mixes and stuff)
2. Dekar (This pool sucks)
3. Nanaki (I underestimated him before)
4. Elly (Elly this high shows how weak this pool is)
5. Elaine (not horrible)
6. Nergal (at least has damage)
7. Ryudo
8. Tear
9. Miakis (Shes good, but not in the DL)
10. Sharmista (her rune is pretty good)
11. Landis (Spoils Mages... LOL at Freeze Hype)
12. Luna (NOT a Middle. Worse than Landis)


1. Opera (really a pretty good light)
2. Soren (why does he cry bitter tears Dhyer? Soren rocks this field! Except Opera)
3. Colette (general Colette respect)
4. Dominia (just average all around, but this light is weak)
5. Relm (Man Eater helps her here)
6. Steena
7. Miluda
8. Cid
9. Leena
10. Irvine
11. Flonne
12. Ramus (puny mc Punyson)

RPG Stats Forum / Re: Chrono Cross
« on: November 02, 2009, 08:55:53 PM »
Janice is RED innate, not black.

Is there a reason people arnt voting on VP1 Brahms anymore? Because thats the only form I can vote on.

VP 1 Brahms wins

Edge beats Kasumi (I dont allow Edge stat claws, so he is robbing people, but Kasumi is bad)
Rayquazza beats Lyon, ID checks for level in Pokemon, Ray starts at a high level. Same reason I voted for Ray vs Cristo

Elly beats Miakis, Elly in middle finals is just wrong....

No light votes

General Chat / Re: RPG quotes quiz! Round 4: ID can't win this round!
« on: October 21, 2009, 11:32:10 PM »
I thought for sure 20 was tales of symphonia! At least I got the first bonus right.

Tournaments / Re: FIT Season 54, Semifinals
« on: October 02, 2009, 11:38:18 PM »

Lyon vs Belcoot

Shabon vs Karyl
Pikachu vs Opera-Opera resists thunder, right? Pika's physical damage is not good. It either A: Misses way too much (Slam) or B: Sucks at damage (Quick Attack)

Ken vs Nanaki

Shabon vs Soren- Hit rates for status in FE are res based. LOL Shabon's ID hitting Soren's res. Soren probably can pull out the win.
Karyl vs Melville- I think?

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