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Messages - Carthrat

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Forum Games / Re: DL Small World (Round 4: Rat)
« on: July 29, 2011, 03:52:37 AM »
Entering Decline.

Abandon 7, remove one amazon from 12.

Attack 13 with 1 amazon+dragon.
Attack 20 with 5 amazons.


1+dragon to 13
2 on 12
1 on 25, 14, 10

Forum Games / Re: DL Small World (Round 2: Rat)
« on: July 20, 2011, 10:23:17 PM »
That seems unwarranted!

Forum Games / Re: DL Small World (Round 2: Rat)
« on: July 20, 2011, 08:43:12 AM »
5 amazons + dragon + 4 more amazons sally forth!

-Conquer 20, sending 3 amazons.
-Conquer 25, sending 1 amazon + dragon
-Conquer 12, sending 4 amazons
-Lone Amazon dispatched to 7 - f-f-f-f-FINAL CONQUEST!

[17:33] <Kallen> Silly Gref, I didn't touch Andy inappropriately, no matter how much LD begged
[17:34] <%CmdrKing> Wouldn't have pegged her as the type.  Idun or ciato, sure, but not Ash.
[17:34] <Kallen> All girls are deviants
[17:35] * +RandomConsonant ( Quit (Quit: Grinder says, "FISH!")
[17:37] <Kallen> ok guys
[17:37] <Kallen> get ready
[17:37] <Kallen> it's final conquest time
[17:37] <Kallen> roll 1d6
[17:37] * +Hatbot --> "Kallen rolls 1d6 and gets 3." [1d6=3]
[17:38] <+Soppy-DAENERYSISPOOCHIE> Boo


25 - 1 Amazon + Dragon
12 - 2 Amazons

4,5,7,9,10,14,13,20 - 1 amazon each

Forum Games / Re: DL Small World (Round 1: Rat's Turn)
« on: July 14, 2011, 08:27:56 AM »
I removed a post because I did the whole thing wrong.

Edited to fix a typo (captured province 5, not 25)

Somehow, those elves made me think of Nomic-style deadlocks.

Anyway, do correct me if I fuck something up here!

I will claim the Dragon-Master Amazons, costing 4 victory coins. I have 15 tokens, 4 of which can only be used for offensive purposes and thus vanish during redeployment. I also have a dragon!

-3 Amazons dispatched to 4 (First Conquest)
-4 Amazons dispatched to 5
-3 Amazons dispatched to 10
-3 Amazons dispatched to 14
-1 Amazon+Dragon dispatched to 13 (Dragon ensures victory!)
-1 Amazon dispatched to 9 (Final Conquest)


[17:19] * Grefter ( has joined #rpgdl
[17:19] * ChanServ sets mode: +h Grefter
[17:20] * +Twilkitri ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:20] <Rudy> sigh
[17:20] <Rudy> 17:19] <+Rudy> So yeah FINAL CONQUESSSSSST!!!! are you all READY
[17:20] <Rudy> [17:19] <+Rudy> 1 amazon charges BRAVELY into territory number 9! can she do it
[17:20] <Rudy> roll 1d6
[17:20] * Pinkie_Pie (~Nitori@ has joined #rpgdl
[17:20] * %Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d6 and gets 2." [1d6=2]
[17:20] <Rudy> the answer
[17:20] <Rudy> is yes!
[17:20] <Pinkie_Pie> There we go

1+2 = 3, and 3 is what I need to conquer 9!

Cap loses territories 5, 9 and 13 and thus is down three tokens, I believe. I get +6 coins!

Redeployment is as follows; I have 11 Amazons to distribute.

1 Amazon+Dragon in 13
2 Amazons in 5
1 Amazon in 9
2 Amazons in 4
3 Amazons in 10
2 Amazons in 14

Remaining Races

Catapult Gypsies (Top of the Stack)
Barricading Trolls (0 Bonus Coins)
Mercenary Goblins (0 Bonus Coins)
Pillaging Homunculi (2 Bonus Coin, 2 Race Token)
Cursed Elves (6 Bonus Coins)

diplomacy? strategy?


Forum Games / Re: Mafia Mafia
« on: June 19, 2011, 08:29:22 AM »
@Met: Yeah pretty much! Roles will naturally be fiddled with to taste!

Forum Games / Mafia Mafia
« on: June 18, 2011, 12:54:56 PM »
A shameless exercise into getting meta about meta.

This is a closed setup mafia game! Nothing all that outlandish, honest. Will run for 9+ players. It's been ages since we had a mafia game, surely people miss it! Who couldn't enjoy destroying their e-friendships over a simple game?

Day 1 will be 36 hours, future days will be 72 hours. Get in quick! <lie>Better roles to earlier signups!</lie>

1. Yoshiken
2. Magetastic
3. Kilgamayan
4. Glen Veil
5. Xanth

4/9 players so far.

Edit: I just remembered DLcon is on soon, so I expect this game won't start until it's finished.

Discussion / Re: Issues Poll 4: Alcohol and the legal drinking age
« on: June 10, 2011, 04:38:42 AM »
Look at the states that have 14-year-old driving ages--usually farming states.  Canada is similar, with Alberta and Saskatchewan having 14/15-year-old driving ages.  Working on the farm, it's very handy to have your kid drive the tractor, or drive the truck into town for something you need.  In other words, there is a real, practical value to a low driving age--it increases productivity.

I hadn't actually thought of this, and yeah, I'd agree that less developed areas (particularly with thin public transport) could well necessitate having younger drivers simply to keep things running. It was also pointed out to me many times that most American cities are lacking in PT, too, so a similar argument could be made.

Of course, optimally every city would have reliable bus and train networks, thus oblivating this need, but we can't have everything.

Discussion / Re: Issues Poll 4: Alcohol and the legal drinking age
« on: June 09, 2011, 09:39:15 AM »
Should be 18.

Kids drink at 15+. 18 is a time for huge parties. Everything about western culture reinforces that. It is impossible to enforce well and there's no real reason why it should be. People don't magically get smarter at 21, in my experience. All having a drinking age at 21 does is increase police overhead and give them either more responsibilities or more ways to arrest people for stupid shit.

Alcohol should not be blamed for the idiocy of drunk people; drunk people should. It is your own responsibility to figure out your limits.

Furthermore, 18 is the real line between child and adult, since that's roughly when high school finishes and people start to make real decisions about their future. It is their choice and their responsibility at this time. You are likely to be at your fittest and strongest, so it really is the best time for 'experimentation' since your body can handle it and it really is imperative to learn what you can take.

Admittedly a lot of this is based on cultural expectations as they stand. It touches on another issue I have (with America, at least); you can drive at sixteen but not drink until 21? One of these has you responsible for your own health, as well as the damage you might inadvertantly cause whilst drunk- likely to be small and your own damn responsibility, too.

The other gives you permission to pilot a giant speeding brick, which can and has caused untold misery in the past. I don't understand the reasoning here. Tangential, I admit, but I hope there's a poll about this in the future.

In fact, I want to remind myself, right now, to scout at like 9-10 against Z or Random opponents from now on like no matter what.

I remain pretty set on 13pool as Z, even against other Z.

2v2 scouting should be timed to reveal a 6pool around when it's leaving your base, or at least on the way. I'm quite willing to pull most of my drones to defend against this; if your lings fight, they'll probably die and I'll still be ahead of you in drone count. If they don't fight and dance to deny me mining, my pool will eventually finish and I can dump my own crawler or put down my own lings, get a queen, whatever. Keep in mind if you pull a drone and place a crawler, you must fight to defend it against my drones; even if you cancel, you're down a precious drone and 25 minerals- actually important to a low-econ zerg.

This works best, of course, if your ally is supporting you. But presuming a non-Z player, hopefully my own ally will negate his efforts (my ally can afford to pull workers, too- if we defend the 6pool the Z is not going to be doing much for a while and we should be able to expand or tech or mass relatively safely, then move out to win in one sweep). If you're double Z, you can of course go totally all-in on me and kill me, I don't think any Z build can actually stop a double-6 pool (unlike P and T, who can both wall and survive, and their marines/zealots will be cost-efficient against your non-speedlings.)

But what I can do is give all my money to my friend and keep your lings busy as long as possible, since both of you will end up in a weakened situation against my ally in that case. 2v1 against double 6pool zerg is actually a hard guess; T can gun for hellions and render your army useless, or get banshees (you're gonna be a ways away from anti-air tech unless you go all-out on crawlers); P can of course get voidrays which are already obnoxious to deal with for all Z's everywhere.

General Chat / Re: Watching any anime?
« on: April 26, 2011, 10:40:41 PM »
Watching any anime?


-Madoka: I tend to be of two minds about this sort of ending, because the first time I watch it it seems cool and awesome and trippy, and only later when I sit down and think about it does it start to bug me. Here it was slightly more pronounced from the get-go, though. spoilerz:Firstly, why does Kyubei grant a wish that can only hinder him? If there are paralell timelines, does displaying the result of one really make a difference, or are we supposed to only be seeing the same timeline from which Madoka originated? And either way, why do things look so similar even after time is changed? It sure is nice how everything came together in such a similar fashion...
Still, the ending was sort of satisfying, in that it was clearly an ending (stinger nonwithstanding) and at least it wasn't completely inscrutable ala Eva or completely stupid ala My-Hime. I still think it's probably the best overall anime of the decade so far (and the sales clearly agree with me.) Can't wait for the OST.

-Hansaku Iroha: Best parenting ever. The grandmother is also pretty special. The anime would make a good drinking game; shot whenever Min-chi is unjustly screwed. It's got a quirky sense of humor, and Ohana is pretty endearing as a lead. I heard it's meant to cover her growing up, too.

-AnoHana: Whimsical and weird. I think most people can emphasize to a degree with how life has changed from childhood. The characters seem a bit young to be angsting like this, but maybe that's just me getting older? A solid drama nonetheless. Menma is adorable, and most certainly not your average imaginary friend. <_<

General Chat / Re: Do you have a Pet Project?
« on: April 03, 2011, 06:03:44 AM »
It's actually true since I've been working out since last year, feels so good.

Apart from that I can't say I'm working on anything particularly huge, save my postgrad stuff, and I doubt that falls under the 'pet' category.

General Chat / Re: Do you have a Pet Project?
« on: April 03, 2011, 05:54:03 AM »
my pet project is my body

General Chat / Re: Watching any anime?
« on: February 12, 2011, 02:54:00 PM »
I kinda want to bite on this, but how are Senjougahara and Homura anything alike? >_>

Discussion / Re: Andrew Rambles Incoherently About Games and Game Design
« on: February 03, 2011, 08:32:50 PM »
A lot of horror games aren't actually all that hard to not die in, even when you are supposedly powerless. forex, I don't think I actually died at all when I played SH2 or SH3, and I don't think it took any particularly special gamer cred to get it done, there.

Atmosphere comes from a lot of places and is not something that can be rendered entirely external from your character; playing a weak character, or someone who isn't a physical superhuman instantly changes the tone and feel of the game from one where you're playing another bald space marine.

Discussion / Re: Andrew Rambles Incoherently About Games and Game Design
« on: February 02, 2011, 12:20:02 PM »
Plus it makes you play as tiny asian schoolgirls, and there is pretty much nothing scarier than that.

The problem with this is that in horror games you're not meant to be the one playing the monster

Discussion / Re: Mains in Fighting Games!
« on: January 31, 2011, 10:24:59 AM »
so many fighting games

SSF4: Juri - I loved her character design instantly. Sensual evil girls, purple colour scheme, Korean...
Blazblue: CS:  Makoto - I like her tail.
Guilty Gear: Johnny - beating people up with the power of cash
SF3 TS: Remy - didn't know parrying existed when I mained him
Soul Calibur: Raphael - Honestly I wanted to play him when I saw previews for SC2, solely on the basis that he used a rapier. And I guess he pulled off vampirism pretty well...
Tekken 6: Lili - I have a thing for rich girls who kick people
SFA: Guy - had a mobility other characters just lacked
Smash: Samus - chargeshot boom!
Samurai Shodown: Ukyo - deathly ill man fights for love
Last Blade 2: Setsuna, Hibiki - a pairing that I will gladly ship, even though it really should not be.

Casual and serious only mean what you make of them!

For my part, I am done playing hardcore anal scumhunter 2000, but I wouldn't throw myself entirely in the casual camp, sooooo I'm fine with whichever side would have me.

As for discussing who should be king, eh. I'm a bit wary of hyping or anti-hyping anyone in particular, it doesn't seem like a fun discussion. In general, someone who doesn't lurk and has a decent track record of play is all I'm worried about. And I'd be happy to be King, and just as happy not to be.

I don't think it's really possible to second-guess things like that without knowing the scum-town ratios, or even what roles might exist that would spur people onto odd decisions.

besides, g'luck getting anyone in the game to actually agree on any sort of 'dominant strategy'.

Anyway if someone actually does lynch their mafia super fast, well, good for them! Don't think it's a balance flaw to win if you do that <_<

In on whatever side Kilga's not in

I'd be in for it!

I presume battle actions are not made public, only the results?

I think a void ray does slightly more DPS than a stalker vs. armored before hitting level 2 charge, but they're pretty eh to me right now. I used to want to integrate them into PvP because they take down colossi quickly during large fights, but now I don't really want to build them at all. It's like, I could get a stargate and a voidray for 400/300, or... three more stalkers with some leftover gas. Voidrays no longer have killing power that I can fear and respect, so it's no contest.

Buildings simultaneously got tougher, too, so you have even less chance of sniping a town hall or whatever.

Forum Games / Re: Nomic: TROTLR: Turn 8 (Bardikin)
« on: October 13, 2010, 02:35:47 AM »
I would like to spontaneously forfeit this game. Just not doing it for me.

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