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Messages - Yoshiken

Pages: 1 ... 80 81 [82] 83
General Chat / Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« on: March 08, 2009, 02:34:54 PM »
Anyone care to help me out on something?

Local game shop has a few games in stock at the moment and I, having realised how limited my games knowledge is, have decided I want to buy one of the four in the window... The problem is deciding which.
They've got Vandal Hearts 1 & 2, Saga Frontier 2 & Breath of Fire 3.
The first 3 are all £30, whereas BoF is £20. (If it helps, £10.00 =~ $14 (US))

Any thoughts on which...? I'm leaning towards BoF3, for the main reasons that I've heard a lot more about BoF than the other two series, and it's cheaper. Good move?

Forum Games / Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY TWO
« on: March 08, 2009, 03:55:04 AM »
Tch. I've still got problems trying to decide who seems the most suspicious at the moment - the obvious point is that, if Alex/Tom comes out as town/scum, it's quite likely the other is. And if they come out as one, Excal is most likely the other, and vice versa. Or, at least, that's how I'm seeing things - it had come down to Excal/Tom/Ryogo, and now Ryogo's under modkill risk and Tom's got Alex's claim backing. That only leaves Excal, but only if Alex's claim is to be entirely believed.
For the sole reason that I don't want to be voting a potential town role, I'll:
##Unvote: Alex
##Vote: Excal

As said, seems like the only logical conclusion, assuming Alex's claim is true. If Ryogo returns, easily the most suspicious of the lot solely for the absence, but otherwise, if scumExcal, then yay! If townExcal, I'd safely assume scumAlex & (most probably) scumTom. Either way, it seems voting Excal is gonna be beneficial to town, so I'll go with this.
(Apologies for rushed post - tired and off to sleep. Won't be around for deadline, I assume.)

Forum Games / Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY ONE
« on: March 08, 2009, 03:18:57 AM »
Yoshi: Voting for Delta yesterday is not comparable to voting Ryogo today. Ryogo is a genuine lurker--he was here yesterday, fairly active for the first half of the day, but disappeared once things got hairy. Delta for most of day one was genuinely not in the game--he hadn't posted, there was nothing people voting on him could ask him to answer because he had no material on the record. This is a significant difference to me. I must also point out that Alex's vote for Ryogo happened just as this game-day began. At that time, it was not unreasonable to assume that Ryogo would be back. If Alex keeps pushing for Ryogo's lynch in light of the looming modkill, then I'll grant that there's a parallel. As it stands, though, I don't believe the comparison is accurate.

I'd also like to point out a flaw in the following comparison:

- Everything I said about Snowfire earlier still holds, and is amplified by his unvoting, not talking about anyone he finds scummy and leaving a note that he may not even be back or have a vote down at deadline.  Whaaaaat?  Snow, who do you think is scum?  Everyone else, why do I see him getting a free pass for this?
Xanth, quick rundown on who you think is scummy and why while we're waiting?
To refer to Tom's argument against Excal earlier...
I've noticed that scum like to dichotomise lynch candidates - so that's been a scumtell I watch for. Ie: 'If I had to pick from X/Y' or 'Which of X/Y would you lynch' etc.

I don't believe that the Alex quotes you selected represent precisely the sort of behavior that Tom described. Alex outright asked people "Who do you find scummy?" Not "Out of these options, pick one," no attempts to nudge people down one of two paths.

Hrm. This has made me consider this quite a bit... I'd change vote for Excal/Tom (would need more analysis to decide which), but I'd still like Alex to answer for the points on my last post. Seems he's made a good effort to not respond to those on this page, whether accidental or intentional. Until then, seeing as I'm not likely to be here for the end of the day, I guess there's not much left I can do. I understand my vote for Alex won't do much, but I'll leave it there regardless - suspicions not entirely clear, but it probably won't affect final outcomes anyway, ne?

Tournaments / Re: Beauty Conest 1-A
« on: March 07, 2009, 06:45:36 PM »

Forum Games / Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY ONE
« on: March 07, 2009, 05:48:55 PM »
The main problem wasn't merely his stance of pro-Meeple, anti-Xanth, but more the approach he took to these stances. For example:

Rant goes here about how Meeple and Snowfire did the exact same thing today, except Meeple admitted he was wrong and tried to get away while Snowfire just walked off whistling and everyone ignored it.  What in the heck, people.
I'm simply seeing this as trying to draw attention from Meep to Snow which, assuming scumAlex, would be beneficial regardless of Snow's alignment due to Rolecop, and if townAlex, would have been a really blind move - too much trust for Day1, especially with us now knowing Meep was scum.

Excal, Ryogo and to some extent Delta are giving me bad vibes right now.  The first two obviously were on the not-Meeple trains early and didn't want to switch.  In less tangible terms, I went "Wait, Excal's in this game?" when he posted in sudden death, and am still going "Wait, Ryogo's in this game?" right now.  That's enough for me to lay one down on him here.

##Vote: Ryogo

Delta, well, straight up, Delta is Delta, day 1 scum lynches are pretty weird, and Delta on a scum team is one of the ways I can see them happening.  We aren't really likely to get much out of him no matter what, though.  So hm.
This seems very odd to me indeed. This sort of voting is the exact reason Meeple went in Day1, yet he then goes on to do the exact same? This either strikes me as a huge mistake or a double bluff. I'm also interested in knowing why Delta being scum would mean scum gets lynched.

If Meeple+Snowfire were scum, Snow would have no reason to refrain from hammering Xanth in sudden death, and would have had every reason earlier to get a vote down somewhere and try to roll with a train that wasn't Meeple.  OR be on or "mistakenly" hammer Meeple for town cred.  What he did do strikes me as the least likely course of action if he were Meeple's scum buddy.  Unless we're dealing with the least coordinated scum team ever...

.... which is a possibility I would ascribe only if Delta is somehow involved.  The possibilities Xanth points out as clearing Delta are exactly why I remain uneasy about Delta.
Now this is interesting. Let's see... Looking over Snow's posts from Pages 2 & 3, there is not even a single mention of the Meeple/Xanth situation. So, if he were scum and then suddenly hammers Xanth, wouldn't that just raise suspicion? But then, if he hammers Meeple, he risks taking out an ally when there's a chance of townXanth going. If scumXanth, we aren't certain if Xanth has a role, which could be more helpful for scum. So, overall, seems like suspicion on Snow is still possible by this logic, which makes me wonder again why you suddenly turned to the inactives.
Same as above quote with the Delta thing, too. Something I've missed?

And, just to finish off...
- Everything I said about Snowfire earlier still holds, and is amplified by his unvoting, not talking about anyone he finds scummy and leaving a note that he may not even be back or have a vote down at deadline.  Whaaaaat?  Snow, who do you think is scum?  Everyone else, why do I see him getting a free pass for this?
Xanth, quick rundown on who you think is scummy and why while we're waiting?
To refer to Tom's argument against Excal earlier...
I've noticed that scum like to dichotomise lynch candidates - so that's been a scumtell I watch for. Ie: 'If I had to pick from X/Y' or 'Which of X/Y would you lynch' etc.

tl;dr - Alex's logic for townSnow is majorly flawed, and he seems to be doing the same thing Meeple did. Double bluff?

ninja'd by Snow: I'm interested in knowing where you stood on Xanth/Meeple at Day1. I know you say townXanth now, but did you think that then, and did you think townMeeple?

Writeups / Re: Missing Bios: The Return
« on: March 07, 2009, 04:21:04 AM »
A few more edits to be made, methinks. (Mostly spelling/grammar.)

Angelo; DQ8:
"There no doubt about it, Angelo is amoung the best duellers in the league" to
"There's no doubt about it, Angelo is among the best duellers in the league"

Dhoulmagus; DQ8:
"it's about time for him to step on down off that pedastool." to
"it's about time for him to step on down off that pedestal."

Menardi; GS:
Remove the last line ("Whether or not she recovers from this disgrace shall be seen...") and add...
"However, she'll stop at nothing to restore her honour, and has already begun her slow climb back up to Godlike."

Chaos; FF1:
"flesh him out, and make him dangerous, even in Godlike." to
"flesh him out and make him dangerous, even in Godlike." (Yes, I know it's petty. :P That's why I mentioned that it's mostly spelling and grammar. ^^'')

Kraken; FF1:
"Argubly the least respected of the Final Fantasy fiends" to
"Arguably the least respected of the Final Fantasy fiends"

I'll get to checking some more soon. :P

Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Nominations~
« on: March 07, 2009, 03:58:44 AM »
1. Live and Learn (Sonic Adventure 2)
2. Protecting my Devotion (FFIX)
3. Battle with the Four Fiends (FFIV)
4. You're Not Alone (FFIX)
5. Battle Against Bosses (LoZ: TWW)
6. Final Battle (FFIX)
7. Metal Harbour (SA2)
8. The Stage is Set (FFVIII)
9. Side Battle (FE: PoR)
10. Dark Messenger (FFIX)
11. The Ultimate Energy (DBZ Budokai 3)
12. Nothing to Lose (Soul Calibur II)
13. Weapon Raid (FFVII)
14. Gerudo Valley (LoZ: OoT)
15. Hurry Faster (FFVII)
16. Turnabout Sisters (Phoenix Wright)
17. Still More Fighting (FFVII)
18. Saria's Song (LoZ: OoT)
19. Opening (SSBM)
20. Super Mario Bros. 3 (SSBM)

1. Zetsubou Billy (Death Note)
2. Yuki, Muon, Madobe Nite (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)
3. Bouken Desho Desho (TMoHS)
4. Rock the Dragon (Dragonball Z)
5. A Cruel Angel's Thesis (Neon Genesis Evangelion)

1. Cleyra Settlement (FFIX)
2. Honeybee Manor (FFVII)
3. Garnet's Theme (FFIX)
4. Tifa's Theme (FFVII)
5. Flatworld: Flatzone (SSBM)

Tournaments / Re: Beauty Contest 1-B
« on: March 07, 2009, 03:39:10 AM »
Terra (FFs) vs. Sialeeds (S5) - Almost no doubt in my mind on this one. =/
Yukari (P3) vs. Touka (Utawarerumono) - Pfft, not even close.
Ilia (SO1) vs. Kyra (PS4) - So, I found it hard finding an image. But everything I did find was better than Ilia.
Celes (FF6) vs. Rikku (FFX) - Close, but Celes takes it.
Leanne (FE9/10) vs. Rosa (FF4) - Not so close. Awesome hair & wings <3
Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Cloche (AT2) - Pretty close, but yeah.
Maria (SO3) vs. Jessica (DQ8) - Awesome hair. ;o
Sigrun (FE9/10) vs. Melanie (MK) - No pic for Melanie... Any help?
Eleanor (VC) vs. Flannery (PKMN:RSE)[/i] - Yay for awesome hair! Yay for awesome looks! Yay for... awesome!
Sarah (SO3) vs. Colette (ToS) - This sucks, because they were both my noms. =/  Going with Colette.
Ouka (SRW) vs. Rydia (FF4) - Rydia's just too awesome to not vote for.
Jeanne (Suikos) vs. Juli Mizrahi (XS) - Elegance > Simplicity.
Spica (ATs) vs. Aschen (SRW) - Just... better.
Avril (WA5) vs. Krane (Generations of Chaos) - IIRC, she was an almost-certain semi-finalist.
Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde (WA1) vs. Alexia Lynn Elensius (WAXF) - Uhh.. Yeah, I guess?
Yukiko (P4) vs. Mercedes (OS) - Uhh... Yeah.

Tournaments / Re: Beauty Conest 1-A
« on: March 07, 2009, 03:18:19 AM »
Luserina (S5) vs. Lady (SH3) - It's the eyes, methinks.
Shania (SH3) vs. Aya Brea (PE) - Nothing much to say, just better in general.
Isabel (S5) vs. Wyna (TA) - Worst match of the lot here, IMO. =/
Aeris (FF7) vs. KOS-MOS (XS) - Blue-hair robot love. That, and Aeris looks... meh.
Excellen (SRWs) vs. Gwendolyn (OS) - Just... better.
Lucia (FE9/10) vs. Sharon (Legaia2) - ...It's Lucia?
Mia (FE9/10) vs. Micaiah (FE10) - The eyes decided it.
Opera (SO2) vs. Koudelka (Koud) - Damn close, but Opera takes it.
Lucia (SHC) vs. Isolde (MK) - Was gonna be hard to lose to Lucia, methinks. =/
Jenna (GS2) vs. Cynthia (AT2) - Not much in it, but Cynthia wins. Barely.
Lulu (FFX) vs. Pamela (MK) - Meh, never been a fan of Lulu...
Naoto (P4) vs. Lefina (SRW) - Not so androgenous.
Xelha (Baten Kaitos) vs. Alice (SH) - She's not Xelha. ;o
Ethlin (FE4) vs. Claves (ES) - Not much to say here.
Melvina (GL5) vs. Shelly (XS) - Close, but she just takes it.
Nel (SO3) vs. Harken (WA) - Awesome hair, awesome eyes... It'll take something awesome to beat Nel, methinks.

Forum Games / Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY TWO
« on: March 07, 2009, 02:40:57 AM »
Seeing as I'm the new guy in this, I guess I'll start by posting my views on things as they stand...
Oh, and I'll say now - I started writing this at around 2am here, so forgive anything I might've missed or any spelling/grammar errors.

Rat - Hard to say... Looking over the past few pages, there seem to have been no accusations against you past the first page of "Hasn't posted much". I'd be interested in knowing why everyone else has kinda brushed past as though there's nothing to look at here. Neutral until further notice.
Cid/Xanth - Easily the two most aggressive players, from what I can see. Instinct says Town for both, but I'm not gonna just trust that. I'm gonna watch things a little more here, but so far, staying neutral. (Although, for Xanth, I have to agree with Andy in that doing nothing about nearly being killed almost seems a little too friendly, if that makes sense.)
Delta - Instinct says Scum, but, as said before, not relying on that. Attacked both Meeple & Xanth in Day1, and seem to be attacking anyone who focuses on one particular person, seemingly regardless of whether it's justified or not. Neutral, ignoring instinct.
Ryogo - ...Nothing of relevance said, really. Can't say much unless we have a sudden return.
Tom - You seem very much against Xanth, that much can't be denied. But, outside of focusing on him, I can't really see much to say Scum here... I'm leaning Town, but only slightly.
Alex - I'm somewhat suspicious of your Day1 voting... You quite actively defended Meeple repeatedly, trying to shift the blame onto Xanth during this whole time. It's a little shaky, but probably most likely at this stage, in my eyes. Leaning Scum.
Andy - First few pages give no bad impressions. Current vote seems like it's almost through sheer lack of anything else - do you actually think Tom's Scum or is it just that he's not helping Town either way?
Excal - Hmm, nothing really solid either way, but I'm leaning towards Town.
Snow - Tough. The first few pages seem quite suspicious, but that slowly fades over the last few...  Overall, I'm pretty neutral at the moment.

With all that said, I'm gonna have to say:
##Vote: Alex
Seems the most likely to be Scum in my eyes so far. I'll have to see if/how that changes, though.

General Chat / Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« on: March 07, 2009, 12:14:46 AM »
FFVII: So, that was my worst HDINS (Half-Day-In-No-Saves) run ever, methinks, and it took me three days to finish it! XD
I left the PS2 on pause for 2 days, and then died the most ridiculous death ever...
Beat Motorball & Jenova-BIRTH, which were where my last two losses were on HDINS challenges, and then... I realised I only had ~1300 Gil. And needed 3000 for the Gold Saucer ticket. :/
So, I left Corel to go fight some stuff for Gil. 2x Flapbeat & a Joker. The two Flapbeats both Flying Sickled Tifa, killing her. Get Aeris to Phoenix Down -> Joker Joker's Cloud, killing him, two Flapbeats Flying Sickle Aeris before she revives Tifa. Game Over against random enemies. >.>

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Bluelike
« on: March 04, 2009, 11:01:18 PM »
Just flicking through some old seasons (seeing as I wasn't around for when they actually happened...), noticed a lot of duellers who've been removed from the DL. How many of those are Bluelikes? (And why were they removed, if not this? ???)
A tournament with those, Bluelikes & twinked PCs could be quite interesting... And probably not -too- hard to get a decent roster for, methinks.

Writeups / Re: Missing Bios: The Return
« on: March 04, 2009, 10:38:02 PM »
Alright, well, I'll probably look at updating some in the near-future, then.
In the meantime, the one I found earlier was FuSoYa...
Just the final sentence, where it says:
"Nevertheless, the Lunarian intends on proving that he was robbed in the Season 17 downgrade pools and win his way back into Middle."
Seeing as he's now back in Middle, might be worth changing it to something like...
"However, despite his flaws, he's shown that he's still capable of fighting well enough, and has since succeeded in reclaiming his place in Middle."

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Bluelike
« on: March 04, 2009, 10:28:50 PM »
Ahriman's pure evil regardless. >_>  Second strongest attack in the whole game, IIRC...
And Lucifer's durability might be amazing, but the majority of his attacks are weak and he relies almost entirely on status to stand a chance - up against another character with good durability & some status resistance, he'd be outslugged.
Baal Avatar would be Bluelike, almost no doubt. Again, IIRC, Bael's Bane is unblockable... right?

Is there gonna be a Bluelike tourney run? I know that wasn't the original intention of this topic, but I think it seems like a good idea... I'd be happy to help out where possible, although "where possible" for me isn't very much. :P

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Bluelike
« on: March 04, 2009, 07:51:20 PM »
Well, even with immunities, I don't think many would be unrankable because of ridiculous weaknesses. (Bosses weak to status/death? Good when playing, bad if you're controlling them.) I mean, the final two bosses of SMT:N, for example, have no specific immunities other than status, methinks. (Godly defence and an insane number of turns, but no immunities.)
And, actually, thinking about DDS2... Rage/Psycho Rage only activate at the start of a turn, don't they? I guess that explains why those are locked. As for SMT:N's Devil/Beast's Eye, they just turn one turn into multiple. Doesn't need to be a whole turn.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Bluelike
« on: March 04, 2009, 07:31:28 PM »
...From the sounds of things, it seems like another Bluelike tourney's in order...

And, I know it's not ranked, but some of the SMT:Nocturne bosses can use multi-turn attacks more than once in a turn. I've only seen it once, so it's definitely rare, but I'm not sure if the same is possible in DDS - they can only use the moves when they're down to 1 press turn, but I know Ose used Devil's Eye twice in a turn against me. (I remember that because he went and killed me as a result of it. >.>)

Writeups / Re: Missing Bios: The Return
« on: March 04, 2009, 07:27:43 PM »
Ike - FE9
Main character and Lord from Path of Radiance, Ike's not had the best run of events, having seen his father die right in front of his eyes at the hands of the enemy. From here, however, he is given command of the Greil Mercenaries and leads them through trials and troubles to help reclaim their fallen homeland of Crimea in the name of its rightful ruler, Princess Elincia.

Ike is renowned for being very simple as a character. He fights for his friends and he holds no prejudice based around trivial things like race. However, that simplicity doesn't mean that he's easy to fight against - with good strength & speed to support his above-average defences, Ike can prove a challenge for many a dueller. Add into that his astonishing Aether ability, which provides added strength along with healing in one attack, and it's clear that the Greil Mercenaries leader is going to live up to his father's name.

Don't know about editing the others that need it, to be honest. I looked through a few games that I know and only found one that needed editing, and that was only because it mentioned them being in the wrong league. The majority of those only need a line or two to be taken out/changed... Although, I can check through the lists to see who those are, if that helps...?

Science is Power (Scientists, inventors, and nutty creations)
Dr. Finkelstein (Nightmare Before Christmas)
E-102 Gamma (Sonic Adventure)

Apocalypse WOW (Destructive forces in one way or another)
Death Star (Star Wars)
Oblong (Name of shape) (This word apparently has the power to take over the world.)

Historical Pretense (Historical figures portrayed throughout media, real life, etc.)
Issun the Wandering Artist (Okami)
Adolf Hitler (Donald Duck cartoon from the 1940's) (Oh yeah, this happened. Disney made anti-Nazi, pro-US propaganda - who'd've thought it? >_>)

Flying Spaghetti Monster (Religious figure)
L-Shaped Tetris Block (Tetris)

General Chat / Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« on: March 04, 2009, 05:29:31 PM »
I've just accepted the Lindwyrm quest. I'm sad. This means I need to use bows and arrows? You know, I tried casting float on my team mates to see if they could continue attacking an enemy in the air, but obviously that logic is inapplicable there. So. I need to go buy bows and arrows. Or guns. Or. Yeah. I also have this damned Paradise Risen quest that's in the Giza Plains that I haven't finished. It has not, fucking rained hard enough for the motherfucking turtle to come out and it's pissing me off.

You could always, assuming you're pretty near the end of the game, use Telekinesis. It seems slightly weaker than normal attacks to me, but you'd also be able to use more powerful weapons anyways.

And... ugh. That damn thing annoyed me, only because I'd go around knocking all the trees into the water to form the bridge, and it'd be heavy rain constantly, then I'd cross into the right area for the hunt and the rain would suddenly be lighter. >.<

General Chat / Re: What are you litsening to? Ver.2009
« on: March 04, 2009, 05:26:12 PM »
...I'm inclined to say songs like Eyes on Me & Melodies of Life (FFVIII & IX respectively) would be good, but maybe that's just the association with Japan.
Otherwise... Some Queen couldn't go wrong, methinks. I'd imagine Don't Stop Me Now could be a good song for them to learn. And... maybe some Lost Prophets? It's generally pretty fast, but pretty clear as well. I'm specifically thinking Last Train Home here, but others would work too. (Or at least the ones I know would...)

At topic: Mitsurugi Reiji ~ Great Revival - Gyakuten Meets Jazz (Great Revival ~ Miles Edgeworth - Phoenix Wright Jazz Album)

Writeups / Re: Missing Bios: The Return
« on: March 04, 2009, 05:02:42 PM »
...Does Ike still need a new bio? If so, I'm happy to do that one as well. :D

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Bluelike
« on: March 04, 2009, 04:54:17 PM »
The WA5 boss you're thinking of is Volsung, who has a "Use one turn to take two" skill. There is nothing that outright prevents him from using this skill again on one of the two turns granted by the first use, hence infinite turns.

Think that sort of ruling would cut out quite a few Shin Megami Tensei bosses, seeing as a lot of them use moves like this, examples being any of the DDS1 characters' Solar Data - Harley, Bat, Mick & Varin.
That said, it'd be easy enough for the RPGDL to say that moves like this are limited/banned, in which case they wouldn't have any other reason to be classified as Bluelike, ya? (Well, except for possibly Bat, seeing as that status hits through any and all protection. ¬_¬)

(Oh, and when I'm talking about any DDS characters, I'm referring to DDS2 forms only - not played the first.)

Discussion / Re: DLCon 4: New Jersey...again...(aka MeepleCon!)
« on: March 03, 2009, 09:57:51 PM »
-sigh-  I'd love to be able to go to something like this... Bu~ut I highly doubt I'll be able to - I'm hopefully gonna be in Canada around July, so ma~aybe, assuming I get it sorted out soon, I could arrange transport down & tag this on to the end of my holiday...
In which case, I'd definitely be dragging along Piggyman too. There's no way I'm going there from Canada & not forcing him to go. :D

So, that's almost certainly a no, but I'm still gonna see what I can do.

(Also, if any space is available to stay at someone's, I'd take it almost instantly. Hell, if I'm going to Canada, I don't even know where I'm staying there yet.)

Writeups / Re: Missing Bios: The Return
« on: March 03, 2009, 08:50:46 PM »
Posted an updated list of undone bios with a brief explaination. Everyone is more than welcome to help.
Alright then, don't see why I shouldn't write something for the ones I can... Which are basically the two FE9 ones, going by the top list. ^^''

Volke - FE9
Silent. Deadly. Lethal. Just what you'd expect from an assassin. Volke's every bit as dangerous as his title (and ridiculous hiring fee) implies, with strength to match most physical fighters, speed worthy of his role as a thief and the ability to kill any opponent in one hit. Admittedly, he's only capable of using knives, but does weapon choice matter when a quick, painless death is guaranteed? Back in the fight against Daein, Volke's main role would be to open treasure chests and doors for a small fee, but he would never shy away from a fight, and now he's come here to prove himself as a fighter in the Duelling League.

And prove himself, he shall! While he's not had much luck so far in the DL, Volke still has the durability to hold his ground while dealing quick, strong attacks to any foe who should choose to face him. Mix in the ability to bring Lethality into a drawn-out battle for an instant-win, and Volke is one foe who no battler wants to see themself facing next.

Naesala - FE9

The King of Kilvas has never been the most loyal of people - he betrayed his childhood friend, Reyson, selling him to the greedy Duke Tanas, and has turned his beak against many a Laguz in order to make some money from the filthy humans of Daein, all in the name of making Kilvas a great nation to be respected and feared. However, regardless of his personal qualities, he remains a king, and he has the skills to back it up.

Naesala boasts a particularly wide range of skills for a Fire Emblem character, with brilliant strength and the magical Vortex to hit foes from afar, as well as being able to make use of the Vantage ability, preventing enemies from starting the fight with the upper-hand. However, his real strength lies not in his strength or skills, but in his speed - it'll take a damn good opponent to get more attacks in than him, and an even better one to hit with the majority of them.

Hope those are OK. ^_^

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