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Messages - Cotigo

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Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: February 25, 2017, 12:22:08 AM »
Y'know...  there's points of view other than yours and 'racist'.

Oh. Please. Do explain. In detail. I'm bored and want to eviscerate someone's arguments.

General Chat / Re: 2017 Miscellaneous Links: Venti, Tall, Grande
« on: February 19, 2017, 07:38:50 PM »
Your eyes still keep rolling everytime Conway says a Conway?

u must b diz-E

Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: February 19, 2017, 07:29:31 PM »
Only two things demand that much blind loyalty. Donald Trump, and the Republican Party. Turns out getting people to do whatever despite their personal beliefs while dangling a power carrot in front of them is a pretty good method of clawing up power for yourself.

Discussion / Re: How will the Trump administration end?
« on: February 17, 2017, 07:57:57 AM »
Trump's been fairly successful so far, on the whole, and there's no particular reason for the GOP to allow themselves a chance at losing.

Has he, though? Or do his core supporters just buy the story that he has? For all that the entire last month has been an extremely loud circus, his worst egregiouses have been stamped down by the rule of law and the whole checks-and-balances thing seems to be working as intended. His administration has been thankfully impotent and while I still fear the real possibility of this all ending up in violence (mostly 'cuz it already has) as the days go by I'm MORE optimistic about the future than not. . . . .

... far as the executive branch is concerned. That whole Republican majority legislative branch is just ripping us a new one, though.

The ideal scenario is that he's no more effective than any other Republican choice but is so loudly incompetent that the houses switch over the next couple cycles, though I'm not so braindead that I think that's likely. Still, the point is that Trump has demonstrated so much sheer incompetence and petty combativeness towards people working for our actual overlords (hur hur media joke) that this ill-will is going to keep fermenting.

Not that I think his presidency is going to alienate his core supporters or anyone else more interested in playing political games than governing, but I do think there's going to be less dipshit fart-in college students for the next generation or so, so maybe the left can get it's act together. Maybe.

Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: February 06, 2017, 02:06:44 PM »
Hey there everybody, I am here to sing the same damn note I've been singing for the past week and a half.

Your Daily Action Item:

Go here.…/national-security-2/

See these folk? I want everyone to blast these congressfolk's social media accounts with this link:

It's the video of Steve Bannon calling for the rise of "church militants" that you may have seen floating around. I want to make sure every member of the House Subcommittee on National Security is aware of Mr. Bannon's radical views and outright calling for the destruction of America.

For each representative, share the video on BOTH Facebook and Twitter--links are provided on the House website.

Take a second look. Are any of these representatives YOUR representative? Call them and inform them of the clear and present danger to our country that Mr. Bannon represents.

Example script for Facebook:
Good morning. I am sending this to you because of your placement on the House Subcommittee on National Security. Please review this video of Mr. Steve Bannon, the chief political strategist to the president, openly calling for religious violence.

Example script for Twitter. This should meet the character limit even after @ing the rep. in question:
Good morning. I am sending you this bc u r on the House Subcommittee on Natl.Security

Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: February 05, 2017, 11:27:14 AM »
Alex, you the man. This is the perfect case study/good cause to throw cash at. Keep us updated.

Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: February 04, 2017, 04:08:42 AM »

Crowdfunding for Travis County law enforcement programs (and all their social programs and subsidiaries) to continue functioning, since Gov. Abbott followed through on his threats to pull all state funds.  If y'all want to do something actually effective, here you go, actual law enforcement resisting the executive orders and campaigning for sanity and the rule of law.

A bill to empower the governor to unilaterally remove and replace any elected official that he deems noncompliant with Trump's executive orders made it out of committee today.  Kind of surreal that Austin is in fact becoming ground zero, but here we are.

Thanks! Passed along to the people still listening to me

Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: February 03, 2017, 11:14:42 AM »
let's be real we all knew that already it's just now we're terrified enough to do something

abject terror can be a pretty dang swell motivator

General Chat / Re: Fire Emblem Heroes Topic: You knew this was coming!
« on: February 03, 2017, 09:06:29 AM »
I'm assuming I don't get to yell at you guys about cocks in this topic?

Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: February 02, 2017, 03:03:58 AM »

Quote from: Update from Standing Rock volunteer

I have returned from Standing Rock with my mind blown, my heart broken and my spirit troubled with foreboding of a deepening tragedy. Volunteering as a legal observer with the Water Protector Legal Collective I witnessed several confrontations between Water Protectors (WP) and law enforcement: national guard, sheriffs and private security (LE).

On 1/18/17 - 1/19/17 I observed WP with their hands in the air chanting “hands up don’t shoot” being fired upon at a range of 10 to 15 feet. Tear gas canisters and rubber bullets ( rubber bullets are regular bullets covered in rubber) were used against unarmed WP who had been singing and praying. I observed national guard chasing WP off the Backwater bridge, firing at people running away. I heard people choking and gagging from tear gas. I saw access to the WP medic vehicles being blocked. I spoke with medics and WP who described bullets penetrating flesh and causing terrible injuries, including to one media person who nearly lost his finger when his camera was targeted.

I talked with a media person and was told of 4 media people on the bridge that night, 3 had their recording devices shot and the 4th, his hand. I saw a photo of a sheriff aiming a rifle directly at a media woman who was standing apart from the crowd. I heard testimony of the back of the medic pickup truck being awash in blood after evacuating wounded.

I watched, and then, inadvertently became a part of, WP being forced off the bridge by national guard who were hiding behind WP vehicles parked along the road and firing rubber bullets at fleeing people. Many people were shot in the back, the neck, the head. When LE fired at people at close range, many were shot in the genitals or in the face. I received information about DAPL security breaching the short wave radio channels of the WP with taunts such as ”come out and fight like men you faggots or we will come to Camp and fuck your women.”

There are some young warriors, who, without the support of their elders, many who want the camps cleared to mitigate the economic and social damage being suffered by the local community in having the bridge closed, have vowed to not leave the camps or to let the last section of pipeline be built.

Driving away from the area on Monday I saw a convoy of construction vehicles heading to the drill pad. Last night an indigenous website live streamed reports of drilling and construction noises coming from the drill pad.

Without the eyes of a free press these attacks and trespasses continue, with the human rights and sovereignty of indigenous peoples denied. The UN Committee on Transnational Corporations and Human Right Abuses was in Standing Rock this week to take testimony of the many transgressions against people: crop dusters spraying poison pesticides and fertilizers on the camps; hair samples indicating the presence of these chemicals; people who have been injured, beat up, arrested, strip searched; media and medics being targeted by snipers; (one medic told me he stopped wearing his Red Cross vest due to medics being targeted); praying people being attacked and the refusal of DAPL and our government to abide by the Rule of Law.

The vets who came in Dec to stand down against these crimes need to be on the ground there now, right now. We need to stand up for our brothers and our sisters, for their way of life and, I believe, for our social contract as a democracy which is now threatened.

Please share this so word gets out what is happening, thank you.
Deborah MacKay

its already happening

Standing Rock is the first battleground.

This doesn't not end in violence.

Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: February 01, 2017, 10:16:29 PM »
Does anyone want the password so they can post from it? PM me. I need to take a break and go exercise before I lose it.

Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: February 01, 2017, 10:04:29 PM »
Good idea, I forget that twitter exists. I have no idea how to use it or to get a tweet out to tons of people but fuck I guess it's time to learn.

go follow it and retweet it or... however this works. (fuck i got old at some point and learning unfamiliar technology is a chore)

Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: February 01, 2017, 06:04:04 PM »
You're absolutely right. I'm just trying to keep people on task.

I just had an idea.

It's time to make some propaganda.

The idea, I'm going to print out a bunch of fliers with Steve Bannon's face, below which will be the question "Who is Steve Bannon?" and a QR code that will link to the website. Kind of like a viral marketing campaign, because if marketing is going to work on people we may as well use it for good. Anyway, take these fliers and post them all over college campuses, malls, etc. Places where people who don't spend every waking hour on the internet will go.

The website itself will be plain, with concrete, public domain facts framed in such a way that even white folk who passionately endorse Trump will be afraid of him after reading it.

It's just an idea that popped into my head and feedback to make it better would be nice, but while I can write I can't code at all and any flier I make is gonna be fugly. I'll do the abyss gazing and gather the facts, but I'm going to need help in both those arenas.

This is all assuming he isn't just drone-bombing fuckers left and right in a couple days, ofc

Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: February 01, 2017, 03:29:45 PM »
None of what you guys said (u too laggy sorry :() since I finally passed out 12 hours ago is helpful (neb and grefter get passes for being unable to anything directly, but Grefter not the fucking time)

Enough theorizing, people. If you don't have some CONCRETE ACTION that's going to come from talking about whether the protests are playing right into Trump's hands, whether we're all doomed, or who is to blame, then what you're talking about is meaningless.

The house is on fire and everyone is going to sit around squaking and not doing anything because nobody's yelling, YOU, IN THE RED STATE, YELL AT YOUR SENATOR.

It's hard. Coming up with any steps to do SOMETHING is hard. There's a reason why Occupy Wall Street didn't get anything done. There's a reason it took 2 months after Trump's election for all the political posting to be theorhetical "everything gonna suck bro :(" to "OKAY HERE'S A BULLET POINT LIST OF WHAT TO DO".

And believe me, there's nothing more that I am inclined to do than sit around watching youtube feeling like everything is too big but EXCUSE ME THERE IS A NAZI SITTING IN ON THE MEETINGS WHERE THEY TELL WHICH BROWN PEOPLE TO DRONE STRIKE.

Not the time. Call your reps if you haven't.

Scared of Bannon?

Are these all old institutions that haven't produced any meaningful change in our lifetimes and we don't know what the effects are going to EXCUSE ME




If you can write a big long post about why we're fucked you can go write an investigative piece of journalism on the Trump cabinet member scares you most and then try to get the word out to people who don't know. No, don't post the article on GamerGhazi they already woke, but consider this: even my ultra liberal literally-living-in-a-commune-in-the-mountains parents don't understand the current existential threat because Bannon made sure nobody knows who he is unless they spent way too much time staring into the canary in the coal mine that was GamerGate. He is that fucking devious.

We need to educate. Go get writing usefully or please just do something.

Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: January 31, 2017, 07:37:21 PM »
PS: I like how you managed to also avoid mentioning wanting to kick Bannon in the nuts.

For those keeping score at home, we have reached the point of crisis where *Zenny* is actively trying to choose his words wisely.

So that's kinda where we're at as a nation right now

Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: January 31, 2017, 05:26:43 PM »
Sup nerds. You called your congressfolk yet today?

I'm basically going to be bugging the shit out of mine about Steve Bannon because THERE IS A NAZI SITTING IN ON NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL MEETINGS OVER THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF.

I wrote out what I wanted to say beforehand*, and frankly it just made the whole process easier for me. Less stuttering, less terrified emotional fear babble, and as a bonus I refrained from referring to Bannon as a doughy Goebbels fanboy even once!

If Steve Bannon terrifies you too and you want a script to use, by all means, feel free to use this however you see fit.

"Hello, my name is X from Y, and my zip code is 00000. I was calling to ask if Senator/Representative Z has released an official position on President Trump's decision to have his chief strategist and of former Breitbart News editor Steve Bannon to sit in on National Security Council meetings instead of the director of the joint chiefs of staff."

(Upon being asked for my opinion so it could be documented): "Steve Bannon terrifies me, and his appointment to the NSC should terrify all of us. The man is a dangerous white supremacist who must not be allowed to dictate the future actions of the Armed Services. I believe we have not only a political obligation, but a moral obligation to do everything possible to prevent this appointment, and would appreciate if Senator/Representative Z would take this into account. Thank you for your time, have a good day."

This isn't a partisan issue. I don't give a shit what you think about Trump, and I don't give a shit about what you think about Hillary Clinton. This isn't about either of them. This isn't about the election. This is a fucking NAZI sitting in on the meetings that decide what the THE UNITED GODDAMN STATES MILITARY is going to do. And he was given this power QUIETLY while Trump kept us occupied with his dumbass poorly planned executive order.

Steve Bannon is an actual existential threat. If something isn't done, US Citizens WILL die.

I haven't really slept in two days. That is all.

Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: January 31, 2017, 05:12:58 AM »
(though your "I told you so" attitude isn't impressing anyone

Yeah that. Take your own advice, Super. Right now is not the fucking time.

Not even the first baby from someone not coming into the group with one mang.

We are all corpses waiting to happen.

I am bad with keeping up with other people's lives, apparently. Who else has a kid?

So we've reached the collective DL age where weddings and babies are things, eh.

That has kind of been happening the last 3-4 years really.  I mean OK got married dude.

OK's wedding, surprisingly enough, did not coincide with a geopolitical crisis.

Equally surprisingly, Shale's kinda did. Or, I guess, Shale is directly affected by a geopolitical crisis, and he is married. I'll take points for the terrible segue though.

that plus the baby thing is kinda new (sorry cap'n and gate but insert crass joke here)

Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: January 30, 2017, 05:36:33 AM »
 I remember in middle school, it was during the Bush/Gore election, we had just learned about the great depression. Someone in my class asked, "what's stopping something like that from ever happening again?" My social studies teacher, whose name I have forgotten, responded: "Well, we learned from our mistakes. We have protections in place to make sure it doesn't happen again."

Then Bush V. Gore came down to several significant figures worth of votes and we had something historically unprecedented to discuss in history class. I guess that's why this one teacher stands out in particular*.  That, and how completely wrong she was. Graduating college and entering the workforce around 2009 was fun.

We never learned our lessons. Our grandparents did, the hard way, and we all got complacent. We had been brought up with Nazis as these shorthand-for-evil baddies that Indiana Jones punched because they were bad and forgot the sheer terror the Nazis/Alt-Right/White Supremacist movements wrecked upon the world. Prince Charles dressed as a goddamn nazi for a joke. We even have a Godwin'd term for how gauchely we throw the around term Nazi around, like it's some weak defeated relic of the past. I spent an embarrassingly large amount of my early 20s with "edgy" humor (read: tons of holocaust jokes because WHO COULD ACTUALLY BE A NAZI AM I RIGHT?). I was /pol/'s goddamn target audience for part of my life. And now a literal Nazi sits in on the meetings where they tell the soldiers what to do. They're doing literal Nazi moves by publishing a report of all the supposed crimes committed by the scapegoat du jour, and blatantly attempting to persecute people based on their religion.

The ACLU are goddamn heroes. I hope this can stay civil and that the battles will be fought by lawyers, but I think I may have a moral obligation to go punch a Nazi if it comes to that.

*EDIT: Fun story, the only other thing I remember about that class is that she made us write new lyrics to Billy Joel's We Didn't Start the Fire with recent events and I got in trouble for making a joke about Columbine. Ah, youth.

Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: January 30, 2017, 04:51:53 AM »
So I just looked at YouTube and learned that A) The White House now has an official Youtube account and 2) Trump's address to the American People from the 28th is at this time of writing #4 in their Trending algorithm.

So we have propaganda from Cheeto Big Brother at the behest of his LITERAL NAZI SHADOW ADVISOR streamed directly into our homes.  Because all the media that doesn't come directly from Trump is fake. Trump will keep you safe. Trump's got this.

Like. I think my biggest crisis is the realization of just how on the nose it all is. Are they going to make the Secret Service wear fucking iron crosses on their goddamn uniforms?

This isn't reality, this is the goddamn plot of Captain America 2. FUCK Captain America 2.


Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: January 30, 2017, 01:32:58 AM »
On the plus side, there was a protest sign that said "Fuck White Supremacy" that received airtime on the news for like, a full minute, so that was neat...

So we've reached the collective DL age where weddings and babies are things, eh.

Congratulations on finding love through a forum dedicated to bickering about Final Fantasy 6 characters' claims to unique armor and Fire Emblem challenge runs.

edit: pls tell me your honeymoon is going to be DLCon because that would be fuckin' adorable

Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: January 29, 2017, 11:48:16 PM »
Paging Jim because I want an informed opinion regarding Trump's Muslim ban and the still vacant SCOTUS seat:

So this is obviously going to the SCOTUS. Is the fact that Trump tried to do something that was so obviously going to get challenged in court while Scalia's seat still remains vacant a potential asset at all? Like, to ensure that his nominee will vote to uphold the executive order? Or... something?

I ask mostly because it seems like such an incompetent amateur hour move that I'm forced to conclude that they're either actually that incompetent or there is some tinfoil hat level conspiracy theory shit going on and I need some facts to ground me.

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