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Messages - Cotigo

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General Chat / Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« on: December 26, 2007, 05:35:34 AM »
Half Life 2:  Got the Grav gun.  Fun shooter, pretty well designed.  Getting annoyed with the "lol physix" puzzles but hey.  More annoying:  the fact that my computer finds it appropriate to make me have to reload the game every load screen.  I'll have to do something about that.

Portal:  Sat down and just beat it.  (Har har).  Started off good, got better when I got the full portal gun, became even better in the last sequence of events.  The finale's comments... hahaha. 

"Balls tighteningly good" is an understatement for this game.  Will have to do the challenges or something at some point.

General Chat / Re: Merry Christmas!
« on: December 25, 2007, 06:06:26 PM »
Both volumes of R.R. Martin's Dreamsong (Score)
The Orange Box (score)
Money (Score)
Furniture for the house I'm moving into (Score).

Needless to say I'm exceedingly happy right now.  Not having to pay for a bed (and not just one I found at the dump or on the curb, either.  Ha-ha, take that!) = exceedingly badass.

Happy Holidays to everyone.  I'm going to go play Portal.  >_>

General Chat / Re: Good Morning, 2008!
« on: December 25, 2007, 06:01:29 PM »
Weird.  One of my fillings fell out the other night and it's made it a pain in the ass to eat. 

What the hell, dentists.  This is a conspiracy.


....Super's lost his mind.  Yay.

General Chat / Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« on: December 25, 2007, 02:03:35 AM »
S5:  So I decided that at some point I'm going to want to get all 108 stars.  I also decided that it's looking like S5 is a play once and try to forget about game, so!

Past the intro.  Fled Lumas to Haud.  Saw the scene that made me restart this time.  Also a scene with Jeane I had missed the first time; dunno if that was important but knowing S5 probably.  -_-  Intro still sucks.

General Chat / Re: Miscellaneous Links 2 - The Vengeance
« on: December 24, 2007, 08:33:03 AM »


NSFW.  Not safe for childhood memories, either.

General Chat / Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« on: December 24, 2007, 03:35:47 AM »
S5:  So, got my headquarters, and found out I missed a recruit.  Kinda put me off to the game, since I'm in a state of uncertainty as to how to proceed.  Do I restart, live through the hellish intro and go for the 108 stars intro?  Do I keep going and not be a perfectionist?  It'd be the first Suikoden game where I didn't get all 108, but I'm not sure that I care.  Or I'm not sure that I don't care.  Whatever.

Marathon 1:  Speaking of games I started in the beginning of summer and then never played again until recently, I fired this up again.  Got the hang of it now, but all the maps look alike so I spend about a half hour per level just wandering around hitting random switches until I get through.  If nothing else just playing it to get used to PC shooter controls again since I intend to purchase The Orange Box soon.

General Chat / Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« on: December 22, 2007, 01:37:09 AM »
Ah, lame.

General Chat / Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« on: December 22, 2007, 12:08:46 AM »
Fighter with 3 rune slots?  I'm there.

Sounds like my party's going to end up being Georg, Zerase, Miakis, The Prince and his Mouthpiece, and either Shigure or Kyle.  As much as I like Killey and want to twink him out... S5 gameplay.  Thinking.  Yeah no.

General Chat / Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« on: December 21, 2007, 11:49:18 PM »
Hm.  Just a quick question, 'cause I don't really feel like giving the horrible gameplay of this game too much thought:  What are some good characters I should be focusing on for the endgame or at least a good portion of the game?  Is Killey as twinkable as he was in S2, for instance?  I know I should use Georg, but that's really about it.

General Chat / Re: Miscellaneous Links 2 - The Vengeance
« on: December 21, 2007, 07:19:18 AM »
Only 23 kids.  I need to go to Capoeria more than once a month.  Then I could really take down some five year olds.

General Chat / Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« on: December 21, 2007, 07:11:39 AM »

So I pick up where my first save left off and, lo and behold, the game stops sucking.  The entire Barows arc was well written and fairly well done.  The gameplay is... eh, but what do you expect from Suikodens not named 3 and to a much lesser extent Tactics? 

However, I am not without complaints.
1.  Towns are just horribly designed.  Random invisible walls you can't walk through for no reason, paths that you need to access being obscured by buildings (I'm looking at you, Estrise), the town music is just dull, etc. etc. 
2.  The dungeons seem all take a page from the SH2 book of dungeon design.  THIS IS NOT GOOD.  I'm dreading the phantom forest or whatever that everyone else keeps saying is the worst of them. 
3.  Okay, okay.  I'm sorry, S5.  I'm sorry I bitched about your stilted expository dialogue in the intro.  Can you at least have NPCs tell me where shit is or... something?  Your towns are so unintuitivly designed and the map so... Suikoden mappish that I'd really appreciate it.
4.  Recruitment.  Fuck off.
5.  Silent mains.  Fuck off.  You know, Konami, if you had just given The Hero Formerly Known as Prince some lines Lyon wouldn't have to play little miss irritating mouthpiece the entire game.
6.  What the hell is with the skill system?  It's so bloody useless.  Not only are the bonuses a fraction of a fraction of what S3 gave you, but you can only equip 2 skills at a time?  Great, S5.  You fixed my one complaint about S3's skill system (SP gain rate) and broke the rest of the bloody system.  Good job.

This is not to say the game's terrible.  Quite the contrary, I'm enjoying myself now; when the Barows clan came to the forefront of the plot every bit about it was well executed.  The characters were despicable but credible, the mystery was actually interesting, the rate at which information was given to you was perfectly balanced with how much we couldn't know to keep the dramatic tension going (as opposed to the intro, "Oh my god we've been through so much I don't want to talk about it.  Oh hey queen yeah Lordlake sucks that's what I was bitching about but not saying anything about it for teh MYSTARY. By the way queen did you know that you brought ur rath down on Lordlake 2 yrz ago? thought ud like to no." Fuck the intro).  Just... there are a lot of minor things irritating me.  Things that managed to take a step BACK from S4.  For all that sailing is shit at least I could navigate the towns reasonably. 

Oh well, looks like I'll end up giving the game a high ranking, in the end.  Very plot heavy and it proved that it can do plot reasonably well.

General Chat / Re: Good Morning, 2008!
« on: December 20, 2007, 11:54:45 PM »
You know you liked it.

General Chat / Re: Good Morning, 2008!
« on: December 20, 2007, 07:54:45 PM »
I would, because I missed him in a dress.

General Chat / Re: Good Morning, 2008!
« on: December 20, 2007, 06:40:50 PM »
On the first day of chirstmas, Dunefar did recieve...

A new forum with quick reply.

On the second day of Christmas, Dunefar did recieve...

2 Influenzas
And a new forum with quick reply.

On the third day of C...

Fuck it, I'm done.

General Chat / Re: Miscellaneous Links 2 - The Vengeance
« on: December 20, 2007, 06:02:35 AM »

General Chat / Re: Good Morning, 2008!
« on: December 19, 2007, 09:07:02 PM »
On second thought, don't tell us.

General Chat / Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« on: December 19, 2007, 09:04:51 PM »
Suikoden 5:  So, I restarted because I had no fucking idea where to go because I wasn't paying attention.  I got... maybe an hour in before deciding "Fuck that."  God this game's intro is shit.  But I should play more before giving up entirely...

So I FAQed where to go.  Back to Rainwall, I guess.  Hey, didn't they just tell me I had to go to some dam and bring water back to Lordlake or something?  Oh well, maybe I just misremembered.  Going through this confusion is still better than listening to the intro (Agh, the expository dialogue there was terrible).

General Chat / Re: Good Morning, 2008!
« on: December 18, 2007, 04:22:09 PM »
It's not 2008 yet fuckwit.

Anyway, whoaaaaa.  New forums.  Snazzy.  And they tell you if someone posted while you were reading.  This'll be good for mafia.

Hm.  Back home for the holidays.  Let's see how long it takes for this shithole of a town to revert me back to homicidal maniac. >_>

EDIT:  Holy shit inline edit

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