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Messages - Cotigo

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Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: December 05, 2016, 12:50:09 AM »
oh yeah obviously it's not the only cause, but it certainly *is* a cause

Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: December 05, 2016, 12:23:03 AM »
so is now a good time to point out the "it isn't about sexism" like literally doesn't work when Twump turns around and appoints someone who committed the EXACT SAME CRIME HRC's entire email shit was about TO THE EXACT JOB SHE HAD WHILE SHE WAS ACCUSED OF COMMITTING THE CRIME

anyone who refuses to admit that sexism played a large role during the election season now has a cartoonishly straightforward mallet to get beaten over the head with

EDIT: Good news, at least.

forgive the MSNBC link I've seen it on other sites as well and just can't be arsed to find them atm

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: December 02, 2016, 08:03:46 AM »
Pulled on the first FF4TAY banner cuz I need 4 synergy. Got Ceodore's Burst, Rosa's Reraise, and most importantly Gilbert's  Mag+Mnd+Short charge SSB. guess I'm using Gilbert now

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: December 01, 2016, 08:37:51 AM »

Black Magic was also the last one I unlocked for him due to poor planning and hitting a dry spell of 4* knowledge motes so realizing that actually I had to gimp him into a physical build in order to use most of his skillset was... frustrating.

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: December 01, 2016, 01:10:56 AM »
Support is good, definitely the first one I unlocked too. If you have his BSB, I'd also recommend getting Black Magic sooner than later. There will be a window coming up for you all where if you have more than one MAG buffer it's just going to be flat out better for OK to chain his Quickcast Magic BSB command and build for magic rather than attack. After hitting the relevant softcaps, chain casting that command will routinely outdamage his physical command + Full Charge because the mults on his physical attack just aren't there to break 5000 damage on most high end bosses.

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: November 28, 2016, 12:03:00 AM »
Ok so I assume you already know that you're going to need to get your weapon levels up ASAP and stuff like that, but I have some advice to help you get the most out of your team. First, to answer your question, since both Wakka's BSB commands only affect one stat, they will not stack with the breakdowns. For that matter, Full Break and the BSB itself don't stack, so they're not a high priority. I may recommend honing them to R2 regardless, though. You'll get more mileage out of Wakka's BSB if you have him use Ace Striker or Battleforged rather than Mako Might/Dr. Mog's Teachings. The obvious downside to this strategy is that you won't have breakdowns until Wakka gets his SB gauge built, so having those ready even if you don't normally use them is a good idea.

That said, you have a lot more pressing hones to get.

First, get one copy of Wrath for Wakka. Even R1 will be enough to get his Burst up ASAP with Ace Striker, and then you can just have him continually use burst commands.

Second, get at least two copies of Life Siphon and hone them both to R2, one you'll use on Ramza so you'll always have Shout up during most fights. The other you can swap between Tyro and Cloud depending on if you need more damage or more mitigation. I would recommend breaking your copy of pound for Power orbs for this. Lifesiphon is less damage, but has a 100% hit rate like Pound and you're going to get more out of building up Soulbreak than the slightly more damage you get from Pound.

Those are the big ones. Shellga/Protectga R1 if you don't already have it. Honing Curaga rather than Curaja will be faster for you and will almost certainly suffice in harder battles until Vanille's burst gets built up. Honestly though if you just get Wrath and the Life Siphons I imagine you'll be able to beat the +++ Fight for sure, and will have a strong fighting chance against the Ultimate.

As far as what Record Materia to use, I'd reckon on that setup Battleforged (Ramza RM3), Ace Striker (Tidus RM3), Dr. Mog's Teachings (Tyro RM3), Mako Might (Cloud RM3), and then Cloud's RM4 would be the most useful ones to gun for. For the RM3s, you will need to use the Memory Crystal 2s to break your characters' max levels to L80 in order to get them. Luckily, Ramza, Tyro, and Cloud are already on your A-team, so the only one you'd have to go out of your way for is Tidus'. Luckily you'll be swimming in MC2 lodes when you get to the point where you can beat +++ fights, so this won't take you very long to accomplish. One side note, I would actually recommend getting Tidus' MC2 before getting Vanille's. White Mages have a much easier time compensating for being lower levelled, and the boost to SB gauge gain from Ace Striker is a very useful boon.

Cloud's RM4 requires you using a Memory Crystal 3 to cap break Cloud to L99 for. You'll probably be able to get this after getting most of the other record materia; you'll need to beat the Ultimate+ boss of an event, but by that point you'll be caught up enough that it won't be outside the realm of possibility.

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: November 26, 2016, 11:46:13 PM »

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: November 26, 2016, 11:44:40 PM »
After all those years and now it doesn't even make -that- much of a difference on average.

Yeah that's kinda what I was thinking. It does give me a reason to hone the new Knight 5* skill I suppose, since I can now natively buff Agrias or Beatrix's DEF with their BSB commands and Thyrus, I suppose. Still, it's not going to make or break any party compositions at this point. I suppose I have FF14 CMs in the bag for the forseeable future?

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: November 26, 2016, 02:19:13 PM »
Pulled on the Dissidia banner. I now have Thyrus, so, uh. I guess I beat the game? 

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: November 25, 2016, 09:50:30 PM »
I'm in if I can use Captain's account. I have a lot of free time on my hands and could probably get it up to decent shape with some planning in the next month, soooo.

Kinda busy today but I'll look up how to do it this weekend.

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: November 24, 2016, 06:04:37 PM »
Caved and did the lucky draw on JP's banner. Got a second copy of Dorgan's Blade of Light, and Zell's ATK+DEF gloves.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: November 24, 2016, 04:51:19 AM »
Fuck you, FFRK post.

Any of you guys who used to play but quit wanna let me use your account so I can play multiplayer with the other crackheads hanging out in the crack house?


Lucio is great, I don't like Roadhog all that much though Junkrat translates from TF2 Demoman well enough, and Tracer/Sombra fit my preferred playstyle pretty well.

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: November 24, 2016, 03:48:07 AM »
Good call. Also realized I should probably ask on a topic the people who quit would actually read, so.

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: November 23, 2016, 07:43:23 PM »
Y'know if anyone who is done playing the game wouldn't mind handing over their account (or at least letting me play on it) so I can hop onto some multiplayer shenanigans, that'd be p cool

JP news, FFT event down, CM done, etc. Izlude was a fun CM due to Izlude's weak and very weak forms being at something like 80% and 66%. Gafgarion's BSB is cool but would be a lot cooler on an account that didn't farm religiously. Drain Ability Uses is only so good. It may make Omega Drive worth making, come to think of it. lol watch as gaf doesn't even have combat 5

The Multiplayer Nightmare Velius fight was the hardest fight I have participated in in a while, largely because I was playing during peak hours and everyone is a goddamn IDIOT. So, the 3 Archaeodemons all have Life Drain, all resist Holy, and unlock Gigaflare (actually a cool little move that hits you based on positioning on the field. Kinda sucks for Player 2 and 3 though) after a certain time. On top of this, both Velius and the Archaeodeomons have a ton of HP, and Velius' defenses are around the same relative stupidity as Mote Dungeon Ifrit when he first came out. Cue:

1. Nobody agreeing on whether to blitz down the boss or take out the Archaeodemons first (either are valid strategies but you can't do both at the same time, and stickers don't allow for much coordination).
2. People Bringing in BSB Agrias (OSB Agrias is fine due to dual elemental) and then attacking the Archaeodemons with their holy-elemental attacks.
3. Nobody using breakdowns, or more smartly, Dances.* 
4. OSB Orlandeaux spamming their OSBs on different targets so Life drain is well over an OHKO even with a Y'shtola Asylum barrier.
5. People agreeing to take down the demons first but taking them all out piecemeal instead of focusing down a single demon at a time.
6. Many people not realizing just how many hones you need and running out by turn four because wow.
7. One particularly annoying Aeris who only had her reraise SSB, R2 Ultra Cure, and R4 Ultima Weapon and she wasn't built for dealing damage at all.

I eventually won by spelling out exactly the strategy I wanted (Physical-based team, focus demons down one at a time, someone bring Wall) in the Join Party screen, and even then mid-battle if I realized someone was being a moron I couldn't really tell them how to fix it and had to hope they had enough sense to follow my lead. After the first couple failed attempts with this I realized I could just kick people from my party, so cue me sitting there for 30 minutes nexting bitches left and right until I got a party I could work with. I tried using Mustadio because his SSB stacks with all other breakdowns that I am aware of but his skillset was kinda lacking, namely this fight having Dances is way more important, so I swapped him out for Shitbrat. Spamming Shitbrat's BSB was also very useful, since most of the scary damage is magic and MBlink is great. Status is also a huge deal, so out came Penalty Break.

Since I essentially picked out people I could work with I'll list the team here:

My Ramza (Penalty Break/Indoor Spell), Dr. Mog's
My Tyro (Break Fever/Wrath), Battleforged
BSB + OSB Orlandu / SSB Lenna
OSB Orlandu / UltraSSB + SG Tyro (Penalty Break, Wrath)
BSB Faris (Hi-Unfaith, Wrath) / BSB Vanille

It was a looooooong fight. Even though finally everyone was on the same page to take down the demons one at a time, and even with the Orlandeux cranking out OSBs every other turn or so, it took around five turns to take each archaeo demon down, and after we did that we had to start chipping through Velius' HP. I'm pretty sure the fight took a half hour real time.

Fortunately, though, with this method and the amount of mitigation being thrown up by Faris and the Tyros, by the time Velius was bringing out anything legitimately scary all his adds were dead and he couldn't really dish out too much damage.

Overall not really that difficult of a fight. It's main problem is that you need a coordinated strategy and the communication tools provided aren't good enough to facilitate that. Though to the game's credit I did manage to figure out something. If I couldn't speak Japanese though... egh.  Could be a real problem in global if some players don't speak English that well.

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: November 21, 2016, 09:34:28 PM »

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: November 19, 2016, 11:46:15 PM »
At least you still have Math elves.

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: November 19, 2016, 06:55:17 AM »
So I'm not one to even acknowledge, much less piss and moan about characters not being true to their games, but after getting Rafa and Malak, I did have to point out that it is quite clever to have given Rafa and Malak Ninja 4. Offhand Rafa is the much more versatile option (BLK5, WHT4, Dancer 4, Ninja 4, Sorceress 5. Sorc 5 is noteworthy because she also comes with what may be the first legitimately always useful starting SB: Next two turns have reduced cast times. Malak's is also pretty appealing: next turn has no charge, but this can't be chained like Rafa's, and his skillset variety is pathetic. him having Black 5/Ninja 5 would have made him fit into a very interesting niche  as a Ninja with high base MAG, but he only gets Ninja 4 in exchange for Dark 5.

Either way the rest of the week is going to be me resisting spending my 50 mythril on the FFT banners because good lord I don't need more FFT relics. The fact that I not only CM'd Nightmare++ Velius despite it having no reward for CMing that level of the fight, but thought it was trivial to the point that I didn't post about it here is a testament to that fact. Investments in FFT futures paid off, and also I have Gafgarion's burst from the anniversary banners.

And grefter before you

Quote from: ZennyIn2Days
So I failed to stop letting nostalgia rule my life and have Malak's BSB now because I am a goddamn slut

tough titty i did it first

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: November 18, 2016, 12:53:21 AM »
Lacey-o is the 5* Sorceress Skill. Basically Ice elemental Full Charge, supposed to be paired with the 4* skills. Not worth using if you have the appropriate element in a BSB or OSB, since using the 4* skills' quick cast will net you better damage on that.

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: November 18, 2016, 12:11:49 AM »


Fast Thunder is a thing now. I cannot fathom why they wouldn't just make it BLM instead of making a whole new class. Whatever. The point is both Terra, Krile, and Rinoa can access it so I don't really care. Sorry, Vivi, you are now objectively a worse choice instead of an equivalent one. 

Anyway, I beat the top level of Ultros I described in my last post. Here's the thing about Ultros: His weaknesses are Thunder and Fire. Someone brought along Allegro Con Moto. I don't think I've cranked out that many 99999 OSBs before.  Haste/Fast Thunder/ACM gave her basically Orlandu-level speed. In fact, there was an OSB wielding Orlandu on the team and I was outpacing and out damaging him. Suck it, guy who has a relic I want.

Plus at this stage of the game 4* abilities are cheap, I got both Fast Thunder and Fast Blizzard to R4 just with what I had in my reserves. Definitely going to be more useful on Rinoa/Terra soul breaks more than the 5* abilities, though I may as well hone the Thunder one since I don't have an amazing Thunder elemental BSB.

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: November 17, 2016, 07:58:17 PM »
Ah, gotcha, definitely the smart way to do it.

In other news, I just noticed the FFXI Cid's Mission only requires that you have Shantoto in your party, so that's cool. Also, a couple small updates I just noticed. Multiplayer bosses now have a 滅++ level in addition to a 滅 That's the one above Ultimate++, 200 difficulty), meaning we can now get an extra 50 4* motes an event, meaning I may bother beefing up characters who are not Tyro, Onion Knight, and Beatrix.

That said most 滅 bosses already kinda kick my ass if I'm paired up with idiots, which happens pretty often. That said the first 滅++ boss is Ultros so Angry Terra should have no problem taking him down.

In gloating news, the latest Nightmare dungeon is Velius.


EDIT: Easiest U++ CM ever. Then again only requiring one character doesn't reaaaaally make it a CM. Regardless, I do think that's the first time I've curbstomped a U++ level boss without healing. Stacking walls (Agrias' BSB commands and SG) and stacking Breakdowns (Power, Mag, Full, and Musty's Full+Mind) meant he really couldn't do any damage, and Selphie/Agrias were just destroying his HP. Fun fight.

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: November 17, 2016, 07:22:03 PM »
Ooph. Well if it worked it worked but in the future, note that if you have a low-MND character cast Stop and that enemy has been stopped already by a high MND character, and it procs, the timer gets overrwritten.

Generally, this is actually a pretty good strategy for curing Stop on your characters in battle, and basically the only reason why BLM3 isn't completely useless.

General Chat / Re: Movies
« on: November 17, 2016, 04:40:04 PM »
I used to be really into Burton as a teenager but yeah as an adult there's not a whole lot of  stuff he's made worth watching to me. But then again me and films, etc.

Here's a fun game. Take an existing intellectual property and decide which remake/sequel would be the worst in Burton's hands.  (The best one I've come up with is Tim Burton Presents American History X)

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: November 17, 2016, 04:36:51 PM »
Ohhh, that's what it was. All I remembered from the event was that Halting Roomba was for some reason better than the BLM skill.

General Chat / Re: 2016 Miscellaneous Links: The Links Awaken
« on: November 17, 2016, 04:34:00 PM »
Doesn't look any more cringe worthy than any MMO I've seen or played.


General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: November 17, 2016, 04:29:59 PM »
If you go hone the Stop.. Dance? I forget if it's Dancer or Bard, but the stop skill has a higher base hit rate than the stop spell, and if you have someone with high MND like Penelo, I was able to get through using high-honed Ixion/Thundaja/Thundaga Strike/Thundara Strikes wailing on him without taking any damage.

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