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Messages - AndrewRogue

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General Chat / Re: Sigs & Avatars! Re-branded for Maximum Profit
« on: April 03, 2017, 04:28:18 AM »

Discussion / Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« on: March 21, 2017, 01:52:50 AM »
Nothing super productive to say, just glad this is back.

General Chat / Re: Books
« on: March 06, 2017, 08:30:50 PM »
The Lies of Locke Lamora

A bit schlocky, but exactly my kind of schlock. Lots and lots of fun character stuff and con artist shenanigans. A little disappointed in how some of the turns went, but overall a very strong recommend.

Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: February 21, 2017, 06:25:47 PM »
Unsure if this should be in Politics or IotD.

Decided there was minimal difference currently.

Not sure I agree with you assessment.

Congrats and condolences all around.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« on: January 19, 2017, 04:01:26 AM »
Project Diva: Future Tone: Much rhythm, much game.

Titanfall 2: I never talked much about this, but the game was rad as fuck, as was the multiplayer. PC playerbase is dwindling to the best players though, and the game is way too fast for me to succeed against good players.

Forum Games / Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« on: December 24, 2016, 12:14:41 AM »
Wu snorts. "Yi is cautious. She does not fight unless she is sure she can win. She is a kindred spirit to Si, but I suppose that is why she yet lives." Leaning on her mace, she stares out over the river. On the fringes of our land they fight or they die. This close to the capital, they capitulate as cowards. Between... some fight, some cower."

Forum Games / Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« on: December 22, 2016, 07:39:35 AM »
"I doubt it. With the deaths of San and Qu, they fear for their own lives. Even if they were, only Yi has any martial prowess. The others... relied on us four to defend Nine Rivers until the arrival of Feng Dashi." Wu frowns, her brows furrowing as she leans on her mace.

Forum Games / Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« on: December 21, 2016, 06:52:38 PM »
Den smiles. "Tell you what. I think I'll be standin' right here and make sure these fae don't get any clever ideas. No offense to your lady's warriors, but I'd rather not leave the mortals with the creatures."

Wu nods. "Ah, there is a tongue you all speak. That shall make things less irritating, I am sure."

Forum Games / Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« on: December 20, 2016, 10:07:42 PM »
Den shrugs. "Tough to tell. We were poking our noses around the palace, so they might've just been more prepared for it. I'm not going near there again without a couple of you Solars in tow. But I can show you 'round the city itself if that were to you and yours' likin'."

Wu shifts her gaze from Akeha to Lee. "Your kind is brazen, that much is certain. Perhaps more of the Unconquered Sun's children are needed at this time. Three of my sisters have perished and our seat of power has been lost to us. Our great treasures are in the hands of things from beyond creation. I will speak to you, but not within earshot of the filth that poisons your boat." The mace shifts and it is quite clear that she would very much like to resolve that particular problem."

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: December 20, 2016, 09:36:20 PM »
Monster Rancher 2: Learned my combining method was flawed and Soppy and Jim were not meant to be one. I conveniently had a save right before the commission of the act, so they are restored to individuals.

I have temporarily backtracked to unlock a couple more monster species with the help of Super, a Hopper/Tiger (spawned from Brigadine).

On the other hand, Monster Rancher 4 has also arrived, so I might start bouncing between both games.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: December 19, 2016, 06:56:19 PM »
Pillars of Eternity: Started playing this again. Not sure if it's just my mood or the various revisions this game has had since it was new, but I'm having a lot more fun this time. Not that it was bad originally or anything. Just clicking more this time around.

Project Diva X: Getting Excellent on all Hard songs. Also picked up my first PD Perfect ever. Woo.

Monster Rancher 2: Monster Rancher urge kicked in and bought MR4, but that's not being delivered for somewhere between 1 and 8 more days. So started playing MR2 again. Also I've never technically beat MR2, so, you know, might as well do that. I'll jump into MR4 when that shows up to compare the two games close to each other!

Took me a while to get an emulator that I think is reliably doing Disc Stone stuff. It's really hard to tell when I'm getting unlucky vs when image files are just spitting out the same stuff.

Anyhow. A brief chronicle of my ranch thus far.

We started our adventures with Soppy, a Zuum/Arrowhead. He proved to be a loyal and loving monster quite quickly, though his early days were fraught with stress. His skill and defense made him pretty good in combat, though he hit with all the fury of an angry sponge. He made it to A Rank at 72-0. Not bad for a first monster.

My follow-up to Soppy, Jim, a Plant/Zuum (spawned from a DDR game) proved less successful. He was quite high stress and his initial skills made battling with him very difficult. I attempted to raise him for Adventures, but it just didn't pan out. He retired fairly early for his species, no doubt because of the endless stress endured during his formative years.

Following that was Tide, a Pixie/Monol (spawned from Wild Arms 2). Tide took to my training methods quite well, particular since I had the finances to buy stuff to support the training. Despite some oddities, Tide worked quite well, reaching 999 Int and a healthy 450 odd HP to make adventuring possible (getting me the items to unlock Jokers, Durahans, and Phoenixes), and also had a decent career, making it to A rank on the series of a LOT of KOs. Unfortunately, Tide's otherwise lackluster stats led to some crushing defeats (835 damage to the face when you don't have that many HP is bad) and I missed some early warning signs, leading to Tide dropping dead. =(

Seeking to take a break from disc spinning for new monsters, I merged Soppy and Jim with the help of the Joker mask, creating Buysoap, the scythe wielding monstrosity who keeps cheating on his goddamn drills. We'll see how he goes. Historically I have trouble with bad tempered monsters.

Forum Games / Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« on: December 19, 2016, 12:29:38 AM »

You successfully discern that Wu has a Major Intimacy of Respect (Those who forge their own path).


Wu fixes her gaze on the new interloper. "Impertinent indeed, one from the north. When one sees weakness, they come to aid. Then, the next thing you know, they have made themselves indispensable. Why not defend your borders as opposed to invade?" The head of the club hits the ground.

Den shrugs. "Yeah. Lost my siblings there. The eyes and ears of the fae go far in the city, and they act swiftly against those that would oppose them. The sooner the wyld-addled fool and the nobles with him are dead, the better."

Forum Games / Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« on: December 16, 2016, 07:24:33 PM »
Her club hefts as she points it at Lee's face, water dripping from the black metal mass. "Shall I show you the power of Wu of the Nine Sisters? Shall I dash your boat upon the bank? Shall I drown your samurai and the filth you carry with you? Shall I crush your bones into the mud of the bank? You ask for proof that Nine Rivers can care for itself, I demand proof that you are not of the same blood that has sold our lands for his pleasures."

Den has righted himself, watching the exchange carefully. "Well, I 'spect they're negotiating. Wu isn't the subtle sort from what I hear." He smiles, showing his teeth. "Sure, they've got their uses, so long as you remember they're snakes you're holding by their tail."

Music Tournament / Re: Project Diva X song rankings
« on: December 06, 2016, 08:21:20 PM »
Right. I should do my own list. (Placeholder to remind me)






Forum Games / Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« on: December 06, 2016, 07:33:40 AM »
"A harsh offer for one's guests! 'twould be like offering one a place to rest in Llewella's chambers." Aranrhod sniffs in mock offense. "I hope you shall not find our hospitality so harsh. Though I do suppose if you come seeking war, then you shall be met with it in kind."

Forum Games / Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« on: December 06, 2016, 07:17:30 AM »
Aranrhod shrugs, it's leaves fluttering with the still rocking boat. "Oh come now Sun Child, it is not against our agreement to simply hope you meet an untimely end."

Forum Games / Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« on: December 06, 2016, 07:11:11 AM »
Aranrhod mutters. "Do you suppose they will anger it and it shall strike them down?"

"One may hope. It would save trouble." Dafydd responds.

Forum Games / Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« on: December 06, 2016, 06:54:00 AM »
The samurai ease back, but there is a distinct air of nervousness, but watching Tetsuzuru-san for orders.

Den manages to get himself off the deck. "Boy she's a fierce one," he mutters under his breath. Very, very quietly.

The fae have pushed themselves back towards the opposite deck. They still wear smiles, but they are obviously not too interested in being that close to Wu. They whisper among themselves. (Awareness 1 to get it)

Forum Games / Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« on: December 06, 2016, 06:24:58 AM »

The club slams into the ground again, the river shaking.

The folks on the boat actually look a bit nervous, with the samurai reaching for their weapons as they slowly shift back towards the boat.

"You come with strong words, Lee Aaeiko, child of the Unconquered Sun. There is one such here. I am Wu, the raging river! But what gives you right to interfere in the business of Nine Rivers? It is outsiders who have threatened to bring us to ruin, now outsiders believe they can return order?"

Forum Games / Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« on: December 06, 2016, 05:39:24 AM »
The boat begins to rock as the waters churn, sending the samurai and boatsmen gripping for the edges of the boat. Den falls backwards, slamming in the deck while even the two fae look a bit nervous.

"You and your companions presume much to sail on my waters, to pray at my shrine, to call my name, and to bring that filth before me." A massive woman says as she emerges from the churning water, her dark hair short and close cropped, water wrapping around her like bands of armor, a massive black club hefted over her shoulder. The club slams into the ground as she emerges from the water. "You have gall, Lee Aaeiko of the Noon. I hope your reason for calling me is a good one." Her dark eyes set on the boat.

Forum Games / Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« on: December 04, 2016, 04:33:02 AM »
The older man sits on the edge of the boat and grins back towards Hakuhi. "I reckon a few of the fae got it in their heads that they might be able to pick a fight with a goddess. They've tried a few times. Gettin' a couple has made them arrogant. Maybe lookin' to impress their nobles." He looks at the shrine. "Or maybe the ladies of the rivers are right sick of the people in their land. I'd be."

The samurai bow. "As you wish, Tetsuzuru-san." As soon as the boat is moored, they will start disembarking and clearing away the waste and damaged plants.

Forum Games / Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« on: December 03, 2016, 05:49:35 AM »
Jinhao will call for the boatsmen to get the boat anchored and moored to the shrine's post.

It takes a moment to put the scene together, but you think you can reconstruct a reasonable idea of what occurred. There was definitely a battle here, with several figures larger then average men wielding bladed weapons. You'd guess at least a half dozen. Further examination says there was probably two men sized ones as well. The bank looks like it flooded recently, though that look doesn't carry much beyond the immediate area here. Closer inspection shows damage you didn't expect, like wood torn from the trunks of the river trees on the sides facing the shrine.

There are a faint set of tracks in the mud, human shaped and large, walking into the river.

There are no others.

Forum Games / Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« on: December 02, 2016, 08:18:32 AM »
Khun shrugs. "I did not travel this far south. It would certainly explain her anger, though."

Yijun He shakes her head. "I passed through here two weeks ago and it definitely didn't look like this."

It's tough to make out much besides the fact that a battle occurred, for all that the area shrine looks as if it were washed clean. No blood, no bodies, no weapons... just the tracks of battle.

(OOC: To get much more you'll need Investigation + Perception - Target 2)

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