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Messages - Excal

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General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: June 06, 2016, 10:51:11 PM »
BS has forced me to choose between ninja and knight.  This gets all the sadness since I wanted both of them.  I wound up going Ninja, because dual wielding is awesome, and I'm sure Templar will show up sooner or later.  Though plot is suggesting that will be late game.  I also made the worst decision as to who should get the fancy dessert.  Ah well, at least I have patisserier now.  It looks kinda like Chemist, though different enough that maybe it's more like Hawkeye/Ranger.  It's odd, but, since DeRosa managed to return, I'm kinda hoping that Qada also returns, since they're both pretty vile.

Also, the game hasn't said it out loud, but it's pretty obvious who the Kaiser is now.  Also, that twist with the Yunohana plot.  It was 99% expected, but the 1% that wasn't is leaving me interested in where it's going to go.  Finally, I kinda like the revelation of what the Kaiser is up to.  Naturally, we're going to fail at stopping his actual plan, but I see no problems with dealing with the aftermath of his success.

Finished most recent run by getting my ass kicked by random mech from nowhere.  It's eminently beatable, but will require some refinement.  Naturally, this means it's a good stopping point.  Next time, expect some PXZ2 updates.

General Chat / Re: Books
« on: June 06, 2016, 10:34:16 PM »
Redshits: A Novel with 3 Codas

Ah, i see you enjoyed SO3 the novelization.  Definitely a fun romp that could have gone wrong in oh so many ways but manages to skate by on strong characters and not overstaying its welcome.  Also, having the characters live in a setting where technobabble science can appear almost entirely randomly and has reality warping powers that the characters can harness and use makes oh so much more sense than somehow creating a phantasmagorical keystone that allows the nigh impossible trip from fiction to reality, and just leaving it sitting there when you decide to destroy the world.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: June 05, 2016, 03:02:09 AM »
Bravely Second

Huh, there's a hotsprings scene?  Did we need it?  Ah well, it's quick at least.  Princess person seems to still be the focus, despite having an entire town of allies apparently having been kidnapped by a "mysterious" person.  Oh well.

For sidequests, have picked up Red Mage, White Mage, Swordmaster, and...  dunno which one I'll be going with next, but looks like my options are Black Mage or Ranger.  Looking at what I've already gotten, and remembering how black magic went in BD, I'm thinking Ranger may be the superior option.  Theoretically, there will also be an ethical dilemma which will be attached to this, but I think having Swordmaster on this list has shown that gameplay goodies are trumping moral considerations.

Hmm, check out the start of BD near the end of this game?  Seems like overkill, but will consider it.

Discussion / Re: DLCon XI - O Canada
« on: June 03, 2016, 08:08:12 PM »
That's a shame.  I was looking forward to meeting the legend himself.

Hope things are going ok for you.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: May 26, 2016, 12:10:31 AM »

Huh, Reiji is a Steel Samurai fan, who knew?

So, in a future PXZ game, I've come to realize I need a Lucina/Estelle team.  Seriously, those two have an A-Rank Support

Hubba, you had one job!  One job!

Huh, figures a part of Ouma's evil plot would involve attacking you with DLC.  Also, there's an Ouma Europe?!  Of course there's an Ouma Europe.

Oh god, Nonary Game expansion?!  What fresh hell have we arrived in!

Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: May 23, 2016, 08:57:10 AM »
Interesting piece.  The two lenses you use feel, at times a touch too restrictive, but I suspect that's more places where their concerns dismiss things that I see as important (the military being the big one here.)

The one thing where I think I need to disagree is your description of Hillary as charismatic.  Granted, I haven't looked too closely at her, but what I've seen and heard generally agree around the idea that she's less charismatic and more simply adept at interpersonal skills.  To use a 3E analogy, her Cha modifier isn't terribly strong, but the Politician class allows access to the social skills, and she's maxed them all out.  And with all her experience over the decades, she's leveled up enough to make that formidable.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: May 20, 2016, 03:33:43 AM »
FE: Conquest

Hah!  Beaten Dragonkid Paralogue!
Things still got a bit dicey when the Falcon Knights came in, but I landed a 66 hit rate Freeze Staff shot in order to tie one down for a turn, which let me deal with them.  The really scary thing about them is just how durable they are.  It's offputting to realize that your archer 2hits them even when hitting weakness.

Bravely Second: Chomp Layer

So, broke out into Chompter 1.  Shockingly, quickly ran into the chompmaster, and got me a ship.  Sidequests are starting to open up, which is gonna be a chomp of a distraction.  Also interesting to Edea and Tiz discussing local chompitics while the newcomers just play chomp.  Then there's the new side chomp which has been unchomped.  I'm now chomping some chomps more than chomp is chomp.


General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: May 19, 2016, 05:12:51 AM »
The other issue with the rebuilding analogy is that given the scale of the warfare there'd be far less rebuilding than what you'd see after a modern war.  As for the war, I had forgotten that the new folks, and Daien as a whole, would actually be pretty happy to have an excuse to go to war against the Laguz.  After all, one of the, fairly popular locally, articles in the causus belli Ashnard has for invading Crimea is that they're allied with the Laguz.  Hell, that part of the causus belli is popular in western Crimea too, where they're war from the front and bordering Gallia.

The other thing that's going on with that sequence is adding another bit of evidence to the idea that Pelleas is a terrible ruler.  Seriously, the only person going into that war because he thinks they should is Michaia.  Everyone else is doing it because it's either a cause they can get behind, or because Micaiah thinks they should.  And, as mentioned, a lot of those people can be persuaded to follow Ike instead since he's also a charismatic hero type, and while he may not be the saviour of their homeland, he is presently fighting for a cause they believe in.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: May 18, 2016, 09:31:37 PM »
Andy: So what you're saying is that you've joined in on the hoax.

Snowfire: I get what you're saying about Pelleas, but at least I can buy the story they give there.  Everyone, but Michaiah, thinks Pelleas is nuts and are understandably upset and don't want to do it.  But Michaiah is personally loyal to the idea of Daien and that idea requires her to be loyal to Pelleas' crazy decisions, and everyone else, well they're following Micaiah.  I always sorta saw it as let's say after the Hundred Years war the Dauphin decided to team up with the English against, say, Burgundy and the Beast-Jews.  The only person who can make that work is Jeanne D'Arc, and she's not in it because the Dauphin said let's do this.  She's in it because she's a French patriot (which needs it's last Valois at the top, no matter how crazy) and because God told her to.

Conquest - Got me my first Paralogue.  So I'm recruiting Kazu, or whatever dragon whelp is called.  Despite being on Normal, I've been having some issues.  First, Mozu isn't quite badass enough to hold a choke point by herself, so I try again and pair her up with Silas for two extra defense points.  It's amazing how big a deal those two points are.  However, the Falcon Knights are tough customers, and I made a fatal mistake of sticking Corrin in a chokepoint while equipping the Yato instead of the Dragonstone like I had thought I had.  So...  I'm gonna try again, but I think I'm gonna distract myself for a bit so I can cool off.

Bravely Second - The demo, as far as I got before I got bored of fetch quests and distracted by shinier things, was pretty good, so I have high hopes.  There's a few quality of life improvements, like now you can brave while in the middle of selecting you action in order to choose to do that action repeatedly.  Heck, it wraps around, so if you hit the default button, you go straight to 4 braves. 

The game is also happily not taking itself overly seriously and I've gotten a few great laughs out of the writing so far.  Plot is nothing special right now (oh noes, there's a new bad guy, he is stupid strong!) though a step up from the other games I'm playing.  We'll see if this holds once I get out of the prologue, since BD did the same thing and then you hit The Twist which I still love, but could have been executed better.  We'll see if this game has a similar Twist moment.  Also, I was kind of amused at just how much they upsell Tiz as this badass legendary warrior, and then you get him, and he is this Jedi Master, and otherwise the same as before.  As for new people, jury is still out on Magnolia, but I am liking Yew.  He's just such an enthusiastic dork.  Like a labrador puppy that hasn't been paper trained yet.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: May 18, 2016, 02:19:34 AM »
FE Conquest

Pitched combat where no one dies.  Yeah, that makes about as much sense as everyone leaving Gotham at 5PM. 

As for other plot news.  I am highly amused at the fact that despite Nohr being this horrific country where the only kill is over kill, the only people who seem to think that way are the king and his demented little imp of an adviser.  None of the siblings seem to think that way.  None of the serious PCs seem to think that way (though I suppose there's the insinuation one or two of them might dabble in assassination as a side job), and Odin Dark, well...  he is more than canceled out by the paragon of virtue and justice that is Arthur.  Meanwhile, you've got Hoshidans who kidnap someone who isn't a threat, really, and plan to kill her because of long ago tenuous ties to Nohr (it should be noted that the only person to show suspicion to Corrin so far was Archer Royal),  and the only folks to have faction specific skills so far are Hoshidans with Anti-Nohr skills, with names that suggest they really hate them some Nohrians.  Seriously, some of the Hoshidan dialogue feels like you could sub in "Wait...  you mean Gingers have souls?!"

As for the confrontation between Garon and Corrin...  it's, kinda pathetic?  I mean, through loopholes, luck, and just plain ignoring them, Corrin has basically been breaking the rules of the tasks she's been given, even as she has been advancing the Nohrian cause while partaking of them.  But Garon and Iago have, for their part, been utterly irrational about the whole thing.  Seriously, you've got a freaking PR triumph here.  You have converted one of the royals of the blood of your sworn enemy to your cause.  She considers you family, she has made one hell of a public declaration of loyalty to your cause backed up by actions.  And her campaigns since then have only provided more triumphs.  You want to conquer Hoshido and rule the place?  Well, you're gonna need someone to be governor, and most conquering empires would kill to get a candidate as custom made for the position as Corrin is.

Of course, this is all assuming standard imperial politics of conquering places to make your empire larger and more rad.  If we're going into fantasy imperial politics of killing them all and kicking the puppies for extra fun because of the EVULZZZ!!!, then yeah.  Go on doing you, Garon, and I guess I'll enjoy seeing you skewed in all three paths while I kinda weep at the waste of potential in that setup.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: May 14, 2016, 07:55:27 AM »
I am under the sea.  In a mythical courtroom.  And Edgeworth showed up just because he wanted us all to know how utterly fabulous he is.  Frankly, there are some kinda fabulous people on my team, but they all need to hang their heads in shame before him.

I will also admit I am amused at just how into the Wrightverse courtroom drama Saya gets.  I swear, the entire reason she's here is because she wanted to get in on the courtroom shenanigans, and it was worthwhile to her to put her evil schemes on hold in order to do that.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: May 13, 2016, 11:55:23 PM »

So...  yeah.  The universe still gives preferential treatment to prosecutors.  That is all.


Just gotten up to the choice.  Definitely still FE writing, but the setup's pretty sweet in spite of that.  I am amused though, despite their dad being a colossal bag of dicks, all of the Nohr royalty is pretty cool.  Meanwhile, Takeru's kinda a jerk.  I mean, I can kinda get why he doesn't care for Corrin.  Given the things they believe about Nohr, and given what I've seen of King Jerkface, I can buy some kind of heavy indoctrination.  But the way he treats Azura, just ain't no excuse for that.

I'll admit, the game has managed to sell me on why Corrin would chose the Nohr path.  Sure, she's got some legitimate grievances with the king, but there's some real bonds between Corrin and all of the siblings.  Specifically, I like the friendship between Xander and Corrin, and since Xander feels like the crown prince, I could see backing him up under the idea that a) betraying them would be a pretty major step, and b) when the current king croaks, things are gonna get a lot better.

General Chat / Re: 2016 Miscellaneous Links: The Links Awaken
« on: May 12, 2016, 11:01:11 PM »
The graphics look like Civ4.

Anyways, the changes to the game itself look interesting.  I like the idea of building your civic improvements onto the map and the idea of your interactions with the map influencing what techs you're good at researching.  Namely, a coastal seafaring civ should be better at discovering navigation than a land power with maybe a single port.

General Chat / Re: 2016 Miscellaneous Links: The Links Awaken
« on: May 12, 2016, 10:36:27 PM »
Nice to see the cult of graphics is still going strong.  Gameplay, genre, story, mechanics, all are as dust before the PC Master Race and their beloved visuals.

Because patriotism, and freedom, and free speech, and the right to be an absolute quivering pustule of an asshole.

Seriously, can a space rock randomly drop on him already?

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: May 12, 2016, 10:25:27 PM »
Here I Stand

Turn 1 went well.  After Luther nabbed a stunning victory in the Diet of Worms and rushed towards the southern electorates, Trier and Koln proved to be stubbornly resistant to Protestantism and stayed true to their Catholic roots.  This is nice since the Pope has other things to worry about what with the Hapsburgs deciding they wanted to send a force down to Milan, taking it after a gutsy field battle from the French went horribly for the defenders.  We're now in a position where the French, Holy Roman Empire, and the Papacy are all at war with each other, and France has a mega army ready to march, though it seems to be getting pointed at Spain instead of Italy.

Meanwhile, the Turks are slowly crawling through Hungary, looking like they're going to fight Mohacs, which will present a third front for the Hapsburgs (though, let's face it, we're all pretty sure the fight between the HRE and the Pope is a ploy to scare Venice into the Papal sphere.)

As for me, my deal with the French went swimmingly.  When I decided to subdue them, the Scots ran to the French, and got doublecrossed.  Now there's some confused highlanders marching on Valladolid while Henry VIII is having bangers and mash in Edinburgh.  This round, I've got a lot of nice and quiet to explore the new world, build up my army, and start up my divorce.  Because God clearly doesn't give healthy sons to guys who marry their brother's widow.


Up to chapter 28.  I've faced the threat that is Metal Face, but can I best the terror that is Plastic Face?!
Also, average level, 23.  Looks like final attacks are coming in at Lv25.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: May 11, 2016, 02:13:43 AM »
Pokemon Picross

Having spent a small eternity playing this, I'm about a third of the way to the finish line.  Fortunately, I've finally figured out how the method of increasing the baseline picross gain of the daily training works.  So, in a few days I should be upgraded to 10-12 picrites gained per day instead of 9-11.  It should also be worthwhile pretty soon for me to scrape up the picrites to enter Alt-World (the mega pencil is still a ways away, though it at least has the upshot that I know how many picrites I'll be able to get once I buy that).


Just finished Chapter 26, still able to one shot most of the mooks.  Definitely also picking out which of the units feel more useful than others.  For example, Ingrid and Phoenix are both solos that focus on shield breaking, but Phoenix opens with his shield breaking, while Ingrid closes with hers.

Aside from that, I'm enjoying the fact that they're mixing up the map designs and goals a touch.  Ch 26 being a good example where you need to defend something, and you have four fronts you need to guard.  Makes it worthwhile to hunt down the ZoC doublers.  Plotwise, they're also finally starting to have the cast be proactive, and the Dragonturtle is proving a good addition because it gives them more control over where they go and also serves as a nice method of adding problems so it isn't all just getting randomly zapped from place to place (though still a lot of that).  Finally, the enemies lie.  I love it when they do that and when the heros are smart enough to figure it out.  Bonus points for having Phoenix point out the contradiction, giving him his music when he does, and giving Saya a freakout.  Sadly, no special pictures to go with it.

Still expecting the Solos to get a third skill slot after chapter 30.

General Chat / Re: Movies
« on: May 06, 2016, 09:41:21 AM »
Seriously, Black Panther may be a fresh face for this film, but he's one of the driving forces of the flick.  The big showdown at the airport is probably my favourite big Marvel brawl now because they managed to mix action and humour in a high-octane blend.  And I think this may have been the best MCU villain yet.  I mean, one of the folks I saw it with really didn't like Zemo, and I can see his points.  But for me, the stuff that makes Zemo unusual were selling points instead of problems.

Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: May 05, 2016, 12:59:33 AM »
Just going to point out, looking back at the odds betting sites gave on Trump winning the primary back when it started last year, he was sitting at 5%.  He's already beat one set of long odds, which makes stating he's facing long odds again not especially comforting.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: May 02, 2016, 10:24:27 PM »
As for Sylphie, just what went wrong with her after NxC until her reappearnce in this game.
She wasn't that much of a heartless merchant back then.
Or did she just lose all decency just because the Dust World MCs are not here?

You ask what went wrong.  I ask what went right.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: May 02, 2016, 07:01:46 PM »
PXZ2 Chapter 21 - Bison continues his role as the co-villain of the piece (seriously, he's proactive going into this and is causing all kinds of problems for non Street Fighter people, whereas all the other non-Ouma folks are pretty reactive and just taking advantage of the chaos).  As well, Sagata Sanshiro = Poochie?  I think yes.  On the plus side, Yuri's gone up in my estimation with the non-stop stream of sarcasm he levelled at the guy.

Segata is... hard to get unless you really know about the Sega Saturn market back then.
He is completely random if you don't have any foreknowledge. But a glorious peice of nostalgia if you do.

That's kinda what I figured given who is super into him as well.  Since I could buy Sakura Wars getting their start on the Saturn, though I always thought Space Channel 5 was more Dreamcast era.  Regardless, my well of trivia for him is pretty dry since I was on the victorious side of the Console Wars.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: May 02, 2016, 01:42:14 AM »
PXZ2 Chapter 21 - Bison continues his role as the co-villain of the piece (seriously, he's proactive going into this and is causing all kinds of problems for non Street Fighter people, whereas all the other non-Ouma folks are pretty reactive and just taking advantage of the chaos).  As well, Sagata Sanshiro = Poochie?  I think yes.  On the plus side, Yuri's gone up in my estimation with the non-stop stream of sarcasm he levelled at the guy.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: May 01, 2016, 10:31:41 AM »
PXZ2 - Wherein the leader of the Imperial Assault Force is almost as Heroic as pudding.

So, sadly, it looks like the Ylisseans are almost the last ones to join.  Got them in Chapter 20, though there's still the Tales folks who haven't shown up yet.  That said, they do get a pretty cool intro as it looks like you're going to have a rescue mission, and instead plot happens and they simply show up and save the day.  Outside of Phoenix and Maya, most of the folks I was looking forward to made a late appearance.  Granted, this is mostly because the late appearances are the Sakura Taisen folks, and I really liked the Gemini/Erica team from PXZ1.  Sadly, neither team quite works as well as that team did, but when all four of them are together Gemini does get some good snark off on the love triangle.

I am also amused that one of the scenes felt like something out of Desmonds and Dragons.  Namely, Captain Commando really, really makes me think of the friend who plays Alexander, and well, Alexander himself.  There is also the quintessential merchant, Sylphie or something like that.  Super opportunistic, super capitalist, totally goes where the money is.  Because the team works well with her, Captain Commando tries to recruit her by appealing to rightness and justice.  She, kinda shoots him down, hard, because that isn't profitable and would force her to neglect all of her more morally flexible customers.  However, she is willing to give us all a free ride not to where we want to go, but where we need to go.  And completely coincidentally, a lot of our enemies manage to very quickly find out, from a mysterious informant they all paid individually, separately, and handsomely, where the party happened to be.

Love that merchant so much.

Finally, gameplay.  the gameplay is kinda braindead easy right now.  Only buying one of each weapon and armour each map, which seems to be more than enough.  Game is actually less threatening than PXZ1, but it's also going by a lot faster too.  Notably, in spite of the hardcap on attacks, enemies are dying faster.  At this point in PXZ1, mooks were still killable in one chain, but nothing else was.  Here, mooks are killable by support+solo attacks.  With a back attack, a good weapon, and a Super, I can still kill most bosses with a single Pair chain.  Which is insane.  Also insane are the damage numbers getting pumped out.  I've managed to rack up 60k damage in a single attack sequence.  That's a good score for PXZ1 endgame.  And because you're fuelling skills with SP instead of XP, you're a lot more likely to spring for marginal/situational skills, since they won't detract from pumping out supers anymore, which means you can get your attack boosters a lot easier.

Also interesting is something I missed until halfway through a level.  Heck, I might not have even noticed if it hadn't hit Aty (I enjoy both her attack sequence and Holy Prama is a nifty skill) and Phoenix (yeah, all about the attack sequence.  I get a kick out of Maya's killer confetti).  They've made it so not all the maps use all of your people.  In fact, from about 15 onwards, it feels like if they haven't split your party or are doing something special you'll be benching some of your units.

To end this off, I've only caught one reference to the Street Fighter movie thus far, but it was honestly inevitable that this one would be referenced.  That said, despite Bison effectively being the co-big bad at this point with Saya, he has nothing to do with it.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: April 23, 2016, 09:16:30 AM »
It was already useful.  I spammed MAP attacks like crazy in the later stages with tons of enemies.  Just this time you can get more bonuses to damage and there's way less competition for XP, and you get them so much earlier.  I've been having fun with Chun-Li's map attack, even if it's lacking Kikouchou this time.  I'm also starting to get some use out of Cross Hits now that enemies are getting more durable and I want more XP to toss out more Super Attacks.  Especially since if you time them right, it looks like you can still get most of the crit hits in while still landing Cross Hits.

Now, something I will bring up, as it is relevant to those readers I am partially writing this for, so far there still isn't a single mixed gender pair where the woman leads.  Just like in PXZ1.  Granted, most of these are still cases where it makes more sense for the guy to have the lead, like Reiji and Xiaomu, or Chrom/Lucina.  But you also have Jill still playing second fiddle to Chris, and despite both of them playing second fiddle to someone else in PXZ1, when Dmitri and Morrigan got put together in this game, Dmitri got top billing.  Which is sad, because Morrigan is more fun, and honestly, seems to be more important too.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: April 22, 2016, 08:32:34 PM »
Civ 4

Been fiddling around with this for fun and profit.  Meant to finish a game of it all proper like since I seem to have not been so good at finishing games since getting Beyond the Sword.  So, I got my first religious victory after building the Apostolic palace, and then spreading my missionaries about like a good little pope.  Kinda amusing that having everyone have a bit of the religion, but having no one else share it as a primary religion makes the religious victory easier to obtain.


Ugh, fishing.  Why did it have to be fishing.  Kinda hoping sardines become storebought later, but I suspect that if that becomes the case, it won't be until the sardine fishing quest is complete.  I am also amused that one of the quests I've completed only rewards you with a one time song.  But it was an easy quest, and a nice song, so I am content with it.

As for the game itself.  Gameplay is pretty simplistic, but there's enough there to be engaging without getting in the way.  So that's good.  Really digging the setting though.  I like Nier.  I like all the characters, but especially Nier.  He's a cool guy.  I mean, he looks like this grizzled western hero type, but aside from a few things, he's pretty laid back.  And while he may not care about the world falling to bits, the game does do a good job of showing that he cares about people.  Sure, he's helping folks because he needs cash to care for his sick daughter, but I get the impression that the fact that he's helping folks gives him a great deal of job satisfaction.  Also, he's pretty upbeat for a guy in a fading world whose only daughter has a terminal illness.

So, yeah.  The pace is glacial.  But this works.  Because it really isn't about saving the world, it's about saving his daughter and helping people along the way.  Which is different and refreshing.  Also refreshing and different, I have this strange feeling that his idyllic hometown is actually not going to be destroyed.

Up to the Kingdom of Facade.  Feels like the plot is finally starting to pick up a little bit.  Not sure what's up here, but I have a bad feeling something is going to go wrong.

X Zone 2- Valkyrie/Divine Manakete Teatime Adventures

I mentioned this in chat, but I think I ship T-Elos and Metalface now.  They just get so happy when they get their murder on.

This game is pretty much the opposite of Nier.  More about graphics and gameplay than plot.  And this bit will mostly be in contrast to X Zone 1, which it's pretty much a straight up improvement on.  Sure, the plot is still just an excuse plot, but now the heros seem to have actual agency from time to time in terms of where they go next instead of most of the early game being getting randomly teleported from place to place.  Heck, they even have actually attempts to get people back home and discuss why the everyone is getting involved in this instead of just "oh, you showed up, guess you're with us now".  Heck, you even have Phoenix Wright who pretty actively doesn't want to be around, but does because he needs protection and the group he's with is good at protecting folks.  As an added bonus plotwise, the game has an actual focus plotwise early on.  Sure, X Zone 1 kinda had the Portalstone, but that kinda got overrun by the individual plots and getting warped from place to place randomly as plot points until near the end of the game.  Here, the golden chains are remaining pretty solid as a focus, even with the personal plots filtering in.  As for writing, it feels like, somehow, they're packing in even more references to obscure gaming lore.  I mean, seriously, they managed to slip a Bad Dudes reference into Demitri's dialogue.

As for gameplay, the core mechanics are the same, but there's been a lot of small changes which I think improve it a great deal.  First there's all of the quality of life improvements.  Namely, they use that bottom screen to show stats now, and you can tap your way to all of the appropriate stats for any unit instead of having to dig through menus.  The information you used to get is also a bit more accessable now.  And, they have icons showing what the major properties of moves are, and they give you the info in the middle of battle so you don't need to look it up ahead of time and then remember it.  For a series with as many units as X-Zone, this is a great add-on.  As for substantial changes, there are three big ones.  First, turn order is no longer a thing.  You now have Ally Phase and Enemy Phase, and you order your guys in the order you want to.  The game still seems to have a preference for what order you work in, but you can override it with trivial ease.  Which makes it a lot easier to spread out Exp.  Secondly, there's a new resource, SP (Stamina Points) which takes on a lot of the roles XP used to do.  Specifically, it's used for skills and for defense/counter.  Each pair has their own SP store, which starts at 100 and can be increased with passive skills and equipment, and it recovers at about 30 SP a turn.  So no more infinite XP gain by having one unit counter the world.  Full defense still runs off of XP, but it's a touch cheaper, and now has a lot less competing with it.  Third, the number of attacks you can use in each fight sequence is hard locked at three.  A big complaint about PXZ1 was time creep as you started with three attacks per segment, and crept up to six by the end.  Here it's going to stay at three.  The bonus attack for using all of the attacks is also gone.  What you have now is the charge attack system.  If you didn't use an attack in a fight sequence, then the next time you use that attack, it's just better with a bonus to damage, XP gain, and I think status infliction.  So, you want to switch up your attacks.

None of this gets in to the minor changes.  ie. Customization points let you purchase passive skills and improve attacks.  Each pair and solo can set one passive skill from a collection of ones they have, which lets you personalize what they'll be doing and which helps you remember what your sea of units are capable of.  Facing exists, for both you and your enemies, and you'll want to try and take advantage of it (or really try and avoid letting your opponents take advantage of it.  Metal Face nearly one shotted one of my pairs when I let him get a side attack in on them.  He freaking doubles damage on side attacks).  Also, you can now get the option to counter/defend on animated attacks, so long as they're single target.  Map hazards are added to make the maps a bit less dry, though map design still isn't great.  And, the Cross Hit system is redesigned.  Now, instead of being necessary to get over 100% for XP, it just supercharges your rate of XP gain.  However, while it still holds your foe in place, it does so for a limited amount of time, and if enough block crushing damage is done, you'll break the cross hit and send the foe flying.  This means you can't just jam all your attacks in and hold the enemy in place, and makes you have to focus a lot more on juggling the enemy.  Also means that crits are a lot more likely to be an option, and so you'll be aiming for those more as well.

Finally, your reward for stringing together large combos isn't XP gain, but gold gain.  Which brings us to another aspect, you have a shop where you can buy equipment and healing items.  Which means no more having to worry about spamming items and running out.

As an aside, graphics.  This line of games generally looks good.  PXZ1 managed to improve from Endless Frontier, and PXZ2 has managed to improve from PXZ1.  It's not important, but it's adding to my appreciation of the game.

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