
Author Topic: Fire Emblem 1  (Read 1749 times)


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Fire Emblem 1
« on: August 27, 2008, 01:50:24 PM »
(Shifted in from the old boards; not retaining discussion)

Stat definitions:

Fundamental Stats-
MHP = Hitpoints, everyone knows what they are.

STR = Strength. Affects damage done by physical weaponary.

SKL = Skill. Affects innate hit rate when using physical weaponary and critical chance.

WLV = Weapon Level. Determines which weapons a character is able to use.

SPD = Speed. Really means dexterity over actual speed (that's Movement). Affects innate evade rate and repeated attacks.

DEF = Defence. Affects damage done by physical weaponary.

RES = Resistance. Affects damage done by magical weaponary.

LUK = Luck. Affects various things.

All fundamental stats bar MHP and RES cap at 20. MHP caps at 52. RES caps at 7.

Oh, and MOV = move and EXV = Experience Value. Not really needed, just dumped these in the boss post for completeness.

Derived Stats-
Attack Power. For physical weapons this is strength plus weapon might, for magical weapons it's just weapon might. Effectiveness triples the weapon might.

Damage (DMG) is Attack Power minus the relevant defencive stat.

Attack Speed (AS). Determines repeated attacks. Whoever has the higher attack speed gets the attack. Speed minus weapon weight.

Innate Hit Rate. Weapon Accuracy + Skill for physical weapons, just weapon accuracy for magical ones.

Innate Evade Rate. Assuming terrain doesn't take effect here... for defending against physical weapons, evade rate = attack speed. For defending against magical weapons, evade rate = luck.

Critical Rate (CRT). The chance of scoring a critical hit. THERE IS NO CRITICAL EVADE IN FE1. (Skill + Luck) / 2 + Weapon Critical.

Hit Rate. Character's innate hit rate - opponent's innate evade rate.

There is no weapon triangle in FE1.

Assuming 10 for defence and 0 for resistance.

Stat averages are done with TruAverages to one decimal place. No idea how one would go about doing a table without access to HTML.

Stats are for level 20/10 for promotable characters, 20 for nonpromotable characters.

Table is giving me grief (not parsing any tags with attributes, which results in the table tag and initial tr tag being visible text, and then the rest of the table is black (and thus unreadable) and having no formatting) trying to post it here, so it can currently be found at
for the time being.

Linda is listed with Aura and Tron because while Aura is her personal weapon and fairly powerful, Tron is a lot lighter with a critical boost, and attack speed seems to count for a lot more here than ingame.
Marth is listed with the Falchion and the Miracle because despite the Miracle crushing the Falchion into the ground, and 2 of the Falchion's advantages (infinite use, effective against Medeus) being useless, he can use the Falchion to restore all his HP. Although I think that would get restricted to one use per battle, here, if I remember what happened with the SoS correctly.

Updated averages with the 20/10 and 20 statsets:
MHP: 33.0
STR: 12.2
SKL: 12.6
WLV: 15.4
SPD: 15.3
DEF: 11.3
RES: 0.1
LUK: 12.1

On the whole, not much different from before.


Bold = Best (arguably)

--Swords (Armour Knight, Commando, Dragon Knight, General, Hero, Lord, Paladin)

Armour Killer - Level 3, 2 Weight, 80 Accuracy, 5 Might, 0 Critical, 22 Uses, Effective versus Armour Knights/Generals
Iron Sword - Level 2, 2 Weight, 100 Accuracy, 5 Might, 0 Critical, 42 Uses
Rapier - Level N/A, 1 Weight, 100 Accuracy, 5 Might, 10 Critical, 28 Uses, Effective versus Armour Knights/Social Knights/Generals/Paladins, Marth only
Thunder Sword - Level 8, 2 Weight, 90 Accuracy, 7 Might, 0 Critical, 20 Uses, Uses Thunder from longrange
Steel Sword - Level 2, 4 Weight, 80 Accuracy, 8 Might, 0 Critical, 38 Uses
Kill Sword - Level 7, 2 Weight, 100 Accuracy, 8 Might, 20 Critical, 22 Uses
Falchion - Level N/A, 3 Weight, 100 Accuracy, 10 Might, 0 Critical, Infinite Uses, Fully heals wielder, Marth only
Silver Sword - Level 9, 3 Weight, 100 Accuracy, 12 Might, 0 Critical, 17 Uses
Miracle - Level N/A, 1 Weight, 100 Accuracy, 18 Might, 10 Critical, 24 Uses, Marth only

--Lances (Armour Knight, Dragon Knight, General, Paladin)

Knight Killer - Level 4, 5 Weight, 90 Accuracy, 5 Might, 0 Critical, 14 Uses, Effective versus Social Knights and not Paladins
Javelin - Level 3, 6 Weight, 70 Accuracy, 7 Might, 0 Critical, 22 Uses, Throwable
Lance - Level 1, 6 Weight, 80 Accuracy, 8 Might, 0 Critical, 38 Uses
Silver Lance - Level 7, 7 Weight, 80 Accuracy, 12 Might, 0 Critical, 20 Uses

--Axes (Fighter, Pirate) - Hard to say which weapon is the best, here

Hand Axe - Level 3, 9 Weight, 60 Accuracy, 5 Might, 0 Critical, 13 Uses, Throwable
Hammer - Level 2, 6 Weight, 70 Accuracy, 6 Might, 0 Critical, 40 Uses
Axe - Level 1, 7 Weight, 80 Accuracy, 7 Might, 0 Critical, 43 Uses
Steel Axe - Level 2, 9 Weight, 70 Accuracy, 9 Might, 0 Critical, 31 Uses

--Bows (Horseman, Hunter, Sniper)

Bow - Level 1, 1 Weight, 90 Accuracy, 4 Might, 0 Critical, 33 Uses
Bowgun - Level 2, 2 Weight, 100 Accuracy, 5 Might, 20 Critical, 37 Uses
Steel Bow - Level 3, 3 Weight, 80 Accuracy, 7 Might, 0 Critical, 28 Uses
Silver Bow - Level 7, 6 Weight, 80 Accuracy, 11 Might, 0 Critical, 24 Uses

--Shooters (Shooter)

Thunderbolt - Level 6, 11 Weight, 90 Accuracy, 10 Might, 0 Critical, 23 Uses, Effective versus Shooters
Firegun - Level 5, 10 Weight, 100 Accuracy, 12 Might, 0 Critical, 23 Uses
Queen Crane - Level 1, 7 Weight, 90 Accuracy, 12 Might, 0 Critical, 27 Uses, Effective versus Pegasus Knights/Dragon Knights
Stonehedge - Level 2, 13 Weight, 50 Accuracy, 15 Might, 0 Critical, 43 Uses

--Dragon Stones (Mamkute)

Divine Dragon Stone - Level N/A, 1 Weight, 100 Accuracy, 12 Might, 0 Critical, Infinite Uses, Defence +15, Effective versus Mamkutes, Chiki Only
Fire Dragon Stone - Level N/A, 3 Weight, 80 Accuracy, 16 Might, 0 Critical, Infinite Uses, Defence +12, Banetou Only

--Magic (Bishop)

Fire - Level 1, 0 Weight, 100 Accuracy, 5 Might, 0 Critical, 25 Uses
Thunder - Level 2, 1 Weight, 90 Accuracy, 6 Might, 0 Critical, 21 Uses
Blizza - Level 3, 2 Weight, 80 Accuracy, 7 Might, 5 Critical, 23 Uses
Elfire - Level 4, 5 Weight, 80 Accuracy, 9 Might, 0 Critical, 18 Uses
Volganon - Level 5, 6 Weight, 70 Accuracy, 12 Might, 0 Critical, 13 Uses
Tron - Level 6, 3 Weight, 100 Accuracy, 13 Might, 10 Critical, 21 Uses
Excalibur - Level N/A, 3 Weight, 100 Accuracy, 13 Might, 20 Critical, 33 Uses, Maric Only
Worm - Level 7, 9 Weight, 70 Accuracy, 16 Might, 0 Critical, 25 Uses
Aura - Level N/A, 7 Weight, 90 Accuracy, 20 Might, 0 Critical, 25 Uses, Linda only


  • Denizen
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Re: Fire Emblem 1
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2008, 01:52:10 PM »
(This post's information by Tonfa)

Average stats!

HP   - 35.5
STR - 12.9
SKL - 13.1
WLV - 15.8
SPD - 15.7
DEF - 11.9
RES - 0.1
LUC - 12.9

Damage/Crit/AS with default weapon choices. Axe for axe-users, highlighted stuff for others. (Except Chainy and the thieves who have enough weapon levels only for a Steel Sword, and Doga who uses a Kill Sword for the same reason. Also Banetou, who fails.)


Abel   21   18   17
Alan   19   12   15
Astoria   19   19   15
Banetou   8   4   1
Barts   14   15   10
Beck   12   11   6
Boa   13   17   16
Caesar   18   12   15
Chainy   5   4   10
Chiki   13   18   16
Daros   12   4   2
Doga   9   28   9
Ellis   13   30   17
Est   22   20   17
Gato   13   29   17
George   12   9   10
Gordon   17   17   13
Hardin   20   16   17
Jake   13   14   0
Jeigan   11   6   7
Julian   14   17   15
Kain   20   20   17
Kashim   18   7   7
Katua   21   19   17
Lawrence20   16   6
Linda   20   20   13
Machis   20   12   12
Maji   9   10   9
Maria   13   18   15
Maric   13   37   17
Marth   23   25   16
Medea   15   14   15
Michelan15   6   3
Minerva   17   13   11
Nabarl   22   20   17
Ogma   21   17   17
Paola   22   16   16
Raddy   22   18   17
Rena   13   23   15
Ricardo   11   9   15
Riff   13   15   13
Roger   17   10   5
Roshe   21   14   10
Saji   14   9   2
Samson   18   16   16
Sheeda   15   20   17
Thomas   14   10   13
Toms   15   8   8
Ulf   15   12   6
Villuck   18   7   12
Wendel   13   23   15
Zaggaro   11   5   3

Average damage: 15.7
Average AS: 11.9


  • Denizen
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Re: Fire Emblem 1
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2008, 01:54:59 PM »
Some bosses!

Camus, general of Grunia
Level 14 Paladin
40 MHP
14 STR
13 SKL
16 WLV
17 SPD
15 DEF
10 MOV
67 EXV

Weapon: Gladius
20 Might, 100 Accuracy, 4 Weight, 10 Critical, 1-2 Range, Level 14

Camus is tough. The Gladius is nothing to sneeze at, and it having 2 range lets him avoid pesky mages attacking him. And Paladins aren't weak against Knight Killers (Horseslayers) in FE1, so the only thing effective on him in the hopes of killing him quickly is Marth's Rapier. It's just fortunate that the weapon triangle doesn't exist in FE1, so Marth has some chance of survival.
The Gladius is an evil, evil weapon.

Misheil, prince of Grunia
Level 12 Dragon Knight
37 MHP
14 STR
15 WLV
11 SPD
19 DEF
10 MOV
55 EXV

Weapon: Javelin

Misheil is woeful. He has a Javelin to try and discourage people attacking him with bows or magic, but he doesn't have any good weapons to use alternately. It doesn't help that you can kill him in one hit with the Paltia anyway, due to his horrible MHP. He should cede and let Minerva or Camus take over the country.

Garnef, the eviiiil priest
Level 10 Bishop
34 MHP
14 WLV
18 SPD
12 DEF
53 EXV

Weapon: Maphu
14 Might, 70 Accuracy, 9 Weight, 0 Critical, 1-2 Range, Level - (Exclusive to Garnef)
Blocks all attacks except by Starlight

He's only good if you don't have Starlight. If you have Starlight and a reasonable mage, he fails utterly.
If you're ever playing FE1 and using Juigi's FAQ to do so, he says to sacrifice a person to Garnef before you kill him with Starlight. Don't. That's just stupid.

-MEDEUS- that crazy Earth Dragon

Level 20 Mamkute
45 MHP
10 STR
10 SKL
16 WLV
10 SPD
12 DEF
71 EXV

Not too impressive, is it? Well, let's see his weapon's normal stats.

Weapon: Earth Dragon Stone
20 Might, 70 Accuracy, 10 Weight, 0 Critical, 1-1 Range, Level - (Exclusive to Medeus)

Not enough? How about the rest of what his weapon does, then.

Immunity to magic
Immunity to effectiveness that isn't the Falchion's
(This is what sites say, anyway. But in my experience you can't attack him with ANYTHING that's not the Falchion, not just effective weapons).
+23 Defence

Okay, now he's a bit more evil.
Juigi says to throw the Gladius at him while Marth's attacking him with the Falchion, but when I tried throwing the Gladius at him he just sealed the attack, so not sure what's going on there.
He's fairly simple with the Falchion, especially since Marth can use the Falchion to heal himself so he can just sit there and let Medeus hit him on the enemy turn, then heal himself on the player's turn. Just have to watch out for reinforcements.
Impossible without it, as you'd expect.