Author Topic: Dragon Quest 4 (PSX)  (Read 1570 times)


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Dragon Quest 4 (PSX)
« on: December 24, 2007, 06:44:43 PM »

Level 47
HP: 364
MP: 214
Str: 161
Agility: 77
Vit: 171
Int: 68
Luc: 96
Attack: 271
Defense: 193 (218 with MBA)

Sky Sword (110 attack, can be used to cast Dispel.)
Sky Armor (70 defense, halves magic damage)
Metal Babble Armor (95 defense, reduces magic damage)
Sky Shield (55 defense)
Sky Helmet (30 defense, and blocks sleep, paralysis, and confusion.

Skillset: See Zenny's topic. All the notable spells are there.
Physical: 115

Remake only:
Gigaslash: 300 non elemental damage. 15 MP

Level 42
HP: 463
MP: 347
Str: 185
Agi: 170
Vit: 168
Int: 111
Luc: 51
Attack: 338 (252 with Falcon Sword)
Defense: 280
Physical: 138. 308 after Bikill
Physical: 80 per hit. 160 total. 160 plus 80 after Bikill.

Hell Sword (150 attack)
Falcon Sword (65 attack, attack twice. Pisaro's starting weapon)
Hell Armor (100 defense, halves magic damage)
Hell Shield ( 55 defense, Haves Fire and Ice elements)
Hell Helmet ( 40 defense, Blocks Sleep,Paraylze, and Instant Death)

Pisaro is immune to curses innately.

Healall. Full healing. 6 MP
Healus: Restores 80~ MP to the party. 10 MP
Blizzard: 100 damage, ice elemental. 11 MP
Boom: 60 points of damage, hit all. 8 MP
Dragon Slash: 138 damage, does 1.5 or double damage to dragons.
Defense: Halves all enemy defense. Two uses drop defense to 0. 4MP
Devil Slash: Critical or a miss. 0 MP
Sleepmore: Puts enemies to sleep. 3MP
Bikill: Double physical attack damage. 6 MP
Revive: Fully revives someone. 15 MP
Defeatmore: Beat on all enemies. 15 HP
Vacuum Wave: Hit all targets. 1.25 damage, most likely. (Venturing a guess, here.)
Freezing Ray: Dispel on all enemies. 0MP, non typed.
Bedragon: Turns Pisaro into a dragon. 18 MP
Hell Spark: 260 damage to all enemies. 25 MP.
Madante: Inflicts 3 points of damage for each MP Pisaro has. Does 1041 with his current total. Physical damage, can't be resisted or evaded.

Level 49
HP: 338
MP: 199
Str: 65
Agi: 135
Vit: 128
Int: 78
Luc: 125
Attack: 165
Defense: 218

Sword of Miracles (100 attack, restores a small amount of HP after an attack)
Metal Babble Armor (95 defense, reduces magic damage)
Iron Helmet (16 defense)
Shield of Strength (40 defense, uses Healmore in battle)

Physical: 56
Skillset: See Zenny's topic.

Level 49
HP: 333
MP: 0
Str: 217
Agi: 213
Vit: 157
Int: 37
Luc: 172
Attack: 227 (297)
Defense: 146

S. Earrings (5 attack, double attack)
Devil Claw (80 attack, can inflict poison)
Golden hairband: (12 defense, blocks confuse)
Cloak of Evasion (28 defense, boosts 'evade')

Devil Claw: 130 (300~ critical)
Siletto Earrings: 79, attacks twice. So 158. (243 critical)

Level 49
HP: 494
MP: 0
Str: 183
Agility: 39
Vit: 234
Int: 23
Luc: 37

Demon's Spear (90 attack, randomly causes Instant Death)
Metal Babble Armor (95 defense, reduces magic damage)
Dragon Shield (30 defenses, nulls ice damage)
Shield of Strength (40 defense, uses healmore in battle)
Iron Mask (25 defense)

Attack: 270
Defense: 179

Attack: 115

Level 48
HP: 402
MP: 0
Str: 91
Agi: 79
Vit: 140
Int: 68
Luc: 91
Sword of Miracles (100 attack)
Metal Babble Armor (95 defense, reduces magic damage)
Shield of Strength (40 defense, uses healmore in battle)
Iron Helm (15 defense)

Attack: 191
Defense: 189

Attack- 70~

Level 46
HP: 281
MP: 187
Str: 81
Agi: 93
Vit: 82
Int: 96
Luc: 105

Equipment: Staff of Force (55 attack)
Metal Babble Armor (95 defense, reduces magic damage)
Iron Shield (12 defense)
Gold Hairband (12 defense, blocks confuse/chaos)

Attack: 136
Defense: 165

Attack- 55

Level 46
HP: 261
MP: 333
Str: 38
Agi: 136
Vit: 111
Int: 116
Luc: 151

Attack: 38
Defense: 133

Poison Needle (0 attack, randomly causes ID)
Water Flying Clothes (43 defense, halves fire)
Gold Hairband (12 defense, blocks confuse/chaos)


HP: 271
MP: 275
Str: 30
Agi: 146
Vit: 105
Int: 117
Luc: 145

Poison Needle (0 attack, randomly causes ID)
Water Flying Clothes (43 defense, halves fire)
Scale Shield (7 defense)

Attack: 30
Defense: 123



364 (Solo)
463 (Pisaro)
338 (Cristo)
333 (Alena)
494 (Rangar)
402 (Taloon)
281 (Nara)
261 (Mara)
271 (Brey)

Average: 356


214 (Solo)
347 (Pisaro)
199 (Cristo)
0 (Alena)
0 (Rangar)
0 (Taloon)
187 (Nara)
333 (Mara)
275 (Brey)

Average: 172 (259 without 0's)


161 (Solo)
185 (Pisaro)
65 (Cristo)
217 (Alena)
183 (Rangar)
91 (Taloon)
81 (Nara)
38 (Mara)
30 (Brey)


77 (Solo)
170 (Pisaro)
135 (Cristo)
213 (Alena)
37 (Rangar)
79 (Taloon)
93 (Nara)
136 (Mara)
146 (Brey)

Average: 120


171 (Solo)
168 (Pisaro)
128 (Cristo)
157 (Alena)
234 (Rangar)
140 (Taloon)
82 (Nara)
111 (Mara)
105 (Brey)


68 (Solo)
111 (Pisaro)
78 (Cristo)
37 (Alena)
23 (Rangar)
68 (Taloon)
96 (Nara)
116 (Mara)
117 (Brey)


96 (Solo)
51 (Pisaro)
125 (Cristo)
172 (Alena)
37 (Rangar)
91 (Taloon)
105 (Nara)
151 (Mara)
145 (Brey)


271 (Solo)
338 (Pisaro) (252 Falcon Sword)
165 (Cristo)
227 (Alena, Siletto earrings) (297, Devil Claw)
270 (Rangar)
191 (Taloon)
136 (Nara)
38 (Mara)
30 (Brey)

193 (Solo)
280 (Pisaro)
218 (Cristo)
146 (Alena)
179 (Rangar)
189 (Taloon)
165 (Nara)
133 (Mara)
123 (Brey)

Average: 180

Damage: 300 (Solo, Gigaslash)
260 damage (Pisaro, Hell Spark) (1041, Madante)
56 (Cristo, Physical)
158 (Alena, double physical) (130, Devil Claw)
115 (Rangar, physical)
70 (Taloon, physical)
80 (Nara, Infermost)
190 (Mara, Blazemost)
100 (Brey, Blizzard)

Average: 147
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...