
Author Topic: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night  (Read 1938 times)


  • Ara ara~
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Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
« on: August 28, 2008, 12:11:25 AM »
From ID

Post 1:

This is more a guide for the curious rather than to be used for the RPGDL.

The stats:

HP: Lose this, you die
MP: Needed to use Spells/Weapon Abilities
Hearts: Needed to use Subweapons

Strength: Directly affects physical damage

Constitution: Reduces Status effect duration. Also increases defense (With an overly complicated algorithm...>_<)

Intelligence: Affects Subweapon, Familiar, and Magical damage.

Luck: Increases Critical Hit frequency, determines Critical Hit damage, determines drop rate of items.

ATT: Increases Physical damage (Weapon ATT + Equipment ATT Bonus)
MATT: Magical/Familiar attack damage ([INT Bonus + Spell Power + 1][Modifiers])
DEF: Reduces damage directly (Armor DEF + Equipment DEF Bonus + CON Bonus)

Physical Damage: Total physical attack damage (ATT+Strength)
Magical Damage: Total magical damage [(INT Bonus + Spell Power + 1)(Bonuses)]


HP: 1318
MP: 291
Hearts: 178

Weapon1- Crissaegrim (+36 ATT, 4 hits)
Weapon2-Marsil (+33 ATT, 4 hits, Special attack)
Head: Wizard Hat (STR+1, INT+7, DEF+5, ATT+1)
Body: Mojo Mail (DEF+15, INT +1, increases MATT by a factor of 1.5)
Cloak: Twillight Cloak (CON+10)
Accessory1: Ring of Feanor (STR+7, CON+7, INT+7, LCK+2, ATT+1, DEF+1)
Accessory2: Ring of Feanor

STR: 68
CON: 77
INT: 77
LCK: 57

ATT Bonus: +3
DEF: 39


*Alucard can opt for his Alucard Mail for Fire, Lit, and Ice resistance at the cost of spell power being weakened significantly.
*Can drop the Wizard Hat for a specific Circlet, which gives him a particular Elemental Absorption. Loses an insignificant amount of Spell damage.
*Immune to Curse (Identical to FFT Don't Act)


*Crissaegrim- 388
*Marsil- 380 (Fire)
*Marsil Special- 242 (Fire), additional enemies in area take 121 (Costs 5 MP)
*Soul Steal- 520 (Hit, Costs 50 MP, heals 64 HP), Full area attack
*Holy Cross- 748
*Gaseous Form- Alucard is completely immune to everything and anything. Deals 44 damage (Poison) per second. Costs 4 MP per second to maintain.

*Demon Familiar Lightning Spear- 360 (Thunder)

Not much to say about Alucard. Without Rings of Varda (Only obtainable in a Clear Save), his physical damage takes a massive hit. Not that it really matters. Castlevania (Nowadays) is more about mages who can hold their own in physical combat. Soul Steal is respectable damage and can be used 6 times (MP recharges, by the time Alucard is ready to use his 6th, he'll have that needed 9 MP back).

Richter Belmont

Note: Most of Richter's stats are overrided by his own mechanics.

HP: 550
MP: ---
Hearts: 99

STR: 10
CON: 10
INT: 10
LCK: 10

ATT- +0
DEF: 10


*Immune to all Status effects
*Immune to Holy
*Weak to Dark


Vampire Killer (Physical)- 54 (Holy/Hit)
Air Spin Dash (Better physical)- 150
Hydro Storm- 1500 (Holy/Hit), 15 Hearts Full area attack
Knife Hurl- 1620 (Holy/Cut), 10 Hearts Single target attack
Cross Crush- 800 (Holy/Hit), 20 Hearts Surrounding area attack

Richter has monster damage (Hydro Storm KO's everything in the game but Galatmoth) but little else. Terrible staying power (Close to 1/3 of Alucard's HP and 1/4 the Defense) makes him the eptiomy of Ball Lightning. Granted, most people will be outright slaughtered by Hydro Storm unless they Resist or Absorb Holy, in which case Richter has to rely on his subpar Air Spin Dash. Immunity to the most powerful element (In general) is extremely helpful. Weakness to Dark is a setback, but there are very few powerful Dark attacks compared to Holy.

Post 2:
Hmm, I might as well add Alucard's overwhelming obscene Shield Specials. Didn't include them the first time because they take the fun out of Alucard. But yeah, just to show Alucard owns Richter completely...>_>

Alucard Shield Special: 1028 damage, heals 32 HP, Alucard gains 4 seconds of invincibilty, restores 4 hearts.

Medusa Shield Special: 464 damage, will continue to damage all enemies until they are all dead. Therefore, its really an effective damage of 928 damage per 'round' (Even if Alucard isn't acting, they still rape things). Oh yeah, they are homing and bloody fast, making them impossible to dodge.

Dracula dies to both these (And keep in mind he has somewhere in the range of 10,000 HP) in less than 10 seconds. The Medusa Shield is particulary nasty because Alucard can go Mist and they still track and destroy.

Post 3:
Holy Cross- 748, not bad actually. Assuming the crosses hit 6 times total and the beam of light hits twice.

Ring of Varda numbers....

STR: 114
CON: 84
INT: 116
LCK: 63

ATT: +21
DEF: 60


*Crissaegrim- 644 (Cut)
*Marsil- 632 (Fire)
*Marsil Special- 370/185 (Fire)
*Soul Steal- 960 (Hit)
*Medusa Shield Special- 1000 (Hit)
*Gas Cloud- 81 (Poison)
*Holy Cross- 1188

Yeah...the Ring of Varda is insane..


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Re: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2009, 05:42:53 AM »

Sorry for the necro, but I prefer Dragon Helm for maximum cheese: 1/2 enemy Defense.  for free. Yes.