Actually, this is something I've been working on slowly since I joined up.
I've got a gigantic word file with every ranked (and quite a few unranked) characters with their vitals listed, like age, race, hometown; and a few other useful tidbits like elemental alignment, weapon-types, limits, transformations, summons... depending on game system.
It's about 200 pages long at this point. It takes forever to find some of the more obscure information (parents' names if they exist, real age if it exists, last name if it exists, hometown, etc.), so it isn't complete yet. A lot of the easier games I've skipped over because filling in the information shouldn't take long once I sit down to do it (aka, the Final Fantasy games, CT). Others, like the large cast games, I just haven't had the -time- to finish them (Suiko1,2,5, FE9/10, CC, VP1). I've gotten surprisingly far though. I should sit down and count how many games I've actually finished so far. I've gotten some big ones like FE6/7, Suiko3/4, ShF1/2, Brig, OB.
But lately, I've been neglecting it a bit. I guess I should get back to filling it out as I play new games. I completely forgot to do it during my DQ4DS playthrough. EP, too. The last one I did... P2?
Anyway, I suppose we could add what I have to the bios if anyone's willing to do a big copypasta fiesta.