
Author Topic: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones  (Read 2884 times)


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Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
« on: March 16, 2008, 01:22:49 PM »
This topic is primarily a mix of NEB and my own work .  Posted in this post is NEB's FE8 stat chart at 20/15 (all the information prior to that is also his), since that seems normal for most people.  I'll do a 20/20 at some point, likely, but only I care about that.  Bosses in the next post.

First, some precursor stuff before the big chart. A lot of this is copied from the FE7 page.

HP = lose 'em and die.
POW = Adds a point to damage dealt. Is referred to in-game as Strength or Magic, as applicable.
SKL = Each point is worth +2 to Accuracy and +0.5 to critical rate. Note that I haven't provided HIT or CRIT stats, though I will indicate how to work 'em out.
SPD = Each point is worth +2 to Evade. More importantly, this governs double-actions both by the character and by the enemy, in-game. How you want to interpret this stat in the DL is up to you.
DEF = Reduces physical damage taken.
RES = Reduces magical damage taken. Also, each point of RES reduces status accuracy against the character by 5%, not counting ID.
LUC = Luck. Is worth +0.5 to Accuracy, +1 to Evade, and +1 to Critical Evade (i.e. % reduction to enemy's crit rate).
AVG = Average of these seven stats, after HP is divided by 2. This gives a good idea of the overall power of the character. Duessel bad, Ephraim good.
CON = Consitution. If a character equips a weapon with Weight greater than his or her Constitution, he or she takes an AS penalty (and thus also loses 2 Evade) for every point the Weight exceeds the CON. Weapon weights will be provided below.
EVA = Evade. Chance to avoid an enemy. Used to determine...
EV% = Evade%. The actual percentage chance for a character to dodge. Basically, FE biases things so that high evade characters dodge more, and low evade characters dodge less than the numbers would imply. Note that Evade% is taken against an enemy HIT of 125, like for FE7.
*WT = The Weight of the character's assumed weapon.
AS = Attack Speed. See above. This is the effective Speed of the character. If two characters in a combat differ by an Attack Speed of four or more, the faster character gets a second attack (must be the same attack as the first) after any counter resolves for the first.
*MT = The Might of the character's assumed weapon.
DMG = POW + *MT - 10. I've assumed 10 for enemy endgame defence. This is the damage a character does with a single swing, assuming they do not critical.

About the stats:
Level 15 in the final class is assumed for all characters, after reaching the maximum level in all previous classes. The stats chosen are the average stats the character will have, with no Metis' Tome, stat-boosting items, or RNG abuse.

The stats are listed to one decimal place for reference. Personally, I round 'em all in the DL to the nearest integer (which makes the difference between x.4 and x.5 ten times as large as it should be, but that's the way the cookie crumbles).

Weapons... I made the following assumptions for defaults:
-Ephraim and Eirika get their Sacred Twin weapons, since those are uber and I think everyone allows 'em.
-Other physical fighters are equipped with a Silver weapon. For characters who intially start with one weapon type, they are equipped with a Silver weapon of that type (e.g. Gerik Sword, Amelia Lance) since that's where I give them their S. For characters who start with more than one (Cavaliers and their ilk) I gave them the strongest Silver weapon that doesn't weigh them down (or weighs them down the least) of those they start with. So Lances for the Cavaliers, Axe for Duessel, Sword for Syrene.
-Dark mages get Nosferatu (yes, the draining and damage is worth the speed loss). Otherwise, Anima mages get Thunder, except Moulder who gets Elfire due to having far more Con than any other mage. Natasha is stuck with Shine.
-I haven't assumed Sacred Twin weapons for Joshua, nor Innes/Tana/L'Arachel(/Knoll?). They generally don't change much to the averages, though... Joshua gains 5 Res and 5 damage, for instance. Check OK's weapon list for details.

Of course, just because I've made these assumptions, doesn't by any means mean that the character should always use that weapon in the DL; far from it! So the AS and DMG stats will need to be altered as necessary if the character switches weapons. The assumed weapons are just there for determining an average to work with.

Calculating HIT and CRIT:
Since they're not on the charts, remember...

HIT = Weapon's base Hit rate + SKL*2 + LUC*0.5 (+5 if using S-rank weapon)
CRIT = Weapon's base Crit rate + SKL*0.5 (+5 if using S-rank weapon (+15 if class is Berserker or Swordmaster, i.e. Joshua, Marisa, Dozla, Ross))

Average HIT is about 130%, so don't assume a character is overly accurate just for being a bit above 100. CRIT can be taken literally, though it's reduced by target Luck... I tend to assume 10 in the DL.


And now for my own weapon list:

List of Weapons.  Listing only weapons that...might see common use, in increasing Mt order.  Most of the weapons in the game are buyable, including the "slayer" weapons, at some point.  However, the less common ones, I'll list only if they're an initial item (Shamshir for Marisa, as an example).  I'm ignoring the crap like Steel Swords and Blades, however.

Master Lord (Female), Hero, Warrior, General, Paladin, Great Knight, Falco Knight, Assassin, Rogue, Ranger, Swordmaster, Dragonmaster
Slim Sword - 3 Mt, 100% Hit, 5% Crit, Wt 2, Range 1; 30 uses
Iron Sword - 5 Mt, 90% Hit, Wt 4, Range 1; 46 uses
Zanbato - 6 Mt, 85% Hit, Wt 11, Range 1; 18 uses; x3 Mt vs. Cavalry
Rapier - 7 Mt, 95% Hit, 10% Crit, Wt 5, Range 1; 40 uses; x3 Mt against Armour and Cavalry  (Eirika)
Armourslayer - 8 Mt, 80% Hit, Wt 11, Range 1; 18 uses; x3 Mt vs. Armour
Shamshir - 8 Mt, 75% Hit, 35% Crit, Wt 5, Range 1; 20 uses (Marisa)
Killing Edge - 9 Mt, 75% Hit, 30% Crit, Wt 7, Range 1; 20 uses
Silver Sword - 13 Mt, 80% Hit, Wt 8, Range 1; 20 uses
Sieglinde - 16 Mt, 90% Hit, Wt 9, Range 1; 30 uses; +5 STR, x2 Mt against Monsters (Eirika)
Audhulma - 18 Mt, 85% Hit, Wt 9, Range 1; 30 uses; +5 RES, x2 Mt against Monsters (Joshua*)

Master Lord (Male), General, Great Knight, Paladin, Falco Knight, Wyvern Knight, Dragon Master
Slim Lance - 4 Mt, 85% Hit, 5% Crit, Wt 4, Range 1; 30 uses
Javelin - 6 Mt, 65% Hit, Wt 11, Range 1-2; 20 uses
Iron Lance - 7 Mt, 80% Hit, Wt 8, Range 1; 45 uses
Horseslayer - 7 Mt, 70% Hit, Wt 13, Range 1; 16 uses; x3 Mt vs. Cavalry
Heavy Spear - 9 Mt, 70% Hit, Wt 14, Range 1; 16 uses; x3 Mt vs. Armour
Reginleif - 10 Mt, 80% Hit, 10% Crit, Wt 8, Range 1; 45 uses; x3 Mt against Armour and Cavalry (Ephraim)
Killer Lance - 10 Mt, 70% Hit, 30% Crit, Wt 9, Range 1; 30 uses
Silver Lance - 14 Mt, 75% Hit, Wt 10, Range 1; 20 uses
Vidofnir - 15 Mt, 80% Hit, Wt 11, Range 1; 30 uses; +5 DEF, x2 Mt against Monsters (Tana**)
Siegmund - 17 Mt, 80% Hit, Wt 11, Range 1; 30 uses; +5 STR, x2 Mt against Monsters (Ephraim)

Warrior, Berserker, Hero, General, Great Knight
Hand Axe - 7 Mt, 60% Hit, Wt 12, Range 1-2; 20 uses
Iron Axe - 8 Mt, 75% Hit, Wt 10, Range 1; 45 uses
Halberd - 10 Mt, 60% Hit, Wt 15, Range 1; 18 uses; x3 Mt vs. Cavalry
Hammer - 10 Mt, 55% Hit, Wt 15, Range 1; 20 uses; x3 Mt vs. Armour
Killer Axe - 11 Mt, 65% Hit, 30% Crit, Wt 11, Range 1; 20 uses
Silver Axe - 15 Mt, 70% Hit, Wt 12, Range 1; 20 uses

Warrior, Sniper, Ranger
Iron Bow - 6 Mt, 85% Hit, Wt 5, Range 2; 45 uses
Killer Bow - 9 Mt, 75% Hit, 30% Crit, Wt 7, Range 2; 20 uses
Silver Bow - 13 Mt, 75% Hit, Wt 6, Range 2; 20 uses
Nidhogg - 18 Mt, 80% Hit, Wt 7, Range 2; 30 uses; +5 LUK, x2 Mt against Monsters (Innes**)

Sage, Mage Knight, Druid
Fire - 5 Mt, 90% Hit, Wt 4, Range 1-2; 40 uses
Thunder - 8 Mt, 80% Hit, 5% Crit, Wt 6, Range 1-2; 35 uses
Elfire - 10 Mt, 85% Hit, Wt 10, Range 1-2; 30 uses

Sage, Bishop, Valkyrie
Lightning - 4 Mt, 95% Hit, 5% Crit, Wt 6, Range 1-2; 35 uses
Shine - 6 Mt, 90% Hit, 8% Crit, Wt 8, Range 1-2; 30 uses
Divine - 8 Mt, 85% Hit, 10% Crit, Wt 12, Range 1-2; 25 uses
Ivaldi - 17 Mt, 90% Hit, 5% Crit, Wt 10, Range 1-2; 30 uses; +5 DEF, x2 Mt against Monsters ( L'Arachel** )

Druid, Summoner
Flux - 7 Mt, 80% Hit, Wt 8, Range 1-2; 45 uses
Luna - 0 Mt, 50% Hit, 20% Crit, Wt 12, Range 1-2; 30 uses; Ignores RES
Nosferatu - 10 Mt, 70% Hit, Wt 14, Range 1-2; 20 uses; Damage done heals user
Gleipnir - 23 Mt, 80% Hit, Wt 20, Range 2; 30 uses; +5 SKL (Knoll***)

Dragon Stone - 16 Mt, 100% Hit, 0 Wt, 15 Crt, 1 Rng; 50 uses; +12 STR, +12 SKL, +15 DEF, +20 RES, x2 Mt against Monsters (Myrrh)

*In Eirika's route, this is placed directly into Joshua's inventory.  It's also the legendary weapon of his homeland; this all combines to a decent plot claim to the weapon.
**For Tana, Innes, and L'Arachel, these are the legendary weapons of their homelands, so they have a potential plot claim to them (Innes also has a small pool of people who will likely be able to use the bow in the first place, so it's not a stretch).
***Knoll gets this due to his awesomeness.  Well, actually, thinking on it, he is likely to be the only Shaman you'll have, and therefore the only Druid by the end.  The only other people who can use it, Lyon (after-game) and Ewan (only if he takes the Shaman path), have issues.  Lyon is after-game, and doesn't even really count as a PC at that point.  Ewan has a path split, and starts using Anima magic (meaning you'd have to start over again to use dark magic).  You can also argue Ewan doesn't want to be a dark mage (he says he wants to be a Sage like his teacher).  This gives Knoll a decent claim to this weapon, though it's not exactly the best weapon in the world.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2008, 02:10:21 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2008, 01:28:48 PM »
Full official boss topic go! 

Well, just the important ones.  I believe Eirika mode is canon, but I'll list any differences between bosses in their sections.

Some bosses start on speshul terrain that gives them bonuses to DEF, AVO, and/or RES.  Since most bosses don't move, you might consider this.  I'll note which terrain they start on as the topic goes.  These bonuses will not be factored in to the stats below.  As for what they do...
Desert - AVO+5
Gate - DEF+2, AVO+20, 10% HP regen each turn
Throne - DEF+2, RES+5, AVO+20, 10% HP regen each turn, heals negative status each turn

Weapons are listed a/b/c/d/e, where a=Mt, b=Hit, c=Crt, d=Wt, and e=Rng

Average growths (33 characters):
HP: 72.7%
STR: 51.4%
SKL: 43.2%
SPD: 46.5%
LUK: 40.2%
DEF: 28.6%
RES: 31.1%
Promotions average +2 on all stats, except LUK, which is +/-0, and HP, which is +3

PC Averages for Tirado:
HP: 21
AS: 7
PWR: 20
DMG: 15
HIT: 92
AVO: 22
DEF: 5
RES: 4
LUK: 8

Level 1 General
HP: 40
STR: 13
SKL: 8
SPD: 5
LUK: 2
DEF: 14
RES: 8
MOV: 5
CON: 15
*Starts on a Throne
Silver Lance (20) - 14/75/0/10/1, Lance
Javelin (20) - 6/65/0/11/1~2, Lance

*Weapon stats listed as Silver Lance/Javelin

Pwr: 27 (22 damage)/19 (14 damage)
Hit: 92 (70 accuracy)/82 (60 accuracy)
AS: 5/5
Avo: 12 (20 evasion)/12 (20 evasion)
Crt: 4 (0 critical rate)/4 (0 critical rate)

PC Averages for Pablo (Eirika):
HP: 27
AS: 10
PWR: 23
DMG: 18
HIT: 104
AVO: 29
DEF: 8
RES: 7
LUK: 9

Level 7 Sage
HP: 36
MAG: 13
SKL: 9
SPD: 12
LUK: 9
DEF: 7
RES: 17
MOV: 6
CON: 7
*Starts on a Gate
Divine (25) - 8/85/10/12/1~2, Light
Guiding Ring - Promotes mages of level 10 or higher

Pwr: 21 (14 damage)
Hit: 107 (78 accuracy)
AS: 7
Avo: 23 (19 evasion)
Crt: 14 (5 critical rate)

PC Averages for Aias and Pablo (Eirika):
HP: 30
AS: 12
PWR: 25
DMG: 19
HIT: 107
AVO: 35
DEF: 8
RES: 8
LUK: 11

Level 10 Great Knight
HP: 46
STR: 18
SKL: 11
SPD: 10
LUK: 11
DEF: 19
RES: 12
MOV: 6
CON: 14
Silver Blade (15) - 14/60/0/13/1, Sword
Short Spear (18) - 9/60/0/12/1~2, Lance
Swordslayer (20) - 11/80/5/13/1, Axe, reverses weapon triangle (loses to lance, wins against swords, x3 Mt against sword fighters

*Weapon stats listed as Silver Blade/Short Spear/Swordslayer

Pwr: 32 (24 damage)/27 (19 damage)/29 (21 damage)
Hit: 87 (52 accuracy)/87 (52 accuracy)/107 (72 accuracy)
AS: 10/10/10
Avo: 32 (25 evasion)/32 (25 evasion)/32 (25 evasion)
Crt: 5 (0 critical rate)/5 (0 critical rate)/10 (0 critical rate)

Level 9 Sage
HP: 36
MAG: 13
SKL: 9
SPD: 12
LUK: 9
DEF: 7
RES: 17
MOV: 6
CON: 7
Elfire (30) - 10/85/0/10/1~2, Anima
Purge (5) - 10/75/5/20/3~10, Light
Mend (20) - 20/100/0/4/1, Staff, heals target HP, ignores evasion, ignores RES, cannot EXA, cannot counter

*Weapon stats listed as Elfire/Purge/Mend

Pwr: 23 (15 damage)/23 (15 damage)/33 (33 HP healed)
Hit: 107 (72 accuracy)/97 (62 accuracy)/122 (100 accuracy)
AS: 9/0/12
Avo: 27 (20 evasion)/9 (2 evasion)/33 (26 evasion)
Crt: 4 (0 critical rate)/9 (0 critical rate)/4 (0 critical rate)

PC Averages for Carlyle (Eirika):
HP: 35
AS: 14
PWR: 28
DMG: 22
HIT: 113
AVO: 34
DEF: 11
RES: 11
LUK: 11

Level 11 Swordmaster
HP: 41
STR: 12
SKL: 17
SPD: 18
LUK: 8
DEF: 9
RES: 10
MOV: 6
CON: 9
*Starts on a Throne
Wind Sword (40) - 9/70/0/9/1~2, Sword, hits target RES, deals Anima (wind) damage at range 2, x3 Mt against airborne units

Pwr: 21 (10 damage)
Hit: 108 (74 accuracy)
AS: 18
Avo: 44 (31 evasion)
Crt: 38 (27 critical rate)

PC Averages for Selena (Ephraim):
HP: 30
AS: 12
PWR: 25
DMG: 19
HIT: 107
AVO: 35
DEF: 8
RES: 8
LUK: 11

Level 11 Mage Knight
HP: 38
MAG: 13
SKL: 13
SPD: 16
LUK: 10
DEF: 11
RES: 17
MOV: 7
CON: 6
Elfire (30) - 10/85/0/10/1~2, Anima
Bolting (5) - 12/60/0/20/3~10, Anima

*Weapon stats listed as Elfire/Bolting

Pwr: 23 (15 damage)/25 (17 damage)
Hit: 116 (81 accuracy)/91 (56 accuracy)
AS: 12/2
Avo: 32 (25 evasion)/14 (7 evasion)
Crt: 6 (0 critical rate)/6 (0 critical rate)

PC Averages for Vigarde (Ephraim):
HP: 35
AS: 14
PWR: 28
DMG: 22
HIT: 113
AVO: 34
DEF: 11
RES: 11
LUK: 11

Level 13 General
HP: 52
STR: 21
SKL: 14
SPD: 11
LUK: 9
DEF: 20
RES: 12
MOV: 5
CON: 17
*Starts on a Throne
Spear (15) - 12/70/5/10/1~2, Lance

Pwr: 33 (22 damage)
Hit: 112 (78 accuracy)
AS: 11
Avo: 31 (18 evasion)
Crt: 22 (11 critical rate)

PC Averages for Valter and Caellach:
HP: 36
AS: 15
PWR: 29
DMG: 22
HIT: 114
AVO: 42
DEF: 12
RES: 11
LUK: 12

Level 13 Wyvern Knight
HP: 45
STR: 19
SKL: 17
SPD: 17
LUK: 3
DEF: 13
RES: 12
MOV: 8
CON: 11

Killer Lance (20) - 10/70/30/9/1, Lance
Spear (15) - 12/70/5/10/1~2, Lance
Fili Shield - Protects fliers from bow and wind weaknesses

*Weapon stats listed as Killer Lance/Spear

Pwr: 29 (17 damage)/31 (19 damage)
Hit: 115 (73 accuracy)/115 (73 accuracy)
AS: 17/17
Avo: 37 (23 evasion)/37 (23 evasion)
Crt: 48 (36 critical rate)/23 (11 critical rate)

Level 12 Hero
HP: 47
STR: 19
SKL: 14
SPD: 13
LUK: 14
DEF: 15
RES: 13
MOV: 6
CON: 13
*Starts on a Desert

Silver Axe (20) - 15/70/0/12/1, Axe
Tomahawk (15) - 13/65/0/14/1~2, Axe
Hoplon Guard - Grants bearer immunity to critical hits

*Weapon stats listed as Silver Axe/Tomahawk

Pwr: 34 (22 damage)/32 (20 damage)
Hit: 110 (68 accuracy)/105 (63 accuracy)
AS: 13/12
Avo: 40 (26 evasion)/38 (24 evasion)
Crt: 17 (5 critical rate)/17 (5 critical rate)

PC Averages for Orson:
HP: 38
AS: 17
PWR: 30
DMG: 23
HIT: 120
AVO: 47
DEF: 13
RES: 12
LUK: 13

Level 13 Paladin
HP: 48
STR: 18
SKL: 15
SPD: 14
LUK: 6
DEF: 14
RES: 11
MOV: 8
CON: 12
*Starts on a Throne

Silver Sword (20) - 13/80/0/8/1, Sword
Spear (15) - 12/70/5/10/1~2, Lance

Silver Lance (20) - 14/75/0/10/1, Lance
Runesword (15) - 12/65/0/11/1~2, Sword, hits target RES, deals Dark magic damage at range 2, drains damage dealt as HP, halves STR

*Weapon stats listed as Silver Sword/Spear [Silver Lance/Runesword]

Pwr: 31 (18 damage)/30 (17 damage) [32 (19 damage)/21 (9 damage)]
Hit: 113 (66 accuracy)/103 (56 accuracy) [108 (61 accuracy)/98 (51 accuracy)]
AS: 14/14 [14/14]
Avo: 34 (14 evasion)/34 (14 evasion) [34 (14 evasion)/34 (14 evasion)]
Crt: 7 (0 critical rate)/12 (0 critical rate) [7 (0 critical rate)/7 (0 critical rate)]

PC Averages for Lyon:
HP: 39
AS: 19
PWR: 31
DMG: 23
HIT: 122
AVO: 48
DEF: 13
RES: 13
LUK: 14

Level 14 Necromancer
HP: 44
MAG: 22
SKL: 13
SPD: 11
LUK: 4
DEF: 17
RES: 19
MOV: 6
CON: 7
*Starts on a Gate
Fenrir (20) - 15/70/0/18/1~2, Dark
Nosferatu (20) - 10/70/0/14/1~2, Dark, drains damage dealt as HP

*Weapon stats listed as Fenrir/Nosferatu

Pwr: 37 (24 damage)/32 (19 damage)
Hit: 108 (60 accuracy)/108 (60 accuracy)
AS: 0/4
Avo: 4 (0 evasion)/12 (0 evasion)
Crt: 16 (2 critical rate)/16 (2 critical rate)

PC Averages for Riev:
HP: 42
AS: 19
PWR: 33
DMG: 23
HIT: 125
AVO: 54
DEF: 14
RES: 14
LUK: 15

Level 16 Bishop
HP: 49
MAG: 14
SKL: 21
SPD: 19
LUK: 9
DEF: 16
RES: 18
MOV: 6
CON: 7
Aura (20) - 12/85/15/15/1~2, Light

Pwr: 26 (12 damage)
Hit: 141 (83 accuracy)
AS: 11
Avo: 31 (5 evasion)
Crt: 35 (20 critical rate)

PC Averages for Riev and Morva:
HP: 43
AS: 20
PWR: 34
DMG: 24
HIT: 127
AVO: 59
DEF: 14
RES: 14
LUK: 16

Level 17 Bishop
HP: 49
MAG: 14
SKL: 21
SPD: 19
LUK: 9
DEF: 16
RES: 18
MOV: 6
CON: 7
Aura (20) - 12/85/15/15/1~2, Light

Pwr: 26 (12 damage)
Hit: 141 (82 accuracy)
AS: 11
Avo: 31 (4 evasion)
Crt: 35 (19 critical rate)

Level 18 Manakete
HP: 62
STR: 16 (26)
SKL: 10 (20)
SPD: 13
LUK: 7
DEF: 4 (24)
RES: 8 (28)
MOV: 3
CON: 25
*Starts on a Gate
**Morva is weak to the Sacred Twins weapons (2x Mt)
Wretched Air (-) - 10/100/0/0/1~2, Dragonbreath, ignores target DEF, STR+10, SKL+10, DEF+20, RES+20

Pwr: 36 (36 damage)
Hit: 143 (84 accuracy)
AS: 13
Avo: 33 (6 evasion)
Crt: 10 (0 critical rate)

PC Averages for The Final Battle:
HP: 45
AS: 21
PWR: 35
DMG: 25
HIT: 130
AVO: 62
DEF: 15
RES: 15
LUK: 17

Level 18 Necromancer
HP: 73
MAG: 29
SKL: 19
SPD: 15
LUK: 9
DEF: 26
RES: 29
MOV: 6
CON: 7
Naglfar (-) - 25/95/0/18/1~2, Dark

Pwr: 54 (39 damage)
Hit: 147 (85 accuracy)
AS: 4
Avo: 17 (0 evasion)
Crt: 19 (2 critical rate)

Level 20 Demon King
HP: 120
STR: 23 (38) [33]
SKL: 20 (35) [30]
SPD: 18
LUK: 10 [20]
DEF: 25 (40) [35]
RES: 25 (35) [40]
MOV: 2
CON: 25
*Fomortiis is weak to the Sacred Twins weapons (2x Mt)
Ravager (-) - 15/85/10/0/1, Demon Fist, STR+15, SKL+15, DEF+15, RES+10
Demon Light (-) - 15/60/0/0/1~3, Demon Eye, STR+10, SKL+10, LUK+10, DEF+10, RES+15
Nightmare (1) - 0/70/0/8/1~3, Demon Dream, inflicts sleep status at ~165% rate (effective ~95% against average) to all within range

*Weapon stats listed as Ravager/Demon Light

Pwr: 53 (38 damage)/33 (x damage)
Hit: 160 (98 accuracy)/130 (68 accuracy)
AS: 18/18
Avo: 46 (16 evasion)/56 (26 evasion)
Crt: 27 (10 critical rate)/17 (0 critical rate)
« Last Edit: August 16, 2008, 10:57:44 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2008, 02:55:54 PM »
So yeah.  Pyro's prodding reminded me that I made an error in the bosses, so I went back and corrected them all.  This entire topic is complete for bosses and PCs, taking into account level 20/15 stats.  If you take them at 20/12, the bosses face:

2.2 less HP, 1.54 less damage, 1.29 less SKL, 1.39 less SPD, 1.2 less LUK, 0.85 less DEF, 0.933 less RES.  This means they deal about 1 damage more, gain +1 to crit rate (well, it could still be 0 depending on the total average LUK), face 3 less AVO, 3 less HIT, 2 less HP, 1-2 less damage, and are 1 point faster.  They all like this overall.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory