Author Topic: Final Fantasy Tactics  (Read 7857 times)

Dark Holy Elf

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Final Fantasy Tactics
« on: December 21, 2007, 08:05:10 AM »
Considering it's about as popular as any game gets with this group, it's probably a little surprising this game doesn't have a stat thread... until now! Anyway, there's a lot of stuff to say about this game, but I'll try to get done what I can. This is a work in progress.

The Basics

Characters are taken at Level 40, which is roughly endgame in my estimation. Some people say it's as low as 20, some as high as 60. It's quite possible to work out stats for any levels using Aerostar's FFT Battle Mechanics Guide, which I highly recommend reading for anyone who takes this thread very seriously. It's an excellent resource which I will use often in the construction of this thread.

I allow storebought equips except accessories, and initial equips. I will also list storebought status-blocker accessories, since most of us allow those, as well as extra storebought accessories for those that allow them (which is substantially fewer of us). Setups will assume no accessory beyond initial.

For skills... I allow each character the action abilities of their job. I do not allow the PCs Reaction, Support, and Movement abilities, since those are universal to all special jobs (with a few exceptions, such as Zalbag's and Worker 8's). If you do allow them, the characters gain Counter Tackle, Equip Axe, Monster Skill, Gained JP Up, Defend, and Move + 1. These are all more or less useless abilities in a duel, anyway.

I do not factor range or movement into FFT duels, and as such they are not addressed in this thread. The only distinction worth making is between short range and long range (worth knowing if someone with melee immunity, such as Sephiroth, is an FFT opponent), where things are simple: everything is long range except for non-gun/bow/dictionary/harp standard physical attacks, Battle Skill, Snipe, and Charge, which are short range. A minor detail.

I do not factor charge time into FFT duels, unless it gets excessively long (e.g. Cloud's last three non-Finish Touch limits). Most people don't, in my experience, but this is just a warning. Charge time tends to be mostly moot to a certain point in-game due to manipulation of enemy and PC CTs, if that's worth anything. Note that if for whatever reason you see a character being attacked mid-charge, note that charging characters in FFT have 0 evade (both physical and magical), and take 1.5x damage to physical attacks.

Special thanks

Aerostar, for writing the FFT Battle Mechanics Guide. Again, this is a great resource.
Sage, for getting all the starting stats for bosses and PCs which are not included in other online resources. The lack of this info is one reason I put this on for so long (the other being laziness).
Gourry, for reminding me that there is at least one FFT fan out there who could really benefit from the existence of an FFT stat thread. :-P
Various others, for pressuring me into writing this guide. You know who you are.

About the stats

HP: Lose these and die.
MP: Use these to cast spells. Most PCs don't need 'em, but they're there.
PA: Physical Attack power. Most physical damage is based linearly off this stat (so doubling one's PA results in doubled physical damage, for example). Exceptions are noted.
MA: Magical Attack power. See PA, but this is used for magical attacks.
Sp: Simple, linear speed. The higher this is, the sooner and more often you get turns.

The above are the five core stats for each character that fluctuate based on level. In each case, both equipped and unequipped values will be listed. (Yes, FFT equips modify even HP and MP.)

Additionally, HP and MP (along with monster PA and MA) vary slightly from file to file due to randomness, even under identical conditions. In all cases, I'll assume the average value.

Evasion: Slightly more complicated. First of all, this is a literal percentage for chance to evade attacks. Simple, right? Well... for magical evasion, it is. Physical is a tad nastier. There are actually three different physical evasion scores in FFT. One is for attacks from the front, one for attacks from the side, and one for attacks from behind. I personally treat side evasion as the important one for duels; this is intuitive if you have played FFT, and probably confusing otherwise. Basically, it is easy to avoid attacking a character's front in most cases, since rarely is it possible to defend all but one side. However, it is very easy to defend one's back (only one side you need to stick against a wall or obstacle, or simply be out of range). This leaves side attacks as the most common.

Another note about Evasion... multiple evasion scores compound in a slightly unusual manner. Basically, adding X% Evade from one source, and Y% evade from another, combines them in the following way:
(TotalEvade%) = 100% - (100% - X%) * (100% - Y%)

Brave: Chance of executing a reaction ability, and a factor in unarmed regular physical attack damage. Unimportant for most PCs (who have no legal reaction).

Faith: Put simply, reverse magic defence. The higher this is, the more magic damage you take, and the higher the chance of being hit by status magic, and it's entirely linear in this regard. For mages, this has a second (more positive) use: it linearly increases the damage of one's own attack and curative magic, and the accuracy of status spells. Additionally, higher Faith makes characters more affected by healing spells, and increases the chance of positive status (which isn't 100%, in FFT, often) and resurrection hitting the target. The Faith stat has some unique consequences at 0 Faith (Innocent status) which shall be dealt with in Worker 8's section.

It should be noted that I do not allow characters to modify their starting Brave and Faith, for the RPGDL. For generics, who can easily start within any range, I allow them between 60 and 70 in both stats. 70 is the max since that is the highest one can attain from the soldier office, 60 is the min since that is the average value of Faith in the game and I frown on generics being used as magical tanks in RPGmon. This has no effect on the DL where generics do not participate.

The equipment

Yes, I'm not starting with the characters, because FFT equipment is that important. Since so much of a character's stats are based on what they equip, this is a list worth knowing about. Equips are organised into groups which are each either fully equippable or fully non-equippable for any given job/PC.

Shields (1 Hand) (note: Shields do not affect back evasion)
Crystal Shield: 40% Physical Evade, 15% Magical Evade
Aegis Shield: 10% Physical Evade, 50% Magical Evade, +1 MA
Flame Shield: 31% Physical Evade, Absorb Fire, Half Ice, Water Weakness
Ice Shield: 28% Physical Evade, Absorb Ice, Half Fire, Lightning Weakness

Hats (Head)
Thief Hat: +100 HP, +2 Speed, Immunity to Don't Move + Don't Act/Paralysis
Flash Hat: +88 HP, +15 MP, +1 MA, +1 Speed
Golden Hairpin: +80 HP, +50 MP, Immunity to Silence
Twist Headband: +56 HP, +2 PA

Helmets (Head)
Crystal Helmet: +120 HP

Clothes (Body)
Black Costume: +100 HP, Immunity to Stop
Earth Clothes: +85 HP, +10 MP, Absorb Earth, Strengthen wearer's Earth attacks
Power Sleeve: +70 HP, +2 PA
Judo Outfit: +60 HP, +1 PA, Immunity to Instant Death

Heavy Armours (Body)
Crystal Mail: +110 HP

Note: The Reflect Mail is storebought, but I disallow it simply because I find its Auto-Reflect property offensive to the RPGDL. Arbitrary? Probably, but otherwise it overpowers heavy armour and Auto-Reflect, neither of which is particularly valuable in-game.

Robes (Body)
Light Robe: +75 HP, +50 MP
Black Robe: +60 HP, +30 MP, Strengthen wearer's Fire/Ice/Lightning attacks
White Robe: +50 HP, +34 MP, Half Fire/Ice/Lightning
Chameleon Robe: +40 HP, +28 MP, Absorb Holy, Immunity to Instant Death
Wizard Robe: +30 HP, +22 MP, +2 MA

Storebought Status-blocker Accessories
Angel Ring: Immunity to Instant Death and Blind. Also imparts one-time Auto-Reraise, but this does nothing in a duel due to the nature of FFT Reraise.
Jade Armlet: Immunity to Petrify and Stop.
N-Kai Armlet: Immunity to Confusion and Charm. Also halves Darkness (note: I throw this aspect out).
108 Gems: Immunity to Blood Suck, Undead/Zombie, Frog, and Poison. Also strengthens all wearer's elemental attacks, but I throw this aspect out except for Malak (108 Gems is his initial accessory).
Magic Ring: Immunity to Berserk and Silence.
Defence Ring: Immunity to Sleep and Death Sentence.
Defence Armlet: Immunity to Don't Move and Don't Act/Paralysis.
Diamond Armlet: Immunity to Slow. Also gives +1 PA, +1 MA, but I throw this out except for Agrias (Diamond Armlet is her initial).

Other Storebought Accessories (for those that allow them)
Bracer: +3 PA
Magic Guantlet: +2 MA
Red Shoes: +1 MA, +1 Move
Sprint Shoes: +1 Speed
Rubber Shoes: Immunity to Lightning
Feather Boots: Auto-Float (Immunity to Earth)
Feather Mantle: 40% Physical Evade, 30% Magical Evade
Reflect Ring: Auto-Reflect
Diamond Armlet, 108 Gems, N-Kai Armlet: Gain additional properties; see previous section.

The Playable Characters

All right, on with the show! For each character, multiple setups will be listed. The results of each setup are listed by types of brackets. is indicated by types of brackets.

No brackets, or parentheses - HP-optimised setup... "Best Fit" in FFT.
[Square brackets] - Damage-optimised setup.
{Curly brackets} - Second damage-optimised setup... rarely necessary.
<Angle Brackets> - Best overall setup, IMO.

Final little note before we begin... I assumed the target for damage/spell hit rate doesn't have any special defensive status (Defence UP, Magic Defence UP... these are generally restricted to bosses, anyway) and additionally has 60 Faith, which is the average in FFT. (Generics are randomly created with 45-74 Faith.)

Ramza Beoulve
Squire ("Uber-Squire")

Brave 70, Faith 70

HP 164 (394) [280] {284} <334>
MP 69 {106}
PA 9 [13] <11>
MA 9 (11) [11] {15} <11>
Sp 9 {10} <11>
PhysEvade 40 {10}
MagEvade 15 {50}

Can equip Swords, Knight Swords, Daggers, Flails, Shields, Hats, Helmets, Clothes, Heavy Armours, and Robes (o_O)

Rune Blade
Crystal Shield {Aegis Shield}
Crystal Helmet [Twist Headband] {Flash Hat} <Thief Hat>
Crystal Mail [Power Sleeve] {Wizard Robe} <Power Sleeve>
Battle Boots (+1 Move -_-)

Physical Attack: 126 [182] <154> damage.
* Ultima (10 MP): 106 {144} magic damage. (Ignore Reflect/Evade)
* Dash: 9 to 36 [13 to 52] <11 to 44> random damage. (Ignore Evade)
* Scream: +10 Brave (worthless), +1 PA, +1 MA, +1 Speed for rest of battle. Stackable. Self only.
* Heal: Remove Blind, Silence, and Poison.
* Wish: Ally only. Ramza loses 20% of his Max HP in HPs and gives double that number to an ally.

Special notes: Scream adds exactly 14 extra damage per physical attack, and 9-10 extra damage per Ultima, per use of Scream.

Comments: Ramza is arguably the best character in-game, but translates horribly to the RPGDL format. His skills, high stats, and excellent equip options are designed to bring out the full potential of anything he turns his hand to. Sadly, there is little he can turn his hand to in the RPGDL... even his range game with Scream goes to waste. This puts him as a very weak main.

Mustadio Bunanza

Brave 60, Faith 62

HP 131 (331) [255]
MP 41
PA 8 [12]
MA 7
Sp 9 (11)
PhysEvade 0
MagEvade 0

Can equip Guns, Hats, Clothes, and Robes

Mithril Gun [Unarmed]
Thief Hat [Twist Headband]
Black Costume [Power Sleeve]
Battle Boots (again! Yay!)

Physical Attack (Mithril Gun): 64 damage. (Ignore Evade)
Physical Attack (Unarmed): [84] damage.
SNIPE: (All these ignore Evade.)
* Arm Aim: 61% [59%] chance of Paralysis.
* Leg Aim: 61% [59%] chance of Don't Move. (useless, DL)
* Seal Evil: 81% [79%] chance of Petrify. Target must be undead.

Special notes: Mustadio has inherent Maintenance, which makes him immune to equipment breaking and stealing.

Comments: Mustadio... decent enough in-game, but total Light-bait in the DL. His damage is nothing short of sad (even unarmed, a setup which is monstrously impractical due to the HP and Speed hit). His status isn't nearly accurate or long-lasting enough to save him, and his equipment options are overall poor.

Agrias Oaks
Holy Knight

Brave 71, Faith 63

HP 184 (414) <364>
MP 65 <95>
PA 7 (8) <8>
MA 8 (9) <9>
Sp 8
PhysEvade 40
MagEvade 15

Can equip Swords, Knight Swords, Shields, Helmets, Heavy Armours, and Robes

Rune Blade <Ice Brand>
Crystal Shield
Crystal Helmet
Crystal Mail <Black Robe>
Diamond Armlet

Physical Attack: 112 <130, Ice elemental> damage.
HOLY SWORD: (All these ignore Evade, and require a sword to use.)
* Holy Explosion: 152 <180, Ice elemental> damage. 25% chance of Confusion.
* Lightning Stab: 144 <170, Ice elemental> damage. 25% chance of Silence.
* Crush Punch: 128 <150, Ice elemental> damage. 25% chance of Instant Death.
* Split Punch: 136 <160, Ice elemental> damage. 25% chance of Death Sentence.
* Stasis Sword: 128 <150, Ice elemental> damage. 25% chance of Stop.

Comments: Agrias is pretty slow and not wonderful on the damage front. Still, the 100% hit rate and random status is good. The 50 points of HP exchanged for the Ice Brand setup should be a no-brainer for most fights, but it does leave Agrias screwed against Ice-elemental defence.

Rafa Galthana
Heaven Knight

Brave 31, Faith 69

HP 110 (310) [228] <283>
MP 65 [102] <90>
PA 6
MA 8 [11] <10>
Sp 9 (11) [10] <10>
PhysEvade 25
MagEvade 25

Can equip Sticks, Staves, Hats, Clothes, and Robes

Octagon Rod <Wizard Staff>
Thief Hat [Flash Hat] <Flash Hat>
Black Costume [Wizard Robe] <Earth Clothes>
Elf Mantle

Physical Attack: 96 [132] <40> damage.
TRUTH: (All these ignore Evade/Reflect/Faith. See notes for more details.)
* Sky Demon: 112 [165] <180> Earth magic damage. Earth Clothes setup allows Rafa to heal herself. (Avg: 78 [115] <126>)
* Hydragon Pit: 80 [121] <110> Water magic damage. (Avg: 56 [84] <77>)
* Diamond Sword: 72 [110] <100> Wind magic damage. (Avg: 50 [77] <70>)
* Asura: 64 [99] <90> Fire magic damage. (Avg: 44 [69] <63>)
* Heaven Thunder: 64 [99] <90> Lightning magic damage. (Avg: 44 [69] <63>)
* Space Storage: 56 [88] <80> magic damage. (Avg: 39 [61] <56>) Each hit has a ~5% chance (exact value isn't known) of adding one of the following, at random: Blind, Confuse, Silence, Frog, Poison, Slow, or Sleep. The odds of any one status hitting are less than 1%, i.e. so pathetic as to hardly be worth noting.

Special notes: Each use of Truth will randomly strike 1 to 6 times with uniform probability. Of these strikes, 20% will hit the target. This means that, on average, Truth will attack for 70% of its 'one hit' damage. However, if desired, Rafa can move up close to her target so that 20% will hit her target, and 20% more will hit herself. This allows a pseudo-parasitic healing with Sky Demon and Earth Clothes.

Comments: Rafa's woeful accuracy is the stuff of legends. Though she has a passable physical to fall back on (it owns Musty's!) that isn't enough to save her, even in Light. What does save her is the average 126 damage + 126 healing from the Earth Clothes Sky Demon setup. Still, poor HPs. The Elf Mantle's evasion is a nice bonus.

Malak Galthana
Hell Knight

Brave 69, Faith 31

HP 140 (340) [258] <325>
MP 67 [104] <77>
PA 9
MA 7 [10] <8>
Sp 9 (11) [10] <11>
PhysEvade 0
MagEvade 0

Can equip Sticks, Staves, Hat, Clothes, and Robes

Octagon Rod <Wizard Staff>
Thief Hat [Flash Hat]
Black Costume [Wizard Robe] <Earth Clothes>
108 Gems

Physical Attack: 84 [120] <32> damage.
UN-TRUTH: (See notes below. Un-Truth is weird. Ignores Evade/Reflect.)
* Sky Demon Back: 72 [115] <93> Earth magic damage. Earth Clothes setup allows Malak to heal himself for <161>. (Avg: 51 [81] <65>, <113> healing)
* Dragon Pit Back: 50 [82] <66> Water magic damage. (Avg: 35 [57] <46>)
* Diamond Sword Back: 44 [72] <57> Wind magic damage. (Avg: 30 [51] <40>)
* Asura Back: 39 [66] <52> Fire magic damage. (Avg: 27 [46] <36>)
* Heaven Thunder Back: 37 [59] <46> Lightning magic damage. (Avg: 26 [41] <32>)
* Space Storage Back: 28 [49] <38> magic damage. (Avg: 20 [34] <27>) Each hit has a ~5% chance (exact value isn't known) of adding one of the following, at random: Blind, Confuse, Silence, Frog, Poison, Slow, or Sleep. The odds of any one status hitting are less than 1%, i.e. so pathetic as to hardly be worth noting.

Special notes: Everything about Truth's bizarre targetting also applies to Un-Truth, so see Rafa for more details. Un-Truth, however, has yet another quirk. It operates by doing more damage to targets with lower Faith, rather than higher like all other FFT magic. In the RPGDL, this could be interpreted as doing paradoxically higher damage to higher Magic Defence. (So Lufia 2's Artea would take a relative beating from Un-Truth whereas Dekar wouldn't notice.)

Comments: He has Magic Defence! And some weak parasitic healing! And speed! And NO damage whatsoever! Malak's bizarre damage is a nifty little trick, as is his Earth Clothes / Sky Demon Back healing, but he's still a terrible dueller, rivalling Mustadio for worst in the cast.

Beowulf Kadmus
Temple Knight

Brave 45, Faith 65

HP 171 (401) [351]
MP 89 [119]
PA 11
MA 7 (9) [7]
Sp 8
PhysEvade 40
MagEvade 15

Can equip Swords, Knight Swords, Shields, Helmets, Heavy Armours, and Robes

Rune Blade [Ice Brand]
Crystal Shield
Crystal Helmet
Crystal Mail [Black Robe]

Physical Attack: 154 [169 Ice Elemental] damage.
MAGIC SWORD: (Magic. All these ignore Reflect, and require a sword to use.)
* Blind (6 MP): 89% chance of inflicting Blind.
* Aspel (2 MP): 81% chance of draining 1/4 of target's Max MP, giving it to Beowulf. Works on bosses.
* Drain (12 MP): 81% chance of draining 1/4 of target's Max HP, giving it to Beowulf. Works on bosses.
* Faith (10 MP): 81% chance of inflicting Faith. Faith causes the target to temporarily have 100 Faith, raising Beowulf's hit rates on all his attacks to 100% barring Magic Evasion.
* Innocent (10 MP): 81% chance of inflicting Innocent. Note that Innocent targets are immune to Magic Sword.
* Zombie (14 MP): 77% chance of inflicting Undead.
* Silence (16 MP): 81% chance of inflicting Silence.
* Berserk (16 MP): 73% chance of inflicting Berserk.
* Chicken (12 MP): 81% chance of lowering target's Brave by 50. Average Brave in FFT is 60, and if Brave ever falls below 10, target receives Chicken status (bosses are immune). Thus, arguably, two successful shots of this spell inflict Chicken upon the target.
* Confuse (14 MP): 77% chance of inflicting Confuse.
* Despair (20 MP): 77% chance of cancelling target's positive status.
* Don't Act (14 MP): 81% chance of inflicting Paralyse.
* Sleep (20 MP): 77% chance of inflicting Sleep.
* Break (24 MP): 73% chance of inflicting Petrify.
* Shock! (20 MP): Does damage equal to Beowulf's missing HPs. (Ignore Evade/Faith)

Special notes: Magic Sword can NOT be self-targeted. It is hardly the only skillset for which this is the case, but with abilities like Innocent floating around, this deserves mention. Also, Magic Sword hit rate fluctuates very slightly with Beowulf's MA, but not enough to be worth noting (numbers are taken in default setup). Be sure to read up on the exact effects of Beowulf's many status attacks.

Comments: Beowulf is a status mage, without a doubt. And what he lacks in the quickdraw department, he hopefully makes up for in raw HP and good defensive equip options, as well as Shock! and Drain for bosses and the status-immune. One caveat for Beowulf is that his spell hit rates are heavilly dependent on target magic defence; they can easily rise to 100% against a poor-MDef target, but a high-MDef target will leave him hard-pressed to hit with even his most accurate attacks, especially if said target sports Magic Evade as well, which stacks with MDef in this case.

Reis Dular (Dragon)
Holy Dragon

Brave 31, Faith 32

HP 324
MP 22
PA 15
MA 39
Sp 9
PhysEvade 0
MagEvade 0

No equipment

Special abilities:
Absorbs Holy.

Physical Attack: 60 damage.
BREATH: (All these ignore Reflect/Faith.)
* Fire Bracelet: 195 Fire magic damage.
* Ice Bracelet: 195 Ice magic damage.
* Thunder Braclet: 195 Lightning magic damage.

Comments: Reis as a dragon is surprisingly tough. Her elemental breaths do solid damage, and her low Faith makes her very hardy against magic. She also has slightly above average speed. However, elemental defence makes her cry, since her physical attack is terrible.

Reis also has a human form, but it is far weaker in just about every way. Still, here are its stats and damage. The following are NOT included in the averages below.

Reis Dular (Human)

Brave 62, Faith 64

HP 304
MP 81
PA 9
MA 10
Sp 10
PhysEvade 0
MagEvade 0

No equipment besides universal stuff (status-blocker accessories, in particular)

Physical Attack: 2 hits of 45 damage. 90 total.
* Fire Bracelet: 120 Fire magic damage. (Ignore Reflect/Faith)
* Ice Bracelet: 120 Ice magic damage. (Ignore Reflect/Faith)
* Thunder Bracelet: 120 Lightning magic damage. (Ignore Reflect/Faith)

* Dragon Tame: 100% chance of Invitation on a Dragon. Invitation is a permanent, battle-ending Charm. Um... useful if she fights Bleu?
* Holy Bracelet: 150 Holy magic damage. Uniform chance of 1-4 random strikes over 13 different panels. Average damage: 28. FEAR. (Ignore Evade/Reflect/Faith)

Comments: Reis uses this form if she badly needs a point of speed, or (more likely) she wants a status-blocking accessory. Other than that... worse HP, much worse damage, much worse magic defence.

Worker 8
Steel Giant

Brave 70, Faith 0

HP 374
MP 1
PA 17
MA 1
Sp 7
PhysEvade 0
MagEvade 0

No equipment

Special abilities:
Defence UP - Worker 8 takes approximately 5/8 damage from physical attacks.
Counter - Worker 8 has a 70% chance of countering melee attacks with his physical.
Auto-Innocent - Worker 8 can not be affected by any attack that uses Faith in the formula (i.e. magic, Un-Truth, etc.). This overrides Worker 8's Faith value, even if it is set to a non-zero value. Basically, this is magical immunity.
Immune to all status changes, positive or negative, except Confusion.
Immune to all elements except Lightning and Water.
Weak to Lightning.

Physical Attack: 187 damage.
WORK: (All these ignore Evade/Defence.)
* Crush: 272 damage. Worker 8 takes 1/4 damage dealt in self-damage.
* Compress: 204 damage. Worker 8 takes 1/6 damage dealt in self-damage. 25% chance of Instant Death.
* Destroy: 170 damage. Worker 8 takes 1/8 damage dealt in self-damage.
* Dispose: 170 damage. Worker 8 takes 1/4 damage dealt in self-damage. (Long range, if you're wondering why Destroy > it.)

Comments: Though his damage is second best in the PC cast, it's his defensive game that has people talking about him. Immune to all magic and status, as well as most elements, lets him take down even many Godlikes. And high defence, counterattacks, and a little random instant death for healers balance him out wonderfully against the non-magical. Definitely a nasty dueller.

Cidolfas Orlandu, "Thundergod Cid"
Holy Swordsman

Brave 77, Faith 65

HP 225 (455) [351] <395>
MP 73
PA 11 (14) [18] <16>
MA 7
Sp 9 <11>
PhysEvade 40
MagEvade 15

Can equip Swords, Knight Swords, Ninja Swords, Katanas, Shields, Hats, Helmets, Clothes, Heavy Armours, and Robes (o_O)

Crystal Shield
Crystal Helmet [Twist Headband] <Thief Hat>
Crystal Mail [Power Sleeve] <Power Sleeve>

Special abilities:
Auto-Haste - Raises Orlandu's effective speed by 1.5x to 13 <16>. (Excalibur)
Absorbs Holy. (Excalibur)

Physical Attack: 210 [252] <231> damage.
ALL SWORDSKILL: (All these Ignore Evade, and require a sword to use.)
* Holy Explosion: 364 [468] <416> damage. 25% chance of Confusion.
* Lightning Stab: 350 [450] <400> damage. 25% chance of Silence.
* Crush Punch: 322 [414] <368> damage. 25% chance of Instant Death.
* Split Punch: 336 [432] <384> damage. 25% chance of Death Sentence.
* Stasis Sword: 322 [414] <368> damage. 25% chance of Stop.
* Shellbust Stab: 294 [378] <336> damage. 100% chance of destroying target's equipped armour. Fails if target has no armour.
* Blastar Punch: 294 [378] <336> damage. 100% chance of destroying target's equipped helmet. Fails if target has no helmet.
* Hellcry Punch: 294 [378] <336> damage. 100% chance of destroying target's equipped weapon. Fails if target has no weapon. If target has two weapons, destroy weapon in right hand first.
* Icewolf Bite: 294 [378] <336> damage. 100% chance of destroying target's equipped accessory. Fails if target has no accessory.
* Night Sword: 294 [378] <336> damage. Cid regains HPs equal to damage done.
* Dark Sword: 294 [378] <336> MP damage. Cid regains MPs equal to damage done. This is essentially a full MP blast, in-game.

Comments: What needs to be said? Best HP, and utterly wrecks the damage curve, for starters. Then there's his outstanding speed, being one of the few PCs in the DL who has a 3-2 against average. And then there's his brutal skillset, which includes powerful draining, MP damage, and equipment destruction, all operating at 100% accuracy. Just plain nasty; one of the best duellers in the RPGDL. Note that if Cid drops his Bracer (for a status-blocker), he loses 63-78 damage on his attacks.

Meliadoul Tingel
Divine Knight

Brave 67, Faith 68

HP 164 (394) <354>
MP 42
PA 9 <11>
MA 7
Sp 8 (9) <9>
PhysEvade 40
MagEvade 15

Can equip Swords, Knight Swords, Spears, Crossbows, Shields, Helmets, Clothes, Heavy Armours, and Robes

Save the Queen
Crystal Shield
Crystal Helmet
Crystal Mail <Power Sleeve>
Sprint Shoes

Special abilities:
Auto-Protect - Meliadoul takes approximately 5/8 damage from physical attacks. (Save the Queen)

Physical Attack: 108 <126> damage.
MIGHTY SWORD: (All these ignore Evade, and require a sword to use.)
* Shellbust Stab: 162 <198> damage. 100% chance of destroying target's equipped armour. Fails if target has no armour.
* Blastar Punch: 162 <198> damage. 100% chance of destroying target's equipped helmet. Fails if target has no helmet.
* Hellcry Punch: 162 <198> damage. 100% chance of destroying target's equipped weapon. Fails if target has no weapon. If target has two weapons, destroy weapon in right hand first.
* Icewolf Bite: 162 <198> damage. 100% chance of destroying target's equipped accessory. Fails if target has no accessory.

Comments: Probably the third best PC dueller in FFT, Meliadoul is tough to put down with her Auto-Protect and shields. Her skillset badly messes up those reliant on weaponry, as well as dropping defence and simultaneous damage-dealing, which is always fun.

Cloud Strife

Brave 70, Faith 65

HP 164 (364) [290]
MP 76
PA 11 [15]
MA 8 [10]
Sp 8 (10)
PhysEvade 40
MagEvade 30

Can equip Swords, Hats, and Clothes

Materia Blade [Rune Blade]
Thief Hat [Twist Headband]
Black Costume [Power Sleeve]
Feather Mantle

Physical Attack: 110 [210] damage.
LIMIT: (Magic. All these ignore Evade/Reflect/Faith, and require the Materia Blade, specifically, to use.)
* Braver: 98 damage.
* Cross-Slash: 176 damage.
* Blade Beam: Does damage equal to Cloud's missing HPs.
* Climhazzard: Does damage equal to target's missing HPs.
* Meteorain: 208 damage. 1-turn charge time.
* Finish Touch: Even chance for one of Stop, Petrify, and Instant Death. 100% accuracy for the attack as a whole, but if the target is immune to the randomly chosen ailment the attack will fail.
* Omnislash: 320 damage. 1.5-turn charge time.
* Cherry Blossom: 480 damage. 2-turn charge time. Yes, that's game-best. Yes, it's totally useless.

Comments: Good speed, good status, evasion, and decent damage as backup. Cloud covers his bases fairly well, all things considered. His extra speed and accuracy probably raises him above Beowulf as a dueller, though the latter holds edges in almost every other category. For what it's worth, while I consider Cloud one of the FFT PCs and factor him into the average, I don't allow him as a legal form for Cloud (FF7) in the RPGDL. Use your own judgement of course. ALSO, it should be noted that by stringent readings of the rules, Cloud can not use the Materia Blade, which is universal and one-of-a-kind. However, since no other swordsman has any conceivable use for it (Rune Blade is better in every way; heck, the Diamond Sword is its equal), I give it to Cloud. Finally, Cloud joins at Level 1 late in the game, so it could easily be argued his level should be below endgame. Hit his stats however you will, if you decide this.

Woo. That's all the PCs, for now.

Averages and Rankings

Hey, no stat thread is complete without these, right? Well, the different setups make this a little complicated, so I'll do what I can to cover averages based on different setups. Contrary to what used to read in this space, I now personally go by the overall-best averages in most cases. As a note, averages only include PCs, not guests. Enjoy.

HP (HP-optimised setup)
1. Orlandu (455)
Gafgarion (427)
Delita (420)
2. Agrias (414)
3. Beowulf (401)
Olan (397)
4t. Meliadoul (394)
4t. Ramza (394)
6. Worker 8 (374)
Algus (369)
Alma (367)
7. Cloud (364)
8. Malak (340)
9. Mustadio (331)
10. Reis (324)
11. Rafa (310)

HP (overall-best setup)
Gafgarion (427)
1. Beowulf (401)
2. Orlandu (395)
3. Worker 8 (374)
Delita (370)
Olan (367)
4t. Agrias (364)
4t. Cloud (364)
Alma (355)
6. Meliadoul (354)
Algus (339)
7. Ramza (334)
8. Mustadio (331)
9. Malak (325)
10. Reis (324)
11. Rafa (283)

Damage (HP-optimised setup)
1. Orlandu (364)
2. Worker 8 (272)
Delita (247)
3. Reis (195)
Alma (192)
4. Cloud (176)
5. Meliadoul (162)
6. Beowulf (154)
7. Agrias (152)
Algus (126)
Gafgarion (126)
8. Ramza (126)
9. Rafa (96)
10. Malak (84)
Olan (72)
11. Mustadio (64)

Damage (overall-best setup)
1. Orlandu (416)
Delita (288)
2. Worker 8 (272)
Alma (218)
3. Meliadoul (198)
4. Reis (195)
5. Agrias (180)
6. Cloud (176)
Algus (154)
7t. Beowulf (154)
7t. Ramza (154)
Gafgarion (126)
9. Rafa (126)
Olan (81)
10. Malak (65)
11. Mustadio (64)

Speed (unequipped)
Alma (10)
Olan (10)
Delita (9)
Gafgarion (9)
1t. Malak (9)
1t. Mustadio (9)
1t. Orlandu (9)
1t. Rafa (9)
1t. Ramza (9)
1t. Reis (9)
Algus (8)
7t. Agrias (8)
7t. Beowulf (8)
7t. Cloud (8)
7t. Meliadoul (8)
11. Worker 8 (7)

Effective Speed (overall-best setup)
1. Orlandu (16)
Olan (13)
Alma (11)
2t. Malak (11)
2t. Mustadio (11)
2t. Ramza (11)
Algus (10)
5t. Cloud (10)
5t. Rafa (10)
Delita (9)
Gafgarion (9)
7t. Meliadoul (9)
7t. Reis (9)
9t. Agrias (8)
9t. Beowulf (8)
11. Worker 8 (7)
AVERAGE: 10 (9.54 without Haste)

Brave (for no reason whatsoever!)
1. Orlandu (77)
Delita (75)
Olan (73)
Algus (71)
2. Agrias (71)
3t. Cloud (70)
3t. Ramza (70)
3t. Worker 8 (70)
6. Malak (69)
7. Meliadoul (67)
Gafgarion (61)
8. Mustadio (60)
9. Beowulf (45)
Alma (39)
10t. Rafa (31)
10t. Reis (31)

Faith (MDef)
1. Worker 8 (0)
2. Malak (31)
3. Reis (32)
Delita (50)
Alma, MDU factored in (~54)
Algus (59)
4. Mustadio (62)
5. Agrias (63)
6t. Beowulf (65)
6t. Cloud (65)
6t. Orlandu (65)
Gafgarion (67)
9. Meliadoul (68)
10. Rafa (69)
11. Ramza (70)
Olan (71)
Alma (87)
AVERAGE: 53 (59 without Worker 8)

Class Evade (generally isn't considered in the DL):
 1. Agrias (25%)
 2t. Cloud (20%)
 2t. Orlandu (20%)
 4. Mustadio (18%)
 5. Beowulf (14%)
 6. Meliadoul (12%)
 7t. Rafa (10%)
 7t. Ramza (10%)
 9. Malak (8%)
 10. Reis (5%)
 11. Worker 8 (0%)

Guests and generics still to come.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2007, 05:47:05 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Final Fantasy Tactics (PCs)
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2007, 08:15:46 AM »
The Guests

I treat guests as I treat other temporary PCs in the RPGDL. I let them change equipment as they see fit just as any other, permanent PC, even up to endgame equips if they leave early. I also take them all at endgame levels (except Alma, who starts well aftergame. You can scale her back if you wish).

Delita Hyral
Holy Knight

Brave 75, Faith 50

HP 190 (420) <370>
MP 61 <91>
PA 10 (13) <13>
MA 7
Sp 9
PhysEvade 40
MagEvade 15

Can equip Swords, Shields, Helmets, Heavy Armours, and Robes

Rune Blade <Ice Brand>
Crystal Shield
Crystal Helmet
Crystal Mail <Black Robe>

Physical Attack: 182 <208, Ice elemental> damage.
HOLY SWORD: (All these ignore Evade, and require a sword to use.)
* Holy Explosion: 247 <288, Ice elemental> damage. 25% chance of Confusion.
* Lightning Stab: 234 <272, Ice elemental> damage. 25% chance of Silence.
* Crush Punch: 208 <240, Ice elemental> damage. 25% chance of Instant Death.
* Split Punch: 221 <256, Ice elemental> damage. 25% chance of Death Sentence.
* Stasis Sword: 208 <240, Ice elemental> damage. 25% chance of Stop.
* Wish: OMG GODLY DUEL ABILITY. See Ramza if you care.

Notes: Delita also has a Squire PC form, but it is more or less completely inferior, even though it has the godly HEAL! He also has a Divine Knight form available with GS, complete with equipment breaks and killer stats, but it never sees the light of day in-game and as such I consider it completely illegal for the DL.

Comments: Above average at everything and lots of damage. Simple enough. This is what Agrias wishes she were. If Delita needs to unequip the Bracer (for a status-blocker), he loses as much as 72 damage off his attacks, though... a very substantial drop.

Algus Sadalfas
Squire (Note: Not a normal Squire)

Brave 71, Faith 59

HP 169 (369) [295] <339>
MP 61
PA 9 [13] <11>
MA 7
Sp 8 (10) <10>
PhysEvade 0
MagEvade 0

Can equip Swords, Daggers, Flails, Axes, Hats, and Clothes

Rune Blade
Thief Hat [Twist Headband] <Thief Hat>
Black Costume [Power Sleeve] <Power Sleeve>
Battle Boots

Physical Attack: 126 [182] <154> damage.
* Dash: 9 to 36 [13 to 52] <11 to 44> random damage. (Ignore Evade)
* Accumulate: +1 PA for rest of battle. Stackable. Self only. Attacks do 14 more damage per Accumulate.
* Heal: Remove Blind, Silence, and Poison.
* Armor Break: 63% [67%] <65%> chance of destroying target's equipped armour. The hit rate is lowered by evasion.
* Head Break: 68% [72%] <70%> chance of destroying target's equipped helmet. The hit rate is lowered by evasion.

Comments: Pretty sad. Basically a weaker version of Ramza, he is a rarity as far as FFT in the DL is concerned: a Fighter without a shield. The equipment breaks may be useful against healers, especially non-evasive ones, I suppose. Sadly, this might be better than his boss form...

Gaff Gafgarion
Dark Knight

Brave 61, Faith 67

HP 197 (427) [377]
MP 61 [91]
PA 8 (9) [9]
MA 6
Sp 9
PhysEvade 40
MagEvade 15

Can equip Swords, Shields, Helmets, Heavy Armours, and Robes

Rune Blade [Ice Brand]
Crystal Shield
Crystal Helmet
Crystal Mail [Black Robe]
Power Wrist

Physical Attack: 126 [143, Ice elemental] damage.
DARK SWORD: (All these ignore Evade, and require a sword to use.)
* Night Sword: 126 [117] damage. Gafgarion regains HPs equal to damage done.
* Dark Sword: 126 [117] MP damage. Gafgarion regains MPs equal to damage done. Two shots of this run most PC mages out of MP, and those with suspect MP totals can be drained after one.

Comments: Hits his highest damage with the Ice Brand on, but that only weakens his best damage, that being Night Sword, so it's not recommended. His parasitic healing is pretty weak (on par with Rafa's), but he's durable and above average speed. Dark Sword will save him against weaker mages.

Olan Durai

Brave 73, Faith 71

HP 197 (397) [323] <367>
MP 66
PA 8 [12] <10>
MA 8
Sp 10 (13) [11] <13>
PhysEvade 0
MagEvade 0

Can equip Dictionaries, Hats, Clothes, and Robes

Papyrus Plate [Unarmed]
Thief Hat [Twist Headband]
Black Costume [Power Sleeve] <Power Sleeve>
Sprint Shoes

Physical Attack: 72 [96] <81> damage.
* Galaxy Stop: 50% chance of inflicting all or none of Stop, Paralyse, and Don't Move. Hits all enemies. (Ignore Evade)
* Dash: 8 to 32 [12 to 48] <10 to 40> random damage. (Ignore Evade)
* Accumulate: +1 PA for rest of battle. Stackable. Self only. Negligible unless he uses [Unarmed] setup, in which case damage increases quadratically with PA.
* Heal: Remove Blind, Silence, and Poison.

Comments: Overall, basically a better version of Mustadio. While his status is even less accurate, and honestly, no better (well, it adds Stop as well as Paralyse, in case someone is immune to Paralyse...) he's considerably faster (13 speed is pretty insane in FFT), with more HP, and does more damage. Though, the damage is still sad.

Alma Beoulve
Cleric L56

Brave 39, Faith 87

HP 167 (367) [285] <355>
MP 131 [168] <146>
PA 8
MA 16 [20] <18> (Yikes!)
Sp 10 (12) [11] <11>
PhysEvade 40
MagEvade 30

Can equip Staves, Hats, Clothes, and Robes

Gold Staff [Wizard Staff] <Wizard Staff>
Thief Hat [Flash Hat] <Flash Hat>
Black Costume [Wizard Robe]
Feather Mantle

Equip note:
Alma has access to the Ribbon. This offers only 10 HP (90 less than Thief Hat, and 2 less Speed), but makes Alma completely immune to all status, including Instant Death.

Special abilities:
Defence UP - Alma takes approximately 5/8 damage from physical attacks.
Magic Defence UP - Alma takes approximately 5/8 damage from magical attacks. This makes her Faith functionally 54 from a defensive standpoint.
Face Up - If Alma is the target of magic, she has a 39% chance of gaining 3 Faith. Um, yay.

Physical Attack: 96 [80] <72> damage.
* Ultima (10 MP): 192 [240] <218> magic damage. (Ignore Reflect/Evade)
* MBarrier (30 MP): Target gains Protect, Shell, Haste, Regen, and Reraise.
* Deathspell 2 (20 MP): Full status healing.
* Wish: OMGPWNAGE DUEL SPEL. See Ramza, again.

Notes: Protect/Shell stack with (Magic) Defence UP resulting in a total reduction of damage to approximately 1/3 (due to a quirk in mechanics involving rounding down, their combined reduction is better than you'd think). Haste is a 1.5x increase in speed, to 18 [16]. Regen restores 1/8 max HP per turn (and turns come often, with Haste). The positive status effects of MBarrier last approximately 3 rounds, or 5-6 turns of Alma in Haste. Reraise is an exception, lasting until the target is KOed and revived. Reraise is useless in an FFT duel, since it will not save the character if all his/her allies are dead.

Comments: Better than you'd expect, Alma is the game's best tank. With MBarrier up, she has a "functional" 1000+ HP and regenerates over 200 of it a round (unless, of course, her foe can ignore her defence), as well as getting twice as many turns as the average PC. She even gets evasion of both shades to help with her defensive game, not to mention the important option of status immunity via Ribbon. She can also sling Ultimas to reasonable effect. Depending on the battle, she can tweak her equips to offer her the mix of HP, MP, MA, and Speed that she needs. Of note, she can have as much as 231 MP with Golden Hairpin and Light Robe, in case she gets dragged into a long fight. Definitely a strong dueller with her full powers allowed.

HOWEVER. Some people may not allow Final Alma, due to storyline reasons (some of her powers come from Altima). In that case, a rather pathetic alternate form is available to Alma, listed here:

Alma Beoulve (Lesalia form)
Cleric (different from her other Cleric job)

Brave 39, Faith 87

HP 110 (310) [228]
MP 65 [102]
PA 7
MA 14 (15) [18]
Sp 8 (10) [9]
PhysEvade 0
MagEvade 0

Equip note:
Alma has access to the Barette, in this form. This offers only 20 HP (80 less than Thief Hat, and 2 less Speed), but makes Alma immune to the following: Instant Death, Petrify, Invitation, Blood Suck, Sleep, Confusion, Berserk, Charm, and Stop.

Can equip Staves, Hats, Clothes, and Robes

Gold Staff
Thief Hat [Flash Hat]
Black Costume [Wizard Robe]
Red Shoes

Physical Attack: 90 [108] damage.
* MBarrier (30 MP): Target gains Protect, Shell, Haste, Regen, and Reraise.
* Deathspell 2 (20 MP): Full status healing.
* Wish: OMGPWNAGE DUEL SPEL. See Ramza, again.

Comments: Defences? Gone. Ultima? Gone. HP? Horribly nerfed. Slower. Less MP. Feather Mantle lost. Ribbon replaced with inferior wannabe. Alma is barely recognisable in this form besides the incredible MA and non-Ultima parts of her skillset. She manages quite a strong physical for a staff (hey, it beats Mustadio's! And Olan's!) but she still has pathetic HP and little going for her overall.

This isn't the form I personally consider in the DL, so don't expect to see her in the averages above.

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Re: Final Fantasy Tactics (PCs)
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2007, 08:16:28 AM »
The Generics

Since 'DL-legal' setups for FFT generics often come up in RPGmon, List Tournament, etc., I decided to provide numbers for them, too. I treat all generics as 70 Brave, 60-70 Faith. The former is the highest Brave you can get from the Soldier Office, the latter ranges from the highest Faith to average; I don't allow generics to be used as magical tanks, since that seems wrong to me. Of course, your judgement may vary.


Brave 70, Faith 60

HP 131 (331) [257] <301>
MP 37
PA 7 [11] <9>
MA 5
Sp 8 (10) <10>
PhysEvade 0
MagEvade 0

Can equip Swords, Daggers, Flails, Axes, Hats, and Clothes

Rune Blade
Thief Hat [Twist Headband]
Black Costume [Power Sleeve] <Power Sleeve>

Physical Attack: 98 [154] <126> damage.
* Dash: 7 to 28 [11 to 44] <9 to 36> random damage. (Ignore Evade)
* Accumulate: +1 PA for rest of battle. Stackable. Self only. Attacks do 14 more damage per Accumulate.
* Heal: Remove Blind, Silence, and Poison.

Special abilities:
Counter Tackle - Squire has a 70% chance of countering melee attacks with Dash.

Comments: Pretty bad. Poor overall stats and no skillset worth noting.


Brave 70, Faith 60

HP 99 (299) [269] {299}
MP 35
PA 5 [7]
MA 5
Sp 8 (10) [10] {10}
PhysEvade 0
MagEvade 0

Can equip Daggers, Guns, Hats, and Clothes

Mithril Gun [Air Knife] {Assassin Dagger}
Thief Hat
Black Costume [Power Sleeve]

Special abilities:
Auto-Potion - Chemist has a 70% chance of using an X-Potion upon taking any damage.
Maintenance - Chemist's equipment can not be stolen or broken.

Physical Attack (Mithril Gun): 64 damage. (Ignore Evade)
Physical Attack (Air Knife): [80] Wind elemental damage.
Physical Attack (Assassin Dagger): {49} damage. 25% chance of Death Sentence.
* X-Potion: Restore 150 HP.
* Phoenix Down: Revive and restore 1-20 HP to a dead target. Inflicts instant death (ignore immunity) on undead.
* Remedy: Remove Petrify, Blind, Confuse, Silence, Oil, Frog, Poison, and Sleep.
* Holy Water: Remove Undead and Blood Suck.

Comments: Wow, they can't do damage at all! Despite that, they're not bad. Lots of healing, including counter-healing, and decent speed make them respectable.


Brave 70, Faith 60

HP 169 (399) [349]
MP 39 [69]
PA 11
MA 5
Sp 8
PhysEvade 49 <46>
MagEvade 15

Can equip Swords, Knight Swords, Shields, Helmets, Heavy Armour, and Robes

Rune Blade [Ice Brand]
Crystal Shield
Crystal Helmet
Crystal Mail [Black Robe]

Special abilities:
Weapon Guard - Knight gains an additional 15% [10%] physical evasion.

Physical Attack: 154 [169, Ice elemental] damage.
* Weapon Break: 55% [54%] chance of destroying target's equipped weapon. The hit rate is lowered by evasion. If target has two weapons, destroy weapon in right hand first.
* Armor Break: 65% [64%] chance of destroying target's equipped armour. The hit rate is lowered by evasion.
* Head Break: 70% [69%] chance of destroying target's equipped helmet. The hit rate is lowered by evasion.
* Shield Break: 80% [79%] chance of destroying target's equipped shield. The hit rate is lowered by evasion.
* Magic Break: 61% chance of destroying 1/2 of target's Max MP. The hit rate is lowered by evasion.
* Speed Break: 61% chance of lowering target's Speed by 2. The hit rate is lowered by evasion.
* Power Break: 61% chance of lowering target's PA by 3. The hit rate is lowered by evasion.
* Mind Break: 61% chance of lowering target's MA by 3. The hit rate is lowered by evasion.

Special notes: All Battle Skills work on bosses (unless boss has Maintenence in the case of equipment breaks) and on status-immune targets.

Comments: Damage is rather unimpressive for a job billed as a heavy hitter (Ice Brand setup isn't worthwhile in a duel, in general) and he's slow, but durability is solid and Battle Skill has a number of useful tricks. He does run screaming from good evasion, though.


Brave 70, Faith 60

HP 131 (331) [257] <301>
MP 31
PA 10 [14] <12>
MA 5
Sp 8 (10) <10>
PhysEvade 40
MagEvade 15

Can equip Bows, Crossbows, Shields, Hats, and Clothes

Crystal Shield
Thief Hat [Twist Headband]
Black Costume [Power Sleeve] <Power Sleeve>

Special abilities:
Arrow Guard - Archer has a 70% chance of evading an arrow attack.
Speed Save - Archer has a 70% chance of gaining 1 Speed upon taking any damage. Can not be used with Arrow Guard.
Concentrate - Archer's attacks ignore evade.

Physical Attack: 100 [140] <120> damage.
* Charge+1: 110 [150] <130> damage.
* Charge+2: 120 [160] <140> damage.
* Charge+3: 130 [170] <150> damage.
* Charge+4: 140 [180] <160> damage.
* Charge+5: 150 [190] <170> damage. 1-turn charge time.
* Charge+7: 170 [210] <190> damage. 1.5-turn charge time.
* Charge+10: 200 [240] <220> damage. 2-turn charge time.
* Charge+20: 300 [340] <320> damage. 3.5-turn charge time. (-_-)

Special notes: It is typically difficult to get off any Charge past 4 at endgame, though 5 is sometimes possible. I treat 4 as his DL damage, though.

Comments: Basically an improved Squire. Range ignores a few counters, better damage, and evasion. Still not particularly impressive.


Brave 70, Faith 60

HP 205 (305) <275>
MP 43
PA 11 <13>
MA 5
Sp 9
PhysEvade 0
MagEvade 0

Can equip Clothes

Black Costume <Power Sleeve>

Special abilities:
Hamedo - Monk has a 70% chance to cancel a melee attack and instead counter with his physical.
HP Restore - If Monk's HP is reduced to below 1/5 max, he has a 70% chance to regain all HP. Can not be used with Hamedo.
Move-HP Up - Monk regains 10% of max HP each turn.

Physical Attack: 112 <171> damage.
* Earth Slash: 80 <114> Earth elemental damage. (Ignore Evade)
* Secret Fist: 57% chance of inflicting Death Sentence. (Ignore Evade)
* Stigma Magic: Remove Petrify, Blind, Confuse, Silence, Berserk, Frog, Poison, Sleep, Don't Move, and Paralyse.
* Chakra: Restore 80 <95> HP.
* Revive: 86% <89%> chance of reviving and restoring 1/5 max HP to a dead target.

Comments: Bad on durability, average on damage, and has some weak healing and regen. Death Sentence is an option if Monk can survive two turns after using it (Chakra helps). Hamedo completely screws over melee attackers, though.


Brave 70, Faith 70

HP 105 (305) [223] <268>
MP 84 [121] <149>
PA 6
MA 9 [13] <11>
Sp 9 (11) [10] <10>
PhysEvade 0
MagEvade 0

Can equip Staves, Hats, Clothes, and Robes

Gold Staff [Wizard Staff] <Wizard Staff>
Thief Hat [Flash Hat] <Flash Hat>
Black Costume [Wizard Robe] <Light Robe>

Special abilities:
Regenerator - Priest has a 70% chance of gaining Regen status upon taking damage.
Magic Defence UP - Priest takes approximately 5/8 damage from magical attacks. This makes her Faith functionally 43 from a defensive standpoint.

Physical Attack: 54 [52] <44> damage.
* Holy (56 MP): 189 [273] <231> Holy magic damage. (Ignore Evade)
* Cure (6 MP): Restore 61 [89] <75> HP.
* Cure 2 (10 MP): Restore 88 [127] <107> HP.
* Cure 3 (16 MP): Restore 132 [191] <161> HP.
* Cure 4 (20 MP): Restore 176 [254] <215> HP. 1-turn charge time. (Ignore Reflect)
* Raise (10 MP): 92% [94%] <93%> chance of reviving and restoring 1/2 max HP to a dead target.
* Raise 2 (20 MP): 82% [84%] <83%> chance of reviving and restoring all HP to a dead target. 1-turn charge time.
* Regen (8 MP): 87% [89%] <88%> chance of target gaining Regen.
* Protect (6 MP): Target gains Protect.
* Shell (6 MP): Target gains Shell.
* Wall (24 MP): 73% [74%] chance of target gaining Protect and Shell.
* Esuna (18 MP): 97% [99%] <98%> chance of removing Petrify, Blind, Confuse, Silence, Berserk, Frog, Poison, Sleep, Don't Move, and Paralyse.

Special notes: Regen restores 1/8 max HP per turn. Protect and Shell modify damage by 5/8.

Comments: Magic Defence UP keeps her from dying horribly to magic like other FFT mages. She has good speed and damage, and a useful skillset, but runs out of gas far too quickly and has issues with Holy defence.


Brave 70, Faith 70

HP 87 (287) <205>
MP 91 <128>
PA 3
MA 13 (15) <18>
Sp 8 (10) <9>
PhysEvade 0
MagEvade 0

Can equip Rods, Hats, Clothes, and Robes

Wizard Rod
Thief Hat [Flash Hat]
Black Costume [Wizard Robe]

Special abilities:
Counter Magic - Wizard has a 70% of countering an opponent's attack magic with the same attack magic. Spell counter is treated just as if Wizard were using the spell to attack herself, right down to costing MP. Due to this drawback, Wizard may not wish to set this ability.

Physical Attack: 12 (!!!) damage.
* Flare (60 MP): 386 <463> magic damage.
* Bolt (6 MP): 117 <141> Lightning magic damage.
* Bolt 2 (10 MP): 151 <181> Lightning magic damage.
* Bolt 3 (24 MP): 201 <241> Lightning magic damage.
* Bolt 4 (48 MP): 268 <322> Lightning magic damage. 1-turn charge time. (Ignore Reflect)
* Poison (6 MP): 75% <77%> chance of inflicting Poison.
* Frog (12 MP): 58% <60%> chance of inflicting or removing Frog.
* Death (24 MP): 54% <56%> chance of inflicting Instant Death.

Special notes: Wizard also has Fire and Ice spells corresponding to the Bolt spells, except that Fire 2 and Ice 2 cost 12 MP instead of 10.

Comments: Pure ball lightning. Her damage with optimised Flare is utterly devastating, KOing most foes in a single shot. She can't take hits of any sort to save her life, and her status isn't all that accurate, but Flare's raw power makes up for all this.

Time Mage

Brave 70, Faith 70

HP 87 (287) [205] <250>
MP 84 [121] <149>
PA 3
MA 11 [15] <13>
Sp 8 (10) [9] <9>
PhysEvade 0
MagEvade 0

Can equip Staves, Hats, Clothes, and Robes

Gold Staff [Wizard Staff] <Wizard Staff>
Thief Hat [Flash Hat] <Flash Hat>
Black Costume [Wizard Robe] <Light Robe>

Special abilities:
MP Switch - If Time Mage has more than 0 MP, 70% chance of losing MP instead of HP upon taking damage. Generally should not be set.
Critical Quick - If Time Mage's HP is reduced to below 1/5 max, she has a 70% chance to immediately get a turn. Can not be used with MP Switch.
Float - Time Mage is immune to Earth elemental attacks.

Physical Attack: 66 [60] <52> damage.
* Meteor (70 MP): 277 [378] <327> magic damage. (Ignore Reflect/Evade)
* Haste (8 MP): 93% [95%] <94%> chance of target gaining Haste.
* Haste 2 (30 MP): Target gains Haste. (Ignore Reflect)
* Slow (8 MP): 80% [81%] <81%> chance of inflicting Slow.
* Slow 2 (30 MP): 105% [107%] <106%> chance of inflicting Slow. (Ignore Reflect)
* Stop (14 MP): 50% [52%] <51%> chance of inflicting Stop.
* Don't Move (10 MP): 84% [86%] <85%> chance of inflicting Don't Move.
* Reflect (12 MP): 93% [95%] <94%> chance of target gaining Reflect.
* Demi (24 MP): 84% [86%] <85%> chance of destroying 1/4 of target's max HP. Works on bosses.
* Demi 2 (50 MP): 55% [56%] chance of destroying 1/2 of target's max HP. Works on bosses.

Comments: Again, lots of damage, though it eats through her MP fast. Again, very bad at taking hits. Don't Move and Reflect can seriously hurt pure fighters and pure mages, respectively.


Brave 70, Faith 70

HP 76 (276) [194] <276>
MP 103 [140]
PA 3
MA 11 [16] <13>
Sp 7 (9) [8] <9>

Can equip Rods, Staves, Hats, Clothes, and Robes

Gold Staff [Wizard Rod] <Wizard Rod>
Thief Hat [Flash Hat]
Black Costume [Wizard Robe]

Special abilities:
MP Restore - If Summoner's HP is reduced below 1/5 max, she has a 70% chance to regain all MP.

Physical Attack: 66 [12] damage.
SUMMON MAGIC: (Magic. All these ignore Reflect/Evade.)
* Zodiac (50 MP): 443 [645] <524> damage. 1-turn charge time.
* Cyclops (31 MP): 231 [336] <273> damage.
* Fairy (14 MP): Restore 129 [188] <152> HP.
* Golem (20 MP): Absorbs all damage from normal physical attacks and related skills. Broken after an attack that brings total damage done to Golem to 276 [194] or beyond.
* Carbunkle (15 MP): 78% [81%] <79%> chance of target gaining Reflect.
* Silf (13 MP): 67% [69%] <68%> chance of inflicting Silence.
* Lich (20 MP): 71% [73%] <72%> chance of destroying 1/2 of target's max HP. Works on bosses. Damage is Darkness elemental.

Comments: Zodiac does absolutely terrific damage, but given its Meteorain-esque charge time (not to mention difficulty to obtain) there's no way I'd let it be used in quickdraws. Still, if you don't knock off Summoner in your first turn, chances are you're dead to 500+ FFT damage. The rest of her skillset is useful, too.


Brave 70, Faith 60

HP 110 (310) [280] {310}
MP 25
PA 7 [9]
MA 5
Sp 9 (11) [11] {11}
PhysEvade 0
MagEvade 0

Can equip Daggers, Hats, and Clothes

Air Knife {Assassin Dagger}
Thief Hat
Black Costume [Power Sleeve]

Special abilities:
Catch - Thief has a 70% chance of evading a Throw attack.

Physical Attack (Air Knife): 90 [100] Wind elemental damage.
Physical Attack (Assassin Dagger): {63} damage. 25% chance of Death Sentence.
* Steal Heart: 55% chance of inflicting Charm on a non-female target. (Ignore Evade)
* Steal Weapon: 41% chance of stealing target's equipped weapon. The hit rate is lowered by evasion. If target has two weapons, steal weapon in right hand first.
* Steal Armor: 46% chance of stealing target's equipped armour. The hit rate is lowered by evasion.
* Steal Helmet: 51% chance of destroying target's equipped helmet. The hit rate is lowered by evasion.
* Steal Accessory: 51% chance of stealing target's equipped accessory. The hit rate is lowered by evasion.
* Steal Shield: 46% chance of destroying target's equipped shield. The hit rate is lowered by evasion.

Special notes: Thief could also be male. If he is, he gains 8 HP, loses 1% off of Steal Heart's hit rate, and Steal Heart becomes effective against non-males only. I listed Thief as female because there are more male opponents, and this advantage outweighs a paltry 8 HP both in-game and, most likely, in-RPGDL/RPGmon.

Comments: Awful damage, good speed, weak 'status attacks'. Charm causes the opponent to act intelligently towards his own defeat, but he can not target himself with the Attack command or most skills (though magic works). Targets who lack a gender are susceptible to Steal Heart from either sex of Thief.

Mediator (Male)

Brave 70, Faith 60**
(Some people allow Mediator to start with 3 Faith, due to possessing the Solution ability. I don't, but it's worth noting.)

HP 105 (305) [275]
MP 30
PA 6 [8]
MA 5
Sp 8 (10) [10]
PhysEvade 0
MagEvade 0

Can equip Daggers, Guns, Hats, Clothes, and Robes

Mithril Gun [Air Knife]
Thief Hat
Black Costume [Power Sleeve]

Physical Attack (Mithril Gun): 64 damage. (Ignore Evade)
Physical Attack (Air Knife): [90] Wind elemental damage.
* Invitation: 25% chance of inflicting Invite.
* Threaten: 95% chance of lowering target's Brave by 20. Average Brave in FFT is 60, and if Brave ever falls below 10, target receives Chicken status (bosses are immune). Thus, arguably, three successful shots of this attack inflict Chicken upon the target.
* Solution: 95% chance of lowering target's Faith by 20. Greatly magic damage dealt and taken by target.
* Death Sentence: 35% chance of inflicting Death Sentence.
* Insult: 45% chance of inflicting Berserk.
* Mimic Daravon: 45% chance of inflicting Sleep.

Special notes: Talk Skill can be self-targeted (useful for Solution and maybe Insult). Sleeping targets are immune to Talk Skill, but otherwise its hit rate can not be reduced in any way save Zodiac compatibility (and a rare and exceedingly bad reaction skill).

Comments: A status whore of sorts; Threaten is essentially a 3-hit kill (its miss rate is negligible), while Berserk, Sleep, Death Sentence, and the insta-win Invite are also available at low hit rates. Solution is great for screwing over mages. Damage is definitely bad, though.


Brave 70, Faith 70

HP 87 (287) [205]
MP 77 [114]
PA 3
MA 10 [13]
Sp 8 (10) [9]
PhysEvade 0
MagEvade 0

Can equip Sticks, Rods, Staves, Dictionaries, Hats, Clothes, and Robes

Octagon Rod
Thief Hat [Flash Hat]
Black Costume [Wizard Robe]

Special abilities:
Absorb Used MP - If Oracle is the target of a spell cast by an ally or enemy, she has a 70% chance of gaining the spell's casting cost in MP.
Defence UP - Oracle takes approximately 5/8 damage from physical attacks.
Move-MP Up - Oracle regains 10% of max MP each turn.

Physical Attack: 120 [156] damage.
* Blind (4 MP): 88% chance of inflicting Blind.
* Spell Absorb (2 MP): 71% chance of draining 1/4 of target's Max MP, giving it to Oracle. Works on bosses. (Ignore Reflect/Evade)
* Life Drain (16 MP): 71% chance of draining 1/4 of target's Max HP, giving it to Oracle. Works on bosses. (Ignore Reflect/Evade)
* Pray Faith (6 MP): 67% (83% on self) chance of inflicting Faith. Faith causes the target to temporarily have 100 Faith. If cast on self, all spell hit rates rise by 43% of their base value; if cast on an average enemy, all spell hit rates rise by 67% of their base value. (If cast on both, no spells will ever miss barring magic evade.) (Ignore Evade)
* Doubt Faith (6 MP): 67% (83% on self) chance of inflicting Innocent. Note that Innocent targets are neither able to use nor affected by Yin-Yang Magic. (Ignore Evade)
* Zombie (20 MP): 46% chance of inflicting Undead.
* Silence Song (16 MP): 79% chance of inflicting Silence.
* Blind Rage (16 MP): 54% (63% on self) chance of inflicting Berserk.
* Foxbird (20 MP): 63% chance of lowering target's Brave by 30. Average Brave in FFT is 60, and if Brave ever falls below 10, target receives Chicken status (bosses are immune). Thus, arguably, two successful shots of this spell inflict Chicken upon the target.
* Confusion Song (20 MP): 58% chance of inflicting Confuse.
* Dispel Magic (34 MP): 96% chance of cancelling target's positive status. (Ignore Reflect/Evade)
* Paralyse (10 MP): 84% chance of inflicting Paralyse.
* Sleep (24 MP): 75% chance of inflicting Sleep.
* Petrify (16 MP): 50% chance of inflicting Petrify.

Special notes: Yin-Yang Magic, unlike Magic Sword, can self-target if desired. All spells see a 1-3% hit rate increase if she uses an MA-boosting setup, but in general optimising her HP is much more worthwhile (and it's not worth giving up her good physical for a 2 MA Wizard Rod).

Comments: A nasty status attacker. She can lead with high-accuracy spells like Paralyse, Sleep, or Silence Song, and then pile on other statuses or just beat the target to death (her physical is surprisingly good for a mage, and Life Drain certainly is useful too). Tankish and fast but fears enemy mages... until she silences/innocents them.


Brave 70, Faith 60

HP 155 (355) [281] <325>
MP 58
PA 10 [14] <12>
MA 7 (10)
Sp 8 (10) <10>
PhysEvade 10
MagEvade 50

Can equip Swords, Axes, Shields, Hats, Clothes, and Robes

Rune Blade
Aegis Shield
Thief Hat [Twist Headband]
Black Costume [Power Sleeve] <Power Sleeve>

Special abilities:
Counter Flood - Geomancer has a 70% chance of countering melee attacks with Elemental.

Physical Attack: 182 [252] <224> damage.
ELEMENTAL: 60 [80] <70> magic damage. (Ignore Reflect/Evade/Faith)

Special notes: Elemental has a 25% chance to add a status effect. Which effect depends on the terrain Geomancer is standing on. The twelve possible effects are: Don't Move, Frog, Stop, Petrify, Confuse, Paralyse, Sleep, Death Sentence, Blind, Silence, Slow, and Instant Death. If Geomancer opts for any shield other than Aegis, he loses 10% off his Elemental damage.

Comments: High damage, good durability by generic standards, speed, evasion... Geomancer is above average at everything without managing to excel in any one area.


Brave 70, Faith 60

HP 169 (399)
MP 24
PA 11
MA 3
Sp 8
PhysEvade 40
MagEvade 15

Can equip Spears, Shields, Helmets, Heavy Armour, and Robes

Crystal Shield
Crystal Helmet
Crystal Mail

Special abilities:
Dragon Spirit - Lancer has a 70% chance of countering melee attacks by gaining Reraise status. (Worthless in a duel)

Physical Attack: 132 damage.
JUMP: 192 damage. (Ignore Evade)

Comments: Quite possibly the most straightforward of the generics. He can Jump! And... uh... Jump! The damage is decent, and the staying power is outright good, but he doesn't have much else.

(Male) {Female}

Brave 70, Faith 60

HP 93 (323) {87 -> 237}
MP 39 {41 -> 63}
PA 11 {9}
MA 6 {7 -> 9}
Sp 8
PhysEvade 0
MagEvade 0

Can equip Katanas, Helmets, Heavy Armour, and Robes

Crystal Helmet
Crystal Mail {Wizard Robe}

Special abilities:
Meatbone Slash - If a short-range attack reduces Samurai's HP below 1/5 max, he has a 70% chance of countering for 323 damage. This damage ignores evade and defence.
Blade Grasp - Samurai has a 70% chance of evading a single hit of a melee attack. Only one hit per melee attack can be dodged this way. Can not be used with Meatbone Slash.

Physical Attack: 210 {180} damage.
DRAW OUT: (Magic. All these ignore Reflect/Evade/Faith.)
* Muramasa: 108 {162} damage. 25% chance of adding a status; there is an even chance of this status being Confusion or Death Sentence.
* Heaven's Cloud: 84 {126} damage. 25% chance of inflicting Slow.
* Kiyomori: Target gains Protect and Shell.
* Murasame: Restore 72 {108} HP.
* Bizen Boat: 24 {36} MP damage.

Comments: Along with Thief, a job that has a use for both genders in the duelling format. The male acts as a fighter with some support abilities, the female emphasises variety with better healing, MP damage, and Draw Out damage at the expense of some physical power and a lot of HP. Either way, Samurai has a nifty trick in Blade Grasp, which is a terrible barrier for pure fighters (except those of the multihitting variety) and a useful barrier in Kiyomori. Lack of speed is bad, though.


Brave 70, Faith 60

HP 86 (286) [256]
MP 27
PA 11 [13]
MA 5
Sp 10 (12) [12]
PhysEvade 0
MagEvade 0

Can equip Ninja Swords, Daggers, Flails, Hats, and Clothes

Spell Edge
Spell Edge
Thief Hat
Black Costume [Power Sleeve]

Special abilities:
Sunken State - Ninja has a 70% chance of countering melee attacks by gaining Invisible status. (Ninja's next attack ignores evade.)

Physical Attack: 2 hits of 143 [156] damage. 286 [312] total. Each hit has a 25% chance of inflicting Paralyse (44% chance of Paralyse if both hits connect).
* Morning Star: 192 damage.
* Ice Brand: 156 Ice elemental damage.
* Flame Whip: 132 Fire elemental damage.
* Air Knife: 120 Wind elemental damage.
* Coral Sword: 96 Lightning elemental damage.

Comments: Very straightforward. Great speed and damage, and the damage even adds status at a respectable rate. Durability is poor, though better than a number of other generics...


Brave 70, Faith 70

HP 67 (267) [185] <207>
MP 56 [93] <84>
PA 3
MA 6 [9]
Sp 4 (6) [5] <6>
PhysEvade 0
MagEvade 0

Can equip Sticks, Dictionaries, Hats, Clothes, and Robes

Octagon Rod
Thief Hat [Flash Hat]
Black Costume [Wizard Robe] <Chameleon Robe>

Special abilities:
Damage Split - If Calculator is dealt damage (and survives), she has a 70% chance of regaining half the damage dealt in HP, and dealing damage equal to the HP healed this way back to the original attacker.

Physical Attack: 72 [108] damage.
MATH SKILL: (Magic. All these ignore Reflect. In a duel, I allow Math Skill to target either self only, enemy only, or both, at the Calculator's discretion.)
* Holy: 126 [189] Holy magic damage. Chameleon Robe setup allows Calculator to heal herself for <147>. (Ignore Evade)
* Flare: 115 [173] magic damage.
* Cure 3: Restore 88 [132] HP.
* Raise, Raise 2, Reraise, Regen, Protect, Shell, Wall, Esuna, Poison, Frog, Death, Haste, Slow, Stop, Don't Move, Reflect, Demi, Demi 2, Blind, Pray Faith, Doubt Faith, Zombie, Silence Song, Blind Rage, Foxbird, Confusion Song, Dispel Magic, Paralyse, Sleep, Petrify: See Priest, Wizard, Time Mage, and Oracle. When cast by a Calculator, these spells have a 2-7% lower hit rate due to lower MA, but the spells are otherwise identical except with no MP cost.

Special notes: Remember that Pray Faith can be simultaneously cast on all targets. With everyone under Faith status, Holy does 300 [450] damage and healing, Flare does 276 [414] damage, Cure 3 restores 180 [240] HP, and all spells have a 100% hit rate barring magic evade. Of course, note that magic cast by others on the battlefield sees a similar skyrocket in power.

Comments: The one job that can really do it all. Possessing every magic skillset at her disposal except Summon, the Calculator has attack magic (albeit its damage is unimpressive until Pray Faith), loads of status both positive and negative, and parasitic healing through Holy. Pray Faith is an interesting option for more than doubling her power... and all of this comes on top of what is possibly the best counter ability in the game, for a duel. The problem? Her stats... utterly blow. 6 Speed? 6 MA? 207 HP? Pathetic. And so a Godlike skillset goes to waste.


Brave 70, Faith 60

HP 48 (248) [174] <218>
MP 20
PA 2 [6] <4>
MA 8
Sp 8 (10) <10>
PhysEvade 0
MagEvade 0

Can equip Harps, Hats, and Clothes

Bloody Strings [Fairy Harp]
Thief Hat [Twist Headband]
Black Costume [Power Sleeve] <Power Sleeve>

Special abilities:
MA Save - Bard has a 70% chance of gaining 1 MA upon taking any damage.

Physical Attack (Bloody Strings): 65 <78> damage. Bard regains HPs equal to damage done.
Physical Attack (Fairy Harp): [105] damage. 25% chance of inflicting Charm.
* Cheer Song: 50% chance of gaining 1 Speed.
* Battle Song: 50% chance of gaining 1 PA.
* Magic Song: 50% chance of gaining 1 MA. 1-round charge time.
* Nameless Song: 50% chance of gaining a positive status; there is an even chance of this status being Protect, Shell, Haste, Regen, or Reraise. 1-round charge time.

Special notes: If Bard's speed increases above 10 (due to Cheer Song or Haste) then Magic Song and Nameless Song will require over a turn to use. If Bard's speed increases above 13, Cheer Song and Battle Song are similarly affected. For every 2 points of PA or MA gained by the Bard, Bloody Strings do 13 more damage, and Fairy Harp does 15 more.

Comments: A skillset that is effectively worthless in a duel, pathetic HP, and crappy parasitic healing. -_- Bard isn't exactly in his element, here.


Brave 70, Faith 60

HP 49 (249) [207] <219>
MP 22
PA 7 [9] <9>
MA 8 [9]
Sp 8 (10) [9] <10>
PhysEvade 0
MagEvade 0

Can equip Daggers, Carpets, Hats, and Clothes

Ryozan Silk
Thief Hat [Flash Hat]
Black Costume [Power Sleeve] <Power Sleeve>

Special abilities:
A Save - Dancer has a 70% chance of gaining 1 PA upon taking any damage.

Physical Attack: 105 [135] <120> damage.
DANCE: (All these ignore Evade/Defence.)
* Witch Hunt: 11 [15] <15> MP damage.
* Wiznaibus: 11 [15] <15> damage.
* Slow Dance: 50% chance of lowering target's Speed by 1.
* Polka Polka: 50% chance of lowering target's PA by 1.
* Disillusion: 50% chance of lowering target's MA by 1. 1-turn charge time.
* Nameless Dance: 50% chance of inflicting a status; there is an even chance of this status being Blind, Confuse, Silence, Frog, Poison, Slow, Stop, or Sleep. 1-turn charge time.

Special notes: Sleeping targets are immune to Dance. For every 2 PA gained by the Dancer, Ryozan Silk does 15 more damage. This bonus starts at the first PA gained unless Dancer uses Flash Hat.

Comments: Terrible HP and below average damage, all backed up by one of the worst status attacks (to a single target) to the DL! The rest of her skillset is pretty much useless, to boot.


Brave 70, Faith 60

HP 285
MP 16
PA 12
MA 8
Sp 9
PhysEvade 0
MagEvade 0

No equipment

Special abilities:
Concentrate - Mime's attacks ignore evade.
Mime - Whenever a non-Mime ally takes an action, Mime does the same action for no cost using his stats as the base. Obviously useless in the duel (and has some additional interpretation issues in a team match, which I won't get into here).

Physical Attack: 144 damage.

Comments: Whee! Completely worthless. Nothing else to say.

And that's done!

Generic Rankings and Averages

I recommend using the generic averages for the generics (plot PCs are juiced by initial equipment which generics have no access to by definition), but if you feel differently, other numbers are provided.

HP (default setup)
Knight (399) = Lancer (399) > Geomancer (355) > Squire (331) = Archer (331) > Samurai (323) > Thief (310) > Monk (305) = Priest (305) = Mediator (305) > Chemist (299) > Wizard (287) = Time Mage (287) = Oracle (287) > Ninja (286) > Mime (285) > Summoner (276) > Calculator (267) > Dancer (249) > Bard (248)

HP (overall-best setup)
Knight (399) = Lancer (399) > Geomancer (325) > Samurai (323) > Thief (310) > Mediator (305) > Squire (301) = Archer (301) > Chemist (299) > Oracle (287) > Ninja (286) > Mime (285) > Summoner (276) > Monk (275) > Priest (268) > Time Mage (250) > Dancer (219) > Bard (218) > Calculator (207) > Wizard (205)

Damage (default setup)
Wizard (386) > Ninja (286) > Time Mage (277) > Summoner (231) > Samurai (210) > Lancer (192) > Priest (189) > Geomancer (182) > Knight (154) > Mime (144) > Archer (140) > Calculator (126) > Oracle (120) > Monk (112) > Dancer (105) > Squire (98) > Thief (90) > Bard (65) > Chemist (64) = Mediator (64)

Damage (overall-best setup)
Wizard (463) > Time Mage (327) > Ninja (286) > Summoner (273) > Priest (231) > Geomancer (224) > Samurai (210) > Lancer (192) > Monk (171) > Archer (160) > Knight (154) > Mime (144) > Squire (126) = Calculator (126) > Oracle (120) = Dancer (120) > Thief (90) > Bard (78) > Chemist (64) = Mediator (64)

Speed (overall-best setup)
Ninja (12) > Thief (11) > Squire = Chemist = Archer = Priest = Oracle = Geomancer = Mediator = Bard = Dancer (10) > Monk = Wizard = Time Mage = Summoner = Mime (9) > Knight = Lancer = Samurai (8) > Calculator (6)
PC AVERAGE: 10 or 9.54, depending on if Auto-Haste is considered

And finally, for great NR hype:


Brave 68, Faith 48

HP 210
MP 16
PA 11
MA 31 (ZOMG)
Speed 9

Attack: 77 damage
Choco Heal: 93 healing to self and adjacent allies

Counter: 68% chance of respoding to melee physicals with his own physical attack.

Comments: Damage is below half average (but still better than Mustadio), the HP is below 2/3 average, and the speed is below average (just a little). Still, infinite resources, when coupled with his counters to spoil physical opponents and high MDef to spoil magical = undefeatable.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2013, 05:22:09 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

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Re: Final Fantasy Tactics (PCs)
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2007, 05:46:13 AM »
The Bosses

First, I have an old reference: the damage done by each boss with his or her best move, and the assumed target HP at that point in the game. This is calculated by taking Ramza's HP and the average of the HP boost from storebought heavy equips and light equips at the time. The level for each fight assumes that levels are uniformly gained per story battle throughout the game, with 40 at the final save point (immediately before the final dungeon). Seems to work, to me.

And yes, Malak's and Algus' boss forms are really, really bad, and both characters should pretend these forms don't exist. (This will get even worse once you see Malak's HP. Hint: There are non-Zodiac bosses before him with over 2x his HP unscaled.)

Assumed Target Level --- Boss Name --- Boss' Damage --- Assumed Target HP

Lv5 Miluda1 36 / 102
Lv6 Miluda2 35 / 105
Lv6 Wiegraf1 60 / 113
Lv7 Algus 24 / 117
Lv14 Gafgarion2 48 / 194
Lv14 Gafgarion3 54 / 199
Lv15 Queklain 105 / 202
Lv17 Zalmo 72 / 213
Lv18 Izlude 120 / 235
Lv19 Wiegraf2 180 / 238
Lv20 Malak1 50 / 251
Lv22 Malak2 60 / 276
Lv23 Wiegraf3 140 / 279
Lv23 Velius 252 / 279
Lv23 Elmdor1 196 / 279
Lv23 Celia1 96 / 279
Lv23 Lede1 208 / 279
Lv28 Meliadoul 128 / 308
Lv29 Zalmo2 21 / 311
Lv30 Balk1 120 / 314
Lv34 Celia2 150 / 364
Lv34 Lede2 208 / 364
Lv34 Elmdor2 162 / 364
Lv34 Celia3 105 / 364
Lv34 Lede3 234 / 364
Lv34 CeliaDemon 202 / 364
Lv34 LedeDemon 202 / 364
Lv35 Zalera 159 / 367
Lv36 Dycedarg 210 / 376
Lv36 Adramelk 231 / 376
Lv37 Worker7 384 / 380
Lv39 Rofel1 169 / 386
Lv39 Kletian1 218 / 386
Lv39 Vormav 182 / 386
Lv40 Zalbag-Z 182 / 389
Lv41 Rofel2 252 / 392
Lv42 Kletian2 291 / 396
Lv42 Balk2 132 / 396
Lv43 Hashmalum 277 / 399
Lv44 Altima1 220 / 402
Lv44 Altima2 316 / 402

Annnd... here's the detailed notes on every DL-relevant boss in the game. Well, kinda. Where some bosses have multiple forms, I usually just went with the one most people vote by. If you want stats on a boss I haven't included, just ask. I'm also throwing in all the Zodiac demons, since they may help people to gauge Altima, and they show up in Not Ranked and the likes often enough.

Miluda Folles (final form, Battle #7)
"It's not your fault. But I'll keep blaming you until there's a change!"
Level 7. 68 Brave, 58 Faith.
Immunities: None.
Equips: Mythril Sword, Bronze Shield, Barbuta, Chain Mail, Small Mantle
Stats: 136 HPs, 17 MPs, 5 PA, 4 MA, 6 Speed. 3 Move, 4 Jump. 25% Evade, 10% MEvade.
Abilities: Counter (68%)
Attack - 35 damage.

Notes: Um... she counters, so there are worse Lights. Otherwise, entirely plain scraping-to-3HKO 'boss' with no boss immunities.

Algus Sadalfas (Boss form... I don't think I allow this. You might. Battle #9)
"It's your brother's orders. Please don't ask why."
Level 10. 32 Brave, 67 Faith.
Immunities: None.
Equips: Night Killer, Round Shield, Barbuta, Chain Mail, Power Wrist.
Stats: 145 HPs, 17 MPs, 8 PA, 3 MA, 6 Speed. 4 Move, 3 Jump. 19% Evade.
Abilities: Auto-Potion (32% chance of healing 30 HP after taking damage)
Attack - 24 damage, 25% chance of inflicting Darkness.

Notes: Darkness doubles Algus' evade to an effective 38. Fear. This form sucks.

Gaff Gafgarion (final form, Battle #19)
"Ramza! It's me you must fight with! En garde!"
Level 18. 61 Brave, 67 Faith.
Immunities: Petrify, Transparent, Berserk, Charm.
Equips: Ancient Sword, Gold Shield, Cross Helmet, Linen Robe.
Stats: 192 HPs, 44 MPs, 6 PA, 4 MA, 8 Speed. 4 Move, 3 Jump. 25% Evade.
Abilities: Nothing applicable
Attack - 54 damage, 25% chance of inflicting Don't Move.
(DARK SWORD, physical unevadable, requires a sword)
Night Sword - 54 damage, draining.
Dark Sword (?) - 54 MP damage, draining. Not sure if he actually has this or not.

Notes: PC form is just generally better, since it can switch equips. Damage in this form is pretty bad, relatively speaking (Wiegraf in Chapter 1 does more.)

Queklain (Battle #20)
"Now, let me have my fun. Let me hear your screams and suffering death cries!"
Level 20. 70 Brave, 70 Faith.
Immunities: Everything except Darkness, Slow, and Don't Move.
Equips: None.
Stats: 381 HPs, 355 MPs, 10 PA, 7 MA, 9 Speed. 4 Move, 4 Jump.
Abilities: Martial Arts, Short Charge.
Attack - 105 damage.
(FEAR, non-typed unevadable, status hit rate is perfect)
Nightmare - Inflicts either Sleep or Death Sentence, at equal probability.
Chicken Race - Inflicts Paralyse.
Death Cold - Inflicts Slow.
(IMPURE, subject to Faith)
Bio (8 MP): 35 damage. 25% chance of inflicting Darkness, Poison, or Oil. There are three versions of this attack, one that can inflict each status (and yes, he can choose which he uses).
Bio 2 (16 MP): 49% chance of inflicting Frog, Slow, Petrify, or Silence (53% for Silence). Again, four different versions of this attack, and Quek chooses which he wants.
Bio 3 (24 MP): 70 damage. 25% chance of inflicting Dead, Undead, or Petrify. Again, three versions of the attack, one for each status.

Notes: Nasty PC killer with all that status and good speed, and the damage isn't half bad either. Though, he fights alone and dies very quickly in-game. (Note that his HP is actually within the realm of reason, less than 2x yours. This is not true for subsequent Zodiac Demons.)

Izlude Tingel (Battle #24)
"You know people don't trust the royal family or nobility! We must do something before Ivalice is ruined!"
Level 26. 73 Brave, 62 Faith.
Immunities: Everything except Darkness (irrelevant), Slow, and Silence (irrelevant).
Equips: Platinum Sword, Gold Shield, Platina Helmet, Platina Armor, Power Wrist.
Stats: 337 HPs, 22 MPs, 10 PA, 2 MA, 8 Speed. 4 Move, infinite Jump. 25% Evade.
Abilities: Counter (73%), Concentrate (attacks ignore evade), Maintenance (equips can not be broken/stolen)
Attack - 120 damage.
Jump - 120 damage. Apart from ignoring melee counters, this has no real use, DL, unless you take into account its massive range.
(BATTLE SKILL, physical)
Head Break - 67% chance to break target's helmet.
Armour Break - 62% chance to break target's armour.
Shield Break - 77% chance to break target's shield.
Weapon Break - 52% chance to break target's weapon.
Magic Break - 60% chance to deal MP damage equal to half target's max MP.
Speed Break - 60% chance to reduce target's speed by 2.
Power Break - 60% chance to reduce target's PA by 3.
Mind Break - 60% chance to reduce target's MA by 3.

Notes: Pretty straightforward. Solid boss for the time.

Malak Galthana (in his UBER GODLY SECOND BOSS FORM!!!, Battle #29)
"My power is not good enough?!"
Level 24. 69 Brave, 31 Faith.
Immunities: None.
Equips: Gokuu Rod, Holy Miter, Linen Robe.
Stats: 168 HPs, 76 MPs, 7 PA, 6 MA, 8 Speed. 4 Move, 3 Jump.
Abilities: None
Attack - 60 damage, 25% chance of inflicting Innocent.
(UN-TRUTH, subject to reverse Faith, ignores evade/reflect)
Heaven Thunder Back - 26 Lightning damage on a hit, 1-6 hits at random each with a 20% chance to connect.
Asura Back (?) - 29 Fire damage on a hit, 1-6 hits at random each with a 20% chance to connect.

Notes: Dunno what Un-Truth he has reliably. Regardless, HE. SUCKS. SO. MUCH. Yes, Izlude has double his HP and damage unscaled. Malak wants his PC form badly, and that's sad (go take a look at his PC form).

Wiegraf Folles (final form, Battle #30a)
"But then again, people are satisfied being used... 'God' is nothing but an image created out of their insecurity."
Level 28. 71 Brave, 64 Faith.
Immunities: Everything except Darkness and Silence (irrelevant).
Equips: Diamond Sword, Diamond Shield, Diamond Helmet, Diamond Armor, Diamond Armlet.
Stats: 337 HPs, 71 MPs, 10 PA, 6 MA, 8 Speed. 4 Move, 3 Jump. 34% Evade, 15% MEvade.
Abilities: Counter (71%), Maintenance (equips can not be broken/stolen)
Attack - 100 damage.
(HOLY SWORD, physical unevadable, requires a sword)
Lightning Stab - 140 damage, 25% chance of inflicting Silence.
(PUNCH SKILL, physical)
Wave Fist - 60 damage.
Earth Slash - 50 damage, Earth. Ignore evade.

Notes: Wiegraf won't use Lightning Stab against Holy defence, despite it being non-elemental. This may or may not carry into the DL. Otherwise, he's just... generally solid.

Velius (Battle #30b)
"Here I come, Ramza! Let me show you the power of evil!"
Level 31. 70 Brave, 70 Faith.
Immunities: Everything except Darkness, Slow, Silence, and Don't Move.
Equips: None.
Stats: 965 HPs, 240 MPs, 13 PA, 12 MA, 8 Speed. 5 Move, 5 Jump.
Abilities: Martial Arts, Short Charge
Attack - 171 damage.
(FEAR, non-typed unevadable, status hit rate is perfect)
Lose Voice - Inflicts Silence.
Seal - Inflicts Petrify.
Loss - Inflicts Confusion.
(WARLOCK SUMMON, magic, ignores evade/reflect)
Titan (30 MP) - 141 damage, Earth.
Lich (40 MP) - Does damage equal to target's max HP divided by 2, Darkness. 72% hit rate.
Cyclops (62 MP) - 252 damage.

Notes: Pretty overall nasty. Get used to this from Zodiac demons. He's the slowest, but also possibly the most damaging.

Celia (Rooftop form, Battle #31)
"We've been waiting for you."
Level 29. 65 Brave, 70 Faith.
Immunities: Dead, Petrify, Frog (innate). Darkness, Poison, Undead, Don't Move, Paralyse, Silence, Death Sentence (from Cachusa).
Equips: Kiyomori, Kiyomori, Black Hood, Earth Clothes (immune Earth), Cachusha.
Stats: 348 HPs, 87 MPs, 7 PA, 10 MA, 8 Speed. 5 Move, 7 Jump.
Abilities: Counter Tackle (65% chance of doing 7-28 unevadable damage. Fear), Two Swords
Attack - 2 hits for 48 damage each (96 total).
(USE HAND, non-typed unevadable)
Shadow Stitch - Inflicts Stop.
Stop Bracelet (Stop Breath) - Inflicts Death.
Seal - Inflicts Petrify.
Allure - 80% chance of inflicting Charm on opposite sex.
Ultima (10 MP) - 96 magic damage, unevadable, ignores Reflect.

Notes: Lots of statusy goodness. Not much to say.

Lede (Rooftop form, Battle #31)
"We'll burn you to death, so don't run away."
Level 28. 65 Brave, 70 Faith.
Immunities: Dead, Petrify, Frog (innate). Sleep, Charm, Confuse, Berserk, Stop (from Barette).
Equips: Spell Edge, Spell Edge, Black Hood, Power Sleeve, Barette.
Stats: 323 Hps, 75 MPs, 9 PA, 9 MA, 8 Speed. 5 Move, 7 Jump.
Abilities: Counter Tackle (65% chance of doing 9-36 unevadable damage. Fear), Two Swords
Attack - 2 hits for 104 damage each (208 total), each with a 25% chance of inflicting Paralyse.
(USE HAND, non-typed unevadable)
Shadow Stitch - Inflicts Stop.
Stop Bracelet (Stop Breath) - Inflicts Death.
Seal - Inflicts Petrify.
Allure - 79% chance of inflicting Charm on opposite sex.
Ultima (10 MP) - 86 magic damage, unevadable, ignores Reflect.

Notes: Same as Celia, except she has a really mean physical as well. Not a fun foe to face, in-game or in the DL.

Meliadoul Tingel (Again, PC with a boss form, I don't allow it, etc. Battle #37)
"I'm going to kill you, not for the High Priest, but for my brother!"
Level 35. 67 Brave, 68 Faith.
Immunities: Dead, Petrify
Equips: Defender, Platina Shield, Platina Helm, Carabini Mail, Chantage.
Stats: 335 HPs, 39 MPs, 8PA, 7MA, 8 Speed. 4 Move, 3 Jump. 37% Evade, 10% MEvade.
Abilities: Auto-Regen (from Chantage, 41 HP per turn), enduring Auto-Life (always revives on her turn if killed; useless in a duel or as a boss)
Attack - 80 damage.
(MIGHTY SWORD, physical unevadable, requires a sword)
Shellbust Stab - 128 damage and destroy target's armour. Fails entirely if target has no armour or armour can not be broken.
Blastar Punch - 128 damage and destroy target's helmet. Fails entirely if target has no helmet or helmet can not be broken.

Notes: Inferior to the PC form (if only she had Weapon Guard...) despite being overlevelled at this point. Chantage is pretty badass on a PC but hardly noticeable on her as a boss.

Marquis Mesdoram Elmdor (Battle #46)
"Now we have to bring back 'Bloody Angel', using the 'Ultimate Power'!"
Level 41. 70 Brave, 70 Faith.
Immunities: Everything except Darkness, Slow, and Silence (irrelevant).
Equips: Masamune, Genji Shield, Genji Helmet, Genji Armor, Genji Gauntlet.
Stats: 551 HPs, 80 MPs, 13 PA, 9 MA, 10 Speed. Infinite movement. 43% Evade.
Abilities: Martial Arts (pointless), Blade Grasp (70% chance to avoid a Fight command or equivalent (Jump, Battle Skill); only blocks the first hit)
Attack - 162 damage (rises to 171 if his weapon is broken, heh).
(SWORD SPIRIT, pseudomagical, ignores MDef/evade/reflect)
Muramasa - 162 damage, 25% chance of inflicting either Confusion or Death Sentence, chosen randomly.
Blood Suck - Drains 1/4 target's mHP. Target gains Blood Suck status (skillset is replaced with Blood Suck).

Notes: Good HP, but not quite as good as it looks since your damage tends to spike around this point in the game (Orlandu, Excalibur, etc.). Anti-physical. I... definitely don't allow him Blood Suck, for several reasons:
(1) Plotwise, it's a Lucavi move. Elmdor is possesed by a demon during this fight, and that's the origin of the power.
(2) It gets him horribly killed in-game. This is because it creates a "Blood Suck war" where both he and a PC will Blood Suck each other. The winner of this match (as you can figure out for yourself if you think about it) is inevitably the one with the higher HP, which is generally not him.
(3) It can be avoided by standing on uneven terrain, since the attack has no vertical tolerance (no other boss moves are like this... except Worker 7's Crush). This is a minor point for Elmdor (who has a fairly flat battlefield) but a major one for another boss coming shortly.

Zalera (Battle #47)
"Hashmalum... sorry. I'm leaving the rest to you..."
Level 44. 70 Brave, 70 Faith.
Immunities: Everything except Darkness, Berserk, Slow, and Frog.
Equips: None.
Stats: 1135 HPs, 711 MPs, 15 PA, 10 MA, 11 Speed. 5 Move, 4 Jump.
Abilities: Short Charge, Auto-Float (immune to Earth)
Attack - 150 damage.
(FEAR, non-typed unevadable, status hit rate is perfect)
Spell - Inflicts Stop.
Nightmare - Inflicts either Sleep or Death Sentence, at equal probability.
Chicken Race - Inflicts Paralyse.
Death Cold - Inflicts Slow.
(JA MAGIC, subject to Faith, ignores evade/reflect)
Flare 2 (35 MP) - 159 damage.
Toad 2 (35 MP) - 71% chance of inflicting Frog.
Sleep 2 (35 MP) - 71% chance of inflicting Sleep.
Confuse 2 (35 MP) - 71% chance of inflicting Confusion.
Blind 2 (35 MP) - 71% chance of inflicting Darkness. (OWNED by regular Blind. Ahem. -_-)
Gravi 2 (35 MP) - 71% chance of reducing target's HP to 1.

Notes: Another Zodiac Demon, more in the mold of Queklain than Velius. Some status weaknesses set him apart from his colleagues, but he's still good, albeit focussed on PC killing. Fast, oodles of status, and damage... well, it 3HKOs (weakest of the Zodiacs), but he's still not terrible.

Dycedarg Beoulve (Battle #48a)
"Why do you think the people call you a hero? It's all because of me! Because I dirtied my hands you're here!"
Level 43. 66 Brave, 77 Faith.
Immunities: Everything except Darkness, Slow, Silence, and Frog.
Equips: Defender, Aegis Shield, Circlet, Carabini Mail, Power Wrist.
Stats: 461 HPs, 79 MPs, 10 PA, 8 MA, 9 Speed. 5 Move, 3 Jump. 10% Evade, 50% MEvade.
Abilities: Catch (66% chance to evade a Throw attack), Defence UP + Magic Defence UP (takes ~3/8 less damage from attacks)
Attack - 96 damage.
(SWORDSKILL, physical unevadable, requires a sword)
Stasis Sword - 180 damage, 25% chance of inflicting Stop.
Split Punch - 190 damage, 25% chance of inflicting Death Sentence.
Crush Punch - 180 damage, 25% chance of inflicting Death.
Lightning Stab - 200 damage, 25% chance of inflicting Silence.
Holy Explosion - 210 damage, 25% chance of inflicting Confusion.
Shellbust Stab - 160 damage and destroy target's armour. Fails entirely if target has no armour or armour can not be broken.
Blastar Punch - 160 damage and destroy target's helmet. Fails entirely if target has no helmet or helmet can not be broken.
Hellcry Punch - 160 damage and destroy target's weapon. Fails entirely if target has no weapon or weapon can not be broken.
Icewolf Bite - 160 damage and destroy target's accessory. Fails entirely if target has no accessory or accessory can not be broken.
(ALL MAGIC, subject to Faith)
Fire 3, Ice 3, Bolt 3 (24 MP) - 88 Fire/Ice/Lightning damage.
Bio 3 (24 MP) - 88 damage, 25% chance of inflicting Death.

Notes: Very good boss. Damage is decent, equipment breaks are a nice trick, but it's the defences that set him apart... after factoring those in, his effective HP breaks 700, and he has real support unlike the Zodiacs! And he has an even chance of dodging magic. Like Wiegraf, he won't use the Holy Sword abilities against Holy defence, which may or may not affect him in the DL.

Adramelk (Battle #48b)
"Now it's your turn... You'll regret opposing me!"
Level 46. 70 Brave, 70 Faith.
Immunities: Everything except Darkness, Slow, Silence, and Don't Move.
Equips: None.
Stats: 1465 HPs, 362 MPs, 15 PA, 11 MA, 10 Speed. 5 Move, 4 Jump.
Abilities: Short Charge
Attack - 150 damage.
(FEAR, non-typed unevadable, status hit rate is perfect)
Seal - Inflicts Petrify.
Chicken Race - Inflicts Paralyse.
Lose Voice - Inflicts Silence.
Loss - Inflicts Confusion.
(ALL MAGIC, subject to Faith)
Holy (56 MP) - 231 Holy damage, ignores evade.
Flare (60 MP) - 212 damage.
Fire 4, Ice 4, Bolt 4 (48 MP) - 147 Fire/Ice/Lightning damage, ignores reflect.
Demi 2 (50 MP) - Does damage equal to target's max HP divided by 2. 55% hit rate.
Bahamut (60 MP) - 212 damage, ignores evade/reflect.
Odin (50 MP) - 184 damage, ignores evade/reflect.
Leviathan, Salamander (48 MP) - 175 Water/Fire damage, ignores evade/reflect.

The most powerful Zodiac? Maybe. He stresses balance more than the rest, specialising in HP and crowd control with his Summons. The latter won't help him in a duel, but he's got enough going for him anyway.

Worker 7 (Battle #49, though you can delay it three battles)
"30... 29... 28... 27... 26... 25... 24... 23... 22... System error! 3... 2... 1... Genocide Mode!"
Level 66. 50 Brave, 00 Faith.
Immunities: Everything except Confuse. All elements except Lightning (weak) and Water.
Equips: None.
Stats: 594 HPs, 1 MPs, 24 PA, 1 MA, 9 Speed. 3 Move, 3 Jump.
Abilities: Counter (50%), Defence UP (takes ~3/8 less damage from physicals), Auto-Innocent (immune to all magic)
Attack - 288 damage.
(WORK, non-typed unevadable)
Destroy - 240 damage, 30 to self.
Compress - 288 damage, 25% chance of inflicting Death. 48 to self.
Dispose - 240 damage, 60 to self. (Very long range)
Crush - 384 damage, 96 to self.

Notes: Worker 8, but... better? Possible. He counters less, but he likely has more HP even after any scaling (he has excellent support) and does far more damage.

Vormav Tingel (Battle #52)
"Nice meeting you... I'd ask you to dinner, but I'm too busy... Forgive me."
Level 46. 65 Brave, 70 Faith.
Immunities: Everything except Darkness, Slow, and Silence (irrelevant).
Equips: Rune Blade, Crystal Shield, Crystal Helmet, Crystal Mail, Elf Mantle.
Stats: 514 HPs, 81 MPs, 13 PA, 9 MA, 9 Speed. 5 Move, 3 Jump. 55% Evade, 36% MEvade.
Abilities: Counter (65%), Defence UP (takes ~3/8 less damage from physicals)
Attack - 182 damage.
(MIGHTY SWORD, physical unevadable, requires a sword)
Shellbust Stab - 182 damage and destroy target's armour. Fails entirely if target has no armour or armour can not be broken.
Blastar Punch - 182 damage and destroy target's helmet. Fails entirely if target has no helmet or helmet can not be broken.

Notes: Like Meliadoul, he only has two of the breaks, and not the one that matters. Still, somewhat anti-physical, and even just being able to break armour is nice against many healers.

Zalbag Beoulve (controlled by Hashmalum) (Battle #53)
"Please... Ramza. Kill... me..."
Level 47. 33 Brave, 77 Faith.
Immunities: None.
Equips: Rune Blade, Crystal Shield, Crystal Helm, Crystal Mail, Germinas Boots.
Stats: 548 HPs, 79 MPs, 13 PA, 10 MA, 11 Speed. 5 Move, 4 Jump. 40% Evade, 15% MEvade.
Abilities: Speed Save (33% chance of gaining 1 speed after taking damage), Defense UP (takes ~3/8 less damage from physicals), Move-HP Up (regains 54 HP each turn)
Attack - 182 damage.
(DESTROY SWORD, subject to Faith, ignores reflect, requires a sword)
Speed Ruin (20 MP) - 120% chance to reduce target's speed by 3.
Power Ruin (20 MP) - 120% chance to reduce target's PA by 5.
Magic Ruin (20 MP) - 120% chance to reduce target's MA by 5.
Mind Ruin (20 MP) - 120% chance to deal MP damage equal to half target's max MP.
Blood Suck - Drains 1/4 target's mHP. Target gains Blood Suck status (skillset is replaced with Blood Suck).

Notes: Ruin hit rate is listed because high enough MDef can drop it below 100. Note that he can only cast them three times. See Elmdor for notes on Blood Suck, and note that Zalbag fights on an uneven battlefield. Some might not allow this form, since he's not really at all in control of the fight, though I suppose it's no worse than Jecht. PC form is arguably better anyway, as always.

Rofel Wodring (Battle #55)
"Ramza... I invite you to Hell."
Level 54. 60 Brave, 68 Faith.
Immunities: Everything except Darkness, Slow, and Silence.
Equips: Save the Queen, Crystal Shield, Crystal Helm, Crystal Mail, Germinas Boots.
Stats: 496 HPs, 85 MPs, 14 PA, 8 MA, 10 Speed. 5 Move, infinite Jump. 58% Evade, 15% MEvade.
Abilities: Weapon Guard (30% evade from weapon, already included), Defense UP + Auto-Protect (takes ~2/3 less damage from physicals)
Attack - 144 damage.
(MIGHTY SWORD, physical unevadable, requires a sword)
Shellbust Stab - 252 damage and destroy target's armour. Fails entirely if target has no armour or armour can not be broken.
Blastar Punch - 252 damage and destroy target's helmet. Fails entirely if target has no helmet or helmet can not be broken.
Hellcry Punch - 252 damage and destroy target's weapon. Fails entirely if target has no weapon or weapon can not be broken.
Icewolf Bite - 252 damage and destroy target's accessory. Fails entirely if target has no accessory or accessory can not be broken.

(ALL MAGIC, subject to Faith)
Confusion Song (20 MP) - 56% chance of inflicting Confusion.
Petrify (16 MP) - 48% chance of inflicting Petrify.
Silence Song (16 MP) - 77% chance of inflicting Silence.

Notes: Yay, actual damage. And good physical durability (DL-legal Orlandu 4HKOs him, taken literally). Hellcry Punch and Silence Song (which is permanent) is a nice combination too. Still, he has to watch out for getting splattered by powerful magic.

Kletian Drowa (Battle #56)
"So Rofel's been defeated? Then, unless I defeat you here, I can't face Rofel..."
Level 54. 51 Brave, 81 Faith.
Immunities: Everything except Darkness, Slow, Silence (!!!), and Don't Move.
Equips: Mace of Zeus, Flash Hat, Black Costume, Feather Mantle.
Stats: 420 HPs, 154 MPs, 9 PA, 12 MA, 10 Speed. 3 Move, infinite Jump. 40% Evade, 30% MEvade.
Abilities: MA Save (51% chance of gaining 1 MA after taking damage), Magic Defense UP (takes ~3/8 less damage from magic)
Attack - 72 damage.
(ALL MAGIC, subject to Faith)
Holy (56 MP) - 291 Holy damage, ignores evade.
Dark Holy (40 MP) - 215 Dark damage, ignores evade/reflect.
Flare (60 MP) - 268 damage.
Demi 2 (50 MP) - Does damage equal to target's max HP divided by 2. 64% hit rate.
Raise 2 (20 MP) - 84% chance of reviving a target to full HP.

Notes: Faith and MDef Up largely cancel, so he's fairly frail to everything. Decent damage of various magical flavours, though. Fears Silence. MA Save raises his base damage by 8.3% for all his attacks except Demi 2.

Balk Fenzol (Battle #57)
"I'm above 'death'. At the top of the human race. Now I don't have to endure unjust treatment by you aristocrats!"
Level 55. 64 Brave, 62 Faith.
Immunities: Everything except Darkness (irrelevant), Slow, and Silence (irrelevant).
Equips: Blast Gun, Thief Hat, Light Robe, Feather Mantle.
Stats: 479 HPs, 128 MPs, 10 PA, 10 MA, 13 Speed. 4 Move, 3 Jump. 40% Evade, 30% MEvade.
Abilities: Counter (64%, can only counter long range attacks), Martial Arts (pointless), Defence UP + Magic Defence UP (takes ~3/8 less damage from attacks) Move-HP Up (regains 47 HP each turn)
Attack - Blast Gun casts a random lightning spell, ignores evade/reflect. 60% chance of Bolt: 114 damage. 30% chance of Bolt 2: 147 damage. 10% chance of Bolt 3: 196 damage. Overall average is 132.
(SNIPE, ignores evade)
Leg Aim - 63% chance of Don't Move.
Arm Aim - 63% chance of Paralyse.
Seal Evil - 83% chance of Petrify, only affects undead.

Notes: His status lasts around two turns (or three of his, he's damn fast). Nasty fight in-game, but he's not so special in the DL since he lacks damage and it's all lightning. His first form, if you allow it, is a bit worse overall but has an ice elemental gun instead.

Hashmalum (Battle #58)
"I guess I'll have to go on another rampage!"
Level 59. 70 Brave, 70 Faith.
Immunities: Everything except Darkness, Slow, and Silence.
Equips: None.
Stats: 1405 HPs, 791 MPs, 17 PA, 11 MA, 13 Speed. 5 Move, 4 Jump.
Abilities: Short Charge
Attack - 187 damage.
(FEAR, non-typed unevadable, status hit rate is perfect)
Spell - Inflicts Stop.
Death Cold - Inflicts Slow.
(DIMENSION MAGIC, subject to Faith, ignores evade/reflect)
Meteor (70 MP) - 277 damage.
Quake (70 MP) - 180 Earth damage.
Melt (70 MP) - 175 Fire damage.
Tornado (70 MP) - 170 Wind damage.

Notes: Ball lightning of the Zodiacs. Great speed, status, and damage, but he has less HP than Adramelk unscaled and fights alone.

Altima (Battle #59)
"Prepare yourselves... powerless ones!"

Level 56. 70 Brave, 70 Faith.
Immunities: Everything except Darkness, Berserk, Slow, Paralyse, and Frog.
Equips: None.
Stats: 1336 HPs, 405 MPs, 15 PA, 14 MA, 9 Speed. Infinite movement.
Abilities: Absorb Used MP (70% chance of regaining MP equal to the casting cost of any spell targetting her), Martial Arts, Short Charge, Auto-Float (immune to Earth)
Attack - 220 damage.
Ultima (25 MP) - 176 magic damage, unevadable, ignores reflect.
Grand Cross - Independent fixed 25% chance of each of the following eight statuses: Petrify, Frog, Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, Slow, Poison, Darkness. Non-typed and not subject to any defences or evasion.

Notes: Aside from the decent (and stylish) physical she's generally weaker than Hashmalum. Grand Cross is nice, though. She's surprisingly statusable in this form. Luckilly for her, when she's defeated, all her statuses and stat changes are overwritten by her next form.

Level 66. 70 Brave, 60 Faith.
Immunities: Everything except Slow and Don't Move. Weak to Holy.
Equips: None.
Stats: 3152 HPs, 379 MPs, 17 PA, 16 MA, 12 Speed. Infinite movement.
Abilities: Face Up (70% chance of gaining 3 Faith when targetted by a spell), Short Charge, Auto-Float (immune to Earth)
Attack - 187 damage.
All-Ultima (50 MP) - 316 magic damage, unevadable, ignores reflect.
Grand Cross - Independent fixed 25% chance of each of the following eight statuses: Petrify, Frog, Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, Slow, Poison, Darkness. Non-typed and not subject to any defences or evasion.
(SATURATION, subject to Faith, ignores evade/reflect)
Mute - 78% chance of reducing target's current MP to zero.
Despair 2 - 78% chance of removing all positive statuses from the target.
Return 2 - 78% chance of reducing target's current CT (turn gauge) to zero.

Notes: Obviously towers above all other FFT bosses for HP (what that's worth is up to you), and also possesses good speed, and damage. Grand Cross remains a great PC-killing trick, and she also gains MP busting and dispel. She also gains a glaring Holy weakness, though at least the somewhat lower Faith for an FFT boss (still, uh, average) helps matters. Face Up raises both her magic effectiveness and vulnerability by 5% per time it kicks in. Note that she can only cast All-Ultima seven times.

Altima totals: 4488 HPs, 287 average damage over the course of a fight were proportional time is spent in each form.


And a bonus, fresh from the remake...

(thanks to Super for basically all the info here)

(fought before Zalera)
Level 40. 78 Brave, 25 Faith.
Immunities: Slow.
Equips: Rune Blade, Crystal Shield, Crystal Helmet, Reflect Mail, Diamond Armlet
Stats: 442 HPs, 60 MPs, 9 PA, 9 MA, 9 Speed. 3 Move, Infinite Jump. 40% Evade, 15% MEvade.
Abilities: HP Restore (78% chance of full healing if he is below 20% max HP after taking damage), Defense UP (takes ~3/8 less damage from physicals), Maintenance (equips can not be broken/stolen), Auto-Reflect (reflects magic into an empty panel behind him)
Attack - 126 damage.
(DARK SWORD, physical unevadable, requires a sword)
Night Sword - 126 damage, draining.
Dark Sword - 126 MP damage, draining.
(BATTLE SKILL, physical)
Head Break - 68% chance to break target's helmet.
Armour Break - 63% chance to break target's armour.
Shield Break - 78% chance to break target's shield.
Weapon Break - 53% chance to break target's weapon.
Magic Break - 59% chance to deal MP damage equal to half target's max MP.
Speed Break - 59% chance to reduce target's speed by 2.
Power Break - 59% chance to reduce target's PA by 3.
Mind Break - 59% chance to reduce target's MA by 3.

Notes: Reflect + that faith is great against magic. Defence Up and shield helps against those who try the other damage type. Parasitic healing and HP Restore is certainly obnoxious, and he has no shortage of tricks with his breaks and MP draining. What holds him back? Two things. One is damage, being some shade of 3HKO, probably pretty low. The other is his status immunity. It doesn't exist. He can be IDed. Go him! Neat spoiler, though.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: Final Fantasy Tactics
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2008, 07:00:09 PM »
FFT: The Lion Wars stuff!

Ok, first off, Mighty Swords are improved.  How so?

Against anyone with the equipment on hand (Shellbust Stab vs. Armor, Hellcry Punch vs. Weapon, etc.), they are unchanged.  However, if the equipment in question doesn't exist (so if you aim Hellcry Punch vs. someone without a weapon), instead of the ability failing, it does damage without breaking anything.  But that's not all; it also gets a damage boost.

From what I've seen, Hellcry Punch adds 3 to WP, Shellbust Stab adds 5, and Blastar Punch adds 4.  Based on this, I can assume Icewolf Bite adds 2.  With this in mind...

Orlandu's versions all become equal to his Sword skills of similar degree, so just reference then (ie Shellbust Stab = Holy Explosion.)
Meliadoul's damages look like this against opponents without these equipment:
Shellbust Stab: 207 <253>
Blastar Punch: 198 <242>
Hellcry Punch: 189 <231>
Icewolf Bite (prediction): 180 <220>

Needless to say, Meliadoul wants her FFTLW form, and against that, you NEVER wanna consider entering the fight with nothing (nor does lacking equipment give you a free pass for that matter.)
Oh, and from what I can tell, Mighty Swords still fail if the target has Maintenance equipped (which might be why they failed in the original? Possibly a bad set of checks.)

Next off, Rafa and Malak!

Truth and Un-truth now hit up to 8 times instead of 6.  So naturally, their abilities hit 4.5 times on average, instead of 3.5 times, and their average damage (and healing for that matter) with those skill sets goes up as well.  Also, and this might be wonky luck, but I *THINK* the abilities now have a higher chance of hitting the center panel than the others.  Don't quote me on this though, but based on casual observation (and I used Truth and Un-truth a lot in FFTLW.  Why? I like to use ALL my PCs and at least master their base class, so using those two is inevitable), the targeted panel seems to be hit a lot more often than the surrounding ones.  For now, assume its just wonky luck or something psychological like remembering the positives/negatives, or what not.

REGARDLESS, at very least, those two skills do hit up to 8 times now, and it seems to still be an even chance of any value from 1 to 8.  So yeah, those two also would like this upgrade.

And now for the stuff people might care more about...


I'll try to do this as most consistent with Elfboy as possible

Also note that yes, I am using the old translation names since despite this being FFTLW, they're the names people are more familiar with and easier to identify as a result.  Only using new translation names when old names can't apply.


Game Hunter

Brave 55, Faith 48

HP 155 (385) [281] {275} <325>
MP 69 {106}
PA 9 [13] <11>
MA 7 (9) [9] {13} <9>
Sp 8 {9} <10>
PhysEvade 55 {32}
MagEvade 36 {62}

Note: Luso's evasion stats are EFFECTIVE evade, so this already factors in both evasion from Elf Mantle and whtever shield

Can equip Swords, Knight Swords, Daggers, Flails, Shields, Hats, Helmets, Clothes, Heavy Armours, and Robes

Rune Blade
Crystal Shield {Aegis Shield}
Crystal Helmet [Twist Headband] {Flash Hat} <Thief Hat>
Crystal Mail [Power Sleeve] {Wizard Robe} <Power Sleeve>
Elf Mantle

Physical Attack: 126 [182] <154> damage.
* Ultima (10 MP): 59 {72} magic damage. (Ignore Reflect/Evade)
* Dash: 9 to 36 [13 to 52] <11 to 44> random damage. (Ignore Evade)
* Scream: +10 Brave (worthless), +1 PA, +1 MA, +1 Speed for rest of battle. Stackable. Self only.
* Heal: Remove Blind, Silence, and Poison.
* Wish: Ally only. Ramza loses 20% of his Max HP in HPs and gives double that number to an ally.

Special notes: Scream adds exactly 14 extra damage per physical attack, and 6-7 extra damage per Ultima, per use of Scream.

Luso also has innate Poaching ability, but that's completely worthless here.

Comments: Slower Ramza with pitiful Ultima, and negligibly lower HP but has much better magic durability (eg much lower Faith), and the helpful Elf Mantle instead of Battle Boots.  Winning Trade overall, I'd say, though, a bit insulting giving he's clearly inferior to Ramza in game for reasons that don't exist in the DL.


Sky Pirate

78 Brave, 60 Faith

HP 155 (395) [281] <375>
MP 44 [74]
PA 10 [14]
MA 7
Speed 10 (11) <13>
Phys Evade 40
MagEvade 15

Can equip Swords, Knight Swords, Daggers, Spears, Guns, Bows, Crossbows, Shields, Hats, Helmets, Clothes, Heavy Armours, and Robes (Translation: Just about anything you could care about in game)

Ras Algethi [Rune Blade]
Crystal Shield
Crystal Helm [Twist Headband] <Thief Hat>
Mirage Vest [Power Sleeve]
Germinas Boots (adds +1 to Move and Jump)

NOTE: Mirage Vest is +120 HP, +1 Speed, and immunes Poison, Stone and Sleep.  Ras Algethi is a 12 WP Gun.  This is a new item in FFTLW.

Physical: 144 [196]
*Leg Aim - 61% [60%] <63%> chance of Don't Move.
*Arm Aim - 61% [60%] <63%> chance of Paralyze.
*Seal Evil - 81% [80%] <83%> chance of Petrify, only affects undead.
*Barrage: 72 [98] damage, hits 4 times, 288 [392] total (Ignores Evade)
*Plunder Heart: 67% chance of inflicting Charm on a non-male target. (Ignore Evade)
*Plunder Weapon: 51 [50] <53>% chance of stealing target's equipped weapon. The hit rate is lowered by evasion. If target has two weapons, steal weapon in right hand first.
* Plunder Armor: 56% [55%] <58%> chance of stealing target's equipped armour. The hit rate is lowered by evasion.
* Plunder Helmet: 61% [60%] <63%> chance of destroying target's equipped helmet. The hit rate is lowered by evasion.
* Plunder Accessory: 61% [60%] <63%>  chance of stealing target's equipped accessory. The hit rate is lowered by evasion.
* Plunder Shield: 56% [55%] <58%> chance of destroying target's equipped shield. The hit rate is lowered by evasion.

Note: Plunder's that aren't Heart or Helmet are assumptions based on the rates done with the others.  I'll get more accurate results later; from what I can tell, which seems consistent, Plunders are just Steal+10 for accuracy.
Note 2: Barrage's value might be a bit off in the case of damage optimizing, so I'll get a more exact value later (it depends where the halving occurs.)

Balthier also has innate Maintenance, so his equipment cannot be broken or stolen.

Comments: First off, ignore the existence of the FF12 form and its (due to the screwed up nature of that game) him doing 6x average damage.  Ok, now that that's out of the way, Balthier is pretty bad ass.  Barrage is excellent damage, the speed is great, and has lots of equipment options.  Some status effects to for a bit of extra variety.  Unfortunately, he's too geared towards a slug fest for taking out Bosses/Status Immunes and while he's not bad at it, he's not built for long fights.  Nice strong Heavy, champ material at that, but falls short of Godlike.

This stuff subject to more info as more testing is done, but for now, the basics and such are there.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2008, 12:24:25 AM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Final Fantasy Tactics
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2013, 05:03:37 PM »
Note: The FFT Wiki says that Death Knight Argath is also immune to Charm/Berserk/Stone.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Final Fantasy Tactics
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2015, 06:45:45 AM »
Since I keep needing to look this up, stuff that silence blocks in FFT:

WHITE MAGIC      TRUTH           Deathspell 2   All-ultima
BLACK MAGIC      UN-TRUTH        MBarrier       Mute
TIME MAGIC       BIO             Melt           Despair 2
YIN-YANG MAGIC   JA MAGIC        Tornado        Return 2
SUMMON MAGIC     Ultima (09A)    Quake          Death Sentence (0EA)
TALK SKILL       Dark Holy       Ultima (0E5)   Midgar Swarm

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: Final Fantasy Tactics
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2015, 10:19:21 PM »
Agrias gets a Tynar Rouge accessory in WotL. It's a birthday present from Mustadio. Awww!

+3 PA
+3 MA
Auto protect/shell/haste
Boosts Holy damage (doesn't work with holy sword)

Thanks Musty


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Re: Final Fantasy Tactics
« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2015, 05:58:08 PM »
It may be worth mentioning that this is a fairly hard-to-trigger event that gives out that accessory?

You need at least 500K in your inventory and to be in town on a certain day. There were other conditions as well, and it is not unique to Agrias. It's a fairly massive boon for a plot claim...

Random Consonant

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Re: Final Fantasy Tactics
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2015, 08:53:29 PM »
Posting averages-related stuff with happy fun accessorizing times for my own reference because frankly I don't want to have to jump through this mental exercise every time I wonder about this.  All of the following assumes no underleveled spikey-haired cameos.  If I care enough at some point I may put one together for generics too.

Faith w/Human Reis: 55.7, 61.8 if you exclude W8.

HP w/Human Reis for overall-best setup: 346.5

Speed with assumed optimal accessory: 10.2

Damage with assumed optimal accessory for overall-best setup:
Ramza (Physical): 196
Mustadio (Physical): 64 (punchy setup does 135 with bracer, might actually be worth caring about normally if he can afford losing 3 speed, nearly 80 HP, and the ability to not care about evade)
Agrias (Holy Explosion): 216 (190 w/non-ice setup if you care)
Rafa (Sky Demon) 134.4 average (can do more with physicals, but probably still not enough to be worth doing over the potential self-healing, however charge times murky up the waters a bit, as Sky Demon has a CTR of 7, for now though I'll stick to what's already been assumed here)
Malak (Sky Demon Back) 83.4 average (heals self for 205, though unlike Rafa he may want to prefer a stick beat setup)
Beowulf (Physical): 154 (221 w/bracer and ice brand setup but if he actually needs to care about his physical damage over a point of speed he's probably screwed)
Human Reis (Fire/Ice/Thunder Breath): 144
Worker 8 (Crush): 272 (if someone wants to adjust for backlash then by all means)
Orlandu (Holy Explosion): 416
Meliadoul (Mighty Sword Whatever Strike DX): 252 (against those bereft of equipment, 168)
Average/2.5x KP: 193.18/482.95, 200.28/500.7 if we assume Musty wants to default to punching things now

« Last Edit: November 24, 2015, 01:32:58 AM by Random Consonant »