
Author Topic: Legend of Dragoon bosses  (Read 3231 times)


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Legend of Dragoon bosses
« on: August 27, 2008, 11:42:18 PM »
From Dhyer.

Why? Because there is so much failing fun to be had by all. Seriously, was replaying the game and thought I'd pull the stats

Fruegel 1- Didn't bother. He fails, and he has another form later.

UROBOLUS (Go LoD Translators)
270 HP (Approx), Earth
Takes 5% extra from Physicals, 20% extra from Magic
Dead average speed

PC HP: 145
PC Damage: 15 (23 w/ 150% boost magic)

Slime Toss: 16 Phys+90% Poison
Bite: 16 Phys, Short Range
Breath: 16 MT Phys
Withdraw: Null SR physicals. Used in a triple turn w/Bite and Breath

Evaluation: Assy damage, but Poison helps against non-immune PCs. Decent durability (2 PC HP to me), and a spoiler trick help. Low Middle just on the spoiler trick. Sadly, this is the best boss for a while.

250 HP, Dark
Takes 25% extra from physicals, average to Magic
Around 115% Speed

PC HP: 190
PC Damage: 21

Green Gas: Either 27 non elem MT magic or 21 Earth MT magic (unsure)
Chain Whip: 14 Phys
Dagger Toss: 7 Phys
Illusion: Sends out 2 other illusions. These can do damage, and are dispelled when they are hit or when the original is hit. Not...horrid against enemies with only ST.

Evalution: Another one with good HP and no damage. Illusion is a nifty trick, but not as nulling as Withdraw and Poison. High Light.

250 HP, Earth
Average!!! to Physicals, takes double from magic
67% Speed

PC HP: 205
Average Damage: 24

Axe Slash: 13 Phys
Drop Axe: Needed to do below moves. Not sure if this uses a turn.
Knockdown: 20 Phys
Smack Together: 27 MT Phys

Evaluation: Crap. Bad damage, speed, and Mdef. Light, and makes his PC form look godly.

Head- 350 HP; Body- 350 HP; Arm- 50 HP
Head takes 40% extra from physicals, the other two takes 10% extra
All three reduce magic about 20%
Speed: Fucked up.
Arm- 98% Speed. Head- Slightly below average at first, may have tendency to skip turn later.
Body- About 33% average Speed. Hard to peg, but takes a while for it to act.

PC HP: 204
PC Damage: 33 (38 with Magic)

Eye Beam (Head): 58 Magic
Claw (Arm): 37 Phys
Writhe (Body): 1 Random Status All, MT

Evaluation: Well, you need to off the Body and Head, so its HP isn't horrid. MT>it (although you don't have MT in game at this point), and it's damage isn't horrid. Just has some weird speed issues that make it hard to place. Light/Middle.

600 HP, Fire
40% Extra from Physicals, 12% less from Magic
About 90% Speed, Double Acts about every 8 turns or so

PC HP: 229
PC Damage: 38 (45 with Magic)

Flame Column- 23 Non-Elem!!! Phys
Flamewind- 14 MT Non-Elem!!! Phys
Crash- 24 MT Fire Magic
Summon Volcano Ball- Summons 4 helpers (killable by one Shana physicals)
Torpedo- Volcano Balls torpedo into enemies. 20 Phys per balls (can reasonably focus in game); Can't be double-acted with Summon.

Evaluation: Odd and sucky. Not fully dependent on Fire, but damage is horrid. Volcano Ball could reasonably cause 60 damage to one, but with a one turn charge time. Like almost all bosses so far, HP is slightly above 2 PC HP for me. Light.

Greham's HP: 350; Feyrbrand's HP: 450, Both Wind
Greham reduces physicals 27.5%, extra 5% from Magic
Feyr reduces physicals 10%, extra 30% from Magic
Greham- 115% Speed; Feyr- 90% Speed

PC HP: 242
PC Damage: 52 (58 w/Magic)

Greham's Moves
Crucifixition Spear- 68 Non Elem Magic
Tornado- 50 Wind Magic
Wind Wreath- 33 MT Wind Magic
Aerial Slash- 21 Phys

Feyr's Moves
Green Goo- 40 Phys+100% Stun or Poison (Equal Chances)
Blue Goo- 40 Phys+100% Fear
Bite- 40
Power Up- Worthless

Evaluation: Well, both are better than most of the bosses so far. Greham's certainly the most damaging one, but Feyr's combo of status and damage probably put him as the best boss so far. Feyr's a Middle, Greham L/M.

1150 HP, Wind
Takes Extra 18% from Physicals, 38% extra from magic
140% Speed (He's fucking fast)

100 HP
Takes 35% less from Physicals, 120% extra from magic

100 HP
Takes 20% less from Physicals, 38% extra from magic

PC HP: 280
PC Damage: 69 (81 with Magic)

Knife Toss: 42 Phys
Summon Bomb: Summons One Bomb per PC. These explode in about 2 turns if not destroyed.
Explosion: 96 Phys
Wire: Places a wire that nulls short range physicals until destroyed (below 50% HP?)
Heal: Restores 360 (Below 25%?, OPB?, Who Knows)

Evaluation: Best boss so far. Good speed, HP, the Bomb summon for a bit of extra damage, and the Wire trick. Heal...has a theoretical use. Of course, mages with MT damage are not his friend. High Middle, at least.

1200 HP, Earth
Reduces Physicals by 30%, 13% extra from magic
Statusable to sleep to a degree (Sachet. Game beats you over the head with it).
Speed: 96% average

PC HP: 375
PC Damage: 63 (73 w/ magic)

Confuse Breath: 100% Confusion to one (LoD confuse is evil)
Rockfall- 80 MT Physical Damage
Slam- 54 Phys

Evaluation: Decent durability and Confuse put him into Middle. Damage isn't great, but he does beat non-Confuse immune PCs (LoD Confuse is that bad).

FRUEGEL (and Rodriguez and Guftas)
1000 HP, Earth
Rod: 400 HP, Wind; Guftas: 400 HP, Dark
Fruegel and Rod are average to physicals, Guftas reduces them 15%
Fruegel takes 45% extra from magic, Rodriguez 17% extra, and Guftas takes 95% extra
Speed: Fruegel is 88% average, Rod 120%, and Guftas 83%

PC HP: 420
PC Damage: 76 (88)

Attack: 68
Karate Chop: 103
Rock Throw: 136

Feather Arrow: 48
Drop: 96 (Only when Fruegel eggs him on)

Claw: 61
Confuse: 100 ST (Only when Fruegel eggs him on)

Evaluation: While they work fairly well together, alone they aren't great.
If you give Fruegel support credit for his HP, he could possibly squeak out to Low Middle. Light, otherwise. If given the full AI, Guftas is a High Light (fails too much even with Confuse), and Rod is a bad Light.

1000 HP, Earth elemental
Reduces physicals 35%, extra 55% from magic
Messed up speed, probably still 30 (although I once saw 80 Speed Haschel lap him 5 times)

PC HP: 478
PC Damage: 114 (127 w/ Magic)

Punch: 104 Damage
Wall of Pain: 208 Damage
Backbreaker: 52; Counter to Missed Addition

Evaluation: Obviously Light. His defenses are now better, but his HP is barely above PC, and his speed has obvious issues.

650 HP/1500 HP; Thunder
Reduces Physicals 10% (27.5% in Dragoon form), takes extra 20% from Magic
About 95% average speed

PC HP: 521
PC Damage: 119 (135 w/ Magic)

Regular Form
Tele Sword: 114 Non-Elem Magic
Sword Slashes: 86 Physical Damage

Dragoon Form (Transformation doesn't alter turn order)
ThunderCascade: 180 MT Thunder Magic (160 taking Haschel's Thunder innateness into account)
SparkNet: 360 Thunder Magic (320 w/ Haschel's innateness factored in)
Wave Sword: 120 Thunder Magic (105 w/ Haschel...)
Invincbility: Gains Invincibility for next 3 actions
Roaming Thunder: 240 MT Thunder Magic (210 w/ Haschel...); Used only during Invincibility

Evaluation: Well, he's certainly in the correct division. He's a decent, but not great, Heavy. There could be disagreements on when to let him enter Dragoon, but I allow it on turn 2 (While it's an HP trigger in game, it's more that he's not really trying until he sees you don't completely suck). Still, he's slow and Thunder depedent. However, Spark Net is a solid 2HKO and Invincibility is a neat trick.

Head: 1500 HP, 2% weak to physicals
2 Arms: 350 HP each, 20% weak to physicals
Body: 800 HP, 2% weak to physicals
Magic tanks (magic damage over halved) with the magic raped enemies considering, slightly weak to magic without them.
Speed: Slow. All parts. It's Virage speed, and it hurts my head. The head is ridiculously slow, and the rest are all just kind of slow.

PC HP: 616 (925 w/ boost; 746 assuming the boost is on the girls)
PC Damage: 122.33 (242 w/ Magic)
Giant disclaimer on the magic damage. Two enemies in this dungeon take about 4 times the running average damage to magic. We're talking 700 damage here w/ a 150% Shana/Meru item spell. I don't really know how to take this.

Head: Laser Beam- 205 Magical Damage
Body: Writhe- Inflicts 1 status, MT
Body: Stomp- 80 Physical Damage
Arms: ID- 100% ID
Arms: Beams- 75 MT Magic

Evaluation: Headache. Now has ID, which makes it at least Middle. MT>it, though.

My notes for them kind of suck because they were on my old comp. And I didn't have a save at them! I know, how disappointed. Here's what I have.

Mappi: 1300 HP
Reduces Physicals 22.5%, Reduces Magic 30%, A bit slow

Attack: 105 Damage
Disappear: Disappears
Reappear: 100% ID

Gehrich: 2200 HP
Reduces physicals 27.5%, No notes on magic, Also a bit slow

Knife- 138 Damage
Kick- 210 Damage

Double Team Attack: About 300 Damage (No)

Evaluation: Slow ID whore and trash. Middle/Heavy and Light.

HP: 3500, Water Elemental
Reduces Physicals 13%, Reduces Magic 61% (45% w/ bad MDef enemies removed)
Speed: 87% Average

PC HP: 847 (987 w/ Physical Ring on the bad HP characters) (1127 w/ boost)
PC Damage: 171 (w/ only physicals), 228 (w/ magic) 205 (w/magic and bad Mdef enemies removed).
Once again, there are two enemies who take horrid damage from magic. However, these two are not as much outliers as the first enemy who was raped by magic. Because of that, I consider them, making the average damage 228.

Boomerang- 214 MT Physical
Dancing Blades- No (Why is an ST Physical worse than the MT?)
Dark Mist- 676 Dark Damage (Unlocked at 60% HP or against Dragoons)
Black Rain- 451 Dark MT Damage (Same)
Spear Frost- 451 Ice Damage (Ditto)
Fatal Blizzard- 300 Ice MT Damage (Again)

Upon hitting 60% HP, or when Dragoons are activated, Lenus immediately gets a turn and can start using magic. She also starts getting double turns, and sometimes quadraturns. Note that these aren't too common, but she'll often use a double right away. She usually follows the first double with another double or a quadra, but the multi acting is scarce after that. Like Zeno, this could be considered an HP limit, or just that she taking your party seriously (Sees they don't die easily or sees that they have power). Take this as you will.

Evaluation: Only the 2nd truly good boss so far (Doel being the first), Lenus is strong dueller. While she's a bit slow, weak to Fire, and her damage arguably sucks at first. However, her defense is above average, her magic defense is ridiculous, and her HP is fairly solid (Nearing 2 PC HP). Once she hits 60% HP, she gets 2HKO magic damage that she can sometimes double. Low Godlike.

HP: 1800, Dark Elemental (276!! HP for the 4 Knights)
Reduces Physicals 3%, Reduces Magic 7% (22% Weak/16% weak for the Knights)
Speed: 99% Average (Knights: Can't kill, too easy to kill)

PC HP: 935 (1083 w/ Physical Ring)
PC Damage: 184 (w/ only physicals), 251 (w/ magic)Once again, there

Commander's Moves
Rise to Heaven- 50% CHP Damage (Guess what this does under Fear!? 100% CHP damage)
Slash- 195 Physical Damage
Floating Skull- 100% Fear (Fear halves all damage the statused PC does and doubles all the damage he or she takes. All!)
Pillar of Light- 196 Magical Draining Damage (392 Damage under Fear)
Knight's Moves
Slash- 134 Physical Damage
Rush- 100% Stun

Evaluation: The Commander has to have one of the greatest values between in game worth and boss duelling worth. HP is meh, but PC area. However, despite being complete trash in game, he has a turn 100% damage combo that most PCs won't be able to block. Middle works with his speed. The Knights are punies.

HP: 3100/3100, Both Water Elemental (Too lazy to doublecheck if these numbers are fully accurate)
Reduces Physicals 21%-Lenus, 33%-Regole, Reduces Magic 45%-Lenus, Dead Average- Regole
Speed: 87%-Lenus; 79%-Regole Average

PC HP: 999 (1161 w/ Physical Ring)
PC Damage: 264 (w/ only physicals), 351 (w/ magic)

Lenus's Moves
Drowning- 364 MT Water Damage
Tsunami Pillar- 243 MT Water Damage
Energy Boomerang- 199 Physical Damage
Flip Attack- 130 Physical Damage

Regole's Moves
Tsunami- 369 MT Water Damage
Beams- 169 MT Magical Damage
Lunge- 233 Physical Damage

Evaluation:Lenus was hit with a nerf stick. Defenses are the same, but HP and damage are worse off. Luckily, for plot reasons, the forms are pretty separate! Regole is essentially just Lenus remixed, having almost the same damage, but even slower!, and having overall worse defenses. More Lenus- than remixed, I guess. Middle, and Lower Middle if you consider giving them support credit (which I do).
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.