
Author Topic: Brave Story: A New Traveller  (Read 3106 times)


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Brave Story: A New Traveller
« on: December 18, 2007, 11:16:49 PM »
A few preliminary things are in order.

-Level was taken at 60. This is a bit high, but balances out if you do the Earthrift optional dungeon.

-Stat descriptions:
HP: If Yuno loses these catgirl fanboys weep.
BP: Expended to use skills. These can be regenerated naturally by dealing damage.
Agility: Traditional turn-based speed. There is some variance in the system.
Wisdom: Stat that governs magic damage dealt/taken.
Defense: Stat that governs physical damage taken.

-The Main character, Tatsuya, has a selectable stat spread that you choose at the beginning of the game. I'll include the one I used for him, but not use him in the averages.

-There are 5 additional guest PCs. At present, I'm not getting their stats, but they do all rejoin after you beat the game.

-I suppose I should elaborate on how the PCs regenerate BP:
When a Brave Story PC does damage, they regenerate damage/10 BP. If the character(s) take offensive action in succession, a "Bravery" chain is built up. This just serves as a multiplier to how much BP is regenerated. The first attack builds it at 1.0 rate, 2nd at 1.1, etc... At the 10th attack it jumps up to 3x. If any non-damage-dealing action (healing/buffing/etc) is taken, the chain breaks and resets to 0.

-Status: The characters can block any status in their home game with accessories (3 slots for accessories). Accessories aren't storebought perse, but they are created via items gotten from enemies, and can be broken down into their base components for no cost. All statuses can be reapplied. Number of rounds counts the round the status is inflicted on. It is interesting to note that in Brave Story, only one status can be afflicted on a target at one time. So Poison would cancel Paralysis, for example.
Poison: This deals negligible damage per turn and lasts ~4-5 rounds. Brave Story poison has the interesting property of halving physical damage done by the one poisoned, which is its primary function.
Paralysis: The target can not take any actions. This lasts ~3-4 rounds.
Oblivion: Target can not use magic/Bravura skills. Silence, but Bravura Skills also encompass physical skills if you care. Lasts ~4-5 turns.
Confusion: The target attacks random targets that are not itself. In a duel, this forces the confused dueler to attack the enemy. The confusion wears off if the target is hit with physical damage. Lasts ~3-4 turns.

-Bravesouls: Unique abilities for each PC. Some are supposedly missable but they are all pretty unquestionably legal.

-Stat buffs/debuffs. All of these modify the respective stat by 30%.

-Damage tests done on Stanger Shagara enemies in the final dungeon.

And now for PCs

Tatsuya: "..."
HP: 283
BP: 192
Agility: 63
Wisdom: 38
Attack: 140-159
Defense: 107

Demon's Bane
Goddess's Armlet: Grants 15% regen at the beginning of every turn

Special Note: about 2/7ths of the way into the game, Tatsuya gets to decide an element he can affiliate with. These are Fire, Water/Ice, Wind, and Thunder. Tatsuya hits weakness on the appropriate element with his basic physical, and (at max BP) absorbs the element he chose. Take this as you will.

Bravesoul: Indomitable Spirit. Tatsuya revies to 50% HP after being killed. 40% chance of occurring.

Attack: 65 physical damage

Bravura Skills:
Lightspark (6BP): 110 physical damage
Head Start (5BP): 65 physical damage. Has initiative.
Batting Practice(20BP): 80 physical damage, MT
Heal(2BP): Heals the target for 110 HP.
Megaspark(12): 138 physical damage
Triple Thrust(18BP): 175 physical damage over 3 hits. (600 with Super Traveller in effect)
Summon Vyne (177BP): The next 3 turns, Tatsuya's party expends no BP.
Kamui(15BP): Has initiative. Tatsuya will evade and immediately counter any melee physical attack directed at him for 235 physical damage. Only lasts for one round.
Novaspark(40BP): 125 MT physical damage
Demonthrall(80BP): 75% chance to take effect. Freezes all enemies for 2 turns, counting the turn it was initiated on. Works on bosses ala most time-stopping skills.
Super Traveller(40BP): Doubles Tatsuya's attack stat on the next turn. This does quite a bit more than doubling damage.

Comments: Tatsuya has several things going for him. If you selected "A nimble body" in the intro, he's fast. Either way, the skillset is pretty good. A little bit of heailng and his key trick: Demonthrall->Super Traveller->Triple Thrust. He can overkill things before they move with this combo if he's faster than them. Other than that... he wishes that Demonthrall always worked, and is all physical. Elemental absorption at max BP is nice. Though which one? Some form of Heavy.

HP: 232
BP: 207
Agility: 70
Wisdom: 51
Attack: 98-103
Defense: 106

Bow of the Sun
Bracer of the Sun
Ring of the Sun: 15% regen at the beginning of every turn.

Yuno can opt for a weaker bow to inflict confusion on enemies. Look at her skillset and guess how often she'll want that.

Bravesoul: Yuno attacks twice with regular physicals. This also adds two to the running Bravery count.

Attack: 70 over two hits

Healing Melody (2BP): Heals a single target for 123
Poison Arrow (5BP): ~100% chance of inflicting poison. Deals 38 physical damage regardless.
Sniper's Eye (5BP): A single guarenteed Critical Hit for 80 damage.
Electrifying Smile (8BP): ~85% chance of inflicting paralysis. Deals 38 physical damage regardless.
Love Song (4BP): Full with her Bracer of the Sun's regen.
Wild Volley (18BP): 135 physical damage over 6 hits. Unfocuses.
Soothing Strains (10BP): Cures all status ailments on one target.
Scandalous Wink (5BP): ~85% chance of Oblivion. Deals 38 physical damage regardless.
Ballad of Blessings (20BP): Yuno and her party members are immune to status and ID for the next 3 turns (counting the turn it is used on).
Rousing Hymn (15BP): 50% revival on one target
Bewitching Kiss: ~85% chance of confusion on one target. Deals 38 physical damage regardless.
Arrow Shower (40BP): 72 physical damage. MT.

Comments: Yuno is a whore. A filthy, dirty, fast whore. With full healing, status, and a status immunity move. Not much on damage and its all physical, but with multiple accurate statuses that can be reapplied off that speed, she's pretty good at what she does. Frail, though. A Heavy? Feels really weird calling her that.

HP: 313
BP: 104
Agility: 35
Wisdom: 9
Attack: 149-164
Defense: 120

Bravesoul: Sogreth acquires obscene defense when reduced to critical (<25%) HP. Along the lines of quarting physical damage. This remains even if he comes back above critical HP.

Axe of the Snow
Spauld. of the Snow
Necklace of the Snow: Grants 15% regen at the beginning of every turn.

Sogreth can opt for the Destroyer Darkaxe to make his physicals have a 20% chance of inflicting Poison.

Physical: 85 damage

Focused Slash (4BP): 140 physical damage
Clean Split (10BP): Critical Hit for 150 physical damage.
Full Swing (16BP): 80 physical damage to a group.
Roundhouse (20BP): 208 physical damage over 3 hits. (360 with Inner Strength)
Nutcracker (20BP): 187 physical damage. Ignores Defense. (280 with Inner Strength)
Mindbender (15BP): 172 physical damage. Inflicts Oblivion with 90% accuracy.
Typhoon Axe (15BP): 110 physical damage to a group.
Chaaarge! (20BP): Deals 300 damage over 3 hits to the enemy. Sogreth takes 3 basic physical attacks from the enemy in response. (550 damage with Inner Strength). Note that if the enemy is prone (paralyzed or under Demonthrall), Sogreth will deal almost 1000 damage and more.
Calming Waters (3BP): Grants the target 30% regen for 3 turns. This stacks with Sogorth's accessory regen for 45% total.
Inner Strength (10BP): Raises attack for 3-4 turns by 30%.
Grand Slam (50BP): 150 physical damage, MT. (250 with Inner Strength)

Comments: Sogreth is slow, durable, and hits things pretty hard. His major advantage in-game, laughing at good defense, doesn't really carry over into the DL. That said, Calming Waters means he can regen 45% HP a turn, and he has great base HP. Throw in an attack buff and accurate Oblivion, and he's a good Middle, even with the speed problem. Low wisdom doesn't mean much in this subtractive system.

HP: 251
BP: 155
Agility: 46
Wisdom: 37
Attack: 98-104
Defense: 106

Firewyrm Blades
Dragonflare Skirt
Goddess's Diadem: Grants 15% Regen at the beginning of every turn.

Bravesoul: Just Rewards. 90% chance to counter any attack with her basic physical, regardless of if the attack was physical, magical, MT, etc...

Attack: 80 physical damage over 2 hits.

Bravura Skills:
Squall Cut (3BP): Has initiative. 80 physical damage over 2 hits.
Heal (2BP): Restores 113 HP.
Ex Heal (4BP): Restores 220 HP
Poison Cure (5BP): Cures the target of poison.
Paralysis Cure (6BP): Cures the target of paralysis. Shocking, I know.
Swallowtail Slash (10BP): 90 physical damage to a group.
Mind Cure (8BP): Cures the target of all mental statuses.
Full Heal (7BP): Heals the target to full HP.
Deep Six (20BP): 180 physical damage over 6 hits.
Zed Heal (15BP): Heals 180 HP to the whole party.
Ressurect(20BP): Revives a target to full HP.
Piercing Twinblades (27BP): 232 physical damage over 4 auto-crit hits.
Twinblade Furry (32BP): 200 damage over 10 hits. I'll let you guess what this does to low defense enemies.

Comments: Meladee is decent all-around. Averagish speed, good damage, lots of healing, weak counters. Not much on variety, but there it is. Middle of some flavor.

HP: 226
BP: 259
Agility: 42
Wisdom: 56
Attack: 102-112
Defense: 106

Bravesoul: Varia. Ropple (and any party members) take half damage from magic attacks.

Scepter of the Dusk
Hat of the Dusk
Armlet of the Dusk: Grants 15% regen at the beginning of each turn.

Ropple can opt for the Soulbinder Darkstaff to reduce his physical damage but add a slight (~20%) chance of paralysis.

Attack: 40 physical damage. (75 after Zed Strength)

Bravura skills:
Flame (8BP): 70 fire damage. 40% chance of inclicting Defense Down.
Frost (8BP): 70 Ice magic damage. 40% chance of inflicting Attack Down.
Storm (8BP): 70 wind magic damage. 40% chance of inflicting Speed Down.
Thunder (8BP): 70 thunder magic damge. 40% chance of inflicting Wisdom Down.
Ex-Thunder (15BP): 115 thunder magic damage. 40% chance of inflicting Wisdom Down
Ex-Frost (15BP): 115 Ice magic damage. 40% chance of inflicting Attack Down.
Ex-Flame (15BP): 115 Fire magic damage. 40% chance of inflicting Defense Down.
Ex-Storm (15BP): 115 Wind magic damage. 40% chance of inflicting Speed Down.
Zed Protection (18BP): Boosts the party's defense by 30%
Reflect (20BP): Reflects enemy offensive magic on the target for ~3 rounds.
Zed Thunder (30BP): 70 Thunder magic damage to a group.
Zed Frost (30BP): 70 Ice magic damage to a group.
Zed Flame (30BP): 70 Fire magic damage to a group.
Zed Storm 30BP): 70 Wind magic damage to a group.
Zed Heal (15BP): Heals 236 HP to the entire party.
Zed Strength (18BP): Boosts the party's attack by 30%

Comments: The name of Ropple's game is "Screw mages". He does it pretty well, with Varia, reflect, and lots of healing. Decent Middle

HP: 265
BP: 155
Agility: 39
Wisdom: 48
Attack: 132-148
Defense: 111

Bravesoul: Mind's Eye. Ups critical hit rate. Factored in where appropriate.

Lance of the Dawn
Shield of the Dawn
Garland of the Dawn: Grants 15% Regen at the beginning of every turn.

Leynart can reduce his damage to opt for a weapon with a slight (20%) chance of inflicting oblivion on his basic physical.

Attack: 80 (140 with Strength)

Mach Stinger: Initiative attack. 70 physical damae. 120 to ghosts/undead.
Scorpion Needle: 90% paralysis attack. Deals 80 physical damage regardless.
Storm: 65 wind magic damage to one target. Small chance of causing Agility Down.
Ex Storm:98 wind magic damage to one target. Small chance of causing Agility Down.
Protection: Raises defense for 3-4 turns by 30%
Tornado Lance:115 physical damage to a group.
Strength: Raises Strength for 3-4 turns by 30%
Sacrifice: Initiative attack for 210 physical damage (280 under Strength). Leynart takes roughly 2x from physical attacks for the remainder of the round.
Zed Storm: 56 wind magic damage to a group. Small chance of causing Agility Down.
Hundred Jabs: 220 physcal damage over 5 hits. (410 with Strengh in effect)
Blue Impulse:160 physical damage to all.

Comments: Kind of fun here. Leynart is slow, but Sacrifice can work around that if he's willing to take the defense penalty. He has decent damage and durability, and his paralysis, while not as effective as Yuno's for want of speed, is still pretty devastating. High Middle, I think.


HP: 257
Sogreth: 313
(Tatsuya: 283)
Leynart: 265
Meladee: 251
Yuno: 232
Ropple: 226

Agility: 46.4 (Stdev 13.79)
Yuno: 70
(Tatsuya: 63)
Meladee: 46
Ropple: 42
Sogreth: 35

Wisdom: 40
Ropple: 56
Yuno: 51
Leynart: 48
(Tatsuya: 38)
Meladee: 37
Sogreth: 9

Defense: 109
Sogreth: 120
Leynart: 111
(Tatsuya: 107)
Yuno: 106
Meladee: 106
Ropple: 106

Damage: 182
Meladee: 232
Leynart: 220
Sogreth: 208
(Tatsuya: 175)
Yuno: 135
Ropple: 115


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Re: Brave Story: A New Traveller
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2009, 12:13:00 AM »
More equip options:

Dark Guards: +65 Defense, halves recovery effects (healing).  [+5 Defense compared to Dragonblazers]

Demonkin Bracer: +65 Defense, always go last.  [+5 Defense compared to Bracer of the Sun]

Demonkin Spaulders: +60 Defense, lowers status resistances.  [+5 Defense compared to Spaulders of the Snow]

Shadow Faulds: +65 Defense, halves recovery effects (healing).  [+5 Defense compared to Dragonflare Skirt]

Deathgaze Hat: +68 Defense, always go last.  [+3 Defense compared to Hat of the Dusk]

Nightmare Shield: +65 Defense.  [+5 Defense compared to Shield of the Dawn]

Not including Yuno's or Ropple's in the new average though.

Defense average: 112.67

Meladee's Twinblade Flurry ignores defense.