Author Topic: Lord of the Rings: The Third Age  (Read 16579 times)


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Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
« on: January 06, 2008, 06:33:40 AM »
Transferral from the old board.  This took me too long for this to be lost, even if it's a little incomplete.

This topic will take a little while to complete. Bear with me. I will be doing PCs, some bosses, and one or two enemies. I am not taking the risk of actually RANKING them, but I will put comments.

First of all, some things that need to be addressed before even starting:

1. Evil Mode.

Some of the best equips for PCs can be earned from this mini-game. Should the equip be allowed? Top of the list in regards to this is the Ancient Elfstone of Spirit Enhancement, which, along with the other Elfstones earned, can be considered 'aftergame'. But the enemies in end-game are made to be challenging to even those WITH such items. You see, to even access the Evil Mode where you get it, you must clear the game with a file. Once it's open, you can add the items gotten from it to any file. As all items are only ever found, never bought....Evil Mode is the only way you can get copies of Elfstones(The game's accessories) for all characters. All others are very limited. The other Ancient Elfstones are fine, as their statistic boost, overall, is small. The Spirit one, though...

2. Perfect Mode.
This allows special, highly damaging skills to be used once the bar is charged up, or can be left filled to allow some passive effects. What's the ruling on this? I ask because of the nature of some passive skills-it does change the damage output to be getting auto-criticals.

3. Skills
Unless you train heavily whilst playing, you will likely not have all skills for everyone by end-game. But some skills can certainly change things. Can it be assumed that all skills are avalible? I WILL list all skills and what they do(Sometimes the game is...inaccurate), given time.

Stats/Equip of normal PCs are taken from my standard file, which I used simply to play through and get nice moments, rather than the one I've worked on for the past year or so. So levels are about 60, rather than 80-99. Berethor is the only exception, being 69. But he's been a fixture since the very beginning, so as such, he's gotten far more experience. Anyway. Actual weapon stats are direct from the game. If a weapon has special effects not noted on the stat screen(Like Biting Blade) I will note these. Most stats are from the game directly. I cannot entirely explain these. The weapon stats in particular mean...little, as they are. Eventually, I will have full equip listed, as and when I get the time and patience to list it all-All characters have about 8-9 equip slots, with lots to note down. Don't be surprised if you see comments before Equip and Stats.

How much explanation should I give for things, seeing as this game is...obscure at best? Do I explain EVERY Ability they have, or can I afford to be brief, or what? There are places where even FAQs are flawed, because they take from the game, and some descriptions, with chief example being Company Valor.

We start with the Main Character. Mini...No, I can't say it. Not only is it a spoiler, it sounds stupid.  ::)

Berethor, Citadel Guard of Gondor.

Weapon: 1st Age Mithril Long Sword of the Valar:Base Damagex250, +25 damage per Level, +4 Dex, +3 Con, +4 Spirit. Has 'Biting Blade', which allows normal attacks and counter-attacks-but not Sword Craft skills-to heal HP equal to damage done.

Shield: 2nd Age Earendil Battle Shield:Armour 41, +1 Str, +1 Dex, +2 Spd, +3 Spr. Resistant to none, weak against none.

Helm: Gondorian Mithril Fountain Guard Helm: Armour 54, +1 Dex, +3 Speed.(There are 2 other options, neither as good in my eyes.)

Upper Body: Gondorian Steel Warrior Chestplate: Armour 105, +3 Str, +1 Spd, Resistant to Pierce, Vulnerable to Blunt.

Cloak: Numenorian Wool Shadow Cloak*: Armour 15, +2 Dex, +7 Spd, +1 Con, +3 Spr, Resistant to Shadow, Vulnerable to None.

Pauldrons: Numenorian Steel Pauldrons: Armour 41, +3 Str. Resist None, Vulnerable to None.

Bracers: Numenorian Dark Battle Plate Vambraces: Armour 22, +2 Dex, +2 Spd, +2 Str. Resist None, Vun None.

Lower Body: Numenorian Dark Battle Plate Fauld*: Armour 68, Dex+5, Con+3, Spd+1. Resist Pierce, Vun None.

Greaves: Gondorian Steel Greaves*: 14 Armour ,Spd +2, Res None, Vun None.

Rings: 2nd Age Numenorian Ring of Command: Armour 3, +8 Str, +13 Dex, +11 Spd, +4 Con. Resists Fire and Air. Vun: None.

Comments: Despite the fact that the PCs in this game have no status resistance AT ALL without buffing(Which in my mind already forces them to Medium or Light), Berethor is solid enough. He may not be able to resist status, but he can cure it, as long as he doesn't get Silenced-Leadership counts as Spirit(Thus, Magic) for the purposes of dealing with Melee, Spirit and Ranged Blocking. I treat Silence as Magic Blocking.

Gondor Rampage deals a hefty amount of damage for the 3 turn penalty-Sauron takes about 4000 damage per hit, and he has the highest defences in-game. Understand that Gondor Rampage is basically 5 normal attacks in sequence. He can do a bit more by doing Shattering Strike first to lower their armour a bit. If he absolutely must break through, Targeted Strike ignores physical armour entirely, but the penalty is harsher than Gondor Rampage. Defensive Strike screws over those who would conter-attack him, as it can't BE countered, as doesn't penalise Berethor in Speed. He can even self-heal HP and MP via Royal Grace and Fellowship Grace if not silenced, though it may be low without Company Might backing it up(Company Might vastly boosts the MP healing of Fellowship Grace, and I THINK Royal Grace is similar.)

Idrial, Elf of Lothlorien.
Weapon:2nd Age Forlindon Mithril Falchion: Base Damagex186, +20 damage per level, +4 Str, +1 Dex, +8 Spr, +1 Spd.
2nd Choice: 2nd Age Lune Silver Scimitar: Base Damagex125, +17 damage per level, +3 Dex, +6 Spd, +1 Spr. Has Biting Blade.

Comments: As an Elf, one should expect better than most. It's hard to say whether she disappoints or not. She is near-impossible to drain of AP, as she can regen it naturally, drain it via Spirit attack, and drain it via Sword Craft. In a heal war, she will CERTAINLY win. Worse yet, she has a Re-Raise skill naturally, and a decently strong one at that. Also hasting is there. She has some attack magic, but single-element(water) and has turn penalties.

To top it off, she's a decent fighter even if Silenced. Whilst her damage is lower than most, it is consistant, as NO move of hers gives a turn penalty, which means she can basically spam Gil-Galad Rampage(3 normal attacks) all day, all night, and indeed all year around. Indeed, her basic Fluid Strike is often FASTER than her normal attack action. Wounding Strike allows her to put her Spirit stat to use even if Silenced. Stunning Strike means those who aren't resistant are screwed. Weakning Strike seems promising against melee.(It's...hard to tell if it actually DOES anything, honestly.) And Destined Strike ensures that dodgers will not survive-it ensures a hit, at the cost of some damage and a minor turn penalty. Nasty, nasty, nasty.

Hadhod, Dwarf of Fundin's Clan.

Comments: Slow, but very strong. Highest HP and defences of the playables, coupled with Stone Shield, which absorbs all damage dealt, and Damaging Shield, which returns the damage that should have been done to you, results in a hefty combatant. Even without, he's tough, even though most of his moves have turn penalties. He's one of the three who can counter attacks in the cast(the other two being Berethor and Morwen), and can slow others via Crippling Smash and Wound them(Think Poison) with Cleaving Wound without a turn penalty. Berserk is VERY dangerous-it cuts his defence a bit(I don't see much change, but then, the Hadhod that has it is Level 99...and STILL hasn't finished learning skills) to add a Haste effect and force ALL his physical blows-including the initial Berserk hit-to become Triple Criticals, nearly doubling his damage on physical attacks and skills. Durin Wrath, whilst slow, can stun the target with it's two hits. He has accuracy issues, though-more so than most, I mean.

Elegost, Dunedain Ranger of Arnor

Comments: The one person who deals Pierce damage naturally is also the party's status-user. Almost all his skills have some debilitating effect in addition to damage. He's quite dodgy, and has some durability via Draining Shot(Heals damage equal to damage done) and Kingsfoil Grace(HP regen, Spirit-based). Also has Damage over Time in the spirit-based Northern Storm. Silence steals his best attack, True Shot, in addition. Has damage issues, though.


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Re: Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2008, 06:41:38 AM »
Anyway, never played the game, but what exactly makes the one or two enemies you mentioned at the beginning of the topic worth getting the stats for? I'm intrigued.

Because by end-game, the status immunities start really getting ridiculous. They're immune to most 'visible' status changes(Stun, Silence, Bind Melee, etc), making many moves useless.

There is ONE in particular which is utter, UTTER evil in this game, and I'll post it now. As this beast appears with reduced HP in Evil Mode, I'll list both HP counts. Explanation: Evil Mode has you controlling various enemies against your own party in set-piece encounters. Listed damage comes from Evil Mode.

Mumakil of Harad

Evil Mode HP: 93000
Normal HP: 206288
Hard HP: 330060
AP: 50738 (Appears in Evil Mode as 9999, but doesn't decrease.)

Vulnerabilities: Fire-Normal, Water-Fragile, Light-Fragile, Shadow-Strong, Earth-Normal, Air-Normal, Slash-Normal, Blunt-Normal, Pierce-Powerless, Stun-Immune, Slow-Immune, Bind Melee-Normal(Not Applicable, I guess), Bind Ranged-Immune, Bind Spirit-Normal(Not Applicable), Root-Immune, Stun-Immune, Sleep-Immune.


Stomp-No cost attack. Causes damage and stun to all opponents. Is dodgable. Deals about 700-1500 damage, depending on defences. Can't tell what type of attack it is-whilst Absorb Malice blocks it, that doesn't mean it's entirely Spirit-based.
Haradrim Volley-Pierce damage to all targets. 700 or so damage. 30 AP.
Foul Breath-Spirit damage to all targets. 300-400 damage. Is dodgable. 70 AP.
Sweeping Tusks-Damages HP and AP of one opponent. 700+ HP damage, 4000(!)+ AP damage. Is dodgable. 65 AP.

Well now. It can destroy your MP in just a few Sweeping Tusks. And if you're not immune to Stun, you DIE, regardless of how long it takes. The damage is...passable. By end-game, you have about 6000 or so HP maximum, so it's 6 or 8 turns to kill you. If I had to guess...Heavy. High Heavy. Accuracy is good as well.


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Re: Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2008, 06:51:13 AM »
Oh, yes. You can only match the raw damage Call The Dead inflicts via those Polished/Ancient Elfstones, and a multi-targeting Spirit move. The penalty is as savage as the damage, though-about 5 turns lost. Bane of Sauron is Aragorn's meat and drink, for the most part.

Anyway. Still not doing full equips, yet-I still haven't the time or energy at this time.

I should mention that Drains work similarly to FFT draining-You can drain more than the enemy actually HAS. Even with a foe has 0 AP, you can drain however much you have room for. Thus, drain skills often mean infinite AP. Not that it matters, as by Helm's Deep, it becomes near-impossible for enemies to run out of AP, due to having massive amounts of it.

Morwen, Maiden of Rohan.

Comments: Glass Cannon. I cannot explain why, but for all that she has a decent Armor value, she has pathetic defences. Almost anything takes 1/3 to 1/2 her health. Thankfully, she has a way arund that, in Cloak of the Plains. This skill cloaks her, rendering her unable to be attacked. Experimentation is needed to see the ins and outs of the skill. What I KNOW is that a lone, cloaked Morwen on the field will force the AI to skip it's turn. Whether that applies when all-attack is used, I don't know. Still, even when visible, she has some ways around bad durability, namely Thief Craft. Steal Health and Steal Action(Remember, AP=MP) is self explanatory. Steal Strength and Dexterity force an appropriate 'invisible' debuff on the enemy and buff her.

Her normal attack damage, with both hits taken together(Yes, she wields two weapons-axes, actually-and attacks with both), is a little below Berethor. She can ensure she hits with Valourous Cleave, and prevent Counters with Sneak Attack. Rage of the Maiden is fairly useless, as the single blow, even with a Double Critical behind hit, only matches her normal damage. Poisonous Wounds and Twin Wounds are what allow her to keep up. The loss of her constant criticals hurts her deeply. She's...sketchy.

Eaoden, Rohirrim Outrider.

I've been dreading this. For there is ONE skill on his passive lists that doesn't even show up in Evil Mode. That skill is Absorb Malice. What does it do? It grants him total magic immunity. More than that, it turns the damage that would have been done to him into AP for him. This skill cannot be gotten till around Level 90 due to the point requirements.(Passives earn 1 point per level you gain, and this costs 40, and is one the end of his list of abilities.) This also blocks some side effects, like Stunning and AP Drain. That effectively makes him near godlike in my eyes, as you cannot, at this point, take his most potent skillset-Spirit moves.

With it, he can drain health and AP, convert his own health to AP if need be, dispel enemy buffs, weaken armour, create a self-only Damaging Shield, and force a 'drain HP/AP over time' effect on his enemies. I'll have to check how good his Drain is WITHOUT enhancement, though. It's been so long... 

Even WITHOUT Spirit, he's formidable. He has a strong Biting Blade weapon from Evil Mode, which already puts him high up. Along with 2-hit, 3-hit, and 5-hit strikes, he also can ignore his target's defence, though as ever, the penalty is high for this. He also has two ways to force a Double Critical: Enraging Blow and Invigorating Blow. Both of these do a Double Critical for little penalty. The catch is, it does something good for the enemy. Enraging Blow gives AP to the enemy. Invigorating Blow Hastes the enemy. Invigorating Blow is faster than Enraging. But Enraging is effectively no penalty against you at all.

Oh, yes, he also regenerates HP and AP naturally, and has some skills in his passives pre-learnt which RAISE this natural regen. Can't give you numbers, as it never puts them up-it just happens. Same with Idrial's AP regen(gotten via Passives).

So basically, if you can't one-shot him(It's possible, his Defence isn't that good, to tell the truth), you can't kill him. Not easily, at any rate.

I've heard him referred to as a 'Swiss Army Knife'. It's surprising how much that applies.

Next up is bosses, starting with the thing on the box-the Balrog of Morgoth.


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Re: Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2008, 06:54:29 AM »
The Balrog of Morgoth

Hard HP: 115824
Normal HP: 72390
AP: 4335

Evil Mode HP: 72390

Resistances/Immunities: Fire-Absorb, Water-Fragile, Light-Fragile, Earth-Normal, Air-Normal, Shadow-Normal, Pierce-Normal, Blunt-Normal, Slash-Normal, Stun-Immune, Bind Melee-Immune, Bind Ranged-Immune, Bind Magic-Immune, Root-Immune, Slow-Immune

Damage taken(Medium difficulty):
Citadel Rage: 608x2,907x2 with full buffs/nerfs in place.
Attack:608, 907 fully powered
Guardian Strike:697, 1996 fully powered.

Loudwater Fury: 1088, 1384 fully powered, hits weakness.
Drain Inspiration: 83AP, 427AP powered.
Elven Rage: 742x2 Fully powered.

Attack: 1088 normal, 1339 fully powered.
Dwarven Cleave: 1176 normal, 1323 fully powered.
Cleaving Wound: 1008, 109 DOT, 1339, 341 DOT fully powered.

Attack: 406 normal, 667 with 1000 Crit fully powered.(Variable damage?)
Aimed Shot: 373 normal, 818 fully powered.(Variable?)

I also picked up some numbers from Hard Mode(Increased HP and defences) with several pieces of end-game/after-game gear. The Phys damage listed for Hadhod and Berethor goes up to around 4000 per hit fully boosted, and Idrial's Loudwater Fury goes up to around 11000 fully boosted


Whip of Fire: Single target Fire damage. No AP cost. About 2200 damage.
Roaring Inferno: Multi-target, damages HP and AP, Fire+Shadow damage. 40 AP. 2300+ HP damage, about 330 AP damage.
Pillar of Fire: Multi-target Shadow+Fire damage, damages HP and AP. 50 AP. 2300 HP damage, around 330 AP damage.
Flaming Sword: Single target Fire damage. No cost. 2400 damage.

...This thing is very powerful-in fact, I call it overpowered for when you face it in-game. Which it understandably is. You are likely nowhere NEAR 2000 HP when you face it, so all of it's moves are one-hit kills.

It's power is checked by the fact that ALL it's damage is ELEMENTAL. Thus, Elemental resistance can cut it's damage so much it's not funny. With appropriate buffs from the party, you can cut that damage to about 1000, or even 500. Still devastating to AP, though, and with the importance of AP in this game, that's a hell of a 'debuff'. Strength, durability, and a form of debuffing makes this a rock-solid combatant in a duel.

In this fight you recieve a Guest Fighter:

Gandalf the Grey

Normal HP: 7392
Hard HP 11827
AP: 1110


Wizards Drain: Drains about 300-500 AP from a target, and gives it to the party. No cost.
Endure Shadow: Grants Shadow resistance to the entire party. 100 AP.
Bolt of the Valar: Blasts a target with magical damage of unknown type. (Light, maybe?) 150 AP. Deals 3000-6000 damage.

Whilst the damage is overpowered, so is your opponent. You can't run him out of Mana, which means he's always dishing out the damage every other turn at most. Can't say whether he has immunity to things like Silence-it doesn't come up in-game. A very dangerous opponent due to sheer durability.

Soon after this, you recieve another Guest:

Aranel of Lothlorien

Hard HP: 10966
Normal HP: 6854
AP: 624

Aimed Shot: Basic attack on one opponent, no AP cost. About 1000 damage.
Elf Eyes: Heals about 220 HP and raises accuracy for all allies. 75 AP.
Mirkwood Mist: Lowers an enemy's ranged accuracy. 50 AP.
Arrow Storm: Damages all opponents. 150 AP. About 1000 damage.

Isn't that bad, but his defence isn't all that and his healing is pathetic. Not certain whether it truly decreases Ranged accuracy only, or all accuracy. He only turns up for one or two fights, against standard enemies.


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Re: Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2008, 06:56:51 AM »
Next lot of Guests, and an 'honourable mention'.

Legolas of the Woodland Realm.

Normal HP: 7388
Hard HP: 11820
AP: 484

Swift Justice-Basic attack. 1 hit.
Uruk Hewer: 50 AP. 3 attacks. Costs about a turn. Only vs Uruk-Hai-not their ladders.
Woodland Strike: 55 AP. 2 attacks. No turn cost.
Lorien Wrath: 2 hits, both hits are Auto-Criticals. No turn cost. 60 AP.

It's VERY difficult to get a read on the damage he can do, due to varying targets with varying defence during Helm's Deep. But it's average, I'd say. 1000 or so per hit, vs the decent defence of Uruk-Hai Sword Warriors, more from crits.

Gimli, son of Gloin.
Normal HP: 12366
Hard HP: 19785
AP: 619


Axe Cleave: Basic attack, no cost.
Erebor Rage: An attack with added damage. 60 AP
Wrath of Moria: Even more damage. 55 AP
Balrog's Gambit: Stunning attack. 65 AP

Same problem here-varying targets makes it difficult to get good, accurate damage results. He's VERY tankish, though. That huge HP is combined with defence that's better than Hadhod. Seems to have strong offence, also.

Aragorn, Son of Arathorn (V1).

Normal HP: 10214
Hard HP: 16342
AP: 617


Kingmaker: Basic attack. No cost.
Rage of Elessar-More accurate attack. 30 AP
Numenor Wrath-Damages and stuns target. 45 AP.
Bane of Sauron-4-strike attack. 55 AP.

There's...not much to Aragorn at this point. If he encounters a physical resistant target, he dies. And Numenor Wrath ensures he can screw over those who aren't immune to Stun. Good HP, great damage, hurt by being physical-only.

Uruk-Hai Veteran Berserker.

Normal HP: 10086
Hard Mode HP: 16137
Evil Mode HP:
AP: 10377

Resistances: Earth-Strong, Air-Normal, Fire-Normal, Water-Normal, Light-Fragile, Shadow-Normal, Stun-Normal, Slow-Normal, Root-Immune, Bind Melee-Immune, Bind Ranged-Immune, Bind Spirit-Immune, Sleep-Immune, Slash-Fragile, Pierce-Strong, Blunt-Normal.


Berserk Slash: No cost attack. Basic attack.
Berserk Cleave: Extra damage on the attack. Possibly less accurate.
Stagger Foe: Damage and stun.
Leeching Blow: Physical attack that leeches equal to damage done. Only activates once the Berserker is wounded.

Damage tands to be around 600-1100 depending on Defence, more with Crits, obviously.
Very dodgy.

Damage taken:

Berethor(Company Might on)
Ecthelion Wrath: 732 per hit.
Uruk Bane: 1023
Citadel Rage:732 per hit.
Attack: 738

Idrial(Company Might)
HP: 2605
Takes about 650 damage
Elven Rage:348x2
Loudwater Fury: 2239

Takes about 1100 damage.
Uruk Bane: 684 per hit.
Steal Health: 488
Rage of the Maiden: 1432
Double Cleave: 636 per hit.
Attack: 491 per hit, 736 crit

Hadhod(Company Might)
Takes around 1000 damage
Mountain Rage:1111 per hit, Crit(Remember Overwhelming Axes.)
Dwarven Cleave: 1236 Crit.
Flaming Fury: 1271(no Might)

HP: 2762
Drain Health: 2033
Enraging Blow: 923
Rupture Armour: 2813

HP: 2242
Aimed Shot: 423
Attack: 361

Swift Justice: 707-790
Uruk Hewer:923-943 per hit.
Woodland Strike: 271-623 per hit.
Lorien Wrath: 1160-1197.

Axe Cleave: 2206
Erebor Rage:1941-2303
Wrath of Moria: 2946, 2248 with Company Might.
Balrog's Gambit: 2071, 3033 Crit, 2173 with Company Might.

The Honourable Mention. This enemy is only encountered during the siege on Helm's Deep. Whilst as a 'basic' foe, it has to be fairly inferior to your party, I feel that the combination of good defence, good HP, self-cure and stunning makes this a solid, powerful opponent in a duel situation. If you're not immune to stun, you die, and even if not, it can last a while, though the lack of stun and slow immunity hurts it.


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Re: Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2008, 07:04:37 AM »
Guests and bosses.

Faramir, Captain of Gondor.

Normal HP: 5603
Hard HP: 9441
AP: 1653


Ithilien Flurry: 50 AP. Attacks up to three targets. 750-800 damage vs Gothmog.
Steward's Armour: Increases defence significantly. 60 AP.
Captain's Volley: Attacks all opponents. 80 AP. Deals 750-800 vs Gothmog.
Faramir's Quality: Target Ally recives 100% counterattack vs any damage. Only applies whilst Faramir is alive. Targets allies only. Seems to activate Faramir's own Counterattack also. Counter damage is about 600-700 vs Gothmog. 35 AP.

Don't be fooled by the health-not only is he dodgy, but has high defence(The enemies here can barely scratch him-about 100 or so, Gothmog does 500-as it IS) that can be boosted even higher. The main problem is...He has NO basic attack AT ALL, and no way to recover AP. If he's drained of AP, he's useless.

And he's given to you to fight...

Gothmog, Orc Army Commander

Normal HP: 60895
Hard HP: 97374
Evil Mode HP: 20895
AP: 60593


Air-Normal, Earth-Normal, Fire-Fragile, Water-Normal, Light-Fragile, Shadow-Normal, Pierce-Strong, Blunt-Strong, Slash-Strong, Stun-Immune, Root-Immune, Slow-Normal(The game LIES. He's actually Immune), Bind Melee-Immune, Bind Ranged-Immune, Bind Spirit- Immune, Sleep-Immune.


Warlord Slash: Basic, no-cost attack. Seems to have a good chance to get a Double Critical., though that COULD be a result of Rage of Sauron.
Rage of Sauron: Increase ally damage. Fast ability. 50 AP.
Barad-Dur Curse: Hits all opponents with a curse that deals about 450 damage a turn to them. Costs him about 2-3 turns. 75 AP.

Damage taken
Orc Bane: 1887
Attack: 1132, 1698 Crit.
Ecthelion Wrath: 1132 per hit.
Guardian Strike: 1218

Elven Rage: 1033 per hit.
Loudwater Fury: 1386
Wounding Strike: 1033 DOT:?
Fluid Strike: 1197

Attack: 1197 per hit, Crit
Double Cleave: 1316 Crit.
Poisoned Wounds: 1146 DOT 217
Twin Wounds: 902, Dot 343.
Steal Health: 1147
Rage of the Maiden: 2138

Attack: 1074
Horse Lord Skewer:1284
Enraging Blow: 1810
Rupture Armour:2222, 3333 Crit.
Drain Health: 1180

Flaming Fury: 1367
Dwarven Cleave: 1933 Crit
Attack: 1707 Crit

Aimed Shot: 1046
Attack: 897

You encounter Gothmog after about 4 battles in a row with no healing in-between. In this battle, he's assisted by several normal Orcs. Their stats are of little importance-unless you're REALLY interested. The only thing of interest is that the attack of the Orc Archers can inflict Melee Blocking, and the attacks of the Orc Veteran don't do what they're supposed to.(Crippling Slash is meant to slow the foe. It doesn't.) The melee orcs are fairly tankish.

....And here's another tough sod. These stats and skills are from the initial encounter with Gothmog. The second one is the same, but with tougher assisting Orcs, and Gothmog himself has Black Gate, which summons more allies to help him. Obviously disallowed if he were in a duel.

The Witch-King of Angmar(On Fell Beast, V1)

HP: Unknown
Evil Mode HP: 70000
AP: Unknown(9999+).


Wrath of Angmar: Basic attack, no cost.
Consume Flesh: Deals 798 vs Berethor(Naturally Weak to Shadow) and 248 vs Idrial(Naturally Stong to Shadow-The game lists it as 'Heroic'), and gives all the damage done back. 45 AP.
Fear: Hits a target with the Fear status. No cost.
Morgul Wind: A more powerful attack. Deals about 2500 damage. No cost. Has some accuracy issues.

Damage Done:

Fluid Strike: 1239
Elven Rage: 1018 per hit.
Attack: 1018.

Ecthelion Wrath: 2248 per hit, 3372 Crit(normal equip), 4789 per hit, 8009 Crit(Super Equip). As a side note, in Evil Mode Berethor uses this...and gets 6817 per hit.  Am I underleveled? Hmmm.
Targeted Strike: 4073(Normal equip)
Guardian Strike: 2383(Normal equip)

This version of The Witch-King is fought with only Berethor and Idrial avalible, so exact numbers on it aren't possible. Morgul Wind is a 2-hit KO. Only Berethor is Immune to Fear-it's one of his passives. Fear is hard to deal with, from a DL standpoint, due to how...specific it is. Very few enemies even HAVE the ability to inflict Fear. As far as your version is treated, I'm guessing it's a type of Stun, as I've seen it bounce off some enemies.

The Witch-King of Angmar(On Fell Beast, V2)

Normal HP:172942
Hard HP: 276707
Evil Mode HP: 70000

Immunities: Neutral to all elements/Weapons, Immune to all status save Bind Spirit.

Movelist: See above.

Damage Taken:
Ecthelion Wrath: 3306, 7939? Crit.
Targeted Strike: 13328 Crit.
Guardian Strike: 8644 Crit.

Draining Shot: 3936
Attack: 3936
Aimed Shot: 4216

Elven Rage:2985 per hit.
Loudwater Fury: 1839
Attack(Leech): 2728
Fluid Strike: 3233

Mountain Rage: 3793 Crit
Flaming Fury: 1337

Drain Health:1806
Rupture Armour: 9803
Enraging Blow: 6112

Steal Health: 2823
Double Cleave: 3448 Crit per hit.
Rage of the Maiden: 4834
Weeping Blade(Change to Attack command from weapon: attack also inflicts 'Weeping Blade' status, which causes DOT): 2407 per hit, 247 DOT
Poisoned Wounds: 2821 Crit, 269 DOT
Twin Wounds: 2407 Crit, 428 DOT
Steal Action: 1476 AP

It's hard to get a read on how tough this guy is, mostly because of Gandalf the White. He seems powerful enough, but..

Gandalf the White.

HP: 9927
AP: 1488


Wizards Drain: Now drains 2300-2600 AP. Still returns the lot to the party, and still has no cost.
Flame of Anor: New Move. 70 AP. Deals around 14000 damage.
Bolt of the Valar: 150 AP, as before. Now deals around 24000 damage.
Endure Shadow: Same as before, same cost as before.

...GAH. So much damage...You can only match the damage of Bolt of the Valar with Ancient-Elfstone-enhanced Spirit attacks. Utterly destroys the challenge of this fight.

The Witch King of Angmar(Unmounted)

Normal HP: 300501
Hard HP: 481043
Evil Mode HP: 50000
AP: 59098


Earth-Normal, Air-Normal, Fire-Normal, Water-Normal, Light-Fragile, Shadow-Strong, Slash-Normal, Pierce-Fragile, Blunt-Fragile, Stun-Immune, Root-Immune, Bind Melee-Immune, Bind Ranged-Immune, Bind Spirit-Immune, Sleep-Immune, Slow-Normal.


Rage of the Ring: Basic, no-cost attack.
Malice of Sauron: Basic, no-cost attack.
Consume Life: Leeches about 1300-1500 damage to all targets. Slight speed penalty. 45 AP. Shadow elemental.
Fear: Inflicts Fear status. No cost. Slight speed penalty.

Damage dealt:
Maiden Slash:483
Brave Strike:483
Westfold Rage: 483 per hit.
Edoras Wrath: 493 per hit.

Ecthelion Wrath:2282, 3434 Crit
Targeted Strike: 13883
Defensive Strike: 2128
Attack: 2186(leech)

Destined Strike: 910
Elven Rage: 1004 per hit.(Might?)
Attack: 830
Loudwater Fury: 2700

Witch King is weak to Pierce.
Draining Shot: 1706
Crippling Shot:1209-1319
Aimed Shot: 1821

Mountain Rage: 2613 Crit, per hit
Durin Wrath: 2328 crit, per hit.
Flaming Fury: 1322
Crippling Smash: 2443 Crit.

Double Cleave: 1741 Crit, per hit.
Poisoned Wounds: 1341 Crit per hit, 139 DOT
Twin Wounds:1197 Crit per hit, 224 DOT
Sneak Attack:1483 Crit per hit.
Steal Health: 1676

Rupture Armour: 11614
Horse Lord Skewer: 2097
Enraging Blow: 3332
Attack: 2373(After Company Might)
Drain Health: 1368
My GOD, did he get a buff. Extreme defence is combined with dodginess(Hardly anyone can HIT him) and decent leeching, in addition to great health. He has about a 50-70% counter rate in addition. Bear in mind that his normal attacks deal from 1300-3300 depending on the defence of the target. He can even stun. The slowing vulnerability kills, though-it's more than possible to tie him up so he will never attack directly(Counters can still work, though.)

Eowyn, Rohan Shield Maiden(The game his it as 'Sield Maiden'.)

Normal HP: 6814
Hard HP: 10902
AP: 748


Maiden Slash: Basic attack.
Brave Strike: Added damage. 50 AP.
Westfold Rage: Triple-strike attack. 1 turn lost. 75 AP.
Edoras Wrath: 5-Strike attack. 483x5 normally. 2 turns lost. 100 AP.

Ah, Eowyn...they really wanted to show how outmatched you were, didn't they? You know how much she deals to the Witch-King? 483 per hit. That's TERRIBLE, especially at this stage of the game. Decent defence,(Takes about 1400 vs Rage of the Ring/Malice of Sauron) though.

Even with the Witch-King's defence nullified via Morgul Decay, she deals 3000 or so per blow. In the same situation, Berethor can deal 14000 per hit(And remember that this IS the End-Game-the super equipment is MEANT to be used around here, and thus that's what's equipped). She is just HORRIBLE.

I have to say, she has wonderful accuracy, though. She barely ever misses the freak. Doesn't help much, with that crappy damage.


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Re: Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2008, 07:07:49 AM »
Last lot, now.

Aragorn, Son of Arathorn.(v2)

Normal HP: 9999
Hard HP: 15998
AP: 3000


Rage of Elessar: As V1.
Numenor Wrath: As V1.
Bane of Sauron: As V1.
Call the Dead: 255 AP. Deals around 30000 Spirit damage to all targets. I'm tempted to call it Shadow damage, as the Nazgul-the last opponents you'll use this against-take significantly less than this. EXTREME turn penalty.

Well. Aragorn's ultimate form rocks in-game, but falters in a duel, simply because he loses Kingmaker, and thus can be immobilised by AP drain.

Ringwraith Shadow Captain

HP: 101563
AP: 50933 (Not that it matters)


Wraith Slash-Slashing damage. No cost.
Wraith Thrust-Piercing damage. No cost.
Nazgul Scream-Shadow elemental thrust. No cost.

All attacks seem to deal about 600-1000 depending on Defence-Aragorn takes 1061.

Notable Immunities: Light-Fragile, Shadow-Strong, Normal to all else, Immune to major statii.

Damage Taken
Bane of Sauron-3000-6000 per hit
Call the Dead-11000 or so.

These stats are taken from their final form, in which you fight 8 Nazgul over two battles, with four of these in each. Apart from the fact that their screeching WILL drive you insane after the 4th-12th time you hear it, they're fairly....bland and unimpressive alone. I can't tell whether Nazgul Scream is purely elemental, or a combination of element and physical damage.
EDIT: Since Absorb Malice Eaoden is Immune to this attack, it must be Spirit, at least in part.

There IS an Evil Mode version, but it's extraordinarily weak, and thus is unfit for consideration.

The Dark Lord Sauron

HP: 460496
Evil Mode HP: 120000
AP: 65000(Not that it matters)

Immune to major statii, Light-Powerless, Shadow-Very Strong, Pierce-Powerless, Normal to all else.


Darkest Fear: inflicts Fear and a wounding effect on the target. BYPASSES FEAR IMMUNITY. No cost.
Wrath of Sauron: Shadow elemental leeching, dealing about 900-2000 on all opponents, depending on Shadow resist. No cost. Still affects Eaoden, so...
Paralysis of Light: Silences all targets. No cost. Is Spirit-based enough that Eaoden is immune to it.

Some numbers to chew on, from my Level 99 party, with full end/after-game equip vs him. This means the Ancient Elfstones of Spirit Enhancement are equipped, so numbers from Spirit attacks will be insanely high. The rational is 'It's End-game, he can take it'. No buffs on us, no nerfs on Sauron.

Berethor's Gondor Rampage: 3944 per hit.
Targeted Strike: 19300.
Attack(leech): 3944

Idrial's Gil-Galad Rampage: 1800 per hit.
Loudwater Fury: 34374
Attack(Leech): 1606

Hadhod's Berserk: 11313
Berserk Rampage of Durin: 8802 per hit.
Dragon Calling: 27171

Elegost's True Shot: 84303(!!!! Is this Light Element+Pierce, perhaps? It would explain it...)

Morwen's Rohirric Rampage: 2424 per hit, all Crits.

Eaoden's Scatter Health: 31047
Rampage of Helm: 3429 per hit.
Enraging Blow: 6886
Attack(leech): 3138
Leech Essence: 6012 HP, 460 AP
Well, this is it. The last boss, and a more ridiculous one I have never known. You're fighting the Eye. On top of his Tower. The strategy is simple. Darkest Fear, then Wrath of Sauron to taste. Highest defence in-game. Insane health. Highest defence of any opponent. Silencing. Wrath takes 3-4 bursts to destroy it's targets. Not that it matters, as it's got the health to survive a hell of a lot. The fact that Darkest Fear bypasses immunity makes it a hell of an opponent, and nigh-IMPOSSIBLE to defeat under Dueling League rules.

Next up: Movesets for all PCs. Because we all need to know what they can DO.


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Re: Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2008, 07:12:22 AM »
A point that must be understood:in-game, you will hardly EVER use your normal attack.

On Momentum and Perfect Mode-Using skills and abilities earns you Momentum, which raises your Perfect Mode bar. When the bar is full, you activate Perfect Mode, and new skills are avalible. Using these skills drains the bar by a certain amount. There are some passive skills that rely on Perfect Mode being active. Also, there are skills that raise Momentum gain.

Passive Skills-Every level nets you a point for your passive skills.

Taunt-Berethor and Hadhod have this. It works as you'd expect-The target cannot attack anything but them, unless of course they have an all-attack. It's treated as a Spirit move-thus silencing blocks it.


Sword Craft

Guardian Strike-A more damaging sword attack. 20 AP
Orc Bane-Deals extra damage to Orcs. Slight turn penalty. Hard to say whether the damage is noticable. 30 AP
Shattering Strike-Lowers the armour value of an enemy, thus increaseing physical damage. 25 AP
Counter Attack-Grants Berethor a chance to counter a foe who deals physical damage to him. Doesn't apply to Ranged attacks, nor Spirit. Once this skill is learned, it's passive.
Citadel Rage-Two-strike attack. Lose about 2-3 turns. 65 AP
Uruk-Hai Bane-More damage to Uruks. Again, issues with noticability. Slight turn penalty. 30 AP
Ecthelion Wrath-Three-Strike attack. Same turn loss as Citadel Rage. 75 AP
Defensive Strike-Physical attack that does not provoke counter attacks. 20 AP
Targeted Strike-Attacks that ignores armour of target. 30 AP
Stunning Strike-Attack that stuns the target. 20 AP.
Gondor Rampage-5-strike attack. Same penalty as the other two. 100 AP.

Leadership-All Leadership skills are treated as Spirit for Silencing, except for War Call and War Cry, which are Melee. All skills target all allies, including himself.

Company Might-Increases damage for the party. Synergises with Fellowship Grace.(Possibly Royal Grace?) Permanent till dispelled. 20 AP.
Company Valour-Increases accuracy and evasion. Permanent till dispelled. 30 AP.
Stand Fast-Complete immunity to all stun-type effects(Except Fear) for the entire fight, unless dispelled. 30 AP
Fellowship Grace-Provides AP regeneration. Company Might increases the AP regen to a monsterous degree-it's fair to say that the combination provides near-infinite AP whilst it lasts. 120 AP. Lasts about 5-6 turns.
War Call-Gives two allies(PC or Guest) an instant free attack against a target selected by you. You can't choose who attacks, nor what they use-the AI has some preferences, but I can't name them. Whilst this can affect yourself with the casting, it doesn't happen often. About a 3 turn penalty. 150 AP.
Company Resistance-Grants resistance to all elemental attacks. The game says 25%, and I'm inclined to believe it. 40 AP
All Retreat-The entire party retreats fom combat. Usually, all must retreat seperately. No cost.
Company Rally-Increases Attack Momentum earned from your actions. 50 AP
Royal Grace-Grants HP regeneration. 200 AP
Shield of Courage-Grants Immunity to Fear, and cures all status effects. The Fear immunity lasts about 5 turns. Sadly, Darkest Fear bypasses this. 40 AP.
Last Gasp-All allies cannot be killed unless they are AT 1 HP to begin with. 100 AP.
War Cry-Grants three allies a free attack against a target of your choice. Same penalty as before. 200 AP.
Company Power-Forces all physical skills to be critical hits. Lasts about 6 turns. Turn penalty. 200 AP.
Captain's Inspire-cuts all AP costs in half for a time. Turn penalty. 200 AP.

Passive Skills

Citadel Might-Improves Strength by unknown amount.
Ithilien Inspiration-When in Perfect Mode, Berethor's AP costs drop by 25% Stacks with Captain's Inspire for a 75% reduction.
Rising Valour-Increases AP by unknown amount.
Gondorian Evade-Grants 'A chance to automatically dodge enemy attack'. Uncertain whether you CAN dodge without such a skill, as everyone has a varient of it.
Challenge of Gondor-Increases Berethor's melee damage when he Taunts a foe by unknown amount. Don't know whether it's his normal 'attack' damage, or skill damage, or both.
Increased Armour-'Increases Armour values of Berethor's Equipment' is what it says. By how much, I don't know.
Immune to Fear-Renders Berethor immune to the Fear status. Darkest Fear bypasses this.
Citadel Evasion-Increases dodge chance.
Double Attack-Allows use of the 'Double Attack' command, which costs 200 AP naturally. This skill allows you to take two actions in one move, and allows access to all learnt skills. Has no turn penalty on it's own, but penalties from used moves are added together and inflicted in full afterwards. This skill apparently cannot be blocked by any means-At least I've never seen it blocked. Though that's probably becuse I've never had EVERYTHING sealed off.
Ecthelion Might-Increases Berethor's HP by an unknown amount.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2008, 07:14:58 AM by Bloodly »


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Re: Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2008, 07:17:01 AM »
Note-If there is a turn penalty, I will usually say so. AP costs will come with time. I'm listing those costs I can REMEMBER for now.

Idrial, Elf of Lothlorien.

Sword Craft

Fluid Strike-More powerful sword attack. Sometimes faster than standard attack. 20 AP
Weakening Slash-Damages and lowers the Strength of a foe. 25 AP.
Wounding Strike-Deals some direct damage, and inflicts damage over time. The Damage Over Time is Spirit-based, and the status fades after a while. 25 AP.
Elven Rage-Two-strike attack. 75 AP
Stunning Strike-Damage and stun. 45 AP.
Leech Inspiration-Does no damage, but inflicts the Leech Inspiration status, which drains AP from the foe and gives it to Idrial. The status fades after a while. 15 AP
Destined Strike-This single attack will ALWAYS connect, no matter what. The catch? Less damage. 50 AP
Gil-Galad Rampage-Three-strike attack. 75 AP.

Spirit Powers:
Gift of Elrond: Light healing of a target. Slight turn penalty(VERY slight, it doesn't come up often.) 15 AP
Loudwater Fury: Deals Water damage to a target. 2-3 turn penalty. 50 AP.
Haste of the Elves: Speeds up target. 30 AP
Drain Inspiration: Drains AP from a target, and gives it to Idrial. May drain more than a target HAS-if Idrial drains 1000 and the target has 3, he loses the 3 and Idrial still gets 1000. This is the standard rule for Draining, by the way. 10 AP.
Gift of Galadriel: Heavy healing of one party member. 40 AP
Cleanse Shadow: Cures all status effects of one party member. 20 AP.
Aura of the Valar: Adds 'Aura of the Valar' status to an ally. If a person under this status is killed, they auto-revive, recovering both HP and MP fully. Revived characters act immediately-even if the targt is the last person around and they are slain, they WILL come back. Permanent unless dispelled. Can target self. 50 AP.
Power of the Valar: Revives a party member, in a similar way to Aura of the Valar. Fast action. 40 AP.
Valinor Endurance: Grants total protection from harm, physical, magical, and status. But you can't act for the duration of the spell. 50 AP.
Valourous Haste: Allows an ally to act immediately. Slight turn penalty. 75 AP
Cleansing Waters: Cures all negative statii from all party members. 30 AP.
Gift of Grey Havens: Heavy healing to all party members. There MIGHT be a turn penalty, I'd need to check. 200 AP.
Water Stallion: Water damage to all opponents. Turn Penalty. 250 AP.

Passive Skills:

Elven Evade-Grants auto-evade.
Full Gift of Lorien-increases the power of her healing skills.
Fury of the Valar-Increases the damage of her direct damage Spirit attacks.
Mallorn Armour-Increases Armour protection.
Fortune's Mastery-Increases dodge rate.
Elven Inspiration: Increases AP pool by unknown amount.
Haste of the Valar-Increases the power of her Haste skill.
Endure Shadow-Increases Idrial's natural resistance to the Shadow/Dark element.
Frenzy-Allows use of the Frenzy skill, which costs 200 AP. Under Frenzy, Idrial may take 2 Spirit-based actions at once. Carries a LARGE turn penalty, in addition to any penalty from her actions(Not that many DO, but..)
Grace of the Eldar-allows natural regeneration of AP. Though listed in battle as a buff, it cannot be dispelled. No numbers, as you never recieve notification of the AP heal-it just happens.


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Re: Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2008, 07:20:50 AM »
Elegost, Dunedain Ranger of Arnor.

Bow Craft

Creature Bane-Attack that deals more damage to animals.(I'm not sure what COUNTS. Mumakil, maybe, also Wargs.) Turn Penalty, I think. 40 AP
Arrow Flurry-attacks two targets of your choice, assuming there ARE two targets to hit. If there's only one, only one arrow will be shot. You lose about 2-3 turns. 65 AP.
Blinding Shot: Damages and reduces accuracy of one target. 40 AP
Draining Shot: Leeches HP equal to damage done to it's target. Slight Turn Penalty. 60 AP
Crippling Shot: Damages and slows the target. 45 AP
Shield Piercing: Damages and reduces melee defence of the target. 50 AP.
Pinning Shot: Damages and blocks the target's ability to counter-attack. 75 AP.
True Shot:Spirit-based shot. Most powerful attack. Hefty turn penalty. Single target. 150 AP.

Ranger Craft

Aimed Shot: 'Powerful Ranged attack' it says-personally, I don't notice. Turn Penalty. 50 AP
Piercing Might-Damages and weakens melee damage of the target. 25 AP
Pierce Will-Damages and reduces Spirit defence of a target. 50 AP
Arrows of Sleep-Damages and puts an enemy to sleep for a time, or until damaged. 50 AP
Paralyzing Shot-damages and blocks the melee attacks of the target. 75 AP
Kingsfoil Grace-Spirit-Based. Allows an ally to regen HP. Can target self. 100 AP
Cursed Arrow-Damages and weakens the power of ranged attacks for the target. 35 AP
Flash Arrow- Damages and lowers accuracy of all foes. 50 AP
Arrow Splinters-Damages and blocks Ranged attacks of the target. 75 AP
Grace of Athelas-Spirit-based. Grants all party members health regen. 200 AP
Pierce Spirit-Damages and weakens Spirit attacks of the target. 45 AP
Northern Storm:Spirit-based. Heavy turn penalty. Inflicts direct damage and Damage Over Time to all opponents. 80 AP
Fangorn Roots: Damages and 'Roots' an opponent, completely immobilising them. 75 AP

Passive Skills

Ranger Evade-Auto-dodge.
Dunedain Evasion-Improved dodging.
Hands of the Bowman-Improves DEX by unknown amount.
Ranger War Rally-Increases the Momentum earned by Elegost's Actions.
Spirit of the North-Increases Elegost's AP.
Frenzy-Allows a 125 AP Frenzy, which allows Elegost to take two actions from Bow Craft, Ranger Craft or Attack immediately. Heavy turn penalty.
Blessing of Haste-Allows Elegost to act more often. Is not a 'haste' effect.
Sleep Volley-Once learned, makes Arrows of Sleep affect all enemies.
Lingering Sleep-Once learned, makes Arrows of Sleep's Sleep status last forever, or until the sleeper is damaged.
Crippling Might-Increases the effectiveness of Crippling Shot's slowing.


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Re: Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2008, 07:47:35 AM »
An explanation of 'Slow': Slow drops the target down the turn listing. This can be inflicted multiple times to keep dropping them down and down....

On Stun: Stun stops the target from taking action, and nullifies all evasion.

Criticals are often more reliable than normal attacks, or normal blows of a skill. They seem to stop damage variation outright. It's sad how much I'm guessing about. Any takers to work out the complexities?

Hadhod, Dwarf of Fundin's Clan

Axe Craft

All Axe Craft has a slight turn penalty. Exceptions will be noted.

Dwarven Cleave-Basic skill-extra damage. 25 AP
Goblin Bane-Severe damage to Goblins. 30 AP
Cleaving Wound-Deals damage, and causes Spirit-Based damage over time. No turn penalty. 30 AP
Crippling Smash-Damages and slows the target. No turn penalty. 40 AP
Hew Armour-Damages and drops physical defence. 20 AP
Stone Hewer-Earth elemental Spirit attack on one target. Large turn penalty. 50 AP
Mountain Rage-Two-strike attack. Large turn penalty. 80 AP
Durin Wrath-Two-strike attack, with stun. Large turn penalty. 100 AP
Counter Attack-Activates the ability to Counter Attack for Hadhod. Once learned, is passive.
Berserk-Sacrifices some Defence to Haste Hadhod, and forces all physical attacks-including the initial Berserk hit-to be Triple Criticals. Counts as a Debuff on Hadhod. 100 AP.
Spirit Cleave-Damages and lowers Spirit defence of the target. 55 AP
Smite: Auto-critical attack. 100 AP
Rampage of Durin-Four-strike attack. Large turn penalty. 100 AP
Mountain Hewer-Earth elemental Spirit attack on all foes. No other details known-I still do not HAVE this, sadly enough.

Spirit Powers

Stone Shield-Gives a target(including yourself) a shield which absorbs damage. You have to get through the shield's HP before any damage can get to you. Shield HP is Spirit-based, and must be guessed, as damage is returned as 0 whilst under the effect. 75 AP.
Flaming Fury-Fire attack on one oppnent. Large turn penalty. 60 AP
Endure Flame-Grants a permanent(Unless dispelled) 50%(I THINK) resistance to Fire damage. 35 AP
Damaging Shield-Creates a damage reflecting shield around a target. Any physical melee damage dealt to you(Or, indeed, to a Stone Shield protecting you) is returned to the attacker. Slight turn penalty. May self-target. 35 AP.
Mountain Shield-As Stone Shield, but to all. Heavy turn penalty. 200 AP
Flames of Ruin-Deals Fire damage to all targets, and deals Damage Over Time. 200 AP
Devastating Shield-As Damaging Shield, but to all. Heavy turn penalty. 150 AP
Dragon Calling-Fire Damage to all. Turn penalty. Slightly faster than Flames of Ruin. 200 AP

Passive Skills

Dwarven Evade: activates auto-evade.(or possibly just 'Evade'.)
Dwarven Rally: Increases momentum gain for his actions.
Lordly Might: Increases Strength by unknown amount.
Evasion of Gloin: Improves Evasion.
Battle Hardened Armour: Improves armour.
Overwhelming Axes: In Perfect Mode, all physical attacks cause Critical Hits. Overrides Berserk.
Might of Balin-Improves HP by unknown amount.
Dwarven Challenge-Improves Hadhod's melee damage if he taunts his foe.
Dwarven Haste-Improves his speed. Is not a 'Haste' effect.
Double Attack-Enables the Double Attack command, which allows two attacks or Axe Craft skills in one action. All turn penalties are taken in full, and you must, of course, have the AP for what you want to do. Costs 150 AP to use.


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Re: Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2008, 08:13:05 AM »
Morwen, Maiden of Rohan

All Axe Craft Skills are two hits or more, with one exception. Only one needs to connect, but if the first hit is a miss, the whole attack is lost.

Axe Craft

Double Cleave-Basic melee skill. 25 AP.
Warg Bane-More damage to Wargs. 45 AP
Battle Haste-Spirit-based. Self-cast Haste. 25 AP
Uruk Bane-More damage to Uruks. 30 AP.
Rage of the Maiden-Single blow, automatic Double Critical. 75 AP.
Poisoned Wounds-Less damage than normal attacks, but causes Damage Over Time. Must test whether it's Spirit-Based. 40
Twin Wounds-Same as Poisoned Wounds-less damage, but damage over time. Same testing needed. 50 AP
Sneak Attack-Attack that cannot be countered. 30 AP
Paralysing Wound-Damages, inflicts Bind Melee, and does damage over time. The catch? If the enemy is immune to Melee Blocking, the Damage Over Time won't take effect either. 50 AP
Wrath of Penmark-Strikes four times. 80 AP
Stunning Cleave-Damage and stun. 75 AP
Valourous Cleave-An attack that always hits. 40 AP
Orc Bane-More damage to Orcs. 30 AP
Rohirric Rampage-Strikes 6 times. 85 AP

Thief Craft

Steal Item-Steals an item. 5 AP.
Seize Skill-Steals SP from an enemy. The SP goes randomly into Theif Craft or Axe Craft. Useless, in this context, as the enemy doesn't LOSE anything. 40 AP
Capture Strength-Steals Strength from an opponent, and adds it to Morwen's. Treated as an enemy debuff, and a buff for Morwen. 20 AP.
Steal Action-Steals AP from the target. 40 AP
Steal Health-Steals Health from the target. 30 AP
Steal Dexterity-Drains Dexterity from a target, and gives it to Morwen, in a similar manner to Capture Strength. 20 AP
Steal Experience-Steals EXP from her target, and adds them to her EXP amount. The amount stolen seems to depend on the power of the target, but it's usually low-a few thousand or so. 40 AP.
Cloak of the Plains-Cloaks Morwen, preventing her from being directly attacked. Testing required on the ins and outs of this. 250 AP. Very fast.

Passive Skills

Snowbourne Sleep-Allows auto-dodge.
Eorlingas Rally-Increases Momentum Gain for her actions.
Hands of Rohan-Increases Dexterity(Accuracy).
Inspire Crafting-Lowers AP cost for crafting items via the Elfstone of Nimble Crafting'.
Justice of Balin-Activates counter attacking.
Mearas Good Fortune-Improves Strength.
Blessing of Armour-Improves Armour.
Overwhelming Blows-In Perfect Mode, all Axe Craft and normal attacks are Critical Hits.
Potion Hastening-Increases the speed of Craft Item actions.
Double Attack-Activates the Double Attack skill. Allows Attacks and Dual-Axe Craft. 100 AP cost.

Allowing the Elfstone of Nimble Crafting is debateable, as it opens a hellish can of worms. The thing allows creation(and only 'creation'-she still has to use a turn to use the item) of HP and MP healing items, as well as items that allow her to take advantage of various weapon/elemental weaknesses, haste herself(Valar Guidance-and Hasting from multiple sources seems to stack), and double her HP and MP(Simbelmyne Petals, Mushrooms). It's fair to say that, as only she has skills directly relating to it, that it's effectively 'unique' to her. Your milage may vary. As a side note, Item Crafting, along with Thievery and your standard item drops, is the only way to lay your hands on items-you have no shops at all.


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Re: Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2008, 08:15:46 AM »
Eaoden, Rohirrim Outrider.

Spear Craft

Rupture Armour-Ignores an enemy's Armour. Turn penalty. 55 AP.
Horse Lord Skewer-More powerful attack. 50 AP.
Enraging Blow-Auto Double Critical, restores enemy AP. Slight turn penalty. 75 AP.
Rohirrim Rage-Two-strike attack. Turn penalty. 100 AP.
Wrath of Edoras-Three-Strike attack. Turn penalty. 150 AP.
Invigorating Blow-Double Critical, but Hastes the target. 50 AP.
Rampage of Helm-five-strike attack. Turn penalty. 200 AP.

Spirit Powers
Drain Health-Steals Health. Slow. 45 AP
Drain Spirit-Steals AP. Slow. 5 AP
Channel Health-Gives Health to a target ally. 1 Health from you becomes 2 to the ally. Fast action. 1 AP
Tap Reserve-Converts Eaoden's Health into AP. 2 Health=1 AP, I THINK. Fast. 5 AP
Dispel-Clears positive statii from the enemy. 60 AP
Spirit Drought-It's MEANT to 'Lower an Enemy's AP Pool'. In practice, I've never seen it DO anything. Non-functional? Anyone else know anything on this? 75 AP
Channel Spirit-Gives AP to an ally. 1 AP from you=2 to ally. Fast. 10 AP
Channel Defence-Drains your defence as a debuff, and gives it to an ally as a buff. 10 AP
Silence Evil-Damages and silences the target. Slow. 125 AP
Shatter Armour-Damages and drains Armour/Defence from the target as a debuff, which goes to you as a buff. Slow. 200 AP
Absorption-Buffs the whole party so that the next hit they take doesn't damage them, but becomes more AP for them instead. Testing is required to check the facts of this. 200 AP
Sacrifice Reserves-The entire party sacrifices Health for AP. 40 AP.
Battle Mirror-Creates a self-only Damaging Shield, with similar effects. The shield only lasts about 4-5 turns. 200 AP
Scatter Health-Drains Health from an opponent, and gives the amount drained to all party members. 200 AP
Leech Essence-Sticks a draining effect to an opponent, leeching health and AP over time. 150 AP

Passive Skills

A note: Eaoden comes at about Level 50 or so. This means that most of his Passive Skills come pre-learned.

Might of Helm-Increase Strength?(It says 'Improves Melee Damage'...)
Rohan Evasion-Increases dodge rate.
Grace of the Mearas-Increases the rate of his HP regeneration.(One could read it as simply 'Provides auto HP regen'.) Grace of the Mearas is listed in battle as a buff, but is non-dispellable.
Rohirrim Evade-Allows auto-dodge.
Focus Defence-Lowers Defence penalty for Channel Defence.
Inspiring Grace-Increases/provides AP regen, in the same manner as Grace of the Mearas.
Focus Health-Reduces Health penalty for Channel Health.
Focus Spirit-Reduces AP penalty for Channel Spirit.
Frenzy-Activates Frenzy command. Frenzy permits two Spirit actions. Large turn penalty, in addition to any penalties earned by the moves. 75 AP?
Absorb Malice: Turns all Elemental Resistances to 'Absorb'. The text says it works similarly to Absorption, in that it gives you the damage meant to be done as AP. I've never seen it. Regardless, he is now entirely immune to elemental effects, and some others besides-Stomp doesn't work at all, and nor does Sweeping Tusks. Needs much testing, as elemental effects aren't THAT common as it is.


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Re: Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
« Reply #13 on: January 06, 2008, 08:18:46 AM »
I will be giving out some damage figures as best I can. The figures are currently taken from my most powerful file, with most characters at or near Level 99. Why? Because that's the file where I have access to the majority of abilities; given time, I'll list damages for those abilities I have in a more 'balanced' file.

I'm starting with Physical damage abilities.

Tests were done vs an Elite Troll Chieftan. You see them a lot at end-game, and in the in the first fight of the final battle sequence you're forced to fight 3. This makes them convienient enough for me, and a decent test of how the characters fare. Points to note are: they have strength vs Pierce attacks, but are weak to Blunt. They have 74701 HP. Characters have no Elfstones aiding them. Attack damage is also Counter damage, if they can counter. I don't know whether it's my level or that I was just mistaken on the variation-there seems to be none.

'Weapon Damage' stats come from the Equip Screen: the first part is what's normally displayed, the bracketed stats come from 'Details'.

There can be Criticals, Double Criticals, and Triple Criticals on any physical blow.

Berethor can force Criticals for a time on all physical blows via Company Power.

Level 99 Berethor.
AP: 1375
Str 169
Weapon Damage: 250(Base Damage:x250, +25 damage per Level)

No Buffs/Nerfs:
Attack: 7774, Crit 11661. This is also the amount leeched from it's target if this is used, due to the nature of his weapon.
Citadel Rage: 8166 per hit, 12249 Crit.
Ecthelion Wrath: 8166 per hit, 12249 Crit.
Gondor Rampage: 7774 per hit, 11661 crit.
Targeted Strike: 19300, 29230 crit.

With Company Might:

Citadel Rage: 8664 per hit.
Ecthelion Wrath: 8664 per hit.
Gondor Rampage: 8272 per hit, 12428 if crit.
Targeted Strike: 20744

Shattering Strike inflicted:

Attack: 8163
Citadel Rage: 8377 per hit.
Ecthelion Wrath: 8377 per hit.
Gondor Rampage:
Targeted Strike: 19300

Both Shattering Strike and Company Might on:

Attack: 8688
Citadel Rage: 9099 per hit.
Ecthelion Wrath: 9099 per hit.
Gondor Rampage: 8688 per hit, 13032 Crit.
Targeted Strike: 20744. I believe this proves it's an Ignore Target Defence.

Idrial's Elven Rage and Gil-galad Rampage hits are equal to her Attack damage.
Idrial's equipped weapon is not quite her strongest possible by about two swords, but has life leeching on using 'attack', as Berethor's does, so it's the better choice.

Level 94 Idrial
HP: 5578
AP: 1375
Str 122.
Weapon Damage: 125(Base damage:x125, +17 damage oer Level)

Attack: 3076(leech)
Fluid Strike: 3448
Destined Strike: 3076
Wounding Strike: 3448, DOT: 180
Stunning Strike: 3262


Hadhod can force Triple Critical hits on all moves via Berserk. His equipped weapon is Blunt.

Level 99 Hadhod
HP: 7616
AP: 1068
Str: 153
Weapon Damage:220(Base Damage x200, +22 Damage per Level.)

Without Hew Armour

Attack: 8403, 12607 Crit, 22462 Triple Critical.
Dwarven Cleave: 8900, 23947 Triple Crit
Cleaving Wound: 8403, 22462
Crippling Smash: 7913, 20992 Triple Crit
Mountain Rage: 8403 per hit, 12607 Crit, 22462 Triple Crit.
Durin Wrath: 8160 per hit, 12240 Crit, X Triple Critical.
Rampage of Durin: 8160 per hit, X Triple critical.

With Hew Armour:
Attack: 9231
Dwarven Cleave: 9793
Cleaving Wound:
Crippling Smash:
Mountain Rage:
Durin Wrath:
Rampage of Durin: 8982 per hit.

Eaoden, Level 99.
Str 150
HP: 5794
AP: 1242
Weapon Damage: 222(Base Damagex222, +25 Damage per Level)

Eaoden's weapon leeches equal to damage done on using 'attack'. Enraging and Invigorating Blow are auto-Double Criticals.

Without Shatter Armour:
Rupture Armour: 17312
Rohirrim Rage: 6783 per hit, 10714 Crit.
Horse Lord Skewer: 7367
Wrath of Edoras: 6783 per hit.
Rampage of Helm: Rampage of Helm: 6783 per hit.
Attack: 3087
Enraging Blow: 13382
Invigorating Blow: 13382

With Shatter Armour:
Rupture Armour:17312
Horse Lord Skewer: 9470
Enraging Blow: 16988
Invigorating Blow: 16988
Rohirrim Rage: 8490 per hit.
Wrath of Edoras: 8490 per hit.
Rampage of Helm: 8490 per hit.

Level 91
HP 5203
AP: 873
Strength 141
Weapon Damage: 108(Base Damagex108, +11 Damage per Level)

All of Morwen's attacks are 2 hits except Rage of the Maiden, which is a single blow that is an auto-double critical, Wrath of Penmark(4 hits) and Rohirric Rage(6 hits). I BELIEVE her weapon is Piercing, it does have it in the name.

Attack: 3204 per hit, 4806 crit.
Double Cleave: 3744 per hit.
Rage of the Maiden: 7680.
Stunning Cleave: 2670 per hit.
Valourous Cleave: 3110 per hit.
Paralysing Wound: 3360 per hit.
Twin Wounds: 2840 per hit.
Poisoned Wounds: 3200 per hit, 4800 crit.
Wrath of Penmark: 3200 per hit, 4800 crit.
Rohirric Rage: 3200 per hit, 4800 crit

Steal Health:3600
Steal Action:2236


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Re: Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
« Reply #14 on: January 06, 2008, 08:21:38 AM »
Will list Spirit damage here. Normal, and assisted by the Cracked, Polished, and Ancient Elfstones of Spirit Enhancement. Again, tests will be vs an Elite Troll Chieftan. The Chieftan is neutral to all elements except Light, which it's Weak against(Not that it matters, only Perfect Mode skills grant access to that).
I can say now, though, that Spirit damage on it's own is usually TERRIBLE compared to Physical damage.


Without Company Might
Royal Grace: 447
Fellowship Grace: 90

With Company Might
Royal Grace: 696
Fellowship Grace: 339

Spirit: 151

Loudwater Fury-2907
Water Stallion-2907
Wounding Strike's Damage over Time: 180
Gift of Elrond-1371
Leech Inspiration Drain: 130
Drain Inspiration: 233

Spirit: 135
Flaming Fury: 2474
Flames of Ruin: 2622. DOT: 2622
Cleaving Wound's Damage over Time: 314
Dragon Calling: 3138
Stone/Mountain Shield: About 2000 HP damage blocked.

With Spirit Cleave:
Flaming Fury:
Flames of Ruin:
Dragon Calling:
Cleaving Wound's DOT:

Spirit: 144
Kingsfoil Grace/Grace of Athelas:
Northern Storm: 3109, DOT: 2629
True Shot: 16900

With Pierce Spirit:

Northern Storm:
True Shot:

Spirit: 162
Drain Health:2740
Drain Spirit: 160
Shatter Armour: 630
Scatter Health: 3033
Leech Essence: 337 HP+AP
Silence Evil: 630

Spirit: 111
Poisoned Wound DOT: 308
Twin Wounds: 490

With Cracked Elfstone of Spirit Enhancement:
The Cracked Elfstone of Spirit enhancement is found in-game, and via Evil Mode. They are the weakest of the accessoriees, and can be gained in Chapter 2.

Without Company Might
Royal Grace
Fellowship Grace

With Company Might
Royal Grace:
Fellowship Grace:

Loudwater Fury: 7333
Water Stallion: 7333
Wounding Strike: DOT 1064

Flaming Fury: 6081
Flames of Ruin: 6228 DOT:3342
Dragon Calling: 6743
Stone Hewer: 6913
Stone/Mountain Shield: about 7000-8000 HP.

True Shot:19622
Northern Storm: 6738 DOT:3334

Drain Health: 6368
Drain Spirit: 160 AP
Scatter Health: 6881
Leech Essence: 1102 HP, 337 AP
Silence Evil/Shatter Armour: 4478

Poisoned Wounds DOT: 949
Twin Wounds DOT: 1131

With Polished Elfstone of Spirit Enhancement:
The Polished Elfstone of Spirit Enhancement reduces HP and AP by about 8% when equipped.

Fellowship Grace: 90AP
Royal Grace: 1463HP, 1713HP with Company Might

Loudwater Fury:13114
Water Stallion: 13114
Wounding Strike DOT: 2619

True Shot: 24033
Northern Storm: 12646 DOT:4333

Flaming Fury: 11619
Flames of Ruin: 11767 DOT: 4430
Dragon Calling: 12284
Stone Hewer: 12433
Cleaving Wound DOT: 2342

Drain Health:13214
Leech Essence: 2431 HP, 337 AP
Silence Evil/Shatter Armour: 11124
Scatter Health: 13327

Poisoned Wounds DOT: 1860
Twin Wounds DOT: 2042

With Ancient Elfstone of Spirit Enhancement:
The Ancient Elfstone of Spirit Enhancement reduces HP and AP when equipped. Tests are showing it's somewhere along the lines of 15%.

Without Company Might:
Royal Grace: 2387
Fellowship Grace: 90

Loudwater Fury:26322
Water Stallion: 26322
Gift of Elrond: Unknown(Always total heal...)
Wounding Strike DOT: 4902

Flaming Fury: 19742
Flames of Ruin: 19890 DOT: 6073
Dragon Calling: 20406
Stone Shield: Unknown(Never been a guess, would absorb around 20000 HP of damage.)
Cleaving Wound DOT: 3967
Stone Hewer: 20376

Leech Essence: 337 AP, 4380 HP
Scatter Health: 23247
Drain Health: 22962
Silence Evil: 20871
Shatter Armour: 20871

True Shot: 30331
Northern Storm: 21310 DOT: 6268

Poisoned Wounds DOT: 3196
Twin Wounds DOT: 3378


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Re: Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2008, 08:26:20 AM »
And now, the end is TRULY near. The last few bosses to record.

The Watcher in the Water.
Normal HP: 3112
Hard HP: 4979
AP: 242

Immunities: Fire-Fragile, Water-Strong, Sleep-Immune, Bind Melee-Immune, Neutral to all else.

Tentacle Whip: About 100 damge to one target. No-cost.
Tentacle Frenzy: 100 or so damage to all targets. 30 AP.
Reeking Spout: 250+ damage to all targets. 40 AP.

This boss is Long-Ranged: that is, only certain moves can hit it. Berethor is near-completely nullified apart from buffing.

Damage Taken
Loudwater Fury: 282(Strong vs Water)

Flaming Fury: 380(Weak vs Fire)

Attack:183, 278 with Company Might
Creature Bane: 333, 489(Company Might), 789(Crit, Might)