
Author Topic: Super Robot Wars OG Saga - Endless Frontier. Welcome to the Endless Trainwreck!  (Read 8442 times)

Jo'ou Ranbu

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* Jo'ou Ranbu expects Niu to barge into this topic and say I'm dead wrong on everything.

Hello and welcome to the unofficial Endless Frontier stat topic! As you know, this is a spin-off of the Super Robot Wars series, now with 100% more humans outside big robots and a plot as nonsensical as you'd come to expect! This will be mainly a notation post for stats, status and a few mechanics explanations, as EF's gameplay mechanics are fairly unique. Also, since this topic involved a lot of musclework and some amount of extrapolation, it'll be a bit rough around the edges, and I'll hope you can forgive me for this (by the way, anyone who has damage/accuracy mechanics handy for this is welcome to drop them on me *Hint hint psssssssst Niu.*). But we have to start at the basics. Sooooooo. Let's go.

Just as a reminder, stats were taken at L54 for all PCs. All damage and status figures (not that it matters too much, given how status spirits seem to work exactly the same way mechanically) were gotten from Celeste Schlafen's Proto Androids, who, alongside Mutants, are basically the highest-level randoms in the game.


HP: Lose these and you will faint and lose half your money while being sent back to Nurse Joy.
SP: EF's version of MP. You use these to cast Spirits and use Special Skills.
Attack: EF's universal offense stat. The higher it is, the better is your damage, although damage is also based very heavily on mults.
Defense: EF's universal defense stat and one of its three damage reduction-related stats. The higher it is, the less damage you take in general. I believe this stat also affects Guard rate. It's also a very noticeable stat even with the small curve due to EF's damage formula being incredibly mult-intensive. Due to its layered damage-reducing mechanics, however, it's hard to eyeball its effect.
Speed: Affects turn order and how often a character goes first. Since EF has a phase-based turn system, going first isn't too terribly relevant after the first phase. Also affects evasion, and this is pretty noticeable.
Tech: Accuracy. Mainly affects how often your attacks will be guarded or evaded. Higher accuracy means they get guarded and evaded less. Also very noticeable, although it's hard to tell how much.
Guard: One of EF's damage reduction stats, this affects how often you guard attacks. Guarding an attack reduces its damage by 50%. You won't see numerical stats for this anywhere in the topic because the game is dumb and doesn't give you visible Guard stat numbers.
Evade: The last of EF's damage reduction stats, this affects how often a character will evade an attack. Evading an attack reduces its damage by 70%, and any status attached to the damage will also miss. You won't see numerical stats for this anywhere in the topic because the game is dumb and doesn't give you visible Evade stat numbers.
Critical: This is your critical rate. A critical attack deals 50% more damage than a normal attack. The critical rate increases when you do longer combos, at a # of hits/10 rate. You won't see numerical stats for this anywhere in the topic because the game is dumb and doesn't give you visible Critical stat numbers.

Attack Skills and COM mechanics

Every character can string together up to five attack skills when they attack, and they can swap which skills they have equipped on the fly during battle. These spend COM to use. COM is a universal stat: each character starts with 100% COM at the beginning of battle, and restore 50% COM every turn. In-game, having strings that efficiently manage a COM/damage balance is a huge part of playing well, and using many attacks that spend too much COM leaves you with shorter attack strings. COM can be healed through Spirits and items as well, and its maximum can be increased with certain Spirits. COM is also spent on Special Skills, which will be explained later. In a duel, COM concerns aren't hugely relevant outside maximum COM due to the entire cast having fairly cheap COM healing with Spirits, though.

Frontier Gauge Mechanics and Overdrives

[22:43] <Elecman> What is the Frontier Gauge, anyway?
[22:43] <Elecman> The more you fill it up, the more you look like Clint Eastwood?

We wish, although Clint Eastwood with Kaguya's clothing and rack would be a scary sight.

More seriously, though, the Frontier Gauge is a meter that's shared by the entire party that gets filled as the characters attack and are attacked. Certain items and passive skills also raise the Frontier Gauge. A special attack-related method to increase Frontier Gauge gains is called Frontier Cancelling. A Frontier Cancel is when you cancel an attack skill at certain frames, giving you a notable bonus to the Frontier Gauge. Frontier Cancels are the main method of building gauge in-game and in the DL. Filling the gauge to 100% lets you use a special attack skill called Overdrive, which depletes the gauge entirely. It can be used after all attacks in a string have been used, making it an ideal combo ender.


Spirits are basically spells your characters cast for various effects, and they cost SP. The difference between these and your average magic spell is that these don't take a turn to cast, and you can cast as many as you want as long as you have the SP. Spirits don't stack with themselves, but stack with each other. So, you can't cast Guard twice for a doubled effect, but you can cast Guard and Alert for the perfect evasion+defense boost for even higher damage reduction. Also, a character has to get a turn to be able to cast spirits. No more initiative Alert hype for the NEBs, I'm afraid.

Special Skills

These are special skills that cost both COM and SP to be used and grant unique effects (from MT damage to MT damage with perks and MT buffs/statuses). Unlike spirits, these use the caster's turn. Damage attack skills can be augmented by Strike/Attune, Valor, Soul and Target/Morale.


Mentalities are passive skills that have a chance to trigger when a character gets a turn. They have various conditions, and may be helpful or harmful. Only one Mentality may trigger per turn. Mentalities that involve COM restrictions check for the COM at the beginning of the turn -before- the automatic COM healing happens, so they're not impressively useless as they may seem at first glance.


EF has six status ailments:

Stun: The character afflicted by Stun becomes unable to act for one turn or untill attacked. Certain attack skills can inflict Stun, and if an attack inflicts stun midway through, the following hits on the same attack won't break it. However, the next attack skill on the string -will-.

Poison: The character afflicted by Poison will lose 20% mHP at the start of the next phase. This lasts five turns.

SP Poison: The character afflicted by SP Poison will lose 20% mSP at the start of the next phase. This lasts five turns.

Darkness: The character afflicted by Darkness will have his/her Tech stat reduced by 50, but it can never go below 1. Lasts five turns.

Slow: The character afflicted by Slow will have his/her Speed stat reduced by 50, but it can never go below 1. Lasts five turns.

Paralysis: The character afflicted by paralysis won't be able to act at all for three turns. Also disables Blocking and Forced Evasion on enemies (more on these later).

Support Actions and Chain Attacks

In EF, you can call in the non-active members of your party for a Support Attack. This action costs 5 SP and raises Frontier Gauge by 5%. You can still attack midstring while they attack, so this is a nice way to plug holes in a combo. You can call up to 2 or 3 Support Actions per character turn. Chain Attack is a maneuver where the next party member to get a turn tags in while the current attacker tags out to keep the combo chain going. This maneuver gives +10% Frontier Gauge. A character cannot be subbed into a chain attack if an enemy is going immediately after the current attacker. Theser aren't DL-relevant, but are pretty notable for in-game mechanics, so I thought I'd explain them here. I also didn't list Support Actions in this topic, but may get them if people care.

Blocking and Forced Evasion

These two are enemy-exclusive mechanics. Blocking is a passive stance where the enemy reduces all damage by 90% for the first few hits of a combo. When they're broken, they take damage normally. To break Blocking immediately, you can cast Fury, and Support Action attacks also help break Blocking. Forced Evasion can happen when an enemy lands in the middle of a combo, ending the string and nulling all damage yet to land immediately. Afterwards, the enemy may counter. To avoid this, you want to time your combos well to stop enemies from landing (By the way, Forced Evasion sucks).

I believe this is all for basic mechanics info. Characters will be on the next post.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2009, 10:53:45 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Haken Browning

“Of course I’m only doing this to get the girl!”

Base Stats

HP: 4589
SP: 400
Attack: 198
Defense: 190
Speed: 193
Tech: 197

Equipment Set (Default)

(Weapon) Night Fowl v.X: +104 Attack, +10% Critical
(Armor) Doll Armor: +90 Defense, +10% Guard, +5% Evade
(Accessory) Bon-Dri: +200 HP, +100 SP, +10 Speed, +10 Tech, +10% Critical
(Accessory) Slug: +8 Speed, +8 Tech, +10% Critical

Alternative Equips

(Armor) Dorothy's Blouse: +150 SP, +82 Defense
(Armor) Power Shirt: +86 Defense, +6 Attack, +5% Guard, %5 Evade

Equipped Stats

HP: 4789
SP: 500 (650 with Dorothy's Blouse)
Attack: 302 (308 with Power Shirt)
Defense: 280 (276 with Power Shirt, 272 with Dorothy's Blouse)
Speed: 211
Tech: 215


Brink of Death: Fully heals HP, SP and COM. Activates when HP, SP and COM are all below 10%.
Potential: Critical +10%, Evade +10%, Defense +10%. 50% chance of activating when HP is below 30%.
Bored: Tech -10. 5% chance of activating.
Fighting Spirit: Casts Spirit. 10% chance of activating.
Pioneer Spirit: Casts Spirit. 30% chance of activating when Frontier Gauge is below 30%.
Gunfight: Casts Target. 10% chance of activating.


Vigor (20 SP): Restores 50% mHP to caster.
Spirit (15 SP): Restores 30% COM to caster.
Snipe (15 SP): Stuns an enemy for one turn. 60% accuracy. Pretty worthless due to how Stun works.
Loner (30 SP): Raises caster's maximum COM to 150% for three turns. Adds +50% COM to the caster's current COM as well, which means he can take immediate advantage of the COM boost.
Focus (15 SP): Raises the caster's Tech by 15% for three turns (Haken's Tech becomes 247 with this).
Morale (60 SP): Raises the entire party's Critical by 20% for three turns.
Luck (30 SP): The party gains 1.5x more money after the battle.
Alert (30 SP): Causes the next attack string of an enemy to miss the caster entirely. This reduces damage by 70%, and attached status misses as well. Overrides ITE. Lasts until caster is attacked.
Valor (45 SP): The caster's next attack string will deal 1.5x damage, but critical hits will be disabled. Lasts until caster attacks.
Stack (80 SP): Adds the effects of Accel, Fury, Zeal, Target, Valor and Gain on the caster.

Attack Skills

Texas Hold 'Em: 5904 damage, 25% COM, 4% Frontier Gauge. 4374 damage when cancelled, 8% Frontier Cancel Bonus, 12% total Frontier Gauge when cancelled. Can cause stun at low odds.
High-Low Draw: 3704 damage, 10% COM, 1% Frontier Gauge. Cannot be Frontier Cancelled.
Best Flush: 3646 damage, 10% COM, 5% Frontier Gauge. 1017 damage when Frontier Cancelled, 9% Cancel Bonus, 11% total Frontier Gauge when cancelled.
Five-Card Stud: 6564 damage, 35% COM, 2% Frontier Gauge. 5631 damage when cancelled, 13% Frontier Cancel Bonus, 15% total Frontier Gauge when cancelled.
Jackpot: 6502 damage, 20% COM, 3% Frontier Gauge. Cannot be Frontier Cancelled.


Last Showdown: 21153 damage. Requires a full Frontier Gauge to use, ignores Blocking. 31730 under Valor.

Special Skills

Rampage Spectre: 42725 damage, 50 SP, 80% COM (64088 under Valor).
Ultimate Gespenst Kick: 14966 damage, 50 SP, 50% COM. Targets two selectable enemies.
Jackpot: 7610 damage, 20 SP, 30% COM. Targets three selectable enemies.

Optimal Frontier Building Strings: Strictly speaking, Loner => Five-Card Stud x4 => Best Flush, for 26170 damage (39225 under Valor), 65% Frontier Gauge and 150% COM (!). If he wants something he can access without burning through 50% more COM than anyone else has, Five Card Stud x2 => Best Flush x3 for 16942 damage (25413 under Valor), 100% COM and 57% Frontier Gauge.

Optimal Damage Strings: Jackpot x5 for 32510 damage (48765 under Valor), 100% COM and 15% Frontier Gauge. The best damage option for him, though, honestly, is just spamming Rampage Spectre for 42725 damage (64088 under Valor).

Three-turn average: Valored Rampage Spectre three times, for 64088 damage, peppered with Spirit castings whenever he needs the COM. For a string that gets him to use the Overdrive, Loner+Valor => Five-Card Stud x4 => Best Flush (26170), Valor+Spiritx3 => Five-Card Stud x2 => Jackpot x3 (46152), then Valor+Spiritx2 => Jackpot => Last Showdown  (80494), averaging 50938. The latter is obviously sub-optimal outside of a killer turn string, though.

Comments: First thing that jumps to mind is “lol spammable 50% healing that doesn’t take a turn+Alert off decent speed”. This makes him a complete pain in the -ass- to kill, and if it wasn’t enough, he also has decently competent offense. Valored Rampage Spectre just scrapes a 2HKO, and he can build Frontier Gauge for the sake of a stronger killer hit. He obviously has issues with deep-resource healers that don’t fail at taking hits and high-profile buffers, but this package can handle Godlike sluggers. Also isn’t all too fond of evade whores even if he’s accurate, and physical walls also pose a problem. Everybody  else weeps. Oh, and if you’re dim enough to hit him into his full healing limit, I honestly pity you. Low Godlike he goes.

Aschen Brodel

“I will devote myself to kicking your asses until you feel better.”

Base Stats

HP: 4861
SP: 364
Attack: 196
Defense: 196
Speed: 187
Tech: 187

Equipment Set (Default)

(Weapon) V-UP Unit: +104 Attack
(Armor) Z.O. Armor: +86 Defense, +300 HP
(Accessory) Custom CPU: +100 SP, +14 Speed, +5% Evade
(Accessory) Thruster: +10 Speed, +5% Evade

Alternative Equips

(Armor) Dorothy's Blouse: +150 SP, +82 Defense
(Armor) Doll Armor: +90 Defense, +10% Guard, +5% Evade

Equipped Stats

HP: 5161
SP: 464 (614 with Dorothy's Blouse)
Attack: 300
Defense: 282 (286 with Doll Armor, 278 with Dorothy's Blouse)
Speed: 211
Tech: 187


Repair Kit: Recovers 10% mHP. 10% chance of activating.
Short Circuit: Takes 5% mHP damage.5% chance of activating.
Solar Panel: Frontier Gauge +20%. 10% chance of activating.
Fuel Tank: Casts Hope. 10% chance of activating when SP is below 10%.
Infight: Casts Focus. 10% chance of activating.
Full Blocker: Casts Resolve. 10% chance of activating.


Trust (25 SP): Restores 30% mHP to a target. Can self-target.
Rouse (25 SP): Restores 30% COM to an ally. Can self-target.
Shackle (20 SP): Lowers an enemy's Speed by 10% for one turn.
Poison (10 SP): Poisons an enemy for five turns. 60% accuracy.
Zeal (35 SP): Increases caster's COM to 120% max for three turns. Adds +20 COM to the caster's current COM as well, which means she can take immediate advantage of the COM boost.
Accel (15 SP): Raises the caster's Speed by 15% for three turns.
Target (25 SP): Raises the caster's Critical by 20% for three turns.
Gain (15 SP): The caster gains 1.5x EXP at the end of the battle. Worthless in the DL.
Alert (30 SP): Causes the next attack string of an enemy to miss the caster entirely. This reduces damage by 70%, and attached status misses as well. Overrides ITE. Lasts until caster is attacked.
Strike (20 SP): Makes the caster's next attack string unguardable and unevadable. Remains until the caster attacks.

Attack Skills

Genbu Spike: 3685 damage, 10% COM, 4% Frontier Gauge. 3245 damage when cancelled, +8% Frontier Cancel Bonus, 11% total Frontier Gauge when cancelled.
Tigress Bite: 5102 damage, 15% COM, 1% Frontier Gauge. 3399 damage when cancelled, 10% Frontier Cancel Bonus, 11% total Frontier Gauge when cancelled.
Divine Lancer: 6500 damage, 30% COM, 2% Frontier Gauge. Can be Frontier Cancelled, but hell if I can figure the exact timing, and it basically kills the move's damage, which you do not want from a 30% COM move. Since I don't remember its cancel bonus either, it's not getting listed, as I'm failing to trigger the damned cancel.
Demon's Lancer: 6134 damage, 25% COM, 2% Frontier Gauge. 4157 damage when cancelled, 8% Frontier Cancel Bonus, 10% total Frontier Gauge when cancelled.
Dragon Scale: 6378 damage, 15% COM, 3% Frontier Gauge. 3065 damage when cancelled, +10% Frontier Cancel Bonus, 13% Frontier Gauge when cancelled.

Special Skills

Code Lamia: 8725 damage. Heals from 40 to 70% of Lamia's HP. Can also heal 30% COM and 30~ SP. 20 SP, 30% COM.
Code Empusa: Inflicts Shackle and Confuse on three selectable enemies. 15 SP, 30% COM.


Phantasm Phoenix. 22575 damage. Requires a full Frontier Gauge to use, ignores Blocking.

Optimal Frontier Building Strings: Dragon Scale x5, for 18638 damage, 55% Frontier Gauge and 75% COM. For more damage, she can do Tigress Bite x4 => Dragon Scale for 19974 damage, 47% Frontier Gauge and 75% COM.

Optimal Damage String: Strictly speaking, Divine Lancer => Dragon Scale x4, for 32012 damage and 95% COM. However, this combo is incredibly useless when Dragon Scale x5 deals 31890 damage (only 122 less!) for 20% less COM and more Frontier Gauge. Like with Suzuka, I'd rather use the latter for these purposes.

Three-turn average: 31890 damage by spamming Dragon Scale over and over. For something that accounts for a turn three Overdrive, Tigress Bite x4 => Dragon Scale (19974) two times, then Rouse => Dragon Scale x5 => Phantasm Phoenix (54465), averaging 31471 damage.

Comments: Like Haken, she gets the hideously cruel Alert+healing combo. Fundamental differences are her shallower resource pool, worse healing and the damage being a shade of fail instead of solid. However, she just consoles herself with a mean stalling game. Poison the enemy, then just be impossible to kill until those pathetic little pokes and the poisoning get through. If she wants her healing to be better, Code Lamia is a horrible damage option, but can be surprisingly decent healing. She can also make her attacks ignore evade, which is a boon given her poor accuracy. Solid speed and durability off the bat complete the package. Heavy/Godlike, probably.

Kaguya Nanbu


Base Stats

HP: 4098
SP: 548
Attack: 192
Defense: 181
Speed: 191
Tech: 189

Equipment Set (Default)

(Weapon) Nanbu Ultimate: +102 Attack, +80 SP
(Armor) Doll Armor: +90 Defense, +10% Guard, +5% Evade
(Accessory) Bamboo Hairpin: +100 SP, +4 Attack, +4 Defense, +4 Speed, +4 Tech
(Accessory) Angelwing Robe: +100 SP, +4 Attack, +10 Defense, +4 Speed, +4 Tech

Alternative Equips

(Armor) Dorothy's Blouse: +150 SP, +82 Defense
(Armor) 24-Layer Kimono: +86 Defense, +100 SP

Equipped Stats

HP: 4098
SP: 828 (928 with 24- Layer Kimono, 978 with Dorothy's Blouse)
Defense: 285 (281 with 24-Layer Kimono, 277 with Dorothy's Blouse)
Speed: 197
Tech: 197


Shy: Speed -10. 5% chance of activating.
Concentration: Casts Hope. 10% chance of activating when HP is below 10%.
Deadly Strike: Casts Valor. 30% chance of activating when HP is below 10%.
Infight: Casts Focus. 10% chance of activating.
Ticklish: Casts Alert. 30% chance of activating when HP is below 30%.
Persistence: Casts Gain. 50% chance of activating when HP is below 50%.


Trust (20 SP): Restores 30% mHP to a target. Can self-target.
Love (80 SP): Restores the entire party to full HP.
Hope (25 SP): Restores 20 SP to a target. Can self-target.
Rouse (15 SP): Restores 30% COM to an ally. Can self-target.
Prayer (10 SP): Cures all status ailments on a single target.
Guard (45 SP): Increases the caster's Defense by 20% for three turns. In practice, this roughly halves damage.
Resolve (20 SP): The caster becomes immune to all status ailments for three turns.
Gamble (5 SP): Casts a random spirit on the caster. Only ST spirits can be cast through this, and the stat-busting spirits cannot be cast from it.
Fury (15 SP): The caster's next attack will break through Blocking. If the combo is broken and the user attacks again during that turn, enemy Blocking will work normally. Have fun working out what -this- does in a DL setting. >_>
Miracle (120 SP): Grants the effects of Accel, Strike, Alert, Spirit, Soul and Luck to the caster. Impossibly broken.

Attack Skills

Tsubakuro no Kai: 4883 damage, 20% COM, 1% Frontier Gauge. 897 damage when cancelled, 13% Frontier Cancel Bonus, 14% total Frontier Gauge when cancelled.
Nyorai no Hachi: 4124 damage, 15% COM, 5% Frontier Gauge. Can be Frontier Cancelled for no damage loss, 10% Frontier Cancel Bonus, 15% total Frontier Gauge when cancelled.
Hourai no Eda: 3573 damage, 10% COM, 7% Frontier Gauge. 2574 damage when Cancelled, 10% Frontier Cancel Bonus, 13% total Frontier Gauge when cancelled.
Hinezumi no Koromo: 5593 damage, 20% COM, 4% Frontier Gauge. Cannot be Frontier Cancelled.
Ryuagito no Tama: 9456 damage, 35% COM, 6% Frontier Gauge. 6183 when cancelled, 15% Frontier Cancel Bonus, 20% total Frontier Gauge when cancelled.


Nanbu Ittouryu Gekka Bijin: 23798 damage. Requires a full Frontier Gauge to use, ignores Blocking (47596 under Miracle).

Special Skills

Nanbu Reijutsu Tukimi Zake: Casts Gamble and heals 20% mHP to the entire party. 20 SP, 30% COM.
Nanbu Reijutsu Hanami Zake: Inflicts Poison and Paralysis on all foes. 60% accuracy. Each status check is made separately.  20 SP, 30% COM.
Nanbu Ittouryu Teppou: 13731 damage. Hits all enemies. 80 SP, 50% COM.

Optimal Frontier Building String: Nyorai no Hachi x4 => Hourai no Eda for 20620 damage (41240 under Miracle), 70% COM and 67% Frontier Gauge. All things considered, this is an intensely practical combo, if not terribly damaging.

Optimal Damage String: Ryuagito no Tama x2 => Hourai no Eda x3, for 29631 (59262) under Miracle) damage, 100% COM and 33% Frontier Gauge. It's funny how she only needs one cancel at all here for this string to reach 100% Gauge by turn 3.

Three-turn Average: Miracle => Ryuagito no Tama x2 => Frontier Cancelled Hourai no Eda => Hourai no Eda x2 (57264), Miracle+Rouse => Ryuagito no Tama x2 => Hourai no Eda x3 (59262), Miracle+Rouse => Ryuagito no Tama x2 => Hourai no Eda x3 => Gekka Bijin (106858), for 74461 damage. Sorta eye-popping, really. And since Kaguya SP is retarded, she spends less than half of it on these three turns.

Comments: Dear god. You look at the middling durability and the subpar speed and you’ll think she’s not much good. However, a quick glance at her skillset won’t let looks deceive you: Kaguya is a beast. As soon as she gets a turn, she casts Miracle off a ridiculous SP pool and suddenly you have a damaging, nearly impossible to kill monstrosity who can also augment the durability further by casting Guard, and Resolve to get past those annoying status whores. Oh, and she still has ridiculously cheap 30% healing that doesn’t take a turn and her Overdrive turn fucking hurts. And she can even spam Hanami Zake for deadly status whoring so she can handle those pesky PCs. Basically, you let the werecow princess get a turn and you’re in deep. Nearly impossible to wall once she gets rolling, and that takes no time at all. You better OHKO her, status before she gets a turn or die a horrible death. She manages to stand out as insane even in a brutal duelling cast as this. The first turn being pretty slow is very worrisome, but she feels nearly impossible to shut down as soon as she gets that one turn. Godlike.


“I’m not cut to be a tomb raider. I don’t have the figure.”

Base Stats

HP: 3989
SP: 466
Attack: 191
Defense: 179
Speed: 201
Tech: 195

Equipment Set (Default)

(Weapon) Jyurisen Fan: +102 Attack, +6 Defense, +6 Speed, +6 Tech
(Armor) Extreme Tube Top: +90 Defense, +6 Speed, +10% Guard
(Accessory) Holy Hat: +200 SP, +8 Speed, +10% Guard, +10% Evade
(Accessory) Ogre Pumps: +4 Attack, +8 Speed, +10% Evade

Alternative Equips

(Armor) Dorothy's Blouse: +150 SP, +82 Defense
(Armor) Doll Armor: +90 Defense, +10% Guard, +5% Evade
(Accessory) Ogre Pumps: +4 Attack, +8 Speed, +10% Evade

Equipped Stats

HP: 3989
SP: 666 (816 with Dorothy's Blouse)
Attack: 297 (301 with two Ogre Pumps)
Defense: 275 (267 with Dorothy's Blouse)
Speed: 229 (223 with Dorothy's Blouse)
Tech: 201


Vigor (20 SP): Restores 50% mHP to caster.
Revive (60 SP): Revives a fallen ally at 50% mHP.
Inspire (40 SP): Restores 30% COM to the entire party.
Dance (25 SP): Heals all status ailments on the entire party.
Enchain (20 SP): Lowers the Speed of all enemies by 10% for one turn.
Uplift (10 SP): Enemies will be juggled higher during a combo for three turns. DL-useless.
Cheer (20 SP): Raises EXP gain by 1.5x for this battle. ST, targettable.
Steady (15 SP): Raises caster's Guard by 50% and reduces the next enemy attack string's damage by 30%. The Guard boosting effect does not work against ITE. Rough guard rate seems to be 70% under this spirit. If an attack is guarded while under Steady, that attack will deal 35% of its normal damage.
Strike (20 SP): Makes the caster's next attack string unguardable and unevadable. Remains until the caster attacks.
Passion (10 SP): Raises the amount of gauge obtained from attacks by 1.5x for the next attack string. Frontier Cancels aren't affected by this.


Cold Feet: Frontier Gauge -10%. 5% chance of activating.
Potential: Critical +10%, Evade +10%, Defense +10%. 50% chance of activating when HP is below 30%.
Daredevil: Casts Loner. 30% chance of activating when HP is below 10%.
Moon Walk: Casts Accel. 50% chance of activating when SP is below 10%.
Gunfight: Casts Target. 10% chance of activating.
Lucky: Casts Luck. 10% chance of activating when SP is below 50%.

Attack Skills

Jyaki-GUN Dancer: 7388 damage, 15% COM, 2% Frontier Gauge, 3% Gauge under Passion (6812 cancelled, 8% cancel bonus. 9% total gauge when cancelled. 10% total gauge under Passion when cancelled)
Jyaki-GUN Bomber: 3767 damage, 10% COM, 3% Frontier Gauge, 5% Gauge under Passion (2500 cancelled, 9% cancel bonus. 12% total gauge, 14% Gauge cancelled under Passion)
Suzuka Beat: 5438 damage, 20% COM, 5% Frontier Gauge. Can't be Frontier Cancelled. 7% gauge under Passion.
Jyaki-GUN Fever: 7438 damage, 25% COM, 3% Frontier Gauge. Can't be Frontier Cancelled. 5% Gauge under Passion.
Jyaki-GUN Finger: 8485 damage, 35% COM, 7% Frontier Gauge. Can't be Frontier Cancelled, 8% Gauge under Passion.

Special Skills

Suzuka Trance: Chooses two targets randomly among foes and allies. The first target is healed for 10000~ HP, also restoring 200~ SP and 200%~ COM. The second target suffers 60000 damage. None of these actions can target Suzuka, and a target hit by the healing cannot be targeted by the damage. This -can- hit dead allies. And yes, it's as psyduck as it sounds. In practice, duel-wise, one way to see it is as a d4 roll to see if the healing will hit the foe. Afterwards, it's a d3 to see if the damage will hit the enemy - if the healing didn't hit the enemy first. If it did, you can just stop the rolling there (I told you it was psyduck). I just try not to think about it instead. Have fun with this in RPGmon. 20 SP, 30% COM.
Jyaki-GUN Heavy Metal: 9209 damage, attacks all enemies. 25 SP, 30% COM.


Jyaki-GUN Disco: 26393 damage. Requires a full Frontier Gauge to use, ignores Blocking.

Optimal Damage String: Jyaki-GUN Dancer x5, for 36940 damage and 10% Gauge. Not really arguable. No feasible combination of the other skills can do appreciably better or even as much (the only one surpassing it, involving four Dancers and a Finger, is higher by like 100 damage and costs all her COM), and she can use this string twice in a row before needing to heal COM.

Optimal Frontier Building Strings: Full Jyaki-GUN Bomber cancel string, for 13000 damage, 50% COM and 49% Frontier Gauge (going over 50% when under Passion). She probably doesn't want this, though. The alternative is a cancelled Jyaki-GUN Dancer string, for 34060 damage, 75% COM and 38% Frontier Gauge, which is notable. This goes up to 43% with Passion, so it's fair enough.

Three-turn average: Pretty simple. Passion => Cancelled Jyaki-GUN Dancer (34636) x5 twice, then Inspire+Passion => Cancelled Jyaki-GUN Dancer x2, Jyaki GUN Dancer x3 (35788) => Jyaki-GUN Disco (26393), for an average of 43817. Lacking damage-boosting spirits makes Suzuka's damage pretty easy to figure out.

Comments: Um, wow, she’s really fast on the first turn. The durability has issues and the damage doesn’t impress, but she outspeeds a lot of things, which lets her get the stalling game started very easily. Off those resources, she can spam Vigor+Steady a goddamned lot while she pelts at the enemy. Unlike Haken, Kaguya and Aschen, though, she’s vulnerable to ITE. Can ignore evasion herself, at least, and, as said before, the healing+defense spirit combo is mean as is. Suzuka Trance is hilarious, but I don’t think it’ll see much use in the DL. She’s game-worst dueller and still makes High Heavy at worst. Go girl. Also, it’s only fitting, given how freaking awesome she is. >_>
« Last Edit: August 04, 2014, 04:09:45 AM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Reiji Arisu

“It’s funny what you can learn when you spend your days wasting time on the internet.”

Base Stats

HP: 4425
SP: 309
Attack: 200
Defense: 187
Speed: 188
Tech: 187

Equipment Set (Default)

(Weapon) Touma Edge: +106 Attack, +100 SP
(Armor) Red Longcoat: +88 Defense, +150 HP, +50 SP
(Accessory) Shougo's Gaunt: +150 HP, +80 SP, +8 Attack, +4 Tech
(Accessory) Jabberwock Glove: +60 SP, +4 Attack, +4 Tech

Alternative Equips

(Accessory) Ouma Ruby: +6 Attack
(Armor) Doll Armor: +90 Defense, +10% Guard, +5% Evade
(Armor) Dorothy's Blouse: +82 Defense, +150 SP

Equipped Stats

HP: 4725 (4575 with Doll Armor)
SP: 599 (699 with Dorothy's Blouse, 549 with Doll Armor, 539 with Ouma Ruby in place of Jabberwock Glove, 489 with both Ouma Ruby and Doll Armor, 589 with Ouma Ruby and Dorothy's Blouse)
Attack: 318 (320 with Ouma Ruby)
Defense: 275 (277 with Doll Armor, 269 with Dorothy's Blouse)
Speed: 188
Tech: 195


Faith (30 SP): Restores 30% mHP to the entire party.
Drive (25 SP): Restores 50% COM to the caster.
Essence (40 SP): Lowers the Attack of all enemies for two turns. Effectively a 20% damage reduction.
Accel (15 SP): Raises the caster's Speed by 15% for three turns.
Focus (15 SP): Raises the caster's Tech by 15% for three turns (Reiji's Tech becomes 224 with this).
Resolve (30 SP): The caster becomes immune to all status ailments for three turns.
Gain (15 SP): The caster gains 1.5x EXP at the end of the battle.
Steady (15 SP): Raises caster's Guard by 50% and reduces the next enemy attack string's damage by 30%. The Guard boosting effect does not work against ITE. Rough guard rate seems to be 70% under this spirit. If an attack is guarded while under Steady, that attack will deal 35% of its normal damage.
Swift (30 SP): Gives the caster initiative for the next turn. If someone else has initiative in the field, the order tiebreak is ruled by Speed.
Soul (65 SP): The caster's next attack string will deal 2x damage, but critical hits will be disabled. Lasts until caster attacks.


Worked Up: COM -10%. 5% chance of activating.
Arisu Bloodline: Casts Hope on self. 10% chance of activating when HP is below 10%.
Ninth Style: Casts Spirit. 50% chance of activating when COM is below 10%.
Elemental Style: Casts Zeal. 30% chance of activating when HP is below 10%.
Reversal Plan: Casts Passion. 30% chance of activation when HP is below 10%.
Abstinence Style: Casts Alert. 50% chance of activation when HP is below 10%.

Attack Skills

Nicho Jyugondou: 5965 damage, 10% COM, 2% Frontier Gauge. 3212 damage when cancelled, 7% Frontier Cancel Bonus, 8% Frontier Gauge total when cancelled.
Chirai Shunrai no Kata: 4469 damage, 15% COM, 1% Frontier Gauge. 3765 when cancelled, 10% Frontier Cancel Bonus, 11% Frontier Gauge total when cancelled. Can cause stun at low odds.
Karin Ichi no Kata: 6905 damage, 20% COM, 1% Gauge. 3474 damage when cancelled, 8% Frontier Cancel Bonus, 9% Frontier Gauge total when cancelled. Can cause stun at low odds.
Nitou Denkousekka: 5868 damage, 25% COM, 3% Frontier Gauge, +7% Frontier Cancel Bonus, +8% Frontier Gauge total when cancelled. Not even worth checking how much damage it does when cancelled, since it's both his worst cancel and one of his hardest. Can cause stun at low odds.
Karin Zero no Kata: 7602 damage, 30% COM, 2% Gauge. 3968 damage when cancelled, +20% Frontier Cancel Bonus, 21% Frontier Gauge total when cancelled. Can cause stun at low odds.

Special Skills

Arisuryu Ura Kimon Kaihou: Grants Swift to the entire party. 20 SP, 50% COM.
Jyuu no Kata Kiwame: 10313 damage, 20% odds of stunning. Hits all enemies.

Overdrive: Battou Ougi Shinra Banshou. 21724 damage. Requires a full Frontier Gauge to use, ignores Blocking. 43448 damage under Soul.

Optimal Frontier Building String: Karin Zero no Kata x2 => Chirai Shunrai Kata x2 => Nicho Jyugondou, for 21431 damage, 100% COM and 66% Frontier Gauge. He can also slap Soul on that for 42862 damage. Since he gets really cheap Drive and way too much SP to tinker with, the 100% COM isn't an issue.

Optimal Damage String: Karin Zero no Kata x2 => Karin Ichi no Kata => Nicho Jyugondou x2 for 34039 damage. With Soul, this figures jumps to 68078.

Three-turn average: Soul => Cancelstring Karin Zero no Kata x2 => Chirai Shunrai Kata x2 => Nicho Jygondou (42862), Drive+Soul => Frontier Cancelled Chirai Shunrai no Kata x3=> Karin Zero no Kata => Karin Ichi no Kata (51604), Drive+Soul => Karin Zero no Kata x2 => Karin Ichi no Kata => Nicho Jyugondou x2 => Shinra Banshou for 68664 average damage. The Overdrive turn deals a whopping 115,000 damage. Impressively, he still has over half his SP left after this.

Comments: The damage is sorta beastly, I’ll say. While it’s only a low 2HKO off the bat, he can reasonably build up to a near OHKO chain, and you don’t want him to get a turn with that Frontier Gauge full, unless you feel like eating a Swift double-turn (this can be done in-game). Past that, he can put up status immunity, heal for cheap, cast Steady for a mean defense game and even bust his enemy’s offense short-term if he cares. That horrible first-turn speed keeps him in check, though, which makes him easier to shut down before getting a turn. Being entirely evadable doesn’t help him either - in fact, those two paired up probably cost him the ability to do things in the highest division. High Heavy.


“Now bow to the Fairy, you goons!”

Base Stats

HP: 4289
SP: 493
Attack: 194
Defense: 186
Speed: 197
Tech: 201

Equipment Set (Default)

(Weapon) Kitsune Blade: +102 Attack, +4 Speed, +8 Tech
(Armor) Doll Armor: +90 Defense, +10% Guard, +5% Evade
(Accessory) Brave New World: +10 Attack, +10 Tech, +10 Critical
(Accessory) Golden Fastener: +4 Attack, +10 Tech, +5% Critical

Alternate Equips

(Armor) Dorothy's Blouse - +150 SP, +82 Defense
(Armor) Maid Uniform - +86 Defense, +150 HP, +6 Tech, +15% Evade
(Armor) ATX Jacket - +44 Defense, +8 Attack, +4 Speed, +4 Tech, +5% Evade
(Weapon) Kokuu Sword - +72 Attack, +100 SP, +4 Tech

Equipped Stats

HP: 4289 (4439 with Maid Uniform)
SP: 493 (743 if equipped with both Kokuu Sword and Dorothy's Blouse)
Attack: 310 (280 if equipped with Kokuu Sword, 316 if equipped with ATX Jacket, 288 if equipped with Kokuu Sword and ATX Jacket)
Defense: 276 (272 with Maid Uniform, 268 with Dorothy's Blouse, 230 with ATX Jacket)
Speed: 201 (205 with ATX Jacket)
Tech: 229 (235 with Maid Uniform or ATX Jacket, 225 with Kokuu Sword, 231 with Kokuu Sword and Maid Uniform and 229 with Kokuu Sword and ATX Jacket)


Grimy: Defense -10. 5% chance of activating.
Fried Tofu: Casts Faith. 10% chance of activating.
Elemental Style: Casts Zeal. 30% chance of activating when HP is below 10%.
Forbidden Style: Casts Steady. 50% chance of activating when COM is below 10%.
Impatient: Casts Accel. 50% chance of activating when HP is below 10%.
Warding Style: Casts Prayer. 50% chance of activating when HP is below 50%.


Guts (25 SP): Fully restores the caster's HP.
Hakke (25 SP): Restores 20 SP to a random ally.
Spirit (15 SP): Restores 30% COM to caster.
Daunt (40 SP): Lowers an enemy's Attack and Defense by 5% for two turns. This is effectively a 15% increase to damage dealt by Xiaomu and a 20% decrease in damage for the enemy.
Confuse (20 SP): Lowers the Tech of all enemies by 10% for one turn.
Snipe (15 SP): Stuns an enemy for one turn. 60% accuracy. Pretty worthless in the DL due to how Stun works.
Barrier (90 SP): Grants status immunity to the entire party for three turns.
Uranai (15 SP): Casts a random spirit on the target. Only ST spirits can be cast through this, and the stat-busting spirits cannot be cast from it. Can be self-targeted.
Attune (25 SP): Grants perfect accuracy to the target's attack for one string. Can be self-targeted. Lasts until the person with it attacks.
Valor (50 SP): The caster's next attack string will deal 1.5x damage, but critical hits will be disabled. Lasts until caster attacks.

Attack Skills

Nicho Shigaisen: 4922 damage, 10% COM, 5% Frontier Gauge. 3254 damage when cancelled, 8% Frontier Cancel Bonus, 11% total Frontier Gauge when cancelled.
Senko Yojutsu Ryukorenho: 6312 damage, 25% COM, 3% Frontier Gauge. 3519 damage when cancelled, 10% Frontier Cancel Bonus, 12% Frontier Gauge total when cancelled.
Suiren Ni no Kata: 4574 damage, 20% COM, 3% Frontier Gauge. 3708 damage when cancelled, 8% Frontier Cancel Bonus, 10% Frontier Gauge total when cancelled. Can cause stun at low odds.
Xiaomu Wizard: 4939 damage, 20% COM, 3% Frontier Gauge. 1167 damage when cancelled, 12% Frontier Cancel Bonus, 13% Frontier Gauge total when cancelled. Can cause stun at low odds.
Suzakuto Naminori no Kata (AKA Xiaomu Sofa AKA Xiaomu Nintendo): 9006 damage, 25% COM, 5% Frontier Gauge. Cannot be Frontier Cancelled. Can cause stun at low odds.

Special Skills

Senko Yojutsu Dakki no Kata: 5431 damage, heals Xiaomu for 1105 HP. 20 SP, 30% COM. Hits all enemies.
Ougi Yomeiri no Kata: 6407 damage, heals all non-Xiaomu allies for 20-60% of their HP. 40 SP, 50% COM.


Battou Ougi Shinra Banshou: 20802 damage. Requires a full Frontier Gauge to use, ignores Blocking. 31203 damage under Valor.

Optimal Frontier Building Strings: Strictly speaking, Xiaomu Wizard x3 => Nicho Shigaisen => Xiaomu Sofa, for 15761 damage, 95% COM and 55% Frontier Gauge (23641 with Valor). However, Nicho Shigaisen x4 => Xiaomu Nintendo deal 22022 damage (33033 with Valor) for 65% COM and 49% Frontier Gauge. This is far more optimal for general purposes.

Optimal Damage String: Xiaomu Nintendo x3, Nicho Shigaisen x2 for 36862 damage, 95% COM and 20% Frontier Gauge. Valor amps this up to 55293.

Three-turn Average: Optimally, Valor => Xiaomu Sofa x3, Nicho Shigaisen x2 thrice, with castings of Spirit whenever COM woes kick in, for 55293 damage. The best three-turn average including an Overdrive is Valor => Nicho Shigaisen x4 => Xiaomu Sofa (33033) twice, then Spirit+Valor => Xiaomu Nintendo x3 => Nicho Shigaisen x2 => Shinra Bansho (86496), for 50854 damage.

Comments: That’s a lot of full healing that doesn’t take a turn. Past that, Xiaomu could use some speed and durability, but she’s generally golden if she’s not OHKOed. She can play the status immunity game as well, and her offense isn’t bad either – even getting that coveted ITE flag. For added measure, Daunt can cover defensive and offensive woes at the same time, so she doesn’t have issues finishing battles fast, either. Uranai could massively suck, but odds are it won’t hurt her, and she could get something like Miracle off it, but that’s not very relevant for DL matches. Regardless, Xiaomu certainly pulls her weight, and is a really mean dueller. Now, if only she was faster... Heavy/Godlike.


“I have no such function.”

Base Stats

HP: 5025
SP: 318
Attack: 196
Defense: 201
Speed: 175
Tech: 189

Equipment Set (Default)

(Weapon) KWP-XX: +100 Attack, +4 Defense, +4 Speed, +4 Tech
(Armor) Doll Armor: +90 Defense, +5% Evade, +10% Guard
(Accessory) Shion's Pendant: +10 Attack, +12 Speed, +4 Tech
(Accessory) Secret Teddie: +4 Attack, +8 Speed, +4 Tech

Alternate Equips

(Armor) Dorothy's Blouse: +150 SP, +82 Defense
(Armor) Technophiliac: +68 Defense, +8 Speed
(Accessory) Cat Ear Unit: +10 Speed, +1,000,000 cyberfurry appeal
Equipped Stats

HP: 5025
SP: 318 (468 with Dorothy's Blouse)
Attack: 320 (316 with Cat Ear Unit replacing Secret Teddie)
Defense: 295 (287 with Dorothy's Blouse, 273 with Technophiliac)
Speed: 199 (201 with Cat Ear Unit replacing Secret Teddie, 207 with Technophiliac, 209 with both Technophiliac and Cat Ear Unit)
Tech: 203 (197 with Cat Ear Unit replacing Secret Teddie)


Bond (40 SP): 50% mHP healing. MT.
Revive (50 SP): Revives a fallen ally with 50% mHP.
Renew (35 SP): Restores 20 SP and 30% COM to an ally. Can be self-targeted, which makes this effectively a 15 SP 30% COM healing Spirit in a duel.
Prayer (15 SP): Cures all status ailments on a single target.
Glare (20 SP): Paralyzes an enemy for 2-4 turns. Can be reapplied before it runs out. 60% accuracy, roughly.
Zeal (30 SP): Increases caster's COM to 120% max for three turns. Adds +20 COM to the caster's current COM as well, which means she can take immediate advantage of the COM boost.
Guard (30 SP): Increases the caster's Defense by 20% for three turns. In practice, this roughly halves damage.
Assail (20 SP): The caster's attacks will lift the enemy very high for one turn. DL-useless.
Fury (15 SP): The caster's next attack will break through Blocking. If the combo is broken and the user attacks again during that turn, enemy Blocking will work normally. Have fun working out what -this- does in a DL setting. >_>
Attune (30 SP): Grants perfect accuracy to the target's attacks for one string. Can be self-targeted. Lasts until the person with it attacks.


Charge - Frontier Gauge +20%. 30% chance of activation when COM is below 10%.
Poor Maintenance - -10 Attack, -10 Defense. 5% chance of activation.
Holy Mother - Casts Inspire, Dance and Barrier. 30% chance of activating when HP is below 10%.
Blood Dancer - Casts Soul. 30% chance of activating when HP is below 10%.
Platinum Singer - Casts Steady. 50% chance of activating when HP is below 10%.
Boost - Casts Swift. 50% chance of activating when SP is below 50%.

Attack Skills

VALKYRIE - 4216 damage, 10% COM, 1% Frontier Gauge. 2975 when Frontier Cancelled, 8% Cancel Bonus, 9% total gauge when cancelled.
S-SAULT - 4779 damage, 15% COM, 1% Frontier Gauge. Cannot be Frontier Cancelled. Unsurprisingly worthless.
G-SHOT - 7815 damage, 20% COM, 2% Frontier Gauge. 1055 Damage when Frontier Cancelled, 8% Cancel Bonus, 9% total gauge when cancelled.
DRAGON TOOTH - 6846 damage, 25% COM, 2% Frontier Gauge. 3301 damage when Frontier Cancelled, 12% Cancel Bonus, 13% total Gauge when cancelled.
X-BUSTER - 9300 damage, 30% COM, 3% Frontier Gauge. 5826 damage when Frontier Cancelled, 10% Cancel Bonus, 12% total Gauge when cancelled. Has negligible Paralysis odds (particularly so given KOS-MOS has Glare).

Special Skills

HILBERT EFFECT - Casts both Daunt (5% Attack and Defense busting for two turns) and Shackle (10% Speed busting for one turn) on all enemies. Daunt leads to a 15% increase in damage and 20% decrease in enemy damage in practice. 30 SP, 50% COM.
SPELL BLADE - 13362 damage on three targets. KOS-MOS can select who will be targeted. 30 SP, 50% COM.

Overdrive - D-TENERITAS. 37400 damage. Requires a full Frontier Gauge to use, ignores Blocking.

Optimal Frontier Building Strings: DRAGON TOOTH x3, Valkyrie x2, 15994 damage, 50% Gauge, 95% COM. The next-best option is Valkyrie x5 for 13300 damage, 38% Gauge and 50% COM. For a higher-damage, even higher gauge-building option that requires SP, Zeal => DRAGON TOOTH x4 => G-SHOT deals 19028 damage, for 54% Frontier Gauge and 120% COM.

Optimal damage string: Zeal => X-BUSTER x3 => G-SHOT => VALKYRIE, for 39931 damage, 12% Frontier Gauge, 120% COM. The best alternative that doesn't use Zeal is X-Buster x2, G-SHOT, VALKYRIE x2, for 31247 damage, 10% Frontier Gauge, 100% COM.

Three-turn average: Zeal => X-BUSTER x3 => G-SHOT => VALKYRIE three times, with generous Renew usage to replenish COM, averaging 39931 damage. Bears noting she only needs to cast Zeal once for this. Her optimal gauge building into Overdrive damage goes Zeal => DRAGON TOOTH x4 => G-SHOT x2, then X-BUSTER x3 => G-SHOT => VALKYRIE => D-TENERITAS, with Renew castings in-between, for 38462 damage.

Comments: Welp, yet another badass duelling form for the hookerbot. Her resources are gameworst, but she can still last a while, especially off the somewhat badass base durability (and it’s not like she, you know, can’t twink for SP). However, what makes her impressively evil is Glare. 60% paralysis that doesn’t take a turn and can be reapplied at will is essentially an autowin against any paralysis-vulnerable PC that lets her get a turn. While fatal status will generally stop her from getting started (the speed certainly needs work), pure damage usually won’t. For bosses, Guard+Bond can handle slugfests nicely. The damage is sorta lacking, but she generally can live long enough to handle battles of attrition, and evade ignoring doesn’t hurt either. The token Heavy/Godlike nod works for MOKOS KOS.


HP: 4582

1) Aschen: 5161
2) KOS-MOS: 5025
3) Haken: 4789
4) Reiji: 4725
5) Xiaomu: 4289
6) Kaguya: 4098
7) Suzuka: 3989

Defense: 281

1) KOS-MOS: 295
2) Kaguya: 285
3) Aschen: 282
4) Haken: 280
5) Xiaomu: 276
6t) Reiji: 275
6t) Suzuka: 275

Speed: 205 (Standard Deviation: 12.26)

1) Suzuka: 229 (+1.95 SD)
2t) Haken: 211 (+0.48 SD)
2t) Aschen: 211 (+0.48 SD)
4) Xiaomu: 201 (-0.32 SD)
5) KOS-MOS: 199 (-0.48 SD)
6) Kaguya: 197 (-0.65 SD)
7) Reiji: 188 (-1.38 SD)

Tech: 204

1) Xiaomu: 229
2) Haken: 215
3) KOS-MOS: 203
4) Suzuka: 201
5) Kaguya: 197
6) Reiji: 195
7) Aschen: 187

One-shot Damage: 50783. K.O. Point: 126957

1) Reiji: 68078
2) Haken: 64088
3) Kaguya: 59262
4) Xiaomu: 55293
5) KOS-MOS: 39931
6) Suzuka: 36940
7) Aschen: 31890

Three-turn Damage: 54020. K.O. Point: 135050

1) Kaguya: 74461
2) Reiji: 68664
3) Haken: 64088
4) Xiaomu: 55293
5) Suzuka: 43817
6) KOS-MOS: 39931
7) Aschen: 31890
« Last Edit: July 15, 2009, 08:57:54 AM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

Jo'ou Ranbu

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For Tally-chu: list of the spirits that Gamble and Uranai can cast, listed from most harmful (hit you with status) to most helpful (stuff like Stack and Miracle) on bottom and top. Past that, it's a pile of random.

1 - Glare
2 - Mercy
3 - Snipe
4 - Poison
5 - Gain
6 - Cheer
7 - Luck
8 - Passion
9 - Prayer
10 - Accel
11 - Focus
12 - Fury
13 - Spirit
14 - Rouse
15 - Drive
16 - Hope
17 - Renew
18 - Trust
19 - Vigor
20 - Guts
21 - Steady
22 - Guard
23 - Alert
24 - Zeal
25 - Loner
26 - Target
27 - Strike
28 - Attune
29 - Uplift
30 - Assail
31 - Resolve
32 - Swift
33 - Valor
34 - Soul
35 - Stack
36 - Miracle

I may be missing something, but I don't think so.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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I'd love to add comments, but I am too busy drooling over bishies in Atelier Rorona, so I'll just toss in some notes instead.

Dark Holy Elf

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Okay, Snow already covered most of the mechanics. Go back and read about Blocking and Forced Evasion if you haven't yet, because basically every boss has them. (Many randoms and a few earlygame bosses may lack one or both, but nobody in this topic.) Note that neither will activate against special moves. Anyway, the number of hits an enemy will block before being broken, as well as the rate of forced evasion, is unique to each individual boss. I am not testing Forced Evasion rate, since it basically only comes up against multi-hit attacks which involve the target being left on the ground in the middle. SO3 hates EF bosses. I'd guess it hovers in the general range of 25-75% depending on the boss. Blocking... tends to take about 1 move of the 5-part attack chain EF PCs have. This could be a ~20% reduction in damage or... something. If you wanted. You could also see it as broken and spoiling regular physicals that aren't 20+ hits to hell and back.

Damage averages are hard to judge in this game. The figures you will see are what I have gutted based on 100 COM's worth of damage, adjusted upwards for consideration of offensive spirits. It's nothing formal.

On the enemy side, damage is also tricky in general because they are modified so easily by crits, guards, and misses, although crits are very rare for bosses except in certain situations. Since combos are frequently over 50 hits long, it's nearly impossible to count exactly how many guards and misses occur and adjust accordingly, so expect some margin of error on boss attacks. I suppose when a boss uses Strike it will be a bit easier.

Speaking of Strike... bosses have Spirits too! And they're every bit as cheesy. Like PCs, they don't take a turn and then can use more than one at a time (though they can only use each spirit once per turn. This only matters for Alert). Unlike PCs, they have HP unlock points. This is good because bosses don't seem to have an SP limit. Due to Spirits, EF bosses generally get really fucking scary at low HP, as you will see.

In order to remove clutter, if a boss has a damage-boosting spirit available at all HP values, I will list the boss' damage assuming that Spirit. Just know that the boss can drop his or her damage by not using it (I will note by how much). On the note of bosses dropping damage, a few sometimes cut their regular attack string short, resulting in anywhere from one half to two thirds of the damage listed. They don't usually do this, though (Cardia's the biggest offender, and does it less as you kill her allies or her HP drops).

I don't have nearly all bosses. EF has over a dozen "plot" bosses without even counting the mecha and einst foes, which is a lot. And the lack of save slots, the fact that I play this game on the bus usually (where I am not taking down stats) cuts down on who I will get. I will try to get the big plot players.

I twinked all my PCs to near average speed during testing, which both lets me see boss damage against average evasion and a good read on boss speed. EF speed is a little questionable past turn 1, but unlike SMRPG there is some merit to going earlier in the round, so speed does have some meaning after turn 1, though less than most TB RPGs.

Average PC stats for Cardia:
Lv 37, 3320 HP, 211 Def, 147 Spd, ~24000 damage.
Cardia is fought together with another boss, as well as two mooks with low 6 digit HP.

Cardia Basirssa
The first, and less worthless, of two female purple android bosses

210000 HP
Slightly below average speed

Focus: Raises hit/crit rate slightly. Bosses almost never crit anyway, though the hit helps (and is factored in already, she loses about 15% damage if you don't).
Target: Raises critical rate by 20%. This is a 10% increase in damage. Factored in, again!
Accel: Increases speed for three turns including the current one. Reduces oncoming evadable damage by about 10% and causes Cardia to typically go first.
Below 50% HP
Steady: Raises Guard rate by 50%, and also reduces oncoming damage of the next attack, regardless of whether it is guarded, by 30%.
Below 25% HP
Valour: Multiplies damage by 1.5 for one attack, but diables crits (not that she crits anyway).

Attack string: 2500
Attack string->Overdrive: 4500
-after Valour: 6100 (below 25% HP only)
Slash Ripper: 1400 to 3 enemies, 40% chance of Darkness
-after Valour: 1900 (below 25% HP only)

Comments: This is how EF bosses generally roll. They have an attack string, which they can (and usually will) chain an Overdrive after, and it does high 2HKO or (in this case) OHKO damage. Alternatively, there's an MT backup which does low 2HKO or (in this case) 3HKO damage. Cardia's version adds Darkness, which ups her durability, so it's a decent pressure move. She's a little slow on the draw but then speeds up, and if you let her HP drop really low, she murders you with Valour. Steady spam below half HP may well buy her an extra turn, too. Durability could be a bit better but it's PCish at least. The raw offence on the immunities, coupled with a few tricks, has me thinking Low Godlike.

Average PC stats for Katze:
Lv 38, 3440 HP, 219 Def, 154 Spd, ~24000 damage.
Katze is, unusually for an EF boss, fought alone.

Katze Kotolnos
Faaabulous Egyptian catman and mayor of a tank

410000 HP
Slow (averaged 4.2 out of 5 in the order)

Focus: Raises hit/crit rate slightly. (15% damage boost)
Accel: Increases speed for three turns including the current one. Reduces oncoming evadable damage by about 10% and causes Katze to typically go first.
Below 50% HP
Valour: Multiplies damage by 1.5 for one attack, but diables crits.
Below 25% HP
Alert: The next attack (or chain) against Alert "misses", which means it does 30% damage and can not critical. Overrides ITE, in SRW tradition. Unlike the PC version, this stacks, i.e. if Katze gets two turns in a row, he will use Alert on both and it applies to the next TWO attacks.

Attack string: 1800, 25% chance of Stun (turn cancel)
Attack string->Round Eighty: 4200
-after Valour: 6300
Mouse Eater: 1700 to 3 enemies, 40% chance of Slow. Slowed enemies basically always go last.
-after Valour: 2500

Comments: Go through this topic and look at all the boss HP stats. Yes, Katze's is the highest, despite being this early. It's probably because he's fought alone, but either way, he can certainly take hits. EF bosses like being able to take hits, as it ensures his Valour will come out to play, and at that point he just kills things dead. He's also the only EF boss who has a reason to not use his Overdrive (if he lands Stun). At low HP he pulls out Alert for massive whoring, although most duellers in the upper divisions shouldn't be too bothered by it because they can still do 30% damage and they've probably already won at this point, but it will often buy him another hit, and potentially more against tanky low-damage types. Best rankable boss dueller in EF? Probably, which is awesome. Godlike of course.

Average PC stats for the Orchestral Army (Kyon, Henne, Ezel):
Lv 40, 3600 HP, 225 Def, 160 Spd, ~25000 damage.
The three are fought together and have no support besides each other (like they need it).

Kyon Feulion
Foul-mouthed elven witch in red and black

260000 HP
Decently fast (averaged 2.5 out of 7 in the turn order)

Focus: Raises hit/crit rate slightly. Usual 15% damage boost.
Lightning Speed: Kyon goes first next round.
Below 50% HP
Alert: The next attack against Kyon "misses", which means it does 30% damage and can not critical. Overrides ITE, in SRW tradition.

Attack string: 1500
Attack string->Overdrive: 3000
Bronte Magic: 1750 to 3 enemies, 40% chance of Slow. Slow is a big deal within the confines of the system; you basically go last.

Comments: The damage is on the weak end for an EF boss, but Kyon was never one of the better ones (she's rather obviously the scrub in this fight). Still, 80% damage or so from her overdrive isn't bad, even if she has no way to make it better, and she's speedy. Below half HP, she gets the cheese that is Alert, and can use it for even longer than Katze. It's nowhere near the lockdown it'd be if it were traditional Alert, since her durability is solid but not so wonderful that people can't finish her off from there. Might not be Godlike! Maybe.

Henne Valkyria
Blonde Hrist with a lightsabre and aviator goggles

270000 HP
10% reduction to damage, probably via SPD
Very fast (averaged 1.2 out of 7 in the turn order)

Strike: Next attack is ITE. Since she can use this every turn at any HP, I'm listing her damage with it factored in. Without it, she loses about 15% of her damage (obviously much more against high evade).
Accel: Increases speed for three turns including the current one
Below 75% mHP
Valour: Multiplies damage by 1.5 for one attack, but diables crits (not that she crits anyway).
Below 25%(?) mHP
Target: Raises crit rate. Pointless due to Valour.

Attack string: 1900, ITE
Attack string->Overdrive: 4400, ITE
-after Valour: 6600, ITE (below 75% HP only)
Fader Ray: 2200 damage to 3 enemies, ITE, 25% chance of Darkness, 25% chance of Slow
-after Valour: 3300, ITE (below 75% HP only)

Comments: She's fast, ignores evade, and can spam Accel to basically milk whatever respect you're willing to give EF speed. Fader Ray is good at pressuring stallers who can deal avoid a OHKO, and of course the Overdrive is painful. Valour makes things seriously unpleasant once it comes out to play, and it comes out to play early. No big defensive spirits is her only weakness; she's one of the best EF bosses on pure offence. Godlike.

Ezel Granada
The sympathetic antagnonist should always have an intimidating skull mask

300000 HP
Slow (averaged 6.4 out of 7 in the turn order)

Below 75% mHP
Accel: Increases speed for three turns including the current one*
Below 50% mHP
Guard: Roughly halves damage for three turns, including the current one
Valour: Multiplies damage by 1.5 for one attack, but disables crit.
Stack: Valour and Accel in one. The other effects are completely useless for him. Also seems to impart Strike, which adds another 20% onto his damage or so for a total multipler of 1.8, as well as making it ITE.
Below 25% mHP
Steady: Raises Guard rate by 50% (he was probably at 10% before, so this better than halves damage), and also reduces oncoming damage of the next attack, regardless of whether it is guarded, by 30%.

*Even a meager 15% boost is enough to get him faster than Kyon, though not Henne, from limited testing. Both his Accel and Henne's probably reduce evadable damage by roughly 10%.

Attack string: 2050
Attack string->Overdrive: 4200
-after Stack: 7500, ITE (below 50% HP only)
Panzer Bomber: 1800 damage to 3 enemies
-after Stack: 3200, ITE (below 50% HP only)

Comments: Don't get him below half HP. You won't like him when he's below half HP. Yeah, he can spam over 2x ITE overkill while halving damage and having good speed. A bit unimpressive when he isn't beaten up outside good damage (sluggish, no accuracy boost) so the Mewtwos and Cecilias of the world can buff against him. Other than that, good luck about that whole "not getting your face smashed in" thing. Godlike.

Average PC stats for Saya and T-elos:
Lv 49, 4340 HP, 264 Def, 187 Spd, ~40000 damage
The two bosses are fought together along with a couple mooks who have almost as much HP as they do.

Crossover foxgirl with three katanas

190000 HP
Decently slow (averaged 4.2 out of 6 in the turn order)

Accel: Increases speed for three turns including the current one. Gets her to usually go first + 10% damage reduction.
Target: Raises critical rate by 20%. This is a 10% increase in damage. Factored in.
Below 25% HP
Valour: Multiplies damage by 1.5 for one attack, but diables crits.

Attack string: 2200, 40% chance of Poison, 40% chance of SP Poison
Attack string->Shunka Shuutou: 3800, same status chances as the above
-after Valour: 5200
Yoko Reijutsu Dakki no Kata: 1500 damage to 3 enemies, heals Saya for 16000
-after Valour: 2200

Comments: Fail. Damage has gone up a lot, so what the hell is up with that HP? Being 2HKOed by average damage sucks (her Valour is laughably irrelevant), wasting her useful status. Granted, Accel lets her easily kill average before they kill her, but still, this is only good enough for Heavy, and not a great one given that she can be OHKOed, or fast-2HKOed.

Note that Saya has an earlier form, fought just before Cardia's last one, which has the same HP unscaled (i.e. competent!) and is nearly identical to the final form otherwise. Obviously she would far prefer that if it's available, and is probably in the standard low Godlike region.

We should give thanks that she didn't drag Shion or Kevin into the game

210000 HP
Slow (averaged 4.6 out of 6 in the turn order)

Unlike other bosses, she seems totally unable to use more than one Spirit at a time
Heaven Tracker: Raises crit rate, probably the same as Target. Factored in, though if you apply the above restriction she will lose 10% damage on her first turn since she wants to use Overtaker instead.
Overtaker: Raises speed, probably the same as Accel.
Below 50% HP
Heartbreaker: Same as Valour.

Attack string: 1400
Attack string->U-TENERITAS: 4900
-after Heartbreaker: 6700
U-TENERITAS: Psychotic critical rate. 3100 damage to 3 enemies.
-after Heartbreaker: 3200 (almost no improvement!)

Comments: Better than Saya despite less speed because she has notably more damage and will occasionally actually see Valour. Still a mediocre Heavy. For the second game in a row, T-elos really hates her final form, but she still far prefers this form to XS3's.

Like Saya, T-elos has an earlier form (fought with Cardia, actually) that is far better because it has the same unscaled HP. In fact, her earlier form is even better, as the damage is slightly better for the time (which is badass since damage isn't her problem in her final form) and the speed is excellent (Henne level or close to it). That form is obviously a solid Godlike, though not as good as the non-Kyon Orchestral Army folks.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.