Author Topic: Insanity AnonyMafia (Succinct posts, Gimmick roles, Miniature size)  (Read 1312 times)


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We at Great Cove Retreat pride ourselves on our dedication to quality.  Don't be fooled by our remote location on Periculum Island; some of the world's top psychiatrists work here!  They labor every day helping our honored guests on their road to rejoin society, and they're prepared to perform the cutting-edge treatments the other "mental hospitals" aren't.  Whatever it takes in order to help your loved ones, we're ready, red-tape regulations or not!

We've found the bracing Maine air and scenery fantastic for helping your loved ones find themselves again, and we're sure you will too.  The Retreat has also acquired a historic mansion on the island dating back from whaling days; there's some great history here on the island.  It's part of our commitment to treating people who other hospitals might write off as mere numbers as real human beings with great potential.  We don't talk down to them; no, we let them act out any 'delusions' they have and interact with each other, and our staff, as normal people worthy of love and care! With the help of our role-playing exercises and games, they soon find themselves on the way to a full recovery.  And thanks to the drawbridge which we bring down only when staff are leaving or entering, there are no unfortunate escapes - not that anyone would want to escape here once they've been here for awhile!

Great Cove Retreat.  Because we care.


Sorry for jumping the Mafia Mod queue.  I will be between jobs from June 20 - July 6 or so, and I realized that this would be pretty much my last chance to strike for awhile (I'm not going to trust myself to manage the tension between a new job and playing / running a Mafia game).  I also figured that after the exhaustion from DL Mafia, a small game with succinct posts might be more palatable.  Also a small game should be easier to write off as experimental if the bastard moddery horribly misfires.

Key facts:

*Mini: This is a game for 8-10 players.

*Succinct: Succinct rules will be in place, though not enforced overly harshly.  This means keep your posts short-to-medium length; maybe 200-300 words on average with 600 words a good max.  The idea is to discourage long back-and-forth quoted material discussions, though with the smaller number of people I imagine the topic should be fairly readable regardless.  This will be enforced on a "spirit of the law" basis; if you aren't around much, then 2-3 largeish posts rather than 6-8 medium posts are fine, and if you show up late on a Day, then a largeish catchup post is acceptable.  Violating the rule will result in being restricted to 2-3 sentence maximum size posts rather than a modkill, and the rule may be further loosened for LYLO-like situations.

*Gimmick: Something about the setup - or certain roles - or perhaps all roles - will be very unusual, stranger than your average role madness game.  No, I can't tell you what, that would spoil things.  Yes, this is more commonly known as "bastard modding," but I've been advised by my advertising team to avoid that word.  Seriously, I will try to avoid two bugaboos: I will not mislead players with outright lies in their role PM that try to make them act against their own interests, and very complex or very random roles will be rare.  Roles can be weird and mysterious and of unclear utility without also being a headache.  See Cthulu Mafia role PMs for my style - there's basically no lies, but a lot of half-truths.

*Anonymous: DO NOT post in this thread if you are interested in playing.  Send me a private message.  Anonycounts will be used.

If you are interested in playing, PM me the following items:
* Character preference, if any.  You are an insane patient in a creepy asylum, or at least people think you're insane despite the fact that you're perfectly rational.  Name / type of madness / etc.  Anything is fine so long as your character retains the ability to interact and converse with people normally and rationally outside the context of their problem (aka play Mafia).  Delusions are probably the easiest to run with for cinematic "madness" here, whether they be extreme paranoia (locked up in the asylum by a secret force of government agents because you found the TRUTH) or delusions of grandeur (you are really Henry VIII, Elvis, Joan of Arc, Ron Weasely, Luke Skywalker, the deposed dictator of a Latin American country, etc.).  In particular it'd be nice if a Merlin and an Archangel Michael signed up.  Also obligatory reminder that this is a game, do not expect realistic depictions of actual mental illness, prepare for something more like amnesiac exiles from the Winter Queen's court or whatever.
* Availability for the June 20 - July 6 period, if unusual.  "Normal,"  "High" if you'll have access to the 'net most of the day and can always follow the game, "low" if you can only check at certain hours due to business / other commitments.  You will not be rejected for having low access, or even moved to the back of the queue; however, it is possible that some roles might require a certain level of availability.  (For example, a power based around getting a lot of hammer votes favors someone with high availability so they can always be there to hammer.)  Your answer to this will not be revealed to anyone.

One final note: since modkills suck, and the dread limbo period while not knowing if a disappeared person will be modkilled or replaced also sucks, I am also looking for at least one person who, while not in the game initially, can guarantee their availability as a replacement should it be required.  Hopefully it won't, but I'd rather deal with that beforehand than afterward.  If nobody volunteers, I will probably reduce the game size by 1 player and have one of the people who signed up normally be the "first replacement" instead just to make sure.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2010, 11:10:22 PM by SnowFire »


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Re: Insanity AnonyMafia (Succinct posts, Gimmick roles, Miniature size)
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2010, 11:11:23 PM »
Still only about halfway there as far as sign-ups.  Though we do have a Napoleon which is always a good thing.  If we don't get enough in a week and a half or so, then this game probably won't start (or at least will be delayed by 6 months), since as noted I'm somewhat restricted on time.

EDIT: And still nothing.  Well, consider this game dead / extremely delayed then, 5 sign-ups isn't enough to move forward (unless I wake up to a rain of PMs in my inbox tomorrow), and as noted this was kind of dependent on starting in my weeks between-jobs.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2010, 03:06:28 AM by SnowFire »