
Author Topic: Lufia: The Legend Returns (Lufia 3)  (Read 5186 times)


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Lufia: The Legend Returns (Lufia 3)
« on: December 18, 2007, 11:08:36 PM »
-Major revision, here are some notes.

-Stats were taken at Lvl 60, which is high. But it makes up for the lack of stacking wave bonuses.

-Wave level was taken as 30.

-Damage tests were performed on Copper dragons. Except when holy or dark damage was involved, in which case the tests were done on Procyon's (both have averagish defenses by endgame enemy standards).

-Gamebest storebought equipment was assumed. The ultimate equips available through the Ancient Cave were not. Getting them all requires completing the Ancient Cave 3 times, and they drastically change the cast.

-The cast has a rather impressive selection of elemental resisting equipment. I've listed the equipment for each character and the defense penalty required to use it. All resists are 50% damage reduction. They are not stackable for 25% or immunity.

HP: Hit Points. Exist for a reason to mock Randolph.
MP: Magic points. Cast spells.
Dfp: Defense power. I'm not quite sure how this works yet, but I think dfp/4 = damage reduction. Doesn't mean much this time around.
Spd: Speed. Typical turn-based goodness. No random factor.
Reg: Magic Resistance. Think Reg/2 = damage reduction. Still no idea. Also doesn't mean that much this time.
Atp: Attack power. Think Atp/2 = damage bonus. Again unsure.
Map: Magic Attack power. Not sure how this works right now.

-IPs and spells were considered 4 or less = allowed. There were three exceptions in this topic:
1. F. Barrier. An IP skill that raises defenses. I'm listing it for those who learn Force Field, the MT version that costs a great deal more.
2. Healing magic. Most of the mages come with full healing, so I just gave strongest to Wain and Yurist, since they're the only ones with a use for it.
3. Elemental magic. I simply allowed the best spell the character could learn in the series. This effects only Wain and Issac, who use the lvl 3 instead of lvl 4 spells.

-Accessories were not considered for this topic. Some come with them, but none are unique so I'm not considering that based on the principle that it inflates those who join later in the game.

-Unless othewise noted, IP attacks are non-elemental. (i.e. they don't take the element of the equipped weapon).

-Lufia TLR art >> Lufia 2 art >>>>>> Lufia 1 art.


HP: 472
MP: 286
Dfp: 597
Spd: 114
Reg: 103
Crit rate: 10%

Dual Blade
Zirco Shld
Zirco Helm
Plat Plate

Physical: 275 (800 damage on a critical. 327 average)
Dark Sword: 420 Dark damage. Takes 59 HP to use. Can be fatal.

Wain's Spells:
Strongest: Full healing (22 MP)
Ice Valk: 150 ice damage.

Wain's IPs:
OctoStrike (100 IP): Attack 8 times. 2200 damage.
Accurate (15 IP): Increase speed by 46/23/13.
Split Attk ( 75 IP): 800 damage. ITD.
Critical ( 100 IP): 1200 damage. ITD.
Grounder (67 IP): 2 hits for 440. 880 damage.
Holy Sword (75 IP): 1080 Holy damage.
Lock-On ( 67 IP): Reduce enemy speed and defense by 25%. Works on the game's bosses.

Wain's Elemental resists:
Fire with the Gold Shld (20 dfp loss).
Ice with the Crys Shld (20 dfp loss).
Thunder with Rubber Cap (85 dfp loss).
Darkness with the Silvr Shld (40 dfp loss)
Darkness with the Holy Cap (80 dfp loss)

Wain's Status immunities:
Faint with the Plate Cap for 70 dfp. I'm not familiar with the status.

Wain is a pretty decent dueler. Good HP and defense, with nice elemental options. The healing (if you allow it) combined with OctoStrike means that anyone who can't avoid it is going to die painfully. His bad speed can be offset with Accurate, too. Dark Sword taking HP to deal damage is painful, but he can deal with it. A Middle/Heavy borderliner.


HP: 276
MP: 422
Dfp: 528
Spd: 101
Reg: 186 (286 with the Blood rod)

Seena's Equips:
Lapis Ball (Blood Rod gives up 90 magic damage)
Holy Shield
Zirco Band
Angel Wing

Physical: *Tink* (134 dark damage with the Blood rod, and 50 in self damage. Can be fatal).

Seena's Spells:
Strong (6 MP): Full healing.
Storm (40 MP): 450 lightning damage.
Fire Dragon (50 MP): 400 fire damage.
Reduce: 420 dark damage. Bypasses and destroys Mirrors.
Mirror (8 MP): Reflects magic (positive or negative) for 3 turns including the casting turn. This can not be re-applied to herself. Those faster than her can attack her on the openings. This does not reflect psuedomagic.
Absorb: 200 MP draining.
X-Absorb (10 MP): 250 parasitic damage.
Confuse (3 MP): 60% confuse.
Drowsey (3 MP): 60% sleep.
Light (1 MP): 120 holy damage.

Seena's IPs:
F. Barrier ( 8 IP): Dfp up 211, Reg up 74. 1/2 returns each use.
Force Field (48 IP): MT version of F. Barrier.
Puzzle (100 IP): 666 damage. Also 100% confuse, assuming the target is not immune.
Heavy Noise (100 IP): ~60% chance each for ID, Sleep, paralyze, and confuse.
Cure Force (37 IP): 50% HP and status healing.
Strong Cure (30 IP): 75% healing.

Seena's Elemental Resists:
Fire with the Red Beret for 55 dfp
Fire with the Garn Ball for 60 Map
Ice with the Blue Beret for 20 Dfp
Ice with the Saphe Ball for 20 Map
Thunder with the Emrld Ball for 30 Map
Darkness with her default Holy Shield

Seena's Status Immunities:
Confuse with the Ame ball for 50 Map.
Sleep and paralyze for 40 Map with the Topaz ball.
Misfortune (curse?) with the Ruby Ball for 10 Map.

Seena has lots of things. Elemental options, status blocking, parasitic healing... she just wanted better durability and speed. Her IPs can see her out of most jams, though. A very High Middle, really.


HP: 417
MP: 245
Dfp: 582
Spd: 224
Reg: 160
Crit Rate: 10%

Dei's Equips:
Mad Edge (Fatal Pick)
Zirco Shld:
Zirco Helm
Mlt Jacket

Physical: 400 dark damage over 2 hits. 300 damage crits for 420 average damage (190 dark damage. 40% chance of ID)

Dei's Spells:
Thunder (20 MP): 260 thunder damage to one target.
Drain (5 MP): Enemy defense down 1/5. Diminishing returns. Useless unless the enemy has insane defense.
Mute (3 MP): 60% chance of inflicting silence or so. Hard to find enemies vulnerable.
Drowsey (3 MP): 60% chance of inflicting sleep or so. Hard to find enemies vulnerable.

Dei's IPs:
Accurate (15 IP): Raises speed by 90/45/22
Assasinate (100 IP): 100% ID.
Hit & Hide (100 IP): 1400 dark damage
Octostrike (100 IP): 1550 damage.
Bolt Sword (75 IP): 820 thunder damage.
Fire Sword (82 IP): 400 fire damage (MT).
Scatter Hit (75 IP): 1300 damage over 6 hits.
Cure (7 IP): Heals 104 HP. (25%)
F. Barrier (8 IP): Raises Dfp by 233 and Reg by 64.
Force Field (48 IP): Same as F. Barrier. Only more expensive due to being MT.
Force Wave (96 IP): Raises Dfp by 233 and Reg by 64. 1/2 returns after each use.
Lock-On (67 IP): Reduce enemy speed and defense by 25%. Works on the game's bosses.
Stealth Hit (75 IP): 850 dark damage. ITD.
Shadow Hit (100 IP): 1300 dark damage. ITD.
Grab Loot (10 IP): Teh stealing!

Dei's Elemental Resists:
Fire with the Gold Shld (20 dfp loss).
Ice with the Crys Shld (20 dfp loss).
Thunder with Rubber Cap (85 dfp loss).
Thunder with the Rub Coat (120 dfp loss).
Darkness with the Silvr Shld (40 dfp loss).
Darkness with the Holy Cap (80 dfp loss).

Status immunities:
Faint with the Plate Cap for 70 dfp. I'm not familiar with the status.

Dei is an interesting dueler. The Fatal Pick is a good weapon coming off of his gamebest speed, and he has plenty of options besides that. He's very glad that his Mad Edge is a x2 attack weapon, as his damage would be laughable otherwise. As is, he struggles to kill things without IPs. But that speed and those options make him a Middle/Heavy borderliner.


HP: 650
MP: 0
Def: 490
Spd: 136
Reg: 62

Aima's Equipment:
Zirco Fist
Zirco Band
Hard Cape

Physical: 420 damage
Physical with 1 PP: 680
Physical with 2 PP: 800
Physical with 3 PP: 890

Aima's IPs: *The numbers in Parenthesis are with Pause Palm/Chakra)
Pause Palm (32 IP): Atp up 308. 100% paralysis and 400 damage.
DoubleKick (24 IP): 586 damage. (800/1276)
Speed Attk (45 IP): Speed up 54. Negligible damage.
Seal Palm ( 10 IP): MP damage with a huge range of variance. From 50 to 800.
Scatter Hit (50 IP): 6 hits for 1800 damage total. ( 2800/3300)
Energy Punch (100 IP): 1620 damage. (2500/2700)
FinalDance (90 IP): 25% CHP gravity. Works on the game's bosses.
Chakra (100 IP): Full healing. Atp up 385. Dfp up 245. Spd up 68. Reg up 31. 1/2 returns for each use. Wave Motion, baby.

Aima's Elemental resists:
Thunder with the IndrTurban for 25 dfp.

Holy shit. Aima is one vicious slugfester. The below-average speed doesn't hurt that badly when you have it backed up by 170% PCHP and overkill damage. She's also got that nasty as hell 100% status attack that raises her damage to downright obscene levels at the same time, and that is accessible fairly easily. Sad about the status-baitedness and lack of the rest of the cast's elemental blockers. A damn fine Heavy, in my opinion.


HP: 218
MP: 0
Dfp: 503
Spd: 55
Reg: 77

Randolph's Equips:
Zirco Helm
Plat Plate

Physical: 300 physical damage

Dark Sword: 450 dark damage. Costs 27 HP to use.

Randolph's IPs:
Critical (100 IP): 1250 ITD damage.
Split Attk (75 IP): 840 ITD damage.
Bolt Sword (75 IP): 1100 Thunder damage
AfterImage (100 IP): 1650 average damage over 3-8 hits.
Fire Sword (82 IP): 450 Fire damage.
Ice Sword (82 IP): 450 Ice damage.
Support (100 IP): Restore half of Max MP!
Lock-On ( 67 IP): Reduce enemy speed and defense by 25%. Works on the game's bosses.

Elemental resists:
Thunder with the Rubber Cap for 85 dfp.
Holy with the Holy cap for 80 dfp.

Status Immunities:
Faint with the Plate Cap for 70 dfp. I'm not familiar with the status.

Bwahahaha. Randolph fails. Game-worst HP and speed, and he has to sacrifice HP to do damage before IPs? Well, the damage is solid enough at least, and god help you if you give him enough IP for a powerful attack down in Light.


HP: 361
MP: 419
Dfp: 492
Spd: 123
Reg: 260 (360 with the Blood Rod)

Melphis' Equips:
ZircoStaff (Blood Rod for the loss of 100 Map)
Holy Shld
Zirco Band
Angel Wing

Physical: *Tink*. (120 dark damage with the Blood Rod. Deals 69 damage to Melphis. Can be fatal)

Melphis' Spells:
Strong (6 MP): Full healing.
Ice Storm (50 MP): 450 Ice damage.
Absorb: around 200 MP draining.
X-Absorb (10 MP): 300 parasitic damage.
Mirror (8 MP): Reflects magic (positive or negative) for 3 turns including the casting turn. This can not be re-applied to herself. Those faster than her can attack her on the openings. This does not reflect psuedomagic.
Perish (4 MP): ~20% Instant Death.
Trick(8 MP): Raises Atp by 77 with the Blood Rod. About a 30 increase in damage.
Defender (10MP): Dfp up 148. 1/2 returns after each use.

Melphis' IPs:
F. Barrier ( 8 IP): Dfp up 197, Reg up 104. 1/2 returns each use.
Force Field (48 IP): MT version of F. Barrier.
Puzzle (100 IP): 666 damage and 100% confuse on those not immune.
Cure Force (37 IP): 50% HP and status healing.
Strong Cure (30 IP): 75% healing.

Melphis' Elemental Resists:
Fire with the Red Beret for 55 dfp
Ice with the Blue Beret for 20 Dfp
Darkness with her default Holy Shield

Melphis is basically Seena with better stats and worse elemental options. She really likes that Zircon Rod bonus to Magic attack, as she'd otherwise struggle to deal damage and her parasitic healing would be considerably worse. As is, I'd put her as a Low Heavy, myself.


HP: 485
MP: 0
Dfp: 289
Spd: 186
Reg: 168


Physical (60%): 80
Mousse Punch (10%): 280
Head Butt (20%): 100
Dash (10%): 80
Tail Illusion (Stupidly rare): 1000. ITD.
Mousse' average damage: 104

Comments: Definition Light-bait.


HP: 519
MP: 0
Dfp: 547
Spd: 168
Reg: 75

Deckard's Equips:
Wave Spear
Zirco Shld
Zirco Helm
Mlt Jacket

Physical: 315 damage (10% chance of crit of 400 damage)
Dark Sword: 500 dark damage. Takes 64 HP to use. This can be fatal

Deckard's IPs:
AfterImage (100 IP): Between 3 and 8 hits. 1780 average damage.
Critical (100 IP): 1350 damage. ITD.
D-End Flash (100 IP): 50% gravity damage. Works on the games bosses. Only obtainable in the Ancient Cave minigame.
DoubleKick (36 IP): 630 damage over 2 hits.
Grounder (67 IP): 984 damage over 3 hits.
Ice Sword (82 IP) : 500 Ice damage.
Jump Slash: 1200 damage. Does 1.5x against flying types.
Scatter Hit (75 IP): 1800 damage over 6 hits.

Deckard's Elemental Resists:
Fire with the Gold Shld (20 dfp loss).
Ice with the Crys Shld (20 dfp loss).
Thunder with Rubber Cap (85 dfp loss).
Thunder with the Rub Coat (120 dfp loss).
Darkness with the Silvr Shld (40 dfp loss).
Darkness with the Holy Cap (80 dfp loss).

Deckard's Status immunities:
Faint with the Plate Cap for 70 dfp. I'm not familiar with the status.

Deckard has damage! And durability! And some speed! And... not... much... else. Makes for a good Middle, really.


HP: 307
MP: 259
Dfp: 517
Spd: 189
Reg: 187

None (Can equip the Zirco Card, but it removes her shield, and fails anyway)
Holy Shld
Zirco Band
Clear Slik

Physical : *Tink* ( 165 damage over 3 hits with the Zirco Card)

Ruby's Spells:
Stronger (10 MP): Full Healing
Confuse (3 MP): 60% confuse.
Fire Dragon (50 MP): 400 fire damage
Ice Storm (50 MP): 400 Ice damage
Mute (3 MP): 60% chance of inflicting silence or so.
Mirror (8 MP): Reflects magic (positive or negative) for 3 turns including the casting turn. This can not be re-applied to herself. Those faster than her can attack her on the openings. This does not reflect psuedomagic.

Ruby's IPs:
Card Stream (100 IP): 400 damage over 7 hits with the Zirco Card.
Cursed Dice (25 IP): Take 25% CHP damage to raise a random stat 40% or heal her HP/MP. Even chance for anything.
Double Up (0 IP): Plays a card game that starts with your base IP and doubles it for every time you guess whether the next card will be higher or lower than the current card. If you guess wrong, you do 0 damage. You can stop anytime you wish to deal the current damage shown. Take this move as you will.
FortuneDice (100 IP): Even chance for any of the following.
1. Deals 175 damage.
2. Full healing.
3. Full MP healing
4. 1000 damage to an enemy.
5. Full Healing.
6. 1 HP in self damage.

Stealth Hit (75 IP): 410 ITD damage. (520 with the Zirco Card)
UltimateBet (100 IP) : Deals Ruby's CHP+CMP in damage. Reduces HP to 1.
Damage Dice (75 IP): Take 25% CHP damage to do a random attack on the enemy. The attacks are as follows
Rage: 20 damage to an enemy
Dark Splash: 450 dark damage.
Needle Shower: 100% paralysis
Samurai: 100% Instant Death attack.
Hell Flame: 850 fire damage
Spider's Nest: Enemy speed down 40%

Ruby's Elemental Resists:
Fire with the Red Beret for 55 dfp
Ice with the Blue Beret for 20 Dfp
Darkness with her default Holy Shield

Ruby > Zophar. Well, if she's really really lucky with Double-Up. In reality, she can only hope to get by in Middle off of good speed, healing, and some quirky options if she ever needs them.


HP: 347
MP: 184
Dfp: 417
Spd: 156
Reg: 199

Yurist's Equips:
Rune Rapier
Gold Shld
Plate Cap
Plate Knit

Physical: 200 holy damage. (350 with PP in effect)

Yurist's Spells:
Perish(4 MP): ~20% Instant Death.
Strongest (22 MP): Full Healing.

Yurist's IPs:
Scatter Hit (75 IP): 1200 damage over 6 hits. (1800 with PP)
Chakra (100 IP): Full HP/MP healing. Atp up 293, Dfp up 209, Speed up 79, Reg up 109. 1/2 returns for each use.
Pause Palm (48 IP): Atp up 234. does 300 damage. 100% paralyis.
Puzzle (100 IP): 666 damage and 100% confuse.
Strong Cure(30 IP): 75% healing.
Bolt Sword(75 IP): 650 Thunder damage.
Energy Punch (100 IP): 1150 damage. (1650 with PP)
Dash Attack (32 IP): 250 ITD damage.
Seal Palm (15 IP): *very* random MP damage to an enemy. From below 100 to above 700.

Yurist's Elemental Resists:
Fire with his default Gold Shld.
Ice with the Crys Shld.
Thunder with the Rubber Cap for 15 dfp.
Darkness with the Silvr Shld for 20 dfp.
Darkness with the Holy Cap for 10 dfp.

Yurist's Status Immunities:
Feint with his default Plate Cap. Never seen the status myself.

I think Yurist got screwed on equipment options for defense purposes... ah well. He shares Aima's kickass IPs (albeit, they cost more than Aima's for Wave reasons), he has elemental resists, and he has decentish stats, so he works as a Middle/Heavy.


HP: 429
MP: 304
Dfp: 558
Spd: 153
Reg: 208

Issac's Equipment:
Gold Shld
Magic Scle

Physical: 340 damage. 100% crit rate, so it is ITD.

Issac's Spells:
Firebird (25 IP): 300 Fire damage.
Thunder (20 MP): 350 thunder damage.
Ice Valk (25 MP): 340 Ice damage.
Confuse (3 MP): 60% confuse.
Perish (4 MP): ~20% chance of Instant Death.
Trick (): Atp up 125. Diminishing returns after each use.

Issac's IPs:
Hit & Hide (100 IP): 1450 dark damage.
OctoStrike (100 IP): 1800 damage over 8 hits.
Tune Up (25 IP): Raises Atp 250 and Map 119.
Heavy Noise (100 IP): ~60% chance each of ID, paralysis, sleep, and confuse.
Puzzle (100 IP): 666 damage and 100% confuse.
Jump Slash (96 IP): 900 damage. 1.5x to flying types.
Stealth Hit (75 IP): 800 dark damage. ITD

Issac's Elemental Resists:
Fire with the Gold Shield (default)
Ice with the Crys Shield.
Darkness with the Silver Shield for 20 dfp.

Issac's Status Immunities:
Confusion by default with the EmrldVisor
Paralysis with the NiteVision for 10 dfp.

Issac's got good durability, speed, and some damage if he gets up to 100 IP. He works as a Middle. Wishes he had competent healing.


HP: 268
MP: 473
Dfp: 539
Spd: 221
Reg: 249

Milka's Equips:
RuneRapier (Blood Rod. Like Seena and Melphis, she can use this to get +100 Reg)
Holy Shld
Zirco Band
Clear Slik

Physical: 150 holy damage (270 on a crit)

Milka's Spells:
Stronger (10 MP): Full healing.
Storm (40 MP): 400 thunder damage.
Fire Dragon (50 MP): 350 Fire damage.
Ice Storm (50 MP): 380 Ice damage.
Confuse (3 MP): 60% confuse.
X-Absorb (10 MP): 180 Parasitic damage.
Mirror (8 MP): Reflects magic (positive or negative) for 3 turns including the casting turn. This can not be re-applied to herself. Those faster than her can attack her on the openings. This does not reflect psuedomagic.
Mute (3 MP): 60% chance of inflicting silence or so. Hard to find enemies vulnerable.
Drowsey (3 MP): 60% sleep.
Zap(30 MP): 350 Holy damage.
Fry(10 MP): 200 Holy damage.
Defender( 10 MP): Raises Dfp by 162.

Milka's IPs:
Dash Attack (32 IP): 280 ITD damage.
Critical (100 IP): 900 ITD damage.
Accurate (15 IP): Raises speed by 88.
CrossMirage(100 IP): 820 damage over 3 hits.
F. Barrier (8 IP): Dfp up 215 and Reg up 99. 1/2 returns for each additional use.
Force Field (48 IP): Same as above, but MT.
Ice Sword( 82 IP): 250 Ice damage
Strong Cure(30 IP): 75% healing.

Milka's Elemental Resists:
Darkness with her default Holy Shld.

Milka wishes she had a better magic stat and durability. X-Absorb and Mirror off of her speed would be absolutely sick if she could get more healing out of it. As is, she's just a Low Heavy.

Egg Dragon!
HP: 999
MP: 999
Dfp: 999
Speed: 999
Reg: 999

Egg dragon will use one of these randomly each turn:
Physical: 450 damage.
Turn over: 300 fire damage.
Defend: Wasted turn.
Hard Boiled: Good chance of status effects. Poison, ID, sleep, paralysis...
Paste Egg: Full healing.
Scrambled Egg: 450 damage.
Sunny Side Up: 400 fire damage

Immune to damage that isn't ITD. Healers with good ITD damage should still take him just fine if they can avoid Hard Boiled. He's vulnerable to status too. Still Godlike though. And totally unrakable.

Stat averages.

-I'm not including Mousse in these. Kind of arbitrary, but he's not really a normal PC.

-I'm sure as hell not including the Egg Dragon in these. This should require no explanation <_<.

-I have yet to understand exactly how Dfp and Reg affect durability. I'm listing them anyway for completions sake.

HP: 387
Aima: 650
Deckard: 519
Wain: 472
Issac: 429
Dei: 417
Melphis: 361
Yurist: 347
Ruby: 307
Seena: 276
Milka: 268
Randolph: 218

Dfp: 524
Wain: 597
Dei: 582
Issac: 558
Deckard: 547
Milka: 539
Seena: 528
Ruby: 517
Randolph: 503
Melphis: 492
Aima: 490
Yurist: 417

Speed: 149 Stdev: 51. (my take on %s)
Dei: 224 (125.74%)
Milka: 221 (125.24%)
Ruby: 189 (116.97%)
Deckard: 168 (108.67%)
Yurist: 156 (103.23%)
Issac: 153 (101.83%)
Aima: 136 (93.93%)
Melphis: 123 (88.28%)
Wain: 114 (84.75%)
Seena: 101 (80.38%)
Randolph: 55 (71.96%)

Reg: 160.
Melphis: 260
Milka: 249
Issac: 208
Yurist: 199
Ruby: 187
Seena: 186
Dei: 160
Wain: 103
Randolph: 77
Deckard: 75
Aima: 62

Straight Damage average: 404
Deckard's Dark Sword: 500
Seena's Storm: 450
Melphis' Ice Storm: 450
Randolphs Dark Sword: 450
Wain's Dark Sword: 420
Aima's physical: 420
Dei's physical: 420
Milka's Storm: 400
Ruby's Fire Dragon: 400
Issac's Thunder: 350
Yurist's Physical: 200

5 turn average assuming 100 IP by turn 5: 3070 (614 damage a round).
Aima: 4860 (Physicalx3 + Scatter Hitx2)
Wain: 3880 (Dark Swordx4 + OctoStrike)
Deckard: 3800 (Dark Swordx4 + Scatter Hit)
Randolph: 3450 (Dark Swordx4 + AfterImage)
Dei: 3230 (Physicalx4 +OctoStrike)
Issac: 3200 (Thunder x 4 + OctoStrike)
Milka: 2500 (Stormx4 + Critical)
Seena: 2466 (Stormx4 + Puzzle)
Melphis: 2466 (Ice Stormx4 + Puzzle)
Ruby: 2000 (Fire Dragonx5)
Yurist: 2000 (Physicalx4 + Scatter Hit)

-Ultimate equips gotten through the Ancient Cave. Courtesy of Fenrir.

Max Blade: 550 Power, 5 crit.
Comments: Blah blah more damage.

Dark Card: 200 Map bonus.
Comments: She likes an extra 110 Magic attack power. Oh yes.*

Luna Blade: 666 power, 5 crit.
Comments: 666 being related to Randolph? I knew it. Also gets damage, but like that saves him.

Queen Whip: 400 power, 10 magic, 10 mdef, 5 crit
Comments: Pretty worthless overall. (She wants the magic boost from the Zircon Rod more.)

DeckerBlade: 510 power, 5 crit.
Comments: Blah blah damage. Not sure he actually gets more, with the damage average raising.

Wind Flute: 10 magic, 10 mdef, 5 crit
Comments: Gets completely screwed, since that flute allows him to heal instead of attacking for non-full healing.

Artea Bow: 60 HP, 200 power, 10 defense, 100 speed, 100 magic, 8 crit.
Comments: The HP and magic bonuses are nice for X-Absorb... But she can't use a shield. Not sure it's worth it.

Ancient Bracelet (Shield): 10 HP, 450 Power, 10 defense, 30 speed
Comments: Woah, +450 Power on a shield. Alma becomes badass.

Invisible Cloak (Armor): 10 MP, 250 speed
Comments: Totally worthless in game, could have some use in the DL. Dei trades his durability for a ton of speed. (this also adds that 20% evasion or so)

Fortune Dress (Armor): 10 MP, 300 defense, 10 speed
Comments: Blah blah defense.

Power Suit (Armor): 10 MP, 500 defense, 10 speed
Comments: See above.

Capsule Ring (Accessory): 343 HP, 333 MP, 333 power, 343 defense, 333 speed, 333 magic, 333 mdef.
Comments: Holy hell. Might do some other tests, he could end up as a middle.

Boss notes!

-My playthrough was that of a player rather experienced with the game. I also didn't run from enemy encounters or use Sweet Waters. So I had most of the good IPs and probably somewhat overlevelled.

-I included wave bonuses for PC stats. This matters mostly for HP and speed.

- I may be off on exactly how much they resist a specific element.

-Amon and Daos aren't balanced for duels in these forms. At all.

HP: 2500
Defense: 140 (average in dungeon is around 80). Still not a huge decrease in damage. about 20% or so.
Magic defense: Very slightly above average.
Speed 60.

Party stats: Level 19
Speed: Average 99. Stdev: 40.
HP: 181. (Aima is a bloody freak)
Average party damage: ~150
Major IPs: Energy Punch, Drive, Pause Palm, DoubleKick.

Destructo: 115 magic damage.
Curse: HP->1 and poison. Poison then kills at the end of the round. Immuning poison does not immune the HP->1.
Physical: ~70 damage.
Urge to Destroy: Attack power up 72/36/18 (halves with each use).
UtDx3 + physical: ~130 damage.
Spiritual force of destruction: 43 MT magic damage.

- Resists Ice and thunder by about 75%.
- Resists Dark by about 50%
- 1.5x weakness to Holy.
- Vulnerable to CHP gravity and stat-downs.

Look! Gade's doesn't fail! Solid enough 2HKO damage through Destructo, and Curse is just downright mean. Resisting thunder and Ice is nice. Holy weakness might bite him in the ass (it certainly does in-game). Still, the durability is not too good, and Curse isn't quite as vicious against the poison immune. Speed sucks ass too. PCs that can block poison and have healing should pull through easily enough. Godlike Bosses can take advantage of the bad speed and non-Godlike damage. A solid Heavy boss, and leagues better than his L2 form.

HP: 8000
Dfp: 304 (reduces physicals by about 15-20% or so)
Reg: 152 (reduces magic by a negligible amount)
Spd: 200

Party averages/notes: (not including Mousse) Lvl 34.
HP: 322
Average damage: 572 with cost-efficient IPs
Major IPs available: Scatter Hit, Grounder, Pause Palm, Holy Sword.
Speed: 104 avg. 43 stdev (Stdev is without boosts).
(the average goes up to 112 if you consider ghost/undead rings. Cat Ring's +300 is technically available by now as well)

Spiritual Force of Chaos: ~70 damage and 100% confuse. Multi-Target. Confuse forces victim to target random things with their physical, themselves included.
Physical: ~100 damage.

Chaos Black: Casts Mirror on the entire party. Can combo this with his other moves.
Mirror: Reflects magic cast at Amon. Can combo this with his other moves.
Silent Chaos: Dispels Mirror. MT. Does *not* dispel stat-ups. (a sneaky trick in-game to catch you reflecting a spell off of yourself). Can combo this with his other moves.

Thunder: 275 thunder damage.
Reduce : 350 damage dark class damage. Penetrates (and dispels) Mirror.
Firebird: 210 Fire damage. (reflected off of his Mirror)
Ice Valk: 250 Ice damage.
Champion: 280 healing (3% healing. Godly.)
Galactic Lancer: 444 ITD set damage. Ow. OW. OW.

-1.5x weakness to Holy damage.

Hot damn. Amon certainly got a kick up. Overkill damage, awesome speed, and acceptable durability. Pretty insane. Has an Anti-magic game with Mirror, and can combo it with Galactic Lancer so it doesn't even waste his turn. Hell, even if you don't scale bosses, he STILL has overkill damage off of good speed. He lacks the other Sinistral's elemental resists, but that hardly matters with that speed/damage. A High Godlike. Talk about your vast improvements, eh?

HP: 15000
**Dfp: 48 (increases incoming physical damage by about ~30%)
Reg: 200 (reduces magic by a small amount)
Speed: 120
**Damage bonus per hit is small compared to the average damage, but most of the high-end physical IPs are multi-hit by now (Scatter Hit and After Image).

Party stats:
HP: 365
Speed: 155 | Stdev: 54
Average damage: 1000 if everyone including mages is factored in. At this point however, you should be throwing out high-end IPs every round so it can rise to more than 1500.
Major IPs available: Scatter Hit, AfterImage, Holy Sword.

Physical: 120 damage.

Spiritual force of Terror: 130 magic damage and a chance of sleep/confuse/poison (~20% each).
Storm: ~500 focused Lightning damage.
Dark Zap: 220 damage to a row
Ice Storm: 520 to one target
Fire Dragon: ~500 damage to one target
Reduce: 480 dark damage. Penetrates and dispels Mirror.

Scary Memory: Target one person. If that person takes an action towards Daos, that action is reflected (hits a random member of the party). Reflects all actions against Daos. Positive or negative, Mirror ignoring or not. Does not wear off. Using this on a second target removes the effect from the first target. Reflects healing spells/items as well. Dying and being revived does not remove this effect. Reflects spells bounced off of a mirror. Essentially an instant-win, in a Duel.

Dark Reflector: Reflects the next attack thrown at Daos. Reflects even normally unreflectable spells. Does not reflect positive effects. A spell bounced off of a Mirror *does* penetrate it.

-Halves Thunder.
-Halves Ice
-Halves Fire.
-Halves Darkness
-1.5x weakness to Holy
-Vulnerable to CHP gravity.
-Vulnerable to stat-downs.


Good god. Daos wasn't balanced for a duel. Even if you make the call that bosses immune Scary Memory, he still has Dark Reflector and overkill damage of several different kinds to play with. His only weakness is mehish durability for a boss and bad speed. But the elemental resists are very solid and he is arguably unbeatable when he gets a turn. High Godlike.

Guard Daos
HP: 18000
Dfp: 1000 (SICK)
Reg: 512(see above)
Speed: 120

Party stats: See Erim's notes.

Spiritual Force of Destruction: ~200 to all
Spiritual Force of Chaos: ~110 to all + Confuse
Spiritual Force of Terror: ~110 to all + Daos' effects
Destructo: ~450 damage to 1. Gets higher with Dual Auras. Can push 800 after 3.
Dual Aura: All Stats up 50% !? Half returns after each use. This is evil incarnate.
Dark Reflector: As per Daos' Dark Reflector. Except this reflects 2 attacks.
Galactic Lancer: 444 to one.
Scream: HP->1 on three random targets

Comments: Holy. Hell. Not sure which is worse... the overkill damage, the DISGUSTING defenses, the sadistic stat boosting, or "Dark Reflector Mk 2: You lose". High Godlike. Whatever happened to that pussy final boss from Lufia 1?

HP: 16000
Dfp: 504 (average)
Reg: 200 (Somewhat above average)
Speed: 128

Party stats:
HP: 387
Speed: 180. Stdev 55.
Damage average: 1200 or so with IPs. The focused offense output should rise to well over 5000 a round if you use three of the nastier ones.
Major IPs: OctoStrike, Holy Sword, Scatter Hit, AfterImage.

Mirror: Reflects magic. Can be comboed with any of her other moves. (i.e. free action) Though if you are faster than her, you can smack her when it goes down. Runs out every 2-3 turns.

Spiritual Force of Death: ~50 damage and a 10% chance of ID.
Fry: ~80 Holy damage to all
Light: 175 to one
Physical: 150 to one
Dark Zap: 250 damage to a Column. Does not Focus.
X-Absorb: 400 damage to one. Parasitic. (3% healing. Start hyping.)
Mystic Light: ~50 damage to all

-Reduces Thunder damage to 25%
-Reduces Fire damage to 25%
-Reduces Dark damage to 25%
-Reduces Ice damage to 25%
-Takes 1.5x from Holy.
-Vulnerable to stat downs and CHP gravity.

Erim breaks the High Godlike trend. Her speed is sub-par and her OHKO isn't as clean as those of Amon and Daos. Mirror isn't foolproof either, since she's far slower than Amon and faster opponent's can use the openings to throw in magic. Her durability is also highly questionable, falling in but a few short rounds to focused high-end IPs. Still a boss with OHKO damage, just not Godlike. She'll have to be content with being a solid enough Heavy boss. It should be noted that this is arguably a legal form for Seena and vice versa, since plotwise Erim is masquerading as Seena rather than forced into a human form or something.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 12:33:36 AM by OblivionKnight »


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Re: Lufia: The Legend Returns (Lufia 3)
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2011, 05:14:16 AM »
Yo dawg, you forgot more bosses that are clearly balanced for duels!

Got bored, opened up a save, decided to quickly grab the stats.

Just Zalbak at the moment.  May do Egg Dragon and Iris at some point.  My levels are, as is par for the course, higher than those used by Pyro, and I do include a bit more into the averages.  Not like it really changes them much...

Zalbak, The Infernal God of Flame
HP: 25000
Dfp: Average
Reg: Average
Speed: 168% average
Acts three times per round

Party stats:
HP: 425
Speed: 200
Damage average: 1500 average if you factor IP attacks;  Some characters, like Aima, can easily do 7000+ with the right attacks, and you can always factor in Double-Up luck!!!!!!

Inferno: Reduces target to 1 HP
Mirror: Reflects magic (positive or negative) for 3 turns including the casting turn.  This does not reflect psuedomagic.  May be cast on any target, ally or opponent.
Spiritual Force of the Evil Flame: Inflicts poison, sleep, paralysis, and mute at 100% accuracy
Ice Storm: 520 magical ice damage
Cakramdite: 200 magical damage, full-screen MT
Zap: 500 magical holy damage
Fire Dragon: 520 magical fire damage
Fake: +84 Spd
Storm: 520 magical thunder damage
Spell Break: +225 Dfp (I doubt this is the actual effect, based on the name, but...this is all I've seen it do!)
Reduce: 480 magical dark damage, penetrates and dispels Mirror
Dark Zap: 320 magical dark damage to a column

-Reduces Thunder damage to 25%
-Absorbs Fire damage
-Reduces Dark damage to 25%
-Reduces Ice damage to 25%
-Takes 1.5x from Holy.
-Vulnerable to stat downs and CHP gravity.

He's documented to have a lot more attacks, but I haven't personally seen them, so not noted.  NOT LIKE THEY MATTER AT ALL.  Is fairer than Daos, only to the extent that you can (theoretically) out-fight him, and he lacks the instant-win button of Scary Memory.  Also purely physical, unless I missed something.  Clearly a balanced Light in a duel by all means, due to these failings.

[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Lufia: The Legend Returns (Lufia 3)
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2013, 08:03:22 PM »
Pyro: Did you test if IP gain rates vary by character or gear? I was getting a little weirdness when testing IP gain rates on Aima with the Bunny Ears. It was pretty similiar to Lufia 2's system otherwise.

Edit: Isaac starts with Stronger due to his default Mind Ring.  That is going to be full healing off his INT.

Note to self: L39 or so for Amon, L53 for Daos.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2013, 09:04:56 PM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...