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Re: Movies
« Reply #575 on: October 12, 2009, 07:07:35 PM »
Also, Harry, I totally share your love of the Interracial lovin'. First Cho Chang, now cute waitress girl. I dig it. M&Ms, bro. Different outside, same sweet candy that you crave on the inside.

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Re: Movies
« Reply #576 on: October 12, 2009, 07:20:12 PM »
Awesome. I will eventually regain my post as most quoted DLer.

Also, I forgot one of the movies I'd seen:

Rear Window ~
Alfred Hitchcock makes good movies. Rear Window is no exception. Having to read an article about all the Fruedian symbolism in the movie is just DREADFUL. Especially because I read the article first and then tried to see what the author meant, and determined that the author was batshit.

I love editing my posts. Anyhow, Piggyman, Zenny is an idiot, and Lost in Translation is an absolute pile of dreck, and Bill Murray is an idiot if he thought he deserved an award for his performance.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2009, 07:22:20 PM by Veryslightlymad »


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Re: Movies
« Reply #577 on: October 12, 2009, 09:08:22 PM »
The Great Escape ~ An excellent movie, as we all know. I want to be James Garner when I grow up. Kind of infuriating how this is known as a "James Dean" movie when it's such a huge ensemble piece. Also, Dean is nowhere NEAR as sexy as Garner, so what the fuck, Americans?

You're thinking of Steve McQueen. James Dean died a few years before The Great Escape. Anyway, yeah, it is really an ensemble film. Movie studios just have this strange need to put a face on things for promotional purposes (preferably the most famous face involved in the project, regardless of how important they actually are to it).

The Third Man ~ I did not expect Nudity in a movie from this time period. That said, the movie didn't do anything for me. I liked the little speech about humans being ants and about what war and peace do to civilization, which is a big part of why the movie is famous. Other than that, I just sort of found the whole thing boring.

There's nudity in The Third Man? I don't even remember that (and I own the movie). When/where?

Also, that "There is a man---A CERTAIN MAN!" thing is gonna be stuck in my head for weeks.

And now it's stuck in my head. Thanks.

As usual, I am in the "No way, Lost In Translation was awesome" crowd, but that's been hashed over before. At least you liked The Conversation and Citizen Kane. Gene Hackman is better than us.


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Re: Movies
« Reply #578 on: October 12, 2009, 11:05:09 PM »
I am INDEED thinking of Steve McQueen, can tell the two actors apart, yet I always, always ALWAYS reverse their names. Every damn time.

As for the Nudity: It's in the background. When he's getting rip-roaring drunk, he's doing it at a strip or burlesque show, and a woman is parading around topless in the background she's either
A)Nude and has big nipples or
B)Has those little stripper star-like-patches that cover up your nipples, but COME ON that's basically nude anyhow. And still way more risque than I'd expect of the time period.

So yeah, what we've learned about VSM:
I can ignore the plot of a movie COMPLETELY the instant that breasts show up. I could use a girlfriend or six. (One for each day of the week, keeping the Sabbath holy--and for threesomes.)

Another thing I forgot to mention when I talked Citizen Kane: There were parts of the movie where I was juuuuuuuuuuuust about ready to bust out laughing, because I'd remember Mrs. Pells Frozen Fish Sticks, and how they're even better when you're dead.

Wheee, four for four!
Another thing I noticed when watching Citizen Kane/The Third Man

Is it like, some kind of tradition for someone to say something to Joseph Cotten and him to look at them all weird and respond "I'm DRUNK!" I swear he did this in both films.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2009, 11:09:56 PM by Veryslightlymad »


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Re: Movies
« Reply #579 on: October 12, 2009, 11:40:30 PM »
The Third Man was a British production, so maybe that had something to do with it (I wouldn't have thought England especially more lax in this regard than the U.S. at that time, but yeah, I can't really imagine an American movie circa 1949 getting away with that). And the word you were looking for was "pasties."

As for Rear Window...ow to having to put up with that kind of article. Hitchcock made thrillers. Technically skillful ones, sure, but the writer there has to have been overthinking it.


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Re: Movies
« Reply #580 on: October 13, 2009, 12:37:25 AM »
On the note of Butterfly Effect... I dunno.  I like the movie conceptually and it works out okay in execution, but I can't help feeling that having abetter dramatic actor than Ashton in the lead role would have helped quite a bit.  He's just not natural there, distracting.

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Re: Movies
« Reply #581 on: October 13, 2009, 01:11:07 AM »
I am INDEED thinking of Steve McQueen, can tell the two actors apart, yet I always, always ALWAYS reverse their names. Every damn time.

Another thing I forgot to mention when I talked Citizen Kane: There were parts of the movie where I was juuuuuuuuuuuust about ready to bust out laughing, because I'd remember Mrs. Pells Frozen Fish Sticks, and how they're even better when you're dead.

Odd. I usually confuse William Holden and Steve McQueen.

And thanks. I have the Monty Burns version of "There is a Man" stuck in my head now.


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Re: Movies
« Reply #582 on: October 13, 2009, 09:33:15 PM »
Just watched Godzilla, Mothra, and King Ghidorah: All Out Giant Monster Attack.

This movie is 3 prior to Godzilla: Final Wars, but I heard its one of the better of the Millenium series.  It...was a bit disappointing.  One reason is the big monster brawl at the end wasn't quite what I was expecting.  The Special effects looked pretty sweet, but I felt there was too much focus on the military's "WE MUST STOP GODZILLA!" instead of the actual fight at hand, which is usually the climax of these movies.

There's actually a 4th monster in the movie, Baragon, but I can see why he was left out of the title.  First off, he wasn't in the final battle; he was just a guy before hand who faces off against Godzilla, and well, gets his ass kicked...badly.  It was pretty pathetic; he bites godzilla's arm, then Godzilla tosses him around a bit, finally blasting him.  I can see why they chose him though; no one gives a shit about Baragon, so he works for someone to get his ass kicked badly early on.

I mean,seriously...Baragon? I know most of you don't know much about Kaiju, but just know that Godzilla, Mothra and Ghidorah are the most recognizable faces for Toho movies, where as Baragon didn't even play a remotely worthwhile role in Destroy All Monsters (the original big monster Toho fest, where they used pretty much ALL their monsters.)  So yeah, I really felt they tossed him in cause hey, he's barely used, why not giev him some "love" and let him have a fight with Godzilla where he gets his ass kicked?

The real show was Godzilla vs. Mothra/Ghidorah.  Godzilla vs. Mothra is nothing special; we've seen this multiple times, let alone Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah...but Mothra and Ghidorah teaming up is just "what?" as is Ghidorah being a good guy, LET ALONE the Ultimate Heroic Figure.  The fight itself was kind of neat, being in the city at night, and starting off with Godzilla vs. Mothra only, with Ghidorah joining midway and the fight slowly escalatnig to Godzilla vs. Ghidorah, whose slowly evolving into the more classic version (Ghidorah at first is utterly pathetic, not even able to fly!  But as the fight progresses, he slowly evolves, and by the end, he's the classic version.)

What I found intriguing was how they handled Ghidorah's Roar.  Now, all Toho monsters have a distinct roar that's consistent throughout the series; at most, they rerecord it with slighy variations.
Ghidorah was interesting cause at first, he sounds nothing like himself...but when he finally starts evolving, his roar becomes a modified version of his classic one.  Nice to hear a modern rendition of it, contrast to Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah where they just changed it entirely into something that sounds like Rodan (not...that I don't like how it sounds, just when you see a monster you know, you associate certain sounds with them.)  I was worried the old sound effect was gone for good (I can't tell if Ghidorah's Sound is the same in Final wars or not, cause of all the other audio going on, but...then, that's apparently "Kaiser Ghidorah" so they have an excuse! <_<)

One thing this movie does that no other Godzilla movie has ever really done?
Focus on just how cruel and horrible Godzilla's destruction can be.  In most movies, he's just toppling buildings, and at most, we see corpses.  Here?  we actually see people getting stepped on, people getting slammed WHILE IN BUILDINGS, people actually getting nuked by his breath, what have you.  It makes it seem a lot worse than usual, which was actually neat.  The most disturbing part is this one:

Hospital room, there's a girl there with a broken leg, restrained to her bed.  She looks outside, see's Godzilla.  Tries to get up to run, but can' she's in immense fear for her life and she quite literally can't do anything about it but watch as Godzilla just inches closer.  Eventually, Godzilla just walks bye, and she has a sigh of relief...
...then the tail slams RIGHT INTO HER ROOM out of nowhere.  I believe it even shows the tail pop up from her PoV through the window, then shifts to outside and we watch it slam through her room.  Really quite a "holy shit" scene, cause they've never been Godzilla's destructive merits...or any monster on the Daikaiju scale; the closest we get are the teaser GIANT BUGS killing a person here or there (by which I mean, the bugs are basically the size of horses, instead of several story buildings.)

Anyway, not sure which I'll watch next...maybe I'll hate myself enough to find Son of Godzilla and watch that...or watch one of the modern Mechagodzilla Movies, which apparently are decent.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2009, 09:38:52 PM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
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Re: Movies
« Reply #583 on: October 14, 2009, 07:50:52 PM »
Babel, 5/5. Similar story structure-wise as Crash. Definitely didn't have the endings I wanted in either three arcs of the movie, but for once - that didn't make the movie suck. With the Mexican storyline, I was extremely upset for multiple reasons even if she was an illegal immigrant. I was also upset with the final choice she decided to make in the desert, but it was a choice she HAD to make unless she wanted to directly put the children in more harm. This wasn't fleshed out enough because the condition of the children were skirted in the end of this arc.

My favorite arc was the Tazarine, though the Japanese one was sort of on par in quality. I just didn't prefer the intense sexual subject in the Japanese one - it was almost like art - an excuse to show the female nude body. The Tazarine arc definitely shows the opposite side to American crazy "omg terrorist attack" issues and they do not skirt any of the violence. Fairly upset with the way it ends continually focusing on the American tourists rather than the Tazarine family and the white woman's phobia for brown people. I think this was intentional though as their positions are constantly skirted besides the death tolls that rack up. Using a white woman had its pros too - white women in many racial movies sort of represent the emotional fear of whatever X is. This isn't to say that brown people can't represent X either, but Babel really made everything extreme, white and black to get its point across. Anyway. It was almost a 3 hour movie and the pacing definitely didn't show that (coughlotrcough). It's been a while since I watched a long movie and didn't notice its length. Good stuff.

Natural City 2/5. Too. . . .  it wasn't very coherent.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2009, 07:52:24 PM by Idun »


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Re: Movies
« Reply #584 on: October 16, 2009, 04:10:45 AM »
Son of Godzilla: Continuing my current kick, watched this!  It was the only movie in the Showa Series I had not seen at all (though, never saw all of Godzilla vs. The Smog MOnster or Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster...funny cause Hedora and Eboras get their asses kicked at the EXACT SAME TIME in Godzilla Final Wars...though,  the latter looked kind of meh and the former looked like you need to be 5 years old to appreciate it...or just have a level of crack that makes you equate Godzilla to CAPTAIN PLANET)

Anyway, what can I say about this movie?  It looks really bad compared to the last two I saw...but that's not fair; special effects in the modern era for movies that specialized on Monsters beating the shit out of each other vs. Special Effects in a 1960s movie that was meant to be geared towards younger children!

...and no, I don't mean this is one of those "Family" Flicks where a 5 year old can love it as much as a 35 year old, just on different levels; the movie is meant for kids.  Its basically "watch Godzilla be a dad!"  as the name would imply.  Yeah, there are some amusing moments, but seriously, outside of the fight scenes with the monsters, which are some of the lamest.  Kamacarus (IN HIS DEBUT! ...cause people really gave a shit about the large preying mantis with no super powers) was basically "Godzilla power bombs them, then fries their ass."  Kumonga?  Outside of one moment when Godzilla THROWS A ROCK at it, its just a lot of Fire Breath vs. SPIDER WEB!  Uh, yeah, this isn't exactly the highlight of Godzilla fights...

The Human even laughable by Godzilla Human plot standards.  Guys are on an island doing experiments with weather and shit, random reporter jumps down from a plane on a pure hunch cause he thinks there's a story, ends up part of the crew cause he's stuck there.  They meet some island chick whose SORT OF A NATIVE, they need to find a way off the island before Kumonga (the giant spider), awakens.

...speaking of which, Kumonga being the main villain is proof Toho didn't give half a shit about this movie's quality, and just wanted to make something that only a 5 year old kid could watch.  Kumonga is a giant spider.  Giant Spidres are one of the most used Giant Monster stereotypes in the past, especially Pre-Godzilla.  As you might have guessed, all he can do is SHOOT WEBS.  He has a stinger, but its completely pointless cause it requires Godzilla getting up close and...yeah...

...yeah, I'll just stop here.  This movie did the not-smart thing of gearing it towards younger children.  I'd question how Godzilla still has credibility after this movie and Godzilla's Revenge, but then I remember Destroy All Monsters existed in between both, which is more in tune with a typical Godzilla movie, rather than "hey kids, Godzilla is cool no?"

Next up, Godzilla vs. Biollante.  Actually kind of looking forward to this one, cause Biollante appeared in BOTH SNES Godzilla games, and is the only one I don't really know much about, and its odd cause this is quite literally his only movie (barring a quick mention in Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla)
« Last Edit: October 16, 2009, 04:14:11 AM by Meeplelard »
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[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Movies
« Reply #585 on: October 16, 2009, 05:52:12 AM »
If I'm not mistaken, Biollante is the biggest of all Kaiju.  Also rather amusing to play as in Godzilla Unleashed game.


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Re: Movies
« Reply #586 on: October 16, 2009, 09:13:11 AM »
Sympathy for Mister Vengeance -

 .  . . . has anyone else seen this movie?


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Re: Movies
« Reply #587 on: October 16, 2009, 11:14:47 AM »
Yes.  I think a number of people here did, back in the days when Otter and company were around?  Park Chan-Wook is awesome, regardless.


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Re: Movies
« Reply #588 on: October 16, 2009, 02:17:01 PM »
Yeah back in the days we had people with taste in movies who enjoyed discussing them (Fenrir, Otter) that trilogy made its way through the group.
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Re: Movies
« Reply #589 on: October 16, 2009, 02:58:24 PM »
If I'm not mistaken, Biollante is the biggest of all Kaiju.  Also rather amusing to play as in Godzilla Unleashed game.

He's definitely in running for it, that's for sure.  The only one who might be larger is Orga, and even then I'm not sure.

I've seen Biollante some in a few of the games (namely the 2 SNES ones), so yeah, I know a bit about what he can do (Acid and Tentacles), what he looks like, and even his roar!  Just haven't seen the movie with him.  Apparently, the idea behind Biollante was another one of these "contest" monsters and plots, just unlike Jet Jaguar, they were going for something serious instead of CORNBALL SUPER HERO ROBOT.
I think they actually made a good choice, based on what I know, as Biollante has a pretty cool and menacing design, and Godzilla has never actually fought a plant monster before; lots of dinosaurs, robots and bugs, and even a Cyborg Bird with a Buzz Saw on its chest...but never a mutant plant.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2009, 03:00:06 PM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Movies
« Reply #590 on: October 16, 2009, 07:56:22 PM »
Superman/Batman: Public Enemies - This is basically "Superman and Batman Punch The DC Universe," and does a pretty good job of it, with the added bonus of bringing Tim Daly, Kevin Conroy and Clancy Brown back as Superman, Batman and Lex Luthor. It all kinda falls apart in the last fifteen minutes - it's going for over-the-top craziness but it just turns out dumb, and that's not a statement I make lightly when the over-the-top crazy involves a gigantic Batman robot. Before that it's good fightin', though. 

Edit: Also, they replaced Efrem Zimbalist, the guy who voiced Alfred in the DCAU, with the actor who did Norman's voice in The Big O. Recursion is fun.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2009, 08:03:18 PM by Shale »
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Re: Movies
« Reply #591 on: October 17, 2009, 12:25:04 AM »
Yes.  I think a number of people here did, back in the days when Otter and company were around?  Park Chan-Wook is awesome, regardless.

I just finished Sympathy for Mister Vengeance on Netflix last night around 4AM [funny that, when I couldn't sleep, even a sullen movie couldn't put me to sleep]. The first installment isn't exactly groundbreaking for me though. I found that I was appreciating the characters Chan-Wook created and the minute and random gore that wasn't exactly thriller more than the overall storyline. Perhaps it becomes much more intriguing when people debate whether sympathy is necessary or not? How to explain . . . .

Ryu is clearly a tragic and unfortunate character. His situation is magnified by the fact that he is deaf and mute (I don't like deaf and dumb, k?). Is he responsible for the daughter if he is consciously unable to recognize events going on behind him? Or should he have been thinking better? Does it make him a bad person? Should Hammurabi's eye for an eye really be enacted or should he be made even more of a victim to his disabilities? I liked this external struggle. Yeong-mi felt like an addition to the movie to elucidate and voice perhaps more subconscious thoughts of Ryu to the viewer (you have to disassociate herself with her personality and the rebellion). She was, in my opinion, an extension of Ryu which mediates the last minutes of the movie into a favorable ending depending on whose side you pick.

Dong-jin? I do not know where to start. It's great to see both sides of the story, but I felt that perhaps. . .  he was a bit more undeveloped and his domination in many of the latter scenes that seemed to stick to more to an overarching aspect of the storyline rather than character development. . .  that made his character a bit more lacking. I guess I would have preferred some sort of personal dialog rather than commentary about his situation as his motives and actions do become rather insane. The issue between a parent's loss is clear, but besides the snippet of the issue with his wife, you really just see a father who is interested in providing for his child. Once things happen, and he faces Ryu with regret, I felt that his action relied more on redeeming his masculinity rather than filling a void. I took it that way because of what happened to Yeong-mi seemed sufficient in terms of balancing the disorder of loss rather than a rampage that comes from little fleshiness.

I didn't quite like the black market story. It came in hiccups really to channel  . .  or make Ryu's actions an obligation or impetus for "vengeance," in its many realizations in the movie and to quickly finish his sister's arc. The characters were quite human though. That's always nice, rather than seeing common contrived pros/antagonists. The gore was gorey, yeah. Pretty nice. Sort of surpassed Quentin Tarantino's attempt of dialog and situation (chair-ear scene). Good movie . .  I just felt like something things were rushed too fast, and some things were prolonged too much. It's just noticeable in the prolonged areas (pretty much Dong-Jin's screentime) that I felt there should have been more fleshiness!


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Re: Movies
« Reply #592 on: October 17, 2009, 01:24:52 AM »
Old Boy next.

Edit - Old Boy is the one that is the real masterpiece of the lot.
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Re: Movies
« Reply #593 on: October 17, 2009, 01:48:29 AM »
Yeah, I'm watching Oldboy tonight. I was told the trilogy is good in terms of 2-3-1 rather than 1-2-3.


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Re: Movies
« Reply #594 on: October 17, 2009, 07:20:28 PM »
Finished Oldboy. Extremely, extremely disturbing subject matter. I don't know what it is, but the last few asian films I've watched deal with incest, child pornography and awkward sex scenes. It's . . .

Anyway. 5/5. I'm dissatisfied with the way the despicable character in the elevator went out. Even if he is trying to make the other man feel his pain from the past, he is feeling agony over something he was "forced" to not control. So the parallel between Odaisu(?) and Mr. Despicable (in my case, I don't remember or know how to spell their names) isn't substantial. The action isn't either. Granted, they both committed the same act. One was remorseful, disgusted, apologetic. The other one was protective, complicit, accepting of it. I can't find myself to hate Odaisu, but I can find myself hating the other guy.

Yeeeeah, this'll teach me to talk about people out loud. Someone in elementary school may be plotting against me.


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Re: Movies
« Reply #595 on: October 18, 2009, 02:24:16 AM »
Tyranitar vs. Venusaur aka Godzilla vs. Biollante:  The next movie in the Kaiju series by Toho I hadn't seen...that's worth seeing (so no, Varan, you don't count...nor do you "Frankenstein Conquers the World" or "The Mysterians" or "Battle of the Gargantuans."  You all suck and are obscure...and one of you introduced FREAKING BARAGON *mocks*)

Anyway, this movie follows Tyranitar 1985, which was a huge step up from the previous Tyranitar movies (last one being the Terror of Mechatyranitar) in terms of special effects, be it explosions, Tyranitar's Hyper Beam, or just portraying Tyranitar as a menancing beast of death, especially since he slowly became cute.  Special Effects are generally about what you'd expect for a movie in the late 80s; they look a bit dated, but they aren't a total joke either, so they're still good stuff, if nothing ground breaking.  Though, seeing this movie after "Son of Tyranitar" makes the visuals look really damn good in comparison!

This movie is one I didn't know much about; I mean...I saw Venusaur in the SNES games, so I knew some of her (yes, its a female Kaiju...this is the second one ever after Butterfree...ok, so one of the Aerodactyls in the movie "Aerodactyl" was female, but that one died, and only the male one got canonized and such, so doesn't count!) attacks, her screech, and her general design, but the plot behind her?  yeah, I just knew "plant spliced with Tyranitar."  Reading the back of the box years ago, I thought it sounded lame; Tyranitar vs. a Plant? SERIOUSLY!?

Though, this would probably explain why the movie was unsuccessful, but in truth?  it ends up being far more enjoyable than I expected, and thus can agree that its a sleeper hit of sorts; decent movie for the genre, just not very well known, and pales compared to some of the really awesome ones (Tyranitar Final Wars anyone?).  First off, the late 80s special effects and visuals add a lot to the movie that the earlier era sort of lacked, so it had that as an advantage.  It also had a coherent plotline that was almost kind of interesting, rather than just "Story that leads to oversized Pokemon beating the shit out of each other", so the human scenes weren't as boring.  Furthermore?  The Army scenes were kind of fun to watch this time.  First off, it wasn't just the same old "Military uses Missiles! Its not very effective...  Tyranitar uses Hyper Beam! Its Super Effective! Military Faints!"...make no mistake, those scenes existed, but they felt meaningful here, as they made it clear they knew that simple bombs don't work on Tyranitar, and they were just trying to stall him for Super X Mk 2 to appear, which actually had some features that sound like they'd genuinely WORK on Tyranitar, like a Mirror Shield to deflect Hyper Beam back at Tyranitar's face, and they were planning on using Organic Weapons that sound like they should hurt Tyranitar rather well (they eat Radioactivity, you see); this meant that for once, humans were approaching things a little more logically than just "FIRE LIKE MANIACS UNTIL WE'RE ALL DEAD, OR HOPE HE RUNS AWAY FIRST!"

The whole "Science = Grey" thing was...well, sappy, but it worked in context of the plot.  Furthermore, Venusaur evolving throughout was neat, such that the big reveal at the end where she appears in her huge monstrous threatening form, one that actually looks like it might stand a chance against Tyranitar, was neat.  Yeah, for someone whose only been in one movie, Venusaur made a good impression, and I can see why they like to bring her into Video Games; she deserves another movie at some point in the future...

It was overall good fun, and ended up liking it more than I expected.  Venusaur being a more interesting monster than I expected didn't hurt, as did the general plot behind the monster this time too...I think Venusaur is also the first Tyranitar Clone (no, Mechatyranitar doesn't count; that's just a robot that is built to loosely resemble him <_< ) so yeah.

Anyway, next up is Tyranitar vs. Mechatyranitar 2!


For those who are lost in this nonsense of Pokemon references, here's a list of what each thing stands for...
  Note that I didn't care enough when just mentioning random shit in the first paragraph cause those monsters are all obscure piles of shit that no one cares about <_<
Tyranitar = Godzilla (Mechatyranitar should be obvious)
Venusaur = Biollante
Aerodactyl = Rodan
Butterfree = Mothra
Hyper Beam = Godzilla's Trademark Breath attack
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Movies
« Reply #596 on: October 19, 2009, 01:41:05 AM »
Watched another movie last night, cause it was streamed, and then a different movie altogether this I'll rant about both!

Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II: The only Heisei Godzilla film I haven't seen, which means all that's left are various millennium movies!

Anyway, Mechagodzilla is a neat concept, and the recreation of his design was kind of neat, but...honestly, in the end, he's just not good at making interesting fights.  Its just a lot of LASERS and shit, while Godzilla tries various means of Melee, or Atomic Breaths and...yeah...he just ends up being not as cool as he should be.

However, beyond the tame, repetitive fight scene with Mechagodzilla, the movie itself wasn't too bad.  Main reason?  It had Rodan.  WHy Rodan?  Cause Ghidorah was killed 2 movies ago (actually, this is an important plot point, cause they mention Mecha-King Ghidorah) and Mothra's busy going off, attempting to thwart Sephiroth's plans by blowing up an evil meteor HEAD they resort to good old death Pteranodon.  Which is fine by me; Rodan's pretty awesome.  The arbitrary fight between him and Godzilla early on lifted the movie a bit, especially since its nice to see they haven't forgotten the whole "yes, Rodan can hold his own against Godzilla", and I finally got to see the so called "Fire Rodan", which is to say "Rodan who can shoot Atomic Death Beams like Godzilla", which was certainly nice.  Also had a more interesting fight with Mechagodzilla than Godzilla himself.  Just nice to see Rodan in action again, having a prevalent role, rather than a minor one like in Final Wars...

MIND! His Final Wars appearance, brief as it was, was pretty damn good, especially since he probably had the single best entrance of any monster, and some of the best visuals were associated with him.  I believe I said it once before, but I'll repeat myself anyway:
Rodan, for a simplistic idea (giant Pteranadon) is made completely and totally bad ass.

Also this movie introduced Godzilla's alternative son, Godzilla Jr...aka Baby...aka Little depends which movie really.  Unlike Minya, HE SERVES A PRACTICAL PURPOSE THIS MOVIE (and in the following two as well), other than just being "hey look at the cute little Godzilla, and isn't Godzilla a sweet daddy ^^."  Not going to get into details, just to spare you, its just nice seeing a Baby Godzilla who doesn't look like a total joke, and serve a genuine purpose (make no mistake; the baby *IS* clearly trying to be cute, but it actually looks like it might be related to Godzilla, instead of "Reptilian Pillsbury Dough Boy")

So yeah, it was decent enough, much like the rest of the Heisei Series (Godzilla 1985 til Godzilla vs. Destroyah), so I can safely say now that the entire stretch of movies was overall nice.

The other movie...rather than go onto Godzilla vs. Megagarius (2nd movie in Millennium series, and next one I haven't seen), Hatbot said I should change my pace, and go back to 1960s Kaiju movies, and start a series I haven't really any experience with!  That being...

Gamera the Invincible:
Its a black and white Giant Monster movie, so I wasn't expecting much.  Its about what you'd expect; cheesey special effects, fake looking monster, what have you.  I'm not sure why it was popular enough to merit its own series though...I guess the idea of UFO TURTLE has some sort of appeal, but the movie itself didn't really do anything ground breaking.  There's a lot more boring human talking nonsense than should be in a Kaiju, as its all just "What are we going to do about Gamera!?" and the actual execution of the plans is like 10% of the movie total, and the giant monster destroying things is probably about 5 minutes of footage total?  Ok, understatement, but still, its not much.

Contrast this to the original Godzilla: King of the Monsters for a second.  It did take a while for him to appear (Gamera appears earlier, I'll grant that), but...a good deal of the movie is him stomping all over Tokyo, destroying shit.  Its slow, accompanied by Godzilla's Theme, which adds that ominous feel to it, and sets a much darker mood.  Gamera's version is just "Rar, GIANT TURTLE SMASH!" and its over pretty fast before they go into "WE MUST DESTROY THE MONSTER!" The music didn't help either; no, I don't really expect something to match Godzilla's theme for fitting "GIANT MONSTER KILLS ALL" but Gamera's music didn't really add anything to the scene.  I picture Godzilla's famous destruction of Tokyo to different music, and it definitely loses something.

Gamera himself...well, there were times he actually looked menacing; mostly the close up facial shots of him.  Those did look genuinely scary, but the full body shots looked more ridiculous than anything else.  Again, compared to Godzilla where these far full body shots had this somewhat intimidating appearance to it, especially since he was ENTIRELY BLACK (partially cause of the whole Black and White footage thing, but that just added to the movie, if you ask me), so he gave off this image of being an evil destructive force, rather than just a generic giant monster.  No, Godzilla didn't really LOOK realistic (he's still a guy in a rubber suit), but just the way he was portrayed felt more effective than Gamera, where they had a lot of overhead or far distance shots, which are ineffective ways to make a monster look menacing.
Oh, and the roar is generic too!  Godzilla's original roar...well, it sounded primitive and hard to understand, but hey, it did sound like it could be scary!  Gamera's more a generic wail.

Again, this is all compared to Godzilla: King of the Monsters, NOT later films, so this is still fair game.  Why am I doing this comparison?  Cause Godzilla: king of the Monsters was an immense success in regards to the genre and somewhat revolutionized things from what I understand, in the sense of how Giant Monster Movies were handled after it; most of them emulate Godzilla style rampage.  Gamera, being as big as it was for making a series, I expected more out of, just felt lacking a lot compared to Godzilla.

But you know, comparing it to Godzilla is a bit unfair; that's like saying a Fighting Game in the early 90s didn't live up to Street Fighter 2.  Actually, that is a good comparison; Godzilla is the Street Fighter 2 of Daikaiju movies (Immensely popular, revolutionized the genre, etc.), Gamera's kind of like the Fatal Fury (a somehow successful clone of the other, despite not really doing anything THAT original.)

...but then I noted when Gamera was made, and this is what really makes me disrespect the movie:

I know you're thinking "Why do you expect more out of a 60s movie? Come on!"  Well, thing is?  You know how I'm comparing it to Godzilla?

Godzilla was made in 1954.  11 years before Gamera.  That means they had 11 years of stuff to work with, and there's really no excuse they couldn't at least live up to the standards as a result.  If it was only a few years later, and there weren't many movies made?  That'd be one thing, but by the time Gamera came out, Toho already released Godzilla Raids Again,  Rodan and Mothra; that's 3 movies that did it more interesting than Gamera after Godzilla King of the Monsters came out...and 2 of them were even in color!  I left King Kong vs. Godzilla off that list, since that movie is a completely different style, as is Godzilla films made afterwords; I won't get into that.  

That's the thing that makes me wonder; why was Gamera so big?  Wasit really just cause he's an interesting designed monster?  That's about all I can think of.  I look at other popular monsters and can see at least something big about the monster or the movie they came from:

King Kong, while not Kaiju (he's American), was pretty much the true Grandfather of Giant Monster Movies.  While not the first, this movie was possibly the most successful one of all time, had AMAZING special effects for the time, and...yeah.  For a movie made in 1933, its really quite a "HOLY SHIT" perspective.  It didn't really dawn on me until relatively recently just how ground breaking this movie was; I use to think "oh, good special effects for the time, but its just a giant ape."  recently, I thought about it and went "This movie was made 21 years before the original Godzilla" and suddenly, my respect for it rose dramatically.  I understood why it was a classic, but now my general thought is "If you cannot respect this movie, you really have absolutely no taste and cannot put things into perspective AT ALL."
Point is, King Kong deserves every single ounce of respect he gets, and those who say otherwise are Batman and Robin fanboys!

Godzilla: King of the Monsters is essentially the Street Fighter 2 of Daikaijuu movies.  Its the movie that set the standard for how Giant Monster Movies should be from that point on.  It set an overall tone that Giant Monster Movies should have, made him look actually menacing (King Kong...never came off as quite scary beyond his initial appearance I felt, but then, I don't quite think King Kong was suppose to be absolutely menacing in the same way; they did portray a sympathetic side of him, and in the end, you kind of pity the monster.)  While the series did decay quite a bit from its original purpose (even ignoring the propaganda nature of it) until the mid 80s where it regained the "Godzilla is an evil monster destroying everything!" aspect again, this does not detract from what this movie did to the genre.

Rodan...didn't really do much special...EXCEPT that from what I can tell, it was the first Giant Monster Movie to be done entirely in color, and it followed Godzilla by only 2 years.  So yeah, in that regard, its got something.

Mothra took a unique take on the giant monster for once.  Rather than portray the monster as something clearly evil (Godzilla), misunderstood (Rodan), or an innocent creature who just gets pushed to its limits where its rampage is understandable (King Kong), Mothra was clearly benevolent.  The bad guys were clearly the douche humans who were killing people, imprisoning the fairies, etc. and Mothra was meant to be heroic, coming to save the day, despite the destruction involved.  Yes, she destroyed stuff along the way, but that's more a case of collateral damage.  They make it clear Mothra's not actually trying to destroy anything, its just kind of happening along the way; once she gets what she wants, she leaves.  She could have very easily taken revenge, destroy everything, etc. like you'd expect...but instead, it actually leaves.  This is a rare movie where the monster is dealt with completely not by aggression.  Look at the other movies above:
King Kong? Shot down from the Empire State Buidling.
Godzilla? Oxygen Destroyered.
Rodan? Blow up a volcano until it basically erupts on top of them.
Mothra? ...give her what she wants, the good humans give her a nice farewell.

I suppose I'll toss one more movie up, even though its a change of pace, I can still see why its popular:
Ghidorah: The Three Headed Monster.  From what I can tell, this is the first time so many monsters appeared together; Godzilla, Mothra and Rodan apparently are Toho's biggest monsters at the time, to see all three of them actually work together against a 4th, new monster was probably a big deal.  As I once heard in a review "3 Heads are better than 1, and 4 monsters are better than 2!" best sums up the nature of that movie.  It was also the first time you actually had a chance to route for Godzilla as a good guy, Rodan got reintroduced, and they even had Godzilla and Rodan fight, so there was a lot of action before the dramatic Ghidorah fight.  This isn't to say that Ghidorah's got a neat design and what not, but I can't help but imagine that this being the first big monster brawl in Kaiju, so I'm sure that raise its popularity.

And even THAT movie predates Gamera, by nearly an entire year!

So my question is...what made Gamera such a big hit?  The only thing I can think of is the whole "Flying Saucer Fire Eating Turtle!"  thing, as the movie really just feels like another cheap monster flick, and it had several movies to base its standards off of, and...yeah.  Its a movie made 11 years after Godzilla, but it certainly feels like it came out much closer.

...and yet, I still intend on watching more of those movies :\
« Last Edit: October 19, 2009, 02:17:37 AM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Movies
« Reply #597 on: October 19, 2009, 02:01:21 AM »
Get the MST versions Meep, it just makes Gamera much better (This is why the series is even worth noting anymore).
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Re: Movies
« Reply #598 on: October 19, 2009, 02:07:43 AM »
Get the MST versions Meep, it just makes Gamera much better (This is why the series is even worth noting anymore).

I might actually do that, but...I feel as a fan of Kaiju, I owe it to myself to at least watch some of the Gamera movies.  Though, from what I understand, the Heisei series ones are somewhat improved compared to the Showa series, and are "DARKER AND EDGIER!"  (wouldn't shock me too; I might be in a minority, but I generally like the Heisei Godzilla films over the Showa ones)
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Movies
« Reply #599 on: October 19, 2009, 02:10:10 AM »
Yeah fair enough, but Gamera 1 and 2 being the ones I have seen are pretty terrible Kaiju movies for what that is worth.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.