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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #2025 on: January 10, 2015, 09:18:06 PM »
Cowboy Bebop- CK watches classic anime he should have seen 12 years ago, round one. 

Show reminds me a lot of Firefly, to the point I think Joss musta been consciously channeling it at points.  Two main differences; aesthetic of course, but Bebop has a greater talent for one-off characters.  It makes sense, Vebop is as the episode titles themselves note a series of individual stories that can never be quite the same twice.  Each one exists in its moment, and while certain bits are repeated from time to time each experience is individual. 

Truthfully the show won't leave a lasting impression with me because of that.  But I absolutely see why a show like that left the mark it did.  There's nothing quite like it and, by its nature, never will be again.
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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #2026 on: January 10, 2015, 10:40:06 PM »
P4G anime is actually a NG+ run, if you noticed (some hints are dropped, like the Attributes table being full in Ep1). Was kinda novel and hilarious, but it ended up being one of those things that was more interesting in concept than execution. Most of it is retread of Golden stuff, leaving the normal plot ancillary (it's NG+, you know the plot!). Worked overall but sometimes it did need a little more context for when things were happening.

I had heard that beforehand - but I have no idea how that was actually supposed to have been brought across in the show, outside the visual of the attributes table as you mentioned. Unless P4 brings in new events in New Game+ that were in it, I guess - I've never done a NG+ run and have no idea what actual changes are made in one. If it's just supposed to be that they left the majority of the main plot... it seems really tenuous to tie that to it being a conceptual NG+ run.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2015, 10:42:59 PM by Twilkitri »


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #2027 on: January 31, 2015, 12:02:58 PM »
Short Peace - watched through

Fine enough anthology. Nothing mindblowing.

Possessions >>> Gambo ~= A Farewell To Weapons >>> Combustible.

Aside from that I didn't appreciate the direction AFTW ends up taking, nothing is really coming to mind to say about any of them.

Mass Effect: Paragon Lost - watched through

It's okay? Maybe I would have got more out of it if I'd played ME3.

On the plus side a Mako is in it but on the minus side they barely do anything with it.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #2028 on: February 14, 2015, 04:33:24 AM »
I've been reading Soppy approved manga lately, and this seems like the best topic to talk about it.

The Seven Deadly Sins: Great fantasy shonen. The cast is entertaining, the art style is gorgeous, the action is fast and furious, and the character interactions are stellar. Ban is one of the best realized characters in his archetype.

Boku no Hero Academia: Super hero comics meets anime. They meet surprisingly well. Takes Nardo's themes and does them correctly.

The World God Only Knows: Holy shit am I disappointed I did not read this sooner. Completely exceeded my expectations. It takes its silly concept, runs with it, builds on it, and turns a rather wacky and irreverent comedy into something surprisingly emotional and moving. Almost got me to cry at least once. The evolution of Keima's character is impressive. The end is a little... strange in a few places, but the full end was perfect. Absolutely perfect.

Seriously one of my new favorite manga.

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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #2029 on: February 14, 2015, 05:15:13 AM »
Anyone who enjoys Seven Deadly Sins should read the author's previous work: Kongō Banchō.  It's perfect.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #2030 on: February 20, 2015, 02:03:42 AM »
Lightly recommended.  Possible it's a bit generic?  But what do I know, the only other show of this type I watched was Mai Hime ages ago.  Man.  I can still rant about how they botched the ending to Mai Hime, thinking about it.  Sheesh.

Rant away, I just got through a rewatch of that show.

I remain surprised by how effective it is at provoking a reaction when it feels like being full-on melodrama, which it does pretty much constantly throughout the second half of the show. The cast is very sharply drawn, which is all the more impressive considering how many people they want you to care about (13 Hime + at least one associate for each? Yikes). Tate's a gaping void of charisma, which is unfortunate considering how important he is for the main character (I like the core concept for Mai--her sense of self worth is based entirely on what she can do for other people and she breaks down when told no one needs her help anymore--but I just can't take her romance seriously at all because Tate). But they broadly did good, efficient work with even a lot of side characters, there's like four different people vying for personal favorite here and it's genuinely grueling watching the cast slowly tear itself apart. The power balance is really out of whack (Mai/Shizuru/Mikoto childs all grossly overpowered), but that's fine because the architects of the contest never meant it to be fair in the first place. The game was rigged from the start.

But that ending, such a mess. I'm not really one to try and reengineer someone else's story. It never feels right, I just can't get my brain to work along those lines. So I don't immediately have an idea how better to have done it, but there has to have been some preferable way. It breaks down on two separate levels: one is the actual plot events, and the other is the tone of the episode. The first problem is the one where I can't really suggest a recommendation. Does it cheapen the highly effective destruction of the cast to bring everyone back to life at the last minute? Definitely. Would it have been a satisfying ending if we'd stuck with Mai and Mikoto being the only (semi-)coherent girls left alive? Yeah no. So while I feel like there has to have been some happy medium to strike in there, I'm damned if I can put a finger on what it might have been. Honestly there were way more threads in the show than one episode could satisfactorily have tied off anyway, I'd expect it to be a struggle to clean everything up in a way that makes everyone happy. But tonally? I'm definitely comfortable raising red flags on these grounds. The mood whiplash that sets in pretty much instantly once the big bad's vanquished is just painful. You guys built this great edifice of melodramatic carnage only to tear it down in a second of Mikoto's stomach gurgling? Really? Gawd, if you're insistent about having the mega happy ending, at least treat it with some of the relief and dignity the release of that much constant tension deserves.

And that's setting aside the really objectionable footnotes like: Yukariko living happily ever after with the sociopath who drugged and seduced her; Miyu and Nao being nuns because why?; Miyu being alive at all when she wasn't anyone's VIP. I could see the argument that she's more important to Alissa than her actual father was, but the show certainly doesn't take the time to make any such statement (as a side note, I would've appreciated Miyu's earlier, more dramatic resurrection involving something more impressive than tactically exploding herself, but it's probably no surprise that I am biased towards ze robots). Did, like, everyone dead come back, even if they weren't directly important to any Hime? What about all those District 1 goons that Shizuru slaughtered, did they come back too? Also yeah whatever Shiho you just go back to being your old clingy self because status quo is god, let's just ignore the huge problems that behavior recently caused.

Fortunately, I'm not one to hate on an entire production just because of a failure ending, and the show in general does too much right for me to extremely put off by the bad aftertaste. Despite the presence of some typically stupid Anime stuff (like all males being PERVERT PERVERT PERVERT just for showing the slightest interest in the opposite sex) it's pretty fantastic at finding different ways to punch you right in the stomach from episode 8 onwards.

Also Haruka death still best death.


Bubblegum Crisis: In which superheroines ride the bus. So guys, there was this movie called Bladerunner, did you ever see it? Pretty neat, huh? Turns out Japan saw it too. I think chat managed an accurate summary in describing this as "maybe not necessarily good, but fun." The best part was when this dude became ONE WITH HIS CAR so he could get revenge on biker jerks for trashing his ride, then the car became ONE WITH THE POWER OF HATRED and a battalion of cops had to put it down like Scarface. I don't understand the title, though. They are all out of bubblegum. Is that the crisis?

Despite being told not to, I might look up the 90's version at some point just because that apparently has an actual ending instead of terminating in a lawsuit.

It's pretty funny watching 80's sci-fi. Everyone thought there'd be visiphones in the future, but they also thought there'd still be payphones. Did any fiction writer really call in advance the advent of smartphones and the cultural impact they'd have? I know cyberpunk was all over direct neural connections to interwebs and all that, but I can't think of anyone who really nailed the current interim of handheld devices with supreme connectivity before the development of cranially implanted devices with supreme connectivity.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #2031 on: February 28, 2015, 01:06:22 PM »
Chihayafuru 2 - watched through

Pretty good. This was some weeks back though and unfortunately I don't remember if there was anything specific I might have wanted to say about it.

The Wind Rises - watched

Fairly good, but watched it after finishing Chihayafuru 2 so I'm also struggling to find anything to say about it. I can say that I was a little disappointed to find out after the fact that the movie was heavily fictionalised, but that doesn't reduce the movie's value at all or anything.

Quick rankings for currently-airing shows:
Death Parade ≳ Durarara x2-1 > Gundam Build Fighters Try > Assassination Classroom >>> Gundam: Reconguista In G

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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #2032 on: March 24, 2015, 10:16:37 PM »
Fist of the North Star:  Got interested in watching this from the Puzzle and Dragons collab.  Finished the first season.  It's fairly formulaic and shows it's age pretty well.  But the villains have a lot of personality considering the generic Mad Max setting.  And episode 22, wow.  I am totally crying right now.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #2033 on: March 29, 2015, 01:04:46 PM »
Gundam: Reconguista In G - finished

The show ended as it lived, mainly in a fog of characters taking inexplicable actions. And half of the conflicts remaining at the end, for all how petty or senseless they are, are cleared up across an un-signposted flash-forward with no actual resolution.

I've read that the show is intending to demonstrate the behaviour of societies which haven't known any "real" conflicts in generations, but I feel like that doesn't explain most of the problems.

The main instigator is killed off in a stupid, stupid way, and as far as I'm concerned never provided a satisfactory explanation of their actions - unless it was so irrelevant to the events and so long ago that I forgot it happening, possibly. I do remember there being claims of things going significantly further than desired or expected so it's always possible that the first point there is entirely legitimate.

SD Gundam Brave Battle Warriors - watched through episode 19.

In theory, I started watching this because of's ominous claims that it would only be available for a limited time + it having been available seemingly forever meaning that that time was probably getting close to imminent. However, I have concerns that my mind actually tricked me into starting because it wanted to find a Gundam series worse than Recong. (In which case it should have just made me rewatch Stargazer or the Astray OVA as either is much shorter.)

I was expecting something more along the lines of the warring states episodes in the SD Gundam anthologies, which could be somewhat humorous despite being generally stupid. This is not those.

Death Parade - finished

Sadly, a lot is left unanswered - and what was appearing to be gearing up to be the main confrontation in the show fizzles out without actually seeming to go anywhere. The main plot ends satisfactorily, at least, but I'd still say the last episode (couple of episodes?) isn't (aren't) up to the general standard of the show.

All up, pretty awesome when it's being awesome, but unfortunately that isn't all of the time.

Leaving things ultra-late again means I've forgotten most of anything I had to say again. Oh well!

Gundam Build Fighters Try - finished

Generally enjoyable, but I feel like I really prefer GBF's focus on 'what can we do with these particles'. Final episode went to some dumb places also.

Durarara!! x2-1 - finished

As far as I feel, better than the second half of DLLL1 but doesn't reach the heights of the first half.

argh why did it have to end when a bunch of stuff was starting to go down

for all that I'm not a fan of where some of it seems to be going

Assassination Classroom - finished

Fairly entertaining.

SD Gundam Brave Battle Warriors - finished

Fairly unentertaining.

Ninja Slayer From Animation - watched episodes 1 through 8

Fairly inane.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2015, 12:16:30 PM by Twilkitri »


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #2034 on: August 22, 2015, 10:56:32 PM »
Watced The Tale of Princess Kaguya.  Frankly, it was a disappointment.  Fairy tales are weird and tend to reflect values that are foreign to our modern way of thinking, and the tale of the woodcutter is no exception.  So the movie starts with the fairy tale and fleshes it out with scenes of Kaguya's childhood and such.  And this is a problem because all the added stuff portrays her as a girl with modern values and then we get back to the stuff actually in the fairy tale and it's like night and day.  And the movie dragged.  And the morals about feminism were unpleasantly ham-handed.  And the animation was beautiful.  Such a damn waste.
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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #2035 on: August 22, 2015, 10:59:48 PM »
Overlord is fun.
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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #2036 on: August 25, 2015, 10:02:12 AM »
Been doing some rewatches lately.  Mostly using getting a friend to watch some good stuff as an excuse to rewatch them myself.

Macross F - Still great stuff, and is one of my favourite shows at this point.  I mean, if you're gonna have j-pop idols win wars, then this is how you sell it.  Also, Yoko Kanno music, which is always a plus.

Gurren Lagann - Still has some good parts, but it doesn't hold up as well over time.  To be fair, I'll always have a soft spot for Simon's awakening in episode 11, and Episodes 8-15 make a great arc.  But I found myself not really looking forward to the final episode, and the first seven episodes drag.

Also watching new stuff.  Got talked into Bakemonogatari.  The wordplay is snappy, and the focus on slightly different pronunciations or even homonyms leading to different meanings is fascinating to me.  The interactions between Hanegawa, Senjougouhara and Araragi are also top notch.  And I like the fact that while, yes, Araragi is suddenly getting all these ladies interested in him, it's because he goes out of his way to help people.  Currently on, Medusamonogatari which, meh...  for some reason I'm not super keen on it.  We'll see how the second episode goes.  Best arcs so far are the cat arcs.  Hanegawa's screwed up in interesting ways, and the resolution of that arc was beautiful. 

I just wish this show didn't have scenes like Yayoi's greetings, or Shinobu's bathroom chat.  Or at least, that Shinobu didn't look like a ten year old during the chat.  The chat itself was important, and I know she's centuries old, but that doesn't matter when she looks like she's ten.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #2037 on: October 12, 2015, 10:40:50 PM »
Seasonal notes.

Durarara!! x2-2 >> Snow White With Red Hair > Rampo Kitan: Game Of Laplace >> Aoharu x Kikanjuu > Chaos Dragon

Given how Chaos Dragon was initially presented as being in the vein of Lodoss War, I'm a bit wary of how I'm going to end up feeling about that once I ever get around to watching it.

After the first couple episodes, I was hyped up for there to be a sacrifice every episode but then it stops happening. Annoying. Also, the whole 'being unable to defend someone is the same as killing them personally' thing is stupid. Lots of stupid things, to be fair. 'My curse is an allegory for human nature so I don't want it removed any more.' Groups splinter off the party in order to go to a particular place, all of the splinters and the remainder end up heading to the same place, the remainder ends up getting there before any of them. Don't recall it being explained exactly why the piece of the dragon solved everything. There's one episode where they spend the entire time finding something out that another character readily admits right afterwards, accomplishing pretty much nothing. The series wasn't long enough to waste that amount of time.

Where Eykha ends up at the end of the series doesn't really make any sense (Eykha and Val are both dying, so after sacrificing Eykha we have Val's lifeforce shifted into her and now Valeykha is... not dying? That doesn't really make sense from a conservation of lifeforce perspective). The most annoying character, Lou, never really gets any comeuppance (keeping in mind that she uses her replacement arm to kill Ulrika, among other things).

I'd probably watch another season in the hopes that they'd improved ._. and to see if anything was going to happen to that character. But either is unlikely.

Aoharu initially seemed like it was going to be mediocre-Ouran-plus-guns but happily it mostly ditched the Ouran stuff aways in. I was expecting much more combat than there actually ended up being, so not really what I was hoping for, but what was there instead was generally good-to-passable.

The whole thing about the team thinking Hotaru is male and her avoiding clearing this up is very annoying. Especially since it still hasn't happened by the end of the series, despite doing so being one of her main goals. If there's ever another season they better get that out of the way ASAP.

Nothing is standing out in my mind as being particularly good or bad about Game Of Laplace. Was somewhat disturbing at times. Oh right, Black Lizard. Black Lizard was terrible.

Snow White With Red Hair was generally fairly pleasant. I'm left wondering why we haven't seen the King or Queen of Clarines yet. Events near the end of the season leave me a little concerned about the direction the show is going to take in the next season, but I'm tentatively looking forward to it.

Durarara is being Durarara. Given that Izaya has been taken out of commission at the ends of both x2-1 and x2-2, I find myself wondering if something's going to happen to him at the end of x2-3 as well. Don't really care for the direction Mikado is going in, but there's more than enough going on with everyone else. x2-3 is too far away.

I also watched through Space Dandy S1 some time back, which was good fun. Really need to get around to S2 at some point.

I guess Ninja Slayer FA is finishing up soon, I'm a few episodes behind on it currently but I imagine it's probably not really going to be worth talking about.

Magic Circle Guruguru - watched through

Generally entertaining.

I was expecting the RPG elements to be less token than they actually ended up being. Can't say whether that would have made for a better experience or not, though. Will say that I found the first half-ish of the show, with its multi-episode arcs, to be more enjoyable than the rest of the show mainly being events-of-the-episode.

Also, the ending sucked.

I'll probably watch the sequel series at some point but not right now.

Hozuki's Coolheadedness - watched through

Generally great. Good to know that impulse watching can still turn out for the best, given that I knew hardly anything about it going in.

Gives a similar vibe to Mr. Despair, although much less of one.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2015, 12:20:36 AM by Twilkitri »


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #2038 on: November 17, 2015, 06:38:07 PM »
Finished arslan no seki. Very fire emblem-y. Enjoyed it.

Watched new lupin 3rd anime. It's fun. Last time I watched a lupin show was back on adult swim. It's an easy show to get back into.

That led my to watch the lupin movie, castle of cagliostro. Another fun movie.
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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #2039 on: December 06, 2015, 06:03:55 AM »
Fafner: Right Of Left - watched

Fairly entertaining, somewhat depressing. No real comments/issues/questions that I can think of.

Fafner: Heaven And Earth - watched

Fairly entertaining. Considerably more optimistic than the other Fafner works I've seen, if you disconsider the events which led up to it. On that note, I feel like I would have a much better grasp of the setting as at the start of the movie if I could remember literally anything about the ending of the main series.

Feels like there was either some miscommunication between the movie and myself, or between the officers and the fafner pilots, or possibly just my own denseness with regards to how what I understood to be something like a diplomatic mission starts off with mass destruction and never really gets to the diplomatic part.

Ultimately, I've already forgotten the state of the setting as at the end of the movie (outside of the extremely obvious change). From one perspective, by the time I get around to watching Exodus (I am currently living in hope that they will actually publish it over here, unlike ROL and HAE) I would probably have forgotten everything anyway, but having done so after only three weeks is probably not a good sign.

The Slayers Revolution/The Slayers Evolution-R - watched through

Generally entertaining.

Pokota was annoying initially, but became tolerable within a reasonable timeframe. Wizer was fairly entertaining although sadly only appears in Revolution.

Annoyingly, Evolution-R brings back not one, but two terrible characters. (Technically one of them is only implied to be a return, but...) Fortunately each of them is only around for part of the series and they're mostly tolerable.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #2040 on: December 06, 2015, 10:51:50 AM »
Found Crunchyroll, naturally this has led to watching a lot more anime given the supply is now far greater.  Most of it is pretty excellent stuff too.  Probably going to go over them in chronological order.

Puella Magi Madoka Magica: fancy title, fancy animation.  Never really figured I'd be watching magical girl stuff, but it's as much mystery and horror as it is magical girl, and it has an interesting premise.  Start off with a deal where you get a wish granted and gain potent magical powers, and in exchange you have to fight evil creatures that regular people are helpless against.  But, the series smartly never makes the fight against the monsters the main story.  It's all about the conflicts between the cast, and between the wishes they make, the wishes they thought they were making, and reality.  Lots of fun, and the twists mean that it's a good rewatch as well as you can catch all the hints that were dropped.

Kancolle Collection: Tried it out because the theme song sounded nice, didn't make it past the first episode.  It's kinda up there in the "What the Fuck, Japan" category of anime.  Basic idea is humanity is at war with...  something.  It's nautical.  I think it's some kind of future where nations exist, but actual ships can't do squat, so they need high school girls who possess the spirit of WWII Japanese Warships to fight the enemy.  Naturally, in a war this pressing, things will look dire and bleak, like Tokyo-3 near the end of Eva.  Except, no, looks like an affluent modern town.  Ok, well let's meet the rest of the cast.  Huh, seems that our main character is a shy person without much self-confidence but has a special power (the others call her a special destroyer), and everyone else seems to have a single character trait which they need to be blasting out at all times.  I know it's the first episode, but other shows manage to show their characters have some depth in the first episode too (in fact, I'll be getting to that later).  This was the thing that finally killed it for me, when the pop idol did her act one too many times, but there's one last thing I need to rant about. 

So, you know that, despite being shy and out of their element the protagonist is going to fight.  It's a cliche, it's going to happen because it has to happen (or...  not.  Madoka actually managed to make a question out of it.  When is she going to fight, is she even going to fight?).  Of course, she's never worked with her squad before but it's her first day.  She's never practised on the open water before and can barely stay on her feet.  Ok, there's a whole thing about falling into the cockpit, and while I kinda hate it, I am well trained in overlooking it.  But when you use this characterisation, the situations where you can get her into a fight are strictly limited.  Mostly, it needs to be a desperate situation, or she needs to be breaking orders and then do well enough to get away with it.  This is neither, this is an offensive action, where she's ordered out while she's not only incapable of looking after herself, but she's also messing up and screwing up her squadron's actions.  Fortunately, this is the first episode so we're looking at war porn instead of an actual fight, so the carrier chicks show up, and the battle is won through the OPness of the glorious fleet without a single casualty so there is no penalty at all for sending someone with no training at all to a fight where they'd have done better without her.  Rargh.

Is it Okay to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon: You know, given the title, I'm not sure exactly what I was expecting, but I had heard good things and the ad looks good, so I gave it a shot.  Sadly, it hit a premature end, so I haven't seen the last two episodes yet (I'm kinda happy where I left off).  Regardless, I was expecting it to just be an adventuring themed harem anime, and while the main character Bel does get a fair amount of female attention, the show manages to somehow avoid that.  Mostly because it settles pretty quickly into a love triangle.  Hestia loves Bel who loves Aiz, who seems to have feelings for Bel.  That said, Bel and Aiz are on completely different levels, and Bel doesn't want to make a move until he feels he's her equal.  In addition, Hestia's part of an interesting social setting of gods who form houses and grant blessings to adventurers, but her's is poor and weak, having only a single Lv. 1 adventurer, Bel.  So Bel is trying to both increase the strength and prestige of House Hestia while also train himself up to be worthy of asking out the woman he's infatuated with, and those two conflicts drive a lot of the show.  Sadly, the divine politics felt a bit off, and it also felt a bit like they lost their way after the first arc ended.  So, my hopes for a second season are not high, despite the fact that it was fun, if mindless, to watch.

Flowers of the Six Braves: This makes me want to play Mafia so much.  Seriously, every three centuries or so the demon lord revives and six braves are chosen to defeat him, but we don't care about him because we all know THAT story.  Of course the braves are going to, after hardship and sacrifice, win.  No, the story here is that this time, the Demon Lord decided to try and defeat the braves by having them defeat themselves.  Namely, there's a false, seventh, brave.  This series is short, and it's all about trying to find out who's the impostor.  They do a great job with setup, and I found it a lot of fun to go through it.  And when it came time for the reveal they did it right.  You've got two climaxes, the first is the end of the eleventh when the secondary plotline wraps up and it hammers home the question "Who is the seventh" with a chance to not start the last episode to try and figure it out yourself.  There are a few things brought up in the start of the last episode that focus that question a bit before the answer is revealed, but it's mostly to show that the answer is a fair one, that you had the information all along.  That you could have, theoretically, answered the riddle of the series at the end of the eleventh episode.  The one thing about the series that I'm going to complain about is the sequel bait slapped on at the end.  Seriously, you already had enough plot hooks, did you need to stick on a new seventh brave in order to keep that going?

Silver Spoon: Done by the same author as Full Metal Alchemist? That's Good.  Set in a high school?  That's bad.  Set in an agricultural high school?  That's...  good?

Turns out, that is good.  Silver spoon is a simple slice of life anime about a city boy who broke down in the stress of the standard Japanese educational system while dealing with his father, best described as a less cuddly, if far more caring, Gendo Ikari.  However, pretty much the entire focus is on agricultural life, the growth of the main, Hachiken, and various other actual life lessons as he grows out of his shell and becomes friends with his classmates.  There's also plenty of looking at Hokkaido agricultural life, and a special love for horses and equestrian clubs.  Some of the episodes focus a bit on school hijinks (like the mystery episode), but it's telling that one of the big conflicts for the first season is Hachiken grappling with naming and then identifying with one of the pigs they were raising for meat, and what he was going to do after that pig was sent to the processing plant.  Another thing this anime does that feels fresh and interesting is that while it does have a strong focus on goals and dreams, it also takes a realistic view at them.  Just because you have the goal and the desire and means to accomplish it, doesn't mean you necessarily will.  One of the main cast is aspiring to be a farm veterinarian but who has issues with blood, and his struggle with that is one of the plotlines that is running here.

Also, this show has some really freaking impressive opening and ending music.  I'd say the best of the lot in spite of really liking Madoka's music, except...  except...

Your Lie in April: This blows it out of the water musically.  Which, makes sense on two points.  One of the best pieces is the opening, Hikaru Nara, which is by the same folks who did the ending I linked to for Silver Spoon.  The other being that outside of two of the protagonists and one child, every named character is a musician.  And even then, all of them but two are pianists specifically.  The anime is from the view of Koumei, who is a 14 piano prodigy who is a legend in the field, but hasn't played since shortly after his mother died.  He's been supported by his two friends, who do care a lot for him, one being the standard childhood neighbour/friend, the other being the soccer star/flirt.  Things kick off when the childhood friend drags him along because someone asked her for an introduction to the flirt, and they need a fourth for the double date, which introduces the fourth main character, Kaori who is a violinist.  Soon she needs a new pianist, and with the support of Koumei's friends, she effectively bullies him into starting to play the piano again.  This starts us into Koumei actually starting to deal with the trauma of his mother's passing, and the abuse she dealt him.  Of course, this isn't the whole of it, but this is a drama where everyone has their own problems and everyone is connected.  And this is where I come back to that point about Kancolle Collection that I brought up earlier.  This anime manages to give the Kousei not just one, but two anime rivals, but in five minutes it manages to make them both feel like real people with their own styles, and with real reasons to have a beef with Kousei.  And their interactions with him as the series progresses is incredibly heartwarming to watch. 

Hmm...  oh, right.  At some point here I tried to watch Attack on Titan.  It suffered from a combination of lack of compelling conflict (I was going to say compelling antagonists, but Silver Spoon and Your Lie in April have no antagonists so clearly that isn't the issue) as the titans as thus far super boring and the main characters are boringly super competent.  Perhaps this might change, and maybe I'll watch more, but for now I'm not caught.

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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #2041 on: December 06, 2015, 07:44:55 PM »
Gate:  Sadly not about a tall DLer that lives in California.  Gate to a magical fantasy world opens up in Japan, and the Fantasy Empire picks a fight with a country with vastly superior technology.  At first glance it looks like a harem anime, but it's actually pretty serious.  Itami is a neat main character, in that they acknowledge the tropes with him and then ignore them.  Watched the 12 episodes on Crunchyroll; I don't know how much longer it goes on.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #2042 on: December 14, 2015, 06:23:51 AM »
Kancolle Collection: Tried it out because the theme song sounded nice, didn't make it past the first episode.  It's kinda up there in the "What the Fuck, Japan" category of anime.  Basic idea is humanity is at war with...  something.  It's nautical.  I think it's some kind of future where nations exist, but actual ships can't do squat, so they need high school girls who possess the spirit of WWII Japanese Warships to fight the enemy. 

My understanding is that - especially from the video games - it's totally the Americans with the serial numbers filed off.  So this is less "humanity" than "Japan goes back and wins WWII after all except with underage girls."

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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #2043 on: December 14, 2015, 07:52:10 AM »
Gate:  Sadly not about a tall DLer that lives in California.  Gate to a magical fantasy world opens up in Japan, and the Fantasy Empire picks a fight with a country with vastly superior technology.  At first glance it looks like a harem anime, but it's actually pretty serious.  Itami is a neat main character, in that they acknowledge the tropes with him and then ignore them.  Watched the 12 episodes on Crunchyroll; I don't know how much longer it goes on.

There's a new season of 12 eps coming out in the next batch of shows. I liked the show, it was entertaining, but it does suffer from a slight to serious fetishizing and propagandizing the Japanese military. The LN was written by an ex-soldier in the JSDF who has some pretty hard right-wing views, so it's not surprising. The comically evil portrayals of the heads of all the other real world countries is also pretty hilarious.

Other than that, I was surprised I ended up finishing it. Two of the main girls are just really fun to watch (interpreter and priestess), and it does some interesting things considering how something like that would affect the world.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #2044 on: December 31, 2015, 09:44:31 AM »
Gantz - watched through

Occasionally compelling but often terrible.

Lots of things that aren't explained, or that seem inconsistent. Presumably most or all of them are due to the show being an adaptation of a much longer comic. Some examples are:
- The state of the original bodies for each participant doesn't seem to make sense unless they're deleted after the game is over, which feels like more time than they're implied to have been left there.
Also, Gantz is aware enough to expunge the bodies from photographs, but not enough to expunge their belongings?
How does this work if someone dies in front of someone who knows them, and they manage to survive the game? Possibly people in that sort of situation prevented from qualifying to begin with, although there was the politician who died in hospital in the first group who probably had people familiar with him attending his death fairly rapidly.
Incidentally, the whole belongings thing doesn't end up going anywhere.
- The points thing doesn't end up going anywhere either. I've read that it goes places in the comic, but the places that it goes raises other questions. Possibly they're answered there, and I guess they're not strictly relevant to the show.
- May be due to reading stuff about the comic leaking in, but the one character is killed for mentioning Gantz outside the game - but Gantz apparently has no problem with people using the suits and weapons outside the game, which could be considered to be more severe breaches of secrecy.
- Gantz's deal? What I understand to be its deal in the comics doesn't really mesh with the show's ending. That said, its deal doesn't really mesh with the rest of the show either, which was presumably more in line with the comics. The best way to train people is to give them literally no information about anything.
- The person inside Gantz's deal?
- What's up in the sky?

The ending raised more questions than it answered (noting for record's sake that it didn't answer anything).

The whole plotline with Masaru's brother was probably unnecessarily despairy.

Re: Cutie Honey - watched through

I guess I was expecting it to be better than New Cutey Honey. It feels like that wasn't the case, although has been something like 3.5 years since I saw New and only have the vaguest memories of it.

Still fairly entertaining.

Has some dumb stuff like the scene where Natsuko is reviving Honey. Difficult to say whether it ends up being more or less dumb than New.

Does seem like there was hardly any disguises compared to New, which was disappointing.

Crest Of The Stars - watched through

Much better than I was expecting.

I am a bit annoyed at the shootout sequences near the end, though. The show was much better when it was doing world-building and lower-key confrontations. Or at least ones which had trained military versus trained military.

Aggravatingly, it looks like none of the sequels were released over here (despite having a trailer for the first of them in the Crest collection..), so I'll have to acquire them through other methods.

Space Dandy S2 - watched through

Also great. In a way which leaves me with little to say. No complaints that are really worth bringing up.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #2045 on: December 31, 2015, 11:51:58 AM »
One punch man is a silly and fun anime.

Never read the manga, but it's very enjoyable.

Also...berserk is getting a new anime adaption in 2016, presumably centering around guts as the black swordsman.

Super stoked!
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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #2046 on: December 31, 2015, 08:08:07 PM »
Crest Of The Stars - watched through

Much better than I was expecting.

I am a bit annoyed at the shootout sequences near the end, though. The show was much better when it was doing world-building and lower-key confrontations. Or at least ones which had trained military versus trained military.

Aggravatingly, it looks like none of the sequels were released over here (despite having a trailer for the first of them in the Crest collection..), so I'll have to acquire them through other methods.

Crest of the Stars was fun!  I agree, it was shockingly decent.  Fair warning, though: I found Banner of the Stars a huge disappointment, at least the episodes I watched of it (didn't quite finish).  There's much more of a focus on military confrontations, which would be fine and even expected to a degree...  but the presentation is crappy.  Like, they clearly want to show off cool tactics & clever strategems and such, but...  it just doesn't work.  Either they don't explain the "rules" or the situation well enough to show why this move was totally genius and/or surprising, or even worse, they just declare some kind of unexplained tactic totally genius for no reason.  I guess that was great...  whatever it was.

For some examples (minor spoilers?)...
* There's two pretty-boy brothers who are admirals or something.  They spend all their time being flighty and socialites it seems, and get some disrespect from their colleagues because of this.  But they are actually super (tactical) badasses!  See if they were secretly ultimate killers or something, you just have to show a clip of one of them single-handedly dismembering an entire enemy squad, and okay, fine.  Instead we have shots of them lounging in a hot tub together and ignoring reports that their fleet is getting its assed kicked because EVERYTHING IS GOING TO PLAN, and then they somehow still win anyway, because ???.  They aren't actually any -fun- either (except for yaoi brothers fans??), and they get tons of screentime.  Blargh.

* Space Sparta is trying to hold a wormhole entrance that Space Athens is invading through.  Space Athens sends a bunch of torpedoes, mines, & crap through the wormhole first to clear out any welcoming party, which actually makes a fair amount of sense IF we presume that the gate is indestructible, or no side would dare blow it up, or something.  Fine.  Then we have an Oh So Dramatic scene of the fleet just being ordered to hold positions and get blow'd up by this rather than, you know, attempt to evade or back off or anything.  Um....   wut.  You can see this coming from some distance, just freaking back off into the hugeness of space, right?  But okay.  Maybe it is so incredibly important to hold this one point the admiral is willing to eat avoidable losses so that everybody's ready to go and pounce on the enemy fleet as soon as it comes in, which is going to be right behind the "bombardment", right?  ....right?  Nope!  The follow-up is expected the next day or something.  Wut.  Why the delay?!  And if the other fleet is just gonna sit there and take it, why not keep throwing mines down the pike until they're all dead?  Both sides are being idiots.  If the Space Spartans had just backed off and evaded the mines until they could be safely disposed of, they'd have actually been fine.  If the Space Athenians had immediately charged in after the mines, they could at least have had a safer opening to invade with.  But nope, according to the narrative both sides are super-geniuses or something.  Whatever.

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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #2047 on: January 01, 2016, 12:19:26 AM »
Banner 1 and 2 were released in the US. I found Banner 1 the weakest of the lot, yeah, for the reasons Snowfire said. Still, I love the Stars series to death. Crest is the best, and Banner 2 falls smack between them on the quality scale.

Banner 1's ED song is fantastic though.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #2048 on: January 09, 2016, 02:37:26 PM »
I have been watching Naruto. I have learned there is a movie that involves him and Hinata dkshskpdabajzfppdpsaal so I must see it. =3


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #2049 on: January 14, 2016, 04:58:18 PM »
The new Lupin the 3rd TV series (blue jacket) is (a) excellent; (b) getting a Crunchyroll simulcast; and (c) GETTING THE GENEON DUB CAST BACK TOGETHER FOR A US RELEASE FUCK YEAH.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.