Author Topic: Watching any anime?  (Read 265488 times)

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1325 on: March 31, 2010, 11:24:53 PM »
The testing part was still pretty neat. I just love the BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. happening in the background while Kuroko was talking to Mitsuko (whose power ended up being pretty damn awesome).


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1326 on: April 01, 2010, 02:07:19 AM »
The way the show teased the viewers about Mitsuko's power up until the LAST FREAKING EPISODE was pretty cool. Index/Railgun powers tend to be awesome in general. Uiharu's is still the best.

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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1327 on: April 01, 2010, 02:35:29 AM »
Yeah. Seeing the truck spiraling like a football across the screen suddenly was great.

As for Uiharu... Human thermos! Yeah, useless in battle, but she'd have a great career in medicine ahead of her, also would be useful in a survival situation in cold or hot environments.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1328 on: April 01, 2010, 03:24:52 AM »
Uiharu seriously doesn't need her power.
Being the top hacker of the Academy City the "Goal Keeper", and the only hacker who fends off Mikoto's electrical psychic hacking. And consider she has been defending the "Bank" for a while. I'd imagine the presidential consul already has been paying her large amount of pay checks.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1329 on: April 01, 2010, 06:28:46 AM »
Fended off Misaka? Something that happened in the manga? (though I can't see why they would fight with each other. The group is pretty damn tight-knit). What is shown of Misaka's hacking power is pretty ridiculously effective, for all that the show didn't linger on it much (Uiharu needed to play her role, after all).

Durarara: Can't believe I haven't been watching this. Character work is freaking brilliant, writing is sharp and entertaining, and the music is both unique and spirited. The actual storytelling also has flashes of brilliance too. A simple example being Shizuo's story and how the beginning and ending are the same but with Shizuo himself in a different mood completely.

It has some disturbing parts, but they are intentional and work well within the context of the show. I'm really quite pleased with this.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2010, 06:41:06 AM by Pyro »


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1330 on: April 01, 2010, 08:47:29 AM »
It is not from Manga, but from To Aru Majitsu no Index SS2.
Uiharu successfully blocks off Mikoto from accessing the Bank, but one of the Bank's server got completely fried as well as no machine can stand both Uiharu and Mikoto tweaking over it simultaneously.

BTW, on the topic of rail gun. My personal explanation on how can a coin hit so hard and does not disintegrate.... is well, probably Academy City's coins are made of some super alloy. Knowing Academy City likes to make everything within its boundary excessively advance, having super alloy coins seems to be fairly reasonable.

Though, if I have to commented on both Index and Railgun, I must say both shows made stupid mistakes.
Railgun made the mistake of being too early. Couldn't they start making the show after the manga is done with the clone arc? Compare to the fillers that the anime put up, I know people would enjoy the Rail Gun vs. Accelerator and Rail Gun vs. Meltdown fight a lot more. Though honestly speaking, I'd prefer the Railgun anime after Index's season 2. Consider Railgun is meant to tie into some later plot arcs in Index, and showing it in Railgun first, the view would have no idea on what's going on. Seriously, how many people understand what's going when the AIM Burst show itself???

As for Index.... they simply wasted time on unimportant stuff. Seriously, the story of volume 1 could be done in 2 episodes, why the fuck they drag it out so long? Outside introducing the cast and have Touma lost his mmeory, volume1 has no other purpose. Including volume 2 into anime is also stupid, Himegami is total air, why waste time on her? Sherry's arc can also be shorter or shouldn't even be around, that arc really server no purpose but to introduce Sherry, who isn't very important anyway. While the Angel Fall arc... they simply didn't put enough juice into it when they should. They Kaori vs. Gabriel fight is just... unjust. One of the best fights in the series ends up being so blend. The show just spend too much time on the unimportant stuff, and the anime ended before even started. If they cut off all the useless stuff, they could have gotten to the story of volume 9 in the first season, where the story really get started.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1331 on: April 01, 2010, 03:39:15 PM »
Heroman 1 - Yeeees. I like this. Cool OP, snazzy Bones animation, Heroman's design is just the right amount of cheesy - and hopefully the plot follows suit. Plenty of cliches already, but it's Stan Lee doing a comic-booky anime, so no surprises.

Oh, and the teacher's hot.
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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1332 on: April 02, 2010, 01:45:32 AM »
After those two, watched Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom.  I honestly liked this series alot, up until like the last 3-4 episodes, at which point things from being believably realistic in nature to just sort of "WHAT?"  Putting that aside, I found Ein's and Zwei's interactions to be a joy to watch.  Seeing Zwei attempt to free Ein and himself from the underworld that they were forcibly dragged into, despite Ein's own resistance to the notion of being free, was really damn interesting to me.  It was an amazing anime to watch, and then near the end there's a battle that just kind of makes you go uggghhhh, and then after that brief stint it goes back to not failing and ends with a bittersweet ending.  Really high quality in my opinion, not quite perfect, but pretty close, if only that one stint near the end didn't bring the overall experience down so much.

Mm.  I got through...  five episodes of Phantom myself?  Six?  I just couldn't stomach the main character at all, or more specifically how the show sympathetically treated him.  The main character's actions were that of a moral coward of the highest order, yet the show treated him with kid gloves, like he was Shinji or some other "vaguely normal guy in a tough situation with high expectations."  No, he was a psychotic and willful mass murderer for...  no particularly good reason. 

Okay.  So through technobabble his memory is wiped.  Fine.  Then he's trained as a killer...  okay...  and then given the choice right out of philosophy textbooks of "kill this random guy with whom you have no quarrel with or we will kill you."  And he's furthermore told that he'll have to keep killing for Inferno in order to live, and that if he ever ceases to be a useful tool for Inferno, he'll be killed.  In other words the question is a raw, purified "Do you want many innocent people to die so you can live?"  The correct answer to this is to die.  Zwei had no reason to have loyalty to Inferno, and in fact he was outright told that he would have been killed by them if they hadn't wanted to steal his skills, which pretty heavily implies they might have killed his family as well.  The only reason to make such a choice is either as a brief tactical move to infiltrate the organization (similar to spies killing for their employers as they betray them), or as pure cowardice - holding onto your own life even at great cost to others.  And it was a powerful moment when he decided to follow through, save his own life, and shoot the random guy.

...except that the show then proceeds to again, not realize that this makes him an evil person.  It's not like Inferno keeps a close eye on him later; he's sent out on his own to go hang out near freeways, at malls, etc.  And he's some kind of super-assassin.  It'd be easy to escape and tell the FBI, or hell, run off to the Yukon and live as a hermit or something.  But...  he doesn't.  What's keeping him with Inferno?  It never even occurs to him / the show to discuss the possibility of escape, simply running somewhere else and refusing to work for Inferno anymore.  I guess there's implied retribution, but Inferno clearly doesn't own the American underworld *yet* (which is why they have Ein & Zwei shoot everything up), and going on these missions has to be dangerous as well.  I mean, for real people, there are 101 reasons why you can work for the evil people - nationalism, some ideology, greed, pride to make your mark, etc.  Or, most powerfully, love; how many people have worked for evil causes to feed their children?  In fiction, heck, the game "The Getaway" had a London thug going on a massive murder spree around London, betraying his own organization, because the crazy mob boss kidnapped his son and had him over a barrel.  But Zwei has, by definition, none of these things!  His memory was wiped!  So why's he doing this?  Again, an answer of "Because he's evil!" would have been A-OK here.   Cool, he doesn't value other lives at all and enjoys the challenge or something, fine.  Instead, the closest we get for his motivations are Shinji-esque phrases about how the same hands that eat are those that kill innocent kids who happen to be the daughter of rival mob bosses and an implication that he's got no choice.  But why does he have no choice?  Again, the series fails to explore why he doesn't just run off nearly immediately!

I dunno.  I found this such a powerful problem I couldn't keep watching the show, though I'll admit I enjoyed some of the combat.  I like evil characters, I like redemption plots, but I don't like super-evil characters the plot pretends are neutral.  All they had to do was change the technobabble at the beginning to say "Oh yeah and we brainwashed him to think we're great and obey our orders."  Then you could have done everything with a basically sympathetic, neutral guy wondering why he's trapped in a situation where he's constantly killing everyone, and who slowly makes his way out of it.

...yeah.  That was the main complaint.  To a lesser degree: Where is Johnny Law?  Sure I can buy maybe the mob bosses's mansions are slow to call the cops and invite an investigation, but our cute lil' killers go on one of their murder sprees outside a posh mall.  Even in cyberpunk settings, the police *will* investigate such an incident in nice parts of town, and with great gusto.  Also, I think it was... ep. 5 again?  But I slightly goggled when the Inferno boss randomly starts going all "Maybe you can be my personal bodyguard tonight Zwei" while revealing her breast and dressed in, uh, "evening wear."  How old is she again, and isn't he 15?  (Then I Wikipediaed the series and saw that it had dating sim elements which answered everything.)  Also: Cell phones.  The opposition need to use 'em.  It's not 1998 anymore when they made Noir.  You get to kill about one or two people before the alarm goes out and everyone is off to safe houses.

....heh, that ended up longer than expected.  Just...  yeah.  Severe morality issues with that show.  I like evil characters the creators realize are evil, I do not like evil characters whom the creators think are innocent.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1333 on: April 02, 2010, 03:08:10 AM »
*Reads up

Yeah, that is why I said the show should have gone with the Claudia route, where Zwei actually turn evil and team up with Claudia and took over Inferno for themselves. Then their greed suppressed their love and the two end up killing one another as only one person can rule.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1334 on: April 02, 2010, 05:02:46 AM »
Caught up on Durarara. I'd be pretty damn satisfied if it ended right at 12. If they can manage to build on this and improve it further than this will be in the clear running for best show I've ever seen.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1335 on: April 03, 2010, 02:41:16 PM »
Karas -

Prophecy is pretty pretty. It's also pretty difficult to follow.
Revelation dials down the prettiness but also dials down the unknowns and sets about explaining some of Prophecy.

But... it really doesn't feel like it was done well. At the end of Prophecy I'm thinking Oh man, I'm only halfway through this. That's a problem. I should have been salivating in anticipation of things being explained. And I did enjoy Revelation, but it comes nowhere close to making up for this.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1336 on: April 06, 2010, 11:16:53 AM »
Heroman 1 - Yeeees. I like this. Cool OP, snazzy Bones animation, Heroman's design is just the right amount of cheesy - and hopefully the plot follows suit. Plenty of cliches already, but it's Stan Lee doing a comic-booky anime, so no surprises.

This. Surprisingly good English in it, too...

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1337 on: April 06, 2010, 04:50:59 PM »
Yeah. I was surprised by the quality of it. The Stan Lee cameo was great, though I'm sad he didn't do his own voice. But they REALLY nailed America, I think, with all the details in his hometown. The art is a great fusion of Japanese and American styles. So is the music. I've haven't found myself digging BGM this much in a while.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1338 on: April 06, 2010, 08:45:08 PM »
Yeah, color me surprised at Heroman. It's been how many decades since Stan Lee created something worthwhile?
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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1339 on: April 07, 2010, 12:15:39 AM »
Yeah, color me surprised at Heroman. It's been how many decades since Stan Lee created something worthwhile?

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Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1340 on: April 07, 2010, 12:56:25 PM »

Rant because this show is stupid.

Okay so for the most part it is just painfully generic shonen action with painfully generic shonen romance. But hey it gets hyped, there must be something there, right? Right?

Then we get episode 10. It begins with another stupid fucking tsundere moment. Is it that hard to admit that a cake tastes good Akane freaking Tendo was more reasonable. Then there's some generic action/hijinx with one moderately amusing part which is eh alright material. And then we get the end of the episode. A cliche that I thought was killed and buried for good thirty years ago rises from its grave. The stupid fucking tsundere is scared of a ROACH and has to call the shonen main to exterminate it while she screams and flails all over the place. She hunts demons every night for a living and is scared of a ROACH just to not-progress the stupid shonen romance.


Fuck this show, I'm out.
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<Gourry> And playable, at that?
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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1341 on: April 07, 2010, 01:45:46 PM »
The Stan Lee cameo was great,

4chan has even started a gag of sorts because of it. Might even become a meme, heh.

The American setting is actually refreshing (although the teacher's 'handwriting' is atrocious) and hopefully it'll do away with generic Japanese cliches as well, such as the heavy tsundere described above in Kekkaishi.

On the matter of Kekkaishi I dropped it after three episodes, you're a greater man than I for suffering it for that long.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1342 on: April 07, 2010, 02:19:24 PM »
The Stan Lee cameo was great,

4chan has even started a gag of sorts because of it. Might even become a meme, heh.

The American setting is actually refreshing (although the teacher's 'handwriting' is atrocious) and hopefully it'll do away with generic Japanese cliches as well, such as the heavy tsundere described above in Kekkaishi.

If Stan Lee continues having highly exploitable cameos like "fill me up Joey," we'll be seeing him for the rest of Heroman's airing time and at least a little past that on three different boards.
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Hunter Sopko

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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1343 on: April 07, 2010, 04:55:18 PM »
Yeah. Problem with the Kekkaishi anime is the fluff that was mixed in more evenly in the manga was totally front-ended in the anime. It takes a bit to get going, as it's not until the Kokuburou arc that it goes from well-done generic to legitimately good, which starts... I guess either with episode 19 with the first attack or 21 with Gen's introduction. You did stop before a couple good arcs though. Episode 11 starts the arc with the dogs and has a good fight, but annoying sub-villains, and Yoshimori's brother is introduced after that, who is interesting.

I think you're overfocusing on the romance aspect though, as well as Tokine's personality. She's not really that tsundere, and she mostly drops it pretty soon. And as for the cockroach thing... thats the whole point of the gag? It's never been something that bothered me I guess. Fears are irrational and all, but maybe I gloss over it because I like the manga.

Indiana Jones was afraid of snakes. Yeah trauma and all, but you didn't know that until Last Crusade. Did you cry foul on the verisimilitude about being able to casually brush off tarantulas or kill people and being scared of a harmless species of snake at the beginning of Raiders? You might say something about "Yeah, those aren't crazy demon things" but thats just an issue of scale.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1344 on: April 07, 2010, 05:33:37 PM »
Yoshi's crush on Tokine is pretty one-sided. So I don't know why that would qualify her for tsundere status. (at least not as early as I am). And I think it was a roachlike demon that scarred her, too.

Reading some of the Railgun manga, and I have to say it's pretty fantastic when it hits the Sisters arc. Mikoto on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge complete with competent enemies and loads worth of clever/awesome fighting. Also a good amount of humor in there before the shit hit the fan.

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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1345 on: April 07, 2010, 09:04:44 PM »
Yoshi's crush on Tokine is pretty one-sided. So I don't know why that would qualify her for tsundere status. (at least not as early as I am)

This, and (totally expected spoilers) it's when she does start reciprocating (at least, internally) that her behavior towards him changes. Her attitude in the beginning is more akin to having a co-worker that really bugs her rather than liking him but not showing it.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1346 on: April 07, 2010, 10:42:00 PM »
From within the same episode: Tokine tastes the cake given to her by Yoshimori, finds it delicious, immediately hides her reaction and yells at him. At the end, Tokine is shown physically struggling to give him the present she had for him.

You are not convincing me on the "not a tsundere" argument.

As for the other point, I had honestly hoped the EEK A MOUSE/COCKROACH/WHATEVER SAVE ME thing would stay buried in the old millenium.

There are a number of other things that bug me about the series (why Tokine almost never uses her super accuracy for a killshot instead of letting Yoshimori flail around for minutes for one) and it's just not worth it.
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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1347 on: April 07, 2010, 10:58:57 PM »
There are a number of other things that bug me about the series (why Tokine almost never uses her super accuracy for a killshot instead of letting Yoshimori flail around for minutes for one) and it's just not worth it.

She does get to that. The whole point is that she DOESN'T focus on her strengths, and instead keeps trying to adapt her style for power that holds her back. Most of the time she does show off the accuracy in the beginning, the enemy has some way of getting out of the kekkai. She does eventually develop kekkai for that, it's shown in the opening.

I might be misremembering, but it wasn't a present either. It was just his shirt that she had washed for him, and she struggled to give it to him because she didn't want to touch it, since it (and Yoshimori himself) had touched the cockroach (yes, despite washing it).
« Last Edit: April 07, 2010, 11:46:38 PM by Hunter Sopko »


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1348 on: April 18, 2010, 10:27:02 PM »
Katanagatari 4: The best trolling ever.

So the end of Katanagatari 3 featured a preview for the next episode's fight with the much-hyped awesome swordsman that has been showing up once in a while. They included some very cool footage from the battle too. There was just one problem.

It didn't happen. While the fight was TALKED ABOUT a lot, the fight between Shichika and his arch-rival was not shown. Instead we got some time focusing on his sister as she resists a kidnapping attempt by three affable villains. This however is by no means a bad thing because quite frankly Nanami is completely terrifying and massively fun to watch. It's a pity the show didn't focus on her instead of Togame. Oh well it still goes down as a fake-out along the lines of Ga-Rei Zero's opening.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1349 on: April 19, 2010, 03:25:24 PM »

Princess Robot Bubblegum.  GTA4's anime parody.  That is all.