Author Topic: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)  (Read 44024 times)

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #150 on: August 16, 2009, 06:03:48 AM »
Belselk- 5/10. He is inoffensive and has one good scene.
Alhazad- 7/10. Alhazad is probably the most threatening of the villains from WA1, since he does all the evil scheming and the science stuff. Schemy science villains are very good if done well. Alhazad is done okay.
Zed- DNR. Sorry, Zed, you're playable and you never do anything evil.
Boomerang- 4/10. You were a pretty big Shadow knockoff. But I like Shadow.
Luceid- DNR. Sorry, but you're not important enough in this game, despite how they hype you.
Lady Harken- 8/10. This is not so much for her villainy, but for her relationship with Jack, which I found to be pretty well-done.
Zeikfried- 5/10. Ruined by the end. God damn.
Mother- 5/10. Should not have come back, because she ruined Sieg, who I really liked up until then.

Wild Arms 2:

Ptolomea- 4/10. You felt bad for kicking his ass, and he was an occasional foil to Brad who was pretty good about it.
Judecca- 2/10. I don't really remember you doing anything besides cliche bad guy stuff.
Antenora- 3/10. I don't really remember you. You were letting Vinsfield put it in you or something, right? Reminds the audience you're a manipulative bitch, but that doesn't make you a villain.
Caina- 1/10. I hate you, Caina. I hate your fucking dungeon that you made me do more than anything in the world.
Vinsfeld- 7/10. Grats to you, Vins. You were just the right amount of pretentious and ruthless.
Lord Blazer- 5/10. Underused as a looming, ominous presence.
Irving- 11/10. Irving is the best thing in WA2; yes, he's even better than that part where Brad comes hauling ass across the desert with a railgun.

Wild Arms 3:

Melody- 3/10. Gets owned by Clive. That's her high point.
Malik- 1/10. Fuck you and your mother complexes, Japan. I know you guys can't get your rocks off normally anymore, but it wasn't cool when you made Norman Bates an effeminate ladyboy the first time, and it's not cool this time either.
Leehalt- 2/10. You had some vague plans and shit, and I can't say I was ever surprised by them, which I thought was the point of a schemer.
Janus- 4/10. He was persistent, and I have to respect that.
Asgard- 6/10. I think I'd like him better if he had Susan Richards' rack to go with her power. But he's not a bad character.
Siegfried-  7/10. Like the Prophets, but he wasn't a furry. He was also mostly free of those idiotic complexes that the Prophets wouldn't shut up about that made me hate them.
Beatrice- 1/10. Hi you stood in the background of scenes and that is supposed to make me worry about you? Fuck that. I've got nothing good to say about you.

In summary: Fuck WA3.


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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #151 on: August 16, 2009, 07:51:36 AM »
Wild Arms 1:

(Note: I'm using the WA1 names but feel free to consider ACF. I'm not going to rank ACF separately. Use your own judgment and post only one rating, please.)

Belselk- 4
Alhazad- 7
Zed- 7. Liked his arc well enough.
Boomerang- 2
Luceid- DNR
Lady Harken- 5. Weird. Bland as a villain, slightly used backstory...I don't know. Backstory is really what drives any caring you have for her.
Zeikfried- 6. Not like he wanted the fusion.
Mother- 4

Wild Arms 2:

Ptolomea- 3. He existed.
Judecca- 3. Even ignoring losing to Tim, WA 2 translation hurt him I think (Or else he was meant have an offbeat unfunny line or two?)
Antenora- 7. Really like what they did with her, although execution holds her back a bit.
Caina- 3
Vinsfeld- 6
Lord Blazer- 2
Liz- 9. Favorite joke villian ever. Does not objectively deserve this score of course!
Ard- 7. Objectively deserves this score even less!
Irving- 10

Wild Arms 3:

Melody- 6. 1 Less than the other prophets because her fail was more generic and in your face.
Malik- 7
Leehalt- 7. The Prophets were well set up as villains, yeah.
Janus- 2. At some point, it was just annoying that he wouldn't go away.
Asgard- 6
Siegfried- I don't remember well enough, but doesn't have the excuse like Beatrice! Just...don't remember.
Beatrice- Don't remember well enough, given her character type.

Maya- 8. Great overall arc.
Other Schroedingers- 3. 2 Points for being Maya's accessories. Other than that, almost non-existant, and when Todd at least talks, I just he wouldn't.
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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #152 on: August 17, 2009, 02:23:43 AM »
Belselk - 4, generic and inoffensive
Alhazad - 7, felt threatening, worked well in the opening scene, really started to hate him, so that was nicely done.
Zed - 7. Entertaining lackey-type.
Boomerang - 4. Ugh, but not objectively bad, just generic and no real development. I like the unwavering honor-types, but he needed more. May deserve higher for ACF, but I haven't gotten to him there yet.
Luceid - 4. Points solely for being a guardian on the bad side... there's not much to him, though.
Lady Harken - 8. Memorable. Sympathetic. Badass.
Zeikfried - 8. My kind of villain.
Mother - 6. Worked as a great antithesis to Zeik. Eating her children was suitably creepy.

Ptolomea - 5. Held back by WA2 translation, but otherwise a cool sympathetic villain.
Judecca - 3. REALLY held back by WA2 translation.
Antenora - 6. Crazy, though WA2 translation...
Caina - 5. My opinion here changes too often depending how generous I'm feeling about WA2 localization.
Vinsfield - 6. And still laughing about Lurkerson's comment on him.
Lord Blazer - 6. My favorite space flea~ A shame about WA2 localization messing everything up...
Liz - 7. Best part of WA2?
Ard - 6. And his partner?
Irving - 6. Not bad, sufficiently creepy... but his role came as no surprise whatsoever? I don't know, I'm going to blame WA2 translation + having played it loooong after its release date on ruining this character for me... I just don't see the hype.

Melody - 5. Owned by Clive. Generic craziness. Plays well with others.
Malik - 6. Gets things done with the other Prophets. Felt like a threat. Mother Complex is memorable.
Leehalt - 4. Wanted in Virginia's mom's pants. Somehow that STILL didn't make him creepy. Gets all his points from working well with the other Prophets.
Janus - 9. I really like how they played Janus. To me, I kept seeing his presence as a dark reminder that not all Drifters are awesome wonderful people (Unlike Maya/Virginia's teams, who are more like superheroes than mercenary/bandits...), which had always felt like the aesthetic that the WA series was trying to portray with its 'lawless wild west' setting. He also worked as a fun foil to Virginia's team. He was just a slightly-less-do-gooder-type who was after the same treasure that Virginia&co. had recently acquired and he ends up as a monstrous tool being played by multiple manipulators. Maybe the game didn't go out of its way to portray him as sympathetic, but I definitely inferred a lot of fear and regret in his later actions where he's desperately trying to regain control of his situation. And of course, there was always that lingering thought that the other Drifters were only one or two bad decisions away from becoming something like him. Definitely my favorite part of WA3.
Asgard - 6. Yep. Good presence. AI characters are fun.
Siegfried - 5. Generic-y manipulator.
Beatrice - 6. Felt tacked-on to me. But apparently she puts in a better showing on a second playthrough? Points for being a computer demon.

Maya - 8. Somewhat difficult to think of her as a villain, but she's definitely someone standing in Virginia's way for a large portion of the game. Also, the second-best part of WA3.
Alfred - 4. Meh.
Todd - 4. Afro-Magdalene!
Shady - 6. 5 points for Schroedinger's cat jokes.

Huh, WAs villains scored waaay higher than I was expecting.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2009, 04:49:59 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #153 on: August 17, 2009, 02:44:01 AM »
Wild Arms 1:

Voting based on ACF mind cause its fresher in my mind.

Belselk: 6/10.  Lame personality, but he did actually come off as genuinely threatening those early parts which felt like why he existed, so I'll give him a nod for that (if this was WA1, he'd have scored lower <_<)
Alhazad: 4/10.  I dunno, just didn't like him.
Zed: 7/10. Is awesome.
Boomerang: 3/10. Whatever.
Luceid: DNR.  Woof and such.
Lady Harken: 4/10.  Story had potential, but egads was it poorly handled.
Zeikfried: 6/10.  Gets a point for being a competent SANE villain, which is something you don't see very often, and his failures were mostly at the cost of things he really couldn't predict at all (see the Rudy amputates arm scenario; can't blame a villain for losing cause for once an RPG main DIDN'T wuss out of something as stark as that.)
Mother: 4/10.  Batshit insane! And not really amusing about it either.

Wild Arms 2:

Ptolomea: 6/10.  The honorable scumbag who when he dies, you do kind of feel bad that things ended up this way...or something...
Judecca: 4/10.  Lezard with a gun, moving on.
Antenora: 5/10.  I'll give her a point cause her plan was pretty creative ("Force boss to fall in love with me -> Die somewhere down the line -> Boss is now in immense despair! ANd he'll never know I never loved him!" purely to get revenge), but that's about it.
Caina: 4/10. generic underling, being homosexual who had his sex change to avoid censorship doesn't really do much for a villain.
Vinsfeld: 6/10. PURE IDEALS! Fulfilled his role well enough.
Lord Blazer: 3/10.  Cloud of Darkness, except with a stylish battle and awesome music.

Irving Valeria: 9/10. Uh, yeah, wow, damn complex plan that actually worked and there was really no way to anticipate his actions at all, and it still fit in well with the plot, instead of feeling like an ass pull.  THAT's a behind the scene villain for you.

Wild Arms 3:

Malik: 4/10. Mother, I will take the promised land!
Leehalt: 3/10. I'm the villain! Fear my generic motives!

Prophets as a group: 6/10.  Yeah, see elfboy.  They're really meant to work together as a team, which the dynamic works, rather than individuals, where they're...all kind of just quirks.

Janus: 4/10.  He'd be 7/10 if he actually died in Chapter 1, where he was an effective scum bag to foil Virginia being this noble but naive drifter...but then comes Chapter 2 where he just fails badly, overstaying his welcome, and just being a tool.  Or as i once said "little kid who wants to get back at his parents, but can't cause he's smaller."
Asgard: 6.5/10. Lame until the last stretch of the game where he suddenly grows a personality and is actually kind of interesting.  This obviously was the point though, given the whole Gather Data -> Evolve! thing or whatever, but felt like he needed more time with the personality to truly be effective.  Probably one of the best "Robot who grows emotions/personality" I've seen though, so he gets half a point for that.
Siegfried: 6/10.  Equivalent to his WA1 self more or less; deserves a nod since for once he's NOT this big uber threat of death like all these villainous bosses are, but rather, just a leader whose overall stronger than his partners, but not to a point where he's on a whole other level compared to your team.  (Maya's BOOST RAIL GUN FAFNIR HORN! was a good example of that.)
Beatrice: 7/10. Another well handled behind the scenes villain!  Take notes Ultimecia.

Maya: 7/10.  Good foil for Virginia, who worked as a replacement foil, perse, of Janus when Janus decided to become a total lamer.
Todd: 6/10. Afro Henchman.
Alfred: 6/10.  Had some good lines that did well to make fun of Maya ("She's only going to the tower cause its closer than the other, more reliable lead, so she has to walk less!"), and was about the closest thing you can get to a "Normal" person in the group.
Shady: 7/10.  yeah, sure, "its shady" works.
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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #154 on: August 17, 2009, 04:28:01 AM »
Wild Arms 1:

Belselk - 5/10 - Not too threatening, mostly there, but vaguely cool as a RAWR BABY SMASH villain.
Alhazad - 7.5/10 - Freaky villain. 
Zed - N/A - Don't really see much I can rank on bad guyness
Boomerang - 6/10 - Superboss was vaguely cool, and adds the little bit Djinn said was missing.
Luceid - N/A - A dog.
Lady Harken - 6/10 - Mmm...the dynamic kind of works.
Zeikfried - 7.5/10 - Double-cross was sexy. 
Mother - 3/10 - There, mostly.  Kind of cute, though.

Wild Arms 2:

Ptolomea - 3.0 - Blends together with the others
Judecca - 3.0 - Yeah
Antenora - 3.0 - Yeah...
Caina - 3.0 - Again!
Vinsfeld - 4.0 - What an awful terrorist.
Lord Blazer - 1.0 - Looks fucking ridiculous, which gets him a point for being a joke and hilarious.  Horrible otherwise, though

Wild Arms 3:

Melody - 7 - I liked the beauty thing; really made her seem more corrupt and evil than the others
Malik - 7 - Oedipus complex fun + working with the others
Leehalt - 6 - Felt the weakest alone
Janus - 8 - I agree with Djinn; he felt like a workable antagonist, though a failure in general, which was amusing
Asgard - 1 - Did not feel like one very much
Siegfried - 2.25 - Eh....
Beatrice - 7 - To appreciate her, really need to replay; still nice
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

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[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #155 on: August 17, 2009, 11:32:16 PM »
WA 1:

Belselk: 4/10. Works well as a minor villain. Wasn't as funny as he should have been though.
Alhazad: 8/10. Good balance between working for the demon race and doing his own stuff. Actually managed to feel threatening, something most other WA villains don't. Still fell short of "awesome".
Zed: 6.5/10. Funny. That's really all there is to it.
Boomerang: 5/10. He had style, but not much more. He was the one who worked with the villain because it served his own desires. The game made it clear that he had strong desires, but as for what the desires are, all I got was "fight though opponents" which I don't see as interesting.
Luceid: DNR. He is no more deserving of being ranked than Shadow's dog.
Lady Harken: 7/10. Served the purpose of developing Jack and also characterizing Alhazad. Also has style. Still, I found her backstory uninteresting beyond what it could do for Jack and I can't say I care for her.
Zeikfried: 6.5/10. Competent villain. Not that interesting though.
Mother: 6/10. Had a level of creepiness and felt threatening, but was also sometimes annoying.

WA 2:

Ptolomea: 3/10. Someone to hit. His quirk of being honorable did absolutely nothing for me.
Judecca: 2/10. Has nothing going for him and is annoying to boot. Didn't get enough screentime to qualify for a lower score though.
Antenora: 3/10. Her quirk may have worked had she had more screentime. As it is, she never grabbed any interest.
Caina: 3/10. Someone to hit. His quirk does nothing.
Vinsfield: 7/10. I liked his speech and his attitude and he was delightfully hypocritical. Still a bit lacking though. His reasoning could have been better developed, I got that he blamed the presence of the monsters on corruption, but there has to be more to it.
Lord Blazer: 3/10. Helped to develop Ashley, but had nothing going for himself. When he finally appeared, his was defeated almost immediately.
Liz: 6.5. See Zed.
Ard: 5/10. Not as fun. Saying "Ard" all the time did limit him some.
Irving: 7/10. Well developed and competent. His plot twist didn't have any impact though due to poor foreshadowing.

WA 3:

Melody: 4/10. Existed only to be owned by Clive. Still works, but isn't interesting or anything.
Malik: 4/10. His Oedipus complex prevents him from being completely bland, but that's it.
Leehalt: 5/10. The most competent of them, but not so much he actually impress me.

As noted before, the prophets work better as a whole than individually. It was either them or the rest of the world and they made the selfish choice and made up some bullshit about evolving the world as a justification. As a team I'd give them 7/10.

Janus: 5/10. Works fairly well at the beginning, but should have died in chapter 1. Rather fitting though that he was all "screw others" and then died via the same treatment.
Asgard: 7/10. Felt like a threat and was fairly interesting.
Siegfried: 4/10. Take Zeikfried, but chop of most of the screentime and don't give him someone to conspire against.
Beatrice: 7/10. Stylish and delightfully creepy and I liked her appearances throughout the game. Entered the spotlight way to late though at which point the game had gone on long enough already.


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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #156 on: August 18, 2009, 08:48:35 AM »
Wild Arms 1:

Belselk - Strongest demon who smashs things. Every villain team needs one so a 6/10.
Alhazad - Psycho who notices Zeik isn't himself but just doesn't care enough to do anything about it. Doesn't seem to overly care what people do as long as he gts what he wants. Decent enough. 7/10
Zed - Would have liked more interaction with the other villains. Funny enough. 7/10
Boomerang - Been kicking ass and taking names for over a 1000 years. I would say he has honour but how he killed Belselk wasn't exactly fair. 5/10.
Luceid - Follows boomerang around. 2/10
Lady Harken - Darkness tear thing is weird. 4/10
Zeikfried - I like him as a villain but I really wonder how aware he was of the times. I mean didn't he ever leave his base? If he'd bother to see how the world was he wouldn't have needed crap like the dark tear. I mean he leads an attack on one of the two nations with power and destroys it easily. Meanwhile Belselk brings the other to its knees again easily. Guardians are weakened, humans are weak in general, elws gone, golems mostly belong to him so why not just invade?
Mother - An idiot for telling Zeik she was going to kill him. 2/10

Wild Arms 3:

Melody,Malik, Leehalt - Work as the major villains for most of the game. 7/10.
Janus - Screwed over the above three before being manhandled quite easily by Seig. I quite liked his black hat style. 7/10
Asgard - For all that he is a machine who is pretty bland for most of the game I really like him, also the time traveling thing was pretty good. 9/10
Siegfried - plot powers of doom and has a pretty good ablity that is actually pretty interstng. Other then that he just kind of gets battered after spouting he is stronger. Also THE BLADE OF JUSTICE IS BLUNT! 6/10
Beatrice - I like how she got rid of Seig. 8/10


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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #157 on: August 20, 2009, 02:46:45 PM »
Bumping this. I'll be updating this evening or tomorrow, get your votes in now!
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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #158 on: August 21, 2009, 12:52:02 AM »
Short version: I liked WA2's characters way better than WA1 or WA3.

Wild Arms 1:

Belselk - 2/10 Generic rargh demon.
Alhazad - 2/10 Generic rargh demon.
Zed - 5/10 Didn't find him as funny as others did, but wasn't generic at least.
Boomerang - 4/10 - A decent villain for WA1, but bad anywhere else.
Luceid - DNR, 4/10 if ranked anyway.  Doesn't really count.
Lady Harken - No ranking from me.  I don't really recall much dramatic interaction with Jack that her plotline would suggest, more "rargh we're rivals wait it's so tragic oh noes."
Zeikfried - 6/10 - Credit for "Screw destroying the world, Mother's gone crazy, let's go back to conquering it!"
Mother - 4/10.  Exists for Zeik to beat up.  She should not have randomly come back, gets docked a point for that.

Wild Arms 2:

Ptolomea - 6/10 Solid henchmen, rivalry with Brad, good times.
Judecca - 3/10 Definitely a weak link.  Agree that the translation hurts here, I think he was supposed to be sarcastic?
Antenora - 7/10 "Seduce Vinsfeld so that he will be pissed after I die."  Weird, but sure, and it worked.
Caina - 3/10 Random crazy henchman.
Vinsfeld - 7/10 I liked Vinsfeld.
Lord Blazer - 5/10.  Not really an entity as a villain, but made the story a bit more interesting with the KnightBlazer addition.
Liz & Ard - 7/10 Amusing.
Irving - 9/10 Almost tempted to say not a villain?  He did save the world after all.  I love villains who set up "Heads I win, Tails I win" situations, since if Odessa had won that'd have been fine too.

Wild Arms 3:

Melody, Malik, Leehalt - 6/10? Agree with Dark Holy Elf, they're kind of lame individually, but as a group they're an effective evil presence.
Janus - 7/10 Best villain of WA3.  Kinda pathetic, yet damnably persistent.  I approve.
Asgard - 2/10 I totally forget anything villainous he did, so it can't have been that good.

WA3 kept on trading down in villainy.  I liked CHapter 1 & 2's Prophets / Janus, Siegfried & Beatrice were meh.

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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #159 on: August 21, 2009, 12:56:49 AM »
Wild Arms 1:

Belselk- 5/10
Alhazad- ???
Zed- 8/10.
Boomerang- ??
Luceid- ???
Lady Harken- 10/10!!!
Zeikfried- ???
Mother- ???

Wild Arms 2:

Ptolomea- 4/10
Judecca- 4/10
Antenora- 7/10. Ridiculously weird and twisted. WA2 PLOT.
Caina- 1/10
Vinsfeld- 5/10.
Lord Blazer- uhhhhhDNR/10
Irving- 8/10
Liz- 7/10
Ard- 10/10

Wild Arms 3:

Melody- 1/10. The only reason I voted.
Malik- 3/10
Leehalt- 1.5/10. Not Melody, so he gets 0.5 points.
Janus- 2/10
Asgard- ???
Siegfried- ???
Beatrice- 5/10

Maya- 2/10
Shady- 7/10
Todd- 6/10
ALFRED- 10/10
« Last Edit: August 21, 2009, 12:59:28 AM by Ciato »
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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #160 on: August 21, 2009, 01:52:37 AM »
Wild Arms 1: (No ACF as of now.)

Belselk: 2/10. Generic.
Alhazad: 1.5/10. Generic, boringish.
Zed: 5/10. Silly.
Boomerang: 4/10. Remember him more than Belselk/Alhazad.
Luceid: 2/10, DNR. Doesn't really count.
Lady Harken: 4/10. See Boomerang.
Zeikfried: 5/10. Generic but kinda made a bit more sense?
Mother: 3/10. Meh.

Wild Arms 2:

Ptolomea: Abstain, absolutely no recollection.
Judecca: 2/10. Failed, IIRC.
Antenora: 5/10. Twisted motivation works for a generic villian.
Caina: 2/10.
Rudolph The Magic Key Or Whatever The Fuck His Name Was: 8/10, the real villian of the game even beyond Irving.
Vinsfeld: 5/10, was kinda interesting and his ghost killed me.
Lord Blazer: 4/10, DNR. Space Flea-ish.
Irving: 9/10. Yeah, he was impressive.
Liz: 8/10. Best monologues in any game ever.
Ard: 9/10. Ard ard ard.


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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #161 on: August 21, 2009, 09:26:28 AM »

Wild Arms 1:

Belselk - 6/10
Alhazad - 5/10
Zed - 7/10
Boomerang - 3/10
Luceid - 1/10
Lady Harken - 9/10
Zeikfried -  4/10
Mother - 1/10

Wild Arms 2:

Ptolomea - 3/10
Judecca - 3/10
Antenora - 8/10
Caina - 4/10
Vinsfeld - 5/10
Lord Blazer - 1/10
Irving - 9/10
Liz - 8/10
Ard - 8/10

Wild Arms 3:

Melody - 2/10
Malik - 3/10
Leehalt - 3/10
Janus - 4/10
Asgard - 5/10
Siegfried - 4/10
Beatrice - 9/10


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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #162 on: August 21, 2009, 04:07:39 PM »
Okay, that's it! I'm updating today, results should be posted tonight.
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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #163 on: August 22, 2009, 03:01:42 PM »
Here's the results!

Wild Arms 1:

Belselk: 3.95, 21 rankers.
Alhazad: 5.45, 20 rankers.
Zed: 6.40, 16 rankers. (3 DNR)
Boomerang: 4.05, 20 rankers.
Luceid: DNR. (2.25, 12 rankers.)
Lady Harken: 6.20, 20 rankers.
Zeikfreid: 5.73, 19 rankers.
Mother: 3.50, 20 rankers.

Wild Arms 2: 

Ptolomea: 4.34, 16 rankers.
Judecca: 2.64, 17 rankers.
Antenora: 5.76, 17 rankers.
Caina: 3.17, 17 rankers.
Vinsfeld: 5.76, 17 rankers.
Lord Blazer: 3.82, 17 rankers. (1 DNR)
Irving Vold Valeria: 9.00, 16 rankers.
Liz: 7.04, 12 rankers.
Ard: 6.50, 12 rankers.

Wild Arms 3:

Melody: 4.46, 16 rankers.
Malik: 4.87, 16 rankers.
Leehalt: 4.46, 16 rankers.
Janus: 4.87, 16 rankers.
Asgard: 5.76, 15 rankers.
Siegfried: 4.23, 14 rankers.
Beatrice: 6.20, 15 rankers.
Maya: 6.83, 6 rankers.
Todd: 5.66, 6 rankers.
Shady: 6.33, 6 rankers.
Alfred: 6.33, 6 rankers.

More coming in the next post.
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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #164 on: August 22, 2009, 03:23:18 PM »
Top ten highest ranked villains:
1. Delita(FFT): 9.04, 12 rankers. (3 DNR)
2. Irving Vold Valeria(WA2): 9.00, 16 rankers.
3. Dycedarg(FFT): 7.86, 15 rankers.
4. Bangaa(FFTA2): 7.66, 3 rankers.
5. Jecht(FFX): 7.30, 15 rankers. (3 DNR)
6. Reno(FF7):  7.21, 21 rankers.
7. Liz: 7.04, 12 rankers.
8. Rufus(FF7): 6.97, 21 rankers.
9. Algus(FFT): 6.90, 15 rankers.
10. Sin(FFX): 6.87, 16 rankers. (3 DNR)

Top ten lowest ranked villains
1. Zemus/Zeromus(FF4): 1.88, 17 rankers.
2. Necron(FF9): 2.13, 22 rankers.
3. Adel(FF8): 2.33, 18 rankers. (1 DNR)
4. Mewt(FFTA): 2.44, 9 rankers.
5t. Milon(FF4): 2.60, 15 rankers (3 DNRs)
5t. Lani(FF9): 2.60, 20 rankers. (2 DNR)
7. Judecca(WA2): 2.64, 17 rankers.
8. Ewen(FFTA2): 2.66, 3 rankers.
9. Llendar(FFTA): 2.75, 8 rankers. (1 DNR)
10. Hein(FF3): 2.83/DNR, 6 rankers.


Baigan: DNR (2.2, 10 voters.)
Jenova: DNR (3.00, 12 rankers.)
Edea: DNR (4.8, 10 rankers.)
Beatrix: DNR (5.83, 10 rankers.)
Golagros: DNR (4.5, 6 rankers.)
Bart: DNR (3.2, 5 rankers.)
Celia: DNR (4.00, 7 rankers.)
Lede: DNR. (4.28, 7 rankers.)
High Priest Funeral: DNR (3.66, 6 rankers.)
Kletian: DNR (3.42, 7 rankers.)
Cid: DNR. (4.00, 3 rankers.)
Neukhia: DNR. (4.00, 2 rankers.)
Luceid: DNR. (2.25, 12 rankers.)


Kain(1.0, 1 vote)
Tunnel Armor(10, 1 vote)
Yuffie(4.0, 1 vote)
The Occuria(5.33, 3 votes)
Dycedarg's Elder Brother(10.00, 1 vote.)
Professor Daravon(10.00, 1 vote.)
Marche(10.00, 1 vote.)

Games ranked:

FF1, FF2, FF3, FF4, FF5, FF6, FF7, FF8, FF9, FF10, FF12, FFT, FFTA, FFTA2, WA1, WA2, WA3.


If you want to DNR, make sure you say DNR. If you say no vote or leave it ambiguous, I'm going to count it as a blank vote. I really don't want to have to play vote interpretation when I'm tallying these up. Thanks.

Anyway, interesting round. I think Liz/Ard curved higher since they were were write-ins, as the people who don't care for them may have been more inclined to not include them versus giving them a low vote if they were. Oh well. Irving is also mad-villainous, giving Delita a close run for his money. I thought he was going to pull it off, but he came up short by .04. Harsh.

This round it's going to be all about finishing up the Wild Arms series.

Wild Arms 4:

The Congressional Knights

Wild Arms 5:


Wild Arms XF:


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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #165 on: August 22, 2009, 03:27:00 PM »
Wild Arms 4:

Jeremy- 4/10. Pathetic enough to be memorable, and that's it.
Scythe- 5/10. Points for the plane scene.
Belial- 6/10. Different take on a villian, I guess. I'm not too enthused about this cast in general.
Gawn- 0/10- I've ranted about him enough. Is completely worthless in every regard as a foe and his death scene is a bad joke.
Hugo- Pass.
Balgaine- Pass.
Enil- Pass.
Farmel- 6/10. Skanky minion. DId her job well enough.
Tony- 3/10. Didn't find him funny, just annoying.
Kresnik- 1/10. HAY I'M GOING TO KILL MYSELF TO MAKE MY SISTER HAPPY CLEARLY THIS IS THE WISEST PATH no you should have thrown yourself off the nearest bridge when you were 5 to save everyone the pathetic, whining angst.
Augst- 6/10. Brutally logical. It's hard to not appreciate that.
The Congressional Knights- 2/10. Exist to be owned.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #166 on: August 22, 2009, 03:35:59 PM »
Wild Arms 4:

Jeremy: 2/10. Failure henchman? Sure.
Scythe: 1/10 Retard with a vampire fetish. He could be funny as a parody of vampire fans, but it's so damned painful to watch and he has very little screentime.
Belial: 5/10. She has a certain style that puts her above the dreck.
Lambda: 1/10 Blah blah blah hot blood blah blah blah shut up. Also looks like a bad 70s hangover.
Gawn: 1/10. Oh hey, you're a fucking retard. I'm SHOCKED.
Hugo: 7/10. I was a sucker for his style. This isn't something I can defend.
Balgaine: DNR. Who?
Enil: DNR. Who?
Farmel: 2/10. A point for having something to look at besides her face.
Tony: 1/10. Stupid, boring gimmick.
Kresnik: EDIT: 1/10. ON FURTHER REVIEW, I forgot his suicidal bullshit. Fuck Kresnik.
Augst: 3/10. Three points for being almost-sorta amusing once or twice.
The Congressional Knights: DNR.

Wild Arms 5:

Nightburn: 1/10. If WA5 wasn't a steaming pile of shit, he might have gone somewhere. Stupid music too.
Persephone: 2/10. The only way she could score higher is if she embraced nudism in the ending. Being emo for Nightburn is like -1000000 right then and there.
Fereydoon: 2/10. Something about honor and a girl and some shit? Been there, done that.
Kartikeya: 4/10. Okay, Greg pulls Kartikeya up. Kartikeya was lame, but he gets some rub off points.
Elvis: 1/10. I don't like his type of character to begin with.
Volsung: 1/10. I've scorched Volsung's fuckery out of my mind. I'm happier for it!
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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #167 on: August 22, 2009, 03:47:56 PM »
Wild Arms 4:

Jeremy: 5/10. Gets a point for persistence.
Scythe: 5/10. Gets a point for his last scene.
Belial: 8/10. Girl had style. Also gets a point for being final-boss level powerful and yet an earlygamish fight.
Lambda: 5/10. A little too emo for my taste, but generally fun enough. Killed the truly horrible excuses for villains so that is cool too.
Gawn: 3/10. No.
Hugo: 5/10. Gets a point for style (dedicated, self-controlled fighter with no real code of honor) and that is it.
Enil: 3/10. She contributed so very little. Loses points for being a joke fight.
Farmel: 6/10. Gets a point for being hot. And for a decent scene or two with Lambda.
Tony: 6/10. DAMN KIDS. Tony was amusing.
Kresnik: 2/10. Extremely annoying as a villain.
Augst: 7/10. Gets points for being the 'normal' guy that couldn't fight, his jokes, and his end. Doesn't lose points for his boss fight being easy because it makes for great DL fodder!
The Congressional Knights: 1/10. Seriously they suck.

Wild Arms 5:

Nightburn: 6/10. Gets a points for style. Loses points for being an idiot.
Persephone: 7/10. Gets points for being hot. The scene with her giving Rebecca a medicine that would kill a little girl was very revealing of her cold nature and just fairly well handled. Could have been better but her Nightburn fangirlism kind of sucked.
Fereydoon: 5/10. Just so utterly... bland. Worked, though. And the romance angle with a human was amusing.
Kartikeya: 6/10. He sucks, yes... but he works so dang well for what he is supposed to be. And the grim consequences of his actions are shown to strong effect.
Elvis: 8/10. As comedy villains go, he manages to be awesome. As serious villains go he manages to be okay. Biggest complaint is that his acceptance of the plan would have meant CAROL'S death too, but he seemed to overlook that so it is possible he had a plan around that.
Volsung: 3/10. Gets a point for some style, loses points for being failure.

Wild Arms XF:

Edna: 7/10. Edna is a villain you are supposed to love to hate. And boy does she work for that.
Weisheit: 5/10. She manages to be  very cool in some parts of the game. Unfortunately he comes back in the end and .... ugh.l
Charlton: 9/10. He can get this far on pure style. And being composed of BOTH personal ambition and a true desire to see Filgaia prosper... (obviously 'prosper' is subject to interpretation)
Rupert: 7/10. Despicable scumbag. But he plays this role very well.
Katrina: 7/10. How can I not love the villain who gave us such lines as "My soul itches!" and "FEED ME YOUR FEAR, BITCHES!" wait you mean she didn't say that second one? Well, you get the picture. (In seriousness, the left-field nature of her combined with the strange dichotomy of a little girl being PURE EVIL worked very well. Unnerving Charlton also scores points. She just felt like a force of nature past a certain part in the story... and that was exactly what she was supposed to be)
Eisen: 4/10. Bland.
Chelle: 7/10. Gets a point for being hot. I enjoyed some of her dialogue with Ragnar. I know I'm weird for that but I can't change what I enjoyed. Also liked her last scene.
Piedras: 2/10. RAR I EAT BABIES AND AM BLAND AS ****. Gets a single point for being a giant freaking worm.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2009, 03:50:39 PM by Pyro »


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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #168 on: August 22, 2009, 07:28:51 PM »
Wild Arms 4:

Jeremy: 3/10 Meh.  Kinda generic psychopath who really was just kinda there.
Scythe: 4/10 Wannabe vampire.
Belial: 7/10 Pretty good for a psycho girlfriend.  Extra points for Tank Drop.
Lambda: 7/10 MANLY TEARS.  Still, not a bad example of the well-intentioned extremest.
Gawn: 4/10 I liked his death scene, but really why did he go along with Lambda's plan if he disagreed with it?
Hugo: 5/10 Evil Hiro Nakamura hype.
Enil: 2/10 Behold, the power of emo.
Farmel: 5/10 Not bad, but not good either.
Tony: 2/10 Failed at being an entertaining butt monkey.
Kresnik: DNR
Augst: 8/10 I liked Augst.  Rejoined the war on the other side to try and bring it to an end, yet he never really came across as a traitor.
The Congressional Knights: 5/10 Generic villainy, but they get points for the synchronized dramatic monologue.

Wild Arms 5:

Nightburn: 1/10 Wah, wah, my girlfriend died of natural causes so I'm going to wipe out humanity.
Persephone: 1/10 Wah, wah, the guy I like doesn't notice me so I'm going to wipe out humanity.
Fereydoon: 2/10 Wah, wah, I'm a soldier so I have to wipe out humanity.
Kartikeya: 5/10 See, at least this guy would conceivably do it.
Elvis: 7/10 It's sad when the comic relief is the best written character.  Still, contradictions with his actions being likely to kill his beloved Carol aside, at least he earnestly looked for an alternative to wiping out humanity and came across as the only one actually trying to save his species.
Volsung: -10/10 Fine, 1/10 if I have to give a realistic score, but honestly Volsung's writing is so horrible it fills me with rage.  Hates racism so he's going to wipe out both species.  That's bad enough, but then they tried to justify it by having him be possessed.  But the thing possessing him is the souls of everybody else who failed to overcome racism!  Why in the world did the writers thing this was a good idea?!
WA5 Writers: 10/10 Created Volsung.


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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #169 on: August 22, 2009, 08:23:35 PM »
Wild Arms 4:

Jeremy: 5/10. Points for persistence, at least.
Scythe: 2/10. Moron, but at least he gave us a good death scene.
Belial: 6/10. Style points.
Lambda: 3/10. I can see what they were going for, just don't think it worked.
Gawn: 3/10. Not really interested in thinking about him right now.
Hugo: 3/10. Honestly, I tend to forget he was even in the game.
Balgaine: 5/10. Chainsaw rocketman. Yes, that's worth five points.
Enil: 3/10. Am I the only one who thought she looked like a stewardess?
Farmel: 5/10. Sexy, has some decent conversations with Lambda/Augst. Passable.
Tony: 4/10. He's good enough for what he was meant to be. YOU DAMN BRATS.
Kresnik: 2/10. Go away.
Augst: 7/10. Most likable villain in the cast.
The Congressional Knights: 2/10. They existed to get killed by Lambda. Fulfilling the role of witless dupe is pretty thankless.

Wild Arms 5:

Nightburn: 3/10. Epic douchebaggery, should've stayed dead. Good theme music, though (not the battle track, I didn't dig that so much).
Persephone: 6/10. Have no real justification for this. She was a bitch, but one with style and awesome music (and that makes it all okay!)
Fereydoon: 4/10. Existed.
Kartikeya: 2/10. Isn't Volsung.
Elvis: 4/10. Really not my kind of character, but I have no reason to dislike him.
Volsung: 1/10. See Lurkerson's rant. There could've been something in a half-breed choosing a side, but WA5's writers had other priorities.

Wild Arms XF:

Edna: 7/10. Horrible excuse for a human being, and supremely good at being a hateable wretch.
Weisheit: 1/10. Why couldn't you just die? Ugh. One-dimensional and supremely annoying.
Charlton: 8/10. Is a total dick, but a pretty convincingly written reactionary.
Rupert: 7/10. Cold-blooded mercenary, but neither he nor the game made any attempt to claim otherwise. That's worth something.
Katrina: 4/10. Meh. Possession doesn't really make for compelling antagonists.
Eisen: 4/10. This was the royal knights leader dude? I liked that he was willing to undermine Charlton's government in small ways that didn't technically violate the responsibilities of his position. Points off for trying to suicide against your party near the end, though. That was just dumb.
Chelle: 4/10. Barely exists, but she was nice to look at I guess?
Piedras: 3/10. Now YOU gonna be the worm-face!


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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #170 on: August 23, 2009, 06:41:04 PM »
Still have to finish WA4... may rate a few of the villains I got through anyways.

Wild Arms 5:

Nightburn 6/10 - Pretty much all style points. Well, and apparently not being as disgusted with him as most.
Persephone 6/10 - I... don't know. Just something cool about her.
Fereydoon 2/10 - Conflicted soldier blahblahblah cool fighting style at least.
Kartikeya 5/10 - Fun psychopath. So outlandish it works.
Elvis 7/10 - Not a total dumbass like the rest of the villains!
Volsung 3/10 - Those last couple hours of plot killed a potential 5 or 6 villain. Cool spear/sword at least.
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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #171 on: August 23, 2009, 09:09:15 PM »
Wild Arms 4:

Jeremy - 5/10
Scythe - 7/10
Belial - 8/10
Lambda - 3/10
Gawn - 6/10
Hugo - 6/10
Balgaine - 6/10
Enil - 2/10
Farmel - 2/10
Tony - 8/10
Kresnik - 1/10
Augst - 8/10
The Congressional Knights - 1/10

Wild Arms 5:

Nightburn - 5/10
Persephone - 4/10
Fereydoon - 6/10
Kartikeya - 1/10
Elvis - 5/10
Volsung - 1/10

Wild Arms XF:

Edna - 4/10
Weisheit - 4/10
Charlton - 6/10
Rupert - 8/10
Katrina - 9/10
Eisen - Who?/10
Chelle - 2/10
Piedras - 1/10


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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #172 on: August 23, 2009, 09:26:48 PM »
Wild Arms 4:

Jeremy - 4/10 - Recurring villain. INERTIA CANCEL.
Scythe - 3/10 - I AM A CRIMSON NOBLE. At least he made Arnaud go emo which was funny. And then the writers reveal he failed at life and was a delusional, regular idiot. Then I facepalm and dock him four points.
Lambda - 6/10 - Eh. "YOU NEED TO BE MATURE" to... the Congressional Knights. Felt too much like a misguided hero either way.
Gawn - DNR - Didn't feel like a bad guy to me. I also hate the thing they went for with him.
Hugo - 2/10 - "Oh hey I have one scene where I can BEAT EVEN TIME ITSELF and then Raquel beats me."
Balgaine - 7/10 - ROCKETS. (Al)Most competent villain.
Enil - 2/10 - Felt more like an obligatory hurdle to mature and develop the heroes than a villain who was meant to make a difference.
Farmel - 2/10 - Shield to protect Lambda blah blah.
Tony - DNR - Comedy relief.
Kresnik - DNR - Not a villain.
Augst - 8/10 - He had a reason, he had the callousness, and ultimately the bastard made the hero go emo.
The Congressional Knights - 1/10 "YOU MUST BECOME MATURE LAMBDA". Really? Are you fucking serious? You can exaggerate, WA4 writers, you can.

(funnily enough I liked the game as a whole, including story)

Wild Arms 5:

Nightburn - 1/10 - The wah wah my girlfriend died assessment of this man pretty much sums up how I feel.
Persephone - 2/10 - Destined to turncoat. Gets a point for POISON MEDICINE.
Fereydoon - 1/10 - Fereywho?
Kartikeya - 6/10 - I CAN'T BE KILLED. Felt a little anti-climactic when he did die, but felt like the only villain who earnestly wanted to see me dead.
Elvis - 7/10 - Amusing. Sympathetic. Augst Mk II.
Volsung - 1/10 - Don't get me started.


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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #173 on: August 23, 2009, 09:36:21 PM »
Wild Arms 4:

Jeremy- 2. A completely non-threatening villian who just keeps showing up. Scary.
Scythe- 4.
Belial- 7. A few points for style.
Lambda- 3.
Gawn- 1.
Hugo- 4.
Balgaine- 6. Style points too.
Enil- 5.
Farmel- 3.
Tony- 3. Had to think about this one for a second.
Kresnik- 2. Confusing
Augst- 7.
The Congressional Knights- 3.

Wild Arms 5:

Nightburn- 3. Found him tacky and grating.
Persephone- 2. You aren't fooling me Erim!
Fereydoon- 6. Two points for making Chuck sadface.
Kartikeya- 6. Hatable, but at least if felt like they were going for that. His end just made his existence so very worth it.
Elvis- 8.
Volsung- 0.

Wild Arms XF:

Edna- 6. Decent, but nothing special.
Weisheit- 4.
Charlton- 7
Rupert- 6
Katrina- 4.
Eisen- 2. Too stupid by the end. Yes, please fight me when we are allies and ignore our enemies!
Chelle- 4. I don't even hate Ragnar (Even remotely)!
Piedras- 4.
...into the nightfall.

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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #174 on: August 23, 2009, 11:54:15 PM »
I played WA4 more recently than any of the previous three, but its villains failed to stick in my memory in any way shape or form so I'm not voting on them.

Wild ARMs XF, on the other hand, had a much better villain cast than it did heroic cast.  Yeah, yeah, not saying much, but seriously, some of these antagonists were actually worthy of the excellent gameplay.

Wild Arms XF:

Edna: 6/10.  Algus clause drags her up somewhat, but Edna was too over-the-top to be a true love-to-hate villain.
Weisheit: 3/10.  Point for sometimes being an interesting fight.  Loses it for overstaying his welcome so much he seemed like a Tales villain.
Charlton: 8/10.  Presence, a cool (if under-utilized) power, and a not entirely moronic or unbelievable goal.
Rupert: 8/10.  Presence, great lines, and a cool powerset that makes for a genuinely interesting battle in the lategame.
Katrina: 8/10.  One of the best tragic possessed antagonists.  Could teach Altima and Goddard a thing or twenty about providing a reasonable challenge to endgame Tactics-RPG characters.
Eisen: 4/10.  As an ALLY, working within the system to undermine Charlton and co. by playing politics, he was actually really cool.  As an antagonist he was a particularly dumbass Knight Templar.
Chelle: 3/10.  As a character, doesn't completely suck.  However, she gets dragged down by being the personification of one of the most gameplay-annoying villain groups ever.  GOD, I was sicking of fighting those schlubs.
Piedras: 2/10.  If Chelle failed as a character as well as being part of the Zortoa Kinship, why - HELLO PIEDRAS.  Point for cool character design and sand worm.
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