Hiiiiiiii talented newbie here~
Or something.
Oh, everything listed, when applicable, is maximum lives. I haven't bothered with default lives except on...some PCB Normal runs, I think? And by "cleared" I mean 1cc.
Lotus Land Story, Mystic Square:
Cleared Easy on both of these. (Mystic Square Easy is, for the record, freaking hard for an Easy. I suppose it still deserves the name, I can't see it passing for a Normal, but still.) I forget who with.
Haven't really given either of these any real attention; When I have access to the laptop, I play the more modern games simply due to liking them more. On this computer, I can play them, but...with flickering. As in, the entire sprite layer.
As in, every bullet. Just for a quarter second or something, every ten seconds or so! But it's more than enough to annoy me.
I got my Easy clears that way, but I sure as hell don't plan on trying to play higher modes that way.
Embodiment of Scarlet Devil:
Easy: Cleared with all characters.
Normal: Cleared with everyone but ReimuB.
Hard: MarisaB clear.
Lunatic: MarisaA cleared.
Extra: MarisaA cleared.
No, really, that sums up most of how I feel towards EoSD.
I enjoy the high difficulty of the game in many ways-I love the high speed bullet showers, though I don't claim to be as good at them as more patterned and slower attacks(Nowhere near, in fact.). This kept me playing the game far after my instincts were yelling at me to stop, something that happened during Extra and continued through Hard and Lunatic.
Y'see, I don't do well with limited resources.
EoSD chokes you for resources. Ten(11 counting starting) lives main-game, three bombs no matter what. Four(five) lives Extra. This is not my forte-usually I'm all about managing to, in the famous phrase, bomb more. And eventually struggle into a win through strategic use of resources combined with abusing my ability to read bullets really fast which allows me to live through some weird junk.
EoSD Lunatic was nightmarish for me. And a whole lot of fun. I have no clue why I did it, and I quite possibly have the biggest love-hate relationship with it out of any part of any game ever. It's quite odd.
Perfect Cherry Blossom:
Easy: Cleared with all characters. All spellcards capped on Easy.
Normal: Cleared with all characters. Cleared with Sakuya A without ever taking my finger off the focus button(and a lot of lives left, too. I was surprised.).
Hard: Cleared with Sakuya A.
Lunatic: Cleared with Sakuya A.
Extra: Cleared with Sakuya A(About two weeks after I started playing. ^_^) and Reimu B.
Phantasm: Same as Extra. Reimu B got a DBF cap~
Also sums this up.
About half the DL got to see(or at least, witness reactions to) my first PCB Easy run; I took to this game incredibly fast, I don't quite understand why, and I love the hell out of it. I've enjoyed every bit of it except running Extra the first time, and that was pushing myself too hard. And even then I enjoyed it when I wasn't swearing at how hard it was.
Graphically, the style is just beautiful for what are still barrages of bullets, the patterned attacks have just enough variance(or, in many cases, just extreme complexity) to make them not just "move here, do this, repeat", the game is high on resources(Well, unless it's Marisa.), the music rocks, and...yeah, I could basically come up with tons of reasons I'm fond of PCB.
Imperishable Night:
Easy: Cleared with all teams. Also cleared NF with solo Youmu. That was fun. Everyone should do that. ^_^ Also cleared it the first time I played it...which was the second time I played Touhou. Easy Touhou is easy~ Or something.
Normal: Um...well, I've cleared it...with Border Team and Ghost Team, I know. Damned if I recall if I did it with other teams...
Hard: Border Team clear. 6B.
Lunatic: Border Team clear. 6B. Three months into playing the games. ^_^ The other thing I'm proud of, 'sides the Extra PCB clear that fast.
Extra: Cleared with Border Team, Scarlet Team, Ghost Team, solo Yukari, IIRC. (...there may have been a solo Remilia in there, I forget.) Got the Imperishable Shooting run with a o_O Scarlet Team run where I capped Fujiyama and Possessed by Phoenix instead of some easier stuff and just barely nabbed it.
Other: All spellcards in the game capped in Spellcard Practice, including all Last Words. I think I've capped...around 215 with Border Team, used other people for the remainder. (Well, I've capped some cards I've capped with Border Team with other teams for kicks, too.)
My other favorite out of the series, though I admit to not having played MoF much at all.
The high patterning agrees with me well, however. Still, it's patterning that requires very high skill to pull off reliably, in addition to knowing your stuff. It's not a big deal on lower modes, either, knowing the patterns helps a lot on, say, Normal, but it is possible to clear without it.
Also, this has to date my favorite OST out of any Touhou game...on average. However, I still like a ton of PCB tunes, and on average I like them more than my favorites out of IN.
Phantasmagoria of Flower View:
Story Mode: Um I think I have non-cheap Normal clears and an Aya Hard clear! I don't play this much against the CPU.
Extra: Komachi Extra cleared. Shikieiki Extra looks far easier for me, but I can't be bothered, PoFV Extra is both cool and highly annoying at the same time.
Great competitive-against-people game(so long as you don't, like, use Reimu. Either of you.), rather mediocre against AI. It's still fun against AI, but it's fundamentally fun in the same way that timing out spellcards is, which is a weird and situational fun. Extra would have been great if you started with *any* lives(even if they'd upped the difficulty a bit to compensate), but as it is, it's rather annoying to me. Fun game, just not *as* fun as the above three. Though it doesn't drive me nutso like EoSD has at points. So that's something.
Shoot the Bullet:
Scenes cleared: All 85.
Also, getting EX-4 in 32 shots(to this day, I don't know how.) and clearing the entire game without any card ever going over 1k shots is pretty good. (Only two over 600 or so, even, IIRC.)
Fun game~ with moments of utter stupidity.
As you might have guessed from IN, I rather like having single, hard spellcards to work on, and StB delivers that...a bit too well, at points, however. 9-6 is a glaring example, and there were some others nearly as bad(Though, thank god, I was profoundly lucky as well as my usual good-at-grasping-patterns for some of the nastiest.). The idea of "capping" cards by spamming bombs works well for me, as does ULTRA TINY MICRO DODGE SPEED GOOOOO. However, Aya's normal focus is the most trashy thing ever. Oh, that isn't relevant, but I like to say it. ^_^
Mountain of Faith:
Easy: Cleared this with MarisaB, ReimuB, ReimuA, MarisaA. Capped every spellcard on Easy.
Higher difficulties: Haven't tried except one Normal run that I flubbed(NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THE WHITE BACKGROUND GLARE ON THE FINAL STAGE KILLED MY RUN~. No. Really, it had a chance until that. I was sucking that day though.).
Awesomely pretty, prettiest in the series in fact. Good music.
Well, I really, really like how much I can bomb~
'sides that, haven't played it enough to say. I rather like it, but not enough for a major discourse.
Main game: 1cced.
Extra: Cleared.
Whaaaaat. >_> Where else am I going to put this!?
I really like Samidare. More people need to play it. ._.
Oh, and I've BEATEN REKKADAN ON LUNATIC!!1!1 Oh, and I beat Megamari. But neither count. For different reasons.
Edit: Knocked off MoF Normal the same day I posted this, complete with shiny Mountain of Faith Normal cap. ^_^ Much better.
Edit 2(Feb 25 08): MoF Extra down. That was fun. ^_^
Edit 3:
PCB: Cleared Extra with all characters but MarisaB, capped all cards but K-Con(I WAS ROBBED
). Cleared Lunatic with SakuyaB.
Phantasmagoria of Flower View: Cleared Lunatic Aya run. Don't really care much beyond that. >_>
Mountain of Faith:
Cleared Extra with...ReimuA, ReimuB and Marisa C, I think? I forget who all I've cleared normal with.
Cleared Lunatic with MarisaC.