Author Topic: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!  (Read 135318 times)


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #200 on: April 21, 2010, 03:19:40 AM »
Mana Khemia:
Vayne Aurelius: 8/10. Yeah, felt like cast MVP to me.
Jessica Philomele: 7/10. Healing, healing, more healing, and some decent magic damage to back it up. Good package, the durability was rarely an issue.
Nicole Mimi Tithel: 7.5/10. Breaking my general dislike for .5s here. Nikki is the only one who felt competitive with Vayne for cast MVP for a long stretch. Fast as hell, good damage, love her animal skills.
Flay Gunnar: 5/10. Badass boss killer. Randoms...not so much. As MK randoms were not always jokes, this evens out to average.
Pamela Ibis: 5/10. Eh? Had her niches, was rarely dead weight(har har) but also was rarely nessesary. Average works.
Roxis Rosenkrantz: 7/10. Also badass. Card manipulation was a great trick, and once he gets past that slow start he picked up steam and never lost it. Was a team mainstay, along with Vayne/Jess/Nikki.
Anna Lemouri: 4/10. And now for the less good ones. Anna just never had enough...really anything else to do with that speed for me. Fast is nice, but Nikki does that just as well, with the power to back it up.
Muppy Oktavia Vondercheck VII: 3/10. Yeah, the D Support is all he has. Clear LVP to me for all that he's still usable.

Fire Emblem Archers, Cats and Wolves:
Wolt: 2/10. Bad.
Dorothy: 2/10. Just as bad.
Sue: 6/10. Evasive as hell. Lacks power, which holds her back a bit. Still, Nomad Trooper is a hell of a class.
Shin: 7/10. Yeah, Sue with more power and a bit more raw durability. And still fast enough to double most things, making her speed edge not as big of a deal.
Klein: 2/10. Awful.
Igrene: 4/10. Best sniper, easily. That, uh, isn't saying much.
Dayan: 3/10. Uh, not...horrible...lategame filler? Hardly good, but Swords+Bows is a fairly potent combo in FE6.

Wil: 4/10. Not bad. Useful enough in Lyn mode, passing decent in the main game.
Rath: 4/10. Rejoins waaaaaay too late. Could scrape up a 6 or even a 7 if he came back sooner, but so it goes.
Rebecca: 5/10. About as high as I can give a GBA FE sniper.
Louise: 3/10. I kinda count the Pent support against her, to be honest. If she didn't have that, you could get him an A with someone decent. And it's not hard for her to become a liability if you try to use them together.

Neimi: 6/10. Ranger option saves her.
Innes: 4/10. He's good when you get him, falls off quick though. Still you get him at pretty much exactly the right time for a passing decent pre-promo to shine for a bit. Still, uh, sniper. Only so high he can get.

Shinon(9): 1/10. Horrible unit, horrible character.
Rolf(9): 4/10. Came out pretty beastly for me once, then kinda lame another time. Such is the RNG. Still limited by the whole "Range 2 only" thing, though.
Lethe(9): 5/10. Usable, if not good.
Astrid(9): 8/10. Yeah, she's great. Give her a point for bringing that lovely Knight Ward to the table as well.
Ranulf(9): 3/10. Really wishes he were earlier, or came with his own Demi Band or something.

Leonardo: 3/10. Ugh. Just...bad. Can't be counted on to kill pretty much anything that doesn't fly without his special bow.
Volug: 9/10. Normally I'd rate him a 7, but silly Volug anti-hype makes him a 9.
Nailah: 9/10. Laguz Royal. Around for some parts you REALLY want that smashing power, too.
Lethe(10): 3/10. Eh? Don't remember doing much with her.
Astrid(10): 1/10. -_-
Shinon(10): 9/10. Hoooooly shit did he get better. Now he's actually got the worth to back up his ego. <_<
Rolf(10): Abstain. Didn't use him enough to rate him. He got some bad levels early and I dropped him since I had Shinon kicking ass anyway.
Lyre: 1/10. Yeah, just bad. Really, really bad.
Ranulf(10): 6/10. Got some use out of him. Not great, but hardly bad. Little above average works.
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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #201 on: April 21, 2010, 03:32:09 AM »
Mana Khemia

Vayne Aurelius: 7/10 - Never bad, always has SOME use, and gets a point for scanning, which is twenty different kinds of sexy.
Jessica Philomele: 7/10 - Would be a 5, but god damn that healing. So many ways to heal, too. Just... damn.
Nicole Mimi Tithel: 3/10 - Ditched her at the first available moment. Never got that much use out of speed; spent most of my time either getting ambushed, or speed-twinking, or, if mid-battle, I was basically just manipulating the turn orders so badly that... yeah. And besides, Anna is so much better at the ST damage.
Flay Gunnar: 8/10 - Lots of 'tough' randoms, and a decent amount of job enemies/bosses are weak to lightning, so... Raiden Charge whateverthesuperattackiscalled GO! And things die before him. Also: Breaks defenses to shreds, gets around physical blocking VIA Raiden Charge, etc. Flay Smash. And Flay Smash Hard. (Especially with those shuriken, for large amounts of timed damage that would hold the Charge even if it ran out, so long as they were used while you had it)
Pamela Ibis: 6/10 - Warm body, (3 points for Immortal Warm Body), elemental stuff, was never actually worried about her being low on health or SP because she can choose whichever she wants for her attacks (which reminds me, +1 for the health manipulation), and she's not amazing, but she's solid enough at whatever you need. Kinda like a Vayne -, with different niche than scan.
Roxis Rosenkrantz: 9.5/10 - Slow start? What are you people talking about? Purify is the sexiness of the gods. He starts out at a 7.5 for me purely because of that, goes up 1.5 for massive recurring magical damage, and another .5 for so much turn manipulation. Maybe... 5% more SP, or if he were just slightly more durable, and he'd be a 10 for me. As is, he's kinda frail, and he runs out of SP rather quickly, which makes him a mainstay in my back bench.
Anna Lemouri: 9/10 - Randoms are whatever, and she's a boss killer through and through. Her stats are just fine to do what needs to be done. And that is to sit in the back, come in, and spend less than a turn slot (because she essentially creates a new one of her own) pouring out damage. Then she lets somebody else come in as she heals her SP reserves. Screw everything else, she has one niche, and she is DAMN good at it. (Also plays to my playstyle, so)
Muppy Oktavia Vondercheck VII: 1/10 - Only used him for a couple of battles because, well, why not? I found out why not.

Fire Emblem Archers, Cats, and Wolves

Wil: 5/10 - 4/10, but gets a point for being physical ranged damage and whatnot in Lyn mode.
Rath: 3/10 - Late start, and his levels are too high in Lyn Mode to pump him in anticipation of the late start.
Rebecca: 4/10 - FE7 Archer.
Louise: --/10 - Never used her.

Neimi: 6/10 - Solid enough, but too many better options, I found.
Innes: 3/10 - Uhh... warm body? Kinda? I want to give him points for being super accurate, but... you're almost guaranteed to be getting him at a point where most of your team isn't missing anyway.

Shinon(9): 1/10 - Fuck. You. Too.
Rolf(9): --/10
Lethe(9): 5/10 - Decent enough.
Astrid(9): --/10
Ranulf(9): --/10 - You got to use him? When?

Leonardo: 2/10 - Ugh. Just... ugh.
Volug: 9/10 - Solid, never NOT solid.
Nailah: 9/10 - Is Nailah
Lethe(10): 1/10
Astrid(10): 1/10 - I even tried to use her. And got an RNG-blessed Astrid. But... she's just so... awful. She couldn't do anything, ever. At all. Ugh.
Shinon(10): --/10
Rolf(10): 9/10 - Solid. So very, very solid.
Lyre: 0/10
Ranulf(10): 7/10 - Quite solid when you get him, tapers off towards the end, and pre-endgame, he's still able to hold his own, so...
<%King_Meepdorah> roll 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"?
* +Hatbot --> "King_Meepdorah rolls 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"? and gets 999."12 [1d999=999]
<%King_Meepdorah> ...
<+superaway> ...Uh oh.
<+RandomConsonant> ...
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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #202 on: April 21, 2010, 05:43:27 AM »
Not being able to counter is strictly a negative.
I don't like faffing about with unequiping so as Shinon can kill on his turn while not absorbing xp on the enemies he fits the role perfectly so its strictly a postive to me in regards to him. Ike/Haar/Fiona/Volug cannot do this.

You realise you can have anyone do the same thing by just unequipping their weapon? If this is what you're hyping Shinon for, then Haar, who has substantially more defence and mobility, AND can counter when you actually want him to, must be like a 12/10.
9.5/10. Haar smashes the game but a lightening weakness that means trouble at times and him sucking for me against the final boss hold him from a perfect score. I rate Shinon higher because he fought just as good, never took any real amount of damage from enemies excluding the bosses at the end (and he took the least) and finally he actually worked against the final boss while Haar did not for me. If I rate Shinon a 10 its because he fought well enough to deserve such a score not due to anything else.

Way to miss the point of the topic.
Looking at it now I was being a bit of a petty twat so for that I apologise. I would also change it to a 3 but Gatewalker has already fixed it.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2010, 05:46:44 AM by Rozalia »


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #203 on: April 21, 2010, 06:11:18 AM »
Volug: 9/10. Normally I'd rate him a 7, but silly Volug anti-hype makes him a 9.

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Anyways, onto the actual rankings

Mana Khemia
Vayne Aurelius: 7/10. Reasonably solid. Good crowd control and damage options yeah. A Support is kinda lame. D Support isn't great but it can be used against physicals to save your other supports from use (like Muppy/Pamela).
Jessica Philomele: 6/10. Very weak early on. But timed healing keeps her up. Once you start getting better and better skills and the healing is less needed, Jess' damage doesn't improve, but C.Skills keep her in the running and her D. support is pretty awesome.
Nicole Mimi Tithel: 7.5/10. Probably game best PC? I haven't used her all that much, but yeah, speed and damage. That's probably good enough.
Flay Gunnar: 6.5/10. Pretty beastly against bosses, what, with his A support and damage. Speed's not that great for randoms though.
Pamela Ibis: 5/10. Yeah. Nothing special early on (in fact, kinda weak). Later on though, she gets some hilarious niches (Manipulating her own HP for No Bullying! and Seeker) and the D support makes her very worthwhile to keep on the backline to save your Jess D Support. Immortal Body feels kinda pointless, but could serve use I suppose. Can use C.Skills as damage options keeps her somewhat afloat during the worth lag periods.
Roxis Rosenkrantz: 7/10. I want to give him higher, but laggy start prevents me from doing that :|. C.Skills means he always has a back up damage option and his skillset has got some good niche options (Purifying and Retraction are both great). Once he gets the Light Mana, his damage starts picking up. To make up for this...his supports just flat out suck (lulz at his D support in particular). 7 is reflective I guess.
Anna Lemouri: 5/10. Support Options keeps her in the running. Instantly taking a turn whether on offense or defense is very nice. Her damage needs some work since she lacks it without blowing chunks and chunks of SP, and even then, it doesn't beat the big guns like Flay or Vayne. Still, decent though.
Muppy Oktavia Vondercheck VII: 3/10. Bad, but best D support in game. That's better than what some of the FE characters below can say about themselves (hi Shinon9)

Fire Emblem Archers, Cats and Wolves:
Wolt: 2/10. lolWolt
Dorothy: 3/10. Better than Wolt, but not exactly top tier material either.
Sue: 6/10. Pretty good. Strength could be a problem and IS a problem early on against armors.
Shin: 7/10. Gives up some speed for more strength. Noticable winning trade in his favour since his base speed and growth aren't sucky. Fir support as a bonus to boot.
Klein: 1/10. lolKlein
Igrene: 3/10. Filler, but is an GBA Archer Filler. So...not that good, but better than Klein (insert more lulz for Klein)
Dayan: 2.5/10. He's got a horse! And like no strength whatsoever. But he can kinda scratch Wyverns! That's something.

Wil: 3/10. Pretty bad. Wil has some strength and Lyn mode running for him though. If he gets lucky with speed, you may consider deploying him. Good support options to boot. Too bad about being stuck as a Sniper and generally won't get said speed.
Rath: 4.5/10. Rath's worth giving a shot. Nomadic mount makes Desert less painful on him and gaining 1 range after promo makes him the superior choice here if you must have a bow user not named Lyn. Still, lame join time.
Rebecca: 3/10. Start is lame. Once she gets going is better, but isn't fundamentally doing that much better (still lolArcher promo and no 1 range here)
Louise: 4/10. Well Auto A with Pent, if nothing else. And Pent's likely being deployed. HP is lame, but isn't terrible.

Neimi: 6.5/10. Probably the best GBA Archer you're going to get. Better promotion options, best support out of the gate, and even though start is weakish, it's still somewhat better than Becca's. Yeah.
Innes: 4/10. I've had Innes turn out pretty damn solid everytime. He still can't beat average though because lolArcherpromotions not in FE10. At least he supports with some quality units (Vanessa, Eirika, Tana) so you can use him as a ring supporter at worst.

Shinon(9): 0.5/10. Man, if you EVER needed an example of where bases > growths, this is it. Shinon9 is the equivalent of KARLA more or less, except he exists early on and can do...something. He can't even properly chip due to crit, but being there means he does something relevant especially since early on, everyone is kinda weak. So his crap bases don't stand out as badly. Fast forward to Chapter 21...and Jesus Christ, now you realize those bases are just shitty. It doesn't matter that he has MONSTER growths. He's so bad when he finally rejoins, it takes a ton of effort just so his growths will eventually get him to...averagish and stuck to a pretty bad class. gj? gj. Or, in the words of the elf: lolololololololololololololololololololololololol
Rolf(9): 1/10. Uh...he's better than Shinon because when he joins, you can still try to use him and he will turn out better than Shinon! Word. Also you need him to recruit Shinon! Double Word. Like the equivalent of the Karla analogy, is essentially Bartre, but without Bartre's good stuff, like hitting power early on and HP. This is the way.
Lethe(9): 6/10. Jeigan with a noticably quick transform time. Eventually drops off and FE9 non-royal Laguz issues hold her back though.
Astrid(9): 7.5/10. Somewhat slow to start, but pretty destructive once she gets going, which honestly doesn't take long. Being mounted of course makes her a very solid choice to invest in. IIRC, supports are somewhat weak and no 1 range countering until promote hold her back from the other better pallies though.
Ranulf(9): 2/10. I can't really find a reason to use Ranulf9, like ever. He's basically Lethe when Lethe has already fallen off. On the situation you are using Lethe, she's probably better than him anyway. Usable filler I guess. But then again, FE9 Laguz issues.

Leonardo: 3.5/10. Yeah. Luggy bow basically saves his sorry ass. He would be like a 1.5 barring that I think? That weapon is just too good.
Volug: 9.5/10. *eyes Rozalia*. Oh well. This has been discussed to death. And I personally think there is something wrong if you really believe EDWARD is better than Volug. But whatevs. For those of you that missed it: Most durable member of the DB, never gets bad, always solid, can even fill in as a good part 4 choice, Earth affinity and is around on those really nasty missions. I would argue Haar being better, but Volug is certainly one of the best units you will get. End of story.
Nailah: 9/10. *checks what he gave Naesala*. Yeah, 9 feels around right. I would argue on some level, she might be even better than Tibarn, but...the score differences would be like tenths of a difference.
Lethe(10): 4/10. Potential. Worthwhile potential. You have better units, but it won't hurt you to use her at least.
Astrid(10): 1/10. lulz. At least she can take pot shots and has movement. The sad thing is, you can't unequip that Paragon until Part 3, so you have to make sure she doesn't kick the bucket before then, else you lose a Paragon :|. Thankfully, 2E is the only chapter in question here, but 2E has Elincia and Haar as clutch. So, no score detraction here.
Shinon(10): 7.5/10. Shinon on crack. Bases are so much better. His growths are still good in some key areas (45 Def, 60ish for speed? Hell yes). Only thing is his somewhat lacking strength. Deadweight on counter phase skews him though and prevents him from being higher. Unless he wants to use lolcrossbows. Shame for that. If he actually had 1 range, he would probably be around Mia level. Tied for 5th best of the core GMs with Oscar I feel.
Rolf(10): 6.5/10. Feels weird at first, but if you take a closer look, their differences aren't as profound as they seem. Shinon's high starting level is somewhat double edged because those enemies he kills early on won't give him good EXP gains. Enter Rolf, who's gaining more EXPs, and his own growths are pretty solid. Strength being wtf. Durability could use work, but they would only become relevant against 2-range weapons, and he shouldn't be getting attacked that often anyway. So yeah, maybe some docking of points there, and its pretty minor. He is worse than Shinon though, since if his speed tanks (which could happen), it is MUCH harder to fix than Shinon's strength. Shinon can go crit forges, strength forges and supports to remedy it. At worst later on, he has an Occult. Faster speed means he gets more chances for it to proc. If Rolf's speed tanks, that's it. Other than getting him more levels or blowing a speedwings on him. And there are two other PCs who would love the Speedwings (Titania/Haar), so that's a no go at all. Think...that's enough for a full point to me today. Could easily see him being a 7/10 PC though.
Lyre: 0.5/10. She only gets 0.5 for existing. Barring that lolz cat transformation problems + speed equivalent to Kyza's with like half the defense and strength.
Ranulf(10): 6/10. Mmm...yeah. Cat transformations sink him. Shame, because he's pretty solid otherwise in Part 4, and is pretty clutch in Part 3.
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #204 on: April 23, 2010, 01:28:30 PM »
Proof that CTs are far out is when they rate Pamela higher than Tals, Roxis higher than Snows and Muppy higher than OKs~
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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #205 on: April 24, 2010, 03:10:59 AM »
Blah blah blah too many bonus dungeons running to remember normal playthroughs well enough.

Vayne Aurelius: 7/10: Really good damage for normal.  Blocking had decent use in Bonus.
Jessica Philomele: 7/10: Healing is good for normal.  Can actually do damage with normal attacks in Bonus.  Roxis probably would have been a better choice for Boss smashing though.
Nicole Mimi Tithel: 8/10: SPEED!  Gets you the first turn which really matters.  Hits decently hard enough too.
Flay Gunnar: 7/10:
Pamela Ibis: 3/10: Becomes useful late.  HP twinking for bonus is too slow.
Roxis Rosenkrantz: 8/10: Controls everything.  Probably better than Jess in Bonus dungeon but generally not worth it until the point I could smash bosses before they got a turn even with Jess.
Anna Lemouri: 10/10: Apparently I never had the problem the rest of you had.  Also complete smash bonus dungeon. 
Muppy Oktavia Vondercheck VII: 3/10: All three points for D-Defense.  Utter rubbish any other way.


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #206 on: April 24, 2010, 05:31:07 PM »
Mana Khemia:
Vayne Aurelius: 7.5/10.  Analyze is nice, and he covers his bases well without standing out.   Half a point for Variable Attack or whatever.
Jessica Philomele: 7/10. Really fails early game where she's like the frailest thing ever with such limited healing, becomes pretty good later on.
Nicole Mimi Tithel: 8/10. Argh, don't like her, but I'll admit she's good.
Flay Gunnar: 6/10.  Boss fighter, not much else.
Pamela Ibis: 3/10.  Lots of MP for healing, but that's about the only use I got out of her.
Roxis Rosenkrantz: 8/10.  Mage Flay for bosses, just has much better applications for randoms.
Anna Lemouri: 6/10.  Opposite of Flay; good for randoms, not much for bosses.
Muppy Oktavia Vondercheck VII: 4/10.  Not as bad as people are making him out to be, but he's certainly unimpressive.

Fire Emblem Archers, Cats and Wolves:
Wolt: 3/10. Kind of sucks.
Dorothy: 3/10. Technically better, but not enough to get a better rating, and Wolt has the whole "exists as an extra PC when you have nothing else" at least.
Sue: 6/10.  Actually good!
Shin: 7/10. Better offense and doesn't require being raised from level 1, guess this works for an extra point.
Klein: 2/10. No.
Igrene: 4/10. Passable filler.
Dayan: 3/10. Not horrible by FE6 Prepromo standards! ...amazing how this only earns you a 3/10.

Wil: 3/10.  Only Archer in Lyn mode until Rath joins unfortunately doesn't count for too much, otherwise unimpressive the entire way through.
Rath: 6/10.  Solid, but usability holds him back.
Rebecca: 5/10. Used her once, honestly was unimpressed before premotion, and afterwords, she's held back by a shitty class.
Louise: 4/10.  Auto Pent Support is nice, stats aren't QUITE horrible enough to make her unusable too.

Neimi: 7/10.  Rebecca, except she promotes into something actually good.
Innes: 4/10.  Louise+ in a game with better competition.

Shinon(9): 2/10. Jeigan whose uses come in ways you DON'T want from Jeigans, fails to exist, then a bullshit recruitment all for...a low stat Prepromo who with his amazing growths still manages to struggle with characters at similar level.
Rolf(9): 3/10. Ends up the same as SHinon in the end, only can be ACTUALLY USED throughout.  Triangle Attack with *2* Good PCs doesn't hurt.
Lethe(9): 3/10. Prepromo substitute for points in the game, helps out in the desert due to mobility too.  Turn 1 transformation allows for some gimmick uses with Demi Band if you REALLY wanted.
Astrid(9): 7/10.  Paragon is hax, Paladins are Hax!  If she were something OTHER than a Bow Knight, she'd be higher.
Ranulf(9): 4/10. Objectively better than Lethe, but joins later and with just as much reason to use, so eh...yeah, point higher works.

Leonardo: 4/10. Lughnasadh is cool, and he's an extra PC when your options are limited.  Otherwise, he's pretty bad.
Volug: 8/10.  I'm not quite in agreement as to him being the BEST THING EVAR!!! But I won't deny he's good when it counts.
Nailah: 8/10. SCORE SUBJECT TO CHANGE BASED ON WHAT I GAVE CAINEGHIS/GIFFCA (too lazy to look up); that said, Laguz Royal awesomeness kicking in!  More availability than Caineghis offsets the technical inferiority.  Absolutely saves your ass in Part 1 too, for all that you have another Auto Win PC during that section.
Lethe(10): 4/10. Passable during part 2, but not stand out like Mordecai, can actually end up non-fail.  However, Cat holds her back, and she's still got moments of unimpressiveness.
Astrid(10): 2/10.  Egads what happened to you in this game?
Shinon(10): 7.5/10.  Ok, now THIS is what we're talking about.  Well rounded stats, Marksmen aren't a total joke like Snipers were in the past, and the Double Bow gives a good reason to use him end game.  Not the greatest thing ever, but still very solid.
Rolf(10): 7/10.  An actual decent alternative to Shinon, but Shinon's level edge feels like enough to give him half a point even if Rolf is better end game; still, wow, talk about a dramatic improvement between these two.
Lyre: 1/10.  See, Lethe has issues despite not being underleveled, and has to work those away over time.  Lyre? She compounds those issues to a greater level, turning the whole project thing from "pain in the ass" to "Completely not worth it at all."  And worst part is, she doesn't really end up better than Lethe anyway.
Ranulf(10): 6/10.  Hey look, a cat with ACTUAL STATS and level.  Actually does a good job of holding his own.  However, being forced into a Cat means he has bad transformation rates and one of the worst Laguz Weapons (especially since he starts with only an A.)  This holds him back some, albeit he's still decent.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #207 on: April 30, 2010, 12:58:48 AM »
Mana Khemia:
Vayne Aurelius: 7.19
Jessica Philomele: 6.64
Nicole "Nikki" Mimi Tithel: 6.74
Flay Gunnar: 6.30
Pamela Ibis: 5.00
Roxis Rosenkrantz: 7.47
Anna Lemouri: 6.44
Muppy Oktavia Vondercheck VII: 4.13

Fire Emblem Archers, Cats and Wolves:
Wolt: 2.61
Dorothy: 2.94
Sue: 6.40
Shin: 6.63
Klein: 1.64
Igrene: 3.25
Dayan: 2.44

Wil: 3.12
Rath: 4.46
Rebecca: 4.93
Louise: 3.63

Neimi: 6.64
Innes: 3.54

Shinon(9): 1.88
Rolf(9): 3.59
Lethe(9): 4.44
Astrid(9): 7.69
Ranulf(9): 3.78

Leonardo: 3.39
Volug: 7.21
Nailah: 8.63
Lethe(10): 3.40
Astrid(10): 1.20
Shinon(10): 7.78
Rolf(10): 6.94
Lyre: 1.28
Ranulf(10): 6.44

Best Rating of this session: Nailah w/ 8.64
Worst Rating of this session: Astrid (10) w/ 1.20

I think I should note that please do NOT rate with reflection of others.  As in, I don't want to see any of this "Would give him x amount, but hype makes me give him y!"  crap.  That is defeating the purpose of the topic.  If you think someone deserves something, give it to them.

ANYWAY, moving on, and I swear the game chosen with this set was not intended, it just happens to work really well thematically, which makes it all the more better!

Skies of Arcadia (Legends):

Fire Emblem Fliers (Hawks Included!):




« Last Edit: June 10, 2010, 02:17:34 AM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #208 on: April 30, 2010, 02:11:43 PM »
Vanessa: Abstain~
Tana: 7.5/10 - Solid, and evaded most attacks, although not quite enough to be reliable, unfortunately. Still, consistently doubles and does enough damage to kill generally.
Cormag: 9.5/10 - Christ. I don't know if I was seriously RNG-blessed here, but this guy was my go-to unit who wasn't Ephraim. Need someone to tank a hit? Cormag. Need someone strong to kill stuff? Cormag. Add in the flying, which was pretty much necessary on that damn desert stage and... seriously, the only thing stopping him from reaching 10 is that he had barely average speed.
Syrene: 4/10. Ehh. Not too terrible overall, but she came way too late at a stage where everyone in the party was much better than her.

Marcia(9): 6/10 - Yes, I'm likely to get shot for this one, but she always starts waaay too frail for me, can't take hits at all and ends up being benched after 3-4 chapters. Work her past that and she's fine.
Jill(9): 8/10 - Hard one to judge here. My first run, she was slow, kept failing to kill, couldn't evade and had low HP and Res. My second run, she.. well, destroyed stuff. Think she ended up 2nd on kills at end-game. So subject to RNG, apparently, but more likely to be good than bad, I think.
Janaff(9): 6/10 - Ehh. Nothing amazing, but he's decently fast and evasive, which is enough to survive. Can't really kill much, and he hates archers, but decent as a slot-filler.
Tanith(9): 6.5/10 - Marcia Mk.2. Doesn't die as easily, doesn't kill as well. Comes later, so less subject to being screwed over by RNG, which gains her the extra 0.5 over Marcia.
Ulki(9): 5/10 - Like Janaff, but not as fast, so doesn't survive as well.
Haar(9): 10/10 - And this is why Jill didn't get #1 on kills in that second run. Yes, despite him joining that late. What can I say? This guy tears shit apart. He doubled most enemies, didn't take damage from those he didn't, and barely took any damage from fucking Generals.
Tibarn(9): 7/10 - Like every other Laguz royal in FE9. Tears shit apart, probably my personal favourite of the three for usability, but... one stage. (No, I don't give him credit for his 'Ally' appearances)

Jill(10): 6/10 - Gains a point for DB usability, but... ;_; She's so average now. I can't see any real reason to use Jill at endgame, at least.
Marcia(10): Abstain~
Haar(10): 9/10 - Not quite as good as FE9, but that just means he doesn't kill stuff as quickly. Still doesn't die, still tears shit up, but very rarely doubles and is doubled a fair bit. Not that that means much if you're only taking 1-2 damage.
Janaff(10): Abstain~
Ulki(10): Abstain~
Sigrun: Abstain~
Tanith(10): Abstain~
Tibarn(10): 10/10 - Laguz Royal. Enough said, really.


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #209 on: April 30, 2010, 03:08:24 PM »

Skies of Arcadia (Legends):
Vyse:- 8.5/10. Your best damage dealer by FAR in game.
Aika: 8/10. Delta shield+useful skillset.
Drachma: 5/10. Supertank! 
Fina: 3/10. Mage in a game where magic is bad. Her skillset has a few uses.
Gilder: 3/10. Aura of Denial has uses, but that is it. Good stats are largely wasted on a bad skillset.
Enrique: 7/10. All seven points for Justice Shield.

Florina: 7/10. Good supports, joins early. Good choice for a con boosting item.
Fiora: 7/10. Doesn't join as early as Florina, but probably better overall.
Heath: 3.5/10. Wrong build for FE7.
Farina: 3/10. Project on Hector mode only. Not worth it. 
Vaida: 2/10. Bad.

Vanessa: 6/10. HP is trashy but the stats/movement are good.
Tana: 8.5/10. Uber flier alert.
Cormag: 4/10.Felt usable, but never bothered myself.
Syrene: 1/10. No.

Marcia(9): 7/10. Fuck you FE9 RNG, just fuck you.
Jill(9): 7.5/10. Joins underleveled. So what? She's tanky, mobile, and you get a full guard fairly early on to take care of her one weakness. Has a fantastic support with Mist as well.
Janaff(9): Didn't use.
Tanith(9): 5/10. Looked like a solid prepromo.
Ulki(9): Didn't use.
Haar(9):  3/10. Blah.
Tibarn(9): Will tell you when I get that far.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #210 on: April 30, 2010, 03:46:53 PM »
Florina: 8/10
Fiora: 8/10
Heath: 3/10.
Farina: 4/10. Availability issues. Great PC though.
Vaida: 4/10. Decent enough filler.

Vanessa: 8/10.
Tana: 9.5/10
Cormag: 6/10
Syrene: 1/10. lol

Marcia(9): 8.5/10
Jill(9): 7.5/10
Janaff(9): 2/10.
Tanith(9): 6/10. Passable.
Ulki(9): 2/10. meh
Haar(9): 4.5/10. Not great.
Tibarn(9): 6/10. Owns the final boss in HM.

Jill(10): 7/10. Less good in this game, but still quite useful.
Marcia(10): 7.5/10. Less good in this game, but still quite useful.
Haar(10): 9/10. TBLAR.
Janaff(10): 8/10. Gooood.
Ulki(10): 8/10. Tank.
Sigrun: 3/10.
Tanith(10): 3/10.
Tibarn(10): 7/10. Better availability than in FE9, but still not around too much.
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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #211 on: April 30, 2010, 05:08:54 PM »
Fire Emblem Fliers (Hawks Included!):
Thany: Not really enamoured with pegasus knights, to be honest, FE6's in particular.  Low Con class that's stuck with lances before promotion gives them issues early, and the starting evade impresses no one, especially given how early FE tends to be axe-happy.  Thany is pretty much typical, but at least FE6 axes blow, so she's got that going for her.  3.5/10
Tate: Oh Tate.  She joins at Lv8 with roughly the same stats as Thany did at Lv1, and her growths are not noteably better.  This is not a good thing.  1/10
Miredy: Miledy puts every other flier in the game to shame.  Tanky, good Str/Spd combo, flier utility.  Only real flaw is bad Res even by FE6 standards.  7.5/10
Zeiss: Eh, late-joining project.  Strength is wonderful but he starts with what 8 Spd?  Yeah no.  1.5/10
Yunno: Trash.  0.5/10

Florina: Still not fond, but lances being better/fast Lyn support make her a more solid option than anything FE6 had to offer in the peg knight department.  5/10
Fiora: Florina trading offense and evasion for more concrete durability.  *shrug* Same score works, I guess.  5/10
Heath: Fails to impress on most fronts.  3/10
Farina: Ugh.  Having to pay money out of pocket bothers me much more than having to use a stupidly expensive promotion item.  Paying money out of pocket for a late-ish project character who doesn't even turn out that special?  Fuck you.  Oh well, it's not as if iron weapons don't suffice for the vast majority of the game so I can't really be too harsh.  2/10
Vaida: Useable filler at worst.  3/10

Vanessa: Yo dawg I heard you like anima supports so we put a bunch of characters with anima supports in your game so you can anima support while you anima support.  Actually decently solid outside that.  6.5/10
Tana: I don't really see where the Tana hype comes from but she's still good.  7/10
Cormag: Eh, useable at least.  4/10
Syrene: Trash.  0.5/10

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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #212 on: May 01, 2010, 04:48:00 PM »
Fire Emblem Fliers (Hawks Included!):
Thany: 6/10. Fits a pretty good stat niche, being about the only one who can effectively kill mages without being slapped in return, and your only flyer for ages, then your only good flyer for a bit longer.
Tate: 2/10. What Random said. Somehow isn't the worst pegasus knight in the game!
Miredy: 8.5/10. Smash all faces with Strength/Speed/Def/flight. Magical tanking/crit tanking/supports could be better.
Zeiss: 3/10. Yeah, probably just not worth it.
Yunno: 1/10. lulz.

Florina: 8/10. Flies, supports give her loads of Strength to effectively maintain her good AS.
Fiora: 7/10. See above, but less evade and the supports are less good, which isn't worth a bit more concrete.
Heath: 3/10. Yeah, just kinda unimpressive.
Farina: 2/10. 20k gold + underlevelled is hard to overcome. Too bad, her stats are great when she does.
Vaida: 4/10. Usable out of the box for the rest of the game, and flight is a good niche for one such.

Vanessa: 7/10. Anima support with Lute helps her a lot, yeah. She's okay before then, not your worst lance user when she joins!
Tana: 8.5/10. Hype is pretty simple, she has incredible scores in Strength/Speed/Luck so she dodges and kills things better than almost anyone else, and supports both lords (who actually kinda need supports). Starts a little weak, especially in Eph's path, but FE8 exp formula favours underlevelled people a lot.
Cormag: 5.5/10. Varies quite a bit by path. On Eph's path he joins only barely after Tana and probably has better stats at first, though is surpassed. On Eirika's he just looks kinda bad. Just wish he had more luck and res, mostly.
Syrene: 1/10. lulz

Marcia(9): 8/10. Pretty solid past a shaky start, attack/speed/flight/canto are great, def isn't bad, though she doesn't have the avoid of some earlier pegs.
Jill(9): 8.5/10. Again, start could be better, but otherwise, watch out. Is Miredy.
Janaff(9): 2/10. Hawks in FE9 are terrible, godawful offence and only okay duraility and by this point you have three other terrific fliers.
Tanith(9): 8/10. And here's one. Earth supports mean hax evade, the speed is great, the base level makes up for most of her stat flaws otherwise. Reinforce is an interesting option at least.
Ulki(9): 2/10. See Janaff. I did an in-depth analysis on which was more incompetent once but I can't remember who it was, so they get the same score.
Haar(9): 4.5/10. Mobile with good defence and flight. Isn't too happy once Geoffrey joins but otherwise is a decent lategame tank pickup. Too bad about the lack of doubling.
Tibarn(9): 7/10.

Jill(10): 8.5/10. Only person in the DB with flight, and might as well be the only one with Canto. Great speed. Not perfect, but definitely one of the DB's best, and stays ruling in part 4 (desert!) and endgame (great speed + Urvan!).
Marcia(10): 7/10. Definitely took a hit, but still a solid enough PC.
Haar(10): 9.5/10. It's Haar. You all know why.
Janaff(10): 8.5/10. Hawks are so ridiculous in this game. They join midgame and you can use them at endgame without giving them a drop of exp (though they wouldn't be great then), so... yeah. Flight + shove/canto combo + godly stats in general but especially the 60 HP + 34 speed (and hence Tear rate) midgame = um wow.
Ulki(10): 8.5/10. See Janaff. He's more durable than most characters when he's UNTRANSFORMED thanks to Vigilance.
Sigrun: 3/10. Has some use because you can promote her quickly and fliers rule on the bridge and desert.
Tanith(10): 3/10. Sigrun with less shortterm but more longterm potential. It balances.
Tibarn(10): 8.5/10. Laguz royal.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2010, 01:31:57 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #213 on: May 01, 2010, 06:29:31 PM »
Fire Emblem Fliers (Hawks Included!):

Thany: 6/10. In spite of the epic Strength, she has a pretty neat niche: your only competent flier for ages, and she starts with great stats. If you care, her affinity also helps with the offensive woes. Still, she gets outshone later, but not a bad PC by any means: flying in FE is such a boon, and Thany being as fast as she is doesn't hurt either.
Tate: 2/10. Jesus christ, those starting stats. And her growth doesn't befit a Peg. Knight enough either (what's with that Luck?), neither does the affinity.
Miredy: 8.5/10. Amazing offense and mobility. Against arrows and magic, she could stand to be better, but watch out if you're a physicaller and/or squishy otherwise. Would be even crazier if she didn't ram into her caps earlyish, but I'll take what I can get.
Zeiss: 3/10. Too late and underlevelled to be worth it.
Quote from: Elfboy
1/10. lulz.

Florina: 8.5/10. I love Peg. Knights, and Florina is just great as far as they go. Solid starting stats, tons of time to grow, good growths and the game's best support -and- a great affinity to keep her offense always up to date. The Con is a problem, but supports help mitigate the problem with Florina needing to wear light weaponry.
Fiora: 7/10. Joins quite a bit later than Florina and doesn't have the excellence in supports. Lower evade also doesn't help much, but it's still a Peg with good stats.
Heath: 3/10. He impresses me none.
Farina: 2/10. No. Too bad about the shoddy start+Hector Mode-only+WHAT 20K TO RECRUIT, Farina has a great stat spread and some absolutely beautiful supports due to affinity (Anima+Light = doughnuts. And Florina is a wonderful PC to begin with). EDIT: AND I WOULD'VE GOTTEN AWAY WITH IT IF IT WASN'T FOR YOU MEDDLING CIATOS AND THAT WHIP
Vaida: 3/10. So not fond of that speed. Vaida has a bit of a niche, but it's one I would never bother with unless I completely changed around the way I play.

Vanessa: 7/10. The supports are just hax, and she still has good stats besides that. Strength's shaky, but Anima supports help that some. Also, seriously, Lute support is total hax.
Tana: 9/10. Florina after snorting a full line of crack still sounds right. She does start a bit underlevelled, but those starting stats are positively -insane- for a L4 character and she catches up easily. Not to mention supporting the Lords.
Cormag: 5/10. I guess.
Syrene: 1/10. EDIT: Burping Elfboy - even because what makes Syrene any better than Yuuno in practice?
« Last Edit: May 02, 2010, 10:49:40 AM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #214 on: May 01, 2010, 06:43:13 PM »
Hector Mode only actually.
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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #215 on: May 02, 2010, 03:05:13 AM »
Skies of Arcadia (Legends):
Vyse: 8/10.  Good speed, good equips, good cost effective attacks, all add up to him being your real damage dealer.
Aika: 9/10.  Lambda Burst does a number on randoms, and she outruns all of them.  Delta Shield's use in the final boss battles, and against some of the more retarded randoms (*glares at South Sea*) gives her an extra bump.
Drachma: 6/10.  Spirit Charge is pretty nifty (I usually make Drachma my fourth) but the high cost techs and terrible speed are troublesome, and the speed doubly means his ludicrous HP means a lot less.
Fina: 4/10.  Her affinity for Silver spells means she actually learns the second revive spell before you can buy the equivelent items.  That's a good thing.  And her techs have some niche use.  But... her real money is meant to be magic, and ultimately items render magic moot in this game, getting you the same effect (for damage, healing, AND buffs) without the SP cost.  Fina's HP and middling speed don't exactly help her.
Gilder: 5/10.  He's pretty good when he's forced (good AoE on Gunslinger) but... he'd never take the fourth slot from Drachma or Enrique, so he's only so good ultimately.
Enrique: 6/10.  Justice Shield (or whatever) is pretty badass, and the theoretical Justice+Delta combo is craziness.  That said, 4 SP limits your ability to store up offense, and it's really the only thing going for him overall, so just a bit above average I think.

Fire Emblem Fliers (Hawks Included!):
Thany: 5/10.  Serviceable but no more.
Tate: 2/10.  *stab* Stupid AI.
Miredy: 7/10.  A proper flier.  Starts slow though, so despite being #2 in the endgame there was some definite arhgleness before then.
Zeiss:  3/10.  Just way, way too late for my tastes.
Yunno: 2/10.  No.

Florina: 7/10.  Solid.  I'd complain about early babying except... Lyn mode really takes the bite out of that.  So.
Fiora: 7/10.  Generally better than Florina, but not enough to overcome the extra work you have to put into her.  So more or less even.
Heath: 4/10.  Eh.
Farina: 3/10.  Hector only.  Some stupid late chapter (like, after Rath I think).  25k.  God, I seem to recall she even joins RIGHT after a major shopping map, so you HAVE to know she's coming first.
Vaida: 3/10.  Eh.

Vanessa: 6/10.  'salright.
Quote from: Myself
9/10.  The game really doesn't know how to deal with Ephraim/Tana ripping its face off.
Cormag:6/10.  Works.
Syrene: 2/10.  Not-works.

Marcia(9): 7/10.  Quite solid.
Jill(9): 6/10.  I seem to recall just not liking her over Marcia and I don't know why, but I'll roll with it.
Janaff(9): 2/10.
Tanith(9): 6/10.
Ulki(9): 2/10.
Haar(9): 4/10.  Fillery.
Tibarn(9):  7/10.

Jill(10): 8/10.  Badass.  Arguably the best human character I think.
Marcia(10): 6/10.  Feels weak at the start, though that's normal for Peg knights.. just, FE10 is harder than normal too.
Haar(10): 8/10.  See Jill.  Starts off much more badass, but Jill has the Dawn Brigade making her look better while she catches up.
Janaff(10): 5/10.  Those support skills are awesome and make them less dead-weighty when they're untransformed.  So, servicable.
Ulki(10): 5/10.
Sigrun: 4/10.  meh.
Tanith(10): 4/10.  She got worse I think.
Tibarn(10): 9/10.  Sexy.
CK: She is the female you
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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #216 on: May 02, 2010, 07:24:38 AM »
Skies of Arcadia (Legends):
Vyse: 8/10
Aika: 8/10
Drachma: 6/10
Fina: 6/10
Gilder: 6/10
Enrique: 6/10

Fire Emblem Fliers (Hawks Included!):

Florina: 8/10
Fiora: 5/10
Heath: 3/10
Vaida: 2/10

Vanessa: 5/10
Tana: 8.5/10
Cormag: 5/10
Syrene: 4/10

Marcia(9): 9/10
Jill(9): 8/10
Janaff(9): 2/10
Tanith(9): 7/10
Ulki(9): 2/10
Haar(9): 7.5/10

Jill(10): 7/10
Marcia(10): 7/10
Haar(10): 8.5/10
Janaff(10): 6/10
Ulki(10): 6/10
Sigrun: 6.5/10
Tanith(10): 5/10
Tibarn(10): 8/10


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #217 on: May 02, 2010, 09:35:57 AM »
Vyse: 4/10 - The more I think about it, the more I feel like he's not that great.  His skills are all about damage - Futlass Curry, Wirate's Prath, Sain of Rwords...and then Skull Shield and Counterstrike are kind of useless.  Decent stats, but...yeah.  If I could replace him, I would.  As is, though, he's useful for guaranteeing good SP and otherwise consistent damage.
Aika: 9.2/10 - Yeah.  Speed, SP skills are good, can even make her magic good too.  Either way, smashes randoms, Delta Shield smashes bosses, SP is usually good.  Nice overall.
Drachma: 6/10 - This is the thing with the guys - they are all offense except for 1-2 support skills.  At least in the case of Drachma, the support skill is good, and one of the best in the game.  Definitely the person I'd replace Vyse with.  His durability is good, speed is blah, he has no screen-clearing, but with Aika it doesn't matter.
Fina: 6/10 - Is actually decent.  Not as good as Aika at screen-clearing (slower), but her support skills are...actually decent!  Lunar Blessing is...ok early, Lunar Winds' dispel is decent...and she has some speed.  They're not great, and her SP is game-worst...but she at least makes a great item-girl.  Bleh...she thanks herself for being force, but...I would use her, likely?   
Gilder: 4.2/10 - Aura of Denial owns Vyse's other skills, and his stat spread is actually solid, like Vyse.  Isn't required, but I'd use him over Vyse - I've found that saving up for the ultimate skills slows everything down a bit - consistent attacking works effectively (The Judgment is...a bit more cost/time-effective, but not by much), so Gilder's lack of any super-damage skill isn't bad.  Still isn't amazing in the team setting, though.
Enrique: 8.8/10 - Would be part of the ideal party.  Justice Shield owns.  Wishes he were required (drops him a bit compared to Aika), and his speed isn't as good.  On the other hand, durability is a little bit better, and he can deal damage if needed.  Easily good.

Thany: 9.3/10 - One of the best Pegasus Knights.  Owns the world. 
Tate: 6.1/10 - Points for being the only other flier in the game...otherwise sucks about 20x more than Thany. 
Miredy: Who?
Zeiss: What?
Yunno: You Mom?

Florina: 0.3/10 - Points for flying and little else.  Never gains STR, DEF, HP...anything but LUK or some minor SPD.  Is absolutely awful.  The flying allows her to own Elitard, at least. 
Fiora: 7.8/10 - Probably the best flier overall in FE7.  Is awesome in all categories, though isn't outstanding in any of them.
Heath: 7.2/10 - Think the lower speed is enough to drop him a bit compared to Fiora.
Farina: 5/10 - Is...good, assuming you get her on another normal path!  Barely available sucks, and, while she is good if built up...well, I never mind building her up, she completely owns everyone else on flying but Fiora, but...I don't know.  Worth it to build up generally, but never matters is enough to give her an average score.
Vaida: 5/10 - Wishes she came with her spear.

Vanessa: 5.5/10 - Is decent. 
Tana: 8.1/10 - Is good.
Cormag: 8.8/10 - Is gooder.
Syrene: 5/10 - Is...usable.

Marcia(9): 9/10 - Awesome.
Jill(9): 8/10 - Is good.
Janaff(9): 3/10 - HAH
Tanith(9): 7.6/10 - Not bad at all.
Ulki(9): 2/10 - Blah.
Haar(9): 6.9/10 - Is good...but not as good as Jill.
Tibarn(9): 7/10 - Have to subtract a little for barely being around, especially on Hard Mode.

Jill(10): 10/10 - I...yeah.  Saves the Dawn Brigade's ass. 
Marcia(10): 6/10 - She's...ok?  Not too amazing, really.
Haar(10): 9/10 - As good as Jill, but is in a competent group!
Janaff(10): 7/10 - Think this is what I gave the Ravens?  Eh.
Ulki(10): 7/10 - These guys are good, but do lack a little in some areas.
Sigrun: 5/10 - Uh...well, promotes early and helps the Dawn Brigade?
Tanith(10): 5/10 - ...see Sigrun?
Tibarn(10): 9.5/10 - Is awesome.  Not as vital to his base group as Naesala is (DAWN BRIGADE NEEDS HELP), but is still great.  Flying gets him a little above Nailah.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #218 on: May 02, 2010, 07:13:17 PM »
my rankings are so different than everyones

Thany: 7/10 Flyer utility is nice, and shes your only flyer for a good portion of the game. Massive evasion too
Tate: 5/10 Shes okay
Miredy: 10/10 I'm pretty sure she is the best character in the game.
Zeiss: 8/10 Milledy + underleveled. Still awesome if you raise him
Yunno: 1/10 Point is because she needs to be alive to get the weapon to get the best ending

Florina: 8/10 Shes a beast once raised
Fiora: 7/10 Florina minus
Heath: 7/10 Good, but comes late
Farina: 7/10 Would be a 10, but Hector Mode only gives her -3. (I dont play for ranks, making her cost moot)
Vaida: 6/10 Excellent Filler

Vanessa: 8/10
Tana:  10/10 Always maxes most stats.
Cormag: 7/10 Tankier Vanessa.
Syrene: 4/10 Shes not horrible.

Marcia(9): 8/10
Jill(9): 8/10
Janaff(9): 5/10
Tanith(9): 8/10 Reinforcements are fun
Ulki(9): 3/10 Just bad.
Haar(9): 3/10 Lol Haar
Tibarn(9): 10/10 Broken

Jill(10): 7/10 Just cant keep up near the end
Marcia(10): 7/10 See Jill
Haar(10): 10/10 Broken.
Janaff(10): 8/10
Ulki(10): 8/10
Sigrun: 5/10 Can help in the desert at least and is not underleveled in the end
Tanith(10): 7/10 shes no Haar, but she's still pretty good
Tibarn(10): 10/10 Broken


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #219 on: May 02, 2010, 08:56:41 PM »
Ike(9): 8/10. One of the best straight combat units in the game unless you get completely RNG fucked early (Hi). Not as good as the uber trio of Paladins, but always competent and is super tanky once he gets that A support.
Mist(9): 5/10. Is absolutely and utterly terrible until she promotes, when she suddenly gains godlike healing abilities and movement. Sonic sword strategy is too limited to see much use; though she can make a competent fighter if you get lucky with the RNG.  Your best bet for Angelic robes/Dracoshields overall.
Reyson(9): 3/10. Not impressed. Durability is complete crap, and until he transforms he has trouble keeping up with the actual good units.
Elincia(9): 1/10. Complete liability on the map she's forced in and after that you have like two maps to go.  Yuck.

Titania(9): 9.5/10. She dominates the first half of the game. She is admitadlly passed by Stefan in raw offense and your newly promoted units after that, she always is durable and those weapon levels means she can spam Silver for the entire endgame. THe weapon levels are really, really stupid on that note. A/C? Geoffery joins with a A/C near the end of the game, and he's pretty average. TItania has that at the start of the game. People rating her below a 9/10 are high; the earlygame is the hardest part of FE9 and as said above she slaps it around.
Oscar(9): 9.5/10.  Ike's better at raw offense, but Oscar just does not die. I'm pretty sure he was the only unit in the entire game who never was in serious danger of dying. HIs starting HP is stupid, the godlike supports have been covered, and his defense is amazing. Meh res? Who gives a damn, enemy mages blow and die horribly when you look at them sideways.
Kieran(9): 9/10. He's got two good support options (Marcia/Oscar), and is a mounted axeman. Sold!
Makalov(9): 5.5/10. Really weak start+joining later than the good Paladins hurts.  Still solid enough on paper.
Geoffrey(9): 3/10. At least competent when he joins, which is too damn late.

Gatrie(9): 4.5/10. Very useful for a damage sponge early on. He sucks later, but oh well.
Brom(9):  6.5/10. Oscar with more durability (........) but far less offense and a really bad start. The movement also usually sees him left behind in most chapters, which is a shame.
Nephenee(9): 7.5/10. Starts strong out of the gate, never really gets weaker.
Devdan: Didn't get.
Tauroneo(9): 3/10. At least has defense.

Boyd(9): 8/10. LKasdjfljksdfl to the start I got, but still. You can hopefulyl fix it with BEXP and yeah, speedwings did make a huge difference here. Also
Mordecai(9): Didn't use.
Muarim(9): Didn't use.
Largo: Didn't use.
Giffca(9): Not using!

Doing these for fun since I'm about done with FE9.
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<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #220 on: May 03, 2010, 03:53:58 AM »
Super's playing catch-up I see.

Skies of Arcadia (Legends):
Vyse: 7.5 - It's nice when the required people are awesome. Good SP, solid durability, and pretty much your best source of damage for the whole game.
Aika: 9.5 - Random-clearing, Speed, Delta Shield, and Swirlmarang. For the whole game. Gamebest PC, the only thing she's missing is Boss damage.
Drachma: 5 - He's durable!
Fina: 6 - Useful enough support skills. ID was occasionally useful.
Gilder: 6 - Good temp. Better temp than Drachma was, even if Drachma's more useful later on.
Enrique: 7 - Justice Shield is just that good.

Fire Emblem Fliers (Hawks Included!):
Thany: 7 <3 PegKnights
Tate: 5 <3 PegKnights
Miredy: 8 Not a PegKnight, but good god.
Zeiss: 5
Yunno: 4 ...sorry.

Florina: 7 <3 PegKnights, but she always gets ninja-archered.
Fiora: 8 - a more proper PegKnight score.
Heath: 6 He was definitely a usable temp.
Farina: 5 <3 PegKnights, but Hector mode only is stupid.
Vaida: 4 ...diaf

Vanessa: 8 <3 PegKnights, in FE8!
Tana: 9 <3 <3
Cormag: 8 ...better than Ephraim.
Syrene: 4 ...

Marcia(9): 7 <3 PegKnights, but not FE8-level awesome.
Jill(9): 8 <3 Jill
Janaff(9): 4 the time you get him, you just don't need him.
Tanith(9): 10 - Seriously Reinforce is the best bait I could have ever asked for. Trivialized FE9 for me.
Ulki(9): 4
Haar(9): 8 Better Jill, but less available.
Tibarn(9): 7 ...awesome but the availability....


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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #221 on: May 03, 2010, 04:27:53 AM »
Haar(9): 8 Better Jill, but less available.

Haar is way too slow for that. 17 speed at the point he joins isn't good, and while the HP/defense is nice it doesn't make him better than Jill. He's Vaida in a game that is far kinder to that type of build.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #222 on: May 03, 2010, 09:32:26 PM »
Fire Emblem Fliers (Hawks Included!):

Thany: 6.5/10. Your early flyer and ONLY flyer at that for a while. Stat wise, she's decent. Nothing whoamg awsum, but very servicable even late. Being able to support like Dieck keeps them both running in the long run if you are so inclined.
Tate: 2/10. Pretty bad. Random pretty much summarized it. Later joining time also means she has less supports built, so its really pretty much getting a Wendy except on wings.
Miredy: 8.5/10. There are a few FE PCs that clearly dominate. Miredy is probably one the best FE units on GBA (sharing that title with other greats), having great stats and growth in the critical areas, and then having good bases to boot. Pretty much replaces Thany when she comes along.
Zeiss: 3.5/10. Wtf at the strength. Usable, but 8 speed at that point in the game is pretty argh. Effort.
Quote from: Elfboy
1/10. lulz.

Florina: 8/10. Thany without the late game slump. Still early flyer and she's quite the offensive powerhouse thanks to the strength/speed growth combo as well as that fast Lyn support.  Con is kinda a downer, but speed pretty much covers it as long as you don't weigh her down with a Steel Lance.
Fiora: 7/10. Later joining flyer, who gives up some strength and luck for better Skill and Res and a little more Def. Obvious losing trade unless on Hector hard mode. Pretty good otherwise, but not as offensively powerful.
Heath: 3/10. Pretty bad. It's not even so much that the join times are woeful, the next two maps just completely make Heath go ;_;. One has mages and arrows and axes, and that axereaver of his isn't going to last. The other has more powerful mages. Yeah, this'll work.
Farina: 1/10. EW. Okay, so first Hector mode only. Gj on availability off the bat. Then we have to dish out 20000 gold. 30000 if you include the promotion for her to be used. That pretty much kills any reason to use her even if the stat spread is great. Also, despite the stat spread, like all things in FE, still subject to the RNG. So its not even a guaranteed safe investment. If you drop her, you are out 20000 flat and you can't get that back. Fuck that shit >_>.
Vaida: 3/10. Also pretty bad. Vaida fills a niche, but its not a great niche. Especially since your dodge tanks are becoming dodge tanks at this point, so the raw concrete durability on non-arrows/magic is not that great.

Vanessa: 7/10.
Quote from: Random Consonant
Yo dawg I heard you like anima supports so we put a bunch of characters with anima supports in your game so you can anima support while you anima support.
Tana: 9/10. Florina. Except on crack. Her bases are more equivalent to a level 11 unit than a level 4 unit for starters. Then she has great growths again in key areas (Strength/speed and luck in her case for dodge tanking), and awesome support options.
Cormag: 5/10. Not terribly bad, but not as great as Tana or Vanessa. He ends up pretty average all things considered. Gets better on one route I suppose? He's not even that great on Eph route.
Syrene: 1/10. Very tempted to give her a 0.5, but she's not worse than Yunno, so no. Yeah she has growths, except again, they don't matter since her bases are shit. In the words of hinode, you know you have problems when you get OHKO'd by long range Gorgon magic at your default level and stats when it comes to being used.

Marcia(9): 7.5/10. Weakish early game. Becomes standard Peg knight package with somewhat less evade.
Jill(9): 8/10. Yeeeeeeeeah
Janaff(9): 3/10. FE9 Laguz issues pretty much sink him. But at least they have flight.
Tanith(9): 7/10. Notably Solid. A good pre-promo and usable if you need a flyer and neither Marcia nor Jill are doing that well
Haar(9): 3.5/10. Notably worse than his FE10 form. Tank on wings that gets replaced when Geoffrey comes along, yeah.
Tibarn(9): 5/10. Same notes as Naesala/Giffca. Pretty much doubles the shit out of everything too AND he hits harder than Naesala.

Jill(10): 8/10. Doesn't start off great, but isn't really a project character either. She's notable though since she's the only flyer on the DB and pretty much the only mounted unit to boot (lolFiona). If you manage to keep her going, she gets notably powerful since her speed cap is solid and she can be a worthwhile end game option as result.
Marcia(10): 7/10. That strength is a little iffy. You can fix it with supports for a little while, so its not unsalvagable. Marcia's also plenty available too, although when she first rejoins with the group, her levels might be a little low. A good paragon candidate
Haar(10): 10/10. There are only 3 other units who can compare to Haar to me in FE10. One is Reyson. The other two are Ike and Volug. Haar differentiates himself a little bit though since from the moment when he first appears, he isn't only badass incarnate, but he is badass incarnate on a WYVERN. That flight gives him that extra 0.5 to me since it lets him pull off some hilarious maneuvers and ferrying options that neither Ike nor Volug are capable of doing.
Janaff(10): 8.5/10. Haar who joins later and has no two range option along with transformation issues. Still notably badass, especially in part 3. Trades off some durability for better offense compared to his partner. A winning trade here.
Ulki(10): 8.5/10. See Janaff. Ulki's the more durable of the two. But the hawks in part 3 are pretty much Haar, meaning they don't die, so his overkill durability really doesn't show up until near the end of part 4. Still not enough to differentiate a full point
Sigrun: 4/10. Yeah. Good short term potential for sure since she starts so close to a tier 3. Bonus her up a bit, and she's useful for sniping things that should be dead and carrying out other duties. Not a good long term option since her growths are pretty poor.
Tanith(10): 5/10. Better long term investment than Sigrun, but takes a while to get going still. 
Tibarn(10): 9/10. I consider him worse than Nailah, but he's still broken as hell. Crossbows! Except y'know, Pavise makes them like fail half the time.
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #223 on: May 03, 2010, 10:17:53 PM »
Skies of Arcadia (Legends):
Vyse: 8/10 - Bosses die everywhere forever; if you get to Soltis a tad overleveled you can splatter randoms with Rain of Swords too.
Aika: 10/10 - Delta Shield and your main random clearer against like 80% of encounters throughout the game; fast item-girl against the odd non-magic boss.
Drachma: 6.5/10 - Spirit Charge is great if you're going offense oriented. His other skills are just less useful than Vyse usually though, and slow as dirt.
Fina: 3/10 - Frail, not really fast, SoA magic sucks. Her Supers don't see use when I'm more worried about using my SP to kill things dead.
Gilder: 6/10 - Good stats, and Aura of Denial is solid against bosses with status effects but no ID. Doesn't really add much to the team though.
Enrique: 8/10 - Justice Shield. I'd use him and Drachma if I could.

Fire Emblem Fliers (Hawks Included!):
Thany: 6/10 - Good against mages, early flyer, dodgy, decent support options. Usable late game.
Tate: 3/10 - Not... not good.
Miredy: 8.5/10 - A total monster when she gets going... which doesn't happen right away, which is juuust a little off.
Zeiss: 5.5/10 - Serviceable enough. Slow and late though...
Yunno: 1/10 - Hahahahaha

Florina: 7/10 - Thany with nicer supports, generally.
Fiora: 7/10 - Hard to call her much better or worse than Florina; they have things good going for them, with Fiora being slightly better on her own but later and with lesser supports.
Heath: 4/10 - He's... all right. He'd be much better if catching him up wasn't terrible, though only by a point or two - just not enough of any stat to stand out.
Farina: 3.5/10 - She loses like... four points for being a bitch to recruit. Seriously vicious if you bother though!
Vaida: 5/10 - Slightly biased, but if you need a spare tank at the end of the game she fills the niche really well. Killed Brendan Reed on my first, horribly amateurish play through.

Vanessa: 6.5/10 - Very solid all around, good supports.
Tana: 9/10 - That Spd/Str combo is just mean, and she has some great supports and is a flyer in a game that doesn't kill them very often.
Cormag: 7.5/10 - Great offense, hard enough to kill, decent supports.
Syrene: 3/10 - Won't get horribly maimed all the time I guess?

Marcia(9): 8.5/10 - Utterly saved my RNG screwed Hard Mode game by capping Str and Spd about as soon as she is possibly capable of. An FE9 flyer with good stats otherwise.
Jill(9): 8/10 - A bit of a slow start and never turns into a COMPLETE monster, but generally one of your better characters.
Janaff(9): 2/10 - FE9 Laguz in general...
Tanith(9): 6.5/10 -
Ulki(9): 2/10 - Again.
Haar(9): 7/10 - Vaida+ in a game where Vaida would be better.
Tibarn(9): Abstain

Jill(10): 9/10 - FE10 is great for flyers, and she's essential for the DB. Solid endgame, though the Str can turn out bad.
Marcia(10): 7.5/10 - Not as good as FE9, but only because the competition is better. Still a fine flyer.
Haar(10): 9/10 - Basically wrecks everything until the last couple maps. Lack of Spd finally catches up at endgame.
Janaff(10): 7/10 - Not a fan of Hawks, but he has his moments where he can tear things up.
Ulki(10): 7.5/10 - Janaff with even less chance of dying.
Sigrun: 4/10 - Usable in a few places, but not really good.
Tanith(10): 5/10 - Sigrun but a little better.
Tibarn(10): 9/10 - Total monster. Not there terribly often though.
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Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« Reply #224 on: May 04, 2010, 12:23:05 AM »
Skies of Arcadia (Legends):
Vyse: 8. Damage lynchpin (Sure, Drachma could also be one, although his needs a little more SP). Still, theoretical replacability from Drachma exists, but 8 feels right..
Aika: 8. Speed+Random Clearing+Delta Shield
Drachma: 8. Spirit Charge is great for powering Vyse up.
Fina: 3. Some of her support skills are neat if you are in trouble, but with Aika/Enrique, how are you really getting into trouble?
Gilder: 4. Severly underwhelming. No real damage option you care about, Aura of, has it's uses (Against that one battle against the 3 girls who have status on their physicals I think). But if it's magical status, Aika owns it far better.
Enrique: 8. Yeah, halving physicals each turn is badass.

Needless to say, very segmented cast! Vyse/Aika/Drachma/Enrique all feel great enough to deserve an 8. Gilder and Fina just do not have the techs to play with the rest of the cast (Fina might if SoA items weren't so stupid. Gilder...would flat out need Delta Shield to not exist though).
...into the nightfall.