
Author Topic: Gauging of interest on music review thingey  (Read 48754 times)


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Re: Gauging of interest on music review thingey
« Reply #400 on: January 29, 2016, 09:50:39 AM »
Van Canto

This is early Nightwish with half the talent in writing.

Half the talent in writing music or half the talent in writing lyrics? The first is a massive complement to Van Canto, the second is a massive insult!

The joke woudl be to say "Yes.", but I meant the former.  They lyrically are weaker than Nightwish still, but the gulf isn't quite so large.

Ali Brustofski & HelenaMaria - This skeeved me right the hell out and honestly I should have noticed it the first time I heard it, but I am probably just overly sensitive after talking about stuff like it already today but

It's getting hot out under that summer sun
I'm not playing games
I'm just a girl having fun
I need to cool down
'cause I know we're just friends
But one look from you baby then I'm falling back in

What's a girl to do?
I got it mad for you
You make me feel like I'm dreaming

They do say "boy" a lot there, but specifically talking "Girl" and then

Know you wanna take a bite of my cherry pie
yeeeeeesh, I am all for oral sex, but it would be rad to less explicitly pedal myth about how virginity///genitals work

I am probably being superly oversensitive about it though.

Would have been better as a dubstep remix.


Is there a song here?  Oh nearly 2 minutes in to start the song.  Got kinda bored.  I mean with the song, but the 2 minutes was pretty rough.

Would have been better as a dubstep remix

Junior J

Break the anthem at 1:27.  Still on schedule.   Would have been better with more dubstep.  Is probably the catchiest and most on point this week though because well.  Yeah.  Music da bes.

정인 (jung in)

I know I have said this specific thing before, but it keeps coming up on these piano ballads.

I like this better when the song was Evanesence - My Immortal.

WOuld be even better if it was My Immortal (Dubstep Remix).

예지 (ye ji)

This is my second favourite.  I like the dirty samples.  I am sure that beat has been used somewhere else before, but it works well.  Decent flow on the lyrics.  I reaaaaallly dig the draw a line on the mirror in lipstick and then the throw of the tube of lipstick that happens off screen and you just see the reflection.  I don't know why I care but thats pretty rad.

Jess Glynne

This is a feel good track.  If I am talking about how everything would be better as a Dubstep track then odds are I don't want an upbeat track.  I can give no input on this one honestly.  ITs alright I guess?
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Re: Gauging of interest on music review thingey
« Reply #401 on: January 30, 2016, 05:27:38 AM »
yeeeeeesh, I am all for oral sex, but it would be rad to less explicitly pedal myth about how virginity///genitals work

For reference, this is a cover; I believe in the original song that line was actually sung by a gay man.


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Re: Gauging of interest on music review thingey
« Reply #402 on: January 30, 2016, 07:53:33 AM »
Like I said, I am probably being overly sensitive.  All signs point to me not in fact being a teenage girl.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
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Re: Gauging of interest on music review thingey
« Reply #403 on: January 30, 2016, 08:28:06 PM »
Like I said, I am probably being overly sensitive.  All signs point to me not in fact being a teenage girl.
No I mean, you're not wrong; I also found that line a little bit creepy when sung by the cover artists.

Incidentally, my internal order (and bear in mind this is mostly based on audio and not video

Top was 정인's UUU--I just felt that her vocals were really strong, like...I reject a looot of ballads pretty fast, but she's quite talented; probably a stronger vocalist than Adele?  Not much else memorable going on in the song, though, and it didn't catch the eye of Grefter or Alex.

Next two were 예지's rap and Junior J, and Alex and Grefter both called these out as the top two, so I was definitely picking one of these.  Junior J was just...not very memorable to me, though; I kept forgetting it existed, and then hearing it and being "oh yeah, this song is really good I forgot".  Whereas 예지 is total mc bait, and like a much higher quality version of some of my guilty pleasure songs (songs most people think suck, but I love, like CL's the baddest female.

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Re: Gauging of interest on music review thingey
« Reply #404 on: February 05, 2016, 05:14:34 AM »
I think there might be some debate this week about whether melodysheep's piece counts as a song at all.  (I lean towards yes)
R city
through fire
otto knows
dave202 & gino g

(EDIT, also bonus, I'll save a link to the 7th and 8th place songs, because k-pop Elvis impersonations and keytars are both grefterbait).
« Last Edit: February 05, 2016, 05:21:26 AM by metroid composite »


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Re: Gauging of interest on music review thingey
« Reply #405 on: February 05, 2016, 06:39:52 AM »
I might be a bit short this week because I am pretty drained from a huge week at work.


It is a song.  It is about fire.  It is spoken word.  It is also John Williams/Hans Zimmer event horizon stuff.  It belongs in a movie or in a National Geographic/Discovery Channel ad (if it wasn't already that?)

R city

I am a shit human being.

This is a beautiful track about a difficult/problematic relationship which I have said time and time again that this is the kind of music that I am all about. 

I don't like it.


This I like though.  It is of a style I like.  Prominent female singer over really lush booming instrumentation.  As few instruments as you need but the chorus carries strong.

A few bits of delivery are rushed which make it feel a bit weird, but that's something that a bit more songwriting might help with.

through fire

Its alright metal.  It is honestly of the kind that could have come out any time from late 90s to now and just kind of slotted in.  Not to say it is timeless, just its kind of metal by numbers.

Also the dudes doing MMA with no kicks and little to zero ground work could also have come from the late 90s.

otto knows

This is not a massive use of your Lindsey Stirling.   Its alright.

dave202 & gino g

I played a game with this one.  Skipped to 1:15 to pick when the Anthem finished and the breakdown happens.  I was 10 seconds off.  Anthem builds until 1:25 then we have the break.  No drop after that but presumably because you don't have time for that in a 2:20 song.  I assume this got played on loop.

Ace of Angels

Honestly I AM really into the costumes, but more just because pretty much all the outfits are pretty great.  I also enjoy the bits with the bass guitar, its some nice slap bass, but needs to be mixed up more and be the whole song.  Its fun.   

Also the comments section has K-Pop hipsters in it which is pretty rad.


Come for the keytar, stay for the off the charts camp.  This is possibly the best thing ever linked?  LIke as a complete package.  I like this even more than Deathstars and I REALLY liked that Deathstars track as a complete package.  The meloadrama of the acting.  The band in marching uniforms.  The fact that they are rocking the fuck out in a castle.  Not even Yes got to do that as far as I know.  This is amazing.  Also digging the harmonies.

Power Metal fucking lives and this is possibly its greatest creation?

True story.  I linked this to Andy and like minutes later he needed to start up Bloodbowl 2 just because Warhammer is the most appropriate thing to be doing while listening to this.

And and and.  I fucking love the fact that this despot gets people to pay taxes in paper currency and then he burns it.  Because paper money only works with people in power backing it.

SO fucking great.

This is EASILY my pick for the week.  I like Birdy.  I fucking looooooooooooooooooove this.

Also the bass guitarist totally looks like he is at home in the marching band outfit.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2016, 06:48:16 AM by Grefter »
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
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Re: Gauging of interest on music review thingey
« Reply #406 on: February 05, 2016, 07:04:53 AM »
melodysheep - Yeah, "epic opener" is a type of song, and one that I like.  This is rather formulaic though.  The instant they start with "" you know it's going to ultimately be about nukes, as though nuclear bombs are somehow special in their destructive power, and represent The True Threshold of Godhood.  It is just a cultural fiction that I happen to be a bit tired of.  Nukes are just one of many off the wall destructive physics ideas from WW2 that actually happened to pan out.  Bat bombs could have torched most of civilian Japan as well, and then we would have songs about forcing the animal kingdom to be our suicide bombers and the horrors of arson, instead of confining the memories of Dresden to Vonnegut books.  Anyway, this is just okay for the genre.

R. City - Bit too straightforward for me.  I like the interplay between the two halves of the song, but the male side dominates while the female side is repetitive.  Also not much going on in the music side.

Birdy - I really like the video for this one, it has very nice use of color and lighting, as well as shapes and foreground/background work.  It also presents a strange sort of cultlike vibe that adds an extra dimension to my thoughts on what the lyrics were about.  That was very welcome, because on audio alone, this is super average boring song #354646 to me.  But with the video concepts helping my mind it rises to definitely above average.

Through Fire - This feels very 90s to me.  Not in a bad way though, more of a refreshing nostalgia way that complements its extremely clean style.  There isn't much excess going on anywhere, but it doesn't feel incomplete or bare bones either.  It is straightforward and simple, but still works.  Definitely the sort of song I would hear on the radio growing up and not mind. 

Otto Knows - actually, no.
Lindsey Stirling jamming a hot riff and some guy singing around it for buildup - Yeah that about sums it up.  This is a very lopsided collaboration, Lindsey vastly overpowers everything else going on here.  I like the fire bit at the end, and the video's visual motifs playing on Lindsey's common piano-player framework (yes she even dominates the visual composition).  Song's too drawn out though, not enough Lindseyriff to go places with so it winds up fairly repetitive.

dave202 and gina g - I was enjoying this track, but there must be some sort of error, only the first 25% of the song is on youtube and there's an abrupt stop after the first cooldown.  Where's the rest?  Okay yeah, there is no "rest" but as I've said in past weeks, this is simply not enough time or material for a party/dance/electronic track to distinguish itself.  Okay sounding formula song #354647 in the books.

AoA - Ok yes, good beat, good sound, good jokes, good sax, interesting vocals, lots of variation.  This is really fun, no particular thing stands out, but everything is a cut above most of the other entries this week (and other weeks!)

Almanac - This would be right at home on MGR Revengeance 2.  Production is not as good as it could be, it sounds a bit muddy to me and hard to make out what the lyrics are saying.  That's the only bad thing I can say though.  There are a ton of layers going on here.  Grefter said "The closer you look, the more fun it gets" to me and I agree with that.  It is happy, sad, exultant and repentent all at once, and evokes metal tropes, Game of Thrones current cultural zeitgeist and Russian history and mythos and mixes them all into a new flavor.  Mostly happy though, the artists are all having the time of their life and that is the thing that comes across the most.  Also, big props for an actual outro.  If you're going to have an outro and make your video non-loopable, at least make it like this. 

Hard week!  It was an easy Through Fire for me until I checked the "seventh and eight place" tracks.  If I was trying to be super objective I'd probably put those two first and second!  But ultimately I'll still give the nod to Through Fire, because clean 90s rock that I like is quite a bit rarer to hear than good Kpop or good metal, both in MC's picks and in general life listening.

Through Fire > Almanac > AoA > Birdy > melodysheep > Lindsey and Otto > dave202 > r city


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Re: Gauging of interest on music review thingey
« Reply #407 on: February 05, 2016, 07:13:00 AM »
I really can't really put into words how happy Almanac - Self Blinded Eyes is making me.

I have spammed Alex about it, I spammed Andy about it, I texted a cousin about it, I linked my younger brother to it.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
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Re: Gauging of interest on music review thingey
« Reply #408 on: February 06, 2016, 07:09:42 AM »
Hmm...I mean for reasons AoA and Almanac weren't in the top 6...

AoA honestly started out kinda high, but really started grating after the 10th listen or so, to the point that I actually started really not looking forward to it when it came up on rotation.

Almanac is alright...but it was just...consistently scoring way, waaay lower than Through Fire for me (at least based purely on audio).  Although reviewing it now, yeah, Through Fire's video is actually super boring comparatively, whereas Almanac's video is rad.

OK, well, let's actually break this down by math or something...

Almanac is like 1st +2nd + 7th = 3.33 average

The one I was liking most was dave202 and gina g -- this scored pretty abysmally with everyone else.  never going to cut it.

My second place was melodysheep which is like...2nd from me, 5th from Alex, somewhere in the middle from grefter.  Probably averages out to about 3.6th or 4th.

Birdy was...relatively high for me (3rd or 4th I forget?) 2nd from grefter, 4th from alex.  Averages to around 3 or 3.33

AoA--I'm willing to give them some kind of a pass because I did have them pretty high at first.  3rd from Alex.  Was bouncing around 3rd or 4th for me before completely tanking when I got sick of it.  Probably averaging around 3.6

Alright, so extra considerations:

We just had a k-pop girl group last week (it was rap, but this has a rap break).

We just had heavy metal two weeks ago with Queensrÿche.

Damn near the entire month of January was male artists (of the past 5 artists, 4 were men; the week before that was Steam Powered Giraffe which is a mixed gendered group--but 3 men and 1 woman).

Mmmm...I think this analysis is pointing towards Birdy, honestly.  Highest average rating.  Not something that's been done recently.  Brings a bit of gender balance that's been missing recently.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2016, 07:19:05 AM by metroid composite »


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Re: Gauging of interest on music review thingey
« Reply #410 on: February 12, 2016, 11:46:00 AM »
Rico Bernasconi & Lotus - They should really be wearing helmets.  I don't know what is going on in this video.  Canadian bills not cool enough to get trafficed ;(  The Nicki Minnaj verses are pretty good.

Jan Blomqvist - I saw the armada logo so skipped to 1:05, waited 15 seconds and restarted.  This was pretty nice.

Julia Westlin -  I liked this song when it was My Immortal by Evanesence.  I like this better than that though.  THat is a lot of like.

Sabaton - Its alright.  I like that the lead singer's tactical vest is non-slip.

Beyonce - Do we go Beyonce because of the super bowel thing?  I dunno.  I like pretty much everything but the chorus.  LIke the film clip and the lot.  Is good.  I reeeeeally like the black outfit with the broad brimmed hat.

ok go - ok.  So.  Can we officially say they are much more a visual artist troupe than a band?  The song is pretty okay and feels like sort of okay Blur?  Blur is a good band to sound like.  The film clip is amazing.  I guess if we just pick ok go tracks with amazing videos we will always link them?

I think Julia Westlin is my favourite and Beyonce probably is the link.
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Re: Gauging of interest on music review thingey
« Reply #411 on: February 12, 2016, 12:23:21 PM »
Rico B & Lotus - Neat song.  The first minute zoned me out and I almost gave up on it, but then the main line kicked in at the minute mark.  It's a very good main line, polished to a throb that doesn't wear out its welcome.  Then on top of that they had the idea to add variation by switching between different vocalists, which works pretty well despite the vocals themselves never doing much for me.  Final result is a well tuned engine that could go on indefinitely.  I didn't previously realize that MC looped and listened to the finalists so many times, but knowing that now, it's easy to see why this is here - it's engineered to go on and on, loop well, and be continuously satisfying.  Even the first minute is a nice break after the initial loop.

Jan Blomqvist - Another easy looper, this is a fairly Alexbait song.  Chill, atmospheric, polish on every sound, good pacing and progression that makes it feel longer than it actually is, all that.  It is not an AMAZING song to me though.  Lacks the oomph that makes a track really stand out, this is like the 90% paper that gets an A- but isn't in contention for being read to the class.  Still very good though, and definitely some personal genre bias going in there, it is probably better than I am giving it credit for to people who don't listen to this style of music as much. 

Julia Westlin - See comments for Rico B, except replace "main electronic line" with "main guitar/piano riff" and have one good vocalist with tempo and dynamic variation instead of multiple different vocals.  It takes 1:30 to get going instead of 1:00, but the payoff is better imo.  They are very similar songs in composition, to me.  At the halfway mark I was going to say "like Rico B but worse" but by the end I lean towards "Rico B but better!"  Just an overall good song with excellent fundamentals.

Sabaton - Song speaks for itself.  Unusually restrained for metal, especially live, but this is neither a song nor a group that needs to go wild and have people throw themselves around.  Still some flame jets and spins, but the focus is clearly on the music, and in turn the music puts emphasis on the vocals, and in turn the singer totally nails it.  Much like Rammstein, the loud booming parts are memorable and the singing is guttural, yet the vocals form the core of the song.  Overall conveys a feeling that these guys know exactly what they are doing.  Which they should since they're super famous and stuff.  At this point I'm just writing more things to have an excuse to listen to it again. 

Beyonce - So I've never sat down and listened to any Beyonce before.  (At least not willingly, I'm sure I heard some of her stuff in passing but not recognizably.)  Wrote her off as too popular and mainstream to possibly be interesting.  I seem to have been in the wrong.  Whatever I expected from her, it certainly wasn't this.  I'm not sure how to elaborate upon what "this" is, exactly.  It's barely a song, more of a rap... no, not even a rap, more of a spoken word poem, set to haunting accompaniment.  Closer to TS Eliot than radio.  There're definitely nods to Toni Morrison in both lyrics and visuals.  Tons to unpack here and I am not sure I understand it at all. 

I think the video made me uncomfortable; I'm not sure if that was intentional but leaning towards yes, since I couldn't even hear any explicit lyrics but apparently they are worthy of a warning.  I wasn't even sure it was going all in on its message until the end, where the circle traced by the whole song collapses to attack the listener.  But I love a good twist ending!  Is it good, obviously yes.  Is it good as a song, I don't even know.  It's operating on a completely different axis to all these others.  There isn't actually a lot of "song" here, and the video is 100% essential, just hearing this on the radio would not have even a fraction of the impact of pairing it with the visuals. 

ok go - Awwwwww I was hoping for a week where I loved every song, but alas, the gatekeeper appears.  The idea is very cool and that they got to shoot it is very, very cool!  The song itself is kind of annoying though, and sounds overly harsh and grating to me.  Also a little crass, both metaphorically and not; I'm not sure what the "it" I am supposed to feel is, if not the female flight attendant's crotch, so gracefully presented to us just before the pinatas and balloons of fluid start to pop.  Just not the sort of thing I'm inclined to vote up.

But hey!  Other than ok go, everything else here is great, this is one of the best weeks since I started listening to these for sure.  I was going to say it was a hard call, and I wouldn't be sad about any of them winning, but... honestly?  Beyonce steals the show more than Carmen Sandiego, 11/10, pick this, not close to being close.  Not that I'd be sad about the others, exactly, but like, Beyonce's right there.

Beyonce >>> Sabaton >= Julia Westlin > Jan Blomqvist > Rico B & friends >>> ok go

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Re: Gauging of interest on music review thingey
« Reply #412 on: February 12, 2016, 04:22:14 PM »
In terms of non-mainstream--this is way further outside of the mainstream than I ever remember Beyonce going.

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Re: Gauging of interest on music review thingey
« Reply #413 on: February 13, 2016, 07:13:31 AM »
Incidentally, cool that Julia Westlin was well-received.  She's a mostly amateur youtube singer, and most of those have scored low with Grefter/Alex.  But yeah...all three of us had her in our top 3, so neat.  (Beyonce is still "the pick" for cultural relevance, granted).

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Re: Gauging of interest on music review thingey
« Reply #414 on: February 19, 2016, 04:56:52 AM »
Oooh, this might be a rare week where Alex, Grefter and I actually agree about #1.  Then again, maybe not; I've been wrong about guessing their preferences before.
마마무 (Mamamoo)
Sofia Reyes
(clean version)


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Re: Gauging of interest on music review thingey
« Reply #415 on: February 19, 2016, 09:14:41 AM »
Worked late, so short again.

Lots of KPop loooove songs.  Did someone have a successful Valentine's Day???????

M.I.A. Is my favourite and probably my pick.  Shock MIA is boss as hell and a social revolution track is Grefter.ogg

Second favourite is Mamamoo.  It is different than their other tracks, but they are also consistently the most diverse style K-Pop regulars and I generally like them when they come up (from memory).

Dev, I have no idea why there is a clean version.

Myrath did nothing for me, but I was distracted.  It's no Self Blinded Eyes.

Edit - Okay relistening to it while not doing work so I can actually watch the film clip, its pretty decent.  Lots of it rides on the film clip though.  I do dig the Violin Harem, both the bass and lead guitar, the setup for the drums and keyboard.  It probably jumps up to third best?  I dunno how much it contends with Dev for it.  Still prefer MIA and Mamamoo mamamore.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2016, 10:28:00 AM by Grefter »
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
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Re: Gauging of interest on music review thingey
« Reply #416 on: February 19, 2016, 03:20:15 PM »
Mamamoo - Well, I'm certainly on board with the aesthetics.  Wish I could understand more of the lyrics, since it's a raplike thing with sparse backing.  Delivery's great though, and just when I was thinking the track stayed a bit too flat, the last 30 seconds kicked into overdrive.  I... have a hard time imagining a more mainstream crowd (such as MC's family and the rest of the column audience) liking this one as much, it's quirky for sure, but it's straight up my personal alley.

Sofia Reyes - Like a telenovela turned into a Disney movie.  Super clean production, very nicely made.  Just completely perpendicular to me on emotional resonance.  There are a lot of cultural notes baked deeply in, like everyone holding their hands to their chest to indicate how heartfelt their song is.  But to me it just looks goofy and does nothing, because it's not my culture and I can't find sufficient cues to get into it. 

Jo Kwon - Kpop love song.  Well done, great singing voice, simple concept.  However, the piano and composition are more on a "just there" level than anything special to me, so it's purely up to the voice to distinguish the track.  That leads to a weird sort of evaluation where I'm not surprised to see it in everyone's top 10, but would be surprised if it was in anyone's top 2.  This is the sort of frame song that exists to showcase a superperformer, and while Jo Kwon is great, he's not *super great* enough to me for his voice to solo carry this.

Dev - I love me some bass hum and some vocal mods.  This reminds me *a lot* of the best parts of the Transistor soundtrack, and that is a very good thing.  A pleasure to listen to.  Only flaw is that it is a little repetitive and background-y, while at the same time showing enough variety to make clear that it didn't have to be backgroundy and could have gone even more places.  I'm not sure why there is a clean version either, if there were any dirty lyrics they were in places unintelligible to me.

M.I.A. - I feel like I should love this, and yet I don't.  It's wordplay and social revolution, and the video is great... but it's just not that fun to listen to, kinda grating, and the lyrics come across as a little too on the nose, like doing an ice sculpture with a sledgehammer.  It's still good, mind.  I think a large part of my reaction here is because Beyonce's track last week is still on my mind, and that was in a very similar vein to this but much deeper in execution.

Myrath - Geez.  How is there an epic metal song with a crazy involved fantasy video almost every week?  This is not a low effort production!  On the one hand, a lot of the over the top awesome is in the film clip, if I turn that off and just listen it's just "pretty good" instead of amazing.  But on the other hand, the song is fitted to the video, with a frame story and everything, and that may be influencing my listening.  BUT 3:45 background is a direct sampling from a track that I don't know the name of (but probably should) but do recognize.  That breaks my immersion some and gives me an excuse to knock it down a peg.

This is a weird, weird week.  I have no idea what MC's prediction is.  Grefter loves MIA, I definitely don't, but could see how I might be expected to.  Then there's the metal.  There's Mamamoo too, that's really strong.  And then there's Dev, which I wound up liking a lot more than I thought on first listen.  Sofia Reyes and Jo Kwon are on the bottom, and I think MIA sits in fourth for me.  The top 3 could go in any order, though.  Of course, I'm also feeling like my opinions here reflect more on me than on the songs themselves... I'm a weirdo who feels more emotional relation to kpop fake schoolgirl convicts shooting each other over height differences than to traditional romance pieces.  You know... let's go Dev, I think that's the one I could keep on for hours.

Dev >= Mamamoo >= Myrath > MIA > Jo Kwon > Sofia Reyes


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Re: Gauging of interest on music review thingey
« Reply #417 on: February 19, 2016, 09:23:13 PM »
MIA is a call to arms for revolution.  Of course I like that it isn't subtle, possibly even more than it deserves.  Unsubtle calls for social reform are kind of my shtick.
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Re: Gauging of interest on music review thingey
« Reply #418 on: February 19, 2016, 10:14:48 PM »
M.I.A. - I feel like I should love this, and yet I don't.  It's wordplay and social revolution, and the video is great... but it's just not that fun to listen to, kinda grating, and the lyrics come across as a little too on the nose, like doing an ice sculpture with a sledgehammer.  It's still good, mind.  I think a large part of my reaction here is because Beyonce's track last week is still on my mind, and that was in a very similar vein to this but much deeper in execution.

That's a bit disappointing then, but I'm saying this as someone who's never liked Beyoncé enough to care about her participation in things real. Formation said nothing to me; the precedents before her are my fanfare. BUT. I wonder if you like M.I.A's "voice" in general? I remember that being an issue when she released her album ARULAR.

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Re: Gauging of interest on music review thingey
« Reply #419 on: February 20, 2016, 04:16:06 AM »
Myrath is the one that for me was miles out ahead of the others.  (And mostly on the strength of the track; I usually listen to these without the video).  (With Sofia Reyes as a pretty consistent #2).  Myrath is just...such an interesting spin on the usual metal tracks--unusual arab/north african musical structures in a well-produced symphonic metal track.  And not in a weak imitation kind of way (part of the band is Tunisian).

As for a successful valentines day...I played videogames, that's successful, right?

Umm...let's Myrath is like 1, 3, 3 (7 total).  Mamamoo is 2, 2, 4 (8 total).  MIA is 1, 4, 5 (10 total), but did spend a bunch of time much higher on my list (3rd for a while), which would make for (8 total).  Dev is 1, 3, 6 (10 total).  Yeah, still looks like Myrath.

The absolute sleeper that caught me a little off guard in my own rankings was 조권 sneaking up to 3rd (didn't even expect it to make the top 6 when I was narrowing things down from 12) but I'm not surprised it scored low with alex/grefter since it barely caught my attention on first listen.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2016, 04:19:25 AM by metroid composite »


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Re: Gauging of interest on music review thingey
« Reply #420 on: February 20, 2016, 09:53:22 AM »
I wonder if you like M.I.A's "voice" in general? I remember that being an issue when she released her album ARULAR.

Do you mean the actual physical sound of her voice, or her literary songwriting "voice"?  If the former, yeah, that's definitely an issue.  Her voice is not very aesthetically pleasing to me to listen to, so that's a bit of a drag no matter how good the lyrics are.

Also keep in mind that I am totally uneducated and completely talking out of my ass on most of these "reviews."  >_>  Most of these artists I've never heard of before, I'm missing subtleties on everything, and have no idea what the musical precedents you're talking about would be.  (But by all means, share!)

And after sleeping on it, yeah, Myrath stuck with me a lot more than the rest.  I might've been overcorrecting for my own perceived genre bias.


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Re: Gauging of interest on music review thingey
« Reply #421 on: February 20, 2016, 01:44:31 PM »
Yeah, that! I also meant that weird voice mod she's done forever, which tends to be better when choruses are faster and louder.

And I totally understand, I get nothing from policing people's tastes.

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Re: Gauging of interest on music review thingey
« Reply #422 on: February 26, 2016, 03:19:15 AM »
I feel like this is one of the weeks when I'll disagree with Grefter/alex.  We'll see though.  A lot of the videos that go with the songs really tickle me, though, so I should have something to write about regardless of pick.
Tax the heat
yves v & swaky tunes
Demi Lovato
macklemore & ryan lewis


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Re: Gauging of interest on music review thingey
« Reply #423 on: February 26, 2016, 07:36:20 AM »
Tax the Heat - Generic rock.  Exists, I don't dislike it but neither do I like it.  Lyrics are pretty impenetrable - "People are wageslave animals," okay, do you have any commentary or anything you want to do about that?  No, just gonna repeat the metaphor?  Right then.  Solo is all right, I don't like the abrupt ending.

yves v & swaky tunes - This video is fabulous and I hope it's one of the ones MC was talking about, because yeah, I want to vote the track up for that alone.  The song itself is pretty good as well.  It's lacking a little low end and a little development, but otherwise sits firmly in my tastes for rocking out... and on second and third listens, it has more range than I remembered from the first play.  Great stuff.

Demi Lovato - Also an evocative video, but for me that wound up as a detriment, because the tones of the vocal and visual singing were so different.  I didn't like the lyrics either - they're just overt post-breakup jealousy, which is not something I find very pleasant to listen about.

FEMM - Another good video and decent electronic track.  Except the bit with the raging blue hair, that just made me think of MSPaint Sonic the Hedgehog parodies.  The song is... slicker and has more going on than yves v, but also has a lot less energy.  I found myself tabbing out to look at something else more than once.

macklemore - As soon as he broke rhythm for "We're all gonna quit tomorrow!" I was sad.  Bridges' bridges are pretty nice though, as is the general soul influence!  But yeaaaaah macklemore can't rap, and I can't get behind an anti-medication song.  The message here is absolute garbage.  Yes, meds are worth it, science is great, living without them is what's tragic, and if you're gonna compare "doctors handing out pills" to crack dealers, please just go jump in a fire.

Kawehi - This track made America great again.  It's a winner! 

Not a spectacular week, but some interesting stuff here for sure.  Very clear top half vs bottom half, with the top half all being quite close.  The "technical merit" ordering for me would be Kawehi > FEMM > yves v, but I like the yves vid way too much so I'll (narrowly) promote that.

yves v >= Kawehi >= FEMM >>>>> Tax the Heat > Demi Lovato >>> please no


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Re: Gauging of interest on music review thingey
« Reply #424 on: February 26, 2016, 10:18:11 AM »
if I am short on this it is because I am fucking done with today and this week.

Tax the Heat - It is pretty standard rock, but in a style that I still enjoy.  Done pretty decently as well.  Its no Black Keys or Queens of the Stone Age, but its pretty solid.

Working in a "two by two" line in to a track called Animals, pretty good.

Yves V & Swanky Tunes - Party track and you know it is a party track because it goes through the stocks much quicker.  I was going to joke about how finishes the anthem and then breaks quickly doing it at about the 1 minute mark after having the Armada logo waste 10 seconds, then it resolves and stars the next anthem 40 seconds later (so 1:30).  The second anthem breaks 1 minute later.  It is really just very stock standard.  Catchy!  But there isn't much here and it recycles what it had pretty quick.

Also its kinda weird how they move their heads around like they are heavily effected by the g-force of the remote quadcopter.

Demi Lovato - Well I am the one that most invested in the last Demi Lovato track I think? So its no shock if I am the one that likes this one more.  Yep, its a blues track and that is different than her last one, but its thematically consistent which is what I love.  Broken people songs are my favourite.  Yeah I know it is weird that I don't like Adele as much and this is suuuuuuuuper Adeleish (wonder how much is label driven?).  I would like it more if there was a bit of an arc to it, but I dig it.  She doesn't hit the same breadth as Adele does, but she has nice range.  I definitely am happy that its different than Cool For the Summer even though that was solid.  Its just good to see more range.

FEMM - This had a lot of potential and I am not sure I can really put my finger on what it doesn't capitalise on.  The range is pretty flat?  Like each individual instrument mostly only sticks to a small range of a couple of octaves?

It is also veeeerrry like something already established and I am trying to pin what it is

macklemore & ryan lewis - Flow is good, smart lyrics like always.  Very much in classic hip hop style.  Its alright and probably a good release single.  Not going to be the best song on the album or the best single, but a good one to get people to spin up the first 2 singles and get a bit of talk about the album coming out.

Frustrating for personal reasons obviously.  It is a song about the over prescription of drugs in the US, buuuuuuut I am also pretty loathe to push any progress in mental health in America away.  Shits fucked.

Kawehi - But this is my favourite.  on noes not one of the artists I really enjoyed writing a song about pop music and raging against the oversaturation of it and the industry obsession with it. 

Kawehi > Demi Lovato = Macklemore > Tax the Heat > Femm > Yves & Swanky Tunes
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.