
Author Topic: What Games are you playing 2015?  (Read 213976 times)


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #475 on: February 22, 2015, 05:03:16 PM »
Alpha Sapphire: E4 rematch beaten a few days ago, been procrastinating on the writeup since. Came in with an all-L60 team, ended up with Masquerain at L68 since it did all the sweeping and everyone else at lower exp-share induced levels. No recaps since every fight was a repetitive debuff-then-Quiver Dance sweep, but Steven's Carbink barely survived a +6 Shadow Ball and broke Masquerain's sub. That left it at ~60% HP with no protection up against a Mega-Metagross with STAB priority (Bullet Punch). I'm not sure if it Masquerain would've survived that, but thankfully the AI didn't use Bullet Punch so it didn't matter.

The original Pokeniu run was one part attempt to play around with many of Gen 2's notoriously crappy fully evolved Pokemon* and one part attempt at seeing just how low the GSC difficulty curve could sink vs a team of underlevelled, understatted Pokemon. The answer was pretty low indeed, resulting in gameplay experiences like Aipom running rampant through midgame random trainers and Sunflora sweeping the Ice gym leader with Growth+Mega Drain despite being weak to, you know, Ice. <_<

*It says a lot that five of the original Pokeniu team (Piloswine, Sneasel, Murkrow, Togetic, got evolutions in Gen 4 while another one got a de facto revamp via Huge Power.

The main downside to the original Pokeniu run was that when I ran into the rare competent boss with multiple good Pokemon (or in Lance's case, good if your sources of Ice damage are total crap >_>), I had to resort to Potion spam to win without overlevelling, which isn't very satisfying. RSE had its share of crappy Pokemon (though a much smaller percentage of new Pokemon overall, thankfully), but noticably higher difficulty level compared to GSC made a Pokeniu-type challenge run feel unappealing when I considered it on paper.

By Gen 6 movepool improvements (and infinite-use TMs, for in-game) had greatly the powerlevels of most weak Pokemon even if they didn't get an evolution/Mega/overpowered ability. Almost everything gets has good STAB options nowadays, and usually okay coverage options as well. More interesting was the rise of crazy powerful buffing moves like Quiver Dance, which got handed out to lots of underpowered Bug types. This made it feasible, with some luck, to beat even the overlevelled E4 rematch, with actual strategy rather than just potion spam. I made tentative plans for how a Pokeniu-esque playthrough could go while playing through Alpha Sapphire with a more conventional team, then finalized them in about a week's worth of planning after finishing my first run.

This was more Pokeniu-inspired than a proper Pokeniu sequel, so I made a female trainer named Niuko rather than a male named something like Niutwo. I also didn't bother with anything resembling the dumb fanfic material from the original; if you missed that, just imagine Niuko writing a bunch of ArchiexMaxie and StephenxWallace slash as she went along her journey. Instead I focused on taking notes on how the gameplay went, especially the boss fights... which backfired a bit as I've repeatedly stalled on progressing due to being lazy with actually posting about this. I'm working on some detailed comments on all twelve Pokemon used throughout this run, but due to the length I'll be splitting it out into a separate post. Hopefully I can finish typing it all up before next weekend arrives. <_<

To commemorate the run, here's a secret base QR code. The base name is kinda silly, but I'm too lazy to generate a new code to fix it:


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #476 on: February 22, 2015, 08:11:31 PM »
Yeah, the port is good and the platform is a perfect fit. You only lose the 3d effects, and no one cares in 2015.
You can save anywhere so the life bar doesn't have mich of a point, I don't know if that was in the original game.
The first trilogy and Ghost Trick also got ported.

You could actually save anywhere in every Ace Attorney game. The only difference is that in the older ones, if you forgot to save, and you died, that you would have to redo everything since you last saved (a colossal waste of time in a text adventure; unlike in Mega Man, Dark Souls, etc., you aren't proving anything by re-reading text and remaking decisions you now know the answers for). Dual Destinies finally figured out that was stupid and now the game picks up from just before where you died even if you haven't saved recently. This makes the life bar entirely for personal pride but I'm fine with that.

I actually thought all the polish improvements in DD (along with the usual high quality of writing) made the game one of the most enjoyable in the series; I didn't really see the need for much innovation beyond that.

For my own gaming, I have started Bayonetta 2 (seems a lot like the first, but that's not a bad thing) and am still playing KIU... one chapter away from beating them all on intensity 7, and have now beaten several on 9. Hooray~

Yeah I guess the save system is an improvement and it was never really relevent. It would be pretty cool if there was a LA Noire system with the possibility of failure during the story, but I guess that would demand a ton more work.

As far as innovation goes I think that even if the games have been telling vastly different stories, they feel very same-y because they've been using the same effects since day 1 to punctuate its stories: The same music, screen flashes, sound effects (There's "Ding!!", "Uhh??" and the one that sounds like a videogame slash, to indicate a hit), portraits, presentation of the environment, etc.

There's also little things like :
When you're cross examining a witness, you press him for more info, another sentence was added to this testimony: You know this means that this added sentence is the flaw in the testimony.
It's been there forever, it makes some sense in the context of the game but it's pretty much bullshit.

Oh btw this isn't a problem at all, but I hope they never bring up Occam's Razor because this law doesn't exist in the PW universe. Nope.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #477 on: February 22, 2015, 08:55:56 PM »
When you're cross examining a witness, you press him for more info, another sentence was added to this testimony: You know this means that this added sentence is the flaw in the testimony.
It's been there forever, it makes some sense in the context of the game but it's pretty much bullshit.

Yeah this part in particular is very true. Occasionally they'll have an added statement be worthless (but only if there are multiple possible added statements) but even this mild subversion is like once or twice per game. To some extent I think this is just an inevitable result of them trying to keep things relatively easy since this is very much a "casual" text adventure game for people who want to see a story, but I do agree that as a longtime fan I'd like to see them try trickier things.

Changing little things like visual/sound effects is something I don't have a strong opinion on but I suspect they keep them around because some vocal people get very whiny whenever you change things like that, no matter how irrelevant. (see: the Dragon Quest fanbase). I will say that I am glad the redid all the art for this game; it looks much better (even while being in the same style).

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #478 on: February 22, 2015, 11:37:51 PM »
I hope they do use Occam's Razor one day.  But I hope that it is 100% literal in that there is someone called Occam who is killed with his own razor.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #479 on: February 23, 2015, 01:49:05 AM »
And then in a shocking twist, it turns out that Occam is actually the villain from case 1 disguised as Occam, and the killer is actually Occam disguised as your assistant.

Where is your assistant?  That's what Case 5 is for.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #480 on: February 23, 2015, 03:37:52 AM »
When you're cross examining a witness, you press him for more info, another sentence was added to this testimony: You know this means that this added sentence is the flaw in the testimony.
It's been there forever, it makes some sense in the context of the game but it's pretty much bullshit.

Yeah this part in particular is very true. Occasionally they'll have an added statement be worthless (but only if there are multiple possible added statements) but even this mild subversion is like once or twice per game. To some extent I think this is just an inevitable result of them trying to keep things relatively easy since this is very much a "casual" text adventure game for people who want to see a story, but I do agree that as a longtime fan I'd like to see them try trickier things.

AAI2 had a few sequences where you had to repeatedly press new statements to get to the actual contradiction, which isn't any harder since there's never a penalty for pressing the wrong statement in that game but at least avoids the press->present autopilot.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #481 on: February 23, 2015, 03:51:13 AM »
AAI spin off series it really doesn't matter in though because pressing on random shit gives you more Edgeworth dialogue (which is totes edge worthy).

AAI2 does still start Edgeworth right?
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #482 on: February 23, 2015, 04:49:08 AM »
SJW Inquisition: Beaten. Good God this game is tedious. There are huge, very expansive environments that are mostly served towards making you do quests that really feel meaningless (find my engagement ring! Kill a bunch of goats! Put flowers on a grave!). When you get to an area, there's this vomit of quest objectives all over the place, but very few of them are worth your time in the end. You get Influence and Power for doing most things, but beyond a certain point, both have very little practical utility and you don't gather enough influence to really make some of these minor things worthwhile. Really, the only thing worth doing most of the time are clearing out the rifts, since that gives a good chunk of experience, influence, and power. Eventually, you learn that most quests aren't worth going out of your way to do at all. This ended up being like 2/3s of the game, and thus the majority of the game's runtime is spent doing what really feels like busywork. The main game can probably be done in 20 hours, but it's a shame that the extra quests you do in this game don't feel like they're substantial at all. There is potential in this kind of gameplay loop wherein you stake out territory for the Inquisition and really effect change in the politics of an area, clearing out rifts and generally making some of these areas into less of a shithole. All you do currently is get camps that act as fast travel/potion restoration points. The Inquisition expands its influence in terms of territory, but then it is just there.

Most of the story missions are fairly interesting, but they do range from the novel (the Winter Palace) to weird mumbo jumbo Fade magic demon nonsense. It also falls into the weird Bioware trap where you make choices that feel like they could matter in the moment but things turn out the same way no matter what you do. Choices that should have had emotional resonance rang a little hollow or seemed clearcut, perhaps because I hadn't played the previous games in such a long time. The story itself was a lot of aforementioned mumbo jumbo, which would have been fine if the characters were stronger. They have converse with each other here and there with each other and there are some nice contextual banters (Iron Bull being elated every time he fights a dragon), but the character quests seemed fairly brief rather than having fully realized arcs. I didn't have an especially strong affinity for many of the characters. Iron Bull was entertaining and Varric is okay. The others are sort of fine. Dorian is clearly a character that was only made because of SJW masterminds. I think that most of these characters will leave my memory in a week. The Codex in this is extensive as usual but I don't think I'll really go back and read it over. I say that after every Bioware game.

All of this may have been fine if the combat weren't so damned awkward. I don't even know how to describe it, but positioning is annoying and all of the attack animations are very prescribed. It got to the point where I decided to control an archer instead of my main dual dagger character. Archers are really straightforward to play and I got lazy. I played on hard and some fights did get a little dicey and forced me to make use of the tactical mode, but for the most part, it felt like I was just chipping away at enemies who had too much HP for their own good. Combat felt kind of like a chore after a while, and this is a shame because I do think the skill trees could have made for some really interesting character setups if the combat felt better. Even DA2 with all its problems felt more gratifying when you were splattering dudes for ridiculous damage with a dual dagger rogue. Here it's just a lot more laborious and it doesn't feel like you're getting more powerful until you get a weapon that's of your level (level-locked weapons are such a boring idea).

The character unique skill trees all had some cool stuff in them, but I was so underwhelmed by the combat that it felt kind of wasted. There were imbalances here and there (Vivienne's specialty was overpowered), and I never found reason to deviate from my main party later in the game unless it was a part of a quest. The inventory is also kind of fucked but someone here already mentioned that.

I feel like the structure of putting together something like the Inquisition could have been so much more interesting. You have three advisors who oversee the military, your intelligence network, and diplomacy, but all that amounts to is Candy Crush-like countdowns to finish missions for paltry amounts of gold or Influence. It unlocks a few other quests but little that felt really meaningful. Again, a major problem here is that it never felt like you were really affecting anything in the world. You would get an alliance with major world players but that manifests through like 60 Influence points, not any story or conversation options. You accrue a larger army but that doesn't amount to anything. I mentioned this in a post about Mass Effect 2's Suicide Mission, but I would really like a game where you put together a squad or build and organization and your personnel decisions and what you build towards affect meaningful outcomes. Bioware hasn't managed to get there yet (ME3 only had a minimum readiness requirement) and SJW Inquisition doesn't come close either. It's frustrating because the ideas are there but maybe they can never come to fruition with the current formula. Maybe something with Mordor's Nemesis system where you can choose who to take out but with more substantial damage to the enemy's power structure. I don't know, I feel like some of these systems can really be put together to make something amazing but it's not there yet.

So I spent 60 hours on this in total and I don't necessarily regret them, but a lot of those hours were spent in that empty open environment loop which doesn't amount to much that is tangible. I don't really recommend this game, and I'll be fairly happy to move onto something else.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2015, 05:00:26 AM by The Duck »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #483 on: February 23, 2015, 05:21:58 AM »
I don't know if you will ever see it used really large scale.  The time spent on a system like that to be truly interesting to procedurally generate a power structure is more significant than people are prepared to spend on a few hard cut offs or maybe if you are feeling like burning all the bridges you can, a purely random selection from a limited pool of options. 

Still looking forward to getting to it though.  I suspect that the most interesting things of the game are actually going to be entirely outside of the play.  All the "SJW" components, the new way of handling "save" data transfer I think is fantastic and a great way to go forward and Varric Dialogue are all I honestly expect to get out of it.

I only realised last night while wiki walking through unrelated things that the game has Multiplayer tagged on.  I loved it in ME3, but I never expected it to get shoe horned into DA games.  It was a happy fit in ME3, but daaaaaamn do I not expect much from it here.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #484 on: February 23, 2015, 05:42:56 AM »
Yeah I think there's inevitably going to be this tradeoff between a procedurally generated structure and the ability to tell a coherent story within that structure. Mordor doesn't pull it off because it doesn't really give a shit about its story.

The Keep is pretty good although not all of my choices seemed to go through correctly (it made my Hawke a mage for some reason). Your choices from other games do make a difference, particularly with regard to one character and that storyline. SJW Inquisition is also left open to sequels, so maybe it will lead to another Keep situation where your choices carry over. I felt like I was fairly careless with my choices since I wasn't especially invested with the story this time and I didn't bother to do everything possible with all of the characters. When it comes to it, I may mainline another Inquisitor if a sequel comes out. It will probably be much smoother if you skip all the extraneous bullshit.

Oh, the game also has 10 dragons to kill, and those are actually decent fights. Still, they tended to be tests of endurance rather than being very tactical (some of them are just looooong). They spit out good unique loot, and it felt like you really got something out of putting in the effort to fight them, which sadly isn't the case for most fights in the game.

And yeah, the game does have scary SJW elements. Many of your advisors are female, the party has several females that are members of every class, there's a trans character, there's Dorian, Iron Bull is basically pansexual, and your romance options are fairly expansive. That GG sees this as a negative is hilarious.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2015, 05:51:19 AM by The Duck »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #485 on: February 23, 2015, 07:25:25 AM »
Choices I wouldn't ever make in real life aren't actually choices.  Literally have no love interests in game because I am mostly no interested in sex.  Plz Devs ink ever make games where you have conversations with people of either sex full of jokes about sloppy sex, sweaty blowjobs and dry make outs with no actual sex. /ghazipost

Dark Souls 2 - Got through Dragon bits.  Every fucking area got invasions once a run.  Busy night.  Disconnected just so I could run through boring area with no boss.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2015, 11:47:34 AM by Grefter »
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #486 on: February 23, 2015, 07:31:01 PM »
Metal Gear Solid - I did the first mission, got to the second mission, walked around like a drunken fridge, declared that the game was as fun as having genital warts, and took it out of the console. I may have overreacted slightly.

Super Mario Galaxy - For some reason I never finished this game, so I decided to start over. Just piddling around in the first galaxy right now.

Super Smash Bros. Wii U - I've been playing this from time to time, but yesterday I got +6 with Dedede. :D
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #487 on: February 23, 2015, 07:47:12 PM »
The first trilogy and Ghost Trick also got ported.

Yeah, had already played both of those on the phone. It really is a great platform for it, and I'm glad they opted to do the porting.

To some extent I think this is just an inevitable result of them trying to keep things relatively easy since this is very much a "casual" text adventure game for people who want to see a story, but I do agree that as a longtime fan I'd like to see them try trickier things.

I dunno. Given the weird leaps of logic they use sometimes (I've certainly had to bang my head against a wall a few times to figure out what the hell the game expects of me in court), I'm not sure I want them to try something tricky. >_>
« Last Edit: February 23, 2015, 07:50:47 PM by AndrewRogue »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #488 on: February 24, 2015, 02:07:25 AM »
Now Ciatos will never discover whether love can bloom on a battlefield. :(

CT: mysteries accumulate during the run-up to Magus. Why does a dinosaur have a navel? Why do cavemen sell guns? Why is Frog so bad?

Touhou Labyrinths: got up to the last boss. It is basically the Star Dragon Sword and appropriately jerkish. Cue griiiiiiiind. Also my melee characters are all running around with Lanius' mask on. It's pretty pro.

EP: I had to table this for a few days after fucking up the requirements for Thage good ending. I have a file right before that map, but fuck I hate that stage.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2015, 02:51:04 AM by El Cideon »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #489 on: February 25, 2015, 09:11:23 AM »
Dark Souls 2 - Still doing Fume Knight.  Literally only slightly less fun than Kalameet.  Fuck this bullshit.  Guess I wasted money on that DLC.  Oh well.

Edit - I can get invaded while I alt-tab to make this post, but I can't find any summons.  WoOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Edit edit - Go to do Ashen Mist Heart shit because hiding the end of your game in fucking random shit all over the world is great ideas.  First one I try is in Forest of Fallen Giants.  Run to where Pursuer dies.  Boring easy run.  Climb some stairs.  Some giants throw fire balls really fast.  Enemies never seen before.   Die.  Respawn back at bonfire outside the memory.



So like when you talk about the end of a game being fucking shitty and disappointing?  This is what you should complain about.  DS2 is super strong right up until you leave Drangleic Castle in my opinion.  Everything after that is flat and obtuse padding bullshit.  Undead Crypt is boring.  Aldia's Keep and Dragon Aerie frankly suck.  This is fucking Wind Waker original Triforce Maps bullshit right here.

I am also mad at the DLC boss being shit, because the rest of the Iron Throne DLC?  Was hard but fun and mostly fair and challenging back like 30 levels ago.  Now I am frankly overlevelled by what I understand the end game meta to be at (2.5 million soul memory and level 156 Soul Level) and Fume Knight is still fucking dumb as shit.  I don't feel like being cock blocked by a boring meat wall that is overtuned in damage outgoing and a massive HP pool size.   I have seriously thought about whether it is worth Red Tearstone Ringing up and trying to rip off as much HP as I can while he spawns and then goes rageface because I have Velstadt's helm on (which I gave up on not using because Phase 1 is shitty, boring and a billion times less predictable than Phase 2).

I might actually ragequit and not finish this which is mega disappointing because everything up until now I thought was coasting as better than Dark Souls 1 just on the strength of the quality of life improvements making the play so much better.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2015, 09:25:29 AM by Grefter »
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #490 on: February 25, 2015, 09:23:30 AM »
Is Kalameet really that bad of a boss? Maybe I just played through it too many times but he's not really that hard unless you're trying to cut his tail (which admittedly is unfun obnoxious). Definitely like that boss more than I like fighting basically any of the Lord Soul bosses minus 4King. (Nito is sillyrandom, Seath justs sucks, and Bed of Chaos stops being interesting immediately after the first time you beat her.)


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #491 on: February 25, 2015, 10:18:08 AM »
Edit edit - Go to do Ashen Mist Heart shit because hiding the end of your game in fucking random shit all over the world is great ideas.  First one I try is in Forest of Fallen Giants.  Run to where Pursuer dies.  Boring easy run.  Climb some stairs.  Some giants throw fire balls really fast.  Enemies never seen before.   Die.  Respawn back at bonfire outside the memory.



So like when you talk about the end of a game being fucking shitty and disappointing?  This is what you should complain about.  DS2 is super strong right up until you leave Drangleic Castle in my opinion.  Everything after that is flat and obtuse padding bullshit.  Undead Crypt is boring.  Aldia's Keep and Dragon Aerie frankly suck.  This is fucking Wind Waker original Triforce Maps bullshit right here.

Bolded a portion for emphasis. Yeah, it's really frustrating how dull the endgame is in DS2. I'm kind of okay with Undead Crypt just because Velstadt's a good fight, but everything after that is just shit bosses and post-Drangleic in general is jarring for being railroad linear after the game giving you freedom to do whatever the hell order in hunting down the old ones.

Most of the Ashen Mist Heart sections are in the forest*, actually, and they are the greyest, boringest places in the entire game. Especially unfun is boss smacking you in the face with a giant sword you couldn't see because a fireball left a cloud in the way. Giant Lord strong contender for worst boss in the game and it's one of the last things you do. Not an ideal way to go out, DS2.

(*There's one in Vendrick's room and another in Freja's room. I'm just waiting for the wall of profanity we'll get from Gref vs. Vendrick btw.)

I'm kind of surprised Fume Knight's proving quite this much trouble. What's your HP at? Did you not twink out the estus all the way?


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #492 on: February 25, 2015, 11:10:19 AM »
Like you said, Kalameet's tail is the only source of frustration on the bastard.  Once you have his tells down, he becomes an absolute joke.  It's just nearly killing the freak from near-misses on the tail is such tedium.  I could probably still no-hit him after all this time due to how engraved into my bones his tells are because I had to fight him way-too-many time.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #493 on: February 25, 2015, 12:03:50 PM »
Kalameet sucks for similar reasons as Fume Knight honestly.  1 billion HP more than is necessary.  Optional side boss?  Tons of HP?  Care factor is nil.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #494 on: February 25, 2015, 11:30:39 PM »
DS2 BR - Experimenting with Add Ons, but it seems there is no way to get the ExCharge ability onto the demons. Crap, there goes my uber Shiva build... unless this weeks free DLC demons come with it.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #495 on: February 26, 2015, 01:25:12 AM »
Kalameet sucks for similar reasons as Fume Knight honestly.  1 billion HP more than is necessary.  Optional side boss?  Tons of HP?  Care factor is nil.

I… what?

Yeah OK I imagine we get different things out of the game and probably won't agree on this. I am inclined to skip bosses like, say, Priscilla for the opposite reason. Low challenge, low reward, dies too quick to really matter.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #496 on: February 26, 2015, 03:48:14 AM »
Priscilla was boring for like 2 minutes because she died.  Kalameet was boring for significantly longer than that.  Boredom is the worst sin a game can do to me.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #497 on: February 26, 2015, 07:28:45 AM »
I guess my point is that I didn't find the fight boring.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #498 on: February 27, 2015, 12:38:28 AM »
Super Mario World - I decided on a whim to replay this game. While it doesn't have the great stage design of the old games or interesting extra mechanics of the newer games, but it's still a fun romp and a blast from the past (it was the first game I ever played much at all). Cape is probably the second most broken regular power up, after the Coptershroom from NSMBWii, it lets you fly indefinitely, control your height change, wrecks enemies to a much greater degree than the Leaf from SMB3. Blue Yoshi is also broke as fuck.

I ended up doing all of the aftergame stages, predictably having the most trouble with Tubular, Awesome, and Outrageous (the 80'sest aftergame of any game ever?). The map I had the most trouble with in the maingame was Castle 7, except for the boss who was a giant wuss. In fact, all of the bosses except Wendy were giant wusses. Misandry?

Super Mario Galaxy - I've collected about 20 stars and I'm about to challenge the second galaxy's boss stage. I'm not sure exactly if I will collect all of the 120 stars or just the 60 required to kick Bowser's ass.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #499 on: February 27, 2015, 12:55:03 AM »
Bayonetta 2 - Just beat Alraune. I'm having a blast with this game. Bayonetta was already pretty good but the sequel seems to have stripped most of the cluttery gimmicks which in hindsight were a real drag on its pacing. Generally a joy. I died way, way too much to Masked Lumen 2, and Prophet + Alraune weren't much better. "Look at it this way... it could have been worse!" I think the randoms (and plotless monster bosses) could probably be slightly better but damned if they aren't fun anyway.

Long Live the Queen - Started this a few days ago, beat it after a couple failed attempts in which I got shot and then ran afoul of a bishie supervillain. Have since been playing more, got a few more endings, and have looked up some things to do still more stuff. Also I have saved the world with the power of music and it was badass. I'm not quite sure exactly what I think about the game, and am unlikely to go out and play dozens more like it, but it has been a thoroughly enjoyable experience, at worst ranking notably above average for a visual novel/adventure experience. Could be anywhere from 6/10 to 8/10.

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