Cleared up through Freya's +++ battle, the airship. Really easy, actually. I only needed one charge of SG to get through the fight, though I used the second just in case something stupid happened like my whole party got hit with confuse last second. Party was
Freya (Blind Buster R3, Wind Jump R4), Weakness x 1.2
Terra (Armor Breakdown R2, Waterja R4) Dualcast
Faris (Full Break R1, Dual Delay R5) Start: Haste
Aeris (Strongwater R3, Diaga R3) Rods->Mind UP
Mog (Protectga R2, Curaja R3) Heal x 1.2
Maaaaan I severely underestimated Mog's SB when I first got it, partially due to illiteracy making me not realize it raised physical defense as well, but that regen+mitigation is NICE for mostly physical fights. With full mitigation on top of it (SG, Protectga) it more than covers any scrapes and frees mog up to get in some (ok still pretty weak) hits in. Had a couple resets thanks to Photon + Confusion proccing poorly early in the fight but once I got Blind+Slow up it was just a matter of keeping my buffs updated.
I am considering switching my RW back to Mog in tribute.
Looking at videos of the Divine fight, I may actually be able to crack this one. It doesn't have that much more HP than the +++ fight, is ST, and mostly physical. HMMMM I WONDER WHO I HAVE WHO MAKES PHYSICAL BOSSES EZ.
could it be mog
it may be mog guys
Wind Jump (probably on Gilgamesh) takes care of the gimmick + hits weakness, and if I farm out Ice orb day I could get Blizzaja to R3 and Blizzaga to R4, and yeah. So I think I'll go
Terra (Blizzaga, Blizzaja) Dualcast
Gilgy (Wind Jump, ??????) Weakness x1.2
Faris (Full Break, Power Breakdown) Start: Haste
Aeris (Strongwater, Curaga) Rod->Mind UP
Mog (Protectga, Curaja) Heal x1.2
For Gilgamesh's second attack, I got some options. I could hone Ice Jump, or potentially a second Wind Jump. The EX++ battle handed me a Drain Jump ability that could be nice if I can hone it, but it's 4* and my Greater orb reserves are tied up in other stocks. The EX+++ battle also just handed me a 5* Dragoon ability, that depending on how useful it is may make the case for using Freya instead of Gilgamesh so I can use that (the level difference makes that pretty unappealing though).
We'll see how things go once my stamina recharges enough to try it.
In other news, the next event is an FF2 event. Ewww. At least I can take my FF2 scrubs in to get their RM2s there. Sigh.