
Author Topic: What Games are you playing 2016?  (Read 122384 times)

Lord Ephraim

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #275 on: January 29, 2016, 09:44:38 PM »
When it comes to tolerance for games I am like a Star Ocean 3 character with both HP and MP bars , HP being related to how interesting and/or fun the game is and MP to how anime it is. 0 of either = I stop playing.
By putting a big spotlight on supports and streamlining the process, FE Awakening raised HP by 200 but also lowered MP by 100 at the same time.
This is really bad, because nowadays my HP Bar is like twenty times bigger than my MP bar. I can tank Super Hydlide gameplay no problem, but any mere suggestion of tentacle rape for lulz and I'll stop playing your game

Using this comparison I'm a fucking massive tank.

Over the years I've built up massive anime tolerate from my total obsession of having to play every JRPG.  I've played the Agarests, Neptunias, shit from Imageepoch, that one game where you defeat vampires by stripping their clothes.  A lot were bad, some were good, others were surprisingly great.  Some games have a trigger like Instant Death; pretty much any mechanics used in SaGa games, the whole game of The Last Rebellion, and making axe users shit.

Some said I had a disease and the only cure was another disease: League of Legends.  Now that's something that causes mass murder and rape without having anything to do with the subject.

And you know what? I blame Laggy.  When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #276 on: January 29, 2016, 10:11:16 PM »
When it comes to tolerance for games I am like a Star Ocean 3 character with both HP and MP bars , HP being related to how interesting and/or fun the game is and MP to how anime it is. 0 of either = I stop playing.
By putting a big spotlight on supports and streamlining the process, FE Awakening raised HP by 200 but also lowered MP by 100 at the same time.
This is really bad, because nowadays my HP Bar is like twenty times bigger than my MP bar. I can tank Super Hydlide gameplay no problem, but any mere suggestion of tentacle rape for lulz and I'll stop playing your game

Using this comparison I'm a fucking massive tank.

Over the years I've built up massive anime tolerate from my total obsession of having to play every JRPG.  I've played the Agarests, Neptunias, shit from Imageepoch, that one game where you defeat vampires by stripping their clothes.  A lot were bad, some were good, others were surprisingly great.  Some games have a trigger like Instant Death; pretty much any mechanics used in SaGa games, the whole game of The Last Rebellion, and making axe users shit.

Some said I had a disease and the only cure was another disease: League of Legends.  Now that's something that causes mass murder and rape without having anything to do with the subject.

And you know what? I blame Laggy.  When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.

::Pat pat::

I feel you. Regardless of how much a lament the changes in anime to ANIME!!!!!, I can't stop watching the stuff. Still watch at least a few shows every season, and even though my tastes have refined I end up watching at least one shit show like SAO cause I can't help myself. My gaming has slowed down, but it hasn't changed my enjoyment of JRPGs either (unfortunately, my collector's impulse is still bad and I get my hands on as many games as possible, even as backlog grows. My physical game backlog for JRPGs rivals most peoples' Steam backlogs).

Oh well


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #277 on: January 29, 2016, 10:16:43 PM »
And you know what? I blame Laggy.  When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.

kappa still misses you eph-chan
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #278 on: January 29, 2016, 11:14:52 PM »
Ephraim. Why haven't you chronicled here your journeys into animerpgland
Trying to explain Kingdom Hearts storyline to newcomers and shit
Your life could have been so much more. You have a special gift and you are wasting it


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #279 on: January 29, 2016, 11:36:18 PM »
I am sorry all... but why you people are still complaining about Japan anime culture, when we already put up with it for over a decade already?  Shouldn't you all developed some immunity by now? Or at least became desensitized?

Ephraim. Why haven't you chronicled here your journeys into animerpgland
Trying to explain Kingdom Hearts storyline to newcomers and shit
Your life could have been so much more. You have a special gift and you are wasting it

No Fenrir, clearly its time for Eph to escalate his playership into play H games. Why waste time on Kingdom Hearts when there are better mind fuck like Subarashiki Hibi or Baldr's Sky out there.

Plus, explaining KH plot to newbies is my job, don't steal it.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #280 on: January 29, 2016, 11:37:13 PM »
laaaagy save us and depart the vile temptress of FF14

On that note, I should talk about other Laggy-Eph-anime games, like the StarCraft II Legacy of the Void campaign.  Yes, for whatever reason the writer decided that the true goal of StarCraft's plot arc would be for our scruffy main character to go date a goddess and then they team up and kill the nihilistic emo 'bad' god.  (I am not making this up.)  See totally anime amirite.

The gameplay is actually pretty fun!  Laggy said he was bored by it becuz it was too easy, but I thought it was fine.  Heart of the Swarm I played on Brutal and was notably easier, partially because you could hypothetically screw up and choose all bad evolutions, or not use Kerrigan well, I guess.  LotV was definitely a step up from HotS; I played on Hard and still haven't beaten all the missions on Brutal.  The totally busted mechanic you get in LotV is the Spear of Adun, which is a Protoss ancient super-spaceship (I guess technology hasn't advanced much in the past few millenia?) that can be configured to have a variety of busted abilities.  Oh the AI is raiding your base?  I could send my army back to defend it OR I could have doom lasers zap them from the sky mwahaha.  It auto-pauses the game, too, to line up your shot right, which is fine by me; this is single-player, not MP, let me be awesome.  You can only set so many cool abilities at once, and you're usually limited by energy anyway, but...  it's enough to make your forces considerably more badass than they 'should' be for their supply.  The final ability is particularly broken: Time Stop, which costs 0 energy but has a long cooldown, and does what it says on the tin: freeze your ENEMIES in place, not attacking but capable of taking damage, for...  entirely too long.  (10 seconds or so?)  So yeah, watch as your army wrecks theirs without them firing back.

If I have a complaint about their scenario design, it's that they still love "defend your flag from 3 different openings where infinite enemy troops pour in" missions.  Yes, the original SC1 mission (and Wings of Liberty homage to it) of bunkering up against Zerg while waiting for evac from Zerg is something of a classic, but these missions secretly aren't very interesting once you know what you're doing, so are best as tutorialish missions early.  And the final mission to Wings of Liberty, "All In", was at least an interesting twist on the idea: there are two variants of the mission (Zerg air vs. Zerg nydus ground units), there's a boss who attacks you and messes up your static defenses in Kerrigan, and you've got the artifact power waves to manage.  Anyway there are no less than 3 (!) missions in LotV that are just "uh sit back, build a lot of defensive units & structures, and watch the chaos ensue."  The twist they add to 1 of them isn't even an interesting twist (you can't use certain parts of the Spear of Adun.  In the last few minutes only, anyway.  Oh boy less choices exciting.)

Also, while classically campaign missions have been sometimes susceptible to "sit back, macro up to max supply, wreck", and Blizzard does do a good job of trying to add some time pressure with various concocted scenarios to make you act sooner...  I wish they actually had a few more missions like "The Host" where there's just a crapton of enemies, macro up whatever army you like, and go have fun.  More generally, they kind of run out of "real" bad guys, so you're basically fighting evil ghosts for the back half of the campaign, and evil ghosts don't need silly things like "bases."  (Ghosts in the sense of "Boo!" and not "Nuclear Launch Detected", of course.)  Aside from the plot lameness, it feels less like StarCraft, you know?  I want there to be an enemy base and enemy economy, and if I wreck it, for that to actually help my cause, rather than being told the rifts are becoming even more unstable and so even more evil ghosts are pouring out. 

I still want some kind of "free battle with campaign units" that let you do 8 player FFAs with that or the like, but grah, whatever, that was a problem with the other campaigns too.

Plot!  The first half of the plot is a disaster.  THe second half is weird but I think the writers were trying to put a nail in StarCraft's coffin by intentionally writing the happiest, most final ending possible.  (Not that this will stop Blizzard execs, there's already a new mission pack they're trying to make you preorder despite it not coming out until June.)  This also might explain why they structured the plot to remove as much as they could about the Protoss that makes them any different than Terrans - let's have Artanis realize that American values are basically correct and get rid of group telepathy, the caste system, and xenophobia.  All very nice and I even agree with it, but it cuts off later opportunities for conflict. 

First half of the plot: rargh surprize all the main ("High Templar") protoss get mind controlled by the big bad guy.  Somehow this is vaguely their fault but in a nonsensical way - Zeratul wanted the Templar to stop Amon, Artanis wanted to retake Aiur now that the Zerg Brood was in disarray, and it turned out Amon was actually on Aiur after all!  So we were achieving both objectives at once, except somehow nearby Protoss means he could mind control 'em all.  Not sure if they explained why he couldn't before (shouldn't this be HARD?  I mean, yes, it's doable in-setting, but the Zerg were *designed* to be mass telepathically controlled, and the Overmind was hard to make, and Cerebrates were a Big Deal.  I guess you can say that Amon is just MORE POWERFUL now because that's more imposing but whatever.)  The only solution is to give up the group telepathy and become like the Dark Templar (who are unaffected).  And only very few High Templar get to do this.  Luckily we find an ancient spaceship that has tons of ancient warriors kept in stasis or something?  So you're not exactly playing as the Daelaam Protoss anyway.  This is so weird they could have made it work, but they don't do anything cool with it; they have one of the ancient uber-High-Templar woken up, but her only purpose is to be wrong about everything and show how enlightened modern Protoss are compared to their xenophobic, clannish ancient ones.  No comments from the ancient warriors you wake up and send to their belated graves, or why they volunteered to get sealed in a ship to begin with!  Anyway there are now Amon-controlled Zerg (fine), Amon-controlled Protoss (the Daelaam AND the Tal'darim, which HotS decided were secretly followers of Amon anyway), and...  uh...  Amon-controlled Terrans, mostly the remnants of Mobius Corps, which they basically play like Mass Effect indoctrinated humans, and the plot would like to pretend are a threat to the Dominion.  Kinda lame, actually.  Also SC was in general pretty good about not being Star Wars and blowing up entire planets, but for stupid reasons we decide to blow up Shakuras due to a Zerg invasion.  uhhh guys pretty sure we did this plotline already, we can just scorch it into a desert and that'll kill the zerg, and hell, even if it is filled with zerg, they spawn fast enough that it's not worth wasting a perfectly nice planet for this.

Second half of the plot: So the one good thing about all this is that it does mean you're desparate to find allies, which is always interesting, since 1 spaceship + the now planet-less Dark Templar aren't going to cut it.  This is actually pretty fun.  Your two sources of potential allies in strange places:

* The ancients built the "Purifiers" which were basically battle-bots with AI copies of real people in them, but they revolted and were bad, so the technology was forbidden and locked in stasis.  Artanis basically goes "Forbidden Weapons?  Sounds great, just what we need.  And besides maybe the ancient robots were just AWESOME, too awesome for the crazy xenophobic ancients to handle."  It'd have been nice if someone pointed out this was desparation talking and that Hope Is Not A Strategy, but whatever.  Anyway, he was right!  The ancients did just mistreat their robots as slaves, but now we can have a bro team-up between protoss and protoss robots.  Sweet.

* For whatever reason, Amon has "betrayed" the Tal'Darim, because he prefers mindless slaves over willing followers, or something.  And the Tal'darim Highlord had been holding out the promise of turning his people into awesome Zerg-Protoss Hybrids if they served well...  but Amon won't do that...  despite that all the Hyrbids just seem his slaves anyway?  Okay just don't think about this too hard.  The point is that Alarak thinks he's been betrayed, so he wants Artanis's help to challenge the current Highlord to a ritual duel...  by which we mean strat-RPG map of having lots of friends in your duel killing the other guy's friends...  take leadership, then help Artanis take out the traitor Amon. And put a little spine into Artanis's leadership.  Because we all know that if Donald Trump challenged Obama to a duel then killed him he'd get the White House, right?  Anyway, Alarak is fun.  He's basically the equivalent of Tychus in Wings of Liberty of being the "shoulder devil" that advises all the brutal / violent / wrong ways to solve problems while being perfectly confident of himself and charming in his own way.  This is something the mostly bland Protoss lineup direly needs (Zeratul isn't around for the campaign).   Also Tal'darim units he brings along have fun lines and busted abilities, like the Sentry-variant that increases nearby units range (11 range Colossi!!!1!) or the Void Ray variant that has chaining lasers that kill everything instead of just one thing ("The Death Fleet descends."  Oh yes it does indeed.).

So yes, we get the inspiring story of how zillion-year old ancient protoss, dark templar, ancient robots, & crazed megalomaniacs teamed up to beat up evil ghosts.  In the epilogue, Raynor's Terrans & Kerrigan's Zerg come along to go invade hell, kill more evil ghosts, and face off with Amon's TRUE FORM or something.  i dunno.

I suppose I should talk a bit about the changes to the SC backstory.  I should first say I am not particularly tied to what SC1 did with its backstory, and furthermore that one man's "retcon" is another lady's "cool plot twist."  So there's nothing wrong with changing things around, but the new result should be at least as cool as what it was before.  The old SC backstory was something like "The Xel'Naga were an advanced race that screwed around with genetic engineering, and modified both the Zerg & Protoss.  They also made the Overmind to control the Zerg, but the Zerg went out of control and killed them."  Fine.  So the Xel'Naga are morally neutral but not super-powerful.  SC2 does...  strange things with this.  The Xel'Naga aren't of this dimension at all.  They're basically multidimensional gods who can also forsee the future and place "prophecies" that tell their followers (e.g. Zeratul) what is coming and what to do, but they actually don't interfere at all.  They still want "purity of form" and "purity of essence" but there's apparently no need to intervene to make this happen.  So...  who the hell modified the Zerg & Protoss, then?  Apparently Amon was a Xel'Naga who was in a hurry, and that was his rogue meddling along with "his followers" (not clear if this means other Xel'Naga, or modified normal people a la Narud).  And I guess these followers were what was overthrown by the Zerg?  They don't really say, since it seems hard to overthrow the other Xel'Naga if they're gods that lurk in the Void.  Anyway the goal of the Xel'Naga is for purity of form & essence come together, which is why Amon loves creating Zerg-Protoss hybrids and they're his favorite and possibly his own personal vessel when he manifests.  Although why he wants to manifest is a little unclear; if he can be trusted, he just wants oblivion and to wipe the universe out, which sounds like something that manifesting won't really help or hurt at doing.  Also all the other Xel'Naga are dead...  maybe?  Maybe just the ones watching this universe?  Did Amon do this?  The Zerg?  How?  Oh well.

Anyway, it turns out there's 1 Xel'Naga still alive in the Void, but for whatever reason he can't fight Amon and is trapped.  Luckily he can dump all his power into someone else and then THEY can fight Amon?!  Yeah this plotline gets trotted out in a lot of shonen-esque fiction but still makes no sense.  Obviously Kerrigan is the choice to become the new Xel'Naga super-goddess because the reason people like Kerrigan is because she has MAXIMUM POWER right?  It is kind of interesting in what it implies, though, since LotV Kerrigan is sort of a hybrid herself...  of Terrans & Primal Zerg.  So does that imply that the Primal Zerg were the true purity of essence and the Terrans are the true purity of form, since they were untouched by Amon's meddling?!  That's...  actually kinda cool if so, although weird to stick in the Protoss's campaign.  (ATTENTION PROTOSS: Sorry, you are not good enough to hold the power of a god.  :( )

So....   that's pretty much it.  Raynor gets to date a goddess, the Zerg are still crazed strength-is-everything types but we'll pretend this is okay and healthy, the Protoss grow up, everyone lives happily ever after.  The end!  I guess there's nothing wrong with an ending like this, but I do hope that Blizzard execs, if they ever decide to revive SC, either make prequels, or set things in an alternate dimension, or a zillion years in the future, since the writers intentionally tied everything up.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #281 on: January 30, 2016, 12:02:37 AM »
It isn't that LotV was easier than HotS, but HotS campaign was made out of wet paper outside of like that one mission early on where you don't get Kerrigan and are on a macro time limit

WoL missions tended to be good whenever it wasn't sit back and turtle macro with no time limit, which was a fair amount of it

Also the thing that people hate about SC2 plot/setting/lore comparing back to SC1 BW was that there actually was very little emphasis on Xel'Naga crap, or prophecies, or gods, aside from as a plot device. It basically actually became Warcraft in Space instead of just the occasional joke about it. SC1 was a fairly ugly, more sci-fi than fantasy universe.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #282 on: January 30, 2016, 12:30:04 AM »
Oh, I agree.  And yeah, Wings of Liberty Brutal is still probably the hardest campaign.  I didn't mean that LotV was easier than HotS, more that LotV was apparently still "too ez for Laggies" was my impression.

The bit about the change in tone / focus was assumed, yes!  I was trying to do more of a general review.  That ship already sailed in Heart of the Swarm, StarCraft now officially about some big evil entity that corrupts people, every normal person has to team up and kill the corrupted bad people.  There are basically no enemies in Legacy of the Void that aren't mind-controlled slaves of Amon except the Tal'darim, who are merely willing servants of him.  Can't have any moral ambiguity here.

I do agree that prophecies are weirdly out of place in the StarCraft universe and not where I would have gone with it!  Especially since the Xel'Naga are mostly dead (maybe?), which wouldn't speak well of their supposed infinite power.  Like, it's fine to have Zeratul *chase* ancient artifacts and use their power, but it's weird to think that the ancients could see 99999999 years into the future and bother to subtly arrange stupid crap so that only half the galaxy gets blown up or something.  Nevertheless, yeah, WarCraft in space.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #283 on: January 30, 2016, 12:38:03 AM »
Hey, I am pretty sure I'm the only one here who's depopulated all of New Vegas!

Nah.  Not only have I cleansed New Vegas of all life like the judging gaze of an angry god, I did the same for everything between Klamath Falls and San Francisco about ten years before that.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #284 on: January 30, 2016, 01:43:51 AM »
Dragon Age Origins: Awakening

This expansion is not entertaining because it lacks proper continuity with the original, the characters are not as enjoyable, and the gameplay is not as fun due to a silly design choice.

The plot of Dragon Age Origins Awakening is only tied to the original by a thread. Ostensibly the main character of the original can return, but the plot threads, themes, and locations of the original are completely abandoned. For a game that uses the same system and gameplay to try and recreate the experience with some third-rate returning characters and a complete abandonment of the utilitarian themes of the original is a bit jarring. The quest is not as expansive as the original and it does not do the world-building that the base game did so fantastically. Since world-building was half the fun of the original it really suffers for that. For example, no new concepts are introduced. There is a new darkspawn type, but everything is a rehash of what was in the main game and suffers for it when trying to do a grand quest like the original. A small storytelling experience works fine. A game that tries to be a full-length story but has no world building to speak of has a lot of points against it.

The characters in Awakening have a lot less dialogue than the original and are not nearly as endearing or entertaining. With the exception of Anders (who goes on to be a PC in Dragon Age 2) and Oghren ( a returning PC) I didn't give a hoot about a single one of them. The fact that they had significantly less dialogue than the original cast may have something to do with that. Even their banter wasn't very funny, which is just an unforgivable sin after how awesome the original was at that.

The gameplay of the original Dragon Age was fun because of the multitude of abilities and customization that a player could get at. Every level up on every PC offered some new skill to play with that would allow for unique new takes on enemy encounters. This was especially true for mages. Awakening gives fighters one talent that matters and mages get no new or interesting tricks. For fighters/rogues, there is an ability (which requires no pre-requisites) that dramatically, stupendously, ridiculously boosts the damage/accuracy/crit-rate/crit-damage-boost of bows. A party of 2-3 archers can end almost every encounter with no damage taken... even boss fights. There are a bunch of other new fighter talents but none of them matter compared to the ability to do ranged uber-death to everything. The fact that the stat this is all dependent on is Dexterity means that pumping that stat (and you can re-spec characters completely to dump all points into the stat if you want) results in a perfect-evading one-hit-kill machine. On as many PCs as you please. While rather amusing at first the fact that it is acquired so early renders all tactical thoughts regarding how to build characters mostly moot. There are some tanking varieties to play with but encounters aren't fun enough to justify gimping yourself on damage and trying to turtle through them.

A rather underwhelming game.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #285 on: January 30, 2016, 02:08:10 AM »
LotV Crap: The Xel'Naga were basclly two camps.  The normal non-interfearing Xel'Naga and Amon's Rogue faction.  The normal Xel'Naga didn't bother with dealing with the real world but Amon's Dudes went around tampering with stuff.  When the Good Xel'Naga learned about this they attacked Amon's Dudes at the Zerg planet.  So Amon summoned the zerg up and pretty much everyone but him and Madar died.  He then went and killed the few Xel'naga that didn't come calling.  Except for Michael Dorn for whatever reason.  All the "prophecy" stuff just boils down to him psychically projecting that shit into people's minds.

Alarak was pissed because the Taldarim were supposed to be ascended first and they didn't like playing second fiddle.  But they're lunatics and Alarak's voiced by John D'Lancy so who cares.

Hey, I am pretty sure I'm the only one here who's depopulated all of New Vegas!

Nah.  Not only have I cleansed New Vegas of all life like the judging gaze of an angry god, I did the same for everything between Klamath Falls and San Francisco about ten years before that.

Then I tip my hat to you sir.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #286 on: January 30, 2016, 07:25:58 AM »
LotV Crap: The Xel'Naga were basclly two camps.  The normal non-interfearing Xel'Naga and Amon's Rogue faction.  The normal Xel'Naga didn't bother with dealing with the real world but Amon's Dudes went around tampering with stuff.  When the Good Xel'Naga learned about this they attacked Amon's Dudes at the Zerg planet.  So Amon summoned the zerg up and pretty much everyone but him and Madar died.  He then went and killed the few Xel'naga that didn't come calling.  Except for Michael Dorn for whatever reason.  All the "prophecy" stuff just boils down to him psychically projecting that shit into people's minds.

Alarak was pissed because the Taldarim were supposed to be ascended first and they didn't like playing second fiddle.  But they're lunatics and Alarak's voiced by John D'Lancy so who cares.

Are you saying that all the prophecy stuff was just Madar in the present giving advice?  That'd actually make sense but isn't the impression I got, which is that the Xel'Naga are gods who could see through all of time & space even a zillion years ago, which makes the part where they & Amon kill each other a little stranger.

For Alarak, he's pretty explicit that he somehow learned for mysterious reasons that the Tal'darim wouldn't be ascended into hybrids or something after all, because ????.  Middle finger from Amon or whatever.  That's what he thinks at least.  But I agree, who cares, I'll run with the crazy setup regardless.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #287 on: January 30, 2016, 02:58:30 PM »
The Tassadar force ghost was definitely Xel'Naga brain beaming and I took the rest of the prophecy as him relaying or saying "Do this or everything dies!"

I think Alarak learned because Amon was making his new body on Auir instead of the Tal'Darim's dopey planet.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #288 on: January 31, 2016, 12:35:21 AM »
Pony Island - highly entertaining. The less you know about it going in the better, though.

Lucifer really sucks at programming bro

Punch Club - This is a weird grinding/time management RPG. I am not sure if it is particularly good but I put several hours into it. The game encourages you to stick to one build since it ups the cost of upgrades gradually (not that it's impossible to go done another route), but it seems like if that's the case then each skill tree should be balanced and that's not the case. My first build I went totally into strength/punching and that turned out to be a huge mistake. Your character ends up being able to knock dudes out in half a round, but they are inaccurate and can punch themselves tired very easily, making you a very easy knockout after this. Agility characters in particular just cut you to size since you are almost never able to hit them. I got to a point where there is a playoff and just could not get past an agility fighter, and there was a three day layoff in between fights so playing it just became miserable.

Then I started over as an agility character and got to the same point in about half the time (with the added benefits of knowledge to be fair). Strength builds eventually get a perk that takes away all defensive abilities. Agility on the other hand appears to not have any downsides. It governs hit rate and dodge rates and has abilities that deal damage to your enemies upon dodge, so even though your own damage sucks, you can become essentially unhittable and are reflecting damage. It also gets Cobra Strike which deals damage over time and can ruin dudes a lot stronger than you. After that the rest of the came was dead easy and I only lost a handful of times. The game has this loop where you have to balance working for money, working out, and fighting to get skill points and there is a point at which you have enough sources of income such that you can just focus on getting huge. Getting up the ranks of the different tournaments is kind of fun but there isn't a ton to this game. The game also ends in a fashion that makes me think that it's not complete or that it's the worst sequel hook.

Anita Sarkeesian would hate this game since the one female character is someone's sister and you bring her flowers and you fall in love with her but that's mostly for a game mechanic that is solely about making it so you can work out longer and then you can buy presents for her to make her fall in love with you again in this never ending cycle of paying for the affections of a woman.

Aviary Attorney - This was a fun diversion, taking clear inspiration from the Ace Attorney games. Its writing is clever and punny at points but the main issue is that there just isn't that much of it. Each case is relatively short and there are fun moments when you can explore and your assistant (Sparrowson Sparrowson) just makes the worst puns. However, you can exhaust most of the game's content in under 4 hours. The game's setup is similar to Ace Attorney's in that you have an investigation phase followed by trials. One critical difference is that you do have a time crunch with your investigations, so it is possible not to have a critical piece of evidence during a trial. You have a set amount of days and can visit one location a day (generally), but it usually is fairly intuitive about where you are supposed to go. You can also piss people off which cuts off possible investigation paths. There are some red herrings or some locations that you can visit too early that can waste your days, but the game lets you load on a specific day if you want to start things over so it's relatively forgiving.

The trials are also set up similarly where a witness will talk through some testimony and you will get to cross examine them about certain points they make. There are some contradictions as normal but there is also a jury system of sorts and they don't seem to approve if your line of questioning doesn't seem to be going anywhere. They do murmur in approval which I assume affects possible outcomes of cases. Ace Attorney generally employs the judge is jury system and even though the Apollo Justice end up implementing a Jurist system, it wasn't part of gameplay. A take on this where the way you cross examine someone or you just saying things that the jury just doesn't like could be interesting, and Aviary Attorney does get at it a little bit. The trials themselves don't have anything bonkers crazy and while they are well written, they are relatively spare. None of the mysteries are that complicated but you can definitely fail trials, which is a also a change. The game also makes comment on the fact that some witnesses commit perjury like crazy in Phoenix Wright and actually ascribes consequences when that happens.

The game looks great, taking the designs of animals by JJ Granville and giving them vocal animations. It also takes public domain assets as the backdrops and the art style just works really well in evoking the era. The animal-ness is constantly commented on but that isn't the only joke. This version of France mostly consists of different kinds of animals just coexisting together and it's played mostly straight. The soundtrack is also really good, a mix of classical music (more public domain!) and original compositions. 

Tonally, the game starts out really light hearted and then takes a darker turn. In the backdrop of each trial are the whispers of revolution and it builds with each trial until a confrontation at the end. It is never that tonally jarring since I think they do a good job of making things light and funny enough even when things are serious. There are class divisions clearly present but your character seems to be able to hang around beggars as well as the king of France without anyone really blinking an eye. You become directly involved with how things shake out with the entire country at the end and I felt that it was a little rushed (the third ending wasn't even in the initial build).

I had a good time here but it seems like there should have been more. I don't often bring up value propositions with games but I probably wouldn't necessarily recommend this at $15 but definitely would at like $10 or less. It's definitely a fun game but it seems like a first effort, like the first of a series. I would gladly look at another game by this company though.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #289 on: January 31, 2016, 02:26:59 AM »
The Witness:

I put about 5 hours into this I think. I don't know how far I am. Achievements say that I am pretty far along, and that I am a decent human being worthy of love and respect. Obelisks say that I have done absolutely nothing worthy of note and I should just fucking die already.

Comparisons between this and Talos Principle are impossible to not make. Both are quiet puzzle games. Both have a first person perspective but 2Dish puzzles. Both have high end technology clashing with a very natural/old setting. Neither has any human in the game world.

Talos is better. The Witness has more environmental puzzles, more out of the box thinking, better graphics. (legit some of the best graphics? I can't think of any more beautiful 3D game right now) It has more puzzles, and easier puzzles. It also has no story, like, whatsoever (nor music), while Talos had something truly special that kept me motivated all the way through. In the witness it's just puzzles all the way down.

Nevertheless it is still the shit. I like it. I really like how all the puzzles are just simple draw the line puzzles, and they made an astounding game around just that super simple concept exhausting every idea they could think of.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #290 on: January 31, 2016, 01:04:51 PM »
MGS3 - Beat the Fear. The Pain was way more obnoxious, fuck swimming in games, and especially fuck the 3-second delay between coming out of water and being able to control your camera again. The fuck, game? I imagine The Fear may have been harder if I hadn't picked up my Thermal Goggles, but I had, so there.

Have still only tranqed and knocked out people, but completely gave up on going through stealthily though. It is in fact usually just easier and faster to try to stealth what you can, then when inevitably you fuck up and get caught, O 2 Win. Seriously I don't even know why you'd bother playing lethally most of the time, since it is way easier to retard-rush your way to soldiers and use your OP takedown move. Especially since I've gotten caught SO many times due to the archaic as fuck controls. NO, SNAKE, DON'T SLOWLY START CRAWLING TOWARD THE ENEMY THAT JUST SPOTTED YOU WHEN I WANTED YOU TO JUMP UP AND TACKLE HIM. No, Snake, don't climb that ladder, just keep standing there lookin' dumb while you get grenades thrown at you. Fuck it, YOLO and O to win.

There seem to be a lot of branches I haven't gone down that... I ultimately didn't need to go down because I'm progressing? Namely the water section with a cut scene and the water section without a cutscene. I imagine I'm probably missing some camos there but as long as O-to-Win stays just as valid a strategy as any throughout the rest of the game I imagine I won't be hurting too much, except for the inevitable boss fight that requires a piece of gear found in that side area to be done easily.

Antagonist characters are (Ginyu Force)/(Anime). I want to like The Boss but her voice actress is so stilted that watching scenes with her is kinda painful. Your Com buddies range from pretty good to hilarious, though their schtickts wore thin pretty quickly and I've stopped talking to them unless necessary.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #291 on: January 31, 2016, 03:19:26 PM »
Does the Witness have puzzles "only genius level" people will solve? I remember Blow saying that before it came out and I found that really annoying, even though by all accounts some of the designs are really creative.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #292 on: January 31, 2016, 04:56:13 PM »
So far I haven't found anything too crazy. It might get worse.
Blow wants to create Great Works and he kinda does create Great Works. The problem is that he opens his mouth about it. The nuclear bomb thing in Braid would be cool if he just had never talked about it, instead it comes off as completely inane
Blow just STFU plz

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #293 on: January 31, 2016, 06:15:35 PM »
I agree. He is pretty clearly brilliant but the worst thing is that he knows it and it can be insufferable.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #294 on: January 31, 2016, 06:46:26 PM »
The actual line is that there is one (1) puzzle that 99.9% of the population will be able to solve (or some shit like that).  I hear only good things about the puzzles self tutorializing.  So long as you discover the tutorials.  It isn't Mensas Puzzle Club For Mensa Members.

He still comes off as a tool anyway.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #295 on: January 31, 2016, 08:24:54 PM »
The "tutorializing" is masterful yes. There is none and you have to learn everything by yourself. But the game is constructed perfectly to make you help understand rules while still not shying away from leaving you completely dumbfounded at times. I would tell more but that'd be spoiling the experience!


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #296 on: February 01, 2016, 03:40:26 PM »
Shadow Hearts 2 - Completed. As is to be expected the rest of the game was a pretty bad joke difficulty wise. Basically, all the bosses in the remainder of the game ate OHKOs. 7500 damage without a strike and about 11000 with. The final boss put a bit of a fight because I didn't realize one of the parts had Dispel and it actively decided to use it whenever I had a set up. Took about 4 hits as a result, and he actually put up a fight in the meantime because of all the damage flying around! Then I went back, adjusted my strategy a bit and was able to capitalize on a small hole of his when a 217% Arc Gale was cast. I proceeded to murder him with a Fifth Key, dealing 3.5x as much as he had (about 34599 damage for specifics). The really insulting part is that I still had 52 Third Keys an additional Fifth Key and a Seventh Key still in my inventory and I pretty much beeline'd up to fight him without doing any bonus quests.

Tal said I should do the remaining bonus content so I decided I would. I finished all the bonus dungeons except the Doge Shrine. And no, all the post game bosses are still OHKO bait. I also have like an additional 500,000 dollars lying around so I guess I can buy EVEN MORE THIRD KEYS cause what else am I spending the money on?

Closing Thoughts - Overall, this is a really good game. It might not be something that I would replay just due to the length and that it's a story driven game, but it's worth at least one playthrough for sure. There is just so much that is done right from the story telling perspective, especially coming out of Shadow Hearts 1, which towards the end wasn't anything awe-inspiring. The fact that they basically took the end of that and re-vamped pretty much everything and made it better all around is quite amazing.

I'll go over the bad first; the difficulty. The main issue I have with the game is that it is just way too easy. Like disgustingly so. I've already gone over how easy the rings are but there's other problems. Pretty much everything before Veronica had nothing that could really scare you (in terms of damage). Pretty much nothing after Veronica survives for more than 1 turn. Keeping in mind that this was my first playthrough of the game, with very little knowledge about what's coming up, this is just a little embarassing. I do admit, part of the problem is that I came from speedrunning From the New World, which is very demanding in terms of hitting ring strikes, but even then, this was silly. From the moment the game begins, there's just so much broken given to you. Energy Charge is super early, Entrance also quite early. Then after Lenny you get Arc buffs and after Veronica you get Mind's Eye, the broken ass Moon Oil and a second copy of Entrance. Towards the end of the game, I had so much money that there was nothing to do with it but buy Third Keys. In From the New World, you could only buy them in Purgatory, which was a post game dungeon and was more or less a 1 time deal. The really interesting part though is you can sort of see the designers recognized how broken some of this stuff was and fixed it in SH3 (most notably, Energy Charge now has a tiny strike zone and is on the frailest character).

The good news is that the plot is good enough that it doesn't have to worry too much about the game play even if it was snooze-fest level difficult. First, I really like how they base the sequel off the BAD ending of Shadow Hearts 1. Most games would take the good ending as canon, but in this case, going with the bad ending allowed them to explore elements that they were not able to before. Most notably impressive is how Yuri is portrayed. Instead of just having a smart mouth, Yuri2 is very interesting because of the things he has to deal with: his own mortality, knowing that he WILL die within the near future as well as how he handles his grief as a result of Alice having passed away. When the two issues are combined, it put him into situations that I think most people have trouble handling, and Yuri comes off as very human as he tries to figure out what it is he wants from the time remaining. On one hand, he wants to honour the life that Alice has given him through her sacrifice. Yet on the other, he's also unsure of what will make him truly happy and he spends the majority of the time looking for that happiness. Despite his internal turmoil, he is still fighting the good fight as his external surroundings go to hell. From stopping wars to world destroying demons, he doesn't rest even though he has very well earned it. Yuri's tale is one in which you *want* him to have a happy ending given all he's gone through and yet you know that he won't get one.

AND it's like the game knows this as well. You would think Yuri could theoretically move on from Alice to Karin, given the fact that she also loves him and is devoted to him, but to Yuri, Alice was his true love and nothing could ever replace her. Ignoring the ending for a slight second, Karin confesses her love for him, yet when Yuri doesn't react on it, she handles it in a very mature manner despite all the things they have gone through up to that point. It's a very real human emotion and you feel just as bad since after their struggles, her love him isn't just out of the left field yet goes unrewarded.

The plot really is about Yuri and Karin's story. It doesn't explore much into the other characters like Gepetto or Kurando, but it doesn't have to. Kato is also a refreshing antagonist given that as CK put it, he has "65% of Mr.Freeze's back story; only without the ice puns". His end goal was insane, but you can understand his motivation and it serves as a very nice foil to Yuri. Whereas one still has life and chosen to give up on it as his dreams were destroyed, the other has chosen to fight for what little life he has left despite all the injustices done to him. Lenny is of course, the other really cool villain, especially one that is supposed to be the joke. I've read up on his stuff due to checking out From the New World's details, so yeah. A bad guy who is literally not a "bad guy" as per Wreck-it-Ralph. and goes around helping old ladies, helping his subordinates survive to see their families and helps out lowly crooks to earn a honest living. Also, he is the DL Math's group personified. "Someone who knows math can't possibly be a bad guy!". No comment regarding Rasputin or Nicholai. Both were pretty bad and were tools. Yuri owns them verbally (and then in combat) so not much else to add there.

The ending to the game is also quite ambiguous but I like both the good and bad endings. My personal interpretation of the good ending is that Yuri dies at the end of the game, and doesn't go through some strange time warp back to SH1's opening. It makes more sense to me that he's finally able to make peace with what little life he has at the end versus some strange cop-out where he is able to make a wish to another time line before he dies. As far as I can tell, other than Gepetto and Karin, none of the other characters really got sent to different time zones. Blanca chose to go and live with the little girl, Joachim became a world famous wrestler (and comes back in FtNW in the "Real" world"), Lucia is back at Florence with Carla and heck, Kurando and Anastasia end up in the *same* time line, implying that they both wanted the exact same thing. In the case of Gepetto and Karin, the time zone shift can be explained (as Cornelia is clearly dead and Karin...well more on that later). For Yuri, this distinction isn't as obvious. At one point in the plot, he tells Alice he will be back after he finishes his remaining task. He knew at that point that he was going to die, implying that he was going to join her. He had no way of knowing at that point before the final battle that he could warp back to a period where she would be alive. Also, from a symbolic stand point, it makes much more sense that he is dead versus having gone back in time.

The other half of the ending (Karin's) is really kind of weird. It is heavily foreshadowed and implied all the way before the end that Karin is actually Anne aka: Yuri's mother. The game makes no qualms about hiding this. Between the dialogue (Yuri: Stop nagging me like you're my mother!), Ana changing Karin's name to Anne on her travel documents, Yuri giving Karin her mom's pendant and the photo that she held onto, which you *finally* see in the ending where Anne bears a striking resemblance to Karin, the game makes it quite clear. I'm not sure how I feel about this. It's an interesting way to conclude her tale for certain since her ultimate desire wasn't just to be with Yuri, but to also protect him. And in this case, being his mom is brilliant because it accomplishes both in a way that doesn't get into the Yuri x Alice pairing. On the other hand, it also feels like it introduces a predestination paradox where there doesn't need to be one (again, all the other character's endings sans Gepetto's can be explained easily). Neat twist, but I'm not sure if it helps or harms the tale more. That is up for debate.

Even the bad ending is quite ingenious. Despite Yuri losing all sense of his self, he's stuck in the "current" time line and we get to see our dear old friend, Roger, taking care of Yuri. Truly, Roger and Yuri have a close relationship, but there's very few scenes that shows the extent the two were willing to go for each other. There's maybe like 2 events in the game that demonstrate this (Yuri risks getting caught and breaks Bacon out of prison; Roger in turn later on attempts to resurrect Alice for Yuri despite the risks involved) and then 1 bonus event in the sidequests. The fact that the ending shows Roger willing to be there for him when everyone else is literally gone, helps establish more about their friendship, which is generally not as explored.

Whew, enough about the plot! Gonna wrap this up for character balance and then thoughts re: DL ranks.

First, as established, for bosses, Yuri > Lucia >= Blanca > the rest. It's debatable if Karin or Ana is 4th. You don't really need a mage in this game since Magic just can't keep up late with physicals so it's a question of who is faster. On the other hand, it never hurts to have a mage in the party since they are superior random smashers for the most part. It's also possible that Joachim is 4th and Karin and Ana share 5th place together. I really don't know. Joachim being 4th would just be that a second physical attacker helps you churn out more damage a round and 2 characters being support is more than enough. He would be better Kurando just because 1) Speed in this game is weird. You want to be faster than the enemies, but generally be slower than Lucia. Kurando is usually much too fast, like Blanca. Unlike Blanca, he can't cast any Crest spells though so he's really bad for that 2) Joachim can cast crest spells and his ring isn't complete ass like Kurando's. This makes him easier to use as a physical attacker. In the end, probably Yuri > Lucia >=Blanca > Joachim > Ana = Karin > Gepetto > Kurando.

For randoms, it's probably Ana > Karin > Blanca > Yuri > Lucia > Kurando > Joachim > Gepetto. A fast, powerful mage is usually superior in this case. Most enemies can be OHKO'd by tier 1 spells early, tier 2 spells late. Ana being decently fast with decent power is sufficient for about 90% of the cases. After that, Karin and Blanca is a toss up, but I recall Karin having more power than Blanca, which at the end was really noticeable. Blanca basically needed L3s regularly to MT OHKO so he's definitely worse. Next, Yuri can random smash with fusing. But fusing is slow so instead he has OHKO powered physicals to take out anything that is a tank random. Lucia is a bit sluggish but beats Kurando for having AoE from Crests without fusing. Kurando has a Fast ST OHKO but is generally going to be worse than Yuri just due to being under levelled. Debatable between these three really. Then Joachim is slow but can tank at least. Gepetto is just slow and his power to take things out at the end can be accomplished by Ana with the Warlock Earrings anyway so.

As for the DL, I'm not quite sure about the PCs. Karin is probably Middle just due to Status Immunity and Regen. That's probably too much for most Lights. Ana...depends a lot on whether or not you see her unique skills as available since half of them are post game. Probably a middle as well most likely. Kurando's a Heavy, same with Joachim. Their flaws aren't exposes as much in the DL and in the case of Kurando, being super fast here is very helpful. Gepetto is clearly a Light. No idea about Lucia. Blanca is probably a low Middle and Yuri some flavour of Godlike (probably Mid to Low most likely).

Now for BOSSES, god damn. I am pretty harsh about the scaling here in general. Anything before Veronica will probably be okay on durability. Lenny is probably 1.25x for me, for example. Anything after is spectacular failure. I definitely consider Mind's Eye as the game gives you *3* and it doesn't take a whole lot of effort to learn how to use 1 for 1 character only. Also I do factor in buffs as well as oils (in some fashion). They aren't that different than Ricardo's Serenata's in that you can play around with all of them during randoms to know what effects you will produce before a boss. Third Keys to me are also valid as I was swimming in them towards the end of the game and have excess more powerful keys at my disposal by the end. This mostly effects end game bosses only. Rasputin/Nicholai 1 are probably like 0.5 to me, while Terada/Garan are like 0.3. Mecha Lord is like 0.7 and Kato is hilarious failure. Sub Jeremy level HP...but hey, he has good damage if he gets a turn! So go him.
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #297 on: February 01, 2016, 06:18:25 PM »
Jonathan Blows The Witness:

7 lasers in. I am SUPER SMART
The desert continues to be an unsolvable mystery. I have cleared almost everything in the treehouse buuut I just don't know what I'm supposed to do at the end so I'm fucked. I am on the way to clear the little village.
The greenhouse level is so cool I could cry. That's about it. The game's worth the super high price.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #298 on: February 01, 2016, 08:59:18 PM »
Darkest Dungeon - This game is really good so far. I still don't know exactly what all the classes do, nor do I think that I know exactly how to progress reasonably. I am not having a ton of trouble so far, having only lost three people (two when I just got wasted by a Collector with a high offense party), but I started a level 3 dungeon with veterans and the combat difficulty really ramps up without a commensurate increase in actual power. I'll probably start losing veteran characters and that's going to suck. There needs to be a better way of healing outside combat other than food but I don't know if there is one other than camping. In combat healing is pretty weak and that's how it's balanced but one encounter gone wrong with high offensive enemies can really make things go sour very quickly. I haven't found the best balance of characters yet, although I am favoring teams that can deal multitarget damage, target people in multiple rows, and people with things like bleed and blight (essentially damage over time) which are actually really useful. I have gotten to the point where some of my better leveled characters refuse to do lower level missions. Hopefully there is still a source of low level missions to go on if you "level" an area up too much or else I don't know how you can continue.

There are some problems. If you get ambushed, you could be screwed since moving takes a full turn and you can often get stuck shuffling the same characters without really being able to get them to their proper positions. It would also help if there was a tracker saying who is next in the queue in terms of proper strategy and who to kill. As is, there is a fairly set turn order but I'm never sure what it's going to be.

Anyway, good game, fun combat, really good art style, and as Fenrir says, the narrator is this weird Verdelet like self loathing harbinger of his own failures and does doom and gloom shit in a ridiculously melodramatic way. It's pretty funny.

PS - Fuck the Caretaker, he's always at the brothel when I need it.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #299 on: February 02, 2016, 04:41:20 AM »
Tide, I definitely think Shadow Hearts: Covenant was balanced around it being okay to screw up the Judgment Ring a lot and still succeed.  Which is fine by me; if you want to show off your Judgment Ring skillz, there's Technical Rings & Minds Eye & all, but otherwise, no need to condition being good at the Judgment Ring too heavily on being able to complete the game.  I had a pretty good fight with the final boss myself when I did it sans side quests, I certainly wasn't even close to OHKOing everything, but that was also no Keys / Mind's Eye / etc.  I'm not a super-huge Judgment Ring fanatic myself so I'd rather the RPG aspect be more challenging, not the memorizing invisible hit zones part be more challenging. :)  Still, Lady w/ no sidequests >>> Kato w/ no sidequests, that isn't up for debate.

I also don't think Kato's end goal was all that insane!  Ignoring any personal tragedy for a moment, World War I sucked, and this was additionally some kind of demonically uber-powered WWI thanks to Nicolai releasing the evil spirits from the tower in Italy or whatever.  Rolling that back sounds pretty good to me, that's basically the heroic plot of Chrono Trigger. 

As you noted already, SH2 - if you hit your judgment rings all the time - is balanced on the easy side, so I'm not sure if I'm going to hit Kurando for being TOO FAST so that he can't use Lucia's buff on turn 1.  It's okay, SHC enemies will generally let Kurando live to turn 2 so that he can use Lucia's buff then.