Author Topic: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)  (Read 16394 times)


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A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« on: October 06, 2016, 06:56:53 AM »
Dawn on another cloudy day along the Yellow River.

The early risers get up and out to begin their business, while those who carried on long into the night last night perhaps sleep a few extra hours. It was a good party. The people responded well to the newcomers, as well as a night of revelry. Although, in the light of the new dawn, there is some regret. Mostly from those who reveled a little too long and hard.

Tora is among the early risers, making sure everything is set and checking that everyone from the boat is, eventually, accounted for and that nothing problematic happened during the night.

((OOC: Khun, you may arrive at your leisure this morning, provided your plan was more or less to head straight back. Rishi, you've got a bit of hiking today. If you end up wanting to chat with the samurai, you're free too, otherwise I'll just key you when you're relevant. Hang tight!))


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2016, 07:18:59 AM »
Lee manages to rise with the sun, a custom she finds herself regretting on this particular morning. But the proper life does require certain things to be ritualized; fulcrums around which a day can be organized are invaluable, particularly when on the road or the river to an uncertain future.

Even if not everyone attends her morning address, they'll certainly remember that they missed it; half the battle, really. She has a glass of water and a light breakfast- not much more than rice and a side of dried fish- before she leaves her makeshift housing and walks among her folk to ask some quiet questions.

"How did you find last night? What do you think of the locals? Any new friends? Any trouble?" and the like. She has to tune into their joys and concerns, and find ways to accentuate the former whilst alleviating the latter in the near future.


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2016, 08:56:22 AM »
Like any good soldier, Akeha rises with the dawn whether she wants to or not. Still feeling the prior night's effects, she's a bit snippy as she checks with the duty squad to make sure no major disorder followed the party, before retreating to the mess hall.

Recovering with soup, rice, pickles and fish, she soaks in the mutterings and gossip of her troops. While she doesn't join any of the knots of men and women having morning conversation, she is available to be approached, and tries to listen closely to anything audible.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2016, 09:02:04 AM »
Vol is, of course, also up at dawn. Except he is ready for the day, not having any ill effects from the night before. His morning report for Lady Hakuhi is primed and ready for the usual post-breakfast timeslot. Having heard rumors of her hangover, he knows he has a few extra minutes, so he steps into his office to talk to the men he asked to check on the night's festivities for him.


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2016, 05:38:25 AM »
As the sun rises over the horizon, Khun kneels upon his cloud, genuflecting towards the distant orb.

Oh hallowed one, unconquered one.  I beseech thee.
I beseech thee, Flame of Life, for the wisdom to stave off the hand of death.
I beseech thee, Flame of Light, for the knowledge to illuminate the gloom of ignorance.
I beseech thee, Flame of Victory, for the power to best those who would oppose me.
I beseech thee, Flame of Retribution, for the will to end those who would rend what should be.

As your light brings forth a new day, let my light bring forth new hope.

He frowned, still the prayer didn't feel quite right.  Perhaps some kind of insense, a draping of morning glories, or candles made from pressed sundrops?  Perhaps a certain ritual in the patterns of the prayers?  Though, in many ways, the simple form felt right.  The little he knew of the Sun suggested that it wasn't one for elaborate ceremonies.  The Unconquored Sun simply Was, and the rites to it should be the same, shouldn't they.  And, something in the back of his mind told him there was something of a forming ritual in this.  In forming a proper devotion to the source of one's exaltation.

Looking out over the river, he set those thoughts aside.  He could see the town of Inaba ahead, and until he could speak with the Lady of the Keep, there might be a few awkward moments.  After all, it was doubtful that they very often had a visitor arrive on a cloud bearing the dead body of one of their own.  Getting up, he looked at the castle as he approached, a measured closing on the parapets seemed best.  That way he could be seen and no one would feel the need to do anything rash.  As well, by approaching from above, he could mention he was there to see their mistress, that she would be quite happy to see him, and he could disclose the presence of the corpse, and why he had her, before someone could see her and draw their own conclusions.  Hasty conclusions were often bad, hasty conclusions by people with weapons even worse.

And so it was that shortly after dawn broke, he found himself approaching the walls of the keep of Inaba, towards the most senior and reasonable looking of the wall guards, hands clearly visible and crossed across his chest, stating.

Oathman of the Tetsuzuru, I am the Sage, Zhao Khun of the Rin Tor.  Tidings I bring for your keepmistress, of the Nine Rivers, and of loss.


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2016, 05:59:17 AM »

Your people are quite cheerful and seem to have enjoyed themselves quite extensively last night. The locals rank near the top of the villages they've visited, being generous and appreciative of the finer arts. Or at least the fine arts when filtered through a few glasses of rice wine and taken down a little. The men and women in uniform are a little tenser though, and seemed to just be waiting for trouble. No fights were picked and nothing went wrong, but some think it is pretty inevitable some of the more outgoing people in your troupe are going to end up either causing trouble or just getting smacked because someone is bored.

They're also amused that a few people they interacted with were pretty clearly part of Akeha's group, since they were doing their best to feel them out. It didn't seem hostile, but it was certainly better organized then anywhere else they've been.


Your bureaucrats don't have a lot to report. The visitors were polite and well behaved, for the most part. There was a little tension as the night wore on, but nothing unexpected.

They do report that, when things got personal, the people tended to be evasive, but who knows what to make of that. They could all be criminals, they could just reasonably be protecting their privacy as they enter a new place.


Conversation is fairly normal, and the warriors seem to be in high spirits, though a few seem distrusting and or annoyed about the newcomers. On the whole, the reception is positive, if wary. And the celebration seems to have taken at least a little edge off the boredom for them.

Most of the conversation seems to actually come back to the half-squad sent out, with regards to both jealousy and wondering if they ran into any ~scary demons~ or anything.


The woman is alert and immediately wary upon notice of the body. She gestures for a less important guard and nods, "Go fetch Tetsuzuru-san. Immediately." The guard nods and departs with haste, while the woman stands her ground, hand on hilt of blade but still calm. "Rin," she says. Then, to you, "Where is the sellsword? And the rest of the unit?" Her language is clipped and direct.

Akeha, part deux

The guard shall arrive with some haste, and bows low as he presents himself. "Tetsuzuru-san. The outsider returned with the body of one of our own."


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2016, 07:09:00 AM »
Satisfied that nothing untoward occured the previous night, Lee bids her people gather together across the lot they seem to have been assigned. She has a couple of them assembly a hasty pulpit, composed of a few wooden planks piled up into a solid rectangle upon which she can stand and address her folk.

"It looks like you all had a lot of fun last night!" she calls out, cutting through the chatter and bringing them to attention. Her gold-threaded robes look well enough in the morning light, glittering a little and casting away nearby shadows. As is her custom, she switches to the old tongue when it is time to give a public address- a sermon, to remind them all of an important point of faith. "Perhaps a bit too much? But it was a grand day of meeting, and of unrestrained bonding. This morning, we must give thanks. To our gracious hosts, who hath been prepared for this very day, to take weary travellers to their breast and offer them succour and protection. We have sailed towards the dawn and found a warmth unknown to us previous.

"So let us thank the honourable Lady Hakuhi Tetsuzuru for her great generosity and kindness, and thank The Unconquered Sun for guiding us by his light down the shining path to such a grand reception! You will note that the castle yonder stands in alignment with the sun. Thus to offer worship to one is to thank the other. Let us begin the day by bowing our heads and meditating for a few moments on the rewards of perseverance and the blessings bestowed upon us."

True faith lies in displays of submission to higher powers. Some men put their faith into their lords or the little gods, but Lee and her people put it all into the sun that shines down upon their lowered heads. For a minute, all is silent save the hubbub of the nearby townsfolk.

"Our journey is not over, and never will be until the time comes to consign ourselves to heaven," Lee continues, eventually raising her head and spreading her arms. "We must always be preparing ourselves for new trials. Listen well, my friends. The true tests begin now. For I have decided that here- is a place where we can truly earn a new home for ourselves.

"Today, I want to speak of humility. The essence of humility lies in serving without regard for one's own self or glamour. Put aside your confidence in the songs that have fed us up until today. The Unconquered Sun will hear your voice but it is your actions and your morals that he will watch over and judge.

"We are nothing if we do not serve others. So, though many of you will be here, working on our new abode, I encourage you all to go forth today at least once, and seek out people in need; offer your kindness and pay back threefold that has been offered us. Virtue is not a statue to be admired, but a trail which must be walked time and time again, until it is beaten out by the tread of many feet into a firm and level road. Go, doctors, and tell the sick and injured you have arrived to help them in their time of need; go, carpenters, and offer your hammers and muscle to the broken walls and the trembling stilts. Traders, go to the docks and tell the merchants of news from the west; offer no charge for your advice today, for we must give before we receive. Even in this town there may well be beggars and the infirm, desperate for a future- open your hearts to them. We have little but they have less, yet all things turn about in time. Remember, true wealth is shown through generosity, not miserliness.

"Remember that this is a foreign land to us and we have much to learn. When corrected, listen. Ask for guidance from the new friends and companions you have made; ask them what needs to be done, and whether it is turn one's hand to the plow or forage in the woodlands, do not turn it down today. Seek to speak the tongues of this place, the Dragon-Tongue and the River-Tongue, for to live here will be to make them our own. When conflict arises, when our ways might clash, do not stand against it all, but ask why things are the way they are. A misunderstanding actualized is not a tool of evil, but human nature. Turn your side to the blows of the uncautious, for they know not what they do, and allow them to reveal their folly to their observant fellows.

"It cannot be stressed enough that we must learn; we are the students here, not the teachers. These are a people who pay little heed to the small and petty gods that plague mankind, and in this they are most wise and we are most fortunate, but we will not prove to them the rightness of our faith to them with words, only with deeds.

"We now reside in a land ruled by the Dragon-Blooded from a distant capital. Should you encounter one, bow your heads anew, for they are Exalted and are wroth if denied respect. Though they may be misguided, that is not yet for us to judge unless visible and outrageous wrongdoing compels us to commit our bodies and lives themselves to the pursuit of the right.

"Now, let us sing to the Unconquered Sun, so he might hear our hymn and be most pleased and enlightened by our respect for his great munificence!"

((OOC: GM-san, Lee is attempting to start a Project - Integrate Followers into Inaban Society. I ultimate hope for her to gain an additional point of Influence that represents her being an influential local spiritual leader as well as a famous performer up and down the Yellow River.))
« Last Edit: October 07, 2016, 10:58:51 AM by Carthrat »


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2016, 06:46:04 AM »
He does not let anything show on his face as the guard responds.  Instead he simply says, "Two oathmen were found, one injured.  Danger's gaze no longer rests upon that one.  The operative stands with them, as they seek the two who are missing, and they return, treading upon the firmament of creation."


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2016, 07:22:41 PM »
Akeha is up and sweeping out of the mess hall with a grim expression. She swiftly reaches where Zhao Khun is being held up by her guards, sheathed sword in hand, arriving just in time to catch his explanation.

"And of Nine Rivers? How fares our neighbors to the south? Was this dark turn an event of chance or dark creatures?"


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2016, 08:33:34 AM »
He looks at Akeha as she approaches and shrugs.  "The Sisters save what can be saved.  But, as you leave behind the Yellow, there are no people, no animals, no spirits.  Only the unclean below-beasts from beyond All-That-Is roam, seeking to savage and unmake all that lives.  Be wary in approaching, for the Sisters care only for their own, willing to harm even your own oathmen.

As for why, nothing more has been learned.  Save that the below-beasts venture far from the unravellings in All-That-Is.

And, with Akeha here and the situation mostly under control, he happily lowers the cloud to where the soldier whose body he brought back, and the small pile of her personal possessions he had collected can easily be reached by the locals.

"Here lay the fallen bloom of Suzaisho and what seemed most dear of that which she carried.  I humbly return her, that she may know the peace of her home, and be led upon the path of her ancestors to safely find her next life."


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2016, 04:20:06 AM »
"That is troubling news," Aleha agrees, sighing. "Please, avail yourself of what I can offer for hospitality. Returning our own so that she may be honored in full for serving our security and peace demands I see to your recuperation. Hopefully, Rishi will see to the return of the others. For now we must prepare... please, rest and eat, we will have much to discuss with Lady Aaeiko this afternoon," she insists, gesturing for her guards to see to Rin's remains, and for Zhao to follow her.


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2016, 08:18:10 AM »

((OOC: Your project is possible and may be undertaken. Failure Conditions may arise in the near future.))

Your people follow your example with full enthusiasm, joining you in your hymn to the Unconquered Sun. You are quite confident that they will do as you have asked.


The guard obeys swiftly.

((OOC: Looks like we want to skip to the arrival of Rishi? In which case, let us skip to the afternoon. You may set Scene 2, May.))


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2016, 07:29:15 PM »
((OOC: So uh Rat mentioned wanting to have an IRC planning session rather than scening this out here. He mentioned 'evenings' but if he meant evening Australia time that's about 5am EST to 8am EST. Which discounts everyone but Soppy until the weekend, I think. When are people actually around?))


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #13 on: October 10, 2016, 11:14:08 PM »
((OOC: Whoops. I did mean US evenings in this case, since they are when y'all seem to be aroundish day to day. We could just start a scene in the forum as well and IRC it if a chance comes up.))


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2016, 02:51:39 AM »
((OOC: Well uh, since we don't seem to be groupable for at least 2-3 days I think I'll just get things rolling))

When Rishi returns later that day, it isn't very necessary for the samurai accompanying him to convey a message to Akeha - she's waiting for him by the time their boat makes it to the dock. Escorted back to her house in Inaba, the five of them meet around a low table, with a map set out that covers the northern reaches of Nine Rivers and Inaba's environs.

"Master Zhao explained a little bit, that The Sisters are preserving themselves as best they can... but what else is going on down there? Back behind the coastline?"


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #15 on: October 11, 2016, 04:15:45 AM »
<Heroic_Pudding_Excal> Khun looks at the map, considering
<Heroic_Pudding_Excal> "I've only seen bits and pieces of it, but well," he takes out some markers and lays them out on the table marking off chunks of territory.  "These areas are dead zones, didn't see anything living there but, let's call 'em hobs."
<Heroic_Pudding_Excal> "And that includes spirits, from the basics that you find everywhere to lesser dieties."
<Heroic_Pudding_Excal> He then takes some other pieces, these ones in a different colour, and places them in a few areas.  These seem to be far more scattered, but deal with confluences in the rivers, and other places of interest, including the capitol city of the Nine Rivers.
<Heroic_Pudding_Excal> "Now, these places are confluences of power.  I've only been to this one, but they should be places where the Sisters are the strongest, with the source of the rivers," he gestures at the capitol, "where they'll be the strongest.  In good times, the Sisters could scoot through the rivers with ease, but those lines of communication may be sketchy now."
<+Magey> Rishi nods to Akeha as she greets him at the docks, making sure that the remaining bodies are hidden enough not to cause a commotion as they arrive. As he rushes along with her to her usual meeting room, he only stops to briefly send a messenger to Subaki to get the entire group together for a briefing later that night.
<+Magey> "It seems that even the zaniest of the rumours should be given consideration. There are man-beasts roaming the Nine Rivers and attacking even your samurai. They went down to fulfill your mission, and were only met with two savage assaults. The first assault was the one Zhao and I had found, and I believe he brought back the remains of that fight. The second was after they had arrived at the village of Bajun. There they found survivors and were recuperating, only to be set upon by a large-scale assault. That much can be confirmed by quite a few."
<+Magey> Rishi takes a moment to close his eyes and center his breathing, hoping to remain composed long enough to get through the full report. "The part that we might want to get ahead of, however, is the mists. Apparently they rolled in after the creatures appeared, and then began slicing them apart. After that, they commanded that the survivors follow, and your warriors quite wisely declined. They believe they saw a beast inside of the mists, and given what I've seen down in the Nine Rivers...
<+Magey> Well, I asked a few of the ones who entered the mists about it. They said the mists were taking them deeper into the forests and not towards any kind of civilization they knew of. What's worse, the mists were wrong, according to them. Apparently the Goddess San wears the mists instead of hiding in them..."
<+Magey> He makes sudden and very direct eye contact with Akeha, his face grimmer than she has ever seen. "I didn't think anything of it at the time, but I think that my fight eight months ago might have been the start of something very bad. The creature I killed died... differently... than the rest. It ceased existing entirely when I defeated it, while these creatures leave corpses. I think... I know I might only be a simple mercenary, but I think there's something very bad and very coordinated happening down there. I think that these... things... are coordinating their efforts, such that they attack a town, drive it into desperation, then trick the survivors into following them so they can do something with them."
<+Magey> He drops himself fully prostrate in front of Akeha. "Please, I humbly request assistance in dealing with this. I would like to go and investigate the matter, beginning with the town I helped eight months ago. However, it is fairly deep into the forests, and I am not confident I would be able to handle this fully by myself. I would also like to save anybody I can." Rishi lifts himself up, sitting respectfully in front of the other four and looking at each of them in turn, tears slowly trickling down his face.
<+Magey> "I do not know enough about these creatures to accurately assess the best way to save these people or to stop this invasion, nor do I possess the martial might to singlehandedly repel them. If need be, I will go on my own, but I cannot abide the suffering of innocents, and any aid that can be offered would be very much appreciated."
<Heroic_Pudding_Excal> Khun frowns at this.  "You know something about the start of this?  One of the Sisters seemed utterly convinced it was mortal work, and refused to say anything more."
<May> Akeha raises an eyebrow, insistently pushing Rishi upwards. "Forbetter or naught, we are in some regards equals here, so please do away with this sort of address. It's only going to get in our way."
<+Magey> "I may have an idea of the start. Like I said, I had fought a man-beast before." Rishi wipes away his tears as he speaks. "I went to fight some slavers, and rescue the citizens captured by them. The slavers were led by a man with a twisted blade who would kill his own men and women for laughs, and he had horns. In every way he seemed... wrong... and when I fought him is when I got my Mark. I burnt him to a crisp with my inner fire, except when I landed the fatal blow he merely looked bored."
<+Magey> "This alone seemed strange, but like nothing compared to the feeling of gaining my Mark. The fact that there seems to be more than one intelligent beast, combined with the way the rescued citizens were acting when I freed them is what is giving me pause."
<Euphemia_> "Can you tell us more about this beast-man? There are many kinds of being- deities, fair ones, demons- that seem to be people with the traits of animals, and alas, there is a vast gulf between them in terms of temperament and ability," Lee says, from her position standing behind Zhao. "If we can identify the man's nature, we may be a step closer to knowing
<Euphemia_> what we are dealing with. Master Khun has already spoken to me of pockets of Wyld within that region, so I have my suspicions as is."
<Heroic_Pudding_Excal> "Truth.  I was looking out for more signs of Creation being thin when I returned, but I didn't see any.  But if you saw a ringleader of some kind, and if they've had months to do this.  Then...  that'd actually make too much damned sense."
<+Magey> "Well, like I said, he was tall and had antlers. His blade was like a twisted piece of metal, and he desired to hunt me. I started our interaction by pinning him with an arrow that would have felled a normal human, and he treated it like I was some tiny stinging insect. I think he called me a wasp? I don't remember clearly, I just remember that he moved unnaturally fast, and it took everything I had to evade him as he was even more skilled in melee combat than I was. He only desired to hunt me, however. He kept rambling on and on about the fun of hunting me down."
<+Magey> "Oh! And he was able to make me see something that didn't exist. He tried to make me see a scene of me mass-murdering a village and enjoying it, and that just sort of... happened... as his blade got too close and he spoke. Reality felt like it was twisted around his blade. That's the best explanation I can offer."
<Euphemia_> "What about the people you mentioned? A number of captured individuals, who acted strangely after you rescued them?"
<Heroic_Pudding_Excal> Khun frowns, but watches as Lee questions Rishi. 
<+Magey> "When I rescued them, not a single one spoke a word, but they all listened and obeyed every single word spoken to them. I thought it was merely shock from witnessing the twisted mind of that creature at work and thought that, with time at home, they would eventually recover and be happy again. However, I'm starting to have second thoughts on the matter..."
<Heroic_Pudding_Excal> "People too heavily effected by the Wyld are permanently changed," Khun's voice is heavy with sorrow.  "You said that you saw the mist lulling people to follow the Horned Hunter back then?"
<Euphemia_> Lee sighs. "The Wyld, yes, but- well, it is more or less as we thought. You describe the work of the Fair Ones. They are beautiful, poetic creatures that feed on the souls and passions of mankind; teasing them out through seduction, threats, stories- anything to elicit an emotional reaction from their victims. After they completely drain their victims, they
<Euphemia_> become little more than docile slaves, fit for simple manual labour and nothing more." Her face falls, and she shakes her head. "Slavers, indeed. It is a process through which perfectly obedient slaves can be created. There are... people, out there, who will sell their follows to the fair folk, then buy them back and resell them later to unscrupulous
<Euphemia_> organizations. A perfect cycle of villainy."
<+Magey> "No, the mist demanding it be followed was only a few days ago, when the samurai were under attack. The Horned Hunter took a band of people and kidnapped his captives."
<+Magey> "However, the man with the injured arm confided in me that he saw a beast smaller than a man hidden in the mists that the survivors followed, and that cut the man-beasts--the Hobs. That sounded, to me, similar enough to what I had dealt with eight months ago to warrant investigation."
<Heroic_Pudding_Excal> "Fair, I'll admit, I didn't see anything too Wyld like about the mist, but I didn't look too hard at it."
<Heroic_Pudding_Excal> "Either way, the next scouting team should probably follow it, it'll either lead to these beasties, or to the Lady San.  Either would be good to find."
<May> "I'm not sure a scouting party of soldiers is the best idea, given all that's been said," Akeha suggests.
<Heroic_Pudding_Excal> "Who said anything about soldiers?  Given the nature of the threat, it's almost certain to be some or all of us."
<Euphemia_> "I agree. We should attempt to contact the river goddesses a second time," suggests Lee. "If we demonstrate to them that we are the chosen prophets of the Unconquered Sun, they should clearly recognise our authority and our desire to push back the forces of chaos to the formless masses from whence they came. Who would know the region better than they? From<Euphemia_> what you have said, our other options would see us stumbling around in the mists for clues, waiting to be seized upon by who-knows-what."
<Heroic_Pudding_Excal> "Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Lee?  Diplomatic trip to the capitol."
<May> "And by trip we mean armed incursion," Akeha laughs.
<Heroic_Pudding_Excal> "I like to think aggressive honour guard."
<Heroic_Pudding_Excal> "Some of the Nine are touchy, if you call it an incursion, they'll probably choose death over help," Khun deadpans this while shaking his head softly.
<May> "Well then... a... cautious visitation."
<Euphemia_> "There would be serious difficulty in keeping a body of troops stocked and fed in the region without the support of the locals," muses Lee. "Can you afford to leave Inaba for a length of time?"
<May> "For a a couple of weeks, yes. Any longer and it might be troublesome," Akeha admits.
<Heroic_Pudding_Excal> "Well, if we beeline for the capitol and back, that should do the trick.  If we get bogged down, I can get you back here in a couple of days from almost anywhere in the Nine Rivers, but that does mean it will just be you and me.  I can only carry two."
<May> Akeha nods. "I think that will be precaution enough."
<Heroic_Pudding_Excal> "Right then, I took the liberty of preparing a list of ingredients," he pulls out a piece of parchment and hands it to Vol.  "That's the scale I need to make a dose a day of anti-Wyld potion for one person for a week.  Get me what I need for however many people you want to bring, and a large scale room I can work in, and I'll make some for everyone you intend to bring."
<~AndrewRogue> (I have to doublecheck this, but the capital will probably take a week for the roundtrip on the cirrus. Maybe a bit less.)
<Euphemia_> "I shall certainly accompany you on this trek. Consider me level to task of persuading precarious positioned deities. Tora shall see the affairs of my folk here in my absence," Lee declares. "Ah, Master Khun, I am not familiar with the local divinities, but if you have time I feel we could together compose an appropriate prelude for our discussions; we must
<Euphemia_> avoid a unseemly display of rudeness at all costs, do you not agree?"
<Heroic_Pudding_Excal> Oh, then ground folks will never make it in time
<~AndrewRogue> (Let me double check my terrible map)
<Heroic_Pudding_Excal> "Heh.  I certainly agree.  Let's get you prepared to put forward your best face to the Nine."
<+Magey> "Thank you! Thank you all so much!"
<Euphemia_> Lee smiles, and then turns her eyes to Rishi. "We will, together, put right what is wrong or perish in the attempt. It is what we are chosen to do. Your courageous work shall be rewarded by the most high, if not through mortal adulation," she insists.
<Heroic_Pudding_Excal> "No need to thank us, 3Operative1.  This is some heavy wrongness, and precious few could've known how bad it was just from your first brush."
<Heroic_Pudding_Excal> "Hellfire, I'm impressed Lee knew as much as she did.  I may have to spend some of my time later brushing up on my Wyldlore with her."
<Euphemia_> Lee winces, and turns her face slightly aside. "That is more or less the extent of my knowledge on the topic, Master Khun... acquired through bitter experience rather than focused study. Please, do not embarrass me before our honourable peers."
<May> Akeha smiles, "Regardless, I hope to learn more from the both of you in the coming week about the... Wyld, which from the description I think we would call Monsters that Can Not Be?" she hums. "A witch hunter would know better, and we are better off without them."
<Heroic_Pudding_Excal> "No doubt.  Well, let me know when you're planning to leave, and how many people will be going, and then I can get a schedule of where I hope to be when to you.  Barring time at the clinic, I'll be happy to tutor you on anything you want to know about Wyldlore."
<Euphemia_> "We will need about a dozen sailors to crew the ship at a minimum, and I really think about twice that would be suitable in case of mishap," warns Lee.
<May> "We can find some off work rivermen locally to supplement," Akeha nods.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2016, 07:01:06 AM by Magetastica »


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #16 on: October 11, 2016, 07:39:56 AM »

Roadtrip upkeep! Let's deal with some issues before you all leave.

Akeha/Vol: How many people are looking to spare for this little expedition, and what sorts?

Lee: Your project continues with minimal lumps. Your people are good at working with others. I would advise a brief pow-wow with Tora, Vol and Aiko to make sure they can carry on in your stead should something untoward happen while you all are gone.

Rishi: Things go smooth for you, mate. Assassin life is easy.

Excal: Five Dif 2 Craft/Intellect checks. 3 Silver XP for each one completed.  We'll call that sufficient to innoculate the whole crew for the expected length of the trip and then some.))


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #17 on: October 11, 2016, 07:43:20 AM »
((OOC: Should we play that pow-wow out?))


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #18 on: October 11, 2016, 07:46:16 AM »
((OOC: 10 samurai, we don't want to carry too much. A dozen rivermen to complement Lee's dozen. The latter I will pay out of my own fortune to get good sailors from the docks for a little run at above normal pay rates.))


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #19 on: October 12, 2016, 06:43:29 AM »

14:49:22 <Euphemia_> Flanked by Tora and her personal attendants, Lee walks purposefully through Inaba's docks. With repairs to the Sound-From-Fire organized and underway, there's not much left keeping her here save a desire to speak with local travellers- and, of course, a pre-arranged meeting at a harbourside teashop with the ever-helpful bureaucrat, Vol Kikure.
14:52:46 <Soppy> Vol is, of course, already waiting for her when the posse arrives at the tea shop. He seems to be making notes in some kind of book, which he sets aside upon sensing them enter. He stands and smiles to greet them, his usual green garb stunning in its drabness. "Lady Aaeiko, Sir Tora. Welcome." he gestures to his table for them all to sit. He must have some sort of system, because there's exactly enough chairs for everyone, including
14:52:49 <Soppy> Lee's attendants
15:01:01 <Euphemia_> "Good day anew, my friend," Lee says, whilst her party begins seating itself. "I was hoping to discuss some particulars with you, regarding how my folk shall occupy themselves for the next few weeks whilst we're away on expedition."
15:04:13 <Soppy> "Expedition?" he raises an eyebrow, coming to full attention. "I was aware that some excitement had proceeded Rishi and Khun's return, but an expedition? So soon? What brought this about?"
15:08:48 <Euphemia_> "Well, yes," replies Lee. "Lady Hakuki, Master Rishi, Master Khun and myself shall be departing for Nine Rivers within a week in order to offer our wholehearted support to the local deities when it comes to dealing with their Wyld-Forged nemeses. I expect it will take some time, you see, leaving the administrative affairs of Inaba in your kind and capable
15:08:48 <Euphemia_> hands."
15:09:33 <@AndrewRogue> Tora makes a sound but has no overall comment, sipping at his tea.
15:12:52 <Soppy> "... in my hands you say?" he seems fairly surprise, the first time you've seen anything approaching it on his face since you met him. "Well. I certainly have a Conversation to have with Lady Hakuhi." there's a bit of amusement in the voice, but it warbles ever so slightly. "I can imagine several scenarios that would bring this about, considering recent events, but do catch me up to speed Lady Aaeiko, if you would."
15:15:12 <Euphemia_> "It appears the entire region is undergoing a kind of invasion by the Fair Ones. Mobs of hobgoblins, abandoned villages, murderous mists drawing people towards the capital- and, of course, Master Khun has told me first-hand of areas taken over by the Wyld's terrible energy during his brief visits- burned libraries and so on. It's easy to see how, left
15:15:12 <Euphemia_> unchecked, such a menace could come to plague Inaba, but even more than that those creatures an affront to everything the values order and the right. As the Chosen, we have a duty and a power to intervene- don't you agree?"
15:16:30 <Euphemia_> *everything that
15:18:49 <Soppy> "I would indeed." he nods, sipping at the tea he had ordered. Tea is also brought out for everyone at this point. "It would be the best use of my abilities to leave me here to tend to business. Lady Hakuhi's decisionmaking is correct there... though I wonder what her troops will say."
15:19:41 <@AndrewRogue> "One would hope that they would heed the decision of their mistress."
15:22:28 <Soppy> "Oh one can heed such decisions to the letter. It is the spirit, Sir Tora, that makes all the difference." he chuckles. "I may have a few weeks of feet-dragging and grumbling ahead of me. No matter," he shrugs, "It will be good practice for my skills."
15:25:14 <@AndrewRogue> "It is the sad duty of the second to bear such things, Master Vol." Tira nods. "Behind every great leader stand a dozen beaurecrats who are despised and derided for their necessary talents."
15:26:10 <Euphemia_> Lee reaches for her cup and takes a brief sip. "My, the tea seems bitter," she remarks. "A unique blend?"
15:27:44 <Soppy> He chuckles and nods to Tora, turning to Lee. "One from my home, the Nexus. The tea of Suizasho tends on the more mild side, so I encouraged a little variety in the important. This one seems to have taken off at least." he nods.
15:27:53 <Soppy> in the import
15:31:06 <Euphemia_> "Ah, and having heard of Nexus I thought it would be best to have nothing to do with it. Proven wrong twice in one moment," replies Lee, swirling the cup a little. "Now, we had best discuss practical matters. How can my people best employ themselves in Inaba?" she asks. "In the short term, of course, your generosity ensures our survival, but it cannot last.
15:31:06 <Euphemia_> To thrive, we must find a niche unfilled."
15:33:44 <@AndrewRogue> "Idle hands are a dangerous tool and, while out people are talented in their art, I suspect you and yours have little need of quite this many performers and musicians at this time. We wish to make Inaba our home, so we must bend and find a way to help."
15:34:46 <Euphemia_> "Though I can't say that performers don't have their practical uses outside the simple enjoyment of the finer things. Distracting bored, heavily-armed individuals from getting up to mischief, for example, is a time-honoured pastime..."
15:35:49 <Soppy> "I would say, being from there... our goods and trade are top notch, but the city itself can be avoided." he smiles softly. "And yes, a short-term plan is more necessary with the coming mission." He looks to Tora to listen then back to Lee. "While admittedly 90 of you is a little much, it can still be immediately helpful. Our docks are rather spare, as you've noticed. We are a minor stop on what is a multi-leg trade route. They stop, but
15:40:18 <Soppy> they do not stay, and they do not spend. A burgeoning art hall, strategically placed by the waterfront, would be an excellent start to leverage more coin out of the traffic wouldn't you say?" he smiles. "We would of course work out the details, and we will have to wait for the building materials to be replenished upon finishing your residences. Tell me, do you have any crafters in your midst? There is a niche to fill in finely made pottery
15:40:48 <Soppy> and dishware, rugs, and other such high end goods."
15:46:07 <@AndrewRogue> Tora clears his throat and casts a glance at his mother. "We do have a multitude of talents among our own, though I am less familiar with them than my mother."
15:48:01 <Euphemia_> "Darling, you are too modest. But still, a concert hall and a temple are one and the same, so I cannot object to that," muses Lee. "As for craftsmanship, why, woodwork for the most part. Our skills in that regard were put to use creating ornaments and furniture for temples- and instruments, of course, but the same kind of work goes into making things like,
15:48:01 <Euphemia_> oh, bowls, bows, and so on. Perhaps it would be most wonderful if we could reserve a large workshop for our use in that regard."
15:51:06 <Soppy> "Excellent. There are some more regional forms that are in demand inland, of which we have a few artisans to teach your people. Perhaps we can create a demand either inland or for export for your particular goods." he nods, having another sip. "It may perhaps be best to integrate the workshop into the housing plans, for efficiency."
15:53:09 <@AndrewRogue> "Not to be crass, but I must ask before we go further: what are the intents to repay the debt for the land and materials we will be using?"
15:53:20 <@AndrewRogue> *methods, not intents
15:57:19 <Soppy> "As I said before, long term loans with low rates of interest can be arranged for much of it. Taxes will be levied, of course, at a variable rate depending on your income once you get up and running. I can have someone to assist you with the books to ensure everything is tracked correctly, or I would be willing to do it myself if needed. Once we know the final bill, we can talk of that more though."
15:59:36 <@AndrewRogue> Tora takes a drink of his tea. "We will have to check those numbers before we can begin anything, of course."
16:00:01 <Soppy> "Of course."
16:01:48 <@AndrewRogue> "Will we able to do that in absence of your Lady?"
16:05:09 <Soppy> "I don't see why not. You've already begun situating yourselves here. The inertia of your arrival will keep you going far longer than you suspect. I don't think the locals or the Lady's troops are so undisciplined to move to kick you out so quickly."
16:05:35 <Euphemia_> "I see! Then, may I ask something?" asks Lee, answering her own question. "The Sound-From-Fire, our ship, will be used during the upcoming Inaban expedition to Nine Rivers... as well as a number of my people acting as sailors, along with the contributions of my own person to the diplomatic effort, of course. Although I, how to say it, struggle quite heavily
16:05:35 <Euphemia_> to put a value on my presence, I feel that negotiating with spirits and godlings is a speciality of sorts of mine worthy of compensation.
16:05:35 <Euphemia_> "I do not need much in the way of money for myself, and it pains me to make such a request, but I would hope our efforts in that regard might contribute to offset the overall fiscal burden placed upon my people."
16:07:57 <Soppy> "I can account for fair value of the services, yes. Would you like payment in advance, or subtracted from the final bill for construction materials?"
16:12:03 <Euphemia_> "Oh, whatever Tora wants, I don't need to hold the silver in my palm to know it was used properly, though," replies Lee, finding the topic of money rather boring and doing little to hide it. "I am quite sure you will come to a fair and equitable arrangement regarding funding." She cups her chin. "I do hope I can continue to contribute directly to the
16:12:03 <Euphemia_> well-being of Inaba. Ah, that reminds me," she adds, thoughtfully. "I heard there was a disused shrine in the region?"
16:17:55 <@AndrewRogue> Tora clears his throat. "We can, of course, discuss how that will factor in as well, yes."
16:18:50 <Soppy> He smiles to Lee, trying to boost her out of boredom. "I am sure you will, Lady Aaeiko." he chuckles, sipping again, "For the shrine I've heard of the same, but Lady Hakuhi would be the one to ask about that. Or the local shrine near the northern exit."
16:21:31 <Euphemia_> "Certainly. We'll see that it's done," muses Lee. "Ah, now, there's something else I wanted to ask! I wish to find instruction in the local language," she tells Vol. "Of course, I'll be with Lady Hakuhi for the forseeable future, and Master Khun as well, so I'm sure I'll get plenty of opportunities. I don't suppose you could help us with some formal
16:21:31 <Euphemia_> education in the matter, though? We're going to need to be able to talk to one another to blend in... and without knowledge of the Tongue of Dragons, we will have some difficulty securing the patronage and respect of the learned folk."
16:23:21 <Soppy> "Ha. Of course, Lady Aaeiko. I myself am going through the same process. I will refer you to my own tutor, recommended by Lady Hakuhi. She is quite skilled, if strict. We can see about bringing in more tutors from inland as well."
16:26:05 <Euphemia_> "Strict, hmm?" Lee lowers her eyes for a moment. "Of course. That's what you want out of any teacher. I expect it will be a humbling experience, starting from the beginning in a new topic," she muses. "Do you know, most people never learn anything new after they reach adulthood? It's a truly shocking thing, when you consider it properly."
16:27:00 <Soppy> "Yes, I have heard that. It surprises me immensely, when you consider the amount of truly fascinating things out in the world."
16:28:12 <@AndrewRogue> "Thankfully our people are not as most others and will no doubt take to the challenges of learning the Tongue of Dragons."
16:30:14 <Euphemia_> Lee reaches to sip her tea again. "Bluntly stated, true, and yet..." she muses. "Most people are not educated as we are to begin with. You can't learn if you haven't been given the tools to learn, and you certainly can't acquire the tools to learn when your masters refuse to bestow them upon you."
16:31:29 <@AndrewRogue> Tora looks suitably abashed. "No offense was intended, of course. We were a... blessed people given many opportunities."
16:32:53 <Euphemia_> "We certainly aren't intending to compare ourselves to Suizash..ans? Suizashoans?"
16:34:16 <Soppy> Vol's expression eases watching the family interplay, quietly sipping his tea so as not to interrupt. He studies the expressions of Lee's silent attendants in the meantime
16:35:32 <@AndrewRogue> The three of them seem suitably bored by the the discussion of the nonsense that Tora is generally left to handle.
16:35:59 <@AndrewRogue> They are mostly focused on the tea.
16:36:40 <Soppy> "Is the tea to your liking?" he asks, prodding them into conversation


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #20 on: October 14, 2016, 01:49:05 AM »
[17:51] <May> At their regular afternoon meeting, Vol finds Akeha perusing a three page letter written in Riverspeak, and a copy of it in Dragontongue. "Is there anything particularly important on our agenda today?" she asks directly as he enters the room, not even bothering with any kind of greeting formalities.
[17:53] <Soppy> He seems almost immediately ready to answer that. "Other than, apparantly, that I am to run the town in your absence soon? No." he smiles to her in being one step ahead as usual.
[18:01] <May> "Good, I have a revised contract of responsbility here, and a copy you won't have to explain to Aiko," Akeha counters, narrowing her eyes at Vol. "I'm leaving you in administrative control of the docks and the enforcement of civil order. If any threats are deemed existential, Aiko will have command of the town," she explains, pushing the Riverspeak copy across the table. "Assuming you're amiable to this."
[18:01] * Joins: Euphemia_
[18:13] <Soppy> "I am. If quite surprised." he sets upon reading it, "For the sake of Lady Aaeiko and her group, I would specifically include issues that arise with them under one of those two aegises. A misunderstanding where Aiko claims jursdiction with them could be... messy."
[18:15] * Quits: Aziraphale (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
[18:21] * Joins: Aziraphale
[18:25] <May> "Short of an open conflict involving scores of their people, disputes or other issues pertaining to our guests will be under your authority," Akeha agrees, drawing out two sheets of paper and beginning to write an additional command in both tongues. "Aiko is loyal and competent beyond doubt, but not especially diplomatic. I will try to impress on her the necessity of leaving diplomacy to you for the time being."
[18:37] <Soppy> "Indeed." he agrees, continuing to read. "I am glad you remembered to note my placement at the head of the bureaucracy would stay. I do serve at your pleasure, but not in your absence, one might argue. Keeping that clear is a good catch." he nods, finishing up. "Everything seems to be in order. Except my jaw, which I will pick up off the ground shortly." 
[18:47] <May> "Who did you think I would trust with administering the town?" Akeha wonders curiously, her voice a bit wry as she finished and then stamped the additional orders. "Will this be an issue with your firm? I can request your continued stay and provide further payment if needed to convince them."
[18:50] <Soppy> "Well, Hana has proven competent, if still somewhat set in the old ways. As a figurehead for the bureaucracy, she would have done. Aiko as well, in a similar regard for your troops." he lets the issue pass without further comment though, brushing it away with a gesture. "It should not. My assignment was rather open-ended. For them too, I serve at your pleasure."
Sysreset Updater: There are 4 new updates for SysReset available. Please check the Update Manager to list the changes.
[19:00] <May> "I trust you won't try to directly order my samurai around except in purely civil enforcement contexts," Akeha laughs. "Or that you will persuade Aiko to issue your proscriptions as orders. I will ask her to maintain discipline and order within the company... I certainly don't expect you to weild much influence with them beyond civil administration."
[19:01] <Soppy> "Of course not, Lady Hakuhi. I have some semblence of self-preservation." he laughs with her.
[19:09] <May> "So, how much do you want?" Akeha asks baldly.
[19:13] <Soppy> "Hmm." he ponders that, "A bonus, of course. Perhaps a more permenant residence in with the rest of the bureaucrats. The hotel accomodations are adequate, but it appears they will be necessary for others in the future. No need to hog such a room for my ownsome."
[19:23] <May> "Very well... I'll expect a number by the time I return," Akeha nods. "Any other concerns?"
[19:28] <Soppy> "Not particularly. The rest are personal. I will probably draw one of the lot to serve as my assistant. Have you, umm... broken the news to Aiko?"
[19:35] <May> "No, but I don't foresee it being particularly problematic."


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #21 on: October 14, 2016, 02:46:27 AM »
((OOC: Per Andy's Approval, 5 XP and 2 Solar XP shall be spent on upgrading Rishi's Dodge from 4 to 5))


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #22 on: October 14, 2016, 04:56:29 AM »
((OOC: Still need roll on from Excal. That said, you all are free to start the boat trip. But for that to begin, I need to know what your intentions are.

Planning on just heading for the capital city of Nine Rivers without stopping, planning out a trip with various places you can hit, going to attempt to make contact with various goddesses or spirits along the way, etc? Let me know what the base objective of the trip is!))


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #23 on: October 14, 2016, 05:07:14 AM »
OOC: I propose we chart a route to the capital that will take us past some known temples or shrines, where we might be able to announce our coming to local divinities and get a better assessment of the situation. If we come across a Wyld Gate or similar static disturbance in our path, we should naturally destroy it, but let's not take any significant detours until we can reach an agreement with local rulers.


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #24 on: October 14, 2016, 07:18:53 AM »
OOC: I second the motion.