Author Topic: What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!  (Read 12901 times)


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What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!
« on: January 22, 2023, 08:33:27 PM »
Guess somebody might as well start the new thread.

Finished C9, up to C10 in FE Engage.  Playing on Hard Casual (for 10 Divine Pulses + battle saves, death = reload / rewind still) with the Heroes DLC but without doing any grinding, at least so far.  It seems pretty great so far, definitely a nice update of some of the "classic" FE ideas (i.e. *strong* counters, somewhat fixed character initial builds) rather than the more freeform system of Fates.  I also like the reduction of some of the "monastery busywork"...  although stuff like the Arena is still "press this button 3 times and watch the game play itself" for a huge support bonus at the cost of your time, and there's still some picking-up-glowing-stuff-on-the-ground simulator also seen in Triangle Strategy.   (I know you automatically get all bond points when you exit even if you missed a conversation, but is the same true for ore?)

I am a little worried with the Emblem system getting a little too nonsense once more rings are acquired.  I'd have definitely kind of preferred a system where you only had 3-4 Emblem users on the team, a la Jeanne d'Arc, to make them stand out more - will this still be true when there's 10 Emblem Rings on the field?  (And it'll presumably devalue the Bond Ring internal gacha system after practically nobody is wearing a Bond Ring anymore.)  I do like the lack of Rescue / Shove and fairly low movement by default to make the crazy Emblem movement powers feel properly significant.

Plot-wise, I was chatting with Djinn in Discord on this...  some speculation as of C6 or so.  (Usual disclaimer that I haven't read Internet spoilers/leaks/trailers, so this is just SF's speculation, not raw truth.)
Before the game begins, the totally obvious assumption everyone had was that Alear is the child of a Divine Dragon and a Fell Dragon to explain the mixed toothpaste hair + heterochromia eyes.  As of C3, I was saying that I was getting the impression based on dialogue that it would also be entirely consistent with what was stated that Alear was in fact just a Fell Dragon straight-up.  (Or, alternatively, that there is no distinction between Fell Dragons and Divine Dragons to begin with.)  Basically, do the Knights of the Old Republic plot where you are a mind-wiped villain given a new start, it's about choices not an evil nature or some such.  Lumera specifically says that she enjoyed *becoming* Alear's mother, which is a very suspicious turn of phrase (yeah, yeah, amnesia excuse).  Lumera also asks "did fighting me trigger any memories" after C2.  The flashback Alear has shows a mysterious red-haired person talking with Lumera, but Alear isn't in the picture.  More bluntly, the opening video shows a red-haired person "beneath" Alear, suggesting that the blue is just a nice magical coat of paint on top of a red fell dragon, perhaps explained by Lumera injecting her divine dragon energy into Alear as she claims at the end of C3.  At the time, I thought it was still possible there's some DBZ-fusion between Mysterious Red Person and Lumera's real kid that made Alear...  but... of C6, I'm willing to call the original theory near-confirmed, or at least the narrative wants us to think this (and ruling out the fusion possibility).  Both the bad guy in C5 and at the very start of C7 express surprise that Lumera had a kid at all, saying that they thought she was the last of her kind.  Once might be flavor, but twice is a plot point - this is pretty well identical to the "Huh, that's weird, I thought Mycen didn't have a grandkid" lines in FE Echoes.  So yeah, Lumera somehow "adopted" a fell dragon kid, used Emblem Marth to turn them into a paragon of fighting for friends and justice. and that's gonna be the Big Surprise revealed soon, and the villain's gonna be all "YOU CANNOT DENY YOUR NATURE" and Alear's gonna be all "I stand with my friends!" etc. etc.

Going to presume that the mysterious magical girl is the same person as the shadowed boss ordering the evil team around and is also a fell dragon.  She also had a fully red-stone she said came from her sibling so I presume she's dealing with the fact that her sibling has been brainwashed to join team good.


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Re: What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2023, 05:06:51 PM »
Final Fantasy VII Remake- Fin, kept forgetting to make a threat!

So everything in the game, for the most part, is at worst drags a little or is kinda messily executed and at best is fucking brilliant.  The degree to which the characters are captured really just makes the subset of people who were just angry at the ending completely baffling to me.  Like, look, whatever you think about Nomura or Kingdom Hearts or whatever the fuck, the writers clearly understand the cast and the heart of the original FFVII, so any new directions they take here are gonna ring true.

Honestly I think the game starts off kinda overtuned, enough that I just cranked it down to easy and left it.  It probably is actually fine after Guard Scorpion?  Or mostly fine, especially once the game properly explains some of the more arcade mechanics, but it really doesn't start very fun.  I do appreciate the balance they found though for making the customization robust but also giving themselves space to play later to make the next part feel like an expansion rather than having to treadmill the same level arc again.  I mean, it might anyways, but there's space left to explore.
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Re: What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2023, 07:11:08 AM »
Fire Emblem but it's also a magical girl anime Engage - Got past C11 and oh no it's the consequences of listening to a bunch of idiots from toxic masculinity kingdom, who could've seen this coming, certainly not I.  Oh well, can't say I was expecting much from the game on the writing front and it hasn't really... sunken below my low expectations, yet.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2023, 07:40:51 PM »
Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope - Finished this since my last writeup, more or less posted my thoughts in the Game Reviews 2022 thread already. A good game.

Tactics Ogre Reborn - Completed. An enjoyable enough spin on the original, I was a little leery of the cards but they ended up being pretty fun. Revival giving you a turn instantly makes most of the game easier than PSP, but then the final boss is much tougher, and a very satisfying ending to the game when he was a dud in PSP, so that's a good change in my books.

Into the Breach - Definitely enjoying this! It makes a fun little bus game. Had a bit of a learning curve but after a couple failed playthroughs I've had a 100% success rate as I work through each of the teams in sequence (going for four island finishes because why not), although two of the most recent teams (the frozen titans and the hazardous mechs) I've come very close to losing. One thing I appreciate about the game is that there were several points where I thought "man the game really needs this" and then it turned out the game actually had this (namely: you can check the enemy turn order, and you can go back and check your party before choosing a reward). Overall mostly pretty polished. I wish it was a little more generous on rewinds I suppose?

Fire Emblem Engage - Probably the game to talk about. The writing... yeah I'm not really happy that this is the followup to Three Houses. Good thing the gameplay is really good! Map design is excellent, boss fights are exciting in a way the series hardly ever manages, classes feel interesting and reasonably balanced, same-turn reinforcements are once again gone even on the highest difficulty. Emblems are a bit IDK, I'm the opposite of Snowfire in that I really don't like feeling that I'm really favouring 3-4 of my units over the others (something the game has a lot of between emblems, limited master seals at my point, weapon engraves, etc.). But I'm having a great time anyway. Just finished Chapter 8. Unit notes! No second seals yet.

Alear - Probably the weakest main character since Marth. Sword lock is pretty blah because javelins/hand axes are good in this game. If I didn't give her an Emblem she'd probably be quite trashy. As is she can at least mess up axe-users something fierce, and Lodestar Rush is solid (and legitimately a bit better on her than other units).

Vander - In a similar vein, probably the weakest jagen since... Jagen. By my point he's basically fallen off. Still really great early, though - that 40 HP in particular let him take punishment nobody else could (except Louis vs physicals).

Clanne, Celine, Citrinne - All seem generically competent. Mages are solid since they troubleshoot certain enemy types very well and do competent chip against a bunch of others, and Thunder is a nice option. Celica's also an extremely good emblem because Warp Ragnarok is busted. These three all have slightly different stats but I don't have a strong feeling on which one is best and it may depend on RNG a bit.

Framme - Chain Guard is a nifty feature for a healer. Sometimes healers lack a useful action on a quiet turn right before a messy turn. Not any more! Lets you bait on some things that might otherwise be dangerous indeed. Besides that she heals nad occasionally attacks though she's pretty bad at it.

Alfred - 6 base speed is no bueno at least on Maddening, and unfortunately (spoiler alert) lance user competition is stacked. He only has +1 move on Louis, though does not make up for being only slightly faster and having about 10 less def.

Etie - Archer with a strength focus, well I'm glad they got the memo that the starting archer needs some sort of offensive stat. Her other stats are pretty bad, but you can do worse than one-shotting fliers in this game. Mini Bow and Longbow provide cool options to a class that often feels underbaked, but not in this game.

Boucheron - Axedude. So the niche of regular infantry is backup, free extra chip damage (3), amazing for one-rounding bosses. His stat build doesn't really inspire past that, but hey, someone's gotta sue axes and Vander sure is falling off so.

Chloe - Basically my team superstar, Chloe has run Sigurd so has crazy offence (thanks, Momentum which she can basically always utilize well thanks to flight + game-best speed), canter. Now she has promoted and can even use staves.

Louis - Armour knights... good? Is this still FE? Move could obviously be better but right now it's at least still infantry level, and he has really good def! And he's immune to break so yeah, tank things and toss javelins/melee weapons back as needed. Dies horribly to mages which is a bit limiting, but still one of my better units.

Jean - Not in the mood to play around with the villager archetype on a first playthrough, thanks. Healer version is at least easier to level than they sometimes are (looking at you, Donnel).

Yunaka - Generically solid stats: not as fast as I'd have expected from a thief, but bulkier? She can absorb punishment and counters everything (1-2 range, can't be broken by WTD). Have left Micaiah on her because her enemy phase is good (and player phase is less relatively good because she can't break things herself), so healing's a good player phase option. And certainly Micaiah's healing potential is very impressive. As is the exp you gain if you heal 3+ people with Mend.

Anna - Seemed kinda terrible, Boucheron but worse/underlevelled (better speed largely offset by worse build, the durability was bad).

Alcryst - Strength is a bit lower than Etie, but other stats are significantly better, so he can be used in a lot of situations, and he's still got the oomph to one-shot most fliers so far. One of my earliest promotions because of his good starting level, no regrets.

Lapis - Of the non-paralogue characters she seems like the clear loser so far? Sword lock is bad in this game (especially since she's a backup, like Boucheron, but can't equip a 1-2 weapon axe, at least right now), Alear's already forced to snag the good swords, and you get a better sword user one chapter later anyway.

Diamant - i.e. this guy. Not too impressive before promotion (4 move + 1 range woes, but promotion has made him very solid. None of his stats are exceptional but with hand axes as an option he becomes a versatile backup you can position in a lot of places, just as long as he isn't forced to take too much heat (especially magical).

Amber - Alfred is that you again. I guess he's a bit faster but I'm still not a big fan.

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Re: What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2023, 09:00:10 PM »
Fire Emblem Engage: Cleared C17, that one was fun (except for corrupted wyrms which are the bane of my existence, yes i totally want the fe7 dragon in miniboss form and for anti-dragon weapons to not work on them because fuck you fell dragon isn't dragon dragon), the bumbling escapades of Magical Vtuber Alear continue to continue in the established weird mix of camp and drama direction (which in fairness has still managed to avoid falling below my low expectations) and I cannot hold all these shitty dads.  Seriously there is so much shitty dad energy from the villain cast (and King Moron tbh, fuck that guy too).

I'm not as enamored with the gameplay as Elf is.  CON is still a bad balancing mechanic and should feel bad, the pre-C11 team is... dangerously close to Dawn Brigade levels of incompetence (and don't even get me started on winners like Lapis and smol Anna) which doesn't at all help the aforementioned focus on 3-4 PCs issue (which is and has always been the lamest way to play FE), which is also not helped by how SP/skill inheritence works, and despite the game utiliizing revolutionary techniques to make armor knights actually good while preserving their core identity class balance is still pretty bad honestly, just in different (and perhaps hilarious) directions.  Like how are we still finding new and exciting ways to make monosword culture worse?  And of course Smash weapons, while not... completely useless do feel a bit underbaked. 

I mean, don't get me wrong, this is still beating the GBA experience pretty cleanly, probably Awakening too if I'm honest (the lack of ninja reinforcements helps), but it's harder to say that it's beating 3H on that front so far and I definitely don't think 3H is in the conversation for best FE gameplay.

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Re: What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2023, 02:36:39 AM »
I'm probably a bit higher on map design and the feel of battles when you're actually in them. I definitely agree that SP/skill inheritance systems seem kinda clunky and the comments on focusing on certain PCs, so sure, if you factor in all aspects of gameplay I think it's perfectly reasonable to rank this one below 3H; good chance I'll even agree though I want to finish the game first. Granted, with the 3H class system factored in it's top two for pre-Engage FEs for me.

Up to Chapter 12. I do wish this game had better writing because I think the gameplay sometimes does quite good work in service of said writing. Like goodness if Chapter 10 didn't manage to sell the epic it wanted to be, and Chapter 11 felt like a suitably frightening escape map even if IMO it was actually one of the easier maps in a while, and the moment midway through the map where the proverbial cavalry arrives hit with me with exactly the feeling of relief the game was aiming for.

Incidentally the lead Chapter 11 recruit seems crazy good, at base + Master Seal she has no non-luck stat below 14 + isn't weighed down by Elfire + flying + staves WTF, she dunks on the other three mages so hard and they weren't bad! The thief with +10 evade on enemy phase and great non-res stats is also welcome. Swordmaster with similarly great stats isn't very interesting but I'm sure he has a niche if you wanted, and hey there's a Levin Sword in Chapter 12 so swords are no longer trash at chain attacks, I imagine?

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Re: What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2023, 07:26:09 AM »
On the topic of Emblem balance: Oh, don't get me wrong, I agree that low-manning and just having a few characters that matter is the lamest way to play FE.  But the Emblems do a pretty good job of giving amazing but also limited bonuses that aren't just raw stat juggernauting so the effect is less degenerate than something like Radiant Dawn's various nigh-unkillable super-characters.  Basically, I was just worried that being able to deploy everything would inherently reduce the uniqueness and value compared to balancing the map a little easier, but then having 3-5 powers that really stand-out.

FE Engage: Finished C19, up to Chapter 20 (although in reality doing like 4 paralogues in a row first).  Gameplay remains great so far, with the one proviso that the level curve has gone a bit wonky from all the paralogues that open up...  not doing them feels like missing out on content, but doing them can lead to being a bit overleveled in the story missions.  I've been leaving all my dutifully collected stat boosters in the inventory (even the Boots!) which helps some, but I do feel like C19 didn't have a whole lot of teeth.

I am most reminded of FE Sacred Stones in some ways by the plot of this game.  It's not reaaaally about establishing the setting, but rather introducing you to a bunch of handsome anime princes & princesses who go on an adventure against the Bad Guy Nation which has somehow simultaneously invaded everywhere, and hopefully selling you on the character moments.  It remains to be seen if we get something as good as the Ephraim/Eirika/Lyon triangle ended up being. 

And side note: the realm of Engage is...  suspiciously well-constructed.  Four kingdoms each in a corner of the map, 2 kings, 2 queens, exactly two royal kids each in all the combinations (pair of brothers, pair of sisters, elder brother + younger sister, elder sister + younger brother)..  maybe not a big deal if it turns out this was a divinely planned thing a la The Twelve Kingdoms light novel/anime, but definitely not an "organic" arrangement, which FE8 at least attempted to honor with funky borders and more variety in the countries - this place is a republic, this place is a theocracy, etc.

General comments readable with what I knew at the time (i.e. spoiler-safe for that chapter)...

C9-C11: I realize that the "hurry it up" nature of the game meant it couldn't leave room for tons of plot to set up the deal with Morion and had to settle for a few lines, but I still wish there was *something* more.  The game clearly understands at least somewhat that Brodia's rather martial style isn't all glory and honor in Alcryst being a rather different reaction than Felix of retreating into insecurity rather than defiance, but I think it still wants Morion to be basically competent.  But whyyyyy fight Hyacinth without an Emblem Ring when the game's plot all but establishes this is a huge power boost?!  If you need the Roy ring for the player for gameplay purposes, have Morion just fight and *lose* but then throw the Ring back dramatically, since it's not like the mechanics of taking or keeping Rings is consistent in this game anyway.  Having him lose but only because the fight is rigged against him just feels like a bad author "explaining" how his super-awesome guy could lose - no, it's okay to just have alleged badasses lose, and I'd rather that then have them be inexplicably idiots in a way that seems out-of-character idiocy.  And why the heck was King Hyacinth "trying" to kill Iris if we can trust Alear's hypothesis?  If I want to extend a *lot* of credit to the writing, A) Hyacinth was mind-controlled at some nebulous point in the past, B ) his non-mind controlled side knew about Sombron's hunger for 'sovereign blood', and C) he'd rather have his daughters dead than drunk dry by Lord Vampire.  But...  I'm not inclined to make those leaps unless the game wants to explain itself a little more.

Also, hey, the devs agree with me that too many Emblems right away won't let them all stand-out, so I approve of yanking your Emblems even if the mechanics for what happened there don't make tooooons of sense.  But whatever, enemy with a Time Crystal and a dark god means that the hard part to explain is less losing the rings and more "how did you survive at all", and the answer there is obvious, nobody wants a bad end this early.  I was amused as well that you start off the game with the OG Japan heroes of FE1/2/4, and then restart the game with Lyn & Lucina for the American starter experience as well - nice meta tip there.

C12: Fogado is cool.  I know that it's de rigeur because it allows dramatic scenes, but it's bizarre how often Our Heroes get ambushed or walk into the middle of a fight, so having a plot setup that is very directly "yo I heard bad guys are here, let's go clean them out" is nice because it makes way more sense for us to be on the offensive.

I gave Lyn to Alear and Lucina to Alcryst.  While it's very cute for "Marth" to replace Marth, Lucina has horrible synergy with Alear - they seem one of the very worst characters to give her.  She makes any unit a backup, so you want longrange units: read archers that can equip Longbows or mages that can equip Thunder.  Alear has bad move and usually 1 threat range with their unique sword and isn't that dangerous with a Levin Sword.  Also has no use for Bow Agility if you care, while I had already gotten Avoid +10 from Marth on Alcryst to stack with Bow Agility, so dodgy archer, sure.

Meanwhile, sorry Marth, but Blazing Blade was the first Fire Emblem game ever made and so Lyn is the true first Fire Emblem lord and thus the true companion of Alear.  The Dragon boost for Lyn is great - +5 range on Astra Storm for easy sniping of escaping thieves or backline healers/mages, and more generally some range really helps a slow swordy character.  This is also easily the best game for Speedtaker when the -Taker skills were really niche before - it doesn't come insanely late, doesn't cost a skill slot, and Lyn gives you something to do with the overkill Speed in Alacrity (and just generally great Avoid rates).  Oh, and an extra clone too for the Echoes Invoke experience as well as 'nobody in range' turns to set up massive Chain attacks.  Really happy with Alear having her.

C13:They weren't kidding about Ike being one of the strongest Emblems.  I guess he DID knock a goddess back to sleep, but more importantly, he fights for his friends, which means shoving his friends, which means the mighty REPOSITION from FEH & 3H.  Congrats, Ike, you are now friends with half my army.  Just 400 Bond Points and 200 SP to learn Repo?  Greatest deal ever.

Also, Timerra, but did we just destroy this market to save it...?  ...are we the baddies?  (Side note: her support with Alear involves her doing various helping-out style quests a la Black Panther, and I'm sure it's meant to be against evildoers, but she just says 'bandits'.  There's a potential shadier interpretation here about a royal who runs around the countryside killing people and saying that whoever she killed was a bandit, though...

C14: The cutscene for this wins the "Would rather have had it in sprites where you couldn't see what was going on."  It's SUPPOSED to be a tense hostage scene, but it's blatantly obvious that everyone is, like, 2 feet from each other at a cocktail party, and Hortensia isn't even wielding a weapon!  Yeah yeah she mentions she has an Emblem, but still.  Then she backs down but despite everyone still being two feet away from each other, the Queen is maybe still a hostage?  Then somehow an entire Elysian army sneaks into the palace afterward, after Hortensia apparently got in mostly legit?  I can see Hortensia's excuse, but how did the ARMY get in?!  Yeaaaah don't think about this too hard.

I will say continue the FE8 analogy, I get the vague impression that the older games would more frequently have the villain separated from the crew and the omniscient player could just see Selena talking to Myrrh or her lackies or whatever, and we understood that the player knew stuff the PCs didn't sometimes.  While there are "villain cam" scenes, the actual pre-battles seem to be more firmly Alear's vantage point, with the result of lots of pre-battle chats via loudspeaker or something.

Anyway, fun map.  I will say that surprise filler PC that wins an award is Pandreo of all people... still no Micaiah meant I needed another backup staffer other than Framme, and damn if Pandreo isn't really good for this map.  Surprisingly fast, still murders armor just fine with tomes, doesn't need an Emblem, and his excellent resistance gets put to excellent use baiting the Hounds at the end of the map who are hugely magical.  A little weird using the priest as bait, but if you guys are gonna heavily invest into magic damage...

...that said, this map has maybe the rudest reinforcement trigger I've seen so far?  You can be fairly deep into your turn when suddenly, mooks for Hortensia to summon.  I get that the devs wanted to show off Demonic Dance or whatever, and Time Crystal exists, but still.  I ended up not needing to Time Crystal it but only because Alear got some lucky dodges on 50 Accuracy enemy attacks.

Pre-C16 Paralogues: Lucina's was really easy, even when done far below the recommended level.  Lyn's was more intense...  it wasn't so bad until closing in on Emblem Lyn herself.  Thankfully she'll use Astra Storm every turn she can, which is good because it's a waste of her insane speed that doubles absolutely everyone with Killer Bow.  My Chloe barely survived Astra Storm so as long as I kept her at full health and out of range, Emblem Lyn would waste an Astra Storm on her every other turn.  Meanwhile she's super-dodgy but I eventually ground her down.

Ike's paralogue is hilarious.  I won't spoil but it starts with a FE9 map but it...  does not go the way the FE9 map did!

Emblem Corrin talks about how tough her decision was and artfully picks a pre-split map not to annoy any of her other selves.  I get you have to be diplomatic, Corrin, but really, it's not that hard a choice - Hoshido/Birthright was the right choice.  Go talk to the version of yourself from that split, who is rather forthright about Garon being crazy and a murderer!  Her map was pretty easy though.

Byleth's map seems to be a trap, and I'm not doing it.  Maybe it'd be worthwhile if running an aggro Byleth for the Divine Pulse+ skill, but I'm running support Byleth on Framme.  Unless Sword of the Creator is crazy broken, this means doing a Dance of the Goddess every single Engage before finding Emblem energy to promptly do it again.  I actively don't want the L11 "longer Engage" bonus - I'd want a shorter Engage if anything!  It's definitely come up where there's a Goddess Dance, sync expire, be ready to immediately step on Emblem energy, and finish off the boss before the next wave of reinforcements comes with another Goddess Dance.

C17: I baited Mauvier & Marni & their goons to move in on me at the same time (maybe this always happens?  I did Astra Storm in the area though, so it's possible there's a way to safely bait just Mauvier) while some of my team was off the other direction killing Griss's goons, so this proved a little intense.  In particular, Mauvier had Nosferatu equipped and was insanely dangerous - tanky, fast, parasitic healing, yikes.  I barely survived the horde with Great Aether + some Obstruct staff blockages + Shadow Clone distractions and managed to pin Mauvier with 4 surrounding units, but still had no idea how the hell I was gonna break him aside from wait for the rest of my army to return and set up some sort of massive Chain Attacks from range + Smash attack shove off the forest tile I'd trapped him on...  but then, after getting back to full health from the Reforge procs, he switched to Shine because I guess the AI decided he was already healthy enough.  YOU FOOL!  YOU WERE AS UNTO A GOD LIKE A PAIRED-UP THARJA!  Well then.

V & CH prove a nice way to show off Corrin's extreme brokenness, stopping CH in his tracks with nobody to attack for turns on end along with some of his goons via Torrential Roar & magic.

My team so far is Alear, Framme, Alfred, Celine, Boucheron, Chloe, Yunaka, Diamant, Alcryst, Fogado, Timerra, Pandreo.  Maybe larger writeups with Emblems later.  But yeah, kinda basic spamming of royals since I figure they're likely to have more plot and lots of Firenese (even when some aren't that great...  Chloe has more Bld than Alfred, sorry, your bodybuilding attempt failed).  And yes, there's a few obvious missing power characters, I figure I want to save some for my next playthrough (on Maddening?).
« Last Edit: January 30, 2023, 05:56:03 PM by SnowFire »

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Re: What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2023, 11:44:47 PM »
Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Celebrating new Fire Emblem by playing slightly less new Fire Emblem. This one was a random run with the following rules:

-A twelve-person team is randomly generated using non-Anna members of the playable cast. Byleth is one of the twelve.
-Each unit is randomly assigned two skills to train in. Once those are seen, I get to choose a third.
-Characters may not use any weapon or magic in battle that is not one of these three skills.
-Any advanced or master class can ONLY be qualified for if the two highest (or only) skill rank requirement(s) of that class are from the list of skills a character can train in. e.g. to qualify as an assassin, the character must be training sword+bow. To qualify as Bow Knight, the character must be training bow+riding (but not necessarily lance). etc.
-A character can not qualify for a one-prerequisite class (e.g. swordmaster, warlock) using their chosen third skill.
-A character can train other skills for the purpose of recruitment and class certifications. Note that all beginner and intermediate classes are still on the table, so characters can still get useful skills like Death/Fiendish Blow.
-Authority is not affected by this run; anyone can train that however they want.
-Maddening NG no grinding etc.
-Other characters can be used to fill out a roster but may only use their default-trained skills and can not certify for advanced/master classes (except Wyvern Rider for male adjutants)

So who did I get? Here's the list. The skill I chose is in parentheses. Note that as soon as I rolled Claude, I was of course locked to Verdant Wind, so I removed characters unavailable on VW from subsequent dicerolls. I don't recall what order I rolled them in; it's not this.

Byleth: Sword, Reason (Faith) [Monk -> Mage -> Enlightened One -> Mortal Savant]: Sword and reason means a magic focused Byleth. She was actually very solid midgame with Gloucester Knights, good stats overall and lots of flexibility (Thunderbrand for a big punch, various physicals and magic otherwise). Kinda fell off late as the stats didn't really scale well enough, but never terrible. Going faith gave her some healing, probably more valuable than anything else.

Claude: Bow, Reason (Riding) [Monk -> Mage/Archer -> Sniper -> Bow Knight]: Like Byleth, got his signature weapon and reason, I decided to add Riding because if I'm gonna get reason, might as well use some magic, and the flying magic battalion sucks. Anyway unlike Byleth, reason magic never really was worth anything. Magic Bow was, though, with Fiendish Blow it could one-round armours... some of which he'd have gotten with Death Blow on a normal build, but shhh. Anyway Bow Knight Claude kicks ass, this isn't new, incredible ability to both one-round and control with canto and great threat range. Probably the #2 PC of the run. Also I got him to S+ bows in the final chapter, something I'd never done with a non-Shamir PC before. Thanks sauna.

Leonie: Sword, Lance (Flying) [Soldier -> Brigand/Pegasus Knight -> Swordmaster -> Falcon Knight]: Well as a Swordmaster she had great offence and good durability but the usual "oh yeah 5 move this class sucks actually" woes. As a Falcon Knight (which she was starting at... Chapter 17 iirc), yeah, the obvious MVP by far. Crazy dodgetanking with Alert Stance+ later, good offence and speed. Finished with something nutty like 36 str and 45 spd (there were a couple stat boosters in there), did two thirds of the final boss's HP with a single Brave Lance+ quad.

Hapi: Riding, Bow (Reason) [Valkyrie -> Dark Knight]: Standard Hapi... without legal access to faith, sob. Still useful for the extreme range (6!), Banshee, and monster cheesing as usual. Bows didn't add too much overall, but did give her a slight accuracy push against Tomebreaker enemies and a damage push against fliers, with the Magic Bow (and, earlier, before she gets Death, a range boost with Curved Shot).

Annette: Lance, Flying (Axe) [Fighter -> Brigand -> Wyvern Rider -> Wyvern Lord]. I got her in Chapter 3 and this was a mistake since without magic she's just utterly awful then, E+ axes and bad stats! Generally the twelfth PC. She had Death Blow and could actually swing a half-decent Brave Axe, or try to go for magic damage but Manuela had Nuvelle Fliers on lockdown so not much. She also got random utility like Rally and Impregnable Wall. Obviously not great but she had just enough utility on a few fronts to feel fine. And y'know Bolt Axe+ hands out good linked attacks to Mercedes (when she wasn't busy being Mercedes's adjutant).

Bernadetta: Bow, Faith (Riding) [Pegasus Knight -> Valkyrie -> Bishop -> Holy Knight]: So I did a bunch of extra investment to get Valkyrie then forgot that doing so was breaking my rules... but rather than just sink all that I just let her only be Valkyrie as an adjutant. She had some value as a Physic bot (especially once Mercedes lost a few uses of it midgame, see below) who could eventually also Rescue (but not very far) and Encloser (though at 2 range, Encloser's not nearly as good as on Bow Knight). Couldn't do damage to save her life past the Pegaesus Knight phase. I imagine this build would probably be better with lances instead of bows.

Mercedes: Brawling, Bow (Faith) [Monk -> Mage/Archer -> War Cleric]: I decided to go for War Cleric rather than Sniper so bow was mostly useless (some rare Cuved Shots aside). Anyway War Cleric Mercedes is pretty cool, Aura Knuckles one-round most things and she still gets 3 Physic + 1 Fortify. Really wants Arcane Crystals to go wild but you can buy an Aura Knuckles at the pagan altar which I did for her around Chapter 11 (when she hit A brawling) and though she ran out before the Dark Merchant, I tried to offset that by putting her back in adjutant duty and letting her master Archer.

Dorothea: Sword, Bow (Reason) [Monk -> Mage -> Assassin -> Mortal Savant]: So what if standard Dorothea, but very few supports to benefit from Meteor and no Physic? ... actually still pretty good, one-shots everything midgame and still one-shots snipers and swordmasters as late as Enbarr, and once back in Mortal Savant still had loads of flexibility with her offensive spell list.

Cyril: Sword, Riding (Bow) [Brigand/Archer -> Assassin -> Bow Knight]: Swords are neat enough as Assassin, though once he went Bow Knight he dropped them entirely since Point-Blank Volley is just better. Past that, he's Cyril, this is one of his two bog-standard builds outside the assassin dip. The stats always underwhelm, but the offence is pretty solid anyway.

Caspar: Sword, Lance (Riding) [Cavalier -> Dancer]: SWORD AND LANCE CASPAR the ultimate troll move, no saving that. I guess I could have made him a Paladin and hope his Brave Lance one-shots some squishier enemies but White Heron Cup to the rescue! Swords, of course, allow him to try to do the dodgy version of this build, for all that he was never a primary dodgetank the way Leonie or even Cyril (who held Gautier Knights) were.

Flayn: Axe, Reason (Faith) [Mage -> Warlock -> Gremory]: AXE FLAYN. Actually axes do bring some value, Bolt Axe+ provides 3 range and since my party had five other mages that meant I didn't have to waste a staff on her. Also Bolt Axe Helm Splitter has like 10 more might than Excalibur. Mostly, though, she's the usual, all about overcoming an awful start to get to the point where she actually has utility with Rescue and Fortify and 5 move from Gremory. Usuaully had Fetters of Dromi which made that 6 move and canto which was nice. Still obviously towards the bottom for usefulness overall.

Manuela: Reason, Flying (Faith) [Mage -> Dark Flier]: Did you want FAST MAGE? Yeah she finished with 36 speed or something, second only to Leonie (Claude was similar). Of course she didn't one-round things, but it meant very little one-rounded her, either, which is nice. Bolting, Silence, and Warp are all cool options. Obviously had to overcome her usual bad start, and also had to actually worry about running out of reason uses, but by the time she was Dark Flier with B authority and especially once she hit A reason (which is a slog) she basically never hit the bench, despite never really feeling amazing. It's funny how she and Dorothea can give each other +3 damage with their siege tomes. I hit A+ reason with her with two maps to go and I'm pretty certain I've never hit A+ with a bane before. Anything is possible if you believe in yourself.

When I had spots for adjutants beyond the above I used (in order of priority) Hilda for Claude, Alois for Leonie, and Yuri for Byleth. All give +3 might in addition to the usual 10 hit/evade.

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Re: What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2023, 01:39:42 AM »
Fire Emblem Engage- "Alear's biggest supporter" my foot they exchanged rings they are married game.  Why wouldn't you say that.

There's an underlying story here the game is deeply interested in telling, but it often reads like they felt obligated to include more elements of Marth Plot than actually fit that story.  What's here is fine when the story focuses on it, but neither is it really the best version of the game it was trying to be.  Similarly, what's actually in supports is fine mostly, but the absence of what *isn't* there is downright distracting.  Not helped by most of the first supports you'll get being Framme and Clanne's Alear supports, followed by not really getting that many supports because (until the 2nd wave DLC update anyways) this is the slowest FE for supports since GBA.

Emblems... it's cool to play around with in some ways but it introduces a lot of issues in the game too, both directly (skill emblem is kinda dead to make way for them and that kinda has the effect that what you do with a character matters less than what emblem you slap on them) and indirectly (Paralogue Hell, and also the steady dripfeed of them that's necessary because having a bunch all at once destroys the game balance entirely.)  So like, I like them but also do not want to see them ever again as a core mechanic.

What is undeniable though is this is the best raw map design FE has had in at least 10 years.  I don't feel fully qualified to judge it versus GBA and Tellius but it's in that conversation for best in the series, and it's actually quite striking to see nearly every map offer a variety of enemy types, win conditions, special gimmicks, and side objectives after the era of remakes and Awakening-inspired rout fests.

But yeah ultimately I feel like this needed one more pass on the script and some extra QoL features to really be the best version of the game it wanted to be.  Still alright, but very much middle of the pack.
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Re: What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2023, 08:04:26 AM »
Fire Emblem Engage
Finished this up a bit ago.  It's good...  great even!  The map design is excellent, the gameplay is still Fire Emblem-y while the Emblems give it a cool new twist, and the Emblems themselves manage to be distinctive in ways that aren't just "huge numbers!".  "Paralogue hell" is definitely a balance issue (and one that gets even worse if playing with the DLC!) where the game isn't sure if you ran a bunch of maps on the side before the current plot map and unlocked even bigger stat bonuses, but probably not an easily fixed one...  I know Three Houses has a similar issue in C8/9/10 of White Clouds where, for the Lions & Deer (and Eagles if you do lots of recruitment I suppose), they dump a zillion Paralogues on you that feature major power upgrades with the side effect of the plot missions getting indirectly nerfed.  I liked it enough to start up a replay on Maddening with the intent of using an entirely different endgame team very quickly, although maybe I'll put it on hold if I get an urge to do Octopath Traveler II first.

My final team was the characters I listed before + the final two recruits (who weren't trustworthy and thus did not get Emblem Rings, but did get some Horse Manure).  I mostly stuck to "canon-ish" Emblem choices...   went with Alear+Lyn, Framme+Byleth (no paralogue, pure support), Alfred+Marth, Celine+Corrin, Boucheron+Leif, Chloe+Eirika, Yunaka+Micaiah, Diamant+Roy, Alcryst+Lucina, Fogado+Sigurd, Timerra+Ike, and Pandreo+Celica.

But the plot...  woof.  I won't say it's irredeemable, as it does have a few moments I rather liked, and a few others that at least had potential even if being badly underwritten.  And I grew to like *some* of the characters (e.g. Alfred, Yunaka, Alcryst, Fogado; maybe some of the late recruits to to the extent they can be untangled from the dumb plot they're stuck in), although the game doesn't help itself by having some of its weakest characters show up first (Clanne & Framme!).  I think the most obvious game of comparison plot-wise is Sacred Stones, which also featured a rather underwritten setting, but was much more coherent tonally.  Some thoughts...

* Maybe this will come out more during my replay when I use the Elusian crew and see their supports, but Elusia was WILDLY underwritten if you only watch plot scenes.  We don't learn *much* about Grado or Plegia, but we learn enough.  The best we get is Ivy & Hortensia's conversation in C14, where Ivy says that Elusia is basically the Fell Dragon's country now.  Okay, fine, but...  let's explore that, then.  Which leads into the next problem...

* Given the general light tone, I'd rather they have kept it and let the player decide whether this was Real Fightingzs or if it was FE Fates-style "play combat" where Corrin is somehow sparing everyone.  Instead, C17, C19, and C20 directly suggest that messed up major massacres are going on.  Which...  okay, fine, I actually prefer that, acknowledging death, but they proceed to immediately forgot about it and not address it at all.  Sure, there were towns threatened by monsters in FE8, but that was small towns in the middle of nowhere.  Apparently Sombron depopulated an entire CITY?!  With it implied he may have eaten more?  And there wasn't some sort of revolt or mass refugee crisis?  Okay, of course there wasn't, but point is, it changes the tone for the villains.  It makes the more forgiving, understanding tone the narrative takes with the Hounds a lot harder to credit if they're aiding in a massacre of their own citizens.  But the narrative seems to promptly forget this even happened, nor even use it for an interesting purpose, like as a justification for some big power-up for Sombron a la Awakening.  Like in...

* Chapter 21.  ARGHHHHHHHHHHH!  THIS CUTSCENE WAS SO, SO, SO STUPID!  And I say this as someone who would be 100% fine with Alear dying and losing the rings.  A good narrative needs setbacks, it needs terrible things to happen so that the heroes can overcome it anyway.  But...  it was so, so badly sold!  This is a plot about control of Emblem Rings.  Everyone wants them and the plot hinges on their control.  How...  HOW can you just have Sombron get the rings for no reason?!  Killing Alear might have gotten ALEAR's ring, but all of them?!  And while I didn't mind this in Octopath Traveler, this is a case where everyone else mysteriously vanishing for the cutscene rings totally discordantly.  GRAHHHH.  Here's the very simple fanon fix: just do the Ike vs. the BK battle except rigged to lose.  If you absolutely have to sell this plot point, Sombron goes Super Saiyan because he had killed all of those people for some big evil ritual here a la Awakening, and Alear has to go Super Saiyan back or whatever, and everyone else stands aside because Alear says it's too dangerous or something.  Then you 1v1 Sombron IN SYSTEM as a callback to the Prologue.  The cutscene just made...  zero sense, especially with how it's not clear why Sombron doesn't keep on trying to kill Veyle.  Was that breath attack he used a one-time thing or something?!  Doubtful...  shouldn't he want to keep going?  If the writers had taken my suggestion, then Super-Alear could have inflicted some big wound on Sombron that forces him to retreat or the like, and he gets the rings via a magic spell.  There, problem solved, weakly.  That would still suck, but...  bah.

And yes, I know, there's the ring theft in C10 too, but that is at least better hinted at narratively by Marth saying it's a bad idea to go into the Cathedral or fight, and the "oh no our Draconic Time Crystal was stolen" excuse.  We don't even get that in C21.

* This is more a nitpick, but the C22 plot seems incomplete?  The Emblems C. Alear creates are all silent & red, which is fine, but then they just...  get better, because?  I guess maybe it was Alear's resolve to be a good dragon, but that was already true.  Before you say it was the miracle, the miracle could only happen AFTER the Emblems "got better" I presume, so it feels like this is missing a step.  Also, if this was a novel or a Final Fantasy game or something, then physical Alear totally should have stayed dead and you'd have Emblem Alear to talk with as the equivalent, but that'd be it.  Go make Veyle the new corporeal main character or whatever.  I'm not actually complaining on this count because gameplay considerations come first and yoinking your stat-boostered MC would be considered rude by some audiences, but if that was less a concern...

* Can I rant about my personal least favorite support in the game?  (Well, of those I've seen.)  I don't care, I'm giving myself permission anyway.  Alear / Veyle B SUCKS.  It is one of those plot points that retroactively makes other plot points worse if you think about it.

Now, sometimes supports have weird lines seemingly contradictory to the plot/characters, and the best response is to just shrug and say it was a local joke or mistake, don't take it too seriously.  Unfortunately, this support hinges on a fairly major plot point.  Worse than your average nonsensical plot hole support, it's thematically contradictory.

In this support, we're told that Alear and Veyle met each other Just Once in the past timeline.  It doesn't sound like a particularly intense meeting, either; it sounds like the sole thing Alear did was give Veyle the dragonstone and say some sweet nothings.  However, this meeting was just so moving and inspiring that Veyle knew her big sibling would always be there for her.  Aww, isn't that sweet!  And now they're together again and will always help each other.

Except…  except this is awful!  It changed a slightly cliche but powerful (it's a cliche for a reason) plot point about friends reuniting after a long gap into a plot point about how blood ties are absolutely unshakeable even between essentially strangers.  Now.  There may be a game to do that in (Awakening?), but I'd argue that it is not this game, because we precisely DO have a plot point about a terrible, distant father for Veyle!  I'm not faulting her for looking for kindness & support wherever she could find it, but picking blood relatives is clearly not necessarily the play.  (Also, let's be real, I suspect there's some siscon fanservice here for the JP audience in to that.)  Why couldn't they just stick to Alear & Veyle being close friends & supporters, except rather than being separated by going to different colleges or whatever, it's near-death amnesia?  It makes Veyle come across as far, far more pathetic than narratively intended to be clinging to "that person who I talked to literally once" rather than "my old best friend & sibling." (But of course, the writer didn't think it was pathetic, they thought it was inspiring.)  I hate it.

So yeah I have more to say about this one support than all the rest combined.  Alas.

* While on that note, this may be more fanon-possibilities than an actual complaint, but it's a little too bad they made Sombron just another openly abusive dad who doesn't care about his kids.  Based on what we see elsewhere, the door was open to making him a different kind of toxic, like an evil family-values type.  Despite the fact that Zephia is essentially mind-controlling Veyle, she still takes orders from Veyle.  That's interesting - it suggests that even the lowest of Sombron's children, the defect, can order around everyone else, even when they have to be brainwashed to do so.  That would seem to fit with a Sombron who considered himself & his brood some sort of superior lifeform.  But that's not actually true - Sombron doesn't care and considers his kids mere tools, means to an end.  I think it would have been more interesting if they'd made Sombron the type who genuinely cares about his family, but in a very controlling and using kind of way - we're awesome and if we work together under my leadership, we will conquer everything etc.  Rebelling from THIS kind of dad is a little harder, since he wants you on his side and considers you an asset, even if in a cynical way.  And that also makes such a rebellion all the more rewarding - it's much easier to rebel from a dad actively trying to push his kids away.  We also never see Sombron & Lumerra on the same screen at once, or ever hear what the two thought about each other, despite allegedly fighting a war 1,000 years ago.  It would have been an obvious plot point to mine - maybe Sombron just wanted to escape this world at first, but after losing too many kids to Lumerra and her allies, he wanted revenge on her first, because how dare you kill my kids.  That's the kind of understandable-but-still-evil villainous motive that helps spice things up.  Sombron should have held grudges about his dead kids, rather than not caring about them.

* I actually don't mind too much Sombron's "real plot."  It's basically about as narratively compelling as Krelian having an extremely, extremely complicated and evil plan to find the Wave Existence.  Just...  why hide it?  And why have all the worry about Sombron invading countless worlds as some BS raise-the-stakes thing?  I rather liked the Sombron that just wanted the heroes to leave him alone, while the heroes insisted that he face justice.  I would have entirely dropped the threat of invading other worlds, and had a scene of Sombron basically saying "Later nerds" while a frustrated Zephia manages things back on Elyos without guidance or leadership.

* Or actually, even better.  The best part of the lategame plot - which is still nothing special, to be clear, but is at least interesting and resonant - was C24, the time travel chapter.  Past Alear is one of the more interesting villains the game has and giving them a moment in the sun was solid, so hey, I'm ending on a positive note!  Now.  Time travel does weird things for your setting and tends to not make tons of sense, but if you're gonna do it, Engage is the right place given a light tone and already having the Draconic Time Crystal be a plot point.  So...  and here we get more into the realm of fan rewrites...  but damn, I wish they'd chucked, like, the other last 6-7 chapters in the trash and just expanded C24.  Go full 7th Saga or Final Fantasy 8, have the entire back part of the game be time travelling back to 1,000 years ago and seeing that conflict.  The conflict in the modern day just isn't very interesting or sensical, so make lemonade from your lemons with an excuse for a totally different situation.  It would also be an excuse to see Lumera again (and maybe even throw in some Rhea-esque dark side) and throw out some insane plot twists.  Maybe Gradlon was just a normal country and the idea of it being evil was made-up, and the reason it sunk was (insert crazy magic superweapon action that happens here).  We know Sombron had lots of kids; that is an excuse to be fighting lots of Dragon-typed enemies that have Emblem Rings, even copies of Emblem Rings we already have.  If taking the above advice on Sombron's personality, also humanize Sombron a little.  We can also see Sombron becoming angry and/or distant as his children perish one-by-one, especially if taking my advice above about having him care about this, at least in the past.  There's plenty of stuff that could have been done that would have been interesting as a matter of pure gameplay.  And then various plot hooks could have been added to the countries in the present that'd be explained by plot twists in the past.  Hell, even if the PCs eventually return to the present (more Xenosaga III Disc 1 style), they could have brought something a little more sensible from the past like knowledge or a missing Emblem Ring rather than the whole strange Fell Dragon crystal excuse.  Sigh.

* Did I say I was ending on a high note?  Nope, just kidding.  This one isn't huge or anything, but there's one part of the ending that was extra-dumb.  Alear tries to summon Marth for old time's sake and fails.  Okay, fine.  But then...  the rings all glow and say "Our bonds can be reforged time and again, whenever you desire.  You need only say the word."  What!!!  If that was true, then why didn't it work?!  Like...  pick one, game, either it's wistful melancholy of the departure of a treasured friend, or it's a happy reunion after a fake parting.  You somehow settled on the unhappy middle where the friend is still around but is, like, hiding for the lulz instead.  It'd be like if Final Fantasy X ended with Yuna sighing about Tidus being gone, and the camera cutting to Tidus hiding under the couch but not revealing himself.

EDIT: Oh, and one other thing.
The game kinda totally forgets about the opening movie.  I don't think you should be stuck with whatever the animators came up with, but frankly the opening movie seemed to hint at more interesting stuff - a more explicitly evil Alear with a shit-eating grin that is affected by Lumera somehow, and blue & red Alear fighting Sombron w/ the crew.  While nihilistic Alear was okay too, I'd have been down for some villain Alear as well, to make either their redemption (if they choose to get better) or Lumera's awkwardness (if she brainwashed him somehow with magic) more dramatically interesting.  Also, if we're doing the Big Time Travel Plotline back to when there were, y'know, presumably people in Gradlon rather than just zombies, then that'd actually be an excuse to have the modern-day crew there for the big showdown rather than having the movie just be a total lie.  Alas.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2023, 11:47:13 PM by SnowFire »

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Re: What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2023, 03:33:50 AM »
Fire Emblem Engage

Beat this. Around 90 hours because I play FE games slow especially on first runs. This was about my time for Radiant Dawn as well for the record, with 3H just slightly behind.

I'll spare a few words for the story. It's... yeah, not good, sadly. Honestly I agree with Snowfire about pretty much everything. I will say that while Sacred Stones also has a fairly weak setting, I think the emotional core of the twins and Lyon lands far better than anything involving the primary players of this game. Outside of Griss who is an effective joke villain and Mauvier who actually does some reasonable self-reflection and feels human I was not a fan of this game's NPC or NPC-turned-PC cast like... at all. The royal heirs get some lines in main story scenes late in the game those lines all become completely generic. Oh well. I liked some of the stuff in Solm at least.

But yeah I enjoyed the gameplay a lot. Map design is pretty strong, albeit a bit weaker late, I think. The paralogues deserve note for being largely interesting love letters to their home games, and in many cases do it better than the home game did (which sometimes isn't hard, but still). I ended up enjoying the emblem system quite a lot, it does get better as you start getting more SP to play around with and as the emblems start actually really piling up (especially after Chapter 17). Classes, I kinda like that this game takes from Trials or Mana and encourages you to get to cool promoted classes faster. Class balance is also probably the best it has ever been in the series, fliers are still the best but balance is good otherwise and fliers aren't crazy OP like some games. Internal level is terrible, though. I had no idea what level any of people were towards the end. And Second Sealing from 20 to 1 is just a waste of time and resources. Please just use the FE4/3H system next time, Intsys. And ambush spawns are dead again! Please stay that way.

I could talk about units or emblems or other things and maybe I will. Certainly I should run down my unit notes at some point. But first, let's talk about maps! I played on Maddening which colours some things. To the spoiler text~

Prologue and Chapter 1: Tutorial fights, zzz.
Chapter 2 (Lumera): Teaches you a little about engage and also that Sigurd > Marth. Vander is still too OP though, laughs at your puny Ridersbane.
Chapter 3 (Alfred): This definitely feels like the first real fight. You have a real party to work with, there are fliers who can come in and threaten you (which Etie can one-shot on the dot, neat). One of the few fights I reset because you don't yet have the time crystal.
Chapter 4 (Firene): Introduces Chloe and Louis. Puts on a little time pressure with villages and also reuniting your team with them, fortunately they are both good PCs so using them well makes it not too bad.

Chapter 5 (Firene castle): OH NO BOSSES ARE TERRIFYING. Not a trivial map even before then, but yeah, on Maddening at least bosses are unbreakable, move, have a revival gem so you have to kill them twice. And this one does huge 1-2 damage, enough to one-shot some of my team. And he attacks you with friends. Had to be very careful about who fought him and how. This game has some of the most fun bosses in the series.

Chapter 6 (Yunaka): Fog sucks. Pretty benign map otherwise, they wanted to be sure Yunaka could basically solo the north so it's not too hard to reunite with your team. Boss is similar to the previous but not as bad for a few reasons (Yunaka, Micaiah, many more chokepoints existing, etc.). Still the hardest part of the map.

Chapter 7 (bridge): Great fun, kind of like Chapter 3 in that there are lots of fliers are carefully placed enemies for you to proceed past. The boss has potential to be scary but also has low HP, so as long as you can survive the turn she charges you should be ready to pounce.

Chapter 8 (Brodia): heyy defence map. A good one, like Conquest 10 there's a line to protect and some enemies WILL charge towards it, so you have to balance surviving yourself and kills. Like Conquest 10 siege weapons work in your favour, get to work Alcryst. Ivy makes better use of Leif than I ever did.

Chapter 9 (snow): This map is fine but doesn't really stand out like the previous two. Game puts on a little pressure for you to save Jade, but nothing too big.

Chapter 10 (cathedral): Nice big epic fight. Five bosses! They're all pretty competent in different ways. I consider the first few turns of this, with Hortensia and her retainers bearing down on you from three sides, probably some of the toughest moments in the game, but in a very good way.

Chapter 11 (escape): Tries to strike a balance between intimidating (the enemies have emblems, you don't, you have no rewinds) but still fair and mostly works? The enemy with freeze is very odd though, in that he could really fuck you up if he spammed that every turn and he just... doesn't? A bit awkward. And the lack of rewinds can be frustrating if you reset a few turns in. If you know how good the upcoming PCs are (or are playing casual), though, it's very reasonable just to let a few die. Ivy and friends coming in to save the day feels really good.

Chapter 12 (desert): I fought this map had really smart NPCs, they seemed to kite the enemies for me. But then they were really stupid for Amy, I dunno. Anyway it's a fairly short map completely dominated by fliers.

Chapter 13 (Timerra): Promoted enemies are scary. Promoted enemies at night, even scarier. Attack stats in the 40's, one even at 50! That's typical for endgame enemies! The bosses are brutal. I mean these dudes usually are, nice to see they continue that tradition (without any of the kinda transphobic-adjacent baggage they sometimes carry), but yeah figuring out to defeat both of them without losing anyone when they could both one-round most of my army was a thing. Evasion's the obvious strategy but definitely has some flaws!

Chapter 14 (Solm Castle): Bit of a long fight but it's nice to finally have high deployment again, there are chests to get. Clash with the bosses is pretty fun even if this is the first example of enemy AI having no idea how to use Fracture. Hortensia's reinforcement summon is weird and out of place for this game but fortunately rewinds exist if you trigger them at a bad time (I did not).

Chapter 15 (Seadall): Clearing miasma was kind of annoying, I was worried this would become a feature in the game and I'm very glad to be wrong. Enjyoable enough map, I like the two super-stat corrupted who come at you from behind to hurry you up.

Chapter 16 (beach): This map is just too long. My second longest map in terms of time and my longest in terms of turns, maybe I approached it wrong but I was still fast enough to save the village so I dunno? Just lots of enemies to slow you down, and those tides. Also in this map I learned that Corrin would make sure bosses were never scary again. I was... mostly right.

Chapter 17 (burning village): Corrin + Ivy is incredibly good. Actually the previous map proved this, but seriously. This map has six bosses, three of which you can potentially fight at the same time. And while I didn't find it an easy map, exactly, it felt nowhere near as bad as it could be. Tie up all the key enemy formations with Dreadful Aura while you pick off the rest, yes yes. Cool-looking map though and the six versus six emblem clash is certainly fun, along with Chapter 10 a good climactic moment for the game.

Chapter 18 (boat): aka "you want that speedwing, don't you? Of course you do..." Pretty enjoyable pseudo-defence map, with enemies coming at you from two sides (actually four sides, thanks to fliers). if you ignore the west ship (and the Speedwing) and just rush east it should be pretty easy.

Chapter 19 (miasma): Strange map. I thought it was going to be freaking awful but I ended up enjoying it well enough. There's a bunch of annoying aspects to it - an NPC who dies weirdly fast, a boss who uses AOE Warp to teleport people into your face, miasma freaking EVERYWHERE, and villages which are just traps? But aside from the stupid villages most of the rest ended up less annoying than I was expecting. Still not really a favourite, though.

Chapter 20 (Griss): Honestly the sheer personality of Griss makes this map fun even if it has the potential to be annoying. Love how he hides in the dark and keeps warping away, good for him, he's obviously having a great time. The priest with Entrap is evil, you definitely want a strategy for them, and obviously fog makes for some trickiness, especially this game's version.

Chapter 21 (Veyle): I've seen some people having trouble with this one but I found it fairly rote, just move towards the boss then punch her in the face within a few turns. The game starts really spamming reinforcements at you from behind to push you forward which I enjoy (staying to fight most of them is probably a mistake).

Chapter 22 (reclaim the rings): IMO, the worst map in the game. First of all, it's way too long; it took me the longest of any map. Second, you're without all your cool toys. You can reclaim rings and I was expecting that to be hype, but all they give you is their stats, which is really lame? Why is this a rout map. Why does the game lie and not tell you it's a rout map. Why is it a rout map where you have to defeat enemies with Void Curse (zero exp gain), which is usually a sign you aren't supposed to fight these enemies. The gimmick of this map was already done so much better by 11.

Chapter 23 (Zephia/Griss): Freeze spam, the game. That turn 2 where the enemies freeze a whole bunch of your team and then Zephia aims a bunch of space rocks at you is certainly scary. It took me a bit of thought just to survive that and defeat the Griffin Knights (Griffins are terrifying btw). Once I survived that the rest of the map was easy and even a bit odd since I just totally ignored the entire northeast of the map and a bunch of enemies just sat there?

Chapter 24 (avalanches): Fliers... good. Seriously their ability to ignore the gimmick breaks this map. Otherwise there's a bunch of hiding to not be pushed back too much, and you don't want that because there's a 15 turn limit! (I took 10.) Pretty fun. Boss has over 130 evade and Corrin reduces it by over half with one use of her Engage Attack because bosses can not deal with Corrin.

Chapter 25 (Lumera): Love the music. Okay so the game wants you to fight this with two teams. That seems tricky. I did not play by its rules, I used Micaiah and Rewarp/Rescue to unite the teams on turn 1, stomped through the leftside. The devs are smart, they anticipate this play by having thieves go to open the door of the area you vacate, but there are countermeasures even for that (I hit the thief with freeze until I could get over there). Thus I outraced most of the reinforcements and reached the boss. The end of this map feels more like something out of Radiant Dawn than Engage, the enemies basically all don't move what the hell? Entrap does make it interesting, as does the desire to get the treasure.

Chapter 26 (endgame): Bit of an odd map. Near as I can tell the best strategy is to kill three of the dark emblems, deal with whatever reinforcements the last one can summon, and just kill Sombron? Kill the last emblem to drop his barrier when you think you can just one-round him. I decided to play by its rules and kill all four and deal with the next four, which were trickier because I was out of position and because Sombron himself starts becoming more aggressive in this stage. I did not see stage 3. Doing so would probably make the map way too long. As is it was fine, but not really a great endgame map; I'd take most of 3H's over this one despite this game having better map design generally.

Oh yeah and there's a first phase which is a complete waste of time and I reacted to this how the game deserves: Entrap the boss turn 1 and beat him to death.

I could write about the paralogues but this is already long enough. I still need to do unit notes... later, maybe. For now, just in case I never get around to them, here are battles/kills and primary emblem of my core team. I did move them around a bit at points.

Ivy 389/215 Corrin
Chloe 287/194 Sigurd
Panette 243/162 Lyn
Merrin 209/126 Eirika
Fogado 182/102 Lucina
Goldmary 133/85 Marth
Alear 131/85 Byleth until C22, then nobody
Celine 154/79 Celica
Timerra 199/70 Ike
Hortensia 31/16 Micaiah
Lindon 39/20 Byleth from C23 on
Mauvier 24/16 Roy
Saphir 18/4 lategame filler

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Re: What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2023, 11:02:56 PM »
Theatrhythm: Final Bar Line

Cleared all the series quests, which should unlock all the songs, so good time to mark it in the topic I think.

I played most of hte game on Expert, only able to do about 7-8 difficulty songs in Ultimate, which... even with rust that's a bit annoying.  But it comes down to the game actually just being harder now due to being purely button control rather than accommodating touch controls.  There's just more complex tech at the higher difficulties and honestly even after doing like 200 songs or whatever it is to get the series clears I still can't do some of it like... at all.  So for that I do feel like this isn't hitting me quite as well as Curtain Call did.
That said you really can't argue with the sheer amount of songs you can do.  Game is fucking stacked.  There's a few things I could point to as surprising omissions, doubly so since unlike previous games they don't seem to be planning DLC for games that are already in the game (except the Deluxe Edition vocal songs, which honestly I expect just cost them more money due to Japanese music industry nonsense) but it's a really piddly number.  And I certainly don't regret getting the Deluxe edition because while I'm done for now, I am absolutely looking forward to that trickle of fun other stuff to come.  So yeah, not a perfect replacement for the 3DS game, but still something I'm happy with.
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!
« Reply #12 on: March 11, 2023, 11:07:07 AM »
Playing the Mario Rabbids Tower of Doom DLC. It's basically a randomizer for Rabbids. I just cleared challenge level 5. You get a random set of sparks and characters for each run. A run consists of 10 levels then a boss fight against a giant foe. You can choose between various levels which different rewards, like new PC's, golden prisms, extra sparks, etc. The healbot is disabled for this mode and there are no side quests.

It's neat, but PC balance is worse than the main game. You get much less stat prisms in this mode; I've been tending to skip out on the movement skills and prioritize things like support skills. Also found the golden prisms total trash due to lack of points to sink into it. This really hurts characters like Edge and Rabbid Mario, who have really bad support skills. Rabbid Peach is by far the MVP of this mode because there's so little healing otherwise. Peach, Luigi and Mario are also great here because they have fantastic supporting skills. Bowser, Edge, Rabbid Luigi are just not very good here because of bad support skills. Because you only get up to five characters each run (And start with three to four) you really can struggle if you get a bad starting set of PC's.

Just started run six on challenge mode and got Edge, Rabbid Mario and Peach. Hopefully I get Rabbid Peach really soon or I'm in for some pain.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2023, 04:41:24 AM »
Octopath Traveler 2 - the Upper Class Is Once Again Horrible

So yeah, picked this up during the blackout, though it took two more days before I could play it.  I can say definitively that it's a generally more polished game than the first; balance has been tightened, and there isn't nearly as much grinding--at least early on.  You can pretty reliably start getting into Chapter 2s not long after the Chapter 1s finish, which is nice (they start at level 14 rather than 20-something like in 8PT1).  The stories feel like they grab me a bit more, though the intros to them *definitely* feel longer.

Structurally, some may disagree with how the non-mains' Chapter 1s are handled, but I kind of prefer it; they're all isolated for each character, giving them time to get on their feet and be brought up to speed, and let you learn each character's ins and outs rather than be forced to carry them with your increasingly overleveled other party members.  (Also it means we can add a few memetastic bosses to nominate in the DL.  A worthwhile cause if you ask me)

I would also say the addition of Latent Powers helps the characters stand out aside from their classes--and while a few of these are basic limit breaks, others are extremely useful modifiers akin to Force abilities in WA. EX Skills also are hinted at, but not shown for the time being.  Needless to say, everyone is rather distinctive already.

Character impressions thus far, in proper Octopath order:

Ochette (Hunter): Chapter 1 completed, her plot seems to be fairly simple and straightforward, and I feel her best 8PT1 analogue plotwise is Ophilia.  What's really worth talking about with her, though, is the fact that she's an insanely strong improvement over H'aanit.  You choose one companion from the start, Akala the jackal(covering physicals) or Mahina the owl (covering elemental), who are smart about targeting weaknesses and have a special attack for hitting broken targets.  In addition, all beasts she captures can be used infinitely - and give you a food item when disposed of.  The skillset's also been cleaned up, like many have.  While Mercy Strike and Leghold Trap still sit there like the jank they are, the rest of her kit is improved.  A recurring theme: multi-weapon classes generally now have skill coverage for both weapons.  Her Latent Power is one of the two that is just straight-up Limit Break, giving her the choice of a multitarget attack, single-target attack, or weakness-agnostic shield-down plus debuff.  Plus side to this, however, is that they can be boosted, and *do* scale with BP spent.  Overall?  Great first impression on gameplay.

Castti (Alchemist): Chapter 1 completed, and I am curious as to where her plot will be going, can't really see any analogues for her.  Gameplay-wise, Castti isn't too different from Alfyn, especially with her class abilities.  Her Alchemy *has* been streamlined to be more straightforward to grasp, though - and nerfed to an extent with the fact that if you want to boost it, you need more materials.  It's no longer a Base+Modifier situation, you now have specific effects per material, duplicates repeat hits in the case of repeated damage materials.  This leads her to being extremely versatile.  Where she gets to be arguably broken as a support is with her Latent Power, which lets her use any materials in your inventory at no cost.  Throw in 3 BP, pop LP, and watch as your entire party gets 4 BP.  So she's arguably been nerfed in terms of baseline use, but Latent Power lets her pull out utterly ridiculous shenanigans.  Also she's one of two who can knock people out during the night; she needs specific items to do so, but she can, which is helpful if you don't feel like beating them up during the day.

Throné (Thief): Early impressions: she feels like she's going to be a variant on Primrose  (Hell, she even has Darkness magic rather than Fire).  Gameplay-wise, I can't think of too much to say for her in terms of deviations from Therion. She loses the SP draining, though, which is rough.  To make up for this, however, she's a random sweeper par excellence at night, owing to the fact that she gets the unique passive of giving the whole party Attack Up, Elemental Attack Up, and Speed Up at the start of all nighttime encounters.  Her Latent Power is potentially amazing under the right circumstances; it gives her a whole second turn that turn, at no cost.  Plotwise, I've completed Chapter 2, and while it interestingly has no fighting at all, I do have to complain about the fact that it gives you a choice-based non-standard game over with zero indicators as to which choice.  You basically get a game over for losing a coinflip (technically Russian Roulette with poisoned cups, but same difference).  It's not exactly punishing since you have two choices and the game over sends you back to the choice, but I find it mildly insulting to get a game-over over "you guessed wrong".  Give us something to read into, don't just make us blindly check.  Also choose the right cup.

Osvald (Scholar): I don't know what it is about 8PT2 but they're getting me invested in their casters.  Osvald's story goes damn hard and I'm here for it.  Also, very big ACAB here.  I'm here for this one.  Gameplay-wise, he's improved over Cyrus on the basis of having a skillset that's wider than three whole moves!  He has the baseline spells, a spell that upgrades any elemental spells the target ally has to the next "level" (essentially adding hits to it), a random-target random-element multi-hit spell that can mulch broken lone targets, and a way to give himself random stat buffs.  Study Target is still as good as before.  And for his Latent Power?  It was Cyrus' old Divine Skill.  His multitarget spells are now single-target for the turn and hit way harder.  Even if he didn't have all of that going for him, he can mug townsfolk for their items at night.  Some rich asshole has a priceless painting that you can't easily steal but you want the money for?  Beat him up for it!  Fun for the whole family! (disclaimer: does not work on kids)

Partitio (Merchant): So I'm going to give a confession.  I found Tressa to perhaps be my least favorite of the lot in the first game.  I wasn't expecting to get into Partitio's storyline but I did. (Chapter 1 complete).  Gameplay-wise, he feels awkward to use, but Arrow of Fortune does reasonable damage alongside giving you bonus JP, and of course he has options for   His biggest advantage is the intersection of his class passives and Latent Power, allowing him to throw BP around like absolutely nobody's business; one passive gives him an extra BP to start a fight, another lets him start every fight with full Latent Power, and his Latent Power lets him just get a full BP gauge.  Doesn't matter if he's at 0 on the turn, it's full now.  You can see how this can get.  On top of the 8PT1 merchant shenanigans, Partitio can also hire people to follow him at night.  (This makes him the second to have followers; Ochette can befriend people with meat)  Individual townsfolk, interestingly, also give Partitio varied bonuses when interacting with shops or buying from people, so it provides more assistance than just a combat summon for him.  Cool stuff to consider, even if I haven't really figured out anyone I really want to bring with him yet.

Agnea (Dancer) Feels like Part 2 of Tressa.  I...wasn't very big on Tressa, but I'll try to give her a fair shot for later chapters.  Gameplay-wise, she has her own unique quirks that differentiate her.  Most notably, Agnea starts with a kick special that no joke is guaranteed to knock off a point of shield on whoever it hits, regardless of weakness, and a miniature Turn Shift that bumps a target ally's next turn up one in the order.  Her Latent Power?  Any single-target ability immediately becomes multitarget.  This is...hilariously powerful in theory and is already helpful for her native offensive buffs.  More interestingly, this expansion to buffing is compounded by her talent.  As expected, she can Allure townsfolk to help, but now everyone she does use Allure on has a chase effect on buffs she casts, of varying type.  Like Partitio, this works just by having the townsfolk around, so this is a rather core mechanic to her.  Very neat from a gameplay standpoint.

Temenos (Cleric): As I said before, 8PT2 has a way of getting me invested in its caster characters and Temenos is no different.  In this case, I just find this absolute bastard troll of an inquisitor entertaining as hell and I look forward to seeing more of him bounce off of people.  Gameplay-wise, he stole the SP drain skill that Therion had in 8PT1, making him *incredibly* self-sufficient on SP despite his big costs, as well as having a secondary role as Chief Staffwhacker.  Skills are otherwise mostly the same.  His Latent Power, though?  All his attacks this turn break shields.  Doesn't matter if they hit a weakness or that weakness is guarded or what.  They're breaking shields.  You cannot stop them from breaking shield.  On top of the standard-issue Guide for Clerics, he can also now beat information out of people at night.  He is an absolute bastard and I love him for it.

Hikari (Warrior): Up to Chapter 2 done, and it's been a pretty fun ride, complete with awesome bossfight.  The real thing to talk about, is the gameplay. If it weren't for Hikari here, I'd have rated Ochette as the biggest upgrade.  I do posit, however, that Hikari's upgrade over Olberic is absolutely insane.  To start, the base Warrior class has practically been retooled outside of the taunt and self-buffs.  His sword skills include a 3-hit randotarget and one that purges his buffs (the description implies it's the enemy's, but it's his.  Very weirdly described here) to do extra damage, his one spear skill autocrits at max boost, and then he gets Vengeful Blade, which utterly wrecks face for so much of the first half of the game.  And then he gets the ability to straight-up Mega Man techniques from people he wins duels with.  Let it be said, he's an absolute monster and probably my favorite to run on the gameplay front.  ...Oh yeah, and he gets the other Limit Break style Latent Power and it will absolutely wreck face when it goes off.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2023, 09:49:59 PM by 074 »
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!
« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2023, 05:00:08 PM »
Mario Rabbids Tower of Doom DLC. It's a lot of fun; the DLC is basically a randomizer mode that dispenses with the story and exploration and focuses entirely on gameplay.

You start with three to four PC's depending on the challenge level; the heal bot is disabled as well. You start with one spark for each PC. You go through a set of nine branching levels where you pick one of two to three missions to do for various rewards. Mission 5 is always a survival mission against the giant red cat boss; mission 10 is always a boss fight against one of the five giant enemies from the optional missions. I saw four of the five giant foes; it appears to be entirely random which you get. You gain a level for each mission and you end the game at level 10. After each stage you have 30 seconds to collect coins, which you can use to buy items.

You have much less of everything to work with in this mode. You never get a full roster of PC's and the ones you get are randomly generated. You have a very limited selection of sparks, which means you have to experiment and try ones you may not have used during the main game. Much less stat points means you have to be pickier with what you spend them on. I generally found to be running straight for the personal skills for the ones who have good ones, HP regeneration if I didn't have Rabbid Peach, and weapon skills on my main attackers. Dash skills largely felt less good and left out in the cold- this hurt Edge, Bowser and Mario in particular as they get very limited use out of some of those skills.

My character ratings focus on who I got the most use out of at higher challenge levels. I had to use everyone at some point. In spite of having the defensive PC's as the top ones, you wouldn't want to especially use a team made of Peach/Rabbid Peach/Rabbid Roslina- you need someone to hit things after all. But damage is more easily replicated. Things like reaching the goal missions are trivial as well in this mode; things like survival missions and killing a lot of certain enemy types at once are the hardest missions you get. My character ratings reflect this.

PC's in order:

Always want:

1. Rabbid Peach: Heal bot is disabled and you have very limited means of healing otherwise. Unsurprisingly she's great. I never bothered with her dash skills- she always was being used for healing and support. Offense isn't great but who cares? You're using her for healing.


2. Rabbid Rosalia: Also unsurprisingly good. Ennui is good for controlling large packs of enemies. IE: Some of the missions on challenge level 7/8 involve things like having to kill six to eight magikoopas on a map with almost no cover or range to move around in. Ennui dash is why I think she's better than Peach- it's a way to stop from taking damage every turn from a foe, which is important when enemies so do much damage in this mode. IE: You have battles where you have to kill a bunch of the high HP Claw type enemies and even a full turn of offense won't finish them off. Offense isn't good but like with Rabbid Peach, you have other characters to do damage.

3. Peach: Barrier's great, but generally I find it less flexible than Ennui in this mode. Less offense and durability means you need to get as much milage as possible out of turn skips.

4. Luigi: Tons of damage and range. This is just less good than in the main game because you're relying more on healing and support skills from characters here.

These three are fairly close together. I'm generally happy to have any of these four on my team.

5. Mario: Overwatch is as powerful as ever and Mario's got good offense. But he's hurt by his dash and movement tricks being worse. He's also a bit of a slow starter as well, you really need to get a few points so you can get rid of Overwatch's cooldown.

Limited use:

6. Rabbid Mario: He's great for killing reinforcement portals and doing damage at close range. BUT. He's useless on maps where there is a lot of ground to cover and his support skill is total garbage. Generally I don't have the points to put much into his dash skills either. That said I got more use out of Rabbid Mario in this mode, just because on some maps you really have to do damages in a hurry to a lot of targets and he's the best in the game at that. There's very little in between for RM- he's either great or a liability.

7. Edge: Whoof. The dash skills are very good on high challenge levels on the last few maps where you have the points to give her four dash. She does decent damage to bosses too. Everything else is just bad though. Stormblade is trash and she is the worst PC at the start of the game.


8t. Rabbid Luigi: Terrible offense, pretty bad support ability. Weaken is so much worse than other defensive support abilities. I've gotten less use out of RL than I have Bowser, but Weaken on paper has more potential due to the damage boost.

8t. Bowser: Really bad offense, movement skills are useless in this mode and his mecha koopas are bad unless he's hitting a fire weakness. At least useful for destroying cover in early maps. YUCK.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
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Re: What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!
« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2023, 09:38:30 PM »
8PT2: me am play gods with subclasses.

In all seriousness, yeah.  Once you start doing subclassing, you get access to some *serious* bullshit and god help any C2 bosses that you spring this on beforehand.  Also, Divine Skills have come into play and this means disgusting things to the damage average.  Now covering them in the order I recruited them.

Hikari C3 done.  Subbing Hunter just so he can use Axe and Bow learned skills worth a damn.  No really, that's half the reason I've put him in that class.  Having a reliable user of Leghold Trap also doesn't hurt, though one recent boss actually fights back against that by basically *really* not wanting you to let him get turns back-to-back in his second half.  Is one of three who's hit 9999 or higher.  He's overleveled as hell, I do not recommend picking him as the main just because his hunt for Learned Skills is going to get him several levels' worth of experience alone.  Also he does get some decent picks from some of the Learned Skills from plot-required challenges.

Ochette Two of her C2s done.  Because Ochette's C2 is effectively three chapters spread out across a level spread from 16 to 37.  Subbing Warrior because Hunter plus her first EX skill gives her five buffs to feed Enervating Slash with, and that is as disgustingly effective as it sounds (she's hit 9999).  She's got access to Boss Captures as well (one of her plot captures works like this), but this requires 3 BP and is OPB, so you probably don't want more than one or two of these at most as proper captures.

Castti: C3 done. The tricky part with Apothecary here is that, combined with Castti's own Concoct option, she's essentially feature complete.  She's difficult to pick a subclass for because she already kind of has everything she wants for the most part.  Concoct still busted by the by.

Osvald: C3 done (though it's more of a C2 due to circumstances).  Put him in Priest just because it's the only other class that gets him spells modifiable by Advanced Magic.  The fact that he gets the SP Drain Staffwhack from it doesn't hurt.  My main nemesis with him is one guard who is holding a Morning Star (perfect for staffwhacks!) and no matter what I do I can't get past his spam of Thousand Blades because Osvald is forever squishy.  Feel free to laugh, it is kind of funny. (Disclaimer: due to Mug being what it is, it's not advisable to have Osvald as main; he'll level up a LOT just beating items out of rich assholes in town at night).

Throné: Both C3s done.  Has one of the best C3 bosses in the game so far...and probably one of the laughably worst.  Plot has me thinking a bit, though.  Aeber's Reckoning has led her to be the third with a 9999 hit.  Also, I'll have to see how much damage it does with Speed Up.  Because she has a speed buff, and AR still is speed-based.  Have her sub Merchant for extra weapon options and also Rest giving her some desperately-needed SP recovery, though there's not much else I can consider here.  Dancer's buff-extending passive extends her start-of-battle nighttime bonus, though, which is disgusting.  Want the entire party to have four whole-ass rounds of ATK Up, EATK Up, and Speed Up for free?

Temenos: ...took me a bit to remember that I eventually settled on Scholar as his subclass.  Not that I'm trying to double up on what Osvald is doing so much as that with his Latent Power, Elemental Barrage is the single best break-inducing skill in the game; 6-8 hits at full Boost.  For reference, Aggressive Slash is 6 hits, and Precise Shot is 5 hits.  So worst case, it's even.  The extra EATK from Scholar also is just useful, though Temenos is already pretty good on passives.  One of his C3s is done, the other one is pretty high up, levelwise.

Partitio: C2 done.  Partitio's a case not unlike Agnea where he's so well-rounded it's legit hard to actually pick a subclass for him. The fact that he's guaranteed to have 7 BP within the first two rounds of a fight means that his best picks are Scholar or Cleric, though, both for the relevant Divine Skills.  Dancer's also an option, but that's stuff Agnea already wants to do.  Osvald in particular wants that BP for doing damage by contrast, so having a backup user of divine skills who can get them out fast is not a bad idea.  Hired Help has a lot more utility for what it's worth, if you're willing to shell out the money (contrasting OT1 HH where most are just scaling damage effects, most have an attached buff or debuff of some sort).  Also, he has some fun passives from followers he hires, making him a hilarious case of Field Utility.

Agnea: C3 done.  Nooooot gonna lie, her story's losing me a bit so far like I feared it would; I'll see how it fares in C4, but her C3 felt...extraneous.  Gameplay-wise, though...hoo boy, I figured out how her follower rider effects work and they can be absolutely busted pending on which one you grab.  There's at least one that chases her dancer skills with a 500 HP and 40 SP heal.  There's others that increase BP or your Latent Power gauge.  This doesn't use any summon uses of your followers so...yeah.  Congrats, she's busted as hell as a support character.  Subclass options, she generally wants Thief, Merchant, or Apothecary; her Latent Power lets her just decide a single-target (non-Divine) skill is multitarget.  Of course, you could just make her a Hunter and slap that LP down on a multi-target Leghold Trap.  If you go far enough into Merchant for passives you can even just do that every single fight.  Or Scholar to just give everyone using magic multihit spells with Advanced Magic.  The options just do not end with her.

Overall, if I had to compare OT2 to anything, I'd say it's roughly analogous to Final Fantasy 5, in the regards that it will hand you about twenty ways to break it over your knee.  You have way more options than the first, and I'm not *quite* sure the game itself could keep up by contrast.  I'm not even into the secret classes yet.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!
« Reply #16 on: March 26, 2023, 09:56:10 PM »
Persona- finished the SEBEC route.

It's... odd. I've actually bought this game three times, once on PS1 in its original form, once on PSP, and again as a digital backup on Vita because I'm not entirely sure what condition my PSP is in.  That original PS1 purchase actually made it the oldest game in my backlog, the last one standing from that Christmas I raided every bargain bin I could find in two cities for PS1 and 2 games in 2003.  This is mostly because it is a bad video game that was easy to set aside for new stuff, and I never got to the point of "well it's this or replays" after then.  The PSP version is a substantially better game but not actually a good game either, but... it does eventually get places.  Like this is a game with about 5 bosses and 12-ish dungeons in this route (and I think 4 dungeons and 4 bosses in the other?) so there's not really that much plot, because there's only a few scenes. 

What's there does have the actual vibe that Persona would ultimately build itself on though. Maki and to a lesser extent Nanjo do have tangible growth though the game, and the confrontations they have with what bosses do exist do speak actual anxieties people would have.  I also especially like the (unstated) touch that Maki's being so unreasonably forgiving towards her bestie after the Harem Queen fight is intentional: Maki isn't that forgiving... she just wants to be, so this Maki gets to be.  Probably the biggest disappointment is Masao, who just... is set up as important and doesn't actually do much except be a stepping stone for Maki and Nanjo to define themselves.

Gameplay wise though the only... lets say advanced mechanic here is the final boss, which would have been rude as hell if I'd gone there when I could have instead of saying "hey I wonder what these Ultimate Persona are like, may as well see in out of a misplaced nostalgia for DL-ifying characters".  The gap between how good Nanjo and Elly were in the DL and how meaningful those attributes actually are in the game is pretty big if you were curious, although Elly really IS very good throughout the game anyways.

But yeah like... this is probably about a 5/10 but.  I dunno.  Weird to think I actually finished a fucking game from the deep backlog for once.
CK: She is the female you
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.

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Re: What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!
« Reply #17 on: March 31, 2023, 02:28:11 AM »
Into the Breach - Played this a whole bunch. Switch clock says 55 hours, which was enough to win as every team and get almost all the achievements (still have a few left but not sure I'll bother). Game is pretty consistently fun, there's enough things to balance and the game is generally pretty transparent about how everything works. Easy to play over and over. Probably my biggest complaint is the rewind limits, but it's fine, I should probably be glad any game that contains some roguelike DNA has any such feature at all.

Suikoden Tierkreis - Replaying this randomly, a bit over halfway.

Chained Echoes - Beat this. I was a bit skeptical of the game at first because "appealing to 90's RPG nostalgia" is something which I can sometimes find a bit tacky; I do prefer games to be a bit forward-looking! Fortunately CE doesn't just rely on that, it's also got straight-up solid gameplay in the style of Zeboyd; needing to balance the behaviour of the overdrive gauge (certain actions raise it, certain ones lower it [which ones vary], and you want to keep it in a sweet spot) with other demands on your actions mean decisions almost always feel thought-provoking and rewarding, even as I try to set up specific huge damage moves. Compared to Zeboyd there's also a ton of stuff to do, so while the battles were the most appealing part to me it definitely scratches some of those other explory JRPG itches if they're your thing (I wouldn't exactly call them mine, but I enjoyed what the game was offering on that front to do a fair bit of them).

The writing is... okay? Definitely a mix. Suffers from a bit of a shaky translation/actual dialog writing quality (is this just part of its 90's charm?!) and at the end of the day none of the characters really stuck with me, but it's interesting enough. One of things I liked about it is that most of the NPCs/villains aren't actually that antagonistic to the party (there are some exceptions); you get lots of offers of cooperation which are sincere, so the PCs' choices end up making them feel like they're active agents in the story instead of just reacting to villainy. The worst thing about the writing is on occasion it decides to take some of the worst ideas from Game of Thrones. Less of a big deal but still a bit of a downer is the other thing it takes from the 90's: way more of the characters are men than women, like top to bottom in the cast, but at least it respects the women who are there.

Pixel art is very good; it's not even my thing but I appreciate how much of it there is, including punctuating some significant story scenes. I imagine big fans of pixel art will eat this game up. Music's a bit on the weaker side.

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Re: What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!
« Reply #18 on: April 17, 2023, 11:47:28 PM »
The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog- delightful.

Okay the only real note is it sure is good the runner segments (basically a Sonic bnus stage used where Logic Chess might go) have modes to just turn off all the difficulty, because doing a few of them legit would be miserable.  The game ends on one which... I understand why narratively but it just doesn't fit the vibe of the game.  Some of the end cards are great though.
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!
« Reply #19 on: April 22, 2023, 10:25:21 AM »
Mass Effect 3 (Steam)

Mostly played last year but ended up running a few days over. I found it enjoyable overall.

To some extent I wonder if the complaints about the ending wouldn't have happened if they didn't let you choose one - in the sense that you were automatically given whichever was considered most applicable to the choices you had been making across the game. This would of course be out of step with the previous games where the analogous final decisions allowed you select theoretically out-of-character choices, but since there wasn't going to be any need to take this choice forward to future games maybe that wouldn't matter. Also unclear how the whole warscore setup would work with this but that system felt kind of underbaked in the first place.

I thought that the version I had had all the DLC included but it turned out it only had some of the DLC included, as I discovered when I found myself in the last mission and realised that I was aware of there being content that I hadn't seen yet and looked into what was going on. And apparently the pack with the rest of the DLC on Steam is broken in some way, on top of being wildly overpriced, in that you can get all the rest of the DLC for free within the EA app? Very weird situation, I imagine that the more recent edition of ME3 doesn't suffer from it though.

Afterwards, went to reread Shamus Young's series of articles on the series and discovered that he had died. Ultimately also enjoyed that reread although I found some of his complaints to be a bit specious.

Picross S Mega Drive & Master System Edition (Switch)

Cleared all puzzles.

I haven't really been following the Picross S series, unsure if there's some issue with them versus Picross e or if it's due to being on the Switch versus being on the 3DS. Anyway I'm happy to pick one up that's all about sprites, even if I've barely played any classic Sega games. Hopefully they put some more out. Although on checking now, if this came out in mid-2021, that seems unlikely to happen anytime soon.

They seriously need to stop giving the Picross and Mega Picross modes the same set of... answers. It's not so that someone who doesn't like Mega Picross (reasonable) can get the whole experience by just doing all the regular Picross puzzles, or vice-versa! They expect you to do both! If they don't want to have entirely unique answers for each mode, they can at least have some unique answers in each mode.

I have not seen the Clip Picross mode before and so on first entering my initial thoughts were 'aha, they've fixed Micross mode'. These thoughts were wrong. I was imagining that the splayed pieces were essentially a jigsaw that the game was going to put together once you'd solved all of them - or potentially get you to do that. Instead they're all just small snippets of a larger image and once you solve them all the game fills in all the area outside the pieces. It's ultimately still better than Micross. But not by much.

Color Picross mode was fine I guess. The impression I had was that it's both easier than regular Picross and more tedious.

Fire Emblem Engage (Switch)

Beat on Normal, beat the DLC campaign on normal. Got all regular supports (M-Alear only).

Some of the story sequences put me in mind of Advance Wars with regards to how familiarly the opposing characters were treating each other while disregarding the troops. I'm also unsure how well some facets really hold together (the need for royal blood seems to just disappear after comparatively little of it was collected, for example). As a whole I liked it though. I feel like it could be interesting to see some of the earlier events in light of later revelations but I've spent long enough on my single playthrough that I'm not willing to do another at this point.

I don't understand what the intentions were for some of the side features. Some of the achievements are bizarre. (Who is going to naturally buy 50 swords? I don't actually remember buying any weapons except for achievement purposes, although I can understand a person doing a gimmick class run needing to buy some.) Things like the Ring Reference etc really seem like they should be available out-of-game so that they can filled out across multiple playthroughs, assuming I just haven't failed to see them.

Soul Blazer (SNES, emulated)


...I think this might actually be my favourite of the Blazer - Illusion - Terranigma series? Been a long time since I played either of the others though. (Had not played this one before.)


Somehow completely forgot

Pentiment (Steam)

which I played between beating the main FE Engage campaign and the DLC campaign being released.

It was great. Lots of alternatives available for replaying, although I don't think I'll do so in the near future.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2023, 11:28:13 AM by Twilkitri »


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Re: What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!
« Reply #20 on: May 01, 2023, 12:56:22 PM »
The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure-

This game has a literal beach episode but it still feels like it's just gogogogogo and you never get a breath.  A sense compounded by the very "uh yeah don't worry everyone lived but we can't tell you how this ends right now!" nature of the ending.  Inexplicably, Azure manages to both feel like you're wading through molasses AND everything is happening all at once in chapter 2.  But that's really about all the notes.  The way this game mixes both the big stakes and the small is astounding, and I love that the final thesis goes from "we're taking our daughter home" to "how DARE any of us try to put ALL THIS on that little girl!"

Yeah real good.  Not as structurally sound as Zero but really has about the same punch without having to bring in pinch hitters, if you will.
CK: She is the female you
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.

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Re: What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!
« Reply #21 on: May 02, 2023, 04:47:35 AM »
Played some games for the first time recently.  Impressions -

Touhou New World (demo):

  Advertised as an action RPG though I played it more like a hack and slash with RPG elements.  Either of Touhou's primary leads can be selected and even though Marisa is my fave character, for other reasons I picked Reimu. 
  Action takes place from a primarily overhead perspective.  At a glance without looking at a manual or controls list (which would have helped if I'd asked about them), each character has a variety of attacks to beat on Touhou inspired enemies with stronger ones needing to recharge between uses.  There is a jump button for avoiding enemy fire as well as platforming.  Settings look like something from Gensokyo and the enemy bullets will look familiar to Touhou players.
  An Xseed representative told me that the player stats were boosted for the demo.  So I could mostly bash my way through making mostly token efforts to avoid enemy attacks and still progress.  Not so for the boss battle at the end which still requires paying attention to their actions and I did end up losing.  Game did provide an option to retry from the last checkpoint (the start of the boss fight) but with a line of people also wanting to try behind me, ended my session there.
  Controls well and enjoyed the gameplay loop for what it is.  Bodes well for the upcoming release of the full game.

Touhou 10: Mountain of Faith

     I really haven't played this one before.  Jumped in semi-blind on Normal with only a knowledge of the basic controls and no recollection of the game's special scoring mechanics. Playing Touhou with default controls doesn't bode well for my performance.  I'm so used to movement on the left hand and actions with the right hand so I'm already handicapped before even starting.  Game over on Stage 1 so I gave it another shot from the beginning.  Still with little familiarity with the patterns, the next try ends on stage 2.  No spellcard captures.  Crisscrossing bullets are a nightmare.  Fairly standard outcome for me as far as shmups go really.  Also not helping was thinking C is the focus button and only later realizing it's Shift.

Touhou 14: Double Dealing Character

    This may be the only Touhou I have the capacity to 1cc on Lunatic.  But that requires learning a path through the game and being familiar with boss patterns and enemy placement.  So I stuck to Normal for this playthrough.  This went better and I actually got a spellcard capture on my blind attempt.  Game over on stage 2 though not upsetting being that I went in cold.  Still had forgotten that Shift is focus and not C.


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Re: What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!
« Reply #22 on: May 03, 2023, 03:50:28 PM »
The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure-

This game has a literal beach episode but it still feels like it's just gogogogogo and you never get a breath.  A sense compounded by the very "uh yeah don't worry everyone lived but we can't tell you how this ends right now!" nature of the ending.  Inexplicably, Azure manages to both feel like you're wading through molasses AND everything is happening all at once in chapter 2.  But that's really about all the notes.  The way this game mixes both the big stakes and the small is astounding, and I love that the final thesis goes from "we're taking our daughter home" to "how DARE any of us try to put ALL THIS on that little girl!"

Yeah real good.  Not as structurally sound as Zero but really has about the same punch without having to bring in pinch hitters, if you will.

Azure is great. I pretty much consider Zero the best of the Trails series in terms of arcs. Has a lot of the Cold Steel DNA for the battles without as much stupid and the plot beats are just both more straightforward and thematically sound. Excellent for a 2-parter story. I'd probably see Cold Steel in better light as a whole if it ended after 2 but then they added 2 more games and we know how those end up.

Oh right, games. Uh...I replayed VP2 casually for the first time in awhile. If you've been on Discord, you've probably seen a few of my notes and comments. A brief recap:
- The best way to play this game is so counterintuitive. Despite the game wanting you to use combos and VP1 was all about PWS, VP2 is all about boosting 1 guy and then doing everything to make that 1 guy as broke as possible. The best part in this game is often just 2 characters. YOu can use 3 characters late, but early on, it just isn't effective.
- 2 party teams include 1 person as an Anchor (tank, revives people if you make a mistake) and a point character (your attacker). 3 party teams often include a Mage or Archer (usually the latter) since both do Magic damage and give the attacking point character enhanced ranged. You really only use 3 characters once you can give them adequate enough magic power that they can contribute. Otherwise, it's better to have this slot as a dead PC.
- Speaking of, Mages are so bad in this game. They will literally have double the magic power of an Archer but deal 1/2 the damage. As Meeple noted, it says something when Lezard and his 800 powered magic rod basically deals below average damage.
- Magic is much harder to pump then Physicals which contributes to the above. However, Archers get a couple of tools that help them out, while mages don't. So Archers are far more valuable in the main game. Releasing Mages is like the only strong point of Mages and it's just so awkward.
- Throughout like the first 4 chapters of the game, Dylan is like the game's best PC. If you can choose which Einherijar for guaranteed recruitment, you'd probably end up with Phyress or Zunde but since even Phyress is only 90% - Dylan is the only PC who has guaranteed recruitment and is good at what he does. Comparatively the other plot PCs during that time are Alicia, Rufus, Leone, Arngrim and Lezard. All of which have their share of issues.
- Crystal income is actually very restrictive if we are playing in an effective manner. It makes me wonder if Sharp Sword Law is a lock at 2000 crystals because there are several other Sealstones worth restoring. Most notably, Wrath of Forcefulness is absolutely stupid if you are willing to be like a FFT Sam and smash swords, since it lets you load up on like Flamberges and hit things with +300 attack power for the main game most of the time. Other stuff like Paper Tiger Blessing is 800 crystals and is a 1.5x at full health.
- If you are willing to grind, Stone Hurlers Wrath is also supremely busted. You lose 1/2 your movement speed but you are often dashing anyway, so who cares.
- In the last two chapters of the game, it gets murky since Dylan goes AWOL. However, this is kind of where Rufus starts getting better (more Sealstones, more MAG+ items, more levels), so he might end up being your best PC. Otherwise, likely that it's one of the einherijar you recruited. Chapter 6 does introduce everyone else and then you got the Seraphic 7 basically all competing together.
- Seraphic 7 are still the 7 strongest characters in the game at late game/post game: Rufus, Dylan, Brahms, Lenneth, Hrist, Freya and Valk. Hard to say who is the best here since each PC is good at something. However, from what I'm aware of, Dylan has the most potential while Freya is the easiest to use "Out-of-the-box", so probably 1 of them is my guess. Brahms is probably the weakest, but his huge HP Pool + Draining not only makes him a great Anchor, but he can do respectable damage too due to stacking the Max HP Damage+ stuff, being male and probably the best person at using the Bloody Patch.
- Meanwhile, despite having her name in the title, Silmeria is probably the game's worst PC. Doesn't have anything going for her, actively competes against other flame archers (notably Phyress) while having significantly less usability. Very much a "Yikes" in terms of bad PCs! Would significantly benefit if a) she shared Alicia's learnt skills b) Had some unique weapon (Lezard) or Attacks (Rufus) to have her standout c) Had some other notable quality for SG. For example, Brahms has his tankiness and draining, Valk has her Resists +0.3 Holy modifier on all attacks, etc. The nixing of Soul Crush mults to all be 4.7x also sucks since it gives them less ways to be differentiate themselves.
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
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Re: What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!
« Reply #23 on: May 06, 2023, 09:15:34 PM »
The Portopia Serial Murder Case: Super New Experimental AI Edition!

Totally unplayable.  WTF, Square-Enix.  They took an adventure game where you pick options from a menu and used a text parser (which, granted, was the ORIGINAL style of the game in its first release, but not the probably-more-popular NES port).  Maybe it's okay in Japanese, but they have the world's strictest, most unclued English text parser that wants you to type very, very specific phrases in to advance or do anything.  Merely going to a room they tell you about, the study, was impossible - "go study", "enter study", "open door", "knock", "knock door", etc. all don't work.  Shame, because better graphics + an official localization on an OG locked room mystery would be nice.

The Portopia Serial Murder Case: 2010 Fan-translation of the 1985 NES Edition!

This was translated by RPG-E, aka the people who did the fan-translation of Final Fantasy V on the SNES before it'd been officially localized.  It is so much more playable than the new 2023 release.  An interesting historical footnote, too, since it was Yuji Horii's (yes, that one, the Dragon Quest guy) first game.  Chunsoft of various adventure game fame was involved, too.  Expanding the ROM & patching it is pretty easy for those interested, and the fan translation includes a fully translated manual (important, it has the "start" of the game hiding in there, as the game is otherwise a bit in media res).

Anyway, definitely mess around with it, but you probably will need a walkthrough to efficiently progress past a certain point as some of the obscura was probably intended for bored schoolkids.  Notably, there's some pixel-hunting required, and a few actions to progress require some LucasArts style cruelty but in a more realistic setting.  (By which I mean, yes, it's police brutality time.  You DO need to beat up some people to make 'em talk in interrogations at the police station, and to progress.  It was the 1980s, I guess.)  That said, I can see why the game was "important" - it's a pretty good mystery, honestly, especially given NES limitations on text size.  (Example solid plot point: So of the initial suspects, some of them are suspicious and also have bad / false / nonexistent alibis.  The sweet female assistant has an ironclad alibi and no clear motive.  If you think there's something more to it, then you're absolutely right. )  Given stories traded at school playgrounds to get past some of the blocking points of the game, it's quite beatable, too, although there's one particular plot point which takes a long time to get to, is optional, and not really that relevant since the plot point it expands upon is frankly pretty obvious anyway.  (Minor gameplay spoiler: After getting the clue about voices beneath the mansion and entering the maze, it's not worth your time at all to map the maze and find the safe, if you even have the key at all.  There's just proof that the murder victim was a loan shark there - which we already know!)  The final deduction seems a little out of nowhere, but I can see how you'd find it or guess it after going back to square one to think things over.  Good stuff, fun little quick playthrough.

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Re: What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!
« Reply #24 on: May 07, 2023, 03:42:25 AM »
Suikoden Tierkreis - Finished a replay of this. Got 108 stars this time.

It's an enjoyable game even if the gameplay is fighting to be the worst in the Suikoden series; I wrote about it when I first played it 13 years ago and my thoughts haven't changed significantly. I was struck this time that, even knowing it is coming, the story beats surrounding the erasure of the Magedom are incredibly powerful. It really signals the transition of the game from what was once somewhat light-hearted to the gravity of fighting against unadulterated evil. The game really owns just how awful this level of mass murder is (Sieg's "one million people" rant stands out, as do the visceral reactions of the Magedom PCs, as does a little vignette involving a NPC who got a gift for a wife he can no longer even remember) and damned if I wasn't psyched up in the recruitments after to put a stop to this.

The game's biggest weakness (excluding gameplay stuff, obviously) is probably that none of the characters really are great. Sieg is certainly good; a lot of main characters want to be him but he pulls it off better than most, because his positivity, determination, and desire to do right are all very infectious and it's the most believable thing in the world to me that he does get dozens of people to follow along with him; "immensely charismatic dweeb" is how I described him years ago and that label still fits. But while he's good, he's not that deep, and the same can be said of the game's other key players like Valfred, Liu, and Diadora.

Fire Emblem Engage - Finished a replay of this too, Maddening, mostly using different PCs from last time, and/or different emblem builds. Game was definitely a bit easier now that I know how it works, except perhaps a couple maps like Chapter 17 where not not having Corrin Ivy really hurts that much.

Alear 279/151 Wolf Knight / Eirika: Decided to try to build combat Alear this time. It worked well, Alear does have good speed and giving them the earlygame Energy Drop helped with snowballing. Eirika's a great all-round combat emblem with a bonus for being in cavalry and Wolf Knight's 6 move and knives and good speed fit it well. Kill leader which had more to do with my not using any other PC who joined before Chapter 7 so focusing a lot of early kills into them, and notably still had fewer kills than my big two from my first file (Ivy and Panette) where I had fewer competent builds overall.

Diamant 121/71 Successeur / Roy: Good until part 2 when he kinda falls off a cliff compared to folks like Merrin and Kagetsu, and was always one of my weakest combat units from there on. Got him Sword Power late so he could do damage but his speed was always lacking.

Jade 128/84 Griffin Knight / Sigurd: Jade has kinda mediocre stats but Griffin Knight makes just about anyone useful honestly, even at C staves (B would have been nice), and with Sigurd she could deal with some troublesome enemies, especially mages and mounted ones, pretty well.

Alcryst 148/118 Tirerur D'elite / Byleth -> Warrior / Marth: Speed's one of the better Byleth stats. Beyond that he's a sniper and isn't really great but shines more when there are fliers around of course. Later on I gave him Marth and sent him to Warrior instead, not much to say about that phase, it was fine.

Citrinne 199/127 Mage Knight / Celica: Instant promoted Mage Knight is very good, Citrinne was my dominant PC in late part 1. Doubles loads of things, and Citrinne herself brings bruising levels of power. As time goes on she doubles less and less which is sad but she always has great offence against armour which is no small thing. Mage Knight also improved my opinion of Celica; MK's big flaw is lacking staves so engaging just to use Recover is something I definitely did.

Ivy 172/95 Lindwurm / Lucina: She's not OP like Corrin Ivy, but she's definitely very solid, every stat Lucina gives is a stat Ivy greatly appreciates (Dex/Spd/Luck) and the 9 range chain attacks are lovely as well. Incfedibly mobile killing machine and statbot, Ivy does it all and I'm pretty convinced no team wouldn't be improved by her.

Kagetsu 165/103 Warrior / Leif (sometimes Roy): I played around with Vantage/Wrath for him but ultimately found it too finnicky; you really want more power for that build and Kagetsu's power is merely "solid". His all-around stats though just generally kinda rule so I ended up mostly using him as a competent killing machine with Killer weapons and the usual great Warrior chain attack possibilities.

Rosado 127/96 Wyvern Knight / Lyn: Although I left him in Wyvern Knight, I did class change him to get him swords because ugh, his build does not fit lance+axe. Lyn helps anyone obviously, so Rosado never felt like one of my scrubs, but sadly I can't say he's great, the starting stats are blah, and while he definitely improved with time he never threatened to be one of my dominant units.

Merrin 242/139 Warrior / Ike: Did I mention dominant units? Because here's the most dominant, probably. With Axe Power and Speed+ along with Ike, Merrin just literally had all the stats, could double and ORKO virtually everything, did mean things with Brave, could tank most things with Ike engage, and of course had 3 range chain attacks. Could take off a bar of the final boss's HP by herself, that was fun. Stat-wise Merrin is a slightly worse Kagetsu, but Ike is just a better emblem than Leif or Roy.

Pandreo 219/96 Sage / Corrin: Unshockingly the Corrin-user is also crazy good. Not as good as Corrin Ivy because he doesn't fly, but the fire dragon vein isn't the worst consolation prize (even if you can't canter after it). Pandreo also has good stats so yeah, a lot to like here.

Yunaka 115/82 Wolf Knight / Micaiah: Yunaka gets off to a good start but then falls off a cliff in part 2, thief is just not a great class honestly, and she's stuck in it until Level 21. I swapped to Wolf Knight around when I got Micaiah and she definitely came into her own some then, never really had great combat (surprisingly slow) but mobile Micaiah user is good, extra good when she gets the elevated staff rank (for Warp, Rescue, etc.) which is when she really pulled past Jade.

Second Dragon 23/12 Byleth: Rally Spectrum Byleth user still very good of course. Her combat is... okay but the lack of supports hurts accuracy and the 35 base HP which doesn't really grow sucks.
Royal Knight 0/0: Filler staff user, had some weapons but apparently never used them.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.