
Author Topic: RPGVO 2024 Round 5, Losers 2: That Squire's committing animal abuse! :(  (Read 541 times)


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Worker 8 (FFT) vs. Tir McDohl (S1)
Terra Branford (FF6) vs. Barbariccia (FF4)
Nailah (FE10) vs. Edelgard von Hresvelg (FE3H)
Velius (FFT) vs. Citan Uzuki (XG)


KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Asellus (SaGa)
Ernst (S5) vs. Summoner (FF5)
Tidus (FFX) vs. Geno (SMRPG)
Celica (FE:SoV) vs. Rufus (VP2)


Karsh (CC) vs. Kesaran Pasaran (WA4)
Machias Regnitz (ToCS2) vs. Amarant Coral (FF9)
Leehalt Alceste (WA3) vs. Stocke (RH)
Shulk (XBC) vs. Anastasia Romanov (SH2)


Mustadio Bunanza (FFT) vs. Millich Oppenheimer (Suikos)
Peco (BoF3) vs. Labyrinthia Wordsworth (WA:XF)
Ricardo Banderas (XG) vs. Queen (S3)
Boco (FFT) vs. Squire (FFT)

Voting will be open through Sunday, 9/1/2024
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.

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Re: RPGVO 2024 Round 5, Losers 2: That Squire's committing animal abuse! :(
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2024, 12:52:06 AM »

Worker 8 (FFT) vs. Tir McDohl (S1): Tir's physical isn't horrid, but yeah no.
Terra Branford (FF6) vs. Barbariccia (FF4): A fight where Terra wants Ultima. Val's MEvade means Drain isn't reliable, so Weak + poke works sooner or later.
Nailah (FE10) vs. Edelgard von Hresvelg (FE3H): The combination of evasion and doubling is surely too much.
Velius (FFT) vs. Citan Uzuki (XG): Depends entirely on if I'm willing to squint and say Xenogears stop is enough akin to FFT petrify for Citan to cover that. Otherwise Citan is only getting one turn and that is not KOing Velius. On the whole... yeah, since XG stop wears off, I don't think they're similar enough for me.


KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Asellus (SaGa): Strong kneejerk. Asellus goes first and has ITE options.
Ernst (S5) vs. Summoner (FF5): Ernst needing three turns to win means Summoner gets two turns to land a fatal status. One is probably enough.
Tidus (FFX) vs. Geno (SMRPG): Tidus has an argument involving a somewhat shake 50% ID reistance armour and that actually working on Geno Whirl (i.e. it would have to be seen as 100% and not 254%, in FFX terms; either is possible). Needing both judgement calls makes me vote Geno. Tidus is not blitzing the puppet out with three Quick Hits.
Celica (FE:SoV) vs. Rufus (VP2): Rufus has no fire resistance, so he only wins if Stony Decree spam lands on turn 1. On the whole I'm inclined to vote against that unless someone feels more vulnerable than normal to status.


Karsh (CC) vs. Kesaran Pasaran (WA4): Kesaran is just kinda bad against anyone who OHKOs him, unless they're super frail. I guess enough of Middle either misses the OHKO or is frail for him to not totally suck here, but Karsh handles him no problem.
Leehalt Alceste (WA3) vs. Stocke (RH): Uhhh think Stocke can probably win using little pokes and healing. Without doubleturning, he'll need to survive two Eliminate Scanners and one Rule of Vengeance between counters but his basic phyisical is probably bad enough for that, until he can set up for a KO. Just... ugh, his healing is worse than I thought, so he'll have to use it a lot between any attacks. So now I'm not sure. Wish we had more precise Leehalt notes because I think this one's close, actually.


Mustadio Bunanza (FFT) vs. Millich Oppenheimer (Suikos): Yeah there's no way I'm hyping Snipe enough to tilt the fact that Milich 4HKOs and Mustadio probably kills in like 9 or 10.
Peco (BoF3) vs. Labyrinthia Wordsworth (WA:XF): Lightning does 43% to Peco, so enough to 3HKO barring him stopping to heal. Labby is, somehow, faster. Peco isn't landing a status in time and he certainly isn't killing with damage, and healing just delays the inevitable seeing as Labby can cast Lightning 50 times or so.
Ricardo Banderas (XG) vs. Queen (S3): Rico 3HKOs, with maybe a slight chance of missing (Queen's not much of a dodger, though). Queen... 5HKOs, Rico pdur pretty legit. Queen has a 4-3, but not a 5-3. So the question is, do I think Rico misses once? This is where I rage against stat topics which don't list all stats because Rico's hit absolutely matters here. Absent such data I feel obligated to vote for him but I'm not particularly happy about it.

Boco (FFT) vs. Squire (FFT): Squire accumulates twice then starts 2HKOing. Once that happens Boco has to heal every turn, praying for counters, and loses when 10 speed doubles 9, which is either on Squire's 10th or 11th turn. Actually the healing gets overwhelmed around Squire's 8th attack anyway. So Boco gets two attacks, and around 4-5 counters (7 chances), and... 6HKOs. So I think, using the stat topic as written, Boco wins.

Having said all that? Boco should probably not be scaled against a bunch of PCs who aren't using accessories. If Squire gets to use Sprint Shoes, for instance, he has a 6-5, and wins on his 4th attack, with Boco having gotten two attacks and around two counters. Just about any other accessory would tilt this fight similarly. So I'm voting for Squire.

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Re: RPGVO 2024 Round 5, Losers 2: That Squire's committing animal abuse! :(
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2024, 06:47:51 AM »

Worker 8 (FFT) vs. Tir McDohl (S1)
Terra Branford (FF6) vs. Barbariccia (FF4) - Alas.
Nailah (FE10) vs. Edelgard von Hresvelg (FE3H) - Yeah this was never gonna work out for Edie.
Velius (FFT) vs. Citan Uzuki (XG) - Petrify ain't stop.


Ernst (S5) vs. Summoner (FF5)
Tidus (FFX) vs. Geno (SMRPG) - Yeah I wouldn't make either judgement call either.


Karsh (CC) vs. Kesaran Pasaran (WA4) - :( indeed.
Machias Regnitz (ToCS2) vs. Amarant Coral (FF9) - Amarant fails his inspection.
Leehalt Alceste (WA3) vs. Stocke (RH) - Um.


Mustadio Bunanza (FFT) vs. Millich Oppenheimer (Suikos)
Peco (BoF3) vs. Labyrinthia Wordsworth (WA:XF) - lol
Ricardo Banderas (XG) vs. Queen (S3) - uh probably.
Boco (FFT) vs. Squire (FFT) - Yeah Boco does actually perform worse to me than the stat topic indicates, one of us should probably do actual numbers but :effort:, hasn't mattered up until now.


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Re: RPGVO 2024 Round 5, Losers 2: That Squire's committing animal abuse! :(
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2024, 07:54:15 PM »
Worker 8 (FFT) vs. Tir McDohl (S1)
Terra Branford (FF6) vs. Barbariccia (FF4)
I'm willing to spot Terra Ultima.  (Not in a "I take the stat topic at Lvl 99 sense" of course, just in a sense of "here's a legal spell to learn off Espers" where there's a unique tie to the character.)
Nailah (FE10) vs. Edelgard von Hresvelg (FE3H)
Velius (FFT) vs. Citan Uzuki (XG)


Ernst (S5) vs. Summoner (FF5)
Celica (FE:SoV) vs. Rufus (VP2)
Agree that I'm inclined to kneejerk against Turn 1 Stony Decree hype.  Celica has very mildly above average evade on counters (17 AS to a 16 AS average - P Evade is just your AS) for what little it matters.


Karsh (CC) vs. Kesaran Pasaran (WA4)
Machias Regnitz (ToCS2) vs. Amarant Coral (FF9)
Leehalt Alceste (WA3) vs. Stocke (RH)


Mustadio Bunanza (FFT) vs. Millich Oppenheimer (Suikos)
Ricardo Banderas (XG) vs. Queen (S3)
Boco (FFT) vs. Squire (FFT)
Note that if you really want to grind Boco respect into the dirt, you could assume that classes pick a random secondary skill on their "side" of the tree (i.e. physical classes pick a random Squire-line secondary, magical ones pick a random Chemist-line secondary), since monsters have to compete against that too (similar to Elf's FF5 damage notes).  So you'd have low damage classes perking their damage up some for the percentage of the time they roll up good damage secondaries like Black or Summon Magic.


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Re: RPGVO 2024 Round 5, Losers 2: That Squire's committing animal abuse! :(
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2024, 03:57:47 PM »

Worker 8 (FFT) vs. Tir McDohl (S1) - The robot continues its rampage through Godlike off of one of the luckiest streaks ever.
Terra Branford (FF6) vs. Barbariccia (FF4) - yeah, I'm not letting her have Ultima.
Velius (FFT) vs. Citan Uzuki (XG) - yeah, doing a check again, Citan's getting one turn before Velius.  If he hastes himself, he will get...probably one more turn before Velius.  Citan cannot OHKO courtesy of Velius being reasonably tanky.  And so the good country doctor gets stoned.


KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Asellus (SaGa) - Definitely outslugs in my view.


Karsh (CC) vs. Kesaran Pasaran (WA4) - Quite possibly the most literal interpretation of Axe to the Face ever.


Ricardo Banderas (XG) vs. Queen (S3) - Not sure where to put the weirdness that is Deathblow evasion, considering only the likes of Id pulls that off outside of scripted fights.  Not going to give a suikoscrub the benefit of the doubt though.
Boco (FFT) vs. Squire (FFT) - Boco's good enough to deal with the likes of Benedict.  Squire is a bit beyond him though.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.

DragonKnight Zero

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Re: RPGVO 2024 Round 5, Losers 2: That Squire's committing animal abuse! :(
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2024, 02:29:20 AM »
Terra Branford (FF6) vs. Barbariccia (FF4)  Sure, I'll spot her that uniqueness Ultima.

Velius (FFT) vs. Citan Uzuki (XG)  Well that was dumb.  Being a single PC against an opponent very effective at screwing over single PCs.

Boco (FFT) vs. Squire (FFT)  Was crazy enough to math this out using the raw numbers in the stat topic.  Full PA squire wins in two swings even with a Choco Cure in between though it's close.  So Boco gets two turns and one Counter which isn't going to enough.  Even if one felt inclined to give Boco a few extra pity HP (due to random variance in monster HP), one Counter Tackle neutralizes that.


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Re: RPGVO 2024 Round 5, Losers 2: That Squire's committing animal abuse! :(
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2024, 03:36:28 AM »

Worker 8 (FFT) vs. Tir McDohl (S1)
Terra Branford (FF6) vs. Barbariccia (FF4)
Nailah (FE10) vs. Edelgard von Hresvelg (FE3H)- the fight ends in a draw when they make out
Velius (FFT) vs. Citan Uzuki (XG)


KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Asellus (SaGa)
Ernst (S5) vs. Summoner (FF5)
Tidus (FFX) vs. Geno (SMRPG)
Celica (FE:SoV) vs. Rufus (VP2)


Karsh (CC) vs. Kesaran Pasaran (WA4)
Machias Regnitz (ToCS2) vs. Amarant Coral (FF9)
Leehalt Alceste (WA3) vs. Stocke (RH)
Shulk (XBC) vs. Anastasia Romanov (SH2)


Mustadio Bunanza (FFT) vs. Millich Oppenheimer (Suikos)
Peco (BoF3) vs. Labyrinthia Wordsworth (WA:XF)- apparently?
Ricardo Banderas (XG) vs. Queen (S3)
Boco (FFT) vs. Squire (FFT)
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: RPGVO 2024 Round 5, Losers 2: That Squire's committing animal abuse! :(
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2024, 12:17:51 PM »
Match Results


Worker 8 (FFT) ||||| vs. Tir McDohl (S1)
Terra Branford (FF6) ||| [TIEBREAKER] vs. Barbariccia (FF4) |||
Nailah (FE10) |||| vs. Edelgard von Hresvelg (FE3H)
Velius (FFT) |||||| vs. Citan Uzuki (XG)


KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Asellus (SaGa) |||
Ernst (S5) vs. Summoner (FF5) ||||
Tidus (FFX) vs. Geno (SMRPG) |||
Celica (FE:SoV) ||| vs. Rufus (VP2)


Karsh (CC) ||||| vs. Kesaran Pasaran (WA4)
Machias Regnitz (ToCS2) ||| vs. Amarant Coral (FF9)
Leehalt Alceste (WA3) vs. Stocke (RH) ||
Shulk (XBC) vs. Anastasia Romanov (SH2) |


Mustadio Bunanza (FFT) vs. Millich Oppenheimer (Suikos) ||||
Peco (BoF3) vs. Labyrinthia Wordsworth (WA:XF) |||
Ricardo Banderas (XG) ||||| vs. Queen (S3)
Boco (FFT) | vs. Squire (FFT) |||||

Losers are eliminated, while winners advance to the Week 6 Double Feature.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.