Adorable, small...and the daughter of the devil himself. Not even Laharl, the Overlord of the Netherworld, can match the pure, unbridled and destructive anger of this pre-teen devil-spawn. Despite her demonic heritage, Choko fights on the side of good. Whether it's helping Arc, Elc, and the other original heroes of Arc the Lad, or aiding Kharg and Darc in their fights against their racist and misguided foes, this adorable little girl is always ready and willing to give it her best in all instances!
As with all little girls, Choko is fast, punishing, and one of the most capable warriors in the world of Arc the Lad. Her devastating Vanish magic can eliminate even the mightiest of Godlikes in a single blow (and, indeed, it felled even the mighty Kefka many season back), and with her myriad of other skills backing her up, there's nothing this little girl can't do.