Poco is not a brave hero. Poco is not a brave soldier. Poco is not a brave musician. Poco is just plain old not brave. He prefers peaceful solutions when possible, simply because it means he doesn't have to risk his tail in combat. But don't let that attitude fool you, this music man is dangerous. Poco is a force to be reckoned with; wielding instruments of death such as French horns, cymbals, drums, and trumpets. He is a respectable member of Arc's band, and not just because he lifts their spirits with music.
In the ring, Poco can count on a variety of abilities to see him to victory over his opponents. Full healing, stat ups, great damage, and total MP busting round out a painful skill set. He can even confuse his opponents out of attacking! Mess with this musician, and you can count on coming out with a lot more than just ringing ears!