The 2nd Nina, exiled from her homeland for her cursed wings, has certainly become a favorite in the DL. The first dueller to manage a double-upgrade in consecutive seasons, she has brought pride to the family name "Nina Wyndia," already a prestigous one in the annals of the Duelling League. Fighting for the honor of her country and her late sister Mina, Nina has the drive to win, not to mention the support of her many friends whom she fought aside.
Behind that cute, seemingly innocent smile is a devastating cannon that can annihalate many a foe in short manner. Holding the power of level 3 elemental spells, including the mighty BoltX, and the legendary Breath of Fire 2 Death spell, whose accuracy is unparalleled, Nina is a force to be reckoned. Her face may be fair, but don't stare too long, lest you be charred into smithereens.