Breath of Fire III (BoF3)

Division: Heavy
Ranking: 3.92
Wins: 2
Losses: 4

“Doesn’t that just beat all?” Rei is well known for his silly catchphrase and generally immature attitude throughout the game. At first he and his best friend Teepo are just petty thieves, but after raiding McNeil’s house and embarrassing him thoroughly, he and his young friends were attacked by Balio and Sunder, and were separated from each other, and they were all assumed to be dead. Many years later, Rei appeared again as a weretiger trying to fight Ryu and Garr, and later joins the group after seeking revenge against those who harmed him. He is a catman with ninja-like reflexes and speed, and uses his twin daggers to defeat his enemies. He can also morph into a Weretiger when needed, although he loses control of all of his senses. He also has Lightning Magic for killing the physically immune, and a powerful death spell for killing certain types of enemies, making him incredibly versatile on the field.

Season 5 Week 1 Heavy Defeated Ox, 20 to 1
Season 5 Week 3 Heavy Defeated by Meru, 12 to 6
Season 10 Week 1 Heavy Defeated by Rosa Harvey, 32 to 13
Season 26 Week 2 Heavy Defeated Crono, 62 to 59
Season 26 Week 3 Heavy Defeated by Emily, 50 to 37
Season 43 Week 1 Heavy Defeated by Lenny Curtis, 39 to 20