Chrono Cross (CC)

Division: Middle
Ranking: 3.67
Wins: 3
Losses: 2

The axe wielder of the Deva Dragoons, Karsh is a fearsome and tenacious foe, constantly chasing after your butt until he finally joins your side. Responsible and surprisingly calm-headed despite his appearance, Karsh became the acting leader of Viper's elite group of dragoons after Dario, original leader of the Devas and Karsh's rival for the affections of Lady Riddel, disappeared in the Isle of the Dead. Not a bad resume for the son of a blacksmith.

Even in the competitive environment of the DL, his skills as a Deva Dragoon are hardly ignored. With a trail of people sporting axes to their faces behind him, Karsh was able to reach the Middle finals of Season 13, losing only to the formidable Rune Walsh.

Season 13 Week 2 Middle Defeated Seraphita, 41 to 12
Season 13 Week 3 Middle Defeated Kyle, 25 to 24
Season 13 Week 4 Middle Defeated Ragnar, 25 to 12
Season 13 Week 5 Middle Defeated by Rune Walsh, 34 to 16
Season 35 Week 1 Middle Defeated by Beowulf Kadmus, 72 to 18