Chrono Cross (CC)

Division: Light
Ranking: 1.84
Wins: 0
Losses: 1

The one memberCHA of the Cha family wihout a Cha to her nameCHA, Mel makes up for thisCHA by being extra bratty to everyone she comes acrossCHA! But while she needs help with her social skillsCHA, she's one heckCHA of a thiefCHA! Stealing from a professional treasure hunterCHA like KidCHA is quite impressive, don'tCHA think?

Too bad er thief skillsCHA isn't as usefulCHA in the DL. But she's still pretty goodCHA with a boomerangCHA so don't underestimate he so much, or else she's gonna getCHA!

Season 31 Week 1 Light Defeated by Jacques, 78 to 11