Chrono Cross (CC)

Division: Light
Ranking: 2.92
Wins: 1
Losses: 3

With her sparkling blue eyes, blonde pair of pig tails, and higly optimistic attitude, Orlha gives the impression of the cutest, most adorable little girl you've ever seen. At least, until this fist-fighting bartender in her early twenties lays you out across the floor for causing problems in her bar. When she's not getting rid of trouble-makers, she can sometimes be seen looking for her twin sister and helping people with personality crises.

In the arena, she hits people hard, then hits them harder. Sure, it's simple and boring, but considering how she hits like a mach truck, simple and boring can get her a long way. Out of the arena, well... the DL never lacks in bars and is constantly on the look-out for experienced barkeeps. And the place does have quite a few drink-mixing martial artists she could exchange tips with.

Season 11 Week 1 Middle Defeated by Borus Redrum, 29 to 7
Season 50 Week 1 Middle Defeated by Eliwood, 33 to 21
Downgraded to Light
Season 59 Week 1 Light Defeated Olan Durai, 24 to 13
Season 59 Week 3 Light Defeated by Amy Sage, 13 to 12