In the world of Digital Devil Saga, where hermaphroditic transgendered transexuals live, play and dominate the less sexually ambiguous characters, Jenna Angel stands above them all as a bastion of power and control in a world of chaos. The chief director of the Karma Society who discovered the shocking truth behind the sun (despite what the bitch Cuvier might think), Jenna's genius knows no bounds. Despite this, her focus towards helping the downtrodden and saving the world were cast aside. Using the demon virus she concocted over the years as a fix for the Cuvier Syndrome, Jenna caused the Junkyard to go into upheaval as she watched the members of the Tribes rage into a demonic war.
Bearing the Maelstrom Atma, Jenna can call upon the powers of Harihara, the merged entity of both Shiva and Vishnu, to decimate all that stand in her way. With lots of weirdly named attacks, including the devastating Bhairava, combined with a plethora of other tricks, including Vanity, Hunger Wave and the ability to summon shielding orbs, Jenna is more than capable of tearing apart the false gods of Godlike and claiming her spot at the top where she belongs, as her championship title proves.